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Techniques to teach esp vocabulary effectively to students at college of natural sciences vnu

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  • 7. Rationale of the Study

  • 8. Aims of the Study

  • 9. Research Questions

  • 10. Method of Research

  • 11. Scope of the Study

  • 12. Design of the Study



  • 1.7.Definition of vocabulary

  • 1.8.Classification of vocabulary

  • 1.2.1. Vocabulary classified according to the Concept of Morpheme

  • 1.2.2. Vocabulary classified according to Meaning

  • 1.2.3. Vocabulary classified according to Functions

  • 1.2.4. Vocabulary classified according to Frequency of Use

  • 1.2.5. Other classifications of Vocabulary

  • 1.9.The importance of vocabulary in language teaching and learning

  • 1.10. Principles of vocabulary teaching

  • 1.4.1. Criteria for selecting vocabulary

  • 1.4.2. What needs to be taught as for a new word?

  • 1.5. Techniques in vocabulary teaching currently used

  • 1.5.1. Techniques in presenting vocabulary

  • 1.5.2. Techniques in practising and consolidating vocabulary

  • 1.6.Vocabulary in ESP teaching and learning

  • 1.6.1. What is ESP?

  • 1.6.2. The roles of ESP teachers

  • 1.6.3. The roles of ESP students

  • 1.7. Linguistic features of vocabulary in Meteorology, Hydrology and Oceanography


  • 2.5.The English teaching and learning situation at College of Natural Sciences

  • 2.6.The target students and their background

  • 2.7.The teachers of English at College of Natural Sciences and their methods of teaching

