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Nội dung

T: calss on some pairs to ask and answer T –S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers. T : presents the situation “ Nga and Hoa go to the post office afte[r]



Preparing day: 20/8/2010

Teaching day: Week:1

Period : I, Objectives

- Help students to review the language they have learnt - Practice doing exercises in concrete situations

II, Main content

 vocabulary: review

 structure : review

 Grammar : Simple present, Present continuous, intention…

III, Teaching aids: extra boards, teaching plan … IV, Teaching procedures

 Management(45’)

 Checking the old lesson (during the lesson )

 New lesson

Content Method

1: warm up

2, presentation

A, Present simple :

Denotes an action which usually happens Adverbs of frequency which are often used in this tense : always , ussally, ofen,

sometimes,never… * The form :

+ S + V +O…

_ S + don’t +V +O… ? Do/ does +S +V +O…? Ex: She often go to work by car I don’t like fish

Do you usually read newspapers ?

B, present simple:

- denotes an action which is happening at the present

- Adverbs of time : now, at present, at the moment…

+ S + be + Ving…

- S + be +not + Ving… ? Be +S + Ving … EX : He is working now

They are not learning Eglish at the moment

Are you singing now ? Yes , I am / No, I am not

C, Intention with “to be going to”

To be going to +V…

Ex : I am going to visit Ha Long Bay next Sunday

We are going to stay in a hotel

3 Practice

T -S : greet

T : asks some information … S : Answer

T: Helps Sts to review the present simple The use?

The form? S: answer

T - S : Make comments T: asks S to give examples S: answer

T- S : Make comments and correction if neccesary

T: asks S to review the use and the form of this tense

S: answer

T -S : make comments…

T : asks S to give some examples S : Answer

T- S: make comments…

T :asks S to review the structure : “to be going to +V…


Exercise :Suppy the correct tense of the verbs in bracket.

1: Hoa ( like) volley ball She often ( play) volleyball with her friends They (play) it three times a week They(play) in the school yard now

2: Where (be) Mai?

She (be) in the kitchen She( cook) lunch for her family

3 : Which sports your brothers (play)? They ( swim) They( swim) in the swimmingpool at the momment Keys : 1, likes ,plays, play, are playing 2: is, is, is cooking

3: do…play, swim, are swimming… Exercises 2: Write questions with “ be going to” then answer


2 Where/they/ stay/Ho Chi Minh City/at a friend’s house

3 How long/she/stay/there?/for two months

4 Where/Loan/work?/ Ha noi

4 Cosolidation

T: gives exercises or situations on the extra boards

S: the exercises in groups or pairs or individual

T: calls on some Ss to anwser or write the answers

T -S : make comments and corrections if neccesary correct answers

T :asks S to the exercise in groups

S: work in groups (write on the worksheets) T: calls on some S to answer or write the answer on the board

S: answer

T -S : Make comments and corrections if necessary correct answers

S: copy down

T: asks S to remember the language they have reviewed

T: Holds a game “Matching”

A Lan often

They are Does she Is Nam We are going What


are you going to tomorrow? plays tennis in her free time

practicing English at the momment like beer

to visit Ha Long Bay nextweek S: take part in the game in groups T: call on some Ss to answer S: answer

T - S: make comment and corrections…

5 Homework: 1- Rewrite these exercises at home

2- Write 10 sentenses using the present simple and the present progressive tense

3- Prepare Unit (A1+A2)

6, Marks and remarks:

Unit 1: Back to school

5 periods ( from to 6)


Teaching day: 20/8/2010 Preparing day:

Week: Period:

A, Objectives: After the lesson students can greet people, identify oneselfand introduce others B, Main content

* Vocabulary : parents, still, unhappy… * structure : Nice to see you

Nice to meet you…

* Grammar : present simple, comparison (review)

C, Teaching aids: pictures of students(Ba, Nga and Hoa are talking to one another), tape cassette…

D, Teaching procedures * Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson) * N

ew lesson:

Content Method

1.Warm up:

Good morning Hi Hello Good afternoon

Good evening Good bye…

2 Presentation: A1 listen/ practice

* Greetings

{ Nice to meet youNice to see you Dïng hai ngêi gỈp lần đầu sau

khi c gii thiu { Nice to see you again

Nice to meet you again Dïng hai ngêi gỈp sau mét

thêi gian không gặp

3 Practice

T-S: greet one another T: ask some information S: answer

T: Hold a game “slap the board” to help Ss to review the greetings

S: take part in the game

T -S : make comments the winner T: ask some questions to lead to the new lesson 1, you have any new friends this school year? What you say to your friends when you first meet after the summer holiday?

Are you happy to be back to school again? S : answer

T: look at the picture page 10 S : observe

T: presents the situation of the dialogue T: play the tape

S: observe the picture and listen to the dialogue T: play the tape again

S : listen and repeat

T: ask sts to review the structures

{ Nice to meet youNice to see you

S: answer

? Make the different between “Nice to meet you and nice to meet you again”

S : answer

T-S :Make comments ? Coppy down

T: ask sts to pactice the dialogue in groups S: work in groups of

T: ask some groupsto roleplay S: practice

T-S: Make comments…

T:ask Sts to change their roles while practicing ?Make similar dialogues

S: work in group of

T: Presents the situation in which Hoa


So am I = I am , too

a Her name is Hoa b She is in class 7A c Nam is also in class 7A

A2 read and answer.

*Pre- reading

_ from?

_staying with? _ A lot of friends Hoa _old school? _ new school?

_ happy or unhappy?/ _ why?

Your father and your mother are your parents

 parents: (n)

 unhappy (adj) = not happy

 miss( v)

 still(adv)

 different from = not the same * While - reading


a, she is from Hue

b, she is staying with her uncle and aunt c, no, she doesn’t have any friends in Ha noi

d, It is bigger than her old school e, Because she misses her friends and her parents very much

* post- reading:

4, Consolidation

? look at the picture(b) /108, listen and find out what Hoa says to make friends with Nam

T: play the tape twice S: listen and answer… T: play the tape again S: listen and repeat

? practice the dilogue in pairs S: practice

: call on some pairs to roleplay

T-S make comments and corrections to pronunciaton if neccessery

* T: presents the way of saying agreement with “so” T: give situations

Mai: I am a student

Hoa: I am a student, too/ So am I

? Read the two dialogues again and answer the questions

S: work in pairs

T: check students’ answers through the Game “lucky numbers”

S: take part in the game in groups

T-S make comments the correct answers the winner

? look at the picture A2/11 T: who is this?

S: this is Hoa

What you know about Hoa? S: answer…

T: Guess more information about Hoa? Where is she from?

Who is she staying with? Is she happy?/ unhappy?/why?

S: guess the information about Hoa…

? How many schools are there in the picture?-S: (two) Which school is bigger? - S: Hong Ha is

S: answer

T: writes on the board and presents the new language through students’ answers

S: guess the meaning of the new words

T: helps sts to practice reading the ne language ?Read the text in silence and check your guess S: read and check

? Read the text aloud

T :calls on some sts to read the text T and sts : make comments…

? read the text again and answer the questions/111 S: work in pairs

T: Calls on some pairs to ask and answer S1- S2 : practice

T- S:make comments the corect answers S: coppy down

? Tell about Hoa S: work in groups

T: call on some sts to retell before class S: retell

T - S : make comments…


5, Home work:

- Rewrite questions and answers part A1+A2

- Summarize the text about Hoa and learn by heart

- Imagine you are a newcomer ,introduce yourself to others and get accquainted with them

S: coppy down


Unit1: lesson 2: A3,4,5,6

Preparing day: 20 /8/2010

Teaching day: Week :1


A: Objectives: - After the lesson sts will be able to greet each other fluently - Help sts to practice speaking, listening skills…

B: Main content:

* Vocabulary: greetings (review) * Structures: How is everything? Pretty good

Just fine… * Grammar: present simple…

C: Teaching aids: tape cassette, pictures, extraboards D: Teaching procedures:

* Management(45’)

* Checking the old lesson( during the new lesson) * New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2: Presentation

A3: Listen and practice

Review :

Good morning thờng chào gặp Good afternoon ngời lớn tuổi vào

Good evening buổi tơng ứng

Hi and Hello : thờng dùng trờng hợp thân mật hơn, giao tiÕp víi b¹n bÌ

3 Practice.

T- S: greet each other T: hold a game “ networks”

? write the greetings you have learnt S: work in groups

T-S :make comments… the winner

T: Lead to the new lesson

? look at the picture part A3/12: “ this is Nga This is Mr Tan”

What are they doing?

S: they are greeting each other T: plays the tape

S: listen to the tape ? Liten again and repeat S: listen and repeat

? Make the difference among the greetings S: answer

T- S: make comments…

? practice the dialogue in pairs S1- S2: work in pairs

T: call on some pairs to roleplay T- S: Make comments




Good bye


A4, Listen and complete the dialogues

{ How are you? How is everything?

Dùng để hỏi tình hình sau thời gian không gặp

The answer: - just fine - Not bad - pretty good - OK


So am I = me , too( American English) a , How are you?

Pretty good How about you? Not bad

Me, too

b , How is eveything?

OK How are you today? Just fine

So am I

A5 listen

* pre- listening

* while - listening:

c ,b, d, a

* post- listening

A6 play with words

4: Consolidation: 5 Home work

? Make similar dalogues? Ss: work with a partner T- S : Make comments

T: ask sts to kook at the greetings part and explains the greetings sts haven’t known S: listen…

T: Hang the extra boards then presrnts the situation of the dialogues

S: observe and guess the missing words(page 12)

T: play the tape twice

S: listen and complete the dialogues T: calls on some sts to answer S: answer

T: plays the tape again and pauses at each sentence, if necessary Then help sts to check their answers correct answers

S: copy down

? practice the dialogues in pairs T: calls on some pairs to roleplay T-S : Make comments…

? Look at the four pictures page13 T: presents the situation of each picture ? who are they in the picture?

Where are they? What are they doing?

? guees the time in each picture S: answer: a, in the afternoon b, d :in the morning c, in the evening

T: you will listen converssations describing the picture but they are not in the correct order

Listen and mark the numbers in good oder as the conversation you hear

T: play the tape( twice)

S: listen and write the letter… T: calls on some sts to answer

T: plays the tape again and pause, if necessary

S: listen again and check the answers T- S :make comments correct answers

T: ask sts to practice the dialogues ( use the picture page13.)

S: work in pairs

T: calls on some pairs to roleplay S1- S2: practice

T - S : make comments T: tell sts to look at part A6 T: plays the tape


1 Learn by heart the greetings

2 Rewrite the complete dialogues A4/ 12,13 Prepare B1, 2,

6 Marks and remarks


Unit1: lesson 2

A Objectives

Week : Period :4

A Objectives

- After the lesson sts will be able to ask for personal information - Pratice speaking , listening ….skills

B, Main content:

* Vocabulary: family name, middle name, … * Structures: What your family name?

My family name is… What is your middle name? It’s …

* Grammar: present simple tense, WH - questions

C, Teaching aids: picture (page 25)+ extra boards(take a survey) D, Teaching procedures:

* Management( 45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson) * New lesson

Content Method

1 Warm up.

Student Tran Hung Dao street

New 13 years old

2 Presentation

Family name (n) Middle name(n)

- What is your family name?

My family name is Pham/ It’s Thi - What is your middle name?

It’s Thi/ my middle name is Thi

Pham Thi Hoa Family name middle name first name

T - S :greet each other

T: asks sts to observe the picture of Hoa and give information about and asks them to make sentenses with the information

S: work in groups of 4or sts

T- S : make comments the winner

T: leads to the new lesson

Has sts look at the picture B1/ 15 Who are they in the picture? Where are they ?

what are they doing? What is the teacher doing? What are the sts doing?

S: answer: asking?/ talking about Hoa…/ address/ family name… or greeting… T- S: Make comments

T: presents the new language through sts’answers

? listen and check your guesses T: plays the tape

S: listen and check

? Listen again and give questions and answers about personal information in the dialogue S: answer

T:presents the new structures S: guess the meanings

T: helps sts to practice reading the new language and using them

T: asks some sts

What your family name? S: answer…

S1- S2; practice in pairs t-S: make comments


3 Practice(10 )

a, She is talking to Miss Lien b, Her family name is Pham

c, Her middle name is Thi/ It’s Thi d, She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao street

B Write.complete the dialogue


Who Who Which Where Where How

4 Consolidation

Take a survey.

Name Lan

Age …

Grade …

School …

Home address …

5 Home work: ? Write about Hoa

?Write and tell about you

?Rewrite the dialogue part B2/ page 16 ? Prepare B4,

S1- S2 practice

T: calls on some pairs to practice T -S : make comments…

? ask and answer about yourself S s: work in pairs

? read the dialogue again and answer the questions page 15

S : work in pairs

T : calls on some sts to ask and answer T - S : make comments and corrections if necessary the corect answers ? Tell about Hoa?

S : answer: Hoa is a student

She is 13 years old She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao street…

T: holds a game “ network” S: take partin the game in groups T -S : make comments…

The winner

T: presents the situation : “ Lan is talking to Nga about Hoa : in which class, where she lives…”

? listen and complete the dialogue S: listen and the exercice

T: calls on some sts to write the answers on the extraboard

S: write

T-S: make comments correct answers ? read the dialogue and answer the quetions

1 what is her name? how oldis she?

3 which class is she in? where does she live? S: answer

T - S: make comments… T: ask sts to work in pairs S1: what is your name? S2: My name is Lan S1 :…

T : calls on some sts to use the information to ask and answer( use the third person)

Ex :S1: what her name?

S2 :Her name’s Lan…

? tell about Lan? S : answer

T - S : make comments…

S:copy down


Question words




B Name and Addresses

Lesson (B4 + B5)

Preparing day : Teaching day: Week :

Period :5

A Objectives

- By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to ask and answer about distances - Practice listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

B, Main content:

* Vocabulary: distance…

* Structures: How far is it….from … to ? It is ( about) ……… * Grammar: present simple tense

C, Teaching aids:) tape, cassette, pictures… D, Teaching procedures:

* Management( 45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson.

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

T : holds a game “ Word square” S : take part in the game

T - S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers







T : Holds a game “ Transmitting information” “ How far it it from your housse to school? S : take part in the game

T : Leads to the new lesson( Ask and answer about the distance)

S : listen

T : draws a picture to build the dialogue


To ask and answer about the distance from one place to others, we use “ How far …?” How far is it from …… ……….to ?

It is ( about) + distance

3 Practice

School: km

The post office : 700 m The market : km The bus stop : km

* Free practice

4 : Consolidation

5 : Homework

T : plays the tape S : listen

T : plays the tape again S : listen and repeat

? practice the dialogue in pairs S1 – S2 : practice

T : Calls on some pairs to practice S : rolepay

T – S : make comments ? answer these questions 1.Where does Hoa lie?

2.How far is it from her house to school? 3.How does she go to school?

S : answer

T : asks or sts to answer the question “ How far is it… ?”

T : emphasises

T : hangs the pictures page17/B5 S : ask and answer

S1: How far is it from your house to school? S2 : It’s about kilometer

T : asks sts to read the cues then work in groups

S : work in groups

T : calls on some pairs to practice S1 – S2 : practice

T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

? Ask and answer with a partner about the distance from your house to your

neighborhood S : work in pairs T : calls on some pairs S1- s2 : practice

T – S : make comments

T : holds a game : “noughts and crosses”

How far market Where

From…to How 20 LTK street

by km bus stop

S : take part in the game T – S: make comments

1 learn by heart the new language practice asking and answering about

the distance from your house to your school to other places?

3 prepare B6,7

6 Marks and remarks


B Name and Addresses


Preparing day : Teaching day: Week :

Period :6 A Objectives

- By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to ask and answer about distances fluently - Practice listening skills

B, Main content:

* Vocabulary: review ( neighborhood) * Structures: How far is it….from … to ? It is ( about) ……… * Grammar: present simple tense……

C Teaching aids: tape, cassette, pictures, extraboards… D Teaching procedures:

* Management( 45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson.

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation B6.Listen and write

* Pre- listening

From Lan’s house to the movie theater is a distance

* Distance (n) : khoảng cách

- The first distance is from school to Lan’s house (1)

- The second distance is from Lan’s house to the post office.(2)

- The third ditance is from the movie theater to school.(3)

- The fourth distanceis from the market to Lan’s house (4)

3 : Practice

* While - listening

1 From Lan’s house to school: ……… From Lan’s house to the post office: … from school to the movie : ……

4 from the movie to the post office: ……

1 300 m 700 m 3 km

T : holds a game “ net works”

S : take part in the game

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

? How far isit from your house to the market? S : answer

T : leads to the new lesson

? Observe thep picture of Lan’s house, theater, school, post office

T : presents the word “ distance” S : guess the meaning

T : presents the distance from the house to the other places in the picture

S : observe

T : plays the tape( twice) S : listen to the tape

? Fil in the blanks with a suitable distance S : listen and complete …

T : call on some students to answer S ; answer

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers T : plays the tape again and pause at each sentence to help sts to check their answers ? write down your notebooks

S : copy down

T : calls on some sts to write their sentences






4 km

It’s about 300 m from school to Lan’s house It’s about 700 m from Lan’s house to the post office

B7:Take a survey

Name Hoa Nam

address THD Street TP Street Means of

transport On foot Bike

distance 500m km

Her name is Hoa She lives on THD street It’s about 500 meters from her house to school She goes to school by bike

4 Consolidation

5 : Homework

on the board S : write

T – S: make comments

T – S : give model dialogue T : What is your name? S : My name’s Hoa T : Where you live?

