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By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to listen and understand the teacher’s commands, instructions, use simple commands in class.. + Vocab: Come, sit, open your book, sit down, c[r]



Period A Objectives:


By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to listen and understand the teacher’s commands, instructions, use simple commands in class

+ Vocab: Come, sit, open your book, sit down, close your book, stand up + Structures: V (bare inf) + O

2 Skills: Use all skills Attitude:

- Ss can understand how to command and how to obey B Teaching aids:

Text books, posters, lesson plan, projector, computer speaker

C Methods: mime drill, Matching, Simon Says, Mapped Dialogue. D Contents:


Class Date of teaching Absent ss

6A1 …… ………


6A3 ……… ……… Teacher & Ss’ activities Contents

II WARM UP (5 mins) Jumble word: (using cards) -ni meoc

-ist wdon -adnts pu


Step : Presentation (12’) Activity Vocabulary :

Using techniques to present new words

-Ss listen and guess the meaning of the words ss repeat in chorus/individual

-Ss copy down Check voc : R O.R

Activity Presentation text : A1.P20 - Introduce the pictures

Now, look at these pictures and tell me where they are

who this woman is, who these children are. Look at the pictures, listen to T and answer the questions

- Play the tape ( Ts)

- Get Sts to listen and practice reading Step : Practice (17’)

Act Matching: (A P.21)

- T lets sts run through and T models a) Open your book.

- T asks Ss to work individually then in pairs

Come in - Sit down

- Open your book - Close your book - Stand up

1 Vocabulary - come in : vào

- sit down : ngồi xuống - stand up : đứng lên - open (v) : mở (sách - close (v): gấp sách lại - your: cua ban, cua cac ban => IMPERATIVES (câu mệnh


Dạng khẳng định: Vo +…., please.

(Động từ nguyên thể + …

Dạng phủ định: Don’t + động từ nguyên thể + …

*Use: Đưa mệnh lệnh trực tiếp, u cầu người khác làm 2.Practice

 Picture a-Open your book  Picture b-Sit down


matching the pictures with suitable imperatives - Read the imperative

sentences, then match the pictures with the imperative sentences individually then pair compare

- T corrects

Act 2: Mime drill: - T mimes:

( Open your book.) ( Stand up)

( Come in)……

- Listen to the T then as teacher’s mime Act 3: Simon says

T: Guid ss to play game “ Simon says” + 10 Ss stand in a circle

+ Listen to the teacher’s commands If the T says “Simon says” Ss as the commands, if there is no “Simon says”, no action

Listen to the instruction Play the game in teams Step : Production (8’)

Mapped Dialogue:

- Ask Ss to close their books

- Put the poster with the cues on the board - Elicit the exchanges from Ss

- Have some pairs of Ss practice each exchange before going on to another exchange

- After finishing the dialogue, asks a good pair to demonstrate the whole dialogue

- Call on some pairs of Ss to demonstrate the dialogue

*Choose the best answer:

A Sit down B Stand up

C Keep silent D Raise your hand

A Write your name on the board B Clean the board

C Sit down D Turn on the light

 Picture d-Close your book Picture e-Stand up

Miss Hoa Children morning!

How ? Fine sit … and open 

morning, Miss Hoa

We are fine and ?

Yes, Miss ! Yes, Miss!

Miss Hoa: Good morning, children Children: Good morning, Miss Hoa Miss Hoa: How are you?

Children: We are fine, thanks And you?

Miss Hoa: Fine, Thanks, Sit down Children: Yes, Miss!

Miss Hoa: And open your books. Children: Yes, Miss

A Open the door B Close the window

C Come in, please D Stand up

A Don’t make noise B Please keep silent C Be careful


IV SUMMARY (2 mins)

Ask ss to retell the imperatives

V HOMEWORK (1 min)

Request ss to learn newwords by heart - Exercise P 11 (workbook )

Ngày đăng: 27/05/2021, 00:32


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