  • 2.8. Materials and facilities

  • Chapter 3: THE STUDY

  • 3.4.Research methodology

  • 3.1.1 Participants

  • 3.1.2. Data collection instruments

  • 3.5.Data analysis

  • 3.2.1. Data analysis of the survey questionnaires

  • 3.2.2. Data analysis of the semi-structured interviews

  • 3.6.Findings and discussions

  • 3.3.1. Teachers’ problems

  • 3.3.2. Students’ problems

  • 3.3.3. Materials and equipment


  • 4.1. Suggestions for Teachers

  • 4.2. Suggestions for Students

  • 4.3. Suggestions for Materials development


  • 3. Review of the study

  • 4. Limitations and suggestions for further study


  • English

  • Vietnamese





Nội dung

1 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES NGUYỄN THỊ TỐ HOA TECHNIQUES TO TEACH ESP VOCABULARY EFFECTIVELY TO STUDENTS AT COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCES, VNU (CÁC THỦ THUẬT GIÚP DẠY TỪ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN NGÀNH HIỆU QUẢ CHO SINH VIÊN TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC KHOA HỌC TỰ NHIÊN, ĐHQGHN) MINOR PROGRAM THESIS Field: English Methodology Code: 601410 Hanoi, 2010 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES NGUYỄN THỊ TỐ HOA TECHNIQUES TO TEACH ESP VOCABULARY EFFECTIVELY TO STUDENTS AT COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCES, VNU (CÁC THỦ THUẬT GIÚP DẠY TỪ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN NGÀNH HIỆU QUẢ CHO SINH VIÊN TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC KHOA HỌC TỰ NHIÊN, ĐHQGHN) MINOR PROGRAM THESIS Field: English Methodology Code: 601410 SUPERVISOR: Hanoi, 2010 Dr DƯƠNG THỊ NỤ TABLE OF CONTENTS Candidate’s statement i Acknowledgement ii Abstract iii Table of contents iv List of tables and figures vii PART - INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale of the study Aims of the study Research questions Method of research Scope of the study Design of the study PART - DEVELOPMENT Chapter 1: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1.1.Definition of vocabulary 1.2.Classification of vocabulary 1.2.1 Vocabulary classified according to the Concept of Morpheme 1.2.2 Vocabulary classified according to Meaning 1.2.3 Vocabulary classified according to Functions 1.2.4 Vocabulary classified according to Frequency of Use 1.2.5 Other classifications of Vocabulary 1.3.The importance of vocabulary in language teaching and learning 1.4.Principles of vocabulary teaching 1.4.1 Criteria for selecting vocabulary 1.4.2 What needs to be taught as for a new word? Forms Meaning Use 1.5.Techniques in vocabulary teaching currently used 1.5.1 Techniques in presenting vocabulary Visual techniques Verbal techniques 10 Translation 10 1.5.2 Techniques in practising and consolidating vocabulary 11 1.6.Vocabulary in ESP teaching and learning 13 1.6.1 What is ESP? 13 1.6.2 The roles of ESP teachers 14 1.6.3 The roles of ESP students 16 1.7 Linguistic features of vocabulary in Meteorology, Hydrology and Oceanography 17 Chapter 2: AN OVERVIEW OF ENGLISH TEACHING AND LEARNING CONTEXT AT COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCES 19 2.1.The English teaching and learning situation at College of Natural Sciences 19 2.2.The target students and their background 20 2.3.The teachers of English at College of Natural Sciences and their methods of teaching 2.4.Materials and facilities 20 21 Chapter 3: THE STUDY 23 3.1.Research methodology 23 3.1.1 Participants 23 3.1.2 Data collection instruments 23 Questionnaires 23 Semi-structured interviews 24 3.2.Data analysis 24 3.2.1 Data analysis of the survey questionnaires 24 3.2.2 Data analysis of the semi-structured interviews 36 3.3.Findings and discussions 36 3.3.1 Teachers‟ problems 37 3.3.2 Students‟ problems 37 3.3.3 Materials and equipment 37 Chapter 4: SOME SUGGESTIONS 38 4.1 Suggestions for Teachers 38 4.2 Suggestions for Students 39 4.3 Suggestions for Materials development 40 PART - CONCLUSION 42 Review of the study 42 Limitations and suggestions for further study 43 REFERENCES I APPENDICES III LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES List of tables: Table 1: Students‟ ways of learning ESP vocabulary Table 2: Vocabulary selection for teaching Table 3: Evaluation of ESP vocabulary teaching techniques Table 4: Difficulties relating to ESP vocabulary teaching List of figures: Figure 1: Teachers‟ and student‟s opinions about the role of vocabulary Figure 2: Skill that students find the most difficult due to the lack of vocabulary Figure 3: Purposes of teaching and learning ESP Figure 4: Students‟ solutions when meeting a new word Figure 5: Teachers‟ decision on when to teach vocabulary Figure 6: Word aspect to teach Figure 7: Word aspect that students find the most difficult Figure 8: Teachers‟ opinions about further training on specialized knowledge 10 PART - INTRODUCTION