Credit channel, trade credit channel, and inventory investment: evidence from a panel of UK firms pot

Credit channel, trade credit channel, and inventory investment: evidence from a panel of UK firms pot

Credit channel, trade credit channel, and inventory investment: evidence from a panel of UK firms pot

... differentiating the effects of the latter variable across small firm-years making a low use of trade credit; small firm-years making a high use of trade credit; large firm- years making a low use of trade ... firm-years which make a relatively high use of trade credit; large firm-years which make a relatively low use of trade credit; and large firm-yea...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:20

32 443 0
Savings Constraints and Microenterprise Development: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Kenya∗ ppt

Savings Constraints and Microenterprise Development: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Kenya∗ ppt

... grateful to Orazio Attanasio, Jean-Marie Baland, Leo Feler, Fred Finan, Sarah Green, Seema Jayachandran, Dean Karlan, Ethan Ligon, Craig McIntosh, David McKenzie, John Strauss, Dean Yang, Chris ... two anonymous referees, and participants at numer- ous seminars and conferences. We thank Jack Adika and Anthony Oure for their dedication and care in supervising the data collection, and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 10:20

38 682 0
Information Contagion and Inter-Bank Correlation in a Theory of Systemic Risk potx

Information Contagion and Inter-Bank Correlation in a Theory of Systemic Risk potx

... profit of banks assuming no flight to quality. We assume that R 0 and R 1 are greater than 4 so that the surviving bank is viable in states SF and F S. Then, from equations (4.6) and (5.10), we obtain E(π 1 ) ... partially mitigated and this gives rise to a pro-cyclical pattern in the correlation of bank loan returns. The direction of information contagion, the localized natur...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

49 401 0
Does weight loss improve semen quality and reproductive hormones? results from a cohort of severely obese men doc

Does weight loss improve semen quality and reproductive hormones? results from a cohort of severely obese men doc

... acquisition of data, analysis and interpretation of data. ASA contributed to study design, acquisition of data and interpretation of data. JO contributed to analysis and interpretation of data. JPB ... study design and analysis and interpretation of data. CYA contributed to acquisition of data and interpretation of data. MB contributed to acquisition of data and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20

8 736 0
Parental Education and Child Health: Evidence from a Schooling Reform pot

Parental Education and Child Health: Evidence from a Schooling Reform pot

... coefficients and the standard error increases. For the sample of parents leaving school at age 14-15 we find only that father’s education has a marginally significant effect on the probability of having ... that because of this the value added of the additional year of schooling was very small. So, the quality of education rather than the quantity of education is importa...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 09:20

31 369 0
Art and design courses 2013 with a deadline of 24 March pot

Art and design courses 2013 with a deadline of 24 March pot

... BA Art and Design  Fine Art Duration: 3FT Hon Art and design courses 2013 (deadline 24 March) W190 BA Art and Design  Fine Art (including Yr 0) Duration: 4FT Hon W214 BA Art and Design  Graphic ... BA 3D Animation and Games Duration: 3FT Hon W615 BA Animation Duration: 3FT Hon W232 BA Fashion Textiles Duration: 3FT Hon Art and design courses 2013 (deadline 24 March) W101 BA Fin...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 15:20

13 433 0
Enterprise Adjustment and the Role of Bank Credit in Russia: Evidence from a 420 Firm''''s Qualitative Survey pdf

Enterprise Adjustment and the Role of Bank Credit in Russia: Evidence from a 420 Firm''''s Qualitative Survey pdf

... Russia: Evidence from a 420 Firm's Qualitative Survey 17 Micro-economic analysis (Alfandari & Schaffer, 1996; Lehmann and al, 1998) and anecdotal evidence suggest indeed that delays in ... would have to take into account the evolution of real wages as well as of wage arrears. However, a remarkable point is that a substantial proportion of firms (31.5% of the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:20

30 635 0
Credit-risk valuation in the sovereign CDS and bonds markets: Evidence from the euro area crisis ppt

Credit-risk valuation in the sovereign CDS and bonds markets: Evidence from the euro area crisis ppt

... France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain) from January 2004 to October 2011. Bond yields are obtained from Reuters, and CDS spreads from Credit Market Analysis ... HSBC, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Royal Bank of Scotland, Societé Generale, UBS, and Wachovia/Wells Fargo. These dealers are the most active global derivatives dealers and ar...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 07:20

44 743 0
Bank credit, asset prices and financial stability: Evidence from French banks pot

Bank credit, asset prices and financial stability: Evidence from French banks pot

... using panel data. The assumption that we want to test is that lending supply factors and financial variables such as asset price changes are prevalent determinants of credit growth in periods of ... lending rate change suggest that credit demand factors would not have played a large role in France over the period. This may result from the aggregate character of our credi...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 08:20

40 427 0


... distributors can make a company, and disloyal ones can break a company. Where is knowledge and intellectual capital value? Patents, copyrights, trade- marks, and licenses can be one of the company’s major ... books. The value of a company’s plant, equipment, inventory, and working capital hardly reflects a true value of a company. For example, where is Coca-Cola’s br...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 17:33

226 1,4K 7