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(Luận văn thạc sĩ) a study on teaching english grammar to sixth grade students at ngo quyen secondary school

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  • 1.1. Definition of Grammar

  • 1.2. The role of grammar in foreign language teaching and learning

  • .3. Explicit or implicit knowledge

  • 1.3.1. Explicit knowledge

  • 1.3.2. Implicit knowledge

  • 1.4. Three approaches in grammar presentation

  • 1.4.1. Deductive approach

  • 1.4.2. Inductive approach

  • 1.4.3. Communicative approach

  • 1.5. Factors affecting language acquisition

  • 1.5.1. Internal factors

  • 1.5.2. External factors

  • 1.6. Summary


  • 2.1 Research setting

  • 2.1.1. An overview of Ngo Quyen Secondary School

  • 2.1.2. The teachers of English and their teaching conditions

  • 2.1.3. The students of English

  • 2.2. Methodology

  • 2.2.1. Research questions

  • 2.2.2. Subject of the study

  • 2.2.3. Data collection instruments

  • 2.2.4. Data collection procedures

  • 2.2.5. Data analysis

  • 2.3. Summary


  • 3.1. Results from the questionnaire for students

  • 3.1.1. The students’ awareness of the importance of grammar in learning English

  • 3.1.2. Students’ evaluation on difficulties in learning English grammar

  • 3.1.3. The students’ frequency in learning English grammar after the lessons at school

  • 3.1.4. Time for learning English compared with other subjects

  • 3.1.5. Students’ evaluations of the grammar teaching in the Language Focus lessons

  • 3.1.6. The student’ learning styles

  • 3.1.7. The students’ assessment of the grammar exercises in the textbook

  • 3.1.8. The students’ difficulties and the causes for those difficulties in learning English grammar

  • 3.1.9. Students’ preference for the teachers’ grammar presentation approaches

  • 3.1.10. Students’ favourite grammar practice activities

  • 3.1.11. Students’ expectation for a better and more effective grammar lesson

  • 3.2. Results from the questionnaire for teachers:

  • 3.2.1. The teachers’ awareness of the importance of grammar in teaching English

  • 3.2.2. The teachers’ methods of teaching grammar

  • 3.2.3. Difficulties in teaching grammar as perceived by the teachers:

  • 3.2. Results from class observation

  • 3.3. Summary


  • 4.1. Major findings

  • 4.1.1. Teacher’s and students’ attitude toward the teaching of grammar

  • 4.1.2. Teacher’s performance in Language Focus lessons

  • 4.1.3. Difficulties the teachers face when teaching grammar

  • 4.2. Recommendations

  • 4.2.1. For teachers

  • 4.2.2. For students

  • 4.4. Summary


  • 1. Summary of the study

  • 2. Limitations and suggestions for further study


Nội dung

VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES MAI ANH A STUDY ON TEACHING ENGLISH GRAMMAR TO SIXTH GRADE STUDENTS AT NGO QUYEN SECONDARY SCHOOL NGHIÊN CỨU VIỆC DẠY NGỮ PHÁP TIẾNG ANH CHO HỌC SINH LỚP SÁU TẠI TRƯỜNG PHỔ THÔNG TRUNG HỌC NGÔ QUYỀN M.A MINOR THESIS Major: English language teaching methodology Code: 60.14.10 HANOI – 2012 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES MAI ANH A STUDY ON TEACHING ENGLISH GRAMMAR TO SIXTH GRADE STUDENTS AT NGO QUYEN SECONDARY SCHOOL NGHIÊN CỨU VIỆC DẠY NGỮ PHÁP TIẾNG ANH CHO HỌC SINH LỚP SÁU TẠI TRƯỜNG PHỔ THÔNG TRUNG HỌC NGÔ QUYỀN M.A MINOR THESIS Major: English language teaching methodology Code: 60.14.10 Supervisor: LÂM THỊ PHÚC HÂN, M.A HANOI – 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION………………………………………………………………………i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS …………………………………………….………… ii ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………… .iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………….… iv LIST OF TABLES AND CHARTS ……………………… ……………….…… viii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS………………………………………………… ,,,,ix PART A: INTRODUCTION Rationale of the study ……………………………………………………… Aims of the study ………………………………………………………… Research questions ………………………………………………………… .2 Scope of the study ………………………………………………………… .2 Significance of the study …………………………………………………… Method of the study ………………………………………………………… Design of he study ………………………………………………………… PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Definitions of grammar ………………………………………………… .5 1.2 Role of grammar in foreign language teaching and learning …………… 1.3 Explicit and implicit knowledge ………………………………………… 1.3.1 Explicit knowledge …………………… …………………… 1.3.2 Implicit knowledge ………………… ……………………… 1.4 Three approaches in grammar presentation …………………………… 10 1.4.1 Deductive approach ………………………………………… .10 1.4.2 Inductive approach ……………………… ……………….… 11 1.4.3 Communicative approach …………… …………………… 12 iv 1.5 Factors affecting language acquisition ……………………………… ….13 1.5.1 Internal factors …………………… ……………………… 13 Students‘ anxiety …… …………………………… 13 Motivation ………………………………….…….… 14 1.5.2 External factors …………………………… ……………… 14 Learning context …………………………………… 14 Teacher‘s methodology …………………………… 15 Classroom atmosphere …………………………… .15 Materials ………….……………….……………… 16 1.6 Summary ……………………………….….… ……………………… .17 CHAPTER 2: THE STUDY 2.1 Research setting ………………………….……………………………… 18 2.1.1 An overview of Ngo Quyen Secondary School ……………… 18 2.1.2 The teachers‘ background and their teaching conditions ………… 18 2.1.3 The students of English ……………… ………………………… .19 2.2 Methodology ……………………………… …………………………… 20 2.2.1 Research questions ……………… …………….………………… 20 2.2.2 Subjects of the study ……………………………….……….…… .20 2.2.3 Data collection instruments ………………………… …………… 21 The questionnaire …………………………… ……… 21 The classroom observation ……………….……………….….22 2.2.4 Data collection procedures ……………………………………… 22 2.2.5 Data analysis ……………………………….……………………… 23 2.3 Summary ……………………………….……………………………… 23 CHAPTER 3: DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Results from the questionnaire for students … ………………………… 24 3.1.1 The students‘ awareness of the importance of grammar in learning English……………………………………………………………………………24 v 3.1.2 Students‘ evaluation on difficulties in learning English grammar … 24 3.1.3 The students‘ frequency in learning English grammar after the lessons at school …………………………………………………………… … 25 3.1.4 Time for learning English compared with other subjects …………… 26 3.1.5 Students‘ evaluations of the grammar teaching in the Language Focus Lessons ……………………………….…………………………… 26 3.1.6 The students‘ learning styles ……………………………………… .27 3.1.7 The students‘ assessment of the grammar exercises in the textbook 28 3.1.8 The students‘ difficulties and the causes for those difficulties in learning English gramma……………………………… ……………….…… 29 3.1.9 Students‘ preference for the teachers‘ grammar presentation approaches……………………………………………………………………… 31 3.1.10 Students‘ favourite practice activities ………………… ………… 32 3.1.11 Student‘s expectation for a better and more effective grammar lesson……………………………………………………………………………… 33 3.2 Results from the questionnaire for teachers ……… …………………… 34 3.2.1 The teachers‘ awareness of the performance of grammar in teaching English ……………………………… ………………………………… 34 3.2.2 The teachers‘ methods of teaching grammar …………………… 34 Teachers‘ methods of presenting grammar …………… ………… 34 Teachers‘ ways of giving grammar instructions …………………… 35 Teachers‘ grammar practice activities …………… ……………… 35 Teachers‘ techniques of dealing with the students‘ errors … …… 36 Factors affecting the way teachers teach grammar …… ……… 37 3.2.2 Difficulties in teaching grammar as perceived by the teachers … 38 3.3 Results from class observation ……………… …… ………………… 39 3.4 Summary …………………………… ………………………………… .40 CHAPTER 4: MAJOR FINDINGS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS vi 4.1 Major findings ………………………………………… ……………… .42 4.1.1 Teacher‘s and students‘ attitude towards the teaching of grammar… 42 4.1.2 Teacher‘s performance in Language Focus lessons ………… …… 42 4.1.3 Difficulties the teacher face when teaching grammar ……………… 42 4.2 Recommendations ……………… ……………………………………… 43 4.2.1 For teachers………….……………………………………………… .43 Adapting and improving grammar materials …………… …43 Improving teachers‘ methods ……………………… …… 43 Helping students to be confident ………………………… 44 Guiding students‘ home revision ………………………… 45 Building a rapport with the class ………………………… 45 4.2.2 For students ……………… ……………………………………… 45 Being aware of grammar …… ……………………… …45 Cooperating with teacher and students ……… ……… 45 Practising and revising…… …………………………… 46 Learning from mistakes …………… ………………… .46 4.3 Summary …………………………………………… ………………… 46 PART C: CONCLUSION Summary of the study ……………………………………….……………… 48 Limitations of the study and suggestions for further study ……….……… .48 REFERENCES ………………………………………… … ……………… 50 APPENDICES…………………… ……………………………………………… .I Appendix 1: Survey questionnaire for the teachers …………… ………….…… I Appendix 2: Survey questionnaire for the students ……………… ….… … VI Appendix 3: Class observation checklist 1-4 ………………….