GMAT idiom list
... GMAT Idiom List If you are weak in Sentence Correction, it is important to familiarize yourself with the list below. Even if you are reasonably confident ... below. Even if you are reasonably confident in the SC section, it still makes sense to look at the Idioms marked with the asterix. A able + infinitive access to as agree on + noun agree on + gerund agree ... mountain's pea...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 22:14
comprehensive gmat idiom list
... Y 436. so X as to be Y 437. so X as to constitute Y 438. so as not to be hindered by 439. so unrealistic as to 440. be solicitous of ( not to ) 441. be sparing of ( not with ) 442. speak to + person 443. ... to ) 474. train to 475. transit to 476. transmit to 477. try to 478. to try to fix is the right idiom (to try and fix is incorrect) 479. type of 480. U 481. use as 482. Use + person/th...
Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2014, 16:54
GMAT vocabulary list
... GMAT Review Vocabulary List (Basic Level) Version 4.26 ©2006 Manhattan Review. All Rights Reserved. GMAT - Vocabulary List ... pay for the services provided. suer (N) © 2006 Manhattan Review GMAT - Vocabulary List Page 85 of 93 Words Form Grammatical Details Key Definitions Sentence Exam...
Ngày tải lên: 03/12/2013, 08:36
Gmat vocabulary list
... immediately. pragmatic (adj.) matter-of-fact; practical Since they were saving money to buy a new home, the pragmatic married couple decided not to go on an expensive vacation. A pragmatic solution ... needing to put the left shoe on first is a peculiar quirk. quixotic (adj.) foolishly idealistic; romantically idealistic; extravagantly chivalrous He was popular with the ladies due to his qui...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 22:21
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2012, 11:50
Linear List Concepts
... ListIn <ListType>) // For Unordered Lists. ListIn may be unchanged or become empty. <ErrorCode> Merge (ref ListIn1 <ListType>, ref ListIn2 <ListType>) // For Ordered Lists. . ... size. Linked implementations: Singly Linked List Circularly Linked List Doubly Linked List Multilinked List Skip List . . . Linked List in Array 19 Search Algorith...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 12:06
... BKT B2: Data = CSList .List[ CSList.SP] B3: CSList.SP++ BKT: Kết thúc int CSPop(CSTACK &SList, T &Data) { if (SList.SP == SList.Size) return (-1); Data = SList .List[ SList.SP]; SList.SP += 1; return ... (CSList.SP == 1) Thực hiện BKT B2: CSList.SP B3: CSList .List[ CSList.SP] = NewData BKT: Kết thúc int CSPush(CSTACK &SList, T NewData) { if (SList.SP == 0) return (-1); SList.S...
Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 14:20
Dùng List Controls trong Vb
... of the List Item List1 .ItemData (List1 .NewIndex) = 62310 List1 .AddItem "Tran The Tam" List1 .ItemData (List1 .NewIndex) = 42859 List1 .AddItem "Alan Bradshaw" List1 .ItemData (List1 .NewIndex) ... ItemData Nếu Property List của ListBox được xem như một Text Array thì ItemData là một Number Array, và List1 .ItemData(i) đi cặp với List1 .List( i). Tức...
Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 11:04