motivations attitudes and perceptions of singaporean in tissue banking



... THEMATIC FINDING - CATEGORIES AND STUDY FINDINGS 91 FIGURE 4: SYNTHESIZED THEMATIC FINDING - CATEGORIES AND STUDY FINDINGS 93 FIGURE 5: SYNTHESIZED THEMATIC FINDING 4, CATEGORIES AND STUDY FINDINGS ... Analysis of Consent for Residual Surgical HBMs from 2002 – 2011 97 PHASE 3: Qualitative Study involving NUH Patients 109 Motivations, Attitudes and Perceptions of Singaporean in Tissue banking ... objective of understanding patients’ perceptions, attitudes and experiences on tissue banking and their preferences on informed consent The empirical results in Chapter will be discussed in relation...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:33

294 426 0
National Framework and recommendations for better local governance in Vietnam

National Framework and recommendations for better local governance in Vietnam

... rệt theo hướng công khai, minh bạch tạo thuận lợi cho người dân, doanh nghiệp; + Bộ máy hành hoạt động hiệu (do tinh gọn hơn, cấu bên phân định rõ hơn, công khai, minh bạch hơn, quyền làm chủ ... công nghệ thông tin hoạt động quan hành nhà nước b) Ứng dụng công nghệ thống tin xử lý quy trình công việc nội quan hành c) Công bố danh mục dịch vụ hành công môi trường mạng thông tin điện tử quan ... phân phối sử dụng có hiệu nguồn lực cho phát triển kinh tế - xã hội b) Tiếp tục đổi chế, sách tài doanh nghiệp nhà nước c) Đổi chế sử dụng kinh phí nhà nước chế xây dựng, triển khai nhiệm vụ khoa...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:05

17 587 1
International consensus recommendations on the aesthetic usage of botulinum toxin type A (Speywood Unit) – part II: wrinkles on the middle and lower face, neck and chest pdf

International consensus recommendations on the aesthetic usage of botulinum toxin type A (Speywood Unit) – part II: wrinkles on the middle and lower face, neck and chest pdf

... safety of repeated administrations of a new formulation of botulinum toxin type A in the treatment of ´ ´ Decollete wrinkles Ageing of the chest area could be due to intrinsic or extrinsic factors ... the largest and strongest muscle functioning in mastication Its superficial portion originates from the zygomatic arch and inserts into the ramus of the mandible and the side of the mandibular angle ... patients for this indication should have a thin neck, good skin elasticity, and little or no sagging skin, fat or muscle The injector can examine the prominence of platysmal bands by asking the patients...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 17:20

11 773 1
báo cáo khoa học: " Translating global recommendations on HIV and infant feeding to the local context: the development of culturally sensitive counselling tools in the Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania" doc

báo cáo khoa học: " Translating global recommendations on HIV and infant feeding to the local context: the development of culturally sensitive counselling tools in the Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania" doc

... for information exchange related to infant feeding in the context of HIV counselling and testing Development of performance and learning objectives and key messages Following dissemination of findings ... observation of counselling and provided important insights into standard client provider interaction and counselling practices Data collection and analysis of data Interviews, FGDs and observations ... counselling skills Dissemination of findings and initial consensus building In line with the study team's participatory approach, the formative research findings were disseminated and subsequently discussed...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:22

14 545 1
policy and recommendations on administrative management of foreign labor bases for capability building of domestic labor

policy and recommendations on administrative management of foreign labor bases for capability building of domestic labor

... purpose of their entry, location of their first landing; routes taken, the role of formal agencies and social networks in making their way into Malaysia, securing jobs and initial adaptation in the ... V INSPECT AND HANDLE VIOLATIONS OF 98 LAW RELATED OF TO FOREIGN LABORS 98 Article 27: Inspection of foreign labors .98 Article 28: Complaints and settlement of complaints and ... entry, exit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam - Joint Circular No 04/2002/TTLT/BCA-BNG dated 29th of January, 2012 of the Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of Foreign Affairs guiding the...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2014, 18:13

139 189 0


... up and down, and “no” is conveyed by shaking the head side to side Scratching the head indicates that the person is confused and pauses in doubt People also take advantage of using hands Waving ... According to the definition of culture in the textbook “International Business”, culture is a “set of values, beliefs, rules, and institutions held by a specific group of people” (J Wild, L Wild, and ... hands can be either “hello” or “goodbye.” Holding the index and the 10 mid finger upright stands for “victory.” In short, the movements of our bodies can express what we want to say instead of...

Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2016, 17:36

90 681 0
The Turning World Globalisation and Governance at the Start of the 21st Century docx

The Turning World Globalisation and Governance at the Start of the 21st Century docx

... than the hand-maiden of a good society It enables the proper business of woman- and man-kind; marriage, business, sports, work, childrearing and learning - to continue in a structure of security ... the International Institute of Administrative Sciences in Brussels and UNDESA UNDESA in 1999 and the Institute provided a review of the status of public administration at a global level and to ... mechanism G Timsit / The Case of Continental Europe 31 of subsidiarity and increasing empowerment are just some of the main anchoring points of this new "art of governance" In response to these requirements,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:20

126 462 0
Administrative Law and Governance in Asia pptx

Administrative Law and Governance in Asia pptx

... dynamic and ever-changing and thus more demanding of institutional flexibility and adaptability than of institutional uniformity The use of the courts in this manner is not new Indeed, the original ... administrative governance a combination of bureaucratic scandal and incompetence, as well as the failure of the vaunted Ministry of Finance to cope with the popping of the financial bubble in ... Justice and Society viii Contributors Colin Scott is Vice Principal for Research and Innovation, University College Dublin College of Business and Law and Professor of EU Regulation and Governance,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:20

400 363 0
the mit press toward a science of consciousness iii the third tucson discussions and debates oct 1999

the mit press toward a science of consciousness iii the third tucson discussions and debates oct 1999

... demonstrate a gap in nature, but a gap in our understanding of nature Of course a plausible explanation for there being a gap in our understanding of nature is that there is a genuine gap in nature But ... in terms of the standard form of reinterpretation If an identity is gappy, it's because we really have in mind two distinct properties that are alleged to be instantiated in the same thing, and ... darkness that dominated psychology for much of the last century This international and interdisciplinary introspection has stemmed in part from a number of high-profile books in the area, in part from...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 13:53

455 288 0
The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 1 ppsx

The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 1 ppsx

... in Bioethics and Moral Philosophy, University of Manchester, UK; and Adjunct Professor in Practical Philosophy, University of Helsinki, Finland TUIJA TAKALA is post-graduate fellow in media and ... of Sociology, University of Iceland is Associate Professor of Ethics and Human Rights, Malmo University, Sweden ¨ LENA HALLDENIUS is Professor of Bioethics and Philosophy of Law, University of ... environmental factors and health and diseases They are mainly non-clinical databanks in the sense that the aim is not to gain information about individuals for clinical intervention but to obtain general...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

30 299 0
The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 2 pptx

The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 2 pptx

... The mezzanine rules of ethical genetic databanking Table 3.1 The possible mezzanine rules of ethical genetic databanking The mezzanine rules of human genetic databanking The underlying issues ... the interest in resolving dilemmas and conflicts of interest in courtrooms by reference to principles like ‘sanctity of life’, ‘dignity’ or ‘public interest’, where no clearly defined legal principles ... readings of the four principles One interesting disagreement is based on the two main interpretations of autonomy In the Millian view, the actual uncoerced consent of the people storing their tissue...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

30 311 0
The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 3 pptx

The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 3 pptx

... understanding of people’s perceptions of privacy and their trust in the guardians of biobanks and the institutions setting them up and regulating them The UK team felt that the findings of this ... first in Iceland that aims at discovering more about Icelanders’ perceptions of privacy of personal information in general and privacy of medical and genetic data in particular, and their trust of ... the introduction of the preliminary idea and vision in 1999 until the pilot project and beginning of the data collection in 2002 However, by the beginning of 2005 the future of the EGP – having...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

30 290 0
The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 4 docx

The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 4 docx

... these findings, it is noteworthy that, according to the findings of the public opinion survey in 2002, geneticists and staff of the EGP enjoy the highest credibility rating in the eyes of the ... the aims and financing of the project, possible further use of the data, ownership of data and biosamples, and encoding and decoding procedures Additional information is to be provided in a so-called ... test17 of capacity to consent is even more stringent, involving a three-stage analysis by the subject: comprehending and retaining treatment information; believing it; and weighing it in balance...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

