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HSG Tieng Anh 11

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Part B: Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question of the passage:1 points Throughout the United States, the number of places where people are allowed to smoke has[r]

(1)SỞ GIÁO DỤC & ĐÀO TẠO LẠNG SƠN TRƯỜNG THPT ĐÌNH LẬP ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC KỲ THI HỌC SINH GIỎI CẤP TRƯỜNG LỚP 11 THPT NĂM HỌC 2013 - 2014 MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) Ngày thi: …… (Đề thi gồm 06 trang) PART I: LISTENING (2 points) Part A Complete the form below (1 points) Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS for each answer PACKHAM’S SHIPPING AGENCY – customer quotation form Name: Jacob (1) ………… Address to be collected from: (2) ………… College, Downlands Rd Town: Bristol Postcode: (3) ………… Contents: clothes: (4)…………and ………… Total estimated value: (5) £………… Part B Choose the best answers A, B, C, or D (1 points) All of these are under the supervision of Forest Service, EXCEPT A rivers B agriculture C grasslands D lakes Which of the following is true about forest fires? A They burn down more than hectares of land every year B They are one of the threats to wild lands in America C They are an unnatural part of forest growth D They threaten everybody’s life According to the recording, fuel A comes from dead and tiny plants B grows under tall trees C can’t be removed when there is a fire D is always cleared by hand All are true about invasive species, EXCEPT A they are non native plants and animals B they damage the economy C they all come from Asia D they grow at the loss of native plants and animals The loss of open space A is needed by many animals B is controlled by hundreds of experts from Forest Service C makes it easier for houses near wild lands to catch fire D can bring about wild lands for the animals PART II: PHONETICS (1 points) Part A Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest A wet B wheel C answer D away (2) A their A volunteer A now A choir B northern B province B flow B chore C this C population C row C chemist D D D D thankful provide know chorus Part B - Choose the word that has the different stress from the others: A champion B composer C decide D machine A pesticide B separate C slavery D efficient A capable B personal C interact D average A theatre B cinema C interesting D career 10 A appliance B activity C adventure D average PART III: VOCABULARY and GRAMMAR (6 points) Part A Circle the letter A, B, C or D beside the answer that best fits each of the banks (4 points) There is no point in persuading him to help you A He can’t help you although he wants to B He is easy to be persuaded to help you C It is useless to persuade him to help you D Everyone can persuade him to help you How can I know………book is yours? They are so alike A what B which C this D the The secretary to……… you met yesterday is very intelligent A which B who C that D whom Could you please ……… me the way to Tran Quoc Tuan high school? A tell B talk C ask D speak She …………… him into handing over his savings A perceived B received C deceived D cancelled They don’t let me……… out after 10 p.m A go B going C to go D went He didn’t mention……… about his progress in his study A concerning B being concerned C to concern D to be concerned The more science and technology advance, the small the world seems to be A B C D Yesterday I spent a whole day …… the races at Ascot A in B on C at D above 10 What was the ………… of illiteracy in Vietnam 2000? - 94% A number B figure C rate D commission 11 “I myself broke the vase.” Lan said A Lan admitted breaking the vase B Lan promised to break the vase C Lan prevented me from breaking the vase D Lan denied breaking the vase 12 I’d like to take my holiday ……… 10 th March …… 15th April A from/to B from/in C on/to D in/ on (3) 13 My teacher……… me to prepare our lesson before going to school A proposed B suggested C said D advised 14 The school trip has become an annual event A year B every year C any year D yearly 15 In summer, winter clothes are often on …………… every where near my house A sell B sale C sold D selling 16 Hung: “ I have passed my exam” - Lan: :………… ” A That is a good idea B It is nice of you to say so C You are well D Congratulations! 17 Do many people in your country……… to take care of others? A volunteer B voluntary C voluntarily D volunteered 18 He is the first pupil in my class getting the scholarship A B C D 19 Mary said me not to go to school late again A B C D 20 This plane can fly from the North to the South of … country in … hour or two A the/an B the/a C a/the D a/ an Part B Use the correct form of the words given in brackets to fill in the blanks in each sentence (2 points) She has one of the biggest in Britain (COLLECT) The judge told him it was to drink and drive, and banned him for a year (RESPONSIBLE) The keys were locked inside the car , a side window was open (LUCKY) Three firms are in .for the same contract.