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Keys: Love story film, Comedy, Cartoon, detective, action film, horror film, science fiction film, war film, fairy tale film.. - Lead in: We are going to learn about the way to express t[r]


Unit 13: Films and Cinema

Grade: 10

Period B: Speaking

Time:45 minutes



By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Ask and answer questions about the plot of a film based prompts - Tell what kind of film they like and dislike

- Express their opinion about a film, using attitudinal adjectives - Get knowledge about some kinds of films

- Know the way to express their opinion about film, using attitudinal adjectives

- Develop speaking skills


Anticipated problems.

1 Problems

From the lesson

- They might also have difficulty with the structure “ SB find Sth + adj” and confuse between Adjectives ending in “ ing” and “ed”

From the students:

- Students might not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic - Students may forget grammatical structure or vocabulary so they feel that it’s difficult to express their opions

- Students may feel timid and uninteresting so they don’t want to take part in the lesson


- Teacher should provide new words for students before asking them to talk about the topic

- Teacher should make the lesson more interesting by giving some pictures or playing games

- Teacher should encourage timid students to express their ideas

- Teacher should provide more knowledge or background about this topic to students


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

I.Warm- up( mins)

- Show some pictures on the screen

- Ask students to look at these pictures and answer the question: “ What kinds of films are they?”

- Check and give correct answers

Keys: Love story film, Comedy, Cartoon, detective, action film, horror film, science fiction film, war film, fairy tale film

- Lead in: We are going to learn about the way to express the opinion about film, to talk about a film using attitudinal adjectives

- Look at these picture and answer the question

- II Pre-speaking( mins)

- Task 1: How much you like each kind of film? - Review some kind of films:

+ Love story film +War film

+Action film

+Science fiction film +Cartoon film

+Horror film +Detective film +Fairy tale film +Thriller

- Call on some students to tell about some kinds of films they like and dislike


III While-speaking( 32mins)

Task 2: Discuss with your friend about each kind of film Use the words in the table

- Get students to brainstorm all the adjectives that can be used to describe film

- Introduce the structure: Sb find Sth/ Sb + adj

Which can be used to express one’s opinion about something or someone

Example: I find horror films interesting

- Call on a student t read the model conversation in the textbook Correct student’s intonation and pronunciation if necessary

- Divide the class into small group of three and instruct students to find out what the other member of their group feel about the given types of films - Go around offering help

- Call on some students to report their findings While they speak, correct any mistake

* Task 3: Work in pair: Talk about the preferences for film

- Introduce the structure:

Noun Noun

-Brainstorm the adjectives used to describe films +moving

+terrifying +Boring +interesting +……… - Take note

- Read the model

- Work in groups of three

- Report


Prefer + +to +

V-ing V-ing

Example: I prefer science fiction film to thriller He prefers watching TV to listening to radio

- Call on two students to read the model conversation in the textbook Correct students’ intonation and pronunciation if necessary

- Instruct students to work in pairs and find out about their partner’s preference for a particular type of film, basing them on the model

- Go around offering help

- Call on some students to report their findings

- Read the model

- Work in pair

- Report

IV post-speaking( 12mins)

Task 4: Talk about a film you have ever seen - Instruct students to work in pairs and ask and give questions about a film they have seen, using the suggestion given in the textbook

- Give student an example( show on the screen): A: Can you tell me a name of the film you have seen?

B:It’s “ Bong dung muon khoc” A:Where did you see it?

B:I saw it on TV

A:What kind of film is it? B:It is love story film

A: Who are main characters?

- Work in pairs


B: They are Bao Nam and Truc A: How you feel about it? B:I feel it interesting

A: Why you like this kind of film? B: Because it’s very moving and amusing - Call on some pairs to make conversation - Check

- Make conversation

V Wrap-up (3 minutes)

- Summarize the main points

- For homework: + Revise some kinds of films +Prepare for listening lesson

Ngày đăng: 08/04/2021, 18:23