Rationale of the Study English learning has been popular in Vietnam in the last few decades and has become a burgeoning need when our country fosters its international relations Every day an increasing number of Vietnamese people learn and use English for a variety of purposes More and more Vietnamese people are aware of the significant role that English plays in almost every field of our life such as: economy, technology, science, education, etc Therefore, English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has received a great deal of attention An ESP teacher may wish to provide teaching materials that will fit the specific subject area of particular learners In Vietnam, such materials may not be available commercially As a result, there has been an established tradition of ESP teachers preparing self-made materials These are written by the teachers of a particular institution for the students at that institution This is often difficult for teachers because of their limited knowledge in the specific area and little training in materials writing (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987) In Vietnam, English seems to be learnt and taught in a non-English environment, so reading is an important means to acquire knowledge in ESP, and also a means for further study In other words, learners “read to learn” (Burn, 1988:11) This is true for the students at College of Natural Sciences where learners are future scientists They learn English in order to be able to handle subject-related written materials in English and work with modern scientific and technical equipment So ESP materials used at College of Natural Sciences now are often reading materials covering topics in the specific area Therefore, if one wants to understand ESP materials, he needs to learn ESP vocabulary It is undeniable that vocabulary may be the most important part for language learners (Altman, 1990; Gass and Selinker, 2001) Not until recently vocabulary teaching and learning have regained focus of research and been proved to be beneficial to both first and second language learning (Coady & Huckin, 1997) The central role of vocabulary and lexis in ESP is also confirmed by many other authors Robinson (1991:4) states that “It may often be thought that a characteristic, or even a critical feature, of ESP is that a course should involve specialist language (especially terminology) and content” One of the major aims of ESP courses at College of Natural Sciences is to obtain basic ESP vocabulary Therefore, vocabulary learning is the focal point in an ESP course 11 However, vocabulary teaching and learning has always been a huge problem for both teachers and students The course designed aims to achieve a lot of goals such as improving reading proficiency, grammar structures, vocabulary, and knowledge about the subject… in limited time This would be so ambitious Students have too may new words to learn but too title time or even no time for memorizing or recycling and little feedback to check students‟ retention is returned As a result, students enter a cycle of cramming: memorizing the words quickly then forgetting them quickly Due to all the above reasons, it is necessary to find out the difficulties in ESP vocabulary teaching and learning at College of Natural Sciences as well as to suggest some feasible techniques to teach ESP vocabulary effectively Aims of the Study First of all, my research will study the current situations of the teaching and learning ESP vocabulary at College of Natural Sciences with second-year non-English-major students Secondly, this paper will make an attempt to find out the main problems and reasons for less effective ESP vocabulary teaching and learning methods Finally, my study hopes to suggest some feasible solutions to help teachers and learners have effective ESP vocabulary teaching and learning methods Research Questions With the aims above, the research is carried out with an attempt to find out the answers to the following questions: What are learners‟ ESP vocabulary learning methods and strategies? What are teachers‟ ESP vocabulary teaching methods and strategies? What tasks and activities should be used to help learners learn ESP vocabulary effectively? 