S : I live on Tran Hung Dao street T : How you go to school? S : I go to school on foot

T: How far is it from your house to school? S : It’s about 500 meters

? give information about Hoa? S : answer

T : call on some students to practice S1 – S2 : practice

S1 : retell

Your personal information? S :answer

Ex: I am Lan I live …… T : consolidates the lesson

1 write five questions and answers the distance between the places you know Do exercise 3,4 / page6,7 ( work book) 3.Prepare Unit 2: A 1,2,3


Unit 2: Personal information

6 periods ( from to 12)

Lesson 1: period 7: A1+ A2+ A3

Teaching day:

Preparing day: Week:


A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to ask for and give telephone number - Practice listening, reading, speaking and writing skills

B, Main content

* Vocabulary : telephone directory…

* structure : What’s your telephone number? 829 456

* Grammar - simple future with “ Will” - numbers

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette extraboards… D, Teaching procedures

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson) * New lesson:

Content Method

1 warm up

2 Presentation

a.A1 :read

Telephone directory (n) : danh bạ điện thoại *How to read telephone number

- read as numeral number - the same numbers … 11 : one one/ double one 00: oh oh/ double oh

77 : seven seven/ double seven

- Cách ngừng ngắt sau số cốt khu vực sau số nh cách ngắt quÃng viết số điện thoại

a Dao Van An … b Pham Viet Anh… c Dinh Thi Bang…

3 : Practice

A2.listen and write the telephone numbers.

a 251 654 b 250 514 c 521 936 d 351 793 e 237 041 f 821 652

T : holds a game “ slap the board” S : take part in the game

10 T – S : make comments

* T : asks sts to look at the telephone directory and answer

T : presents the new word

T: has sts observe the telephone number/ page 19

S : observe

T : present the way to read telephone numbers S : listen and write

T: helps sts to practice reading telephone numbers

T : read - S : repeat T : calls on some sts to read T – S : make comments

? practice in pairs ( read telephone numbers)

S1 : read name of the owners S2 : read their telephone numbers T : calls on some pairs to practice T – S : make comments

? Listen to the tape and write T : plays the tape

S : listen and write

? compare your answers with a partner’s S : copare


c A3: Listen

* Pre listening

* While - listening

What is your telephone number? 262 019

The simple future I’ll call you soon: I’ll = I will

* Post - listening

Take a survey

name address Telephone N

Nam THD street 321 643 Mai LHP street 401 345

4 : Consolidation

5 Homework

T: calls on some sts to read

T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

T : asks some questions ? Are you on the phone?

? Do you often talk with someone on the phone?

? Do you know the question ask for telephone numbers?

S : answer

? look at the picture/ 20 and answer ? What are they doing? They are talking ? What are they talking about ? Can you guesss?

S : guess

T : plays the tape

S : listen and check their answers ? What is Hoa’s telephone number? S :8 262 019

Which question Hoa and Lan use to ask for telephone number?

S : What’s your telephone number? T : presents the new structure ? Work in pairs

S1 : what’s your telephone number? S2: ………

T : presents the simple future through the sentence (I’ll call you soon)

? in Vietnamese

? practice the dialogue in pairs S1 – S2 : Practice

T : calls on some pairs to practice T – S : make comments

T : guides sts to complete the list T : what is your name?

S : My name is Nam T : where you live? S : I live on THD Street

T : what’s your telephone number? S : 321 643

? Retell about Nam?

S : His name’s Nam He lives at 12 THD Street His telephone number is 321 643 ? Work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs T – S : make comments

T : Remind sts the way of reading telephone numbers

- asking for and giving telephone numbers S : listen nd remember

1 Practice asking and answering telephone numbers with your relatives and friends prepare A 4,5,6,7


Unit 2: Personal information

Lesson 2: period 8: ( A4+ A5+ A6 +A7)

Teaching day: Preparing day: Week:


A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to talk on the phone , talk about the future plan And make an arrangement on the phone

- Practice listening, reading, speaking and writing skills B, Main content

* Vocabulary : Review

* Structure : Would you like to + V… ? ( polite invitation) Where will we meet?

What time will it start? Will you be free tomorrow? Don’t be late

* Grammar - Simple future with “ Will” - Invitation

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette extraboards, pictures of Phong and Tam talking on the phone, … D, Teaching procedures

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation A4 listen and read

*Who’s this? (Hái xem ngêi ë đầu dây bên ai)

Its me, Tam

* The simple future with “ Will” - What time will it start?

It will start at 6:45 - Where will we meet?

We’ll meet in front of the movie theater S + will + V(nt) + O…

I’ll = I will We’ll = we will

- Will you be free tomorrow? Yes, I will/ No, I will not ( won’t) * tomorrow : ngµy mai

Will + S + V(nt) + O….?

* Don’t be late : đừng đến muộn

T : Holds a game “ Tongue Twisters” T : reads some telephone numbers S : write them on the board ( in groups) Then read aloud

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers ? Look at the pictureA4/ 20

? Who are they in the picture? What are they doing?

S :guess

T : plays the tape

S : listen and read , then give some structuress used to talk on on the phone

T : presents the new structures ? Review the polite invitation S : answer

? practice - come to my house - go to the zoo - listen to music S : practice

? make comments on these sentences T : presents the simple future

? practice

- they/ see a movie

S : They will see a movie - he/ go to Ha Noi

- you/ see a movie? /Yes

- she/ stay at home/ tomorrow?/ No T : call on some students to answer T – S : make comments

T: marks


3 Practice

a Phong and Tam b.They will see a movie c they will meet at 6: 45’

d They will meet in front of the movie theater

A5 Listen /write * Pre – listening

* While – listening

a 545 545 b a movie c Lan’s house d bus

* post – listening

A6 Read / answer

*Who’s calling? ( Ai gọi đấy) hỏi xem ngời đầu dây bên

* Could/ can I speak to ……? (dùng muốn nói chuyện với qua điện thoại cách lịch s)

To be out : vắng nhà To be back : trë vÒ I’ll call again

a Phong is calling b Han is

c about Lan

d At about o’clock e after

4 Consolidation


T : plays the tape again S : listen and repeat

? practice the diaologue in pairs T : calls on some pairs to roleplay S: role play

T – S : make comments

? Read the dialogue again and answer the questions

S : work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to ask and answer T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers ? Do you some time go to the movie? What you say to invite your friends? Do you need to know the lace to meet? How you get to the movie theater? S : answer

? Look at a5/ 21

T : explains the requirement T : plays the tape

S : listen and write

? Compare your answers’ with a partner’s S : compare

T ; plays the tape again

S : listen and check theirm answers T : call on some students to answer

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

? practice building new dialogues basing on the dialogue you have learnt

S: practice

T – S : make comments

T : present the situaton of the dialogue quickly and answer

Who is talking to whom? Where are they talking?

T : presents the new language (ngữ liệu dùng gọi điện thoại)/ Khi ngời muốn gặp vắng nhà ta nói chuyện với ngêi kh¸c) ? practice the dialogue in pairs

S : work in pairs

? read the dialogue again and answer the questions

S : ask and answer

T : calls on some pairs to ask and answer T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

Make a dialogue, using the cues?

Ba Nam

8 603 672

What time/ meet? Where / meet? How/ go? Don’t be late

- will/ free next Sunday?

- go to the zoo - 7:30’


5 Homework

S : work in pairs

1 Exercises 3,4 page ( work book) prepare B1,2,3

3 learn by heart the new language

6 Marks and remarks

Unit 2: Personal information

Lesson 3: period 9: ( B1,2,3)

Teaching day: Preparing day: Week:


A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to read and write ordinal numbers, dates and months - Practice listening, reading, speaking and writing skills

B, Main content

* Vocabulary : ordinal numbers/ months ( review) * Structure : Review

* Grammar - Simple future with “ Will” - present simple

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette extraboards, … D, Teaching procedures

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

(the) first : 1st

(the) second : 2nd

(the) third : 3rd

(the) fourth : 4th

(the) fifth : 5th

(the) sixth : 6th

(the) seventh : 7th

( the) eighth : 8th

(the) ninth : 9th

(the) twelfth : 12th

Twentieth : 29th

Twenty- first : 21th


 the form: ordinal numbers are basically formed from numeral numbers

 the use : - chØ thø tù

- ngày tháng Ex: 2/9: the second September

8/3: 8th March…….

T: holds a game “ slap the board” with some telephone numbers

8 770 654 030 714 659 405 436 702

8 122 379 556 823

S : work in groups

T – S : make comments

? thw way asking for telephone numbers? S : answer

T : calls on sts to go to the board and ask other to make comments on their orders S : make comments

T : leads to the new lesson ( ordinal numbers) T : points at each sts and presents the new language

? Look at part B1/ 24 T : plays the tape S : listen and repeat

? make comments on the form? S : answer (đợc cấu tạo từ số đếm)

T : lu ý hs cách viết cáchđọc từ khó cách viết tắt

+ đuôi th số khác S : write down

T : plys the tpe again S : listen and repeat

? read all the ordianal numbers in the table T : calls on some sts to read aloud

S : read

T – S : make comments

? Do you know the use of the ordinal numbers/


3 Practice

B2 : Listen and write the dates Calendar;(n) : lÞch

The first of july The nineteenth The sixth The fourteenth The seventeenth The thirty – first

B3 : write the months in order from first to twelfth

1 January February March April May June July August September 10 October 11 November 12 December Consolidation

30/4 1/5 8/3 20/11 10/3…

5 Homework

T : asks sts to obser B2/24 ? What’s this/

S : It’s a calendar

T : expplains the requirement of the lesson? Listen and write the date of July you hear T : plays the tape ( twice)

S : listen and write

? compare your answer with a partner’s S : compare

T : plays the tape again

S : listen and check their answers T : call on some students to answer S : answer

T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

? Observe part b3/ 24

T : guides “ there are 12 months in a year However, they are not in correct orders Now you write thw months from the first to the twelfth/

S : work in groups

T : calls on some sts to write on the board S : write

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers ? Practice reading these months?

T : read - S : repeat

T ; calls on some sts to read T – S : make comments on the pronunciation, if necessary T : holds a game “ Net works”

Write the dates of some celebrations in Viet Nam or in other countries you know

S : work in groups

S : take part in the game T – S: make comments

1 Prepare a personal information form write ordinal numbers from first to twentieth and the months from 1to 12, then learn by heart

6 marks and remar

The thirtieth


Dates of


The second


The eighth



Unit 2: Personal information

Lesson 4: period 10: ( B4,5)

Teaching day: Preparing day: Week:

Period: 10

Test 15’

Number1 (The first semester)

I Write complete questions Then answer these questions

a What/ your name?

b What/ your family name? c Where / you/ live?

d How far / it / your house / school? e How / you /go /school?

Keys and marks Question I:

( Mỗi câu điểm) a What’s your name?

b What’s your family name? c Where you live?

d How far is it from your house to school? e How you go to school?

( Mỗi câu trả lời điểm)

Students answers’ a My name is……

b It’s / My family name is……… c I live………

d It’s ( about) ……… e I go to school by ……

IV Results 7B : G ……

7A : G: …… K: …

K: …… Tb: …

Tb: …… Y: …

Y: …… KÐm: …

KÐm: … A, Objectives:

- Help sts to practice the simple future through a dialogue’ questions with the information of a birthday

- Practice listening, writing skills B, Main content

* Vocabulary : nervous

* Structure : What’s your date of birth? June eighth

I’ll be 14 on my next birthday * Grammar - Simple future tense

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette extraboards, picture of Hoa and Mr Tan, personal information forms …

D, Teaching procedures * Management (45’)


* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

* What is your date of birth?

June eighth I ll be’ 14 on my next birthday

* On my next birthday * On june eighth

Review I’ll = I will You’ll = you will Won’t = will not

New words

Nervous (a) : bån chån, lo l¾ng = worried

Ex : I am nervous = I am worried

3 Practice

a She is 13 years old

b She will be 14 on her next birthday c Her birthday is on june eighth d She lives with her uncle and aunt e She is worried because she doesn’t have any friends

T ; holds a game “ lucky numbers” Where you live?

2 What’s your name? LN

4 Read the manes of 12 months?

5 Read the names of ordinal numbers from first to twelfth?

6 Who you live wirh?

7 What’s your telephone number? LN

9 When is your birthday?

10.Are you happy on your birthday? S : take part in the game

T – S : make comments

Look at the picture of Mr Tan and Hoa and answer ? Who are they?

What are they doing?

What is Mr Tan asking Hoa/ ? can you guess?

S : guess: name, address, age, date of birth, telephone number…

T : Presents the situation: “ the dialogue between Mr Tan and Hoa Hoa wants to take part in his class ? Listen and check your guess

S : listen and chexk

T : presents the new structures and helps sts to review the simple future tense

- notice sts the preposition “ on” in the phrase ( on my next birthday) and with the dates of a month

? read and find out the sentences used with the simple future tense

S : answer

- I’ll br 14 on my next birthday - I won’t be happy

- You’ll have lots of new friends soon

T : emphasises the use of the simple future , the short form and the form of this tense

T : presents the new words through sts answer - helps sts practice reading the new words T : plays the tape again

S : listen and repeat

? work with a partner / practice the dialogue T : calls on some pairs to practice

T – S : make comments

? Read the dialogue again and answer the questions S : work in groups

T : checks sts’s answers through the game “ picking up flowers”

S : take part in the game in groups

T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

S : copy down ? About you? S : Work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to ask and answer S – S2 : practice

T – S : make comments T : marks

? read the dialogue again and complete the registration form

S : work in groups


B5 : Complete the student registration form

Student registration form Name

Date of birth Address

Telephone number

Pham Thi Hoa June eighth 12 THD Street 262 019

4 Consolidation

- The information needed in a registration form : name, age, adrdress, telephone number…

- Preposition ON with date of a month

5 Homework


S : answer or write

T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

? Complete your student registration form? S : write

T : calls on soe sts to write on the board T : marks

? report some sts registration forms S : answer

Ex : Her / his name is… She/ he is ….years old Her/ His date of birth is on … She’ll be …… on …She/ he lives …

Her / His telephone number is…

T : Consolidates the lesson through this part Practice reading the dialogue exercises 3/11 ; 4/11,12

3 Complete your sts registration form


Unit 2: Personal information

Lesson 5: period 11: ( B6)

Teaching day: Preparing day: Week:

Period: 11 A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to talk about future plans and write an invitation card - Practice speaking and writing skills

B, Main content

* Vocabulary : invite, invitation card… * Structure : Review

* Grammar - Simple future tense

C, Teaching aids: extraboards, a frame of an invitation card… D, Teaching procedures

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson) * New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation * Pre - reading

birthday party (n) : tiÖc sinh nhËt Invite (v) :mêi

Invitation card (n) thiÕp mêi

3 Practice

* while - reading

? Give some information about Nga? 20 tran Phu street

May 25th

13 years old

S : work in groups

T : calls on some sts to write on the board S : write

T – S : make comments

?Look at the picture B6/ 26 and answer the questions

Who are they?

What are they doing? What is Lan doing?

S : they are having a birthday party -Lan is writing invitation cards What will she use these cards for? S : answer : to invite her friends ? Guess where will the party be? S : at home/ in a retaurant…

? what about the time? : start at …/ finish at…

? Read the text and compare with what you have guessed

S : read and compare then add more information

? read the text again and answer the questions How od is Lan now?

2 Where does she live? What’s her date of birth? Where will the party be? When will it start? When will it finish? S : work in groups / pairs

T : checks sts’answers through the game “ lucky numbers’

S : take part in the game

T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers


( Name)

Sunday, May 15th

24 Ly Thuong Kiet Street 5.00………9.00


* Post - reading

4 Consolidation

*Part of an invitation card

- Salutation : Dear,… - Body ; ………

- Complimentary close Signature

5 Homework

S : read aloud

T – S : make comments

? read again and complete the invitation card to Lan’s party

T : Hangs the extraboard

T : calls on sts to write on the board Others write down their note books ? Compare your answer with a partner S : compare

T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

? Rewrite an invitation card to Lan’s birthday party?

S : write

T : consolidates the lesson The form of an invitation card? S : answer

Time / reasons, address…

1.exercise 2/10; 4,5/ 12 ( work book) 2.Sumarise the information about Lan 3.Prepare Unit (A)

6 Marks and remarks

Unit 2: Personal information

Lesson 6: period 12: ( B7,8,9)

Teaching day: Preparing day: Week:

Period: 12 A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to write about their future plans and write aninvitation card to their birthday party

- Practice writing skills B, Main content

* Vocabulary : Leap year,…

* Structure : What will you ….?/ How will you…? * Grammar - Simple future tense

C, Teaching aids: extraboards, tape , cassette D, Teaching procedures

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson) * New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

B7 Think and write

Students’ answers

a I will give Lan / her…

? Tell some information about Lan and her birthday party?

S : work in groups

T : calls on som sts to answer S : answer

T – S : make comments

Ex : Lan will be 13 on May 25th

She will have a party

The party will start at 00 It will finish at 00

? Imagine yiu ill be a guest at Lan’s birthday party What will you do?

T : hangs the extraboard with the questions / 27 then asks sts to discuss the questions in groups

S : work in groups


b I will get to her house by… c I will play music/ the guitar… d I will eat sweets, cakes, fruit… e I will drink… ( coca cola/ orange


f I will leave at……

3 Practice

1 Salutation : dear,… body : …

3 Complimentary close : love… signature……

B9 Play with words

Leap year : (n) năm nhuận ( 366 ngày)

4 Consolidation

*The simple future tense

* way of writing an invitation card

5 Homework

will at Lan’s birthday party S : answer

T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

T : asks sts to write what they will at the party

S : write

T : Has sts compare their answers S : compare

T : can mark

T : tells sts to review the form of an invitation card

S : answer

? base on the invitation card to Lan’s party and write an invitation to you birthday party S : write

T : calls on some sts to read their invitations aloud

S : read…

T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

T : marks

T : plays the tape S : listen and repeat

T : presents the new language

T ; consolidates the lesson through this exercise

? give correct form of the verbs in brackets a I ( be) 15 next Sunday

b She ( not go) to the party tomorrow c What you ( do) at Mai’s party

tomorrow evening? d S : the exercise

e T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

1 Exercise 2/ 10 ; 4,5/ 12 ( work book) 2.Rewrite your invitation card

3 Prepare Unit ( A1)


Unit : At home

5 periods ( from 13 to 17)

Lesson 1: period 13 ( A1)

Teaching day:

Preparing day: Week:

Period: 13 A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to describe rooms and homes - Make a complaint and give compliments

- Practice listening, speaking skills B, Main content

* Vocabulary : lovely, bright, favorite, convenient, tab, shower, sink * structure : What a lovely living room!

It has a sink * Grammar - Exclamations

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, pictures, extraboards… D, Teaching procedures

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

* New words

Sink (n) : chậu tắm, bồn rửa Shower (n): vòi hoa sen

Refrigerator ( n) := fridge Dryer (n) : m¸y sÊy

Dish washer (n) : máy rửa bát đĩa Tub (n) : bồn tắm

Complaints (n): phµn nµn Compliments (n) : khen ngỵi

T : Hangs a picture of a a house consisting many rooms and asks sts to give their names S : work in groups

T : calls on some sts to answer S : answer

T – S : make comments

? how many rooms are there in the house? What are they?

? What are there in each room? S : answer

T : Leads to the new lesson

? look at the pictures part a1/ 29/ 30 and tell the names of things in the house?

S : answer ( in English or in Vietnamese) T : presents the new words

S : Guess the meaning

Ex : T: poits at the sink and says ( this is a sink)

T : helps sts practice reading the new language

S : practice

T : Holds a game “ Slap the board” S : take part in the game

* T : presents the situation of the dialogue between Hoa and Lan

S : listen

T : has sts listen to the tape - plays the tape twice S : listen

T : plays the tape again S : listen and repeat

? Practice the dialogue in pairs S : work with a partner

T : calls on some sts to roleplay S1 – S2 ; practice


* What an awful day! What a lovely room1

What a beautiful bathroom! What an amazing kitchen! What nice colors!