30 272 0
The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 5 potx

The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 5 potx

... genetic integrity is an overarching principle in Estonian legislation in general The third interest touched upon in this chapter, namely employers’ and insurers’ interests in making use of genetic information, ... genetic risks and from establishing preferential tariff rates and determining insured events restrictively.34 In Iceland specific legislation regarding employers’ and insurers’ interests in the area ... standard in the context of population genetic databases differ from it? One has to bear in mind that the time period between intervention (for instance taking blood for genotyping) and gaining...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

30 259 0
The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 6 ppsx

The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 6 ppsx

... access and the sharing of intellectual property rights, rather than this being defined in black letter law The use of existing governance systems In each of the four jurisdictions existing governance ... understandings of disease and genetics, of identity, and different perceptions of the benefits of genetic technologies Benefits and costs: alternative interpretations While benefit-sharing is ... regarding benefit-sharing in human genetic research have increasingly stressed that everyone should benefit and that all humankind should be involved in the sharing.15 The introduction of universal...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

30 289 0
The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 7 pps

The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 7 pps

... ways of explaining this interest in privacy On one hand, we have an individualist account of privacy where privacy is seen as ‘an intrinsic part of [people’s] self-understanding as autonomous individuals’.5 ... health insurance on the basis of a casual note in his medical records saying he had dry skin The insurance company argued that dry skin indicated a risk of developing skin disease The principle of ... genetic information is exceptional The standard account of discrimination This is the standard account of discrimination: discrimination is decisionmaking representing or resulting in harm4 for an individual...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

30 310 0
The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 8 ppt

The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 8 ppt

... continuing interests in their health information’36 and provide science ethics committees with a meaningful ground for determining further use of the information Such a policy would maintain the ... presumably that of promoting genuine informed consent, or perhaps maximizing the chances of it occurring The concept of genuine informed consent cannot be read directly from codes or guidelines, no ... presuppose the elements of competence, disclosure, understanding, voluntariness and consent as definitive of the scope of the concept, and then consider each element in turn In what follows, we aim...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

30 280 0
The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 9 potx

The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 9 potx

... mode of public policy-making that stresses the importance of co-operation of all three sectors (public, private and non-governmental) and of markets in shaping, implementing and evaluating public ... more obscure than initially planned or agreed This, in turn, is compounding the original problem of genetic databases: endangering freedom of an individual in and against the state and society he ... tool of governance The lack of direct participation in benefits of donors is compensated by involving representatives of the public/donors in governing bodies of genetic databases (e.g ethics and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

30 331 0
The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 10 pdf

The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 10 pdf

... Frankfurt am Main: Insel, 1987 Judson, H F., ‘A History of the Science and Technology Behind Gene Mapping and Sequencing’, in Kevles and Hood, The Code of Codes, 37–42 Juth, N., ‘Insurance Companies’ ... 212 trust and 197 insurance access to genetic information and 63, 65, 171 discrimination and 63, 65, 172 interests in genetic data 109, 116–119, 143 intellectual benefit-sharing 130, 131 intellectual ... Globe and Mail, 27 June 2000 Conaghan, J., ‘Feminism and Labour Law: Contesting the Terrain’, in Morris and O’Donnell, Feminist Perspectives on Employment Law, 31–32 Condit, C M., The Meanings of...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

26 512 0
Law and governance in golf courses a cross national comparison of environmental frameworks, industry norms and sustainability practices in the philippines, thailand, viet nam and singapore 2

Law and governance in golf courses a cross national comparison of environmental frameworks, industry norms and sustainability practices in the philippines, thailand, viet nam and singapore 2

... aspects of law and governance in general, and in particular, the rule of law, including the institutional and internal governance in the golf course industry Black’s Law Dictionary (2010) defines ... who came to invest in Thailand’s economic and industrial zones66 fueled the proliferation of golfing complexes With a growing tourism industry Thailand invested heavily in public infrastructures, ... accountability and social responsibility It also includes the policy and norms of the golf course industry, which involves the interaction, collaboration and interplay of government, private individuals and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 08:33

377 593 0