Chapter 5: Discussions, limitations, suggestions for further research, and
5.3 Pedagogical implications and suggestions for further research
It is said that “If you give him a fish, you feed him a day; if you teach him how to fish, you feed him whole life”. This saying mentions the important of teaching the theory for students in light of learning. Teachers can teach some reading
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strategies in the reading class for students to practice their reading in order for them to practice study at home. Especially, in reading teaching at high school, students should be supplied some useful reading strategies for them to practice and improve their reading outcome. If possible, teachers can let students discuss some useful strategies that each student has to share with their friends
5.3.2. Suggestions for further research
As said the limitations above, the next research should be in one of the two directions. First, the research should be experimental one where one kind of reading strategies (cognitive or meta-cognitive strategies) will be investigated. Second, other factors affecting reading outcome should be considered to be implemented in the next research.
Besides, the number of participants in the next research should also be large to obtain convincing data.
5.4. Conclusion
The purpose of the study was to investigate the reading strategy use on test performance. This study was motivated by the hypotheses that students often employed reading strategies in their reading test, the good readers used reading strategies more frequently than average readers, and average ones use these strategies more often than poor ones. The findings in the study suggested that students usually employed the reading strategies in their reading test; however, the poor and average readers used reading strategies more often than good ones. That can lead to one conclusion that there is much more than reading strategies to gain good outcome. So, further research should concentrate on the other factors that make a learner become a good reader; or an experimental research should be invested in the right way that concentrate on one type of reading strategies such as cognitive or meta-cognitive strategies.
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