What a great idea!

What + a/an + adj + N ! What + adj + N (s) !

Awful (a): > < comfortable Amazing (a): ngạc nhiên

Convenient (a): tiện lợi, đầy đủ tiện nghi Lovely(a) : đáng yêu

Modern (a) : đại

3 Practice

a The living room, Hoa’s bed room and the kitchen

b because it is bright and it has nice colors c A sink, a tub and a shower

d A washing machine, a dryer, a

rerigerator, a dish washer and an electric stove

e f: sts’ answers

4 Consolidation

5 Homework

? listen and read the dialogue again then find out some complaints and compliments

( eclamations0 S : answer

T : presents the new structures

? The form of the exclamations S : answer

T – S: make comments T : summarises

S : write down

T : presents some adjectives through the exclamationsg

- gives some examples and explains to help sts to understand

S : guess the meanings

? practice : T : gives cues – S : practice - Lovely/ girl

- Mordern/ kitchen - Beautiful/ school T – S : make comments

? read the dialogue again and answer the questions

S : work in pairs

T : checks sts’ answers through the game “ lucky numbers”

S : take part in the game

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

? What about your house?

How many rooms are there in your house? What things are there in your house/ S : answer

T – S : make comments

T : holds a game : “noughts and crosses”

beautiful tub bright Dish washer refrigerator sink amazing Living room lovely S : take part in the game in groups

T – S; make comments Read the dialogue fluently

Learn by heart the new language Prepare part A (2,3,4)


Unit : At home

Lesson 2: period 14 ( A2,3,4)

Teaching day:

Preparing day: Week:

Period: 14 A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to make a complaint and give a compliment in concrete situations

- describe their homes, rooms fluently B, Main content

* Vocabulary : delicious… ( review) * structure : What a / an + adj + N !

There is a/ an ……… There are + N(s)………

Is there ……… ? / Are there……? * Grammar - Exclamations

- Prepositions

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, pictures, real things D, Teaching procedures

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

What an awful day!

What a lovely living room! What nice colors!

What + a/ an + adj + N! What + adj + N(s)!

T : Holds a game “ slap the board’ to help sts to review some nouns and adj they have learnt

House, party, awful, interesting, movie, restaurant, expensive…

S : take part in the game T – S : make comments T : leads to the new lesson

- Asks sts to rememer the exclamations they have learnt in the dialogue part A1

S : answer

? review the form of exclamations S :answer

T : gives some situations S ; practice

* a cold day a hot day a beautiful day * a nice girl * a nice dress


Ex : what a cold day! T – S: make comments


3 Practice

A2 Write exclamations

a complaints

- What an awful restaurant! - What a wet day!

- What a boring party!

……… b Compliments - What a great party! - What a bright room!

- What an interesting movie!

A3 practice …







W I N D O W S I N k R


* There is a/ an + N (số đếm đợc) * There are + itsoos nhiều đếm đợc)

Is there … ?

Yes, there is/ No, there isn’t Are there … ?

Yes, there are/ No, there aren’t

says “ the dress is 40.000 dong (an expensive dress)

What an expensive dress!

S : points at other things in the classroom or sts’ clothes and give exclamations

T – S : make comments

? Look at part A2/ 30/31 and write complaints and compliments S : write

T : has sts compare their answers with a partner’s

S : compare

T : call on some students to answer S : answer

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

T : Gives some pictures ( pictures of a fat man/ a thin girl / a thick dictionary/ a small boy……)

S : make exclamations T – S: make comments

T : holds a game “ word square”

? circle the nouns of things and prepositions you have learnt?

S : take part in the game T – S : make comments

? Look at the picrures part A3 and name the things

S : answer

T : checks ? What is there in the picture? What are there in the picture?

S : answer There is a table There are some chairs

T : helps sts to review the structure “ there is …./ there are….”

S : work in pairs S – S2 : practice

T : call on some students to answer T – S: make comments

? Observe the picture a agin and ask and answer about the things and their positions T – S : gives model dialogue

Ex: T: Is therw a television? S : Yes, there is

T : Where is it? S : It is on the table

? Work with a partner( use the words in the box page 31)

T : calls on some pairs to ask and answer S – S2 : practice

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers T : marks…


A4 play with words

4 Consolidation

5 Homework

homes? S : write

T : call on some students to answer T : make comments

T : plays the tape S : listen and repeat

T : Holds a game “ noughts and crosses” sink What a…! There is Is there…? Are there ? There are… where What an…! on

S : take part in the game T – S: make comments

T : consolidates the lesson through the game Rewrite part A2 , questions and answers part A3

2 Describe the positions of things in your house

3 Prepare B1

6 Marks and remarks

Unit : At home

Lesson 3: period 15 ( B1)

Teaching day:

Preparing day: Week:

Period: 15 A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to ask and answer about occupations B, Main content

* Vocabulary : countryside, grow, raise cattle, work on the farm, from morning till night…

* Structure : What does your farther do? What is your job?

Where do/ does + S + work? * Grammar ; Present simple

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, extraboards, pictures of some works D, Teaching procedures

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

House wife (n): néi trỵ

2 Presentation

B listen and practice

T : holds a game “ net works”

S : Take part in the game T – S: make comments

T : presents some new jobs through this game T :leads to the new lesson

“ I’m a teacher What you do? What does your father do?





Plant vegetables/tree Grow rice

Raise cattle ( cow, buffalo, chickens Work on the farm

In the countryside = in the country

*Hoa’s father/ farmer/ work on the farm Raise cattle/ plant vegetables

*Hoa’s mother/ house wife/ the housework/ help on the farm

What does your father do? = What’s your father’s job? He is a farmer

What does your mother do? = what’s your mother’s job? She is a housewife

3 Practice

a He’s a farmer

b He works on his farm c She is a housewife

d, She does the house work and helps on the farm

e Yes, they are Because they love working on their farm

f, she’s years old

Where does he work? What does your mother do? Where does she work? S : answer

T : what about Hoa’s family?

? Look at the picture part B1/33 and guess Who are they in the picture?

What are they doing? Where are doing?

What they everyday? S : guess

They are Hoa’s mother, Hoa’s father…

They are planting trees/ working on the farm/ growing vegetables…

T : helps sts to review the language of farm work and presents the new one through sts’ answers

- helps st to practice reading the new language T : Presents the conversation between Lan and Hoa about Hoa’s parents

? listen to the tape and compare with what you have guessed

T : plays the tape S : listen and compare T : summarises

? listen again and repeat S : listen and repeat

? find out the questions and answers about occupations

S : answer

T : helps sts to review the structures abd pressents the new ones ( the second way of asking about occupations)

S : listen and write down

T : asks sts to practice reading the dialogue in pairs

S ; work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to roleplay S – S2 : roleplay

T – S: make comments

? read the dialogue again and answer the questions page 33,34

T : hangs the extraboard ( write the questions S : discuss in groups or pairs

T : checks sts’answers through the game “ lucky numbers”

S : take part in the game

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

? Talk about Hoa’s family S : discuss

T : call on some students to answer


4 Consolidation

5 Homework

Her father, her mother, sister and her Her father is a farmer He works on the faarm in the countryside He grows vegetables and raise cattle…

T : marks…

T : consolidates the lesson through the question “ talk about Hoa’s family?” - About everyday work of a farmer + plant tree

+ grow rice

+ raise pigs/ chickens/ cow/ buffaloes + work on the farm

+ work very hard from morning till night learnt by heart the dialogue / new structures rewrite questions and answers part b1 Prepare B(2,3,4)


Unit : At home

Lesson 4: period 16 ( B2,3,4)

Teaching day:

Preparing day: Week:

Period: 16 A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to talk about some typical jobs such as doctor, journalist… - Practice reading skill and listen to get information

B, Main content

* Vocabulary : take care of…

* Structure : What does her farther do? What does her mother do?

Where does he/ she work? * Grammar ; Present simple

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, extraboards, pictures D, Teaching procedures

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation A B2: Read

* Pre - reading

Take care of sick people : chăm sóc ngời ốm/ bệnh nhân

Clinic (n) : trạm xá

3 Practice

* While - reading

T – S : greet

? Tell about Hoa’s family? S : work in groups

T : calls on some sts to write on the board S : write

T – S: make comments T : leads to the new lesson

? Look at the picture part B2/34 “ This is Lan’s family”

? Guess the jobs of the people in Lan’s family and their place of work

S : guess

1 Her father/ doctor/ nurse/ take care of sick people/ a clinic/ a hospital

2 Her / mother/ teacher/ teach/ primary school…

3 her elder brother/ journalist/ write for a newspaper/ Ha Noi /Hµ Néi

T : presents the new language through sts’ answers

? read the text and check your guess then fill in the table

Lan’s family jobs work Place of work

Father hospital

mother brother

S ; work in groups ( write on the posters) T : asks sts to hang their posters on the board S : hang

T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

? Read the text again and talk about Lan’s family ( use the above table)

S : work in pairs


* Post – reading

B3 : Match these half sentences

A famer writes for a newspaper A doctor works on a farm A journalist teaches in a school A teacher take care of sick people

* Free practice

C B4 : listen and complete the form

* Pre listening

* While - listening

1 Name : Tom Age : 26 Job : teacher Place of work : at a high school Name : Susan Age : 19

Job : Journalist Place of work : for a magazine Name : Bill Age : 20 Job : nurse Place of work : in a hospital * Post listening

4 Consolidation

T : What does her father do? S : He takes care of sick people T : Wher does he work?

S : He works in a hospital S – S2 : practice

T : calls on some pairs to roleplay S : roleplay

T – S : make comments ? Tell about your family?

S : What does your father / mother do? Where does he / she work?

S : practice in pairs

T : callson some pairs to practice T – S : make comments

T : marks

T: guides sts to the exercise S : work in groups

T : call on some students to answer S : answer

T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

S : write down

T : prepare a piece of paper and writes names of jobs

S : work in pairs

S : Holds the paper and give the definitions of the five jobs

S : guess

T : calls on some pairs to practice T – S : make comments

T : presents the requirement : you are going to listen about foreigners’ information Listen and complete the form

S : observe the forms T : Plays the tape twice

S : listen and the exercise ( individually) T : calls on some sts to answer

S : answer

T: plays the tape again and pause at each sentence, if necessary

S : listen again and check their answer T – S : make comments and corrections, if necessary then give correct answers

? Base on the forms please tell about three people

S : work in pairs

Ex : His name is Tom He’s 26 He’s a teacher He works at a high school

T : Holds a game “ noughts and crosses”

work raise journalist


5 Homework S : take part in the game doctor grow help T – S : make comments

1 write to tell about your family members and their jobs

2 exercise / 15 ( work book) Prepare B5,6

5 Marks and remarks

Unit : At home

Lesson 5: period 17 ( B5,6)

Teaching day:

Preparing day: Week:

Period: 17 A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to Write a letter and compare things - Practice speaking and writing skills…

B, Main content

* Vocabulary : furnished, … ( review) * Structures :

* Grammar : comparison

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, extraboards, and pictures D, Teaching procedures

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

A : B5 : Listen abd read

T : asks some information S : answer

? Do you live in a house or in an apartment? Which is more comfortable/

S : answer

T : uses the picture to present the situation of the dialogue “ John Robinson is an English teacher He’s from American He is looking for an apartment in Ha Noi He’s asking Mr Nhat for his advice”

? listen to the dialogue and answer these questions

1 How many houses or apartment mentioned in the dialogue ?

2 Which apartment does Mr John want?

3 Which is the cheapest?/ The most expensive? T : plays the tape

S : listen and answer T – S : make comments Three apartments The first is the cheapest He wants the first apartment


* Comparatives : - Short adj + er

- Long adj : more + adj

Ex : more expensive Special cases:

Good better

* Superlatives - short adj + est

Ex : cheap the cheapest new the newest

- Long adj : the most + adj

Ex : expensive the most expensive

3 Practice

a The one at number 27 b The one at number 79 c The one at number 79 d the one at number 27

The most suitable apartment is the smallest but it’s the newest of the three apartmetns It has two bedrooms, a large modern bathroom and a kitchen

B.B6 Write

Beautifful Expensive Cheapest Small / big Best

4 Consolidation

5 Homework


S : listen and answer

T : presents and helps sts to review the

comparison through the description of the three apartments

* The first: ( N27) : good/ two bed rooms/ cheap/ lovely

* The second; ( N40) : bed rooms/ better/

bigger/ more expensive

* The third : ( N79) : bed rooms/ furnished/most expensive/ the best S : review and write down

? Practice the dialogue in pairs S : work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to roleplay S : roleplay

T – S: make comments

? Read the dialogue again and answer the questions

S : work in groups ( discuss these questions ) T : checks sts’ answers through the game “ lucky numbers’

S : take part in the game

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

The winner

? Look at the letter /37 ? What is it?

S : a letter

T : presents the letter Mr John sent to his wife and daughter in America Complete the letter with provided words from the box?

S : work in groups

T : call on some students to answer or write on the extraboard

S : answer or write

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers ? Give correct forms of the adjectives in brackets

1 Our house is ( small) than your house She is the ( beautiful) girl

3 her old school is ( big) than her new one This dress is ( expensive) than that one S : the exercise

T : consolidates the lesson through this exercise a Do exercises 2,3 /16 (work book)

b Rewrite part B6/ 37 c Prepare Language focus

6 Marks and remarks


Teaching day: Preparing day: Week:

Period: 18 A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to talk about what they often do, what they will fluently, about jobs…

B, Main content * Vocabulary : Review * Structures : Review

* Grammar : present simple, future simple, ordinal numbers, preposition, question words C: Teaching aids: extraboards

D: Teaching procedures * Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

a The simple futuret tense

* The use : denotes an action which will happen in the future

It is often used with these adverbs of time: tomorrow, next week ( month, year…), in the future, in future, in 2010

* The form:

(+) S + will + V(nt) + O (-) S + won’t + V ( nt) + O (?) Will + S + V + O ?

b The simple present tense

(+) S + V(+s/ es) + O (-) S + don’t + V (nt) + O (?) Do / Does + S +V(nt) + O ?

c Ordinal numbers

- form : from numeral numbers + th - thứ tự, ngày tháng

d Preposition

e Comparison

* Comparative Short adj + er

Long adj : more + adj * Superatives

Short adj + est

T : Holds a game “ noughts and crosses”

behind lamps bigger

best telephone In front of expensive teacher housewife S : take part in the game

T – S: make comments the winner T : helps sts to review the simple future tense ? The use?

The form? S : answer

T – S: make comments and corrections, if necessary then give correct answers

T : sums up S : write down ? the usage ? the form S : answer

T – S : make comments

? The way of formimg ordinal numbers and the usage

S : review

T – S: make comments T : holds a game “ “Net work” S : take part in the game T – S : make comments

T : helps sts to review ways of comparing S : review





Long adj : the most + adj

f Occupations

What do/ does + S + do? = What’s one’s job?

Answer : s + be + a (an) + names of jobs

g There is +a/ an + N ( in singular)

ex : there is an apple on the table

There are + N ( in plural)

Ex : There are some chairs in the room ? Is there … ? / Are there….?

h Question words

When/ What/ Why/ How/ …

3 Practice

1 a is/ lives/ are/ goes b are/ eat/ rides/ catch

2 He will his homework , but he won’t tidy the yard

- He will see a movie, but he won’t watch TV - He will write to his grandmother, but he won’t meet Minh

3 Firt, fourth, fifth… It’s under the table It’s in front of the chair It’s behind the TV It’s next to the bookcase It’s on the couch

5 A is a cheap toy B is cheaper But c is the cheapest a He’s a fireman

b She’s a doctor c She’s a teacher d he’s a farmer

7 Are there any books? Yes, they are

Are there any armchairs? No, there aren’t

8 What’s his name?

His name is Pham Trung Hung How old is he ?

He is 25 ( years old) What’s his address?

His address is 34 NB street

What’s his job?= what does he do? He’s an office manager

4 Consolidation 5 Homework

Ways of asking about occupations? S : answer

T : sums up S : write down

? tell the question words you ‘ve learnt S : answer

T – S : make comments T : asks sts to exercises T : hangs extraboards S : ( in pairs/ groups)

T : call on some students to answer

T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

S : work in groups of three

T : calls on some groups to practice

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

T : consolidates the lesson S : listen and remember

1 Rewrite the above exercises at home Prepare to have a test (45’)

6 Marks and remarks

Test 45’

: Number 1

Preparing day: Testing day: Week : Period : 19

A : Objectives - To check students’ understanding

B : Preparation : T : prepare the test


Néi dung

NhËn biÕt

Th«ng hiĨu

VËn dơng








I Listening

8 c


8 c p

II Reading

6 c

0,5 p

6c p

III Language




10c 2,5 p

IV Writing

5c 0,5


5c 2,5 p

Tæng sè

10 c 2,5 p

14 c p

5 c 2,5 p

29 c 10 p

C : Questions

I Listen and complete the dialogue ( points)

Hoa: Hello, This is ……… ………(1) Mai: …(2) Is this Hoa?

Hoa : Yes, … …(3) is calling , please?

Mai : It’s Mai Do you want to see a ….(4) …? Hoa :Sure ….(5)…will we meet?

Mai : In front of the ….(6)… Hoa : How will we ….(7)…there? Mai : by ….(8)…

Hoa: OK, bye Mai : Bye

II Read the passage and answer the questions ( points)

Nga lives in the city with her parents She lives at 14 Nguyen Tri Phuong Street Her telephone number is 290 374 On her next birthday, July1st ,Nga will be 14 She will have a small party

for her birthday She will invite some friends They will eat cakes and sweets The party will start at o’clock and finish at They will have a lot of fun

a Where does Nga live? b How old is she now? c What’s her date of birth?

d Will she have a party for her birthday? e What will they eat?

f What time will the party start?

III Language focus.

Choose the right answers to complete these sentences ( 2,5 points)

1 I live …….24 Tran Phu Street

A on B at C in D to

2 … is it from here to school?

A How far B.How high C.How long D How

3 We will ….my friend tomorrow

A to meet B.meet C.meeting D meets

4 Will he be free? - …………

A No, he doesn’t B No, he isn’t C No, he won’t D No, he will He writes articles for a newspaper He is a………

A Journalist B.teacher C.musician D doctor

6 How old will you be ….your next birthday?


7 Minh ….television everynight

A watch B.watches C.watching D.watchs

8 … you like to see a movie?

