Tài liệu DSP phòng thí nghiệm thử nghiệm bằng cách sử dụng C và DSK TMS320C31 (P5) docx
... FILTER*/ #include “aiccomc .c /*include AIC comm routines*/ #include “iir6coef.h” /*coefficients file */ float dly[stages][2] = {0}; /*delay samples */ int AICSEC[4] = {0x16 2C, 0x1,0x3872,0x67}; /*AIC data*/ int ... Using TMS32 0C3 x and C Code 155 /*SINEC .C - REAL-TIME SINE GENERATION BY RECURSIVE EQUATION*/ #include “aiccomc .c /*AIC comm routines */ #include “math.h” /*math library fu...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 14:20
... an exe- cutable file that can be run on the DSK. The C compiler command CL30 MA- TRIXC .C compiles and assembles to create both the TMS32 0C3 x assembly source code MATRIXC.ASM and the object file ... have become the product of choice for a number of consumer applica- tions, since they can be very cost-effective. DSP techniques have been very suc- cessful because of the development of l...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 17:20
... input/output capability for faster processing, as described in Appendices C and D. An appli- cation-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) has a DSP core” with customized cir- 20 Architecture and Instruction ... decode stage of the MPYF instruction is delayed one cycle until AR2 is read. Memory Conflicts These conflicts occur because internal memory (RAM0 or RAM1) can support only two accesses...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 14:20
Tài liệu DSP phòng thí nghiệm thử nghiệm bằng cách sử dụng C và DSK TMS320C31 (P3) ppt
... Loop program with AIC data incorporated using C code (LOOPALL .C) . AICCOMC .C 1. The AIC communication program AICCOMC .C is the C- coded version of the assembly coded program AICCOM31.ASM listed in ... TMS32 0C3 x and C Code 77 FIGURE 3.15 Loop program calling AIC routines using C code (LOOPC .C) . /*LOOPC .C - LOOP PROGRAM WITH POLLING */ #include “aiccomc .c /*AIC comm routines...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 14:20
Tài liệu DSP phòng thí nghiệm thử nghiệm bằng cách sử dụng C và DSK TMS320C31 (P4) pdf
... “.data”,0x80 9C0 0 ;starting address for data .include “AICCOM31.ASM” ;include AIC comm routines .include “PASS2B.COF” ;include coefficients file .sect “intsect” ;section for interrupt vector BR ISR ... FIRMC.CMD (on disk) to create the executable COFF file FIRMC.OUT. 4.7 Programming Examples Using TMS32 0C3 x and C Code 119 /*FIRMC .C - FIR WITH MIXED-CODE. CALLS FUNCTION IN FIRMCF.ASM */...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 14:20
Tài liệu DSP phòng thí nghiệm thử nghiệm bằng cách sử dụng C và DSK TMS320C31 (P6) pdf
... Examples Using C and TMS32 0C3 x Code 191 /*FFT12 8C. C - REAL-VALUED FFT WITH 128 POINTS. CALLS FFT_RL.ASM */ #include “math.h” /*standard library func */ #include “aiccomc .c /*AIC comm routines ... the main program FFT 8C. C in C code that calls a generic FFT function FFT .C, also in C code. The input sequence, specified in the main program, represents a rectangular sequence, x(0) =...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 14:20
Tài liệu DSP phòng thí nghiệm thử nghiệm bằng cách sử dụng C và DSK TMS320C31 (P7) pptx
... filter can be very useful when there is uncertainty about the character- istics of a signal or when these characteristics change. Figure 7.1 shows a basic adaptive filter structure in which the ... begins .start “.data”,0x80 9C0 0 ;where data begins .include “AICCOM31.ASM” ;AIC communications routines .data ;assemble into data section AICSEC .word 162Ch,1h,244Ah,73h ;For AIC,Fs = 16K/2 = 8 kH...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 14:20
Tài liệu DSP phòng thí nghiệm thử nghiệm bằng cách sử dụng C và DSK TMS320C31 (P8) pptx
... described in [1–6]. These projects are based on the TMS32 0C3 0 EVM and can be extended for the DSK. 1. Acoustic Direction Tracker This project discusses an acoustic signal tracker capable of tracking ... “.data”,0x80 9C0 0 ;starting addr for data .include “AICCOM31.ASM” ;AIC comm routines .sect “intsect” ;section for interrupt vector BR ISR ;XINT0 interrupt vector .data ;assemble into data...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 14:20