Communication Security - available techniques ppt

Communication Security - available techniques ppt

Communication Security - available techniques ppt

... 200 3-0 2-2 4 13  Axis Communications WHITE PAPER Communication Security - available techniques Rev: 1.01, Last updated 200 3-0 2-2 4 14  Axis Communications WHITE PAPER Communication Security ... normal communication features are available (Figure 11). Rev: 1.01, Last updated 200 3-0 2-2 4 11  Axis Communications WHITE PAPER...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

15 145 0


... in two-dimensional page-access op- tical memory. The technique combines correlation decoding by the use of the Reed- Solomon algorithm with decision feedback to improve the symbol-error- rate ... time consump- tion. The SNR and processing time can be optimized in a given HMS. Conventional error-correction coding techniques [3,4] can be used to reduce the minimum signal-to-noise ratio ... fe...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 06:20

229 378 0
Using Motivation Communication techniques pptx

Using Motivation Communication techniques pptx

... 1: Using Motivational Using Motivational Communication Techniques Communication Techniques 20 The Target – Focus Technique ✦ Today, managers have little time to communication with employees. ✦ Everyday, ... phone call or face-to-face would be more appropriate. ✦ Nonverbal stuff is expressed by body language, tone on telephone, the way of writing email, place for communication...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 22:20

21 353 1
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Pulp and Paper Industry pptx

Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Pulp and Paper Industry pptx

... 0. 5-1 .5 <0.0 5-0 .15 0.0 5-0 .15 0.0 2-0 .05 0.00 2-0 .005 <0.005 RCF paper mills with de-inking (e.g. newsprint, printing & writing paper etc.) 8 - 15 2-4 <0.0 5-0 .2 0. 1-0 .3 0.0 5-0 .1 0.00 5-0 .01 <0.005 RCF ... 0.1 5-0 .25 0.1 5-0 .25 0.1 5-0 .4 COD kg/t of paper 0. 5-2 0. 5-1 .5 0. 4-1 .5 TSS kg/t of paper 0. 2-0 .4 0. 2-0 .4 0....

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 00:20

509 3K 4
Tài liệu Introduction for the security : Networks and exchanges of data Computer security The risks ppt

Tài liệu Introduction for the security : Networks and exchanges of data Computer security The risks ppt

... The security The agenda           Introduction for the security Networks and exchanges of data Computer security The risks The attacks Social Engineering Categories ... Engineering Categories of attacks Parades for the attacks The security architecture An example Introduction for the security  Networks and exchanges of data  Computer security  The risks Networks and e...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 17:22

5 569 0
Tài liệu Enterprise Branch Security Design Guide ppt

Tài liệu Enterprise Branch Security Design Guide ppt

... voicevlan ! class-map match-all DVLAN-PC-VIDEO match access-group name DVLAN-PC-VIDEO class-map match-all VVLAN-VOICE match access-group name VVLAN-VOICE class-map match-all VVLAN-ANY match access-group ... VVLAN-ANY class-map match-all DVLAN-TRANSACTIONAL-DATA match access-group name DVLAN-TRANSACTIONAL-DATA class-map match-all DVLAN-MISSION-CRITICAL-DATA match access-group name DVLAN-M...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:16

146 468 1


... logic, equations or cross-tabulations. Logic can deal with both numeric and non-numeric data. The central operator in a logical language is usually a variation on the ‘if-then’ statement. By supervised ... expressing attribute-based patterns, rules have the advantage of being able to deal with numeric and non-numeric data (categorical fields). INTEGRATING MULTICRITERIA AND RULE-INDUCTION AP...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:15

4 434 1
Tài liệu Security Assessment P2 ppt

Tài liệu Security Assessment P2 ppt

... Homeland Security (DHS) under the Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection (IAIP) Directorate, by order of the National Security Presidential Directive One (NSPD-1). More informa- tion ... III) Cooperative high-level Hands-on process Adversarial overview Information/mission- Cooperative testing External criticality analysis (includes policy, procedures, and information flow) N...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 22:15

20 319 0
Tài liệu CIRED 2003 - Round Table on Magnetic Field Mitigation Techniques ppt

Tài liệu CIRED 2003 - Round Table on Magnetic Field Mitigation Techniques ppt

... configuration spaced 25 cm - dis tance between axis of circuits: 2 m, depth: 1.25 m H-shap ed alum inium shielding - Field at 1.5 m above ground for I = 1300 A 0 5 10 15 20 25 -3 0 -2 0 -1 0 0 10 20 30 Lateral ... of balanced single-circuit (current dipole) and super-bundle (SB) double-circuit three-phase lines, as well as one-phase with metallic return MF decays as 1/r 2 For...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 19:15

31 454 0
Tài liệu Hotel Valuation Techniques pptx

Tài liệu Hotel Valuation Techniques pptx

... ((NI 1 - (f x M x V)) x 1/S 1 )+ ((NI 2 - (f x M x V)) x 1/S 2 ) + ((NI 10 - (f x M x V)) x 1/S 10 )+ {[(NI 11 /R r ) - (b x (NI 11 /R r )) - ((1 - P) x M x V)] x 1/S 10 }= (1 - M) x V ... investment available to shareholders after deducting the risk-adjusted cost of capital. More formally: EVA = A-T Earnings - (WACC x Property Investment) "A-T...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 06:15

20 280 0
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