Bảng Từ Loại: Danh Động Tính Trạng Full

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Bảng Từ Loại: Danh Động Tính Trạng Full

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Cách nhận biết loại từ trong câu tiếng anh theo vị trí của từ đang đứng là một trong những phương pháp học tiếng Anh đem lại một nền tảng về ngữ pháp vững chắc dành cho các bạn muốn sử dụng thành thạo các loại từ trong tiếng Anh.

1 WORD FAMILY NOUN VERB ADJECTIVE ADVERDB MEANING (in) ability ( dis)ability, enable ( un)able, (dis)abled ably có khả năng absence absent vắng mặt absorption absorbent absorb absorbent, absorbtive, absorbed thấm hút miệt mài say mê acceptance accept acceptable chấp nhận access accessible phương tiện accident accidental accidentally Tai nạn , tình cờ accomplishment accomplish thực hiện / đạt được Accuracy inaccuracy Accurate inaccurate accurately chính xác accusation, the accused, accuser accuse accusing accusingly Buộc tội Achievement achiever achieve achievable thành tựu action, actor act, inaction, interaction reaction, transaction act acting interactive hành động activity, inactivity activate (in) active proactive (in) actively addition add additional cộng, thêm vào advantage, disadvantage advantageous, disadvantaged advantageously Ưu điểm Advertising advertiser advertisement advertise quảng cáo Advice adviser advise advisable: inadvisable, advisory khuyên (dis) agreement (dis) agree (dis) agreeable (dis) agreeably đồng ý agriculture agricultural nông nghiệp alphabet alphabetical Bảng chữ cái aim aim aimless aimlessly Mục tiêu amazement amaze amazed, amazing amazingly Ngạc nhiên amusement amuse amusing / amused làm buồn cười anger anger angry angrily sự giận dữ announcement, announcer announce (Un)announced Thông báo 2 (dis)appearance (dis) appear reappear appearent apparently xuất hiện anxiety anxious sự lo lắng application, applicant apply applicable, applied xin việc, ứng viên appreciation appreciate appreciable, appreciative appreciatively Tán thành (dis)approval (dis)approve (dis)approving, approvingly khẳng định approximation approximate approximate approximately Xấp xỉ argument argue argumentative arguable arguably cãi nhau arrangement ( re)arrange Sắp xếp arrival arrive tới, đến art, artist, artistry (artistic), artful (artistically) mỹ thuật assistance, assistant assist giúp đỡ, trợ lý astonishment astonish astonished, astonishing làm cho ngạc nhiên attachment Attach, detach attached, unattached, detachable, Tấn công attendance, attendant attend attendant tham dự NOUN VERB ADJECTIVE ADVERDB MEANING attention (in)attentive attentively sự chú ý Attraction attractiveness attract (un)attractive attractively sự chú ý automation (automate) automatic automatically tự động hóa authority, authorization authorize authoritarian, authoritative, unauthorized Quyền lực availability available, unavailable Sẵn có avoidance avoid avoidable, unavoidable Tránh awareness (un)aware sự nhận thức Base the basics, basis base Basic baseless basically nền tảng Birth bearer Bear (born/born ) bearable, unbearable sinh ra 3 beat, beating beat unbeatable, unbeaten Đánh bại Beauty beautician beautify beautiful beautifully làm cho đẹp beginner, beginning begin Bắt đầu (mis)behaviour US: (mis) behavior, (mis)behave behavioural/US behavioral cư xử / đối xử (dis)belief (un)believer / (dis)believer (dis)believe (un)believable (un)believable tin tưởng the boil, boiler boil Boiling, boiled Sôi Blood bleeding bleed Bloody bloodless chảy máu Boredom bore bore boring / bored boringly làm buồn break, breakage, outbreak break (un) breakable broken, unbroken vở / bể Breath breather, breathing breathe breathless breathlessly thở, hít brother, brotherhood brotherly Anh / em trai broadness, broadth broaden broad broadly mở rộng, nới rộng build, builder, building (re)build Xây dựng burn, burner Burn ( burnt) burning, burnt Đốt burial bury buried Chôn cất calculation, calculator calculate (in)calculable calculated, calculating tính tốn calm calmness calm calm calmly bình tĩnh, êm đềm capacity (in)capable khả năng, năng lực care (of) carefulness carelessness care care (for) careful careless, caring , uncaring carelessly, cẩn thận Cash , cashier Tiền mặt cause cause: nguyên nhân center, centre (de)centralization, central centrally trung tâm (un)certainty (un)certain certainly sự chắc chắn Celebration celebrity celebrate celebrated, celebratory Kỷ niệm 4 Change challenger change (un)changeable challenging thay đổi chemistry chemical chemist chemical chemically hóa học chất hóa học nhà hóa học child childish-childlike