hamilton apos s canonical equations 2068 2084

exact solutions of einstein''s field equations

exact solutions of einstein''s field equations

... 20.2 Static axisymmetric vacuum solutions (Weyl s class) 20.3 The class of solutions U = U (ω) (Papapetrou s class) 20.4 The class of solutions S = S( A) 20.5 The Kerr solution and the Tomimatsu–Sato ... reference simply reflects our personal tastes and experiences This part also gives some discussion of the classification of space-times with special vector and tensor fields and solutions found by ... Ellis (1997) similarly discusses spatiallyhomogeneous and some other cosmologies (see Chapters 14 and 23), Biˇ´k (2000) discusses selected exact solutions and their history, and ca Belinski and...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:07

732 237 0
exact solutions of einstein''s field equations

exact solutions of einstein''s field equations

... 20.2 Static axisymmetric vacuum solutions (Weyl s class) 20.3 The class of solutions U = U (ω) (Papapetrou s class) 20.4 The class of solutions S = S( A) 20.5 The Kerr solution and the Tomimatsu–Sato ... reference simply reflects our personal tastes and experiences This part also gives some discussion of the classification of space-times with special vector and tensor fields and solutions found by ... Ellis (1997) similarly discusses spatiallyhomogeneous and some other cosmologies (see Chapters 14 and 23), Biˇ´k (2000) discusses selected exact solutions and their history, and ca Belinski and...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:07

732 211 0
Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations and dynamic programming for power-optimization of radiative law multistage heat engine system

Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations and dynamic programming for power-optimization of radiative law multistage heat engine system

... the stage-by-stage optimization strategy The obtained results can provide some theoretical guidelines for the optimal designs and operations of solar energy conversion and transfer systems Appendix ... and industry systems Progress Energy Combus Sci., 2003, 29(3): 193-246 [8] Chen L, Sun F Advances in Finite Time Thermodynamics: Analysis and Optimization New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2004 ... laws, and stage-by-stage optimization (i.e the first stage is optimized, and then the second stage is optimized, such-and-such repetition) results for the radiative heat transfer law Figure 16 shows...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

24 434 0
Canonical structures in potential theory -  s s  vinogradov, p  d  smith, e d  vinogradova

Canonical structures in potential theory - s s vinogradov, p d smith, e d vinogradova

... triple series equations ©2001 CRC Press LLC 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Relationships between series and integral equations Dual integral equations involving Bessel functions Nonsymmetrical triple series equations ... intensive and unified study of series equations and integral equations We hope this book will be useful to both new researchers and experienced specialists Most of the necessary tools for the solution ... features into the theory, let us distinguish between closed surfaces, those possessing no boundary or edge, and open shells, which have one or more boundaries A spherical surface is closed, whilst...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:41

364 261 0
math. and phys. data - equations and rules of thumb - s. gibilisco

math. and phys. data - equations and rules of thumb - s. gibilisco

... represent the variables, and a0 through an represent constants, usually real numbers Existence of solutions Suppose there exists a set of m linear equations in n variables If m Ͻ n, there exists ... 551 Suggested Additional References 553 Index 555 Preface This is a comprehensive sourcebook of definitions, formulas, units, constants, symbols, conversion factors, and miscellaneous data for use ... Acknowledgments xiii Chapter Algebra, Functions, Graphs, and Vectors Sets Denumerable Number Sets Non-denumerable Number Sets Properties of Operations Miscellaneous Principles Inequalities Simple Equations...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:19

575 309 0
marsden j.e., ratiu t.s., scheurle j. reduction theory and the lagrange-routh equations

marsden j.e., ratiu t.s., scheurle j. reduction theory and the lagrange-routh equations

... understood In addition, several classical cases of reduction (using conservation laws and/or symmetry to create smaller dimensional phase spaces), such as the elimination of cyclic variables as ... reduction for Lagrangian systems is classically associated with systems having cyclic variables (this is almost synonymous with having an Abelian symmetry group); modern accounts can be found in Arnold ... references show, the Lie–Poisson equations apply to a surprisingly wide variety of systems such as the heavy top, compressible flow, stratified incompressible flow, MHD (magnetohydrodynamics), and...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 16:49

59 364 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Local stability of the Pexiderized Cauchy and Jensen’s equations in fuzzy spaces" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Local stability of the Pexiderized Cauchy and Jensen’s equations in fuzzy spaces" pptx

