... dressing for leather; Artificial honey. Table of poisons and their antidotes. The Ladies' Book [21] OF USEFUL INFORMATION. CHAPTER I. PERSONAL BEAUTY. Treating of the Care of the Skin, ... writers on the subject differ in opinion as to the methods to be followed to render them perfect cleansers of the skin. Some of them regard the use of soap and wat...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 01:22

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The Ladies Book of Useful Information doc

The Ladies Book of Useful Information doc

... help the patient; the different kinds of pains; the length of time between the pains; the length of time the pains should last, etc.; the taking of the child from the mother; how to care for the ... XVII. CHAPTER XVIII. Ladies Book of Useful Information, by Anonymous Project Gutenberg's The Ladies Book of Useful Information, by Anonymous This e...

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Tài liệu The Book of Am-Tuat docx

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... view The Circle Aat-setekau. Click to view The Boat of the Full Moon . The name of the fore part of the boat appears to be URER, and in front of the boat is written "Chief of the gods of ... and there is heard the sound of the voices of those who are shut in this Circle which is like unto the sound of the confused murmur of the living when...

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Tài liệu The Egyptian Book of the Dead docx

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... (At), is the name of the one at the door. Hetepmes is the name of another there. Messep is the name of another there. Utchara is the name of another there. Beq is the name of another there. Anp ... transformations of Mut; it The Egyptian Book of the Dead The Egyptian Book of the Dead 27 Table of Contents The Egyptian Book of the Dead 1 E.A....

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Báo cáo khoa học: "Completing on the partial basis parses of ill-formed sentences of discourse information" docx

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... on the basis of the discourse information If the partial parses are not unified into a single structure in the previous step, they are joined to- gether on the basis of the discourse information ... parses with the application of our method, the heuristic rules were applied. In such cases the default rule of joining the root node of the second partial p...

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... provide the following guarantee: once a thread arrives and attempts to enter the mutex, there is a bound on the number of threads that can proceed ahead of it. You can assume that the total number of ... face the same problem because, even though their clocks are usually accurate, there is always a limit to their precision. In addition, most of the time the computer does...

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