Get Active You may be thinking to yourself, “What does ‘get active’ mean?” It means interact with what you read. Ask questions. Make notes. Mark up passages. Don’t be a passive reader, just looking at words. Be a thinker and a doer. This is not only a study strategy; it’s also an important technique for the GRE’s reading comprehen- sion questions, as well as an essential skill in graduate school. Of course, for the computer-based GRE, you won’t be marking on the actual passage, which will be displayed onscreen. Therefore, you may want to prac- tice making notes on a separate piece of paper as you read. You should jot down key words, main ideas, and your own reactions to what you read. On test day, you will write on the scratch paper that the test center pro- vides. You are allowed as much of this paper as you need, so use it.