... Fuzzy Sets Syst 159, 730–738 (2008) doi:10.1016/j.fss.2007.07.011 Mirmostafee, AK, Moslehian, MS: Fuzzy versions of Hyers-Ulam-Rassias theorem Fuzzy Sets Syst 159, 720–729 (2008) doi:10.1016/j.fss.2007.09.016 ... Trans Am Math Soc 347, 3111–3119 (1995) doi:10.2307/2154775 Hyers, DH, Isac, G, Rassias, ThM: Stability of Functional Equations in Several Variables Birkhäuser, Basel (1998) Hyers, DH, Isac, ... functions in quasiBanach spaces J Math Anal Appl 337, 399–415 (2008) doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2007.03.104 Najati, A, Park, C: Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability of homomorphisms in quasi-Banach algebras associated...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

8 334 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article From Newton’s Equation to Fractional Diffusion and Wave Equations" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article From Newton’s Equation to Fractional Diffusion and Wave Equations" pptx

... 54 As an illustration, let us consider the combination of a spring and a dashpot in series In this case, the stresses are equal for both structural parts while the strains add This leads to ... characteristics which combine the behaviors of the ideal solids and liquids and are named viscoelastic materials The basic models of such materials are based on combinations of springs and dashpots 2, ... x, t also satisfies the diffusion equation above Such solutions can be interpreted as probability distributions with internal structure associated to internal degrees of freedom of the system We...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

13 313 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Solutions and Green’s Functions for Boundary Value Problems of Second-Order Four-Point Functional Difference Equations" ppt

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Solutions and Green’s Functions for Boundary Value Problems of Second-Order Four-Point Functional Difference Equations" ppt

... respectively Thus, 1,T 3.14 It follows from the definition of K that T Φy t G1 t, s r s f s, ys t∈ 1,T t∈ 1,T ≥m us s T r s f s, ys us s ≥ ≥ which implies that Φ K ⊂ K m T Ms max G1 t, s 1 s, t≤T ... 1 s, t≤T r s f s, ys T m max G1 t, s r s f s, ys M t∈ 1,T s m Φy , M us us 3.15 Boundary Value Problems 13 Lemma 3.4 Suppose that (H1 ) holds Then Φ : K → K is completely continuous We assume that ... well-posedness of BVP 1.9 , since the function f depends on the term ut i.e., past values of u As usual, a sequence {u −τ , , u T } is said to be a positive solution of BVP 1.9 if it satisfies...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 11:20

22 409 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Rothe-Galerkin''''s method for nonlinear integrodifferential equations" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" Rothe-Galerkin''''s method for nonlinear integrodifferential equations" docx

... organized as follows In Section 2, we specify some hypotheses, precise sense of the weak solution, then we state the main results and some Lemmas that needed in the sequel In Section 3, by the ... problems were investigated In general, existence of solutions for a class of nonlinear evolution equations of second order is proved by studying a full discretization The article is organized as follows ... method, we construct approximate solutions to problem (P) Some a priori estimates for the approximations are derived In Section 4, we prove the main results Hypothesis and mean results To solve problem...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20

23 302 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Generalized Wirtinger’s Inequality with Applications to a Class of Ordinary Differential Equations" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Generalized Wirtinger’s Inequality with Applications to a Class of Ordinary Differential Equations" docx

... Inequalities and Applications For the special case that n and p 1, various problems on the solutions of 1.1 , such as the existence of periodic solutions, bifurcations of periodic solutions, and stability ... p is also considered by a lot of researchers see 7–13 Most of the work contained in literature on 1.1 is the existence and multiplicity of periodic solutions However, except the questions of ... differential equation 1.2 has been done to the best of the author knowledge Motivated by these cases, as a part of this paper, we study the estimates of periods of periodic solutions for the differential...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 02:20

7 239 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Editorial Harnack’s Estimates: Positivity and Local Behavior of Degenerate and Singular Parabolic Equations" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Editorial Harnack’s Estimates: Positivity and Local Behavior of Degenerate and Singular Parabolic Equations" pdf

... half spaces In this case they assume there exists a Lie structure over RN+1 under which L is left invariant Finally, these results are applied to several examples of operators Lewis and Vogel study ... also that they yield the solution to certain symmetry problems Despite the sophisticated hard analysis used by the authors, the paper is quite accessible Lieberman considers parabolic equations ... o forms and by potentials in suitable Kato classes Similar results were obtained by Biroli in a previous paper for operators associated to subelliptic p-Laplacians, but the techniques used there...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

5 279 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "ON THE SYSTEM OF RATIONAL DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS xn+1 = f (yn−q ,xn−s ), yn+1 = g(xn−t , yn− p )" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: "ON THE SYSTEM OF RATIONAL DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS xn+1 = f (yn−q ,xn−s ), yn+1 = g(xn−t , yn− p )" ppt

