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modal verbs

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Shall- should Shall - Future tense: with “ I, we” - Suggestions or invitations Eg: Shall we go to cinema?. Shall I help you with that?.[r]

(1)Modal verbs (2) Content Can – could May – might Must – have to Shall – should Will – would Ought to – dare – need (3) Can - could Can Could - Present ability - Past ability Eg: I can speak Eg: I could write when I was - Used in conditional sentences English very well - With sense verbs : Eg: If you tried, you could = present continuous that work - More polite than “ Can” to tense Eg: Listen! I can hear ask the sound of the sea Eg: Could you tell me the time, please? - Show a slight protest or doubt Eg: His story could be true, but I hardly think it is (4) May - might May Might - Show permission, ask permission, possibility Eg: It may/ might be rain - Used after “ hope”, “ trust” Eg: I trust (hope) that you may find this plan to your satisfaction - Used in adverb clause of concession Eg: He may be poor, but he is honest (Though he is poor…) - Used in petulant reproaches Eg: You might listen when I am talking to you (5) Must – have to Must - A logical conclusion, a reasonable thought Eg: you have worked all day; you must be tired - Some personal circumstances makes the obligation necessary Eg: I must go to bed early - NOT used in past tenses, in questions - 'mustn't' to express strong obligations NOT to something Eg: You mustn't phone me at work We aren't allowed personal calls Have to - All tenses - External circumstances Eg: I have to arrive at work at sharp My boss is very strict - “ don’t have to” = NO obligation or necessity Eg: We don't have to get there on time The boss is away today (6) Shall- should Shall - Future tense: with “ I, we” - Suggestions or invitations Eg: Shall we go to cinema? Shall I help you with that? Should - Used as an advice = ought to Eg: You should send an email - Regret something in the past Eg: you should have studied hard ( you fail in the exam because you didn’t study) (7) Will – would Will - Future tense: a plan, willingness, promise or determination - In conditional sentence - Requests : Eg: will you open the door, please? Would - Past habits = used to Eg: I would go to the zoo when I was young - In conditional sentence 2, - Offers or requests: > polite than will (8) Ought to – dare – need Ought to Dare Need - = should - Strong probability - Ought not to have + p2: disagree with what had done Eg: you ought not to have slept late last night - Mostly in interrogative and negative sentences - Means: to have the courage to sth Eg: She dare not tell the truth NOTE: + “ I dare say” = I expect/ suppose/ think” Eg: I dare say he will come late + “ How dare + S+ sth = how can S be so rude and bold Eg: how dare he speak to you like that? - Mostly used in negative and interrogative sentences - Means: necessary Eg: you needn’t wait for me I’ll come in a hour (9)

Ngày đăng: 18/09/2021, 12:17