A Would B.will C.What D.Why

9 What ……awful restaurant!

A an B.the C.a D.0

10 This dress is the ……expensive of the four dresses

A best B.more C.most D.same

IV Writing : Use these words or phrases to write meaningful sentences( 2,5 points)

a What/ nice / girl!

b She/ stay/ home / tomorrow? c There / a sink/ the bathroom d Lan/ tall/ Hoa

e My father/ farmer

D Keys and marks

I : Mỗi từ 0,25 điểm

1 626 015 5.Where

2 Hello movie theater

3.Who get

4 movie bus

II Mỗi câu 0,25 điểm

1.b :at c : on

2.a : How far b : watches

3.b : meet a : Would

4.c : No, he won’t a : an

5 a : Journalist 10 c : most

III Mỗi câu 0,5 điểm

a She lives at 14 Nguyen Tri Phuong Street b She is 13 years old now

c July 1st

d Yes, she will

e They will eat cakes and sweets

IV Mỗi câu 0,5 điểm

a What a nice girl!

b Will she stay at home tomorrow? c There is a sink in the bathroom d Lan is taller than Hoa

e My father is a farmer

Correct the test

Preparing day: Testing day: Week : Period : 20

A : Objectives :

- Nêu số lỗi sai làm học sinh yêu cầu học sinh tự sửa chữa - Củng cố lại nội dung học sinh yếu thông qua mét sè bµi tËp thĨ

B : Result of the test.

Class < TB >TB

P:0 1+2 3+4 5+6 7+8 9+10

Numbers of tests 7A : 30

7B : 31

C : Nh÷ng u nh ợc điểm thông qua kiểm tra.


1 Ưu điểm: 2 Tồn tại:

D:Chữa củng cố khắc sâu kiến thức, kỹ học sinh yếu qua kiểm tra.

( Soạn cụ thể đơn vị kiến thức, loại bài)

1.Basic mistakes Exercises :

Unit : At school

5 periods ( from 21 to 25)

Lesson 1: period 21 ( A1,2,3)

Teaching day:

Preparing day: Week:

Period: 21

A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to ask and answer about the time/ schedule/ name of subjects at school

- Practice listening, speaking skills

B, Main content


* Structure : What time is it? It’s ………

* Grammar : - Present simple/ preposition ( to / past)…

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, a clock

D, Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

Schedule (n) thêi gian biĨu

a Giê


It’s + giê + o’clock Ex : it’s seven o’clock b Giê h¬n

* It’s + giê + Ex: It’s sis thirty

* It’s + + past + giê Ex: It’s thirty past six c Giê kÐm

It’s + + to + giê Ex: It’s ten to five Notice: half: 30’ A quarter: 15’

3 Practice

* Answer about you? ( A2)

b, They start at o’clock c They finish at ……

T : asks some questions to lead to the new lesson What time is it now?

2 What time you usually have breakfast? What time you go to school?

S : answer

? Look at the picture A1 /page 42 S : observe and answer : What is it? S : thêi gian biÓu

T : present the new language

? review the way of asking and answering the time S : answer

T – S: make comments T : sums up

S : write down

T : plays the tape

S : listen and observe the pictures T : plays the tape again

S : listen and repeat

T : calls on some sts to read S : read

T –S : make comments

? practice asking and answering the time S : work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to practice T – S: make comments

T : explains the requirement of the exercise ? what you everyday?

get up

have breakfast S : I go to school my homework go to bed…

? What time you these things? S : work in pairs

T : What time you get up? S : I get up at o’clock

T : calls on some pairs to practice S – S2 : practice

T – S: make comments ? Look at part a3/ 43 What is it?

S : it’s a schedule


d I have lunch at…… e I go to bed at……

A3: Listen and write

Civic education(n) : GDCN Biology(n) : sinh häc Chemistry(n): Ho¸ häc Fine art (n): mü tht Technology(n): c«ng nghƯ Elective subject(n): tù chän

4 Consolidation

5 Homework

S : review : Math, English, History, …

Tb: presents some other subjects through the schedule or real things or pictures

S : Guess the meaning

T : helps sts to practice reading the new words

? Look at the schedule then listen to the tape and

complete the schedule with the correct name of

subjects or time


7:00 7:50 8: 40 9:40 10: 30

English Geography music physics History


1:00 2:40 3: 40 4:30 Physical E Math English physics T : plays the tape twice

S : listen and fill in

T : asks some sts to compare S : compare their results

T : call on some students to answer S : answer

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

T : can presents some more subjects ? Which subjects you have today? S : answer

What time does ……start?/ finish? S : answer

T : Consolidates the lesson about time and subjects at school

1 Practice asking and answering the time Rewrite A2

3 Learn by heart the new language and prepare A4,5

6.Marks and remarks

Unit : At school

Lesson 2: period 22 ( A4,5)

Teaching day:

Preparing day: Week:

Period: 22

A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to - talk about what they are doing - make a schedule

B, Main content

* Vocabulary : study ( review) * Structure : What is Lan doing? She is studying physics

What time does Lan have physics class ? She has physics class at 8: 40

* Grammar : - Present simple/ progressive tense


D, Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

* What is lan doing? She s studying’ physics Study(v) :häc, nghiªn cøu

* What time does Lan have physics class? She has physics class at 8: 40

S + Be+ Ving + O…

3 Practice

A5 : Listen and read

* Presentation

*When you have English? I have English class on……… * What time does it start? It starts at………

- Thu has English classes on Wednesday and Thursday

Her first class is on Wednesday at 8: 40 Her second English class is on Thursday at

T : holds a game “networks”

S : take part in the game T – S: make comments

? Look at the pictures and tell the names of the subjects

S : answer

T : uses the pictures and asks S : answer

? review the progressive tense S : answer

T : sums up

? Practice asking and answering about the pictures /43 in pairs

S : work in pairs

T : calls on some pairsto practice S 1- S2 : practice ( change their roles) T –S: make comments

? Do you have your daily and weekly schedule? S : answer

T : presents the situation “ Conversation between Hoa and Thu They are talking about their weekly schedules? Please guess which subjects they have and when they have them? S : guess

T : plays the tape

S : k1 and read to check their guessing T : plays the tape again

S : listen and repeat

T : presents the structures to ask and answer about schedule

? What does Hoa ask to know about Thu’s schedule?

S : answer

? practice the dialogue in pairs S : work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to practice T – S: make comments

? Read the dialogue again and answer the questions

S : read and answer in pairs

1, Which subject does Thu have on Wednesday// Thursday?

2 What time they start?

3 What is Hoa’s/ Thu’s favorite subject?





9: 40

- She also has Math, Geography , physical education and Music on Thursday

- Hoa likes Math - Thu likes History

* Practice

4 Consolidation

5 Homework

? write you schedules in your exercise books Then ask an answer questions about your schedules with partner

S ; write their own schedules

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday… 7:00 English Chemistry ……

7: 50 Math math ……

8: 35 Literature Music ………

…… ……… ……… ………

S : work in pairs

S 1: what subjects you have on Monday? S2 : I have English, Math, ……on Monday S 1: What time you have English class? S2 : I have English class at :00

T : calls on some pairs to practice T – S: make comments

? answer

What are you studying? S : I am studying English

When you have english classes? S : I have English classes on …… ? What time they start/ finish? ? What ‘s your favorite subject? S : answer

T: consolidates the lesson

1 Rewrite exercise 4/43

2 complete your weekly schedules Pre[are A6+7

6 Marks and remarks

Unit : At school

Lesson 3: period 23 ( A6,7)

Teaching day:

Preparing day: Week:

Period: 23

A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to talk about the different between USA’s schools and schools in Viet Nam through the description of their schedules

- Practice reading skill

B, Main content

* Vocabulary : snack, cafeteria, a 20 minute break, uniform, different from…(review) * Structure : be different from ….(review)

* Grammar : - Present simple

C, Teaching aids: extraboards, worksheets posters… D, Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson) * New lesson:


1 Warm up

2 Presentation

* pre - reading Break (n)

We always have a break after each period It is a minute break

* a 5 minute break

adj N

a 20 minute break

two 20 minute breaks

Notice : “5 minute” and “ 20 minute” đ-ợc coi nh tính từ nên khơng để số nhiều Cafeteria (n) :quán ăn tự phục vụ

3 Practice

* while - reading

a T

b F: there are no classes on Saturday

c.F: One break is in the morning and the other is in the afternoon

d T

e F : the school cafeteria is often open at lunch time and also break

f F: Baeball is one of the most popular after school activities

Snack(n) = fast food: ăn nhÑ, nhanh

* post - reaing

T : holds a game “ lucky numbers” What your classes start?

2.Which subject begin with the letter “M”? 3.Do you go to school on Saturday?

4.Tell me your subjects at school? Do you wear uniform at school? S : take part in the game

T – S: make comments T : leads to the new lesson ? Look at the picture part A6/ 44 What’s it about?

S : schools in the USA

T : hangs the extrboards “ exercise T/F)/45and presents the new words, if necessary

T : presents the phrase ( adj + N) a minite break

adj N

? guess T/F sentences S : work in groups

T : write the answers on the board

? read the text in silence and compare with what youhave guessed

S : read and compare Then correct the fasle sentences in groups

T : call on some students to answer S : answer

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

? Read the text aloud S : read

T – S : make comments and corrections to pronunciation, if necessary

? answer the questions

1 Are schools in Viet nam different from schools in the USA?

2, what time classes start/ What time they end?

4 How many break sts have each day? What they at break and at lunch time? S : buy snack

6 What they often after school? S : work in pairs

T : checks sts’s answers through the game “ lucky numbers”

S : take part in the game

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

? make the differences betwwen schools in the USA and ones in Viet Nam

S : work in groups ( write on the posters) T : calls one sts in each group to write on the board or each group hang its poster


T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

The winner Schools in the USA Schools in Viet Nam - no uniform

- no classes on Saturday - classes start at 8: 30 - classes end at 3: 30 or

- only two breaks ( one in the morning, one in the afternoon)

- drink or eat at breaks

- plays baseball, football, or basketball after school

- wear uniform

- have classes on Saturday - classes start at 7: 00

- classes finish at 11: 15 or 11: 30

- have breaks after each class/ period ( or five minute breaks)

- not drink or eat at breaks - play chess, soccer, skip rope…

* Play with words

Home economic (n) kinh tế gia đình The world changes

Rivers and mountain ranges Several: = some

4 Consolidation

5 Homework

T : plays the tape twice S : Listen and repeat

T : presents some new language

T : Consolidates the lesson through past “post –reading”

Some typical characters of schools in the USA

1 Summarise the content of the text then learn by heart

2 rewrite the differences between schools in the USA and ones in Viet Nam

3 Prepare parts (B1,2)

6 Marks and remarks

Unit : At school

Lesson 4: period 24 ( B1,2)

Teaching day:

Preparing day: Week:

Period: 24

A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to talk about some kinds books in the library and their positions and know how to ask for finding and borrowing books in the library

- Practice listening, speaking , writing and reading skill

B, Main content

* Vocabulary : library, librarian, rack, science books, dictionary, literature in Vietnamese Novel, reference books…

* Structure : These racks have magazines Those have newspapers

Where can I find + names of books, please? Do you have ….here?

Grammar : - Demonstratives ( This/ that / these/ those)

- Prepositions of position( at the back of , on the right , on the left…)

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, pictures, extraboards,

D, Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Content Method


2 Presentation

Library (n) :th viƯn Librarian (n) : thđ th

Science books (n) : sách khoa học Reader (n) sách đọc thêm

Novel(n) : tiÓu thuyÕt

Reference books (n) sách tham khảo

On the left On the right

At the back of …phÝa cuèi, phÝa sau cña… *These racks have magazines

* Those have newspapers

3 Practice

a They are on the racks

b on the racks ( near the history books)

c The Math and science books are on the shelf on the left

d ….on the shelf on the right

e The books in English are at the back of the library

f It opens at 7.am h It closes at 4:30 pm

B2 Listen and practice

T : hangs the picture of a library ? What is it? It is a library

? Is there a library in your school? Do you often go there?

? look aat the pictures part B1 again and answer

? Who are the children? ? who is the lady? S : She’s a librarian

What does she everyday?

S :She helps sts to find the books they want ? what kinds of books can you see in the library?

S : answer: may be in Vietnamese: s¸ch tham khảo, tiểu thuyết, sách khoa học, văn học T : prents the new language through


- Helps sts to practice reading the new words T : holds a game : slap the board”to help sts to remember the new language

S : take part in the game T – S : make comments

T : presents the situation of the dialogue “ you will listen to a conversation between some sts and the librarian She is showing the position of the books , newspapers, magazines

in the library” …

Listen to the tape and check your guesses S : listen and checks then add more information

Find out some phrases of prepositions? S : answer

T : points at the position of the racks and shelf in the library and notice sts the


T ; plays the tape again S : listen and repeat

? practice the dialogue in pairs S : work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to practice S - S2 : Roleplay

T – S: make comments

? Read the dialogue again and answer the questions

S : work in pairs or groups

T : checks sts’answers through the game “ lucky numbers”

S : take part in the game in groups

T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers


Where can I find a Math book?

* Where can I find …( name fo books)…? * Do you have ( name of books)…?

4 Consolidation

5 Homework

the librarian helps her.”

Listen to the tape and give the questions Nga asks the librarian

S : listen and answer T : presents the structures S : write down

? listen again and repeat S : listen and repeat

? practice the dialogue in pairs S : practice

T – S: make comments

? Now ask and answer questions about the library in B1

S : Work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to ask and answer T – S : make comments

T : marks

? Describe your school library’s plan S : work in groups

T : call on some students to answer S : answer

T- S: make comments

1 Learn by heart the new language Rewrite questions and answers part (B1) Make similar dialogues ( part B2)

4 Prepare B3,4,5

6 Marks and remarks

Unit : At school

Lesson 5: period 25 ( B3,4,5)

Teaching day:

Preparing day: Week:

Period: 25

A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to know something about one of the largest library in the world and will be able to listen to a a dialogue about the positions of books and things in the library

- Practice listening, and reading skill

B, Main content

* Vocabulary : Congress, contain , employee… * Structure : Review

Grammar : - Present simple

- Prepositions of position( at the back of , on the right , on the left…)


D, Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson) * New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

* Pre listening

3 Practice

* While - listening Study area 2: Science + math 3: Geography

4+ : Newspapers and magazines 6+7 : English

8 : Librarian’s desk *Post - listening

2.B4 : Read

* Pre reading

T : asks some information S : answer

T: holds a game “ Net works”

S : Take part in the game T – S: make comments

T : Hangs the library plan in part B3/ page 48 ? Observe and guess the position of the racks ans shelves of books in the library

S : Guess in groups

T : calls on some sts to answers T : writes their guesses on the board 1: study area

2; ……… 3: …………

T : Plays the tape twice S : listen

T : asks sts to check their guesses and compare with a partner’s

S : check/ compare

T : call on some students to answer S : stick the labels

T : plays the tape again

T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

? Retell the position of books and things in the library

S : Look at the library plan part B3 and retell T : call on some students to answer

S : answer

T – S: make comments

Ex : English books are on the shelves behind the librarian’s desk The science books and Math are on the shelves next to the study area…

? Look at the picture / 49 and answer a Which building is it in the picture? b Do you know the largest library in the

world? S : answer

T : Presents the situation…

Read and guess the answers to the questions page 49

Next to


of position

In front of


* While - reading

a It’s in Washington D.C – the capital of the USA

b It has over 100 mollion books c It has 1,000 km of shelves d Over 5,000 people work there

e Because it receive copies of all American books

Congress : quốc hội Contain (v) : chứa đựng Employee = worker

* Post - reading

B5 : Play with words

Rocket (n): tªn lưa Space (n) : vũ trụ

Advanture (n) phiêu lu, mạo hiÓm

4 Consolidation

5 Homework

S : Guess

? Read and check your answers S : read and check

T : call on some students to answer S : answer

T - S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers T: Presents some new words

? Read the text aloud S : read

T – S : make comments

? Do you know the largest library in Viet Nam ?

The national library : Th viÖn quèc gia ? where is it? : On Trang Thi Street ? What can you see there/

S : answer

T : Presents the new words - Plays the tape

S : Listen and repeat

* Remind sts the informarion about the largest library in the world

S : remember

- T : holds a game “ noughts and crosses”

magazine shelf novels

right rack middle

dictionary At the back

of readers

S : take part in the game T – S: make comments

1 Rewrite questions and answers part B4 Rewrite the description of the library part B3

3.Prepare Unit

6 Marks and remarks

Unit : Work and play

5 periods ( from 26 to 30 )

Lesson 1: period 26 ( A1)

Teaching day:

Preparing day: Week:

Period: 26


- After the lesson students will be able to describe the work of a student at school Describe someone’s interest through the structure “ be interested in….”

B, Main content

* Vocabulary : learn how to st, computer, science, … experiments * Structure : be interested in…

Grammar : - Present simple

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, pictures,

D, Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

Computer science (n) : tin häc learn how to use a computer study map

do experiments : lµm thÝ nghiƯm

3 Practice

Be interested in …

? Which school does Mai go to? Which grade is she in?

What does mai study in her physic class? What’s her lesson today?

4 Consolidation

T : asks some questions to lead to the new lesson ? how many days a week you go to school? What time your classes start?

What time your classes finish? ? How many subjects you study/ S : answer

T – S: make comments ? Look at the pictures /51

T : Presents the situation about Mai ( shows at the pictures and says)

“picture b: Mai is studying computer science ….or what are they doing? They are studying ho to use a computer.”

Picture c : study map and learn about difference countries?

Picture d : she’s doing experiments S : Guess the meaning

T : presents the new words and helps sts to practice reading

T : Plays the tape

S : listen and compare with what they have guessed T : plays the tape again

S : listen and repeat

T : calls on some sts to read aloud S : read

T – S : make comments

? practice asking and answerin about Mai/

S : What does mai study in her computer science class?

S : she learn how to use a computer S 1: Is she interested in computer/ Or What is Mai’s favorite subject? S : answer

S : work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to practice T- S: make comments

? tell about Mai? S : work in groups

T : call on some students to answer S : answer

T – S: make comments T : Marks

T : Holds a game “ matching”


5 Homework

Geography Physics Biology

Computer science

- learn how to use a computer

- some experiments - study maps and learn about different countries - study plants and animals S : take part in the game

T – S : make comments

1.Write questions and answers about Mai Preprare A2,3

6 Marks and remarks

Unit : Work and play

Lesson 2: period 27 ( A2,3)

Teaching day:

Preparing day: Week:

Period: 27

A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to describe someone’s interest and talk about school subjects and prices

Practice reading skill

B, Main content

* Vocabulary: electronics, repair, fix, household appliances, de good at, artist, drawing, math problem…

* Structure : he’s good at fixing things How much …….? Grammar : - Present simple

C, Teaching aids: pictures and extraboards

D, Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

* Pre - reading

Electronics (n) : môn điện dân dụng Repair (V) : sưa ch÷a

household appliances : thiết bị gia đình Repair things/ household appliances Fix (v) = repair

3 Practice

T : holds a game “lucky numbers’ What is your favorite subject? What subject begin with letter “ c”? Are you good at English?