childless trẻ con choice choose chọn lựa Circle, semicircle, circulation circular circle, circulate Vòng tròn Cleanliness cleaner, cleaning cleanliness clean (un)clean cleanly lau chùi, sạch clearness clear, unclear clear clearly Làm sạch cloth, clothes, clothing clothe mặc quần áo cloud cloudy, cloudless mây close, closure closeness close closed, closing close NOUN VERB ADJECTIVE ADVERDB MEANING collection, collector collect collective collectively sưu tầm, hợp tác Colour /US color colouring/US coloring coloured, colourful discoloured/US discolored, màu sắc combination combined combine kết hợp common common commonly phổ biến, chung chung Communication communicator communicate (un)communicative giao tiếp commitment noncommittal, committed commit Giao phó comparison compare Comparative comparable, incomparable, comparatively so sánh competition, competitor compete thi đua, người thi đấu (dis)comfort comfort (un) comfortable comforting (un)comfortably làm thoải mái common commonly thông thường complication complicate complicated, uncomplicated Phức tạp 5 complaint complain than phiền Completion incompleteness complete (in) complete (in) completely hồn tất computer, computing, computerization computerize concentration concentrate concentrated tập trung concern concern concerned, unconcerned Quan tâm conclusion conclude conclusive conclusively kết luận (pre)condition conditioner, conditioning condition (un)conditional conditionally, unconditionally điều kiện confidence confide Confident confidential Confidently conditionally, sự tự tin confirmation confirm ( un)confirmed Xác nhận confusion confuse confused, confusing confusingly Từ chối connection ( dis)connect (in)connected, (dis)connected, Kết nối subconscious, unconscious, (un)consciousness (un)conscious, subconscious, (un)consciously Tỉnh táo conservation conserve bảo tồn consequence consequent, inconsequential consequently Hậu quả consideration (re)consider considerable, (in)considerate, considered considerably, considerately Xem xét contaminate contaminated ô nhiễm continent continental đại lục Continuation continuity (dis)continue Continuous continual, continued continuously tiếp tục contribution, contributor contribute contributory Đóng góp control, controller control controlling, uncontrollable uncontrollably Kiểm sốt (in)convenience (in)convenient conveniently Thuận tiện 6 convince convinced, (un)convincing convincingly cook - cooker - cookery cook uncooked nấu ăn cool, coolness cool cool coolly Mát count (un) countable countless đếm correction, correctness correct (in)correct, corrective correctly, incorrectly Đúng encourage courageous Động viên (Re)count (Re)count (Un)countable, countless cover, coverage, covering undercover,( un)covered undercover Che đậy crime, criminal, criminologist incriminate criminal, incriminating criminally Tội phạm critic, criticism criticize ( un)critical critically Phê bình crowd, overcrowding crowd crowded, overcrowded Tụ tập cruelty cruel cruelly Độc ác (out)cry cry crying Khóc ( sub) culture Cultural cultured culturally văn hóa cure cure cured, incurable Chữa trị Custom customer, customs accustom customary customarily thói quen curiousity curious curiously Tò mò cut, cutting (Under)cut cutting Cắt damage, damages damage (Un)damaged Thiệt hại danger endanger dangerous dangerously sự nguy hiểm dare, daring dare daring daringly Dám dark, darkness darken dark làm đen date date, predate dated, outdated Ngày tháng Day midday daily daily ngày the deaf, deafness deafen deaf điếc làm điếc 7 dead, death Deaden die dead, deadly, deathly deadly, deathly chết deal, dealer, dealings deal Số lượng deceit, deceiver, deception deceive deceitful, deceptive deceptively Lừa gạt (In)decision decide (in) decisive (un)decided (in) decisively quyết định Decoration decorator decorate decorative trang hồng defeat, defeatism, defeatist defeat undefeated, defeatist Đánh bại Defence US defense, defendant, defender defend defenceless/US defenseless, indefensible, defensive bảo vệ Deep depth deepen Deep deepening deep, deeply làm sâu hơn deficiency deficient sự giảm thiểu definition define (In)definite indefinitely delicacy delicate delicately duyên dáng NOUN VERB ADJECTIVE ADVERDB MEANING delivery, deliverer deliver giao, phân phát delight delight delightful delightfully Làm sung sướng demand, demands demand (un)demanding Đòi hỏi democracy, democrat (un)democratic democratically Cộng hòa demonstration, demonstrator demonstrate demonstrable, demonstrative demonstrate Biểu tình denial deny (Un)deniable undeniably