10 Method of Research In this research, an extensive review of literature is conducted in order to examine vocabulary‟s role in language teaching and learning, researching on vocabulary teaching and learning methods and their influences on vocabulary teaching and learning, especially ESP vocabulary The main method in this research is survey research in which questionnaires for both teachers and learners are conducted to find out teachers‟ ESP vocabulary teaching methods and strategies and learners‟ ESP vocabulary learning method and strategies 12 Besides, the research is also based on semi-structured interviews Semi-structured interviews are carried out to get better insight into the research questions and clarify teachers‟ and learners‟ ideas 11 Scope of the Study The study is narrowed to the area of teaching and learning ESP vocabulary for second-year non-major students at Faculty of Meteorology, Hydrology and Oceanography, College of Natural Sciences, Vietnam National University (VNU) Specifically, this thesis deals with the current situation of English teaching and learning here, investigating into teachers‟ as well as learners‟ vocabulary teaching - learning methods and strategies in order to find out which methods and strategies are favoured most so that interferences would be introduced 12 Design of the Study The study is divided into three parts: The first part is “Introduction” including the rationale, the aims of the study, research questions, research method, scope of the study, and design of the study The second part “Development” consists of three chapters: Chapter one provides a thorough literature review relevant to the study It is concerned with such issues as vocabulary (definition, classification, roles), principles and techniques of vocabulary teaching, vocabulary in ESP teaching and learning as well as some linguistic features of vocabulary in Meteorology, Hydrology and Oceanography Chapter two deals with the investigation into the current situation of teaching and learning ESP vocabulary for second-year non-major students at College of Natural Sciences In this chapter, students‟ profile and their ESP vocabulary learning methods and strategies as well as teachers‟ ESP vocabulary teaching methods and strategies are investigated Besides, this chapter also provides some information relating to materials and facilities at the college Chapter three talks about subjects and instruments of the study, which is the way to collect data In this chapter, findings and discussions on the study are also presented Chapter four offers some suggestions for the effective ESP vocabulary teaching and learning at the college The last part of the study “Conclusion” summarizes the issues mentioned, presents the limitations of the study and recommends some suggestions for further study 13 PART - DEVELOPMENT Chapter 1: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1.7.Definition of vocabulary In his book “Myths about teaching and learning second language vocabulary: what recent research says” (2004), Folse states that “learning a language entails learning numerous aspects about that language, including its pronunciation, writing system, syntax, pragmatics…, but the most important aspect is vocabulary” It is undeniable that learning a language definitely includes learning vocabulary So far vocabulary has been defined in a variety of ways According to Ur (1960), vocabulary can be “the words we teach in the foreign language” In her opinion, “a new item of vocabulary may be more than a single word, a compound of two or three words and multi-word idioms” Vocabulary may also be defined as “the sum of words used by, understood by, or at the command of a particular person or group” (The American Heritage Dictionary) In another way, vocabulary “ may be individual words, or full sentences institutionalized utterances - that convey for social or pragmatic meaning within a given community” (Michael Lewis (1993:89)) To sum up, vocabulary can be roughly understood as the total number of all the words that a language possesses, including a single word, two or three- word items expressing a single idea and multi-word idioms of which meaning cannot be deduced from the analysis of the component words but only understood in the sentences, or in certain contexts 1.8.Classification of vocabulary Vocabulary can be classified in different ways according to different criteria such as morpheme, meaning, function, frequency of use, etc 1.2.1 Vocabulary classified according to the Concept of Morpheme In this way, words can be divided into three kinds: simple word, derived word and compound word Simple words are those that consist of a root morpheme like temperature, orbit, magnitude … Derived words are those that consist of a root and one or more derivational morphemes like meteorological, unsaturated, permeability… 53 REFERENCES English Allen, V.F (1983), Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary, Oxford: Oxford University Press Atman, G (1990), Cognitive Models of Speech Processing: An Introduction, Cambridge: MIT Press Bojović, M Teaching Foreign Language for Specific Purposes: Teacher Development, (online) Available: www.pef.uni-lj.si/atee/978-961-6637-06-0/487493.pdf Carter, R & McCarthy, M (1998), Vocabulary and Language Teaching, London: Longman Coady, J (1997) & Huckin, T Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Dudley-Evans, T and St John, M (1998, Developments in English for Specific Purposes: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Folse, K S (2004), Myths about Teaching and Learning Second Language Vocabulary: What Recent Research Says, TESL Reporter 37 Gairns, R & Redman, S (1999), Working with Words, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Gass, S M., & Selinker, L (2001), Second Language Acquisition: An Introductory Course, London: Lawrence Arlbaum Associates, Inc 10 Hatch, E & Brown, C (1995), Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education, New York: Cambridge University Press 11 Hutchinson, T and Waters, A (1987), English for Specific Purposes, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 12 Ing, O K (2008), Bachelor Thesis: ESP Vocabulary Teaching at the Vocational Secondary School of Furniture Industry (online) Available: http://is.muni.cz/th/42065/pedf_b/ESP_Furniture_Industry.doc 13 Jordan, R R (1997), English for Academic Purposes: A Guide and Resources Book for Teachers, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 54 14 Laufer, B & Goldstein, Z (2004), Testing vocabulary knowledge: size, strength, and computer adaptiveness, Language Testing, 54, 399-436 15 Lewis, M (1993), The Lexical Approach, Language Teaching Publications 16 Littlewood (1981), Language Teachers at Work, Oxford: Oxford University Press 17 Nation, I.S.P (2001), Learning Vocabulary in Another Language, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 18 Richard, J C., & Renandya, W A (2002), Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 19 Robinson, P C (1991), ESP Today: A Practitioner’s Guide, Prentice Hall, UK: Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd 20 Saville-Troike, M (1976), Foundations for Teaching English as a Second Language, Prentice Hall, UK: Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd 21 Thornbury, S (2002), How to Teach Vocabulary, London and New York: Longman 22 Ur, P (1996), A Course in Language Teaching - Practice and Theory, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 23 Widdowson, H G (1982), Learning Purpose and Language Use, Oxford: Oxford University Press 24 Wilkins, D A (1972), Linguistics in Language Teaching, Massachusetts: The MIT Press 25 http://www.docstoc.com/docs/2569110/How-to-learn-vocabulary-effectively 26 http://pdfdatabase.com/index.php?q=techniques+in+teaching+vocabulary 27 http://www.usingenglish.com/teachers/articles/teaching-english-for-specificpurposes-esp.html Vietnamese Nụ, D T (2004), Một vài suy nghĩ việc dạy từ vựng ngoại ngữ chuyên ngành, Kỷ yếu hội nghị khoa học Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, ĐH QGHN 55 APPENDICES Appendix 1: SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE FOR TEACHERS In an attempt to find out effective ESP vocabulary teaching techniques for non-major students at College of Natural Sciences, we would greatly appreciate if you could respond to the questions below Your opinions would be very useful to this research You can be confident that you will not be identified in any discussion of the data So please respond to each statement or question and complete all of them as frankly and accurately as possible Thank you very much for your valuable contribution How important is vocabulary in teaching English? □ □ □ □ Very important Not very important Quite important Not important at all What are purposes of teaching ESP vocabulary? Tick as many as appropriate □ To help students read specialized materials □ To help students enrich their vocabulary with technical terms □ To help students communicate with foreigners about specialized matters □ To help students pass the exam □ Other(s) (Please specify) …………………………… Which stage of the lesson you often teach ESP vocabulary? □ Presentation □ Production □ □ Practice At any time during the lesson when the new words occur Which vocabulary you choose to teach your students in a lesson? Tick as many as appropriate □ All vocabulary that students ask you □ Vocabulary that is difficult to pronounce 56 □ Vocabulary that is difficult to use □ Vocabulary that students tend to meet more □ Vocabulary that causes difficulties for students to understand □ Vocabulary that you think is new to students □ Other(s) (Please specify): …………………………… Please list the following aspects in the order of priority when you teach new words? Please rank in the order of priority (1, 2, 3, 4, 5…) □ Pronunciation □ Meaning □ Spelling □ Word use □ Other(s) (Please specify): …………………………………………… What you think of the following vocabulary teaching techniques that English teachers use to teach ESP vocabulary? Please put a stick (√) in appropriate columns Techniques Using visual aids Using real objects Translating them into Vietnamese Using synonyms and antonyms Giving examples Asking students to guess the meaning from the context Miming