4 Which subject you like best? S : take part in the game

T – S: make comments ? Look at the picture of Ba/ 52 Who is this?/ what’s he doing?

He’s studying how to repair a socket board Or He is leaarning Electronics

? What does he learn in Electronics?

S : Repair household appliances ( fix lights, fix things…)

What is he doing in picture ? He’s playing the guitar

T : presents the new language


* While - reading

go to Quang trung school class 7A

favorite subject : Electronics learnhow to repair house hold appliances Ba fix the lights

good at fixing things &drawing play the guitar in his free time

go to art club a He likes Electronics best

b.Yes, he does he enjoys school very much c.he learns how to repair house hold


d.It help him to be able to fix his appiances e Yes, he is His drawings are very good * Post - reading

A3 : Read and answer

Erase (v) : xo¸

* Ask and answer about the price How much do/ does + S + cost? It costs……

They cost …



? Read the text and check your answers S : read and check

? Read the text again and give main ideas S : read and answer

T : call on some students to answer S : answer

T –S : make comments

? Read the text carefully and answer the questions

S : work in pairs

T : check sts’s answers through the game “ Picking up flowers”

S : take part in the game

T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

? answer about you

What you usually in your free time/ What are you interested in?

What’s your favorite subject/ S : work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to ask ans answer Ex : I learn how to use a computer in my freetime I am interested in it It’s my favorite subject…

Do you like Math?

Is it your favorite subject/ Is it difficult or easy? S : answer

Read the dialogue between Lan and Hoa They are doing Math problem Then answer the questions

How much doea one banana cost? S ; read in groups and answer T : call on some students to answer T – S: make comments

“ One banana cost 600 dong”

T : presents the structure to ask about the price T : Gives situation or suggestions

S : practice

This dress/ 100.000 dong An egg/ 2000 dong

These books / 12.000 dong S : work in pairs

T – S : make comments

T : holds a game “ Noughts and crosses” favorite freetime electronics

repair subject play

fix cost draw

S : take part in the game T – S: make comments

1 rewrite questions and answers part A2 learn by heart the text about Ba


6.Marks and remarks

Unit : Work and play

Lesson 3: period 28 ( A4,5,6,7)

Teaching day:

Preparing day: Week: 10

Period: 28

A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to listen to get information, and will be able to say what they learn in each subject

Practice listening, speaking, reading skill

B, Main content

* Vocabulary: author, world event, grap, essay, atlas, equations, caculator, globe, temperature… * Structure : What you study in……?

Grammar : - Present simple

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, pictures and extraboards

D, Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson) * New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

* Pre - listening

3 Practice

* While - listeing

Ba : d, a,c Hoa : c, b, e * Post - listening

T : asks some information S : answer

T : holds a game “ Net works”

S : take part in the game T – S: make comments

? Look at the picture part A4/54 and answer What are they about?

What are the subjects?

S : they are Geography, physical education, physics…

? Please guess what subjects ba and Hoa have on Saturday morning

S : guess

T : Plays the tape twice

S : listen and match the letter denoting the name of subjects Hoa and Ba learn

Compare your result with a partner’s S : compare

T : plays the tape again and help sts to check and gives correct answers

Retell which subject ba and Hoa have on Saturday morning

S : write and retell






A : Read

* pre reading

* While - reading Essay (n) : bµi ln Event (n): sù kiƯn

write essay Literature learn about books History study past and present events in the world and in Viet Nam Geography study different countries

and their people Physics experiments

study how things work Language study English

Music sing songs

learn to play the guitar/ piano

painting (n) = drawing author = writer

temperature (n) : nhiệt độ pronoun (n) đại từ


Paintings Baseball games Preposition England

* Post reading

A6 : Match each subject to the correct items

Ex : On Saturday morning, ba has technology, geography, and…

T : calls on some sts to answer S : answer

T – S : make comments T : marks

How many subjects you study at school? ? What you study in each subject?

? which subject you like? Why? What subject you dislike? Why? S : answer

T : presents the situation: Subjects ats in Viet nam learn and what they learn in each subject ? read in silence and give the main ideas

“ What sts in Viet Nam study in Literature/ History….?

S : read and answer T : sums up

S : copy down

? Now discuss with a partner odd one outt : explains some new words

S ; work in groups

T : call on some students to answer S : answer

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

T : checks : In literature, which word you odd out?

S : answer : We learn paintings in Art T : why ?

? work in groups Each grouphas one suject and list what they learn in each subject, except the above mentioned subjects

S : work in groups

T – S : make comments

T : explains the requirement of the exercises : S :do the exercise

? Compare your result with a partner’s S : compare

T : Calls on some sts to answer


Physical education piano, guitar… Geography graphs, equations Music games, ball… Art globe, atlas… Math paint, paper… * graphs (n) : đồ thị

Equation (n): công thức Caculator (n) máy tính Globe (n) đại cầu Atlas (n) đồ

A7 : play with words

4 Consolidation

Ex : History : study about world events, famous people…

5 Homework

necessary then give correct answers T : explains some new words

T : plays the tape S : listen and repeat

T : holds a game “ Brainstorming”

S : work in groups : (Mỗi nhóm ứng với mơn học Các nhóm tịm nhiều hoạt động môn học tốt)

T _ S : make comments

1.Exercise page 27 ( work book)

2.summarise and learn by heart the content of the text A5

3 Prepare B1+ B2

6 Marks and remarks

Unit : Work and play

Lesson4: period 29 ( B1 + B2)

Teaching day:

Preparing day: Week: 10

Period: 29

A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to talk about their activities at recess - Practice listening, speaking and reading skills

B, Main content

* Vocabulary: chat, marble, blind man’s buff, catch,… * Structure : What are they doing?

They are playing marbles

Grammar : - Present simple, present continuous tense

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, pictures of school activities and extraboards

D, Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up T : hangs a picture of a school yard at recess ? what is the picture about?

S : answer


2 Presentation 1 B1 listen and read

* New language

Recess : (n) chơi, giải lao Play marbles : chơi bi

Play catch: chơi mèo đuổi chuột

Play blindmans bluff : chơi bịt mắt bắt dê Skip rope: nhảy dây

Chat : tán gẫu, nói chuyện phiếm

bell(n) : chuông excited (a): hµo høng

S : guess the meaning through the picture T: asks some questions

? What you often at recess? S : answer: I often play…/ read… T – S: make comments

T : leads to the new lesson (Unit 5: B1+ B1)

T : Hangs the pictures of some activities at recess to presents the new language

S : observe, give name of these activities T : write on the board

S : write down their notebooks

T : helps sts to practice reading the new words S : practice reading

T : checks sts’understanding through the game : “ matching, or rub out and remember”

Skip rope tán gẫu Play blindmans bluff chơi bi Play marbles chơi đuổi bắt

Play catch nhảy dây

Recess chơi bịt mắt bắt dê chat giải lao S : take part in the game

T – S : make comments

T : presents the situation of the text

? Listen and read Then complete the this table

Activities at recess The most popular ativity - talking ……

T : plays the tape ( twice)

S : listen and complete the table in groups T : gives sts posters ( groups)

S : work in groups

T : calls on some sts to hangs their posters on the board

T – S : make comments and corrections, if necessary then give correct answers

Activities at recess The most popular ativity - talking

- eating - drinking - chatting

- playing marbles - playing catch - skipping rope - playing blindman’s bluff

- talking

? Read the text again and find out some more new words

S: read and answer


have some fun : vui ch¬i

3 Practice

a Ask and answer about the students in the pictures.

Ex : - What is this boy doing? He is playing catch

- What are these students doing ? They are drinking

b Work with a partner about you?

2 B2 : Listen Match each name to an activity.

Mai playing catch Kien playing marbles Lan skipping rope

Ba playing blindman’s bluff Mai is playing catch

Kien is playing blindman’s bluff Lan is skipping rope

Ba is playing marbles

4 Consolidation

? read the text aloud S : read

T – S: make comments

T : Hangs some pictures page 56 and helps sts to practice

T : gives suggestions

S : make questions and answers

T :helps sts to the present progressive tense S : review

T : hangs all the pictures page 56 S : practice in pairs

T ; checks sts’s answers through the game “ lucky numbers”

S : take part in the game

T – S : make comments and corrections, if necessary then give correct answers

What about you?

What you usually at recess? Do you ususally talk with your friends? What you usually after school? S : work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to practice S – S2 : ask and answer

T – S: make comments T ; can mark …

T : presents the situation of the listening : “you’ll hear about Mai, Kien, Lan, Ba They are playing games at recess Listen and match each name to an activity.”

T : gives ats worksheets

T : asks sts to guess what each student is doing at recess

S : guess

T: plays the tape S : listen and match

? compare your answers with a partner’s S : compare

T : call on some students to answer S : answer

T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

T : can plays the tape again and pauses at each sentence,if necessary to helps sts check their answers

Retell or write what each sts is doing at recess?

S : retell or write

T : call on some students to answer or write T – S : make comments

T : holds a game “ Networks”


Activities at recess


5 Homework

S : take part in the game T – S: make comments

1 Learn by heart the new language

2 write what you and your friends often at recess

3 preapare B3,4,5

6 Marks and remarks

Unit : At school

Lesson 5: period 30 ( B3,4,5)

Teaching day:

Preparing day: Week: 10 Period: 30

A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to know some activities of sts in the USA - practice reading skill

B, Main content

* Vocabulary : pen pal, swap baseball cards, energetic, take part in, score goals, shooting some hoops, common, CD player…

* Structure: ( review) * Grammar : - Present simple

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, pictures, extraoards… D, Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

T : asks sts to look at the pictures that he prepared

? what are they doing? ? answer

? write description for each picture? S : write

T – S: make comments T : leads to the new lesson


* pre- reading

3 Practice

* While - reading

Swap baseball cards :trao dổi ảnh cầu thủ bóng chày

Energetic (a) : hiếu động

Shooting some hoops: tËp nÐm thẳng vào rổ Take part in : tham gia

Score goals : ghi bµn Common = popular a.- C

b – A c – D d – D

* post reading

Recess activities

In Viet nam in America yours

4 Consolidation

Take a survey

Name soccer catch skip marbles …

Thu v v

Hoa v v

Ha v v

5 Homework

T : has sts observe the picture of Hoa ? Do you remember Hoa?

S : answer

She goes to junior high school S : guess the meaning

? Look at Tim Where is he from? S : he is from America

? who is he? ( He is Hoa’s penpal

T : sums up : Tim goes to junior high school He is Hoa’ pen pal He tell Hoa about reccess activities in America

? guess what sts in America at recess S : guess

T : write their gesses on the board Ex : They play badminton/ base ball… / listen to music…

? read the text and compare with what you have guessed Then add more information S : read in groups

- compare …

- add more information… T: presents the new language

T :holds a game “ matching” to help sts to remember the new language

S : take part in the game T – S: make comments

? read the text again and exercise page 58 S : work in groups

T : calls on some sts to answer S :answer

T – s: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers ? Work in groups

List activities at recess in VietNam and in the USA?

S : ( individually)

T : calls on some sts to write on the board S : write

T – S: make comments S : work in pairs

S 1: What you at recess? S : I play…

S : ticks …

The most popular activities T -S : make comments

1.Write what sts in America at recess? Learn by heart the new language prepare unit : A1

6 Marks and remarks

Unit : At home

6 periods ( from 31 to 36)

period 31 - Lesson 1: ( A1)

Teaching day:


Period: 31 A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to talk about after school activities and use the adverds of frequency and will be able to invite sb to st

B, Main content

* Vocabulary : usually, often, sometimes …(review) Relax * structure : You should relax

Let’s invite him

Why don’t you come along?

* Grammar - present continuous tense, present simple C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, pictures,

D, Teaching procedures * Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Content Method 1 Warm up

2 Presentation

* You should relax Relax (V): nghỉ ngơi

Should + V Khuyên làm * Lets invite him

Lets + V gợi ý làm * Why dont you come along? Why dont you ? gợi ý làm g×

3 Practice

a She is doing her Math homework b They are going to get a cold drink in the cafeteria

c He’s in the music room

d He’s learning to play the guitar e He usually meets his friends f She likes playing volleyball

T : holds a game “ Kim’s game”

Cho hs quan sát tranh hoạt động học sinh chơi yêu cầu hs ghi nhớ ( không viết)

T : cất tất tranh yêu cầu đại diện nhóm lên viết lại tên hoạt động tranh

S : write

T – S : make comments

? Look at the pictures page 60 and answer the questions

? Who are they? ? what are they doing? S : answer

They are playing volleyball - doing homework - meeting friends t : presents the situation… T : Plays the tape twice S : listen

T : presents the new language

? Practice the model sentences, new structures T : gives cues

S : practice - learn heart - see a movie - go to the zoo… T : plays the tape again S : listen and repeat

? Practice the dialogue in pairs S – S2 : practice

T :calls on some pairs to practice S : roleplay

T – S: make comments

? read the dialogue again and answer the questions

S : discuss the questions

T : checks sts’s answers through the game “ lucky numbers”

S : take part in the game

T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers


4 Consolidation

5 Homework

? tell what Hoa, Ba and Minh usually after school?

S :answer

T : Ba learns to play the guitar

Minh meets his friends/ doas his homework/ plays volleyball…

? What about you/ What you often after school?

S : work in pairs

T : holds a game “ noughts and crosses”

Let’s Homework play

volleyball Why don’t we guitar

should meet learn

S : take part in the game in groups

T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

1 Write sentences about you after school activities

2 learn by heart the new language Prepare part A2

6 Marks and remarks


Unit 6: After school

period 32 - Lesson 2: ( A2)

Teaching day:

Preparing day Week: 11

Period: 32 A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to talk about their after school activities , using adverbs of frequency

B, Main content

* Vocabulary : adverbs of frequency ( review), activities ( review) * structure : How often you study in the library after school? I always study in te library after school

* Grammar - present simple

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, extrboards D, Teaching procedures

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

- reading/ studying in the library - swimming in the pool

- playing computer games - going to a movie

- playing soccer - watching TV

Adverbs of frequency : always, usually, ,often, sometimes, never…

- Position : placed before ardinary verbs and after (To Be), between ordinary verbs and auxiliary verbs

Ex : I usually play soccer V

I am never late for school Be

T : holds a game “ Net works”

S : take part in the game T – S: make comments

? Look at the picture page 61 and tell the names of these activities

S : work in groups

T : calls on some sts to answer S : answer

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers ? What you usually at recess? Review some adverbs of freauency S : answer

T – S: make comments ? the meaing? The positions/ S : answer

S : write down

After school






Do you often play chess after school? Practice

* what you usualy after school? I usually…

* How often … ?

Answer : use the averbs of frequency… Ex : How often you go to school? I go to shool days a week

How often you play badminton? I often play badminton

Ex : On Mondays, I usually my homework with ba after school

On Tuesday, I sometimes go swimming with my friends after school

On Wednesday, after school I often play computer games

On Thursday, I never go to the movie theater I usually watch T.V on Friday evening

4 Consolidation

5 Homework

c ask and answer … then…

? write a sentence for each day of the week, using the above mentioned adverbs?

S : work in pairs

S : What you usually after school? S2 : I usually play badminton

T : calls on some pairs to practice S – S : roleplay

T – S: make comments

? Practice in pairs, using the activities in each picture

S : work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to practice

Ex : S 1: How often you go swimming? S2: I sometimes go swimming

T – S : make comments

? Now write a sentence for each day of the week?

S : write T : marks

? put the adverbs in correct place When you play sports? ( usually) I play basketball ( sometimes) I am busy on Saturday ( Seldom) What you after school? ( often) She is tired of working ( never) S :

T – S: make comments T ; sums up…

? write sentences, telling what you often after school

Prepare parts ( A3,4,5)

6 Marks and remarks

Unit 6: Lesson 3: ( A3,4,5)

Preparing day:

Teaching day : Week : 11

Period : 33

A : Objectives : After the lesson sts will be able to talk about their after school activities, then enrich their vocabulary

B : Main content

* Vocabulary : acting, stamp, collect, rehearse… * Strucrures : review

* Grammar : present simple tense _ skill: reading and listening skills


D :Tteaching procedures: * Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson; ( during the new lesson) * New lesson

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 presentation

A3: read and answer

Rehearse (v) ; School aniversary ; Stamp collection; Stamp collector Sporty (a):

3 Practice

* pre- reading

a her group is rehearsing a play for the school aniversary celebration b he gets American stamp from Liz, his American friend

c The stamp collector’s club meets on Wednesday afternoon

d Nam never plays games * post reading

4 Listen and match * Pre – listening

* While –listening

T : Hold a game “ noughts and crosses”

play catch Sometimes

Usually read watch

baseball movie recess S : take part in the game

T – S : make comments

Look at the pictures page 62 and guess what each sts is doing?

S : Guess

T ;presents the new words She is rehearsing what for? S : answer

Ba is looking at his stamp collection ? who is he? ( he is a stamp collector)

Nam … ?

T : helps sts to practice reading the new language ? read the passage and compare with what you have guessed

S : read and compare

? Read again and answer the questions S : read and work in pairs

T : checks sts’s answers through the game “ lucky numbers’s

S : take part in the game

T – S : make comments and corrections , if necessary and give correct answers

? Tell about Ba, ga and nam? S : work in pairs or groups T : Calls on some sts to answer S : answer

T – S:make commnents T : marks

Ex : Nga : member of the school theater group/ is rehearsing a play…

Ba : president of the stamp colletor’s club…/ collect stamps from…

Nam : not very sporty/ go home and watch TV/

sometimes read books or comics/ never plays games… T : Presents the situation : a group of sts are talking about their after school activities

? read the requirement of the exercise and look at the names and activitites


Mai go to the circus Nam go to the school cafeteria

Ba watch a movie Lan tidy the room Kien rehearse a play * Post – listening

A5 : Play with words

4 Consolidation

5 Homework

S : read and observe T : plays the tape twice S : listen and match

T : asks sts to compare teir result with a partner S : compare

T : calls on some sts to answer S : answer

T – s : make comment and corrections, if necsessary and give correct answers

? Rebuild the dialogue you have heard and practice with your partner

S : work in pairs

T – S make comments T : plays the tape

S : listen and repeat

T : ask and answer about your school activities S : work in pairs

T – S : make comments

1 : write about Nga, Ba and Nam write about your school activities Prepare part B1./ 64

6 Marks and remarks

Unit 6: lesson 4: (B1)

Preparing day: Teaching day : Week : 12

Period : 34

A : Objectives : After the lesson sts will be able to invite sb to st or request sb to st and suggest that sb should st…

B : Main content

* Vocabulary : suggest…

* Structures : What should we this evening? What about going to the movies? Let’s go to my house (review) Why don’t you relax? ( review) * Grammar : modal verbs, suggestions/ invitations C : Teaching aids : tape , cassette and pictures… D :Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson; ( during the new lesson)

* New lesson

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation.