Chối cãi (in) dependence dependant dependency depend (on) (in) dependent dependable (in) dependently phụ thuộc description describe describable, indescribable, nondescript, descriptive descriptively Miêu tả desire desire (Un)desirable (un)desired Mong muốn Destruction destroy Destructive destructively phá hủy 8 destroyer indestructible, development develop developing phát triển Determination determiner determine (in)determined predetermined determinedly quyết tâm Developer (re) development ( re)develop developing, undeveloped Phát triển dictation dictate đọc chính tả (in)difference Differ , differentiate (in)different differently làm khác difficulty difficult sự khó khăn direction, director (re)direct (in) direct (in) directly chỉ, bảo, thẳng, gởi dirt dirty dirty dirtily sự dơ bẩn disappointment disappoint disappointed, disappointing Disappointedly disappointingly làm thất vọng sự thất vọng disaster disastrous disastrously Thiên tai disciplinarian, discipline discipline disciplinary, (un) disciplined Kỷ luật Discovery discoverer discover khám phá discussion discuss thảo luận distance distant distantly khoảng cách distribution distribute distributive phân phối disturbance disturb undisturbed, disturbing disturbingly ( sub) division ( sub) divide (in) divisible phân chia divorce, divorcee divorce divorced do, doing do, outdo, overdo, redo, undo done, overdone, undone Làm doubt, doubter doubt undoubted, doubtful, doubtless undoubtedly, doubtfully Nghi ngờ dream, dreamer dream dream, dreamless, dreamy dreamily Mơ drainage drain rút nước dress, dresser, dressing dress, redress, undress ( un)dressed, dressy dressily Aên mặc trang điểm drink, drinker, drinking, drunk, drunkenness drive driving Lái xe due, dues (Un)due due, duly, Nợ 9 unduly dust dusty bụi earner, earnings earn Kiếm ( tiền ) earth Earthy unearthly unearth trái đất ( un)ease, easiness ease easy Easily easy dễ dàng economy economics, economist, economize Economical (Un)economic(al) economically kinh tế education educate educational, (un) educated educationally giáo dục Effect effectiveness, ineffectiveness affect (in) effective (in)effectual (in) effectively ảnh hưởng effort effortless effortlessly Cố gắng election, re- election, elector, electorate elect, re-elect (Un)elected, electoral Bầu cử Electricity electrician electrify electric, electrical electrically điện electronics electronic Điện embarrassment embarrass embarrassed, embarrassing làm bối rối emission emit thốt ra (un) employment employer, employee employ (un) employed thuê mướn encouragement encourage encouraged khuyến khích NOUN VERB ADJECTIVE ADVERDB MEANING end end endless kết thúc energy energetic energerically năng lượng engineer enjoyment enjoy enjoyable enjoyably thích enrichment enrich rich richly làm giàu Entrance entrant, entry environmentalist enter bước vào entertainer, entertainment entertain entertaining entertainingly Giải trí enthusiasm, enthusiast enthuse (Un)enthusiastic (un)enthusiastic ally, Nhiệt tình 10 Environment environmentalist environmental môi trường (In)equality equalize (Un)equal (Un)equally Công bằng equipment equip trang bị erosion erode làm xói mòn escape, escapism escape (In)escapable (In)escapably Chaỵ trốn essence, essentials essential essentially Thiết yếu establishment establish thiết lập estimate, estimation estimate, overestimate estimated event, non-event (Un)eventful, eventual eventfully, eventually Sự kiện Examination cross- examination, exam Examine cross-examine khám xét excellence excel excellent excellently Tuyệt vời exchange Trao đổi excitement excite excitable, excited, exciting, excitedly, excitingly Hào hứng Expectation expectancy expect expectant, expecting, (un) expected mong đợi (in) experience experience (in) experienced kinh nghiệm Experiment experiment experimental experimentally thử nghiệm Explanation explaining explain Explanatory unexplained, explicable, giải thích explosion, explosive explode Explosive exploding explosively nổ, bùng nổ exploration, explorer explore thám hiểm (nhà) expression express expressive expressively Diễn đạt extinctive extinct sự tiệt chủng extremity, extreme extremist, extremity extreme, extremist extreme extremely điểm tột cùng, cực kỳ fact factual factually sự kiện failure fail (Un)failing thất bại Faith faithfulness (un) faithful (un) faithfully trung thành (un) familiarity family familiarize (un) familiar (un)familiarly làm cho (ai) quen việc gì [...]