Facilitating students to use the dictionary Facilitating students to discuss with friends to find out the meaning Having students involve in a reading Greatly Quite effective effective Effective Not Don‟t effective know 57 task Having students involve in a speaking task Having students involve in a listening task Having students involve in a writing task Allowing students to play vocabulary games Spending some time reviewing new words in each lesson Teaching students vocabulary learning methods and strategies Other techniques that you ever use: ………………………………… Do you change vocabulary teaching techniques from class to class? □ Yes □ No Why? (Please specify) ……………………………………………………………… What are your difficulties in teaching ESP vocabulary? (More than one choice is accepted) □ Encountering too many new terminologies □ Understanding the nature of new terminologies □ Finding Vietnamese equivalents □ Having limited reference books in specialized matters □ Other(s) (Please specify) ………………………………………………… How important you think is further training on specialized knowledge for teachers of English at College of Natural Sciences? 58 □ □ □ □ Very important Not very important Quite important Not important at all 10 What does your university provide you with? □ Equipment: □ A cassette player and tapes □ A video and CDs □ English books □ A resource center (multimedia lab with Internet connection, supplementary materials,….) □ Any other English teaching equipment (Please specify)………………………… □ Fund (for extra-curriculum activities, clubs, forums…) □ Technical supports (when teaching equipment has problem) □ Borrow and pay procedure (quick, easy and convenient) Thank you a lot for your contribution! 59 Appendix 2: SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STUDENTS In an attempt to find out effective ESP vocabulary learning techniques for non major students at College of Natural Sciences, we would greatly appreciate if you could respond to the questions below Your opinions would be very useful to this research You can be confident that you will not be identified in any discussion of the data So please respond to each statement or question and complete all of them as frankly and accurately as possible Thank you very much for your valuable contribution How important is vocabulary in learning English? □ □ Very important Not very important □ □ Quite important Not important at all Due to your lack of vocabulary, which of the following skills you find the most difficult to practice? Please rank in the order of difficulty (1, 2, 3, 4) □ Listening □ Reading □ □ Speaking Writing What are your purposes of learning ESP vocabulary? Tick as many as appropriate □ □ □ □ □ To read specialized materials To enrich their vocabulary with technical terms To communicate with foreigners about specialized matters To pass the exam Other(s) (Please specify)………………………………………………… What you often when you meet a new word? □ □ Try to guess its meaning from the context Look it up in the dictionary 60 □ □ □ □ Ask your friend or teacher Look at the picture (if any) Ignore it Other(s) (Please specify)……………………………………………… What is the most difficult to you in learning a new word? Please rank in the order of difficulty (1, 2, 3, 4, 5…) □ □ □ Pronunciation Spelling □ □ Meaning Word use Other(s) (Please specify) ……………………………………………… How you usually learn ESP vocabulary? Tick as many as appropriate □ □ □ □ Write the words in English many times and read them aloud Write the words in English and their Vietnamese equivalents Make sentences with them Learn the word in relation with others (synonyms, antonyms, word family, word formation, affixes, collocations…) □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Do vocabulary exercises in the coursebook and other reference books Do word games Read foreign newspapers and magazines Learn on the Internet Listen to the radio or TV news Translate Others (Please specify) ……………………………………………… 61 What you think of the following vocabulary teaching techniques that your teacher uses to teach ESP vocabulary? Please put a stick (√) in appropriate columns Greatly Techniques Quite effective effective My teacher uses visual aids My teacher uses real objects My teacher translates them into synonyms and Vietnamese My teacher uses antonyms My teacher gives examples My teacher asks us to guess the meaning from the context My teacher mimes new words My teacher facilitates us to use the dictionary My teacher facilitates us to discuss with friends to find out the meaning My teacher asks us to a reading task My teacher asks us to a speaking task My teacher asks us to a listening task My teacher asks us to a writing task My teacher helps us learn vocabulary by playing vocabulary games My teacher spends some time reviewing new words in each lesson My teacher teaches us vocabulary learning methods and strategies Other techniques that your teacher ever uses ………………………………… Effective Not Don‟t effective know 62 Do the teacher‟s vocabulary teaching techniques make you feel interested and motivated? □ Yes □ No Why? (Please specify) ……………………………………………………………… Are the teacher‟s vocabulary teaching techniques appropriate to your language level? □ Yes □ No Why? (Please specify) ……………………………………………………………… Thank you a lot for your contribution! 