(COMPETE) It is forbidden to hunt for that kind of bird It has been listed as one of the .species (DANGER) Although Margaret is a ……… ……… student in some respects, she has not had a satisfactory term (GIFT) These shoes look quite smart but they’re terribly (COMFORT) Burning coal is an way of heating a house Gas is much cheaper (ECONOMY) Everyone likes him because he has a really good sense of (HUMOROUS) 10 _, Vietnamese kids say best wishes to their grandparents and they would give the kids lucky money in red envelopes at Tet (TRADITION) PART IV: READING (5 points) Part A: Fill in the blank with a suitable word to complete the passage (2 points) Dinner parties Organizing a dinner party can be a stressful business Firstly you have to decide (1) _you are going to invite and make (2) _the guests are going to mix well It’s (3) _good inviting people that are either going to sit around (4) _small groups and only speak to each (5) _or people that are (4) going to hide behind the furniture and not talk at (6 ) _ Also you have to ensure they can get to and from your home ( 7) _any problems Next is organising the food You want to prepare a meal that is above average standard, but doesn’t cost the earth It is also wise to ask the guests about their likes and dislikes (8) _you invite them, as you don’t want to serve up a meal nobody (9) eat Cooking the meal is important as (10 ) _ because you want it ready at the time you stated Seating arrangements are important too You don’t want all the quiet guests at one end of the table and the talkative ones at the other Serving drinks before, during and after the meal is always a good way to get people to relax and chat And remember to shut the cat in another room, as you don’t want it to jump onto the table searching for a snack! Part B: Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question of the passage:(1 points) Throughout the United States, the number of places where people are allowed to smoke has gradually become smaller and smaller First, it was banned on trains, buses, and planes, then in public places such as theatres and airports Now you can't smoke in any workplace Nonsmokers are definitely winning the battle "Why should we breathe their smoke?", they say If they are lucky, smokers can still find some bars and restaurants where they can light up a cigarette, but it may soon be banned there, too Anti-smoking groups even think that smoking ought to be banned in people's homes Under new plans you won't be able to smoke where there are more than ten visitors in a week, or where there are children In 1996, nicotine was classed as drug, like cocaine or heroin In the country that gave tobacco to the world, smoking might one day illegal Now you can smoke but in the future you can't A on trains B in theatres C on planes D in bars "Why should we breathe their smoke?" The word "their" in this sentence means: A smokers' B other people's C nonsmokers' D visitors' Which of the following sentences is true according to the passage? A The number of smokers has become smaller B You can smoke in some bars and restaurants C You can smoke in your office D There are more places for people who want to smoke "Nonsmokers are winning the battle" means: A there are more nonsmokers B there are more smokers C there are fewer places where people can smoke D there are more places where people can smoke In the future, smoking in .may soon be banned A bars and restaurants B the country that gave tobacco to the world C large family's homes D all of these places (5) Part C: Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage (2 points) In the past people suffered (1) a disease called scurvy Their gums bled, their skin became rough, their wounds did not (2) and their muscles wasted away The (3) of these symptoms was a lack of vitamin C; people ate preserved meats and foods and could not get fresh vegetables and fruits The best (4) of vitamin C are oranges, lemons, grapefruit, cantaloupes, strawberries, and fresh vegetables These fruits must be fresh because vitamin C is destroyed by heat, storage, or exposure (5) air Although today more people (6) vitamin C pills than any other supplement, some people still have scurvy, (7) some of the elderly, alcoholics, and the chronically ill Research shows that vitamin C reduces the (8) of colds and can help prevent cancer There is also evidence that vitamin C prevents heart disease, (9) wound healing, helps prevent gum disease, and helps protect us from pollutants such as cigarette smoke Some recent research also shows that vitamin C has a positive effect on some mental (10) and increases life span A from B with C by D at A close B recover C heal D get well A reason B cause C origin D signs A store B resources C provider D sources A to B towards C in D by A consume B drink C take D have A containing B including C consisting D like A severity B seriousness C gravity D importance A hastens B hurries up C quickens D speeds 10 A chaos B confusions C disorders D disturbances PART V: WRITING (6 points) Part A: Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it (3 points) I think someone has already told me to that I think I His car is more expensive than mine My car doesn’t She didn’t say a word as she left the room She left the room He didn’t obey my advice last week so he makes a lot of mistakes in his writing now If (6) It is pointless to worry about someone else’s problem There is no point ………………………………………… Gary is proud of the fact that he is never late Gary prides ……………………………………………… Part B: Write a new sentence similar in meaning to the one given, using the word given in brackets (3 points) Come back when you finish your report UNTIL “ If I were you, I wouldn’t help him this” Lan said to me ADVISED “It is very kind of you to help me, Lan Many thanks.” Hung said THANKED You must never mention this to him CIRCUMSTANCES Hoa was the only pupil in our class who didn’t like English THE END APART (7)

Ngày đăng: 10/09/2021, 03:26
