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Ss will be able to talk about position of things II. - Call some Ps to write on the board.. * The calendar is on the wall, above the stove. The knives are on the wall, under the cupboard[r]



Preparing date14/09/2009 Teaching date: 21/09/2009 Period 13 :

Unit 3


At home

Lesson Speak I Objectives:

Ss will be able to talk about position of things II Language contents :

+ Grammar : Arrange the furniture ‘Let’s + V - ing’ + Vocabulary : rug, cushion, dish jack

III Techniques : pairwork, groupwork, individualwork IV Teaching aids: Ts’ & Ss’ book, pictures, a chart.

V Procedure:

Stages Contents Teacher s & Students activities’ ’

1 Warm up minutes



7 minutes Practice

(12 minutes )

Things in the kitchen

* Sample:

- knife, rice cooker, clock, fridge, table, chairs, stove, bowl, cupboard

III Speak. 1 New words:

- rug - dish jack - cushion - lighting fixture - counter ( bàn nấu ăn )

2) Look at the picture and describe the position of each item. + P1: Where is the clock?

P2: It is on the wall

+ P1: Where is the cupboard?

* Brainstorm:

- Have Ps write as many words as they can about thing in the kitchen - Call some Ps to write on the board * Pre teach some new words:

- Ask Ps to practice asking and answering about things in the picture

? Where is the clock?/ the fruit?/ the flowers?





+ P1: Where are the knives? P2: They are on the wall, under the cupboard

* The calendar is on the wall, above the stove The knives are on the wall, under the cupboard

3) Arrange the items in the picture.


P1: Let’s put the clock on the wall, between the shelf and the picture P2: OK, I think we ought to put the TV and the stereo on the shelf

P3: I think the coffee table should be between the couch and the arm-chair P4: Let’s put the telephone next to the couch

P5: I think we should put the magazines above the books on the shelves

P6: I think the shelves ought to be at one of the corners, opposite the couch

- Call some Ps to describe the items in the kitchen again

* Set the scene: Mrs Vui bought new furniture for her living room, but she can t decide where to put it Youshould help her to arrange the furniture.

- Ask Ps to look at the picture and talk about their ideas

- Have Ps practice speaking in front of the class ( Notice if they agree they can say “ Yes”, If does not, they can say “No”

5 Homework: minutes

Remind Ps to study at home and prepare new lesson Have Ps write a short paragraph to describe about their bedroom

* Remark :


Preparing date: /09/2010 Teaching date: /09/2010. Period 14 :

Unit 3


At home

Lesson Listen I- Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to identify the right items and know how to make an instruction how to cook Chinese fried rice

II Language contents : + Grammar : modal verbs

+ Vocabulary : special, Chinese, fried rice, garlic…… III Techniques : pairwork, groupwork, individualwork IV Teaching aids: Ts’ & Ss’ book, picture

V Procedure:

Stages Contents Teacher s & Students activities’ ’

1 Warm up minutes



8 minutes Practice

17 minutes


E.g rice, meet, vegetables, beef, fish, chicken, noodles, bread, peas

IV Listen 1) New words:

- special - green pepper - fried rice - garlic

2) Look at the picture Check the right items

* Answers: a) Fried rice b) Pan

* Brainstorm:

- Have Ps write about the food they know and like to eat

? What kind of food you like best? ? Do you like fried rice?

? Have you ever eaten Chinese fried rice?

- Pre teach some vocabulary:

* Set the scene: You are going to cook “a special Chinese fried rice”

Now guess what things you should use to cook fried rice before listening to check the items used to cook Chinese fried rice




12 minutes

3 Use: Ought to and should is used to give advice to someone. Form: Should/ought to + V * Answers:

b) P1: I am late:

P2: You ought to get up early c) P1: I am fat

P2: You ought to eat more fruit and vegetables

d) P1: My tooth aches

P2: You ought to see a dentist * Possible answers:

1 P1: His tooth aches

P2: He ought to go to the dentist’s P1: Bao is overweight

P2: He ought to eat less meat and exercise more often

3 P1: The floor is dirty P2: You ought to clean it P1: She is thin

P2: She ought to eat more

What you say to advice her?

- Explain the use of “should” and ought to

“ ”

- Ask Ps to give advice to the people in the pictures page 35

- Ask them to work in pairs

* Have Ps work in groups to give advice to these situations

1 His tooth/ ache

2 Bao/ overweight

3 the floor/ dirty She/ thin

5 Homework: minutes


Preparing date:14/09/2009 Teaching date: 26/09/2009. Period 15 :

Unit 3


At home

Lesson Read I- Objectives:

By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to understand the safety precautions in the house and know how to protect themselves

II Language contents :

+ Grammar : Modal verbs, question with Why - because + Vocabulary : community, center, safety, precaution… III Techniques : pairwork, groupwork, individualwork IV.Teaching aids: Ts’ & Ss’ book

V Procedure:

Stages Contents Teacher s & Students activities’ ’

1 Warm up minutes



10 minutes

Pre- of place

V Read.

1 New words:

- precaution ( translation ) - a socket ( realia )

- a match ( realia ) - an object ( translation ) - safety ( adjective) - to destroy ( translation ) - to injure ( picture )

* T/F statements prediction


- Have Ps write some preposition of place

- Call Ps to write on the bb * Pre- teach some new words

- Explain the meaning of new words - Guide Ps to read in chorus

- Call Ps to read again


3 While-reading 15 minutes

4 Post reading

12 minutes

* Poster

Guess Correct

a b c d e f


2 Comprehension questions.

+ Possible answers:

a Because children often try to eat and drink them

b Because the kitchen is a dangerous place

c Because playing with one match can cause the fire

d because children often try to put something into electrical sockets and electricity can kill

e Because the dangerous objects can injure or kill children

* Discussion

+ Safety precautions in the street + Safety precautions at school

precaution” and check their prediction

- Ask Ps to correct mistakes if necessary

- Ask Ps to work in pairs to find out the answers of these questions

a Why must we put all chemicals and drug in a locked cupboard?

b Why mustn’t we let the children play in the kitchen?

c Why mustn’t children play with matches?

d why must we cover electrical sockets?

e Why we have to put all dangerous objects out of children’s reach?

Ask Ps to work in groups, discussing about the topic : Safety precaution in the street and at the school

5 Homework: minutes

Ask Ps to practice in Why questions with because-answer by doing the exercise language focus

* Remark :


Ngày đăng: 30/04/2021, 03:15