... Inequalities and Applications 2005 (2005), no 2, 127–143 8 The system of difference equations [9] G Papaschinopoulos and C J Schinas, On a system of two nonlinear difference equations, Journal ... Camouzis and G Papaschinopoulos, Global asymptotic behavior of positive solutions on the system of rational difference equations xn+1 = + xn / yn−m , yn+1 = + yn /xn−m , Applied Mathematics Letters ... (the proof of (ii) is similar) Assume on the contrary that Claim does not hold Then it follows from Claim that there exists a positive integer R such that xn (s+ 1)+R ≥ x(n+1) (s+ 1)+R > A for every...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20

8 303 0


... is such a subset of the set of linear monotone operators The following notation is used throughout N is the set of all natural numbers R is the set of all real numbers, R+ = [0,+∞[ C([a,b]) is ... Value Problems for Systems of Linear Functional Differential Equations, Folia Facultatis Scientiarium Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis Mathematica, vol 12, Masaryk University, Brno, ... problems for systems of linear functional-differential equations, Czechoslovak Math J 47(122) (1997), no 2, 341–373 , On periodic solutions of systems of linear functional-differential equations, Arch...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 00:20

15 191 0
Project Gutenberg''''s My Studio Neighbors, by William Hamilton Gibson potx

Project Gutenberg''''s My Studio Neighbors, by William Hamilton Gibson potx

... professional paraphernalia—brushes, paints, dishes, bottles, color-boxes, and cloths—among which she disappeared It was a hopeless task to disclose her, so I waited patiently to observe the spot ... effects of my protests at such times, my assumed superior air of condescension is apparently construed as a huge joke If the resultant rejoinder of wild volapük and expressive pantomime has any significance, ... reminders of similar snuggeries of indigo-bird, chat, and oriole within close limits, to say nothing of an ants' nest not far off, whose proximity is soon manifest as you sit in the grass—and immediately...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 19:20

512 272 0
differential equations elektronisk ressurs based on schaum's outline of theory and problems of differential equations second edition by richard bronson

differential equations elektronisk ressurs based on schaum's outline of theory and problems of differential equations second edition by richard bronson

... io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf ... r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf ... r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf r p io g z Ps z z le Pf...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:18

141 460 0
The immersed boundary method for the (2d) incompressible navier stokes equations LUANVAN TH s

The immersed boundary method for the (2d) incompressible navier stokes equations LUANVAN TH s

... first IBMs [21] His method solves the Navier-Stokes equations for the fluid on a stationary cartesian grid, while the immersed boundary is represented by a set of elastic fibres whose location is ... the result of a literature study on Immersed Boundary Methods (IBMs) The literature study is based on a selected number of articles, presentations and conversations Its purpose is not to summarize ... 2D steady Navier-Stokes study The literature study presents the basic IBM techniques and a brief historical overview, followed by a discussion on some important properties of IBMs Based on a structured...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 23:20

122 422 0
Báo cáo toán học: " Hopf-Lax-Oleinik-Type Estimates for Viscosity Solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi Equations with Concave-Convex Data" ppsx

Báo cáo toán học: " Hopf-Lax-Oleinik-Type Estimates for Viscosity Solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi Equations with Concave-Convex Data" ppsx

... Viscosity solutions of Hamilton- Jacobi equations, Trans Amer Math Soc 277 (1983) 1–42 17 M G Crandall , L C Evans , and P L Lions , Some properties of viscosity solutions of Hamilton- Jacobi equations, ... equations, Trans Amer Math Soc 282 (1984) 487–502 Hopf-Lax-Oleinik-Type Estimates for Viscosity Solutions 237 18 M G Crandall, H Ishii, and P L Lions, User s guide to viscosity solutions of second ... Differential Equations, De Gruyter, 1992 21 L C Evans, Partial Differential Equations, AMS Press, 1998 22 H Ishii, Uniqueness of unbounded viscosity solutions of Hamilton- Jacobi equations, Indiana...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 05:20

31 237 0


... quantities, and their results therefore are expressed in terms of integral relationships A differential equation always represents a theory Let us now collect the integral forms of Maxwell 's equations ... need to define emf as used in (1) or (2) The emf is obviously a scalar, and (perhaps not so obviously) a dimensional check shows that it is measured in volts We define the emf as I emf ˆ E Á dL ... over identical surfaces The surfaces are perfectly general and may be chosen as differentials, …r  E† Á dS ˆ À @B Á dS @t and rÂEˆÀ @B @t …6† This is one of Maxwell 's four equations as written in...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 20:23

26 523 1