Tài liệu Đề tài " Weak mixing for interval exchange transformations and translation flows " ppt
... 637–664 Weak mixing for interval exchange transformations and translation flows By Artur Avila and Giovanni Forni* Abstract We prove that a typical interval exchange transformation is either weakly mixing ... Weak mixing for interval exchange transformations and translation flows By Artur Avila and Giovanni Forni* WEAK MIXING FOR IN...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 06:20
... compact interval and f : I → I be a C 3 uni- modal map with C 3 nonflat critical point ζ of order 2.Ifζ is recurrent and nonperiodic and f has only finitely many restrictive intervals then for every ε 0 > ... Thus S(G)(y) < 0 for all y in the domain of G if Y is small enough. We immediately obtain a weak form of the finiteness of attractors theo- rem [6]: Corollary 3. Let I b...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 17:20
... extensions of H σ,f and H 1 σ,f , and to know how they behave under change of (comfortable) coordinates. Definition 4.1. Let S be comfortably embedded in M and of codimension 1, and take f ∈ End(M, ... → E → N S → O of N S by Hom(N S ,N S ), and S is comfortably embedded in M if and only if this extension splits. See also [ABT] for more details on comfortably embedded submanifold...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Đề tài " Uniform bounds for the bilinear Hilbert transforms, I " ppt
... Mathematics Uniform bounds for the bilinear Hilbert transforms, I By Loukas Grafakos and Xiaochun Li UNIFORM BOUNDS FOR THE BILINEAR HILBERT TRANSFORMS, I 907 and Φ 1,k,l (·)e −2πic(ω 1,k,l )(·) (x) ≤ ... T k = T k,l and Φ j,k,T =Φ j,k,l . Otherwise, let T k = ∅ and Φ j,k,T = 0. For brevity, we write (k, n) ∈ T if and only if there exists an l ∈...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Đề tài " Cover times for Brownian motionand random walks in two dimensions " pdf
... Cover times for Brownian motionand random walks in two dimensions By Amir Dembo, Yuval Peres, Jay Rosen, and Ofer Zeitouni COVER TIMES FOR PLANAR BROWNIAN MOTION AND RANDOM WALKS 451 With ... C n−l 2 n! l! −ζ−γ .(6.9) 454 AMIR DEMBO, YUVAL PERES, JAY ROSEN, AND OFER ZEITOUNI Recall that ε k = ε 1 (k!) −3 and ε n,k = ρ n ε n (k!) 3 for ρ n = n −21 and k = 1, ,n....
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Đề tài "Boundary behavior for groups of subexponential growth " docx
... cyclic permutations of (0, 1/2] and (1/2, 1]. Consider elements b 1 = PPTPPT PPTPPT PPTPPT , b 2 = TPPTPP TPPTPP TPPTPP , and b 3 = PPTTPP PPTTPP PPTTPP . (b 1 , b 2 and b 3 are periodic with period ... polynomial growth if and only if it is virtually nilpotent ([18]) and that any solvable or linear group has either polynomial or exponential growth (see [25] and [32] for solvabl...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Đề tài " Elliptic units for real quadratic fields " ppt
... is such an edge, it is convenient to write s(e):=v s and t(e)=v t for the source and target vertex of e respectively, and ¯e =(v t ,v s ) for the edge obtained from e by reversing the orientation. A(Z-valued) ... corresponding to αA for some α ∈ K × of negative norm, and let Q be a quadratic form of discriminant D associated to A. A standard calculation (cf. the beginning of Sec...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 05:20
Tài liệu Đề tài " Decay of geometry for unimodal maps: An elementary proof " doc
... Kozlovski, M. Shishikura and S. van Strien for useful discussions, A. Avila and H. Bruin for helpful comments, and the referee for reading the manuscript carefully and for valuable suggestions. ... τ>0 and 0 <C≤ 1 be constants. Let I be an interval, and let h : I → h(I)=(−τ, 1+τ ) be a diffeomorphism. Assume that for any intervals J T ⊂ I, there exists C(h; T,J)...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 05:20
Tài liệu Đề tài " An uncertainty principle for arithmetic sequences " ppt
... principle for arithmetic sequences By Andrew Granville and K. Soundararajan* AN UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE FOR ARITHMETIC SEQUENCES 611 Dirichlet series G q (s). Note that g q (p k )=0forp q, and ... log z) 1 In fact, for z ≥ 200. AN UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE FOR ARITHMETIC SEQUENCES 613 and the claim follows. For small p<101 3 , set K = [log z/(2 log p)] and observe tha...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 06:20