... tear, tearfulness teach taught dạy học (Dis)tastefully, tài năng Nếm tearful tearfully Nước mắt technician, technique technicalities technique technical technically kỹ thuật, kỹ thuật viên technology, technologist tendency test thought technological technologically công nghệ thoughtful, thoughtless thankful, thankless thoughtfully, thoughtlessly thankfully có khuynh hướng kiểm tra suy nghĩ, ý nghĩ Cảm... hopeless ADVERDB (dis) honestly hopefully, hopelessly horribly MEANING trung thực hy vọng, niềm hy vọng kinh ngạc giờ Ngôi nhà Hi vọng horrible hourly household hopeful, hopeless hopefully, hopelessly human, humanism, (in)humanity, ( in)human, superhuman, humanly, humanely Con người hunger hury hurt hurry hurt hungry hurried unhurt, hurtful hungrily hurriedly hurtfully đói vội vàng Đau ice, icicle,... refreshingly tươi friend, friendship friendliness fright befriend friendly, friendless frightened, frightening, frightful fruitful, fruitless, fruity frighten fruit, fruition Đóng băng frighteningly, frightfully fruitfully, fruitlessly bạn bè, tình bạn sợ hãi, lo sợ Hoa quả fund, refund, funding fund, refund funded Quỹ furnishings, furniture furnish furnished, unfurnished Đồ đạc garden, gardener, gardening garden... heartily, heartlessly trái tim head, heading, overheads health hearing hate head, behead hear, overhear Heart hatefully overhead heat, hotness heater, heating Height heights Heat overheat Hot ( un)heated heatedly nóng heighten heightened , highly chiều cao help, helpfulness help (un)helpful, helpfully, sự giúp đỡ, 13 helper, helping Highness historian history helpless High historical,(pre) historic hold,...fame famed, (in)famous (In)famously Danh tiếng fat fat, fattening, fatty fatten Béo (un)fashionable (un)fashionably thời trang fashion fastener (Un)fasten fault fault faultless, faulty faultlessly Lỗi favour fear favour fear favourable fearful, fearless favourably fearfully, firmly fearlessly Feeling feel, feelings feel (Un)feeling Ưu đãi lo sợ, ghê sợ... (un)kindness landing NOUN knowledge keep just keen (on) kept joyfully, joyessly justly keenly (un)kind enlargement lateness enlarge Laughter laugh Law lawyer, outlaw laugh chứng minh hăng hái Giữ Giết (un)kindly ADJECTIVE knowledgeable (un) known (un)knowing large late ADVERDB (un)knowingly land VERB know vui mừng late, lately (gần đây) laughably (un) lawfully (il) legally lazily tử tế hạ cánh MEANING biết,... replay, player, playfulness, playback, playoff play, outplay, replay, downplay playful, playable playfully Chơi (dis)pleasure pleasantry please (un) pleasant (dis)pleased (un) pleasantly vui lòng cho phép personally người persuasively thuyết phục pharmaceutical dược sĩ, bào chế thuốc Aûnh Bức tranh pitifully (Un)planned đáng tiếc Nơi chốn Kế hoạch Cây 21 pleasing, pleasurable poetic poem, poet, poetry... refusal relation, relationship religion reliance regret refuse relate receive nhận thức Ghi âm hồi phục giảm xuống Tham khảo từ chối liên quan, họ hàng tôn giáo lệ thuộc Hối tiếc relative relatively rely regret religious reliable regrettable, regretful reliably regrettably, regretfully regular, (ir)regularity regulate (Ir)regular (Ir)regularly Thường xuyên relation, relations, relationship, relative relaxation... (Dis)reputable, reputed research (Dis)respect, respectability, respecter, respects reputedly, reputably research Response respondent, responsiveness Tặng quà Danh tiếng nghiên cứu Tôn trọng respectable, respected, (dis)respectful, respective (Dis)respectfully respectably, respond (Un)responsive responsively phúc đáp (ir)responsibility (Un)rest, restlessness (Ir)responsibly restlessly trách nhiệm rest (ir)responsible... bay MEANING Gấp Theo foolish force Bằng phẳng Hoa fly fool, foolishness foolball, footballer force Sửa chữa foolishly forceful, forcible forcefully, forcibly người ngốc bóng đá, cầu thủ Bắt buộc 11 forgetfulness forget (un) forgettable, forgetful reformed forgetfully quên, quên lãng hình thức form, formation transformation Form form, reform, transform formality formalize ( in)formal ( in)formally Trang . faithful (un) faithfully trung thành (un) familiarity family familiarize (un) familiar (un)familiarly làm cho (ai) quen việc gì 11 fame famed, (in)famous (In)famously Danh tiếng . thủ force force forceful, forcible forcefully, forcibly Bắt buộc 12 forgetfulness forget (un) forgettable, forgetful forgetfully quên, quên lãng form, formation transformation. frightened, frightening, frightful frighteningly, frightfully sợ hãi, lo sợ fruit, fruition fruitful, fruitless, fruity fruitfully, fruitlessly Hoa quả fund, refund, funding

Ngày đăng: 29/08/2014, 23:33

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