T : asks some information S : answer


*What about going to the movie theater? Why don’t you relax?

Let’s go to my house

Why don’t you + V …? What about + Ving … ? Let’s + V …

Agreement : Great/ Ok, I’d love to Disagreement : I’m sorry…

3 Practice


S1: Why don’t you play chess? S2 : great

S1: what about watching TV? S2 : OK I’d love to

a Nam wants to go to the movies b Lan doesn’t want to go to the

movies because there are not any good movies at the moment c She wants to listen to some music

at her house

d Hoa doesn’t want to go to Lan’s house because she has so many assignments

e It’s Saturday

4 Consolidation

5 Homework

S : observe and answer

Ba, Nam, Lan and Hao are discussing what they should tonight

? Guess what they should/ what are they going to tonight?

S : guess – going to the movies - listening to music - go to someone’s house

? Listen and compare with what you have guessed

T : plays the tape S : Listen and compare T : plays the tape again S : Listen and repeat

? practice the dialogue in pairs S : work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to practice S : practice

T – S : make comments

T : asks sts to find out the new structures S ‘ answer

T : presents the new language ? What does Nam suggest? ? How does Lan invite/…

The answers and the responds to the suggestions ad invitatiions

S : answer T : sums up S : write down

T : give cues or situations S : practice

- play chess/ watch TV/ go to the zoo… ? give your own examples

S : answer

T – S : make comments

]? Read the dialogue again and answer the questions

S : work with a partner

T : checks sts’answers through the game : “ Lucky numbers”

S : take part in the game

T –S : make comments and corrections, if necessary and give correct answers

T : Reminds sts the structures of suggesting and inviting…

S : listen and remember

1 Rewrite questions and answers part B1/ 64 Do exercise 1/ 36 ( workbook)

3 Prepare part B2


Unit 6: Lesson - B2

Preparing day: Teaching day : Week : 12

Period : 35

A : Objectives : After the lesson sts will be able to talk about after school activitiesand some activities or organizations for teenagers

B : Main content

* Vocabulary : Scout, Boy scouts, girl guides ( girl Scouts) * Structures : ( review)

* Grammar : ( Review)

C : Teaching aids : tape , cassette and pictures extraboard… D :Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson; ( during the new lesson)

* New lesson

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

- Scout/ boy scout : nam hớng đạo sinh - Guide/ girl guide (B.E)/ Girl scouts (A.E): nữ hớng đạo sinh

Nh÷ng tổ chức nhằm rèn luyện cho hội viên kĩ thực tiễn xây dựng nhân cách

3 Practice

1 Eating in fast food restaurant

2 Attending youth organizations ( Scouts and Guides)

3 Learning to play a musical instrument Going shooping

5 Watching TV… ( page 65)

T : holds a game “ Brain storming” about some organizations for teenagers in Viet Nam and in America

S : discuss/ take part in the game

T : calls on some sts in each group to display S : answer

T – S: make comments

T : leads to the new lesson “ In this lesson you will study about the most popular after school activities in America

? Guess the activities through the pictures ( page 65)

S : guess

Do you know about Scouts and Guides? S : answer

T : explains the meaning of Scouts and guides ? Guess the sport activities which sts in Western countries like?

S : guess

? Read the text and tell the names of the activities mentioned in the text then compare with your guesses

S : read / compare

? Read the text again and answer the questions

Which of the activities in the list for American teenagers you think are also pupolar

among Vietnamese teenagers?

S : answer : watch TV, listen to music, go to the miovies, help old people…



Name favorite leasure activities

Nga ………

Lan ………

Ba ………

4 Consolidation

5 Homework

?What are they?

S : There are organizations such as Young Pioneers or Youth organization or different kinds of clubs for children

? Are they similar to Scouts and Guides in western countries?

S: answer

T – S : make comments

? Ask your friends what they like doing in their free time?

? Make a list of your goup’s favorite leasure activities

S : work in groups of or T – S : make comments T : Holds a game “ Networks”

S : work in groups

T – S : make comments

1 Learn by heart 10 after school activities that American sts like best

2 Compare with those in Viet nam Prepare B 3,4,5

6.Marks and remarks

Unit 6: Lesson - (B3,4,5)

Preparing day: Teaching day : Week : 12

Period : 36

A : Objectives : After the lesson sts will be able to invite sb to sb to st, accept and refuse invitations and arrange time to meet each other

B : Main content * Vocabulary : review

* Structures : Would you like….?/ Why don’t you….?/ What about….? ( review) * Grammar : invitations…

C : Teaching aids : tape , cassette and pictures extraboard… D :Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson; ( during the new lesson)

* New lesson

Content Method

1, Warm up T : ask some questions S : answer

T : holds a game “ net works”

Help old


Favorite leasure

activities of sts

in the USA

Attend Scout and

Guide associations

Watch TV

Listen to



2 Presentation


* Polite invitations

Would you like to go to the zoo? Play video games?

Would you like + to – V… ?

* More friendly invitations

What about + Ving….? Why don’t you….? - Answers

Agreement: Yes, i’d love to

That would be great fun refusal answer : I’m sorry, I can’t

3 Practice

B4: Read:

Community service

* Pre -reading

Voluntary (a): t×nh ngun

Volunteer (v): tình nguyện/ tình nguyện viên Help community: giúp đỡ cộng đồng

* While - Reading

Elderly people = old people

Community service: activities to help community

Neighborhood clean up campaigns: chiến dịch làm khu dân c

Be concerned about quan tâm …

S : take part in the game T -S : make comments

? Do you often invite your friends? In which accasion you invite them? S : answer

T : leads to the new lesson and presents the situation:

? Listen and find out the invitations in the dialogue

T : plays the tape (twice) S : listen and answer

T : present the new language / structures and gives cues to help sts to practice

S : practice in pairs - come to my house - go fishing

- listen to music… Ex :

S 1:Would you like to come to my house? S2 : Yes, I’d love to

S 1: Why don’t you go fishing with us? S2 : I’m sorry, I can’t


T -S : make comments

? Practice the dialogue in pairs S : work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to role play S – S2 : roleplay

T -S : make comments

? Make similar dialogue to invite your friends to come to your birthday party/ go to the movies/…

S : work in pairs T -S : make comments T : marks…

? Do you usualy voluntary work? ? what Vietnamese teenagers often volunteer to do?

? Can you guess what kinds of voluntary work which American children often to help community?

S : guess and answer

T : present the new language through sts answers

? Read and check your guesses then add more information

S : Read and check…

T : present more new words in the text And helps sts practice reading… ? Read the textt again and answer the questions

1 How some teenagers helps the community?

2 How Vietnamese teenagers help the community?


B5.Play with words

4 Consolidation

5 Homework

- help control traffic in big cities… S : read and work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to ask and answer T -S : make comments

T: plays the tape S : listen and repeat

T : present the new language , if necessary T : rminds sts structures;

Would you like to +V….? What about + Ving …? Why don’t you … ?

- Voluntary works that teenagers in the USA and in Vietnam

S : listen and remember

1 Write questions a &b & answers in your exercise books

2.Learn by heart the activities that teenagers volunteer to to help community

3 Prepare part : language focus

6 Marks and remarks

Language focus 2

Preparing day: Teaching day : Week : 13 Period : 37

A : Objectives : Help sts review the language they have learnt from units 4,5,6 - practice doing exercises

B : Main content

* Vocabulary : names of subjects , time ( review) * Structures : review

* Grammar : - invitations/ suggestions…

- the present continuous tense, simple present - adverbs of frequency

- demontratives

C : Teaching aids : extraboards, posters… D :Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson; ( during the new lesson)

* New lesson

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Revision

A.The present progressive tense

T : holds a game “ Lucky numbers” In which subject can you learn about other countries and study maps?

2 What are you doing now? Another way of saying this sentence

“ It’s ten thirty”

4 Which adverbs of frequency begins with letter “A”


* S + is / am/are + Ving…

Denotes an action which is happening at the speaking time

It is usually used with these adverbs ( now, at the moment, at present)

B Demonstratives

This / that / these/ those Ex:

This pen is mine That car is cheap

These books are interesting Those windows are big

C Time

What time is it?

- Theo đồng hồ điện tử: It’s + + phút - Giờ chẵn: It’s + + o’clock

- Giê h¬n: It’s + + past + giê - Giê kÐm: It’s + +to + giê

D Adverbs of frequency

Always / usually/ often/ sometimes/ seldom/ never Always: 100 %

Usually : 80 % Often : 70 % Sometimes : 30 % Sedom: 10 % Never : %

E: Suggestions/ invitations

Let’s + V… Should we……? Why don’t we….?

Would you like to + V….? Answers :OK, I’d love to I’d love to Great Good idea

I’m sorry, I can’t

3 Practice

1 Give correct form of the verbs.

doing write is writing read is reading cook is cooking play are playing kick is kicking run is running

2 Demonstratives

b put this bag away/ that isn’t my bag

c those… / these socks?/ No, those socks…bed d …those comics/ like these comics


b It starts at seven fifteen ( a quarter past seven) c No, I’ll be home at half past ten

d I’ll come at six forty – five/ a quarter to seven

4 Names of subjects

a phycsical education b chemistry

c Math

T : helps sts to review the form and the use of the present progressive tense

S : answer

T -S : make comments T : sums up

? Give some examples S : answer

? How can you use the demonstratives/

S : answer : these demonstratives depend on the distance from the speaker to the objects

? give examples S : answer

? question and answer about the time? S : answer

T -S : make comments

? remember abd give adverbs of frequency/

S : answer

Tell the degree of these adverbs/ S :answer

T -S : make comments ? structures of sugestions or invitartions you have learnt? S :answer

T -S : make comments

T : Hangs the extraboards and asks sts to the exercise in goups/ pairs ( or individually)

S : the exercises under the teacher’s guidance

T :- asks sts to hangs their posters on the board and help s them to check their answers

- calls on some students to answer / other sts make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

- can ask sts to write their answers on worksheets and T : collects to


d geography

5, Adverbs of frequency

1 Ba never goes to the… Ba sedom rides a bike

3 He sometimes plays computer Ba always practice …

6 Invitations and suggestions

A: Let’s watch movies B : Ok

C: Would you like to play volleyball/ D : I’m sorry, I can’t

4 Consolidation

5 Homework

T: reminds sts the language they have reviewed

S : listen and remember

1 Rewrite the above exercises in to your exercise books

2 Prepare to have a test ( 45’)

6 Marks and remarks

Test (45) Number 2

Preparing day: Testing day Week 13

Period: 38

A Objectives: - To check sts’ understanding through some types of exercise

Question I: Choose the best answer to complete these sentences.( 2,5 p)

1 My father never ….coffee


2 Nam likes ……… volleyball very much

A to play B playing C plays D play

3 Let’s … to the zoo

A go B going C.goes D.to go

4 Talking is … popular activity

A more B most C.the most D the more

5 Ba is in his room He….the guitar now

A was playing B.plays C will play D is playing

6 What …you at recess tomorrow?

A B will C does D is

7 Nga is………a play for the school anniversary celebration

A.making B rehearsing C practicing D.doing

8 In……, we some experiments

A History B.Chemistry C English D.Math

9 Would you like ….to music?

A to listen B listen C listening D listens

10 His idea is different ….mine

A to B on C.from D at

Question II: Give correct forms of the verbs in brackets.(2,5p)

1.Minh usually ( play) volleyball after school Now he ( play) volleyball in the sports ground Next year, my sister (be) a teacher

3 Let’s (go) to English club

4 Hoa doesn’t want (listen) to music

Question III Complete the passage with the words from the box.(2,5p)

finish lesson classes at interested Computer science week experiments favorite grade

Mai is a student (1)…Quang Trung school She is in (2) …7 She goes to school days a (3) , from Monday to Saturday (4) always begin at seven o’clock and (5) at a quarter past

… … …

eleven Today Mai has four classes: English, Geography, Computer science and Physics Mai is (6) in Computer, so her (7) subject is (8) She thinks Geography is difficult and so is

… … …

English Mai’s last (9) ….is Physics In physics, she does some ….(10)

Question IV: Write sentences, using these words or phrases.(2,5p)

1 They / often /marbles/ recess Nam / study/the library/ now

3.Would/ like/ go/ the movies/ with us? How often/ she/ go swimming?

5 I/ have / music classes/Monday/ Friday

Keys and marks

Question I: Mỗi câu 0,25 điểm

1.C B 3.A C 5.D B 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.C

Question II: Mỗi câu 0,5 điểm

1.play/ is playing 2.will be

3 go listen

Question III: Mỗi câu 0,5 điểm

1: at 6: interested

2: grade 7: favorite

3: week 8: Computer Science

4: classes 9: lesson

5: finish 10: experiments

Question IV: Mỗi câu 0,5 điểm.

1 They often play marbles at recess Nam is studying in the library now


4 How often does she go swimming?

5 I have music classes on Monday and Friday

Correct the test

Preparing day: Testing day: Week : 13 Period : 39

A : Objectives :

- Nªu mét số lỗi sai làm học sinh yêu cầu học sinh tự sửa chữa - Củng cố lại nội dung học sinh yếu thông qua số tập cụ thể

B : Result of the test.

Class < TB >TB

P:0 1+2 3+4 5+6 7+8 9+10

Numbers of tests 7A : 30

7B : 31

C : Những u nh ợc điểm thông qua kiểm tra.

( kiến thức, kĩ năng, trình bày)

1 Ưu điểm:

2 Tồn tại:

D:Chữa củng cố khắc sâu kiến thức, kỹ học sinh yếu qua kiểm tra.

( Soạn cụ thể đơn vị kiến thức, loại bài)

1.Basic mistakes


Unit : The world of work

periods ( from 40 to 44)

Period 40 - Lesson 1: ( A1)

Teaching day:

Preparing day Week: 14

Period: 40 A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to talk about the vacation and work of a student B, Main content

* Vocabulary : late for…, summer vacation

* StructureS : - That take about hours each day - It lasts for almost months * Grammar - adjectives, making comparison

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, a picture of Hoa and her uncle who are talking when eating breakfast

D, Teaching procedures * Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Method Content

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

Summer vacation = summer holiday

It takes her two hoursto do her homework each day

It takes sb + time …to st

T : Holds a game “ noughts and crosses”

classes finish help

begin homework farm

start work a quarter

T : asks sts to make sentences with these words

S : work in groups T -S : make comments T : marks

? Who are they?( Hoa and her uncle) What are they doing?

They are eating/ having breakfast ? Guess the content of the conversation between Hoa and her uncle What are they talking about?

S : guess: about Hoa’s work/ her holiday/ Hoa’s uncle’s work

? Listen and check your answers T : T: plays the tape ( twice)

S : listen and check, then add more information…

Hoa’s classes start at…/ finish at… - homework

- time to homework - summer vacation…

- T : presents the new language through sts’s answers

? listen and repeat

T : T: plays the tape again S : listen and reapeat

? Practice the dialogue in pairs S : work in pairs


3 Practice

a Hoa’s classes start at o’clock b They finish at a quarter past eleven c Hoa does homework hours each day d She will visit her parents on the farm during the vacation

e/g : sts’s answers

4 Consolidation

5 Homework

T – S : make comments

? Read the dialogue again and answer the questions

S : discuss in pairs or groups

T : checks sts’s answers through the game “Lucky numbers”

S : take part in the game

T : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

? Tell about Hoa : Her school work and summer vacation)

What time your classes start? What time they finish?

How many hours a day does hoa work? S :answer

T -S : make comments T : marks

? What about you? Can you tell me about your school work and your summer vacation?

S : answer

T : calls on some sts to answer T -S : make comments

T : Remind sts the work of a sts through the game “ Net work”

S : take part in the game T -S : make comments Practice the dialogue

2 Write about your school work

6 Marks and remarks

Unit : The world of work

Period 41- Lesson2: ( A2,3)

Teaching day:

Preparing day Week: 14


Period: 41 A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to talk about holidays in Viet Nam and America B, Main content

* Vocabulary : a few, fewer, more…( review), Easter, Thanksgiving * Structures : ( review)

* Grammar - present simple…

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, pictures … D, Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson) * New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

1 A2: Read and answer

* Pre - reading

3 Practice

* While reading

Easter: (n) lễ phục sinh vào ngày cuối tuần cuối tháng đầu tháng t ( ngày lễ quan trọng thiên chúa giáo, tín đồ chào mừng sống lại chúa Giê Su Hình ảnh tiêu biểu trứng nhiều màu sắc (Easter egg) hình ảnh thỏ ( Easter bunny)

Thanksgiving: (n) Lễ tạ ơn: đợc tổ chức Hoa Kì vào ngày thứ năm tuần thứ t tháng 11 ngời gia đình ăn bữa ăn truyền thống gồm thịt gà tây, gà nhồi, xốt cranbery, khoai lang, bánh mỳ bắp, rau luộc bánh nhân bí…

4th of July ( In America) = 2nd September (in

Viet Nam): Independence day

Christmas (n) : 25th of December


a The summer vacation is the longest b He spends time with his family c Vietnamese sts have fewer vacatoins

than American students

*Post reading

? Tell about Hoa’s school work and her vacation?

S : work in groups

T : call on some students to answer S ; answer

T -S : make comments T : marks…

T: presents the situation “ Hoa receives A letter from Tim – her America penpal Tim tells Hoa about his school work and

vacations Guess Tim’ or American students’s work and vacation.? S : guess

T : writes their guessing on the board ? Read the letter then check your guessing and add more information

S: Read in silent and check

T : presents the new language through sts’ answers ,the situation and pictures… S : write down

T : helps sts to practice reading the new words…

? Read again and answer the questions S : work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to practice S : work with a partner

T -S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers ? talk about your holidays in a year S : work in groups


2 A3: Listen and write the name of the public holiday…

* Pre- listening

* While - listening

a Thanksgiving b Independence Day c New Year’s Eve d Christmas

4 Consolidation

*Post - listening

5 Homework

Ex: May Day, Independence Day ( 2nd

September), Tet holiday, summer holiday ? Look at the pictures and guess the name of the holidays in each picture

S : guess

? Why you think so?

