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PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES 1/ Warm-up: 5’ - Get Ss observe some pictures, and guess the - Observe, and guess.. 2/ Presentation: 18’  Activity 1: - Use the pic[r]

Week : 27 Period: 82 Date of preparation: 28/02/2018 Date of teaching: 03/03/2018 UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES AND THE SEASONS SECTION A: THE WEATHER AND SEASONS LESSON 1: A1, I OBJECTIVES: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Ask and answer about the weather + Tell about the seasons and weather in Viet Nam II PREPARATIONS: Textbook, pictures, cassetle, computer III PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES 1/ Warm-up: (5’) - Get Ss observe some pictures, and guess the - Observe, and guess topic 2/ Presentation: (18’)  Activity 1: - Use the pictures to elicit vocabulary I Vocabulary: Season Weather Summer + hot Winter + cold Autumn = fall + cool Spring + warm - Check vocabulry by “Matching”  Activity 2: - Have Ss listen and repeat the sentences in A1 - Call some Ss read these sentences  Activity 3: - Introduce structure to ask and answer about the weather II Grammar: - Observe, guess the meaning, and read aloud - Do as directed - Listen and repeat - Read aloud - Listen and take note - Form: (?) What is the weather like in the + seasons ? ( - ) It is + adj of weather + in the + seasons 3/ Practice: (10’) - Ask Ss to work in pair to ask and answer about the weather and seasons - Hang on the pictures and ask Ss to make questions and answer 4/ Production: (10’) - Let Ss play game “Lucky numbers!” - Give more adjectives to describe : rainy >< sunny, wet >< dry 5/ Homework: (2’) - Have Ss: + Learn by heart vocabulary and structure IV COMMENT: - Practice in pair - Present their dialogue S1: What’s the weather like in the fall? S2: It’s cool in the fall - Play game in two teams What’s the weather like in the fall? Is it cool in the winter? Lucky number! What’s the weather like in Hanoi? What’s the weather like in spring? Lost marks! Is it cold today? (bad ss) Lucky number! - Take note - Write assignments Week : 28 Period: 83 Date of preparation: 12/03/2018 Date of teaching: 17/03/2018 UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES AND THE SEASONS SECTION A: THE WEATHER AND SEASONS LESSON 2: A3 I OBJECTIVES: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Talk about the weather they like + Write about the weather they like II PREPARATIONS: Textbook, pictures, cassetle III PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES 1/ Warm-up: (8’) - Use the pictures in A1, and ask Ss to answer some questions STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - Answer about the weather 2/ Presentattion: (10’) - Introduce the way to ask and answer about one’s - Listen and take note hobby of weather I Grammar: What weather + do/ does + S + like ? S + like (s) + adj of weather + weather - Ask the Ss to make up the sentences, then write down 3/ Practice: (15’) - Have Ss work in pair to ask and answer the above structure - Ask Ss to listen to the tape twice - Call on some Ss to read the sentences one by one - Make up the sentences What weather you like? I like warm weather - Work in pair - Repeat in chorus following the tape - Read the sentences one by one 4/ Production: (10’)  Activity 1: - Ask Ss to make a survey Name Weather Hot Cool Cold I Na - Go around, and complete the survey What weather you like? Warm  Activity 2: - Have ss choose the best answer (Bad Ss) What ……… the weather like in the summer? A is B does C would It is often cool ……… the fall A in B on C after ……… weather you like? – I like cool weather A How B When C What 5/ Homework: (2’) - Have Ss: + Write about the weather they and their friends like - Answer - Write assignments IV COMMENT: Week : 28 Period: 84 Date of preparation: 12/3/2018 Date of teaching: 18/3/2018 UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES AND THE SEASONS SECTION A: THE WEATHER AND SEASONS LESSON 3: A4 I OBJECTIVES: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Talk about the activities they like doing in each season + Write about these activites II PREPARATIONS: Textbook, pictures, cassetle III PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES 1/ Warm-up: (8’) - Give Ss some activities, and ask Ss to clarify the activities in four seasons Go swimming, play soccer, go jogging, go fishing, go on a picnic, play badminton, ski 2/ Presentation: (10’) - Ask Ss to read A4/p.136 (textbook) - Ask Ss to make questions and answer about Ba + What does Ba when it’s hot/ cold/ cool/ warm? 3/ Practice: (12’) - Ask Ss to answer about them What you when it’s hot/ cold/ cool/ warm? - Ask Ss to work in pair 4/ Production: (10’) - Have Ss make a survey Name Hot Cold Na Cool - Play in four groups spring summer winter - Read A4 - Practice with a partner He goes swimming when it’s hot He plays soccer when it’s cold He goes jogging when it’s cool He goes fishing when it’s warm - Write the answers in notebook When it’s hot, I go swimming When it’s cold, I play soccer When it’s cool, I go jogging When it’s warm, I go fishing - Work in pair - Make a survey Warm - Base on the table, ask Ss to answer some questions What does Na when it’s hot? What does Nam when it’s cold? What Na and Nam when it’s warm? - Answer the questions fall 5/ Homework: (2’) - Have Ss: + Review the vocabulary about acitivities + Do the exercise (Bad Ss) - Write assignments * Consolidation: Choose the best answer (Bad Ss) When it is warm, he goes ……… A swimming B for swimming C to swim What you often ……… it is hot? A What B When C How When ………, they play volleyball A there is B they are C it is IV COMMENT: ... go fishing, go on a picnic, play badminton, ski 2/ Presentation: (10’) - Ask Ss to read A4/p.1 36 (textbook) - Ask Ss to make questions and answer about Ba + What does Ba when it’s hot/ cold/

Ngày đăng: 22/11/2021, 12:34
