Resemblance in the pre-test

Một phần của tài liệu effects of mind mapping on freshmen’s reading comprehension ability at ho chi minh city university of transport (Trang 58 - 62)

This section presented the calculation of the scores from the pre-test and post- test in order to find out the mean, the standard deviation, range as well as the frequency of scores. Then, there was a comparison between the values of both groups so as to figure out any differences in students’ reading comprehension ability before applying the treatment of using mind mapping technique in teaching reading comprehension. Finally, the research used the t-test to assert whether the difference was significant in statistic or not.

The table 4.1.1.a below showed the results of pre-test for the control group in terms of mean, standard deviation, range with minimum and maximum values, different scores with their frequency in numbers and percents.

Mean Standard

deviation Range Types of

scores Frequency Percent

4.37 0.968

Min Max 3 7 17.1

3 7

4 18 43.9

5 11 26.8

6 4 9.8

7 1 2.4

Table 4.1.1.a : Pre-test results for the control group

It can be seen from the table, the average score for the control group was rarely low with the mean value of 4.37. The test scores were distributed in the range of 4, which the minimum score was 3 and the maximum one was 7. The score of 4 obtained the highest frequency (18 times – 43.9%) while the frequency of 7 was lowest with 2.4%.

The results of pre-test for the experimental group were summarized in table 4.1.1.b below. Mean, standard deviation, range, the types of scores with their frequency in numbers and percents were also the key terms presented in the table.

Mean Standard

deviation Range Types of

scores Frequency Percent

4.33 1.028

Min Max 3 9 21.4

3 7

4 17 40.5

5 10 23.8

6 5 11.9

7 1 2.4

The figures of the mean value from the table 4.1.1.b pointed out that the average score of pre-test for the experimental group was quite low (only 4.33). The lowest score was 3 while the highest one was 7. The frequency of different score value varied along the range of 4 (from 3 to 7), in which scores of 4 was dominated by 17 (making up 40.5%), scores of 5 ranked second with 10 (23.8%), scores of 3 followed up with 9 (21.4%), scores of 6 was by 5 (11.9%) and scores of 7 was obtained by only one (2.4%).

In comparison of two table above, it seems to be clear to see that the statistical values of table 4.1.1.a were quite equivalent with those in table 4.1.1.b. The first value that was immediately recognized was the mean value. In fact, the mean values of both groups had a really small disparity of 0.04 with the mean of 4.37 in table 4.1.1.a and the mean of 4.33 in table 4.1.1.b. Moreover, the standard deviation values of both groups were nearly in line with 0.968 in table 4.1.1.a and 1.028 in table 4.1.1.b.

Therefore, it could be stated that there was an approximate similarity between the pre- test results of the control group and those of the experimental group. The reading comprehension ability of students in both groups was at a rather low level.

Despite of the similarity of both groups seen from the statistical values, the researcher expected to compare two means so as to test whether the disparity of 0.04 could have any effects to statistical significance or not. Thus, the researcher employed the T-test on SPSS.

The result of the T- test was presented in the table below

Independent Samples Test

CGEG pre-test Equal

variances assumed

Equal variances not

assumed Levene's Test for

Equality of Variances

F .188

Sig. .666

t-test for Equality of Means

T .148 .148

Df 81 80.899

Sig. (2-tailed) .882 .882

Mean Difference .033 .033

Std. Error Difference .219 .219

95% Confidence Interval of the Difference

Lower -.404 -.404


.469 .469

Table 4.1.1.c: Compare means of the pre-test results of the control group and the experimental group

In the Independent-samples T-test, it is necessary to rely on the equality test of two general variances (Levene's test). The variance describes the degree of uniformity or uneven (dispersion) of observed data. Therefore, as can be seen from the table 4.1.1.c, the sig. value of Leneve’s test for equality of variances was sig. = 0.666 >α

=0.05. It could be concluded that there was no difference in the variances of both groups. Hence, the results of equal variances assumed column was used to continuously compare. The sig. (2-tailed) value of T-test was 0.882 >α = 0.05. From that, the researcher could make a claim that there were no significant differences in the means of the two groups.

In conclusion, the T-test result proved that there was an almost similarity of

addition, there was also a strong resemblance in all social variables of the two groups, which was pointed out in Chapter 3. Accordingly, they were compelling evidences that the two groups were compatible and conducting an experiment in order to determine whether the treatment of using mind map could improve students’ reading comprehension ability or not was totally appropriate.

Một phần của tài liệu effects of mind mapping on freshmen’s reading comprehension ability at ho chi minh city university of transport (Trang 58 - 62)

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