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BT AV10 Bo Tro Nang Cao Test 14

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Because these seasons exist, it may be possible for vegetation and other higher life 71......to be found on Mars.. Astronomers also think that perhaps a small 72.....of water vapour coul[r]

ENGLISH 10 TEST 14 I LEXICO-GRAMMAR Fruit pickers are paid at the of £1 an hour A sum B scale C rate D value After her illness, it took her a month to her normal strength A receive B refresh C return D regain He .a diary the whole time he was in prison A kept B followed C put down D carried on You might get there on time if you .now A will leave B leave C would have left D are leaving She said some bad things about me, but I have her for that A regretted B spared C forgiven D excused The lamp would not work because of a(n) in the switch A defect B mistake C fault D error This cloth is of good but it is not expensive A virtue B condition C character D quality The sky looks lighter I think the weather is A clearing away B clearing up C becoming clearer D clearing Why are you always so .? You never smile or look cheerful A unfortunate B sorry C miserable D angry 10 His parents never allowed him A a smoking B smoking C some smoke D to smoke 11 Since the motor-cycle accident, he has been .in one leg A lame B faulty C irregular D cracked 12 The scientists published the results of their A experiences B experiments C trials D exercises 13 I don't to see her again until next Tuesday A think B wait C expect D attend 14 The sky is clear, so it's .to rain this afternoon A doubtful B improbable C uncertain D unlikely 15 He is very of his conduct and promises never to behave like that again A ashamed B miserable C sorry D guilty 16 the weather forecast it will rain heavily later this morning A On account of B According to C Because of D Due to 17 I will the idea with the other teachers and see what they think about it A discuss B argue C explain D talk 18 It was a complete ., I never meant to hurt her A chance B coincidence C happening D accident 19 He borrowed a dictionary .me but he has never returned it A for B from C to D of 20 Speed limits on the road… to protect pedestrians as well as motorists A succeed B prove C serve D intend 21 It is far too hot today for you… the garden A to dig B digging C for digging D have dug 22 Once the fire out we had to sit in the cold A came B fell C lit D went 23 The library is only open weekday mornings now A in B on C for D at 24 He me to buy my air ticket immediately or it would be too late A advised B insisted C convinced D suggested 25 Did you break that window on .? A deliberation B purpose C intention D reason 26 It is said that a true .is one who is prepared to risk his life for others A inhabitant B native C hero D citizen 27 I was on the .of ringing you when you rang me A moment B tip C edge D point 28 Your voice reminds me of somebody, but I can't remember A who B who is C who is he D it is 29 his exhaustion, he won the marathon by nearly three minutes A Although B Despite C In spite D However 30.1 .seeing John tomorrow so I will give him your message A would be B may be C shall be D could be 31 People living abroad are not .to enter for this competition A ^enabled B eligible C capable D permissible 32 If I were you, .your car fixed before it lets you down A I'd have got B Ill get C I get D I'd get 33 Although he loved his country, .most of his life abroad A he spent B but he spent C but spent D so he spent 34 He tried every key in turn but not .fitted A each B any C one D none 35 An enormous of rubbish had built up in the factory yard over the years A hill B tower C stack D pile 36 High in the sky a .of birds was flying southward A swarm B pack C flock D herd 37 He played an active .in politics until he was well over 80 A part B job C position D share 38 The children won't go to sleep .we leave a light on outside their bedroom A except B unless C otherwise D but 39.1 am .him to arrive on Sunday A attending B waiting for C expecting D awaiting 40 If only I .play the guitar as well as you! A would B should C might D could 41 If you .too long, you may miss a wonderful opportunity A loiter B doubt C hesitate D hover 42.1 suppose Jason must be in his .teens A middle B late C earlier D later 43 Jenny and her sister are so ., they could almost be twins A alike B likeness C same D the same 44 Sarah's friends all had brothers and sisters but she was a(n) .child A singular B single C only D individual 45 They've a horrible new tower block where that lovely old building used to be A pulled down B put down C pushed up D put up 46 Do you mind waiting while I .a phone call? A have B make C D give 47.1 was ill all day yesterday, so I just sat and .television A watched B saw C noticed D looked at 48 She earns .more money than her husband A many B some C much D quite 49 My grandmother takes better photographs than A myself B me take C I take D me 50 He is just a nice, .person A usual B ordinary C typical D common 51 He would give no .for his behaviour A target B aim C cause D reason 52 I'm sorry, but this seat is A taken B engaged C used D busy 53 Will you go upstairs and .my slippers, please? A collect B take C fetch D obtain 54.1 .washing up when there was a knock at the door A just started B had just started C started D was started 55 You .marvellous in that dress A appear B seem C look D become 56 Because of TV, people are better .about what is going on in the world than they used to be A instructed B educated C prepared D informed 57 Those socks aren't a .! One is black and the other is brown A couple B pair C twin D double 58 I am looking .a hat with a blue ribbon A for B after C over D about 59 He has gone to the post office to .a parcel that has come for him A pick B gather C deliver D collect 60 Jeff wants to look his best at the