S : a Thanksgiving: Because I can see turkey, boiled vegetables,…

d: Christmas : Because I can see Christmas tree, many gifts … T -S : make comments

? Listen to the tape and write the name of the holiday under each pictures

T : plays the tape ( twice) S : Listen and write

? Compare your answers with a partner’s S : Compare

T: plays the tape again

S : listen , check and give correct answers T : Reminds sts aome American holiday in America and in Viet nam through the game “ Net works”

S : take part in the game T -S : make comments

1 Write names and details of some important holiday in American and in Vietnam

2 Rewrite questions and answers part A3 in your exercise books

3 Prepare A4

6 Marks and remarks

Unit : The world of work

Period 42- Lesson3: ( A4)

Teaching day:

Preparing day Week: 14

Period: 42 A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to talk about their school work- a student’s work B, Main content

* Vocabulary : typical, review, definitely, be keen on… * Structures : fewer…than/ more … than


Holidays in


Independece Day


* Grammar - Comparision

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, pictures … D, Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson) * New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

* Pre - reading

be keen(a): ham mª, say mê review(v): ôn tập

typical(a) : điển hình

3 Practice

* While - reading

a People think students have an easy life because they only work a few hours a day and have long vacations

b She works about 45 hours a week, including hours of homework

Yes, it’s fewer than most workers, but more than some workers

c students’s answers

Ex: I work about 50 hours a week It’s more hours than Hoa

d No, he doesn’t think sts are lazy

* This is fewer than most workers, but

more than some workers

T : Holds a game “ noughts and crosses”

vacation hard more

work few hours

student week school

S: take part in the game T -S : make comments ? Discuss your school work S: work in groups

T : call on some students to answer S: answer

T -S : make comments ? Do you work hard? Are you a keen student?

? Do you have to review your lesson before tests?

How many hours a week you work every week/

? you think your daily life is hard? S :answer

T : presents the new language and helps sts to practice reading these new words

Look at the picture of Hoa and guess the information about Hoa’s work?

S : guess

T : writes their guessing on the board - She works 5(6) days a week - works 20/ 35/ 45 hours a week - study hard

- lazy - keen…

? Read the passage and check your guessing S : Read check and compare

? read again and answer the questions S : work in groups

T : checks sts’s answers through the game “lucky numbers”

S : take part in the game

T- S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

T : Presents the new structures ( So sánh với few and many

T : gives cues S : practice

Ex: I have (many) books than Nga She works (few) hours than I


* Post - reading

4 Consolidation

5 Homework

T -S : make comments

? Discuss about your school work - numbers of periods

- numbers of working days a week - numbers of hours of working… S : Discuss

T : call on some students to answer S: answer

T -S : make comments T : marks

T: Consolidate the lesson through the part post reading

1.Do exercise 2/3 page 46 in work book Rewrite questions and answers part A4 Prepare part B1,2

6 Marks and remarks

Unit : The world of work

Period 43- Lesson4: ( B1,2)

Teaching day:

Preparing day Week: 15

Period: 43 A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to talk about a typical work and the difference between typical work of American and Vietnamese people such as a farmer’s work

B, Main content

* Vocabulary : part – time , mechanic, day off, shift, prefer, however, grow rice, feed collect… * Structures : fewer…than/ more … than.( Review)

* Grammar - Comparision, present simple…

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, pictures , worksheets… D, Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

* mechacnic (n): a person who repairs machines in a factory

2 Presentation

1 B1: Listen and read.

T : Holds a game “ Net works”

S : take part in the game T -S : make comments

T: Presents the new job “ mechanic” through the net

? Look at the picture / 76 and answer

? How many people are there in Tim’s family?





- part- time ( work part- time): làm việc bán thời gian , làm thêm ( nửa ngày)

- prefer(v): = like …better - shift (n): ca

- day off : ngµy nghØ

3 Practice

a Mrs John works at home, but mornings a week she works part- time at a local supermarket

b She cooks lunch for homeless people once a week

c Mr John is a mechanic He repairs machines in a factory

d He works about 40 hours a week

e The John family always goes to Florida on vacaton They have a great time there

2 B2: Read

* Pre - reading

Grow rice :

Feed the buffalo/ chicken/ pigs Feed(v): cho ăn

Collect eggs

Clean the buffalo shed: dän chuång trâu Chicken coop: chuồng gà

* While - reading

Who are they?

What does each person do? What they work everyday? S : Guess

T : presents the letter Tim sent to Hoa… ? Listen and check your guess

T: plays the tape

S ; listen and check then add more information from the letter

Tim’s Mom : takes care of the family/ works part – time…

Tim’s father – a mechanic/ repair machines/ prefer ….shift…/ fewer days off…

T : present the new language through sts’ answers…

T : checks sts’ understanding through the game “ matching”

S : take part in the game

? Read the letter in silence and answer the questions

S : work in pairs

T : checks sts’answer through the game “ picking up flowers”

S : take part in the game

T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

S : write down

? read the letter aloud T : calls on some sts to read S : reads

T -S : make comments ? Tell about Tim’s family? S : work in groups

T : call on some students to answer S : answer

T -S : make comments T : marks

? Look at the picture/77 “ This is Hoa’s father, Mr Tuan Guess : What does he do? What does he everyday?

S : Guess A farmer: - grow rice

- raise cattle/feed the buffalo/ cow - raise pigs/ chickens…

- work in the field/ on the farm - clean the buffalo shed/ chicken coop - collect eggs…

T : present the new language through sts’ answers

T: helps sts practice reading the new language and check their understanding


* Post -reading

4 Consolidation

5 Homework

? Read aagin ad answer the questions What does Hoa’s father do”

2 What time does he start work? What does he everyday? What time does he finish?

5 How often does he have a day off? Do farmers have real vacation? S : work in pairs

T : checks sts’s answers through the game “ lucky numbers”

S : take part in the game

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers ? Talk about Hoa’s father’s work? S : answer

T -S : make comments

T : Reminds sts the typical work of a farmer, a mechanic and a housewife

S : Remember

1 Write to tell about Tim’s family and Hoa’s father

2 Prepare B3,4,5

6 Marks and remarks

Unit : The world of work

Period 44- Lesson5: ( B3,4,5)

Teaching day:

Preparing day Week: 15

Period: 44

A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to talk describe some concrete jobs such as mechanic, farmer and compare them…

- Practice listening, speaking,…skills

B, Main content

* Vocabulary : be on duty, annual… * Structures :( Review)

* Grammar - Comparision, present simple…

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, pictures , extrboards… D, Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation 1 B3: Compare…

T : Holds a game “ noughts and crosses”

vacation work day off

grow doctor start

40 hours a

week factory finish

S: take part in the game T -S : make comments

or Tell about Mr Tuan and Jim’s family? Then make notes about them


3 Practice

? Read Tim’s letter and the text about Mr Tuan again, then make notes about them T: gives sts extraboards or worksheets S : work in groups

T : call on some students to answer S : answer

T -S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

Names Hours per week Days off Vacation time

Mr John 40 two A three week summer

vacatoin Mr Tuan 84 One : four or fve times a

year No real vacation


- Mr John works about 40 hours a week He gets two days off every week He also has three weeks summer vacation

- Mr Tuan works 84 hours a week He gets one day off – four or five times a year He has no real vacation

2 B4 Listen and take notes * Pre- listening

* While - listening

Name job Hours

per week Amount of vacation

Peter doctor 70 weeks

Susan nurse 50 weeks

Janes shop

assistant 35 week Phong Factory

worker 48 weeks

* Post – listening

- Peter is a doctor in a hospital He is on duty for about 70 hours a week He has a - week vacation each year

- Susan is a nourse She’s on duty for about 50 hours a week She has a three -week vacation each year

- Janes is a shop assistant She works 35 hours a week She has a one – week vacatio each year

- Phong is a factory worker……

3 B5 : Play with words.

T : call on some students to answer S : answer

T -S : make comments T : can mark

? Work in groups of four or five Discuss about the work of any jobs

T: suggests: working hours/ daily duties, amount of vacation…

S : work in groups

T: call on some students to answer S; answer

T -S : make comments

? Listen and take notes about jobs, working hours per week, amount of vacation of four people: Susan/ Peter/ Jane/ Phong

T: plays the tape

S: listen and the exercise

? Compare your answers with a parrtner’s S : compare

T: call on some students to answer S: answer

T -S : make comments T: plays the tape again

S : listen and check , then give correct answers

? tell about each person’s work? S: prepare and answer

T: call on some students to answer S : answer

T -S : make comments T: marks…

T: plays the tape S: listen and repeat


4 Consolidation

5 Homework

? answer the questions

Will machines all the work in the future? What will robot do?

Will we have less work and more money to spend?

S : answer

T : Remind sts the characteristics of some jobs

S : listen and remember

1 Rewrite part “ post - listening” Prepare Unit (A1,2)

6 Marks and remarks

Unit : Places

periods ( from 45 to 49)

Period 45 - Lesson 1: ( A1,2)

Teaching day:

Preparing day Week: 15

Period: 45 A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to ask the way and give directions and names of stores and facilities…

B, Main content

* Vocabulary : state bank, Saint Paul hospital, railway station,… * Structures : - Could you show me the way to….?

- Could yout tell me how to get to….?

+ Go straight ahead/ take the first street on the right… * Grammar - present simple…

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, a street map, extraboards… D, Teaching procedures

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up T : Holds a game “ Net works”



2 Presentation 1 A1: names places

a State ( national) bank of Viet nam b Saint Pual hospital

c hotel

d The center post office e Ha noi railway station f Dong xuan market

2 A2: Listen , repeat and practice

Souvenir shop(n): cửa hàng bán đồ lu niệm * Could you tell me how to get to the souvenir shop?

- go straight ahead/ take the second street on

the left

/ on the right

Could you tell me how to ….?

3 Practice

* Could you show me the way to the supermarket?

Could you show me the way to….?

S: take part in the game T -S : make comments

? Look at the picture page 79 and name places

s: work in groups or pairs

t: call on some students to answer s: answer

T: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

T : helps sts practice reading these words S : practice reading

? Are therer any similar places in your town? If yes, What are they?

S: answer

T -S : make comments

? Look at the picture page 80 then answer the questions

? Who are they? Where are they?

What does the woman want? S; she asks for the way

T : presents the situation “ A tourist is asking the way? Please guess where does she want to go? How does she ask for the way? S : Guess

T: plays the tape

S : listen ( twice) nd check their guessing She wants to go to the Souvenir shop T : Presents the structures used to ask the way

? Practice this structure T: gives cues

S : practice Ex: - the hotel - the post office - the zoo… S : work in pairs

T -S : make comments t T: plays the tape again S : listen and repeat

? Practice the dialogue in pairs S : work in pairs ]

T: calls on some pairs to practice T -S : make comments

* The same method with the dialogue (b) Where does the tourist want to go? - to the supermarket

?How does she ask the way? S: answer

T: presents the other ways of asking for the way


4, Consolidation

Post office hotel Bookstore

Drug store Toy store

Market Souvenir

shop Bus stop

Hospital station

5 Homework

- The Nationa bonk of Ha noi S : practice with these cues

? practice the dialogue in pairs S: roleplay

T : calls on some pairs to practice T -S : make comments

T; hangs a street map and ask sts to practice asking the way

S: Look at the street map and practice asking and giving the way in pairs

T : calls on some pair to practice S 1- S2: Roleplay

T -S : make comments

T: Reminds sts the ways of asking and answering the ways

S: listen and remember

1 Practice asking the way and answer Learn by heart the dialogues “a and b” Prepare A3

6 Marks and remarks

Unit : Places

Period 46 - Lesson 2: ( A3)

Teaching day:

Preparing day: Week:

Period: 46 A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to ask and give directions to some places B, Main content

* Vocabulary : review names of places * Structures : Where is the bank?

The bank is between the hotel and the restaurant It’s opposite the hospital * Grammar - present simple, pepositions of places

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, a street map, D, Teaching procedures

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson) * New lesson

Content Method

1 Warm up

T: holds a game “ Net works”

Prepositions of



2 Presentation

A3: Practice the dialogue

S 1: Where is the bank?

S2: The bank is betwee the hotel and the restaurant It’s opposite the hospital

3 Practice

* Now look at the street map again and write the places

a Souvenir shop b Shoes store c Hotel

d Drug store e Hospital

4 Consolidation

5 Homework

S: take part in the game in groups T -S : make comments

? Look at the street map and names of the office and shops in the map

S: observe and tell the names of the places T – S: build a model dialogue

T: helps st practice reading the model dialogue S: practice

T: calls on some pairs to read T -S : make comments

? make similar dialogues with other places? S: work in pairs

T: calls on some pairs to role play S – S2: practice

T -S : make comments T: marks…

If now you go straight ahead to the second street, turn left What’s on the right next to the restaurant?

T: guiedes and plays the tape (twice) S: listen and answer

? Compare your answers with a partner’s S: compare

T: plays the tape again

S: listen and check their answers T: call on some students to answer S: answer

T -S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

? Ask and answer the positions of the offices and shops … near your house/ school/

S: work in pairs

T -S : make comments

T: consolidates the content of the lesson Rewrite the dialogues part A3 and learn by heart

2 Prepare parts A4,5

6 Marks and remarks

Unit : Places

Period 47 - Lesson 3: ( A4,5)

Teaching day:

Preparing day: Week: 16

Period: 47 A, Objectives:


B, Main content * Vocabulary : review

* Structures : How far it is from ….to ….?/ It’s about … It takes …time…

* Grammar - present simple

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, a map of Viet nam, D, Teaching procedures

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

A4; Listen and repeat/ practice

How far is it form… ….to ? It’s about + distance…

3 Practice ( A5)

It takes about 18 hours to ge to Ha noi by bus It takes + time…+ to st: mÊt thời gian làm

4 Consolidation

T: Holds a game “ transmitting information” ? How fwr is it from your house to school? S: play the game

T: leads to the new lesson: The ways of asking and answering the distance between two places

S: Review the structure? T – S: make comments T: give cues

S: rebuild the structure Ex : Ha noi/ Hue/ 680 km

S 1: How far is it from Ha noi to Hue? S2: it’s about 680 km

T: plays the tape S: listen and repeat

? Practice the dialogue in pairs S: practice

T: calls on some pairs to practice before class S : work in pairs

T – S : make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

T: notice sts the stucture “ It takes…time… ? Look at the map and recognize the cities in the map

S : answer

T: asks sts to practice asking and answering about the distance betwwen Ha noi and the cities in the map

S: work in pairs

T: calls on some to practice S 1- S2: rople play

T- S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers T : hangs a map of Viet nam with famous palces such as Long, Quang Ninh, Cat Ba…

? ask and answer about the distance between Ha noi and these places and the amount of time to get there

Ex :S 1: How far is it from Ha noi to Quang Ninh?

S2: It’s about… km

S 1: How long does it take from noi to quang Ninh?

S2: It takes about…… S – S2: practice in pairs

T: calls on some pairs to practice S: practice


5 Homework Write the distance from your house to school and other places near your house?

2 prepare b1,2

6 Marks and remarks

Unit : Places

Period 48 - Lesson 4: ( B1,2)

Teaching day:

Preparing day: Week: 16

Period: 48

A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to ask and answer about the postoffice service + ask for information in the post office

B, Main content

* Vocabulary : oversea mail, local stamp, phonecard, envelop, pay, receive, change, altogether… * Structures : How much is it? It is …+ price

How much does it cost? It costs… Need to st

* Grammar - present simple

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, pictures and a phonecard… D, Teaching procedures

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson) * New lesson

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

1 B1 : Listen and Read

Stamp: (n) tem

Envelope (n): phong b× Receive (v):nhËn Parcel (n) : bu phÈm

Post a letter/ mail a letter: göi th Send a letter/ send a parcel…

T :asks some questions to lead to the new lesson

? Is there a post office near your house? ? How often you go there?

What you often at the post office? S: answer

T – S: make comments T: leads to the new lesson

? look at the pictures page 83 and answer Who are they in the picture?

Where are they?

What does Liz want to there?Can you guess?

S: answer : They are Liz and the clerk They are at the post office

I think Liz : buy stamps, envelopes/ send a letter/ send or receive parcels/ make a phone call…

T: present the new language through

sts’answers and helps sts to practice reading these new words

? N¬ listen and check your guesses T: plays the tape (twicw)

S: listen and check their gusses


* Polite request I’d like + N I’d like + to - V

*How much is / are … ? It is/ they are…+ price… *How much does/ … cost? It costs…/ they cost…+ price

3 Practice

a Liz will mail the letter to the USA b She pays 11,500 dong altogether tæng céng c She recievÐ 3,500 dong in change tiÒn thõa, lỴ

2.B2 : Listen and read

Phone card (n): thẻ điện thoại ( dùng trực quan)

Local stamp ; tem níc Overseas stamp: tem níc ngoµi Overseas mail/ letter…

to buy some stamps and send her letter? S: answer : I’d like some stamps

I’d like to post this letter

T: present the new language ( The structure: I’d like…

S: make comments on the structures T : sums up

T: gives cues

S : practice this structure

Ex: a book? a car? Some envelopes…? S: I’d like a book

I’d like a car…

Go fishing? Send the parcel/ Make a phone call?

S: I’d like to go fishing

I’d like to send this parcel… T – S: make comments T: marks

? review the ways of asking and answering about the prices

S: answer

This stamp/ 2000 dong

These envelopes/ 8000 dong… S: work in pairs

T: calls on some pairs to practice ? Practice the dialogue in pairs S; work with a partner

T: calls on some pairs to practice T S: make comments

? Read the dialogue again and answer the questions

S: discuss in groups

T: checks sts’answers through the game” picking uo flowers”

S: take part in the game

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

S: guess the meaning of the word “altogether”

?What about you?

Where is your nearest post office? How you get there from your home? How often you go there?

S: work in pairs

T: calss on some pairs to ask and answer T –S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

T : presents the situation “ Nga and Hoa go to the post office after school Please guess what they want to do?

S : guess : they want to buy stamps, envelopes/ buy phone cards…

? Listen and check your answer T: plays the tape

S: listen and check then add more information T: present the new language through



2 They are going to the post office after school

3 She needs some local stamps and some stamps for overseas mail and a phone card She needs some stamps for overseas mail because she has a pen pal in America

6 She needs to buy a phone card because she phones her parents once a week

* Need + N * Need + to- V

4 Consolidation

5 Homework

T: calls on some pairs to practice S: practice

T – S: make comments and corections to pronunciation, if necessary

? read and answer the questions S: work in pairs / or groups

T: checks sts’answers through the game” “ Lucky numbers”

S: take part in the game

T- S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

1 Where are Nga and Hoa going after school? 2; Ln

3: What does Hoa need from the post office? Why doe she need stapms for overseas mail?

5 LN

6 Why does she need a phone card? T: notice sts the verb “ need”

T: reminds sts the structures used in the post office

I’d /some stamps I/ like / send /this letter I /need / envelopes

I /need / buy / phone card How much/ this phone card?