63 PHIẾU KHẢO SÁT DÀNH CHO SINH VIÊN Bảng câu hỏi nhằm phục vụ nghiên cứu tìm hiểu thủ thuật học tiếng Anh chuyên ngànhh hiệu cho sinh viên không chuyên trường Đại học Khoa học Tự nhiên Các câu trả lời mà bạn cung cấp quan trọng nghiên cứu Dữ liệu điều tra nhằm phục vụ mục đích nghiên cứu, khơng tiết lộ danh tính người tham gia Tác giả mong nhân câu trả lời trung thực xác Xin trân trọng cảm ơn hợp tác bạn! Bạn nghĩ tầm quan trọng từ vựng việc học tiếng Anh? □ □ Rất quan trọng Không quan trọng □ □ Khá quan trọng Không quan trọng chút Do thiếu vốn từ vựng, bạn thấy kỹ khó số kỹ đây? Hãy xếp theo thứ tự từ dễ đến khó (1, 2, 3, 4) □ Nghe □ Đọc □ □ Nói Viết Mục đích bạn học tiếng Anh chuyên ngành gì? □ □ □ □ □ Để đọc tài liệu chuyên ngành Để mở rộng vốn từ vựng thuật ngữ chuyên ngành Để giao tiếp với người nước vấn đề chuyên ngành Để vượt qua kỳ thi Ý kiến khác (Hãy rõ)………………………………………… Bạn thường làm gặp từ mới? □ □ □ Cố gắng đoán nghĩa dựa vào văn cảnh Tra từ từ điển Hỏi bạn bè giáo viên 64 □ □ □ Nhìn tranh (nếu có) Bỏ qua từ Ý kiến khác (Hãy rõ)…………………………………………… Theo bạn điều khó học từ mới? Hãy xếp theo thứ tự từ dễ đến khó (1, 2, 3, 4, 5…) □ □ □ Phát âm Cách viết □ □ Nghĩa Cách dùng từ Ý kiến khác (Hãy rõ) ……………………………………………… Bạn thường học từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành cách nào? (Có thể chọn nhiều phương án) □ □ □ □ Viết từ nhiều lần đọc to Viết từ với nghĩa tiếng Việt từ Đặt câu có từ Học từ liên hệ với từ khác (từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa, nhóm từ chủ đề, cách cấu tạo từ, phụ tố, cặp từ…) □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Làm tập từ vựng giáo trình sách tham khảo Chơi trò chơi đố từ Đọc báo tạp chí nước ngịai Học qua Internet Nghe tin đài TV Dịch từ Ý kiến khác (Hãy rõ) …………………………………………… Ý kiến bạn thủ thuật dạy từ vựng mà giáo viên bạn sử dụng để dạy từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành? Hãy đánh dấu vào cột thích hợp 65 Thủ thuật Giáo viên sử dụng tranh ảnh minh họa Giáo viên sử dụng vật thật Giáo viên dịch từ sang tiếng Việt Giáo viên dùng từ đồng nghĩa trái nghĩa Giáo viên đưa ví dụ Giáo viên yêu cầu sinh viên đoán nghĩa dựa văn cảnh Giáo viên diễn tả từ hành động Giáo viên khuyến khích sinh viên dùng từ điển Giáo viên khuyến khích sinh viên thảo luận với bạn để tìm nghĩa từ Giáo viên yêu cầu sinh viên làm tập nghe Giáo viên yêu cầu sinh viên viết Giáo viên giúp sinh viên học từ vựng trò chơi đố từ Giáo viên dành thời gian ôn lại từ học Giáo viên dạy sinh viên phương pháp chiến lược để Cực kỳ Khá Hiệu hiệu hiệu quả Không Không hiệu biết 66 học từ vựng Các thủ thuật khác mà giáo viên bạn sử dụng…………… Các thủ thuật dạy từ vựng mà giáo viên bạn sử dụng có làm cho bạn thấy hứng thú khích lệ bạn? □ Có □ Không Tại sao? (Hãy rõ) …………………………………………………… Các thủ thuật dạy từ vựng giáo viên có phù hợp với trình độ bạn? □ Yes □ No Tại sao? (Hãy rõ)……….…………………………………………………… Cám ơn hợp tác bạn! 67 Appendix 3: SEMI-STRUCTURED INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Questions for students What you think about vocabulary teaching methods of your ESP teacher? (Em nghĩ phương pháp dạy từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành cô/thày giáo em?) What you often to learn ESP vocabulary? (Em thường học từ cách nào?) What you expect your teacher to to make ESP vocabulary learning more effectively? (Em mong muốn giáo viên để giúp cho việc dạy từ vựng hiệu hơn?) Questions for teachers What techniques and activities you often use to teach ESP vocabulary? Specifically what kinds of ESP vocabulary exercises you think most interesting and effective? Could you suggest some ways to help improve teaching and learning ESP vocabulary for 2nd year students at College of Natural Sciences? ... and techniques for effective teaching 2.7.The teachers of English at College of Natural Sciences and their methods of teaching In fact, of the English teachers working at College of Natural Sciences, ... investigation into the current situation of teaching and learning ESP vocabulary for second-year non-major students at College of Natural Sciences In this chapter, students? ?? profile and their ESP vocabulary. .. vocabulary teaching methods at College of Natural Sciences will be thoroughly discussed 2.5.The English teaching and learning situation at College of Natural Sciences English teaching and learning at College

Ngày đăng: 16/03/2021, 09:00