wedding so he's A having a suit made B making a suit C having made a suit D to get made a suit 61 He has never really got that long illness he had A off B under C out of D over 62 Television has a not only to entertain people but also to inform them A necessity B duty C respect D discipline 63 Certain problems have , and so the meeting has been cancelled A arisen B aroused C risen D roused 64 As we liked the hotel so much we decided to our holiday A remain B stay C stretch D extend 65 I couldn't live with a person who had such disgusting A habits B customs C uses D actions II READING A Is there life on Mars? Many people have wondered (66) thisquestion Some writers of science-fiction think of people from Mars as little green creatures Others (67) .'Martians' as monsters with many eyes (68) .studying this planet, astronomers have found that life may be possible on Mars The first (69) .of this is that Mars has seasons, just like Earth In (70) words, Earth's seasons, such as spring or summer, occur on Mars too Because these seasons exist, it may be possible for vegetation and other higher life (71) to be found on Mars Astronomers also think that perhaps a small (72) of water vapour could be found on Mars In 1887, an Italian astronomer, Giovanni Schiaparelli, discovered markings on Mars' surface These markings looked like canals This finding (73) .astronomers to believe that since water exists on Mars, life forms could exist as well However, there are others who feel that life on Mars is not possible This is because there is (74) .or no trace of oxygen on the planet In 1965, the Mariner IV capsule managed to take photographs of the planet It discovered that the only forms of life found are vegetation like fungi and mosses (75) ., people remain fascinated by the idea that there could one day be life on Mars 66 A at 67 A imagine 68 A By 69 A sign 70 A other 71 A figures 72 A sum 73 A made 74 A little 75 A So B for B consider B In B signal B different B formations B amount B caused B a little B Thus C about C regard C Through C point C various C forms C number C urged C a few C Accordingly D with D draw D From D indication D diverse D patterns D lot D led D few D Nevertheless B When I opened the first 'Body Shop' in 1976 my only object was to earn enough to feed my children Today The 'Body Shop' is an international company rapidly growing all around the world In the years since we began I have learned a lot Much of what I have learned will be found in this book, for I believe that we, as a company, have something worth saying about how to run a successful business without giving up what we really believe in It's not a normal business book, nor is it just about my life The message is that to succeed in business you have to be different Business can be fun, a business can be run with love and it can good In business, as in life, I need to enjoy myself, to have a feeling of family and to feel excited by the unexpected I have always wanted the people who work for The 'Body Shop' to feel the same way Now this book sends these ideas of mine out into the world, makes them public I'd like to think there are no limits to our 'family', no limits to what can be done I find that an exciting thought I hope you do, too 76 What is the writer's main purpose in writing this text? A to introduce her ideas to the reader B to tell the reader her life story C to explain how.international companies operate D to tell the reader how she brought up a family 77 What would someone learn from this text? A how to make a lot of money B how to write a book about business C what the writer's family is like 78 How does the writer feel about the business she runs? A She doesn't care about sucess if her children are fed C It is not like any other company 79 What kind of workers does the writer like to employ? A workers who have the same attitudes as she does C workers who can explain her ideas 80 What kind of person does the writer seem to be? A She is mainly interested in making money C She seems to be someone with strong opinions D what the writer's book is about B She just runs it for her own entertainment D It is likely to become even more successful B workers who get on well with the public D workers who have their own families B She doesn't seem to be very confident D She sees running a business as just a job The End Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli (14 March 1835 – July 1910) was an Italian astronomer and science historian He was educated at the University of Turin, and later studied at Berlin Observatory, under Encke In 1859–1860 he worked in Pulkovo Observatory near St Petersburg, and then worked for over forty years at Brera Observatory in Milan He was also a senator of the Kingdom of Italy, a member of the Accademia dei Lincei, the Accademia delle Scienze di Torino and the Regio Istituto Lombardo, and is particularly known for his studies of Mars ANSWER KEY 14 A 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 B C  D                    21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A  B C D                    A 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 B C  D                    A 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 B C D                     ... lot of money B how to write a book about business C what the writer''s family is like 78 How does the writer feel about the business she runs? A She doesn''t care about sucess if her children are... this book, for I believe that we, as a company, have something worth saying about how to run a successful business without giving up what we really believe in It''s not a normal business book,... She is mainly interested in making money C She seems to be someone with strong opinions D what the writer''s book is about B She just runs it for her own entertainment D It is likely to become

Ngày đăng: 12/11/2021, 17:14