S: the exercise and remember the sructures Learn by heart the new language Read the dialogue (B1,2) fluently Rewrite the questions and answers part

B 1,2

Prepare B3,4,5

6 Marks and remarks

Unit : Places

Period 49 - Lesson 5: ( B3,4,5)

Teaching day:

Preparing day: Week: 17 Period: 49

A, Objectives:

- After the lesson students will be able to use polite requests an ask answer about the prices B, Main content

* Vocabulary : Review

* Structures : : I’d like…/ How much… * Grammar - present simple, polite requests

C, Teaching aids: tape, cassette, real things, extraboards

D, Teaching procedures

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)

* New lesson

Content Method


2 Presentation

B3 : Complete the dialogue

1 like are much is here change

3 Practice

B4 : Listen and write prices.

The answers;

A package of envelopes : 2,000 dong A pen : 1,500 dong A writing pad : 3,000 dong Five stamps : 2,500 dong A phone card : 50,000 dong The total cost is 59,000 dong She will have 1,000 dong in change

B5 : Answer the following questions

a part from : ngoµi a It’s 800 dong b It’s …

c envelope, phone card… d students’answers

4 Consolidation

5 Homework

stamps Phone card need

Would like mail parcel

Post office buy send

S: take part in the game T – S: make comments

? Observe the picture page 84 and answer ? Who are they?: Hoa and the clerk

Where is Hoa? At the post office What are they doing?

S: answer

T: leads to the new lesson

? complete the dialogue in pairs S : work in pairs or groups

T: call on some students to answer S: answer

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers ? Practice the dialogue in pairs S : work in pairs

T: calls on aome pairs to practice T – S: make comments

Make up similar dialogues Use the words from the box?

S: work with a partner

T : calls on some pairs to roleplay S: role play

T – S : make comments

* T; require sts to look at the pictures at page 85 and name the objects in the picture

T; Presents ; these are objects which Mr Robinson will buy : please guss the price of each iterm

S: guess

? Listen and check your answers T: plays the tape

S: listen and write

? listen again and write the total cost and the change

S: listen and write

T: calls on some sts to answer

T – S: make comments and correction, if necessary

? discuss the questions in part b5/ 85 S: work in pairs

T: checks sts’answers through the game “lucky numbers”

S: take part in the game

T – S: make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers

T: uses an extraboard with pictures of things and their prices

S: practice in pairs T – S: make comments

1 Do exercise 2/ page 50 “ work book” Rewrite part B3

6 Marks and remarks


Preparing day: Teaching day : Week: 17

A : Objectives: to check sts’s understanding

B: Questions

I : Put the words in correct orders to make meaningful sentences.

1 The/ on/ right/ railway station/ the/ is is/ Park/near/ house/ my/ there/ a

3 tell/ you/ could/ me/ to/ the/ how/ to/ get/ souvenir shop? it/ is/ how much/ to America/ mail/ to/ letter/ a?

II complete these sentences with suitable prepositions Myhouse is….the hotel and the drug store I will be at home… all day

3 The bus stop is ….the right

4 There is a market… front of my house Minh lives ….a beauiful house ….the city

C : Keys and marks

I : Mỗi câu điểm

1 The railway station is on the right Therer is a park near my house

3 Could you tell me how to get to the souvenir shop? How much is it to mail a letter to America?

II Mỗi câu điểm

1 between at 3: on 4: in 5: in/ in

D: Result

7A: Giái: Kh¸:

Trung b×nh: Ỹu: KÐm:

B: Giái: Kh¸:

Trung b×nh: Ỹu:


E: Remarks

Consolidation (1)

Preparing day: Teaching day: Week : 17 Period: 50

A : Objectives : - Help sts to review the language they have learnt - Practice doing exercises

B: Main content

 Vocabulary: Review

 Sttructures: Review

 Grammar : - Prepositions, tenses, …

C : Teaching aids : extraboards

D : Teaching procedures

* Management: (45’) * Checking the old lesson: * New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up T : asks some information


2 Consolidation and practice

Exercise 1: Choose the best answer to complete these sentences

1 ….there a post office near here?

A: Is B: Are C: Does

2 Could you tell me how …to Ben Thanh market?

A: getting B: get C: to get

3 The souvenir shop is… the book store and the hotel A: opposite B: between C: next to I’d like … this letter to Ha Noi

A: to send B:sending C: send

5 It ……about hours to get there

A: gets B: long C: takes

6 How ….does it take to get to Hanoi by coach?

A: far B: long C: much

7 How…is the blue hat?

A: far B: many C: much

Exercise 2: Complete the dialogue btween Lan and you?

Lan: What time your classes finish?

You: ………

Lan: What you often after school? You: ……… Lan: What are you going to this Sunday? You: ……… Lan : Who are you going to visit?

You : ………

Exercise 3: Supply the correct forms of the vrbs in brackets

1 Could you (show) me the way to the bus stop? Lan and Hoa (go) to the post office now? Liz (need) some stamps

4 hoa needs ( buy) a phone card I (mail) this letter tomorrow

6 He (phone) his parents or times a week Nam wants ( send) this post card to his pen pal We would like ( visit) Ngoc Son temple

Exercise 4: Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions my house is ……the drug store and the hotel

2 The newspapers are ….the shelves

3 The students are reading books ….the library There’s a bus station ….to my house

5 I usually buy a phone card… the post office

6 The New World hotel is …Pham Hong Thai street


I : 1a 2c 3b a 5c 6b c II: They finish at……

I often……… I am going to…… I am going to visit…… III show

are going needs to buy will mail phones

T - S: make comments T: Hangs the extraboard S: Do the exercise in groups T: Calls on some sts to answer S : answer

T- S: make comments and

corretions, if necsessary and give correct anwers

T : can check sts’answers through the game “ Lucky numbers”…

T : hangs the extraboard S : work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to practice T- S: make comments and

corretions, if necsessary and give correct anwers

S : write down

T : asks sts to the exercise individually

S : the exercise

T: Calls on some sts to answer S :answer

T- S: make comments and

corretions, if necsessary and give correct anwers

T: Hangs the extraboard S : the exercise in groups T : Calls on some sts to answer S :answer

T- S: make comments and

corretions, if necsessary and give correct anwers


to send to visit

IV: between 4: next 2: on 5: at 3: in 6: on

3 Consolidation 4 Homework

T : Reminds sts the language they have reviewed

S : listen and remember Review your lesson

5 Marks and remarks

Bổ sung trò chơi Net works tríc cho häc sinh lun tËp bµi tËp

Consolidation (2)

Preparing day: Teaching day: Week : 17 Period: 51

A : Objectives : - Help sts to review the language they have learnt - Practice doing exercises

B: Main content

 Vocabulary: Review

 Sttructures: Review

 Grammar : Review

C : Teaching aids : extraboards

D : Teaching procedures

* Management: (45’) * Checking the old lesson:

* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Consolidation and practice

Exercise 1: Choose the best answer to complete these sentences

1 What is you date of birth?- July……

A:the seventh B: seven C: seventh …a beautiful garden!

A: How B: What C: Which

3 Thursday is …… day of the week

A: the five B: fifth C: the fifth Her birthday is on the….of August

A: twelve B: twelfth C: twelveth ……terrible weather!

A: What B: How C: What a

6 This dress is the … expensive of the four

A:best B: more C: most

7 He writes articles for a newspaper He’s a ……

T : asks some information S: answer

T: makes comments

T: hangs the extraboards S : Do the exercise individually

T : Calls on some sts to answer


A: journalist B: teacher C: musician Red is my … color

A: favorite B: interesting C: beautiful

Exercise 2: Choose the best answer to complete these sentences

1 Nam wants ….this post card to his penpal

A: send B: sending C: to send

2 John likes….tennis

A: playing B: play C:plays

3 Let’s ….to the market

A: went B:going C:go

4 We enjoy…….in summer

A: swim B:swimming C: to swim

5 My sister loves … stamps

A: collecting B: to collect C: collect We…… swimming every afternoon

A: are going B: will go C: go would you like… to misic?

A: listening B: listen C: to listen Children should….to bed early

A: to go B:go C:going

9 What about… Ha Long Bay?

Ato visit B: visit C:visting

10 They… badnimton next Sunday

A: will play B: are playing C: play

Question 3: Give correct form of the verbs in brackets Look ! the teacher (come) here

2 Ba can (fix) the lights

3 They (do) experiments at the moment We often (go) to English club after school We (not come) here tomorrow morning Listen! The girl( play) the guitar

Question 4: Fill in the blanks with a suitable question words

1 ….does your mother get to work? ….will the concert start?

3 … is her date of birth?

4 ….you live with? – With my parents …are you late?

6 ….classe you have today?

7 ….is it from the bus stop to school? ….does it cost? It costs 2000 dong ….do you live? – On Nguyen Trai street 10 ….are you? – I’m thirteen

T- S: make comments and corretions, if necsessary and give correct anwers

Or T: Holds a game “ lucky numbers”

T : Hangs the extraboard S : the exercise in groups T : chech sts’s answers throught he game “ noughts and crosses’

S: take part in the game in groups

T- S: make comments and corretions, if necsessary and give correct anwers

The same method as exercise


I: 1a 2b 3c 4b 5a 6c 7a 8a

II: 1.c 2a 3c 4b 5a 6c 7c 8b 9c 10a

III: 1: is coming 2: fix 3: are doing 4:go will not come 6; is playing

IV: 1: How 2: what time 3: What 4: Who 5: Why 6How many 7: How far 8: How much 9: Where 10: How old

3 Homework : Review the language you have learnt


Consolidation (3)

Preparing day: Teaching day: Week : 18 Period: 52

A : Objectives : - Help sts to review the language they have learnt - Practice doing exercises

B: Main content

 Vocabulary: Review

 Sttructures: Review

 Grammar : Review

C : Teaching aids : extraboards

D : Teaching procedures

* Management: (45’) * Checking the old lesson:

* New lesson:

Content Method

1 Warm up

2 Revision and practice

3 Questions

T: asks some information S: answer

T - S: make comments T: Hangs the extrboards

S : the exercises in pairs or groups… T: Calls on some sts to answer / to write or take or take part in the games

T- S: make comments and corretions, if necsessary and give correct anwers

Question I: Complete the dialogue.

Ba: hello, Liz (1)……are you going now?

Liz: I (2)….to the postoffice I want to…(3) a letter to the USA Ba: Oh! I’m going to the post office, too I’d like (4) …a phone card Liz: Why you ….(5) a phone card, Ba?

Ba: I usually phone my grand parents … …(6) Da Nang (7)….is it to mail a letter to the USA, Liz?

Liz: It…(8) about 10 thousands dong

Ba: OK Here is the post office Let’s come in together

QuestionII: Write the questions for the underlined words.

1 Our school year starts on September 5th .

2 Summer vacation lasts for three months The longest vacation is summer vacation I usually visit my parents during my vacation My mother works eight hours a day

6 Mr Robinson is an English teacher

Question III: Choose the best answer to complete these sentencs.

1 My father is a doctor He takes care … sick chikdren

A on B of C in D for

2 There….over 100 million books in the United State’s Library of Congress

A have B has C.are D is

3 My mother…the housework and she helps on the farm

A.makes B.do C.works D.does

4 My brother is good … English

A on B of C.at D for

5 It’s time …recess

A for B of C in D.at

6 We only have … flowers

A a little B little C.a few D much

7 …a lovely view!

A where B What C where D How

8 They ….badminton next Sunday


9 Which is the…apartment?

A better B most C more D best

10 Her date of birth is … November fourth

A on B of C in D for

11 Lan likes …chess

A play B playing C.plays D.to play

12 My mother nerver … coffee

A.drink B to drink C drinking D drinks

13 There is….milk in the glass

A a few B a little C many D less

IV: Give correct forms of the adjectives in brackets Orange juice is… than coffee (good)

2 Hanh is the ….student in the class.( intelligent) Cars are…… than motorbikes ( expensive) Mai is the….girl of the three sisters ( beautiful) The blue dress is ….than the red one.( cheap)

6 Mount Everest is the….mountain in the world.( high)

7 Vietnamese students work….hours than American ones.( few) He has …money than his wife (much)

9 My father drinks….beer than his friends.( little) 10 She is the….student in my school.(good)

4 Answers

I 1: Where 2: am going 3: send/ post/ mail 4: to buy 5: need 6: in 7: How much 8: is

II: 1: When does your school year start? 2: How long does summer vacation start? 3: Which is the longest vacation?

4: What you usually on your vacation? 5: How many hours a day does your mother work? 6: What does Mr Robinson do?

III: 1: B 2: C 3: D 4: C 5: A 6: C 7:B 8: C 9: D 10: A 11: B 12: D 13:B IV: 1: better 2: most intelligent 3: more expensive 4: most beautiful 5: cheaper 6: highest 7: fewer 8: more 9: less 10; best

5 Homework :Review the language you have learned



Test 45 : Number (

The first semester


Ma trËn

Néi dung

NhËn biÕt

Th«ng hiĨu

VËn dơng








I Listening

8 c



8 c


II Reading

6 c




3 ®iĨm

III Language






2,5 ®iĨm

IV Writing

5c 0,5


5c 2,5 p

Tæng sè

10 c 2,5®iĨm

14 c ®iĨm

5 c 2,5 ®iĨm

29 c 10


C : Questions

I Listen and complete the dialogue ( points)

Hoa: Hello, This is ……… ………(1) Mai: …(2) Is this Hoa?

Hoa : Yes, … …(3) is calling , please?

Mai : It’s Mai Do you want to see a ….(4) …? Hoa :Sure ….(5)…will we meet?

Mai : In front of the ….(6)… Hoa : How will we ….(7)…there? Mai : by ….(8)…

Hoa: OK, bye Mai : Bye

II Read the passage and answer the questions ( points)

Nga lives in the city with her parents She lives at 14 Nguyen Tri Phuong Street Her telephone number is 290 374 On her next birthday, July1st ,Nga will be 14 She will have a small party

for her birthday She will invite some friends They will eat cakes and sweets The party will start at o’clock and finish at They will have a lot of fun

1.Where does Nga live? 2.How old is she now? 3.What’s her date of birth?

4.Will she have a party for her birthday? 5.What will they eat?

6.What time will the party start?

III Language focus.

Choose the right answers to complete these sentences ( 2,5 points)

1 I live …….24 Tran Phu Street

A on B at C in D to

2 … is it from here to school?


3 We will ….my friend tomorrow

A to meet B.meet C.meeting D meets

4 Will he be free? - …………

A No, he doesn’t B No, he isn’t C No, he won’t D No, he will He writes articles for a newspaper He is a………

A Journalist B.teacher C.musician D doctor

6 How old will you be ….your next birthday?

A at B.in C.on D.for

7 Minh ….television everynight

A watch B.watches C.watching D.watchs

8 … you like to see a movie?

A Would B.will C.What D.Why

9 What ……awful restaurant!

A an B.the C.a D.0

10 This dress is the ……expensive of the four dresses

A best B.more C.most D.same

IV Writing : Use these words or phrases to write meaningful sentences( 2,5 points)

a.What/ nice / girl!

b.She/ stay/ home / tomorrow? c.There / a sink/ the bathroom d.Lan/ tall/ Hoa

e.My father/ farmer

D Keys and marks

I : Mỗi từ 0,25 điểm

1 626 015 5.Where

2 Hello movie theater

3.Who get

4 movie bus

II Mỗi câu 0,5 điểm

1.She lives at 14 Nguyen Tri Phuong Street 2.She is 13 years old now

3.July 1st

4.Yes, she will

5.They will eat cakes and sweets 6.It will start at o’clock

II Mỗi câu 0,25 điểm

1.b :at c : on

2.a : How far b : watches

3.b : meet a : Would

4.c : No, he won’t a : an


IV Mỗi câu 0,5 điểm

a.What a nice girl!

b.Will she stay at home tomorrow? c.There is a sink in the bathroom d.Lan is taller than Hoa

e.My father is a farmer

Test (45) Number

( The first semester)

Question I: Choose the best answer to complete these sentences.( 2,5 p)

1 My father never ….coffee

A drink B drinking C drinks D to drink

2 Nam likes ……… volleyball very much

A to play B playing C plays D play

3 Let’s … to the zoo

A go B going C.goes D.to go

4 Talking is … popular activity

A more B most C.the most D the more

5 Ba is in his room He….the guitar now

A was playing B.plays C will play D is playing

6 What …you at recess tomorrow?

A B will C does D is

7 Nga is………a play for the school anniversary celebration

A.making B rehearsing C practicing D.doing

8 In……, we some experiments

A History B.Chemistry C English D.Math

9 Would you like ….to music?

A to listen B listen C listening D listens

10 His idea is different ….mine

A to B on C.from D at


……… 2……… 3……… ……… ……… ……… 7……… 8……… ……… 10………

Question II: Give correct forms of the verbs in brackets.(2,5p)

1.Minh usually ( play) volleyball after school Now he ( play) volleyball in the sports ground Next year, my sister (be) a teacher

3 Let’s (go) to English club

4 Hoa doesn’t want (listen) to music


finish lesson classes at interested Computer science week experiments favorite grade

Mai is a student (1)…Quang Trung school She is in (2) …7 She goes to school days a (3) , from Monday to Saturday (4) always begin at seven o’clock and (5) at a quarter past

… … …

eleven Today Mai has four classes: English, Geography, Computer science and Physics Mai is (6) in Computer, so her (7) subject is (8) She thinks Geography is difficult and so is

… … …

English Mai’s last (9) ….is Physics In physics, she does some ….(10)


……… 2……… 3……… ……… ……… ……… 7……… 8……… ……… 10………

Question IV: Write sentences, using these words or phrases.(2,5p)

1 They / often /marbles/ recess Nam / study/the library/ now

3.Would/ like/ go/ the movies/ with us? How often/ she/ go swimming?

5 I/ have / music classes/Monday/ Friday

Keys and marks

Question I: Mỗi câu 0,25 điểm

1.C B 3.A C 5.D B 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.C

Question II: Mỗi câu 0,5 điểm

1.play/ is playing 2.will be

3 go listen

Question III: Mỗi câu 0,5 điểm

1: at 6: interested

2: grade 7: favorite

3: week 8: Computer Science

4: classes 9: lesson

5: finish 10: experiments

Question IV: Mỗi câu 0,5 điểm.

6 They often play marbles at recess Nam is studying in the library now

8 Would you like to go to the movies with us? How often does she go swimming?

10 I have music classes on Monday and Friday


I Complete the passage Use the words from the box.

house garden living clean flowers bedroom kitchen quiet village neighbors I live in a small (1)… not very far from Ha Noi My (2)….is not very big but it is quite (3)

It’s an old farmhouse There is a large (4) with a lot of beautiful plants and colorful

…… ……

(5)…… There are six rooms in the house - a (6) ….room, three bedrooms, a (7)…, and a bathroom There’s a wonderful view from my(8)… I really like the house and the village is nice, too It’s very…(9) and my (10)…… are very friendly

Keys and marks

(Mỗi chỗ điền điểm.)

Ngày đăng: 23/04/2021, 05:05


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