……………… …X vii LIST OF TABLES AND CHARTS Table 1: Students‘ awareness of the importance of grammar in learning English Table 2: Students‘ evaluation on difficulties in learning the 6th grade English grammar Table 3: the students‘ evaluation of the grammar lessons at school Table 4: Ways of learning English grammar Table 5: Students‘ level of difficulties in learning English grammar Table 6: Reasons for difficulties in learning English grammar Table 7: Students‘ preference for the teachers‘ grammar presentation approaches Table 8: Students‘ favourite grammar practice activities Table 9: Suggestions for learning grammar better and more effective Table 10: The teachers‘ awareness of the importance of grammar in teaching English Table 11: Teachers‘ methods of presenting grammar Table 12: Teachers‘ ways of giving grammar instructions Table 13: Teachers‘ grammar practice activities – Frequency of use Table 14: Teachers‘ techniques of dealing with students‘ errors Table 15: Factors influencing the way the teachers teach grammar Table 16: Teachers‘ difficulties in teaching grammar Chart 1: The students‘ frequency in learning grammar after the lessons at school Chart 2: Time for learning English compared with other Chart 3: Students‘ level of understanding of grammar structures presented in the L.F lessons Chart 4: The students‘ assessment of the grammar exercises in the textbook viii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS MOET: Ministry of Education and Training L.F: Language Focus ix PART I: INTRODUCTION Rationale of the study It cannot be denied that English has nowadays become a common means of communication of human being all over the world Integrating into that trend of the global integration, Vietnam has been more and more active to train active and dynamic Vietnamese, who can use English fluently for communicative purposes That is the reason why in 2002, the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has set out new aims for English language teaching for secondary education as well as introduced new series of English textbooks from grade to grade 12 The new English textbooks for high school students are divided into two sets: the advanced and the standard They are claimed to adopt the latest teaching and learning approaches: communicative approach and learner-centered approach and aim at developing both language skills and language knowledge for students Each unit in the new English textbooks consists of five parts: Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing and Language Focus, among which the Language Focus sections are to consolidate students‘ pronunciation and grammar Since their nation-wide implementation in the school year 2006-2007, a great deal of research has been carried out to evaluate these new textbooks as well as to find out how these textbooks are actually implemented or the difficulties that teachers and students at high schools have to face when teaching and learning by the new textbooks However, most of these studies have dealt with the teaching and learning of the four language skills which are believed to be new for both teachers and students There is still a lack of research on the teaching and learning of language elements in the Language Focus part More importantly, the question whether teachers actually teach grammar communicatively or in the traditional methods has not been answered yet Therefore, it is necessary to carry out more research on how teachers and students teach and learn grammar in the actual classroom Moreover, after ten years of teaching English by the new English textbooks at Ngo Quyen Secondary School, the researcher observed that the teachers and learners there faced a number of difficulties not only in teaching and learning the four language skills but also in teaching and learning grammar during the Language Focus lessons Stimulated by the above reasons, the researcher has decided to conduct this study It is hoped that this study will discover the reality of teaching and learning grammar in Language Focus lessons at Ngo Quyen Secondary School in order to contribute some immediate solutions Aims of the study The aim of this study is to examine the current teaching and learning of grammar in Language Focus lessons using the new standard textbook English at Ngo Quyen Secondary School In order to achieve the aim, the study seeks to find out: (1) The teachers‘ and students‘ perceptions on the importance of grammar teaching and learning (2) The teachers‘ performance in the Language Focus lessons (3) The teachers‘ difficulties in teaching grammar in the Language Focus lessons (4) Solution to overcome the difficulties in teaching grammar Research questions: To achieve the aim and objectives of the study, the following research questions were proposed: How the teachers and the students at Ngo Quyen Secondary School operate the process of English grammar teaching and learning? What are the difficulties the teachers encounter in teaching English grammar in the language Focus lessons in ―Tieng Anh 6‖ as perceived by the teachers and students? Scope of the study What you think your students perceive the grammar exercises in the textbook English 6? A Very difficult B Difficult C Normal D Easy E Very easy How you teach English grammar in your class? A You teach grammar integrately with other parts of the unit B You teach grammar separately, usually after teaching the whole unit C Others :……………………………………………………………… In what way you usually present grammar rules in the Language Focus lessons? A Explain grammar rules first and then let students practice the rules through exercises in the textbook (deductive approach) B Provide students with examples containing grammar rules and elicit students to work out the rules, then ask them to apply the rules to exercises in the textbook (inductive approach) C Give examples containing grammar rules, elicit those rules from students, next confirm the rules, then ask students to apply those rules to exercises in the textbook (combine deductive and inductive approaches) D Communicative approach E Other ways: …………………………………………………… How you explain grammar structures to your students? A Explain grammar structures in English B Explain grammar structures in Vietnamese C Sometimes explain in English and sometimes in Vietnamese II D Explain grammar structures in English and then translate into Vietnamese E Explain grammar structures in Vietnamese and then translate into English F Other ways: ………………………………………………………………… 10 Below are some ways to help the students to practice grammar structures Please tick in the appropriate boxes to indicate how often