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PASSAGE I was brought up in a very ordinary but very happy home with one elder sister, my mother and my father The great love of my life since I was a small girl was writing, which only family thought was surprising because they didn't consider themselves educated people I wasn't surprised though because my parents were great readers which is my idea of being educated Anyway, I trained to be a nurse but whenever I had free time I wrote: poems, short stories, I even once wrote a novel called 'The Pleasure Principle' but I didn't feel comfortable writing longer pieces and I soon went back to my poetry Then the strangest thing happened I had my twenty-first birthday just a few days before and I was feeling very much that I wanted to change things in my life I'd been nursing a very old woman for several months in a private ward, she told me that although she had-lots of relatives, no one came to visit her Anyway, when she died she left me an enormous sum of money, nearly three-quarters of a million pounds! Of course when the lawyer rang me up and told me I just laughed and thought that my friends were playing a joke on me So I put down the phone and went in to tell my mother the joke But it wasn't a joke! All of a sudden, I was a very rich woman Well, the first thing was that I was determined that I wouldn't waste the money Of course I wanted to something for my family, but all my dad said was 'We're not leaving this house after all the work I've put into the garden!' My mother agreed so all I did was give them something towards a new car and a new greenhouse My sister was working abroad at this time and when I wrote to tell her the news and offer her some money she said it was my money and that she knew I would use it sensibly None of this really came as a surprise because they've always had a sensible attitude towards money But this left me a fortune on my hands to spend! It soon became obvious to me that much as I loved nursing, I loved writing more and that's how I got started I went to America and did a degree in creative writing I had a wonderful time and learned a great deal, not from the lecturers necessarily but mainly from other hopeful writers on the course All this was a decade ago and I've now had several volumes of poetry published I now want to something to help other young poets so I'm thinking of setting up a small publishing company which I'll call Grace Park Books after the wonderful old lady who helped me fulfill my life's ambition! Question The author thought that her parents _ A were educated people B were uneducated people C were great poets D were surprised that she way an educated person Question According to the passage, the author _ A really enjoyed writing novels B didn't enjoy writing poetry very much C earned a lot of money from her writing D worked as a nurse Question According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT A The author inherited a fortune from one of her patients B The author's friends joked with her about the money C The author gave her family some of the money D The author was not surprised at her family's reaction to the money Question The word sensibly in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A wisely B wastefully C sparingly D immediately Question It can be inferred from the passage that Page A the author gave up her job as a nurse because she had got a great fortune B the author owns a successful publishing company C the author achieved her life's ambition thanks to the old woman's help D the author has become a famous poet ĐÁP ÁN 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- LỜI GIẢI CHI TIẾT Question 1: (line 4, par 1; my parents were great readers which is my idea of being educated.) Dịch nghĩa: Cha mẹ đọc giả tuyệt với, điều mà ý tưởng việc giáo dục Question 2: (par ; I'd been nursing a very old woman for several months in a private ward ) Dịch nghĩa: Tôi chăm sóc người phụ nữ lớn tuổi nhiều tháng phòng riêng Question 3: A - par.2 : I'd been nursing a very old woman for several months …; when she died she left me an enormous sum of money … B par.3: But it wasn't a joke! C par.3: … so all I did was give them something towards a new car and a new greenhouse; My sister was working abroad and when I wrote to offer her some money she said it was my money D par.3: None of this really came as a surprise because they've always had a sensible attitude towards money Dịch nghĩa: B Bạn bè tác giả nói trêu đùa cô tiền lương Question 4: (The context shows that sensibly has a positive meaning, so wastefully is not suitable; sparingly and immediately are not quite correct either The correct meaning in this context is wisely.) Dịch nghĩa:Ngữ cảnh câu văn ‘sensibly’ mang nghĩa tích cực Chọn A: cách khơn ngoan Question 5: (the last sentence: the wonderful old lady who helped me fulfill my life's ambition!)( Người đàn bà tuyệt vời mà giúp tơi đạt hồi bão mình) Dịch nghĩa:C Tác giả đạt hồi bão nhớ có giúp đỡ người đàn bà lớn tuổi BÀI DỊCH Tơi lớn lên gia đình bình thường hạnh phúc với cha mẹ chị gái Niềm đam mê lớn từ đứa trẻ viết văn, điều mà gia đình tơi nghĩ đáng ngạc nhiên họ khơng coi người giáo dục Tuy nhiên tơi khơng ngạc nhiên cha mẹ tơi độc giả tuyệt vời, lý tưởng giáo dục Dù vậy, đào tạo để trở thành y tá, tơi có thời gian rảnh, tơi viết: thơ, truyện ngắn, tơi chí viết tiểu thuyết có tên "The Pleasure Principle", không cảm thấy thoải mái viết mẩu chuyện dài sớm quay trở lại với thơ Page Sau đó, điều kỳ lạ xảy Tơi vừa tổ chức sinh nhật thứ 21 vài ngày trước cảm thấy muốn thay đổi số thứ đời Tơi chăm sóc người phụ nữ lớn tuổi vài tháng gian phịng riêng , bà nói với tơi bà có nhiều người thân, khơng có đến thăm bà.Dù vậy, bà qua đời, bà để lại cho số tiền lớn , gần ba phần tư triệu bảng! Tất nhiên luật sư gọi cho tơi nói với tơi, tơi cười nghĩ bạn bè đùa Vì vậy, tơi đặt điện thoại xuống vào nói với mẹ câu chuyện đùa Nhưng khơng phải trị đùa! Đột nhiên, trở thành người phụ nữ giàu có Vâng, tơi xác định tơi khơng lãng phí tiền bạc Tất nhiên tơi muốn làm cho gia đình , tất mà cha tơi nói "Chúng ta không rời khỏi nhà với công sức bỏ cho khu vườn!" mẹ tơi đồng ý tơi mua cho họ xe nhà kính Chị tơi làm việc nước ngồi lúc viết thư báo cho chị thông tin gửi cho chị số tiền, chị nói tiền tơi chị biết tơi sử dụng cách hợp lý Những điều khơng làm tơi bất ngờ họ ln ln có thái độ đắn tiền bạc Nhưng điều mang lại cho giàu có tay mình! Tơi nhanh chóng cảm thấy rõ ràng dù tơi thích việc điều dưỡng, yêu công việc viết văn cách mà tơi bắt đầu Tơi đến Mỹ đạt văn Creative Writing (viết sáng tạo) Tơi có khoảng thời gian tuyệt vời học nhiều, không thiết từ giảng viên mà chủ yếu từ nhà văn triển vọng khác khóa học Tất điều xảy từ thập kỉ trước tơi có số tập thơ xuất Giờ tơi muốn làm điều để giúp đỡ nhà thơ trẻ khác nên nghĩ đến việc thành lập công ty xuất nhỏ mà gọi 'Grace Park Books' sau cụ bà tuyệt vời giúp thực hóa ước mơ đời mình! Page

Ngày đăng: 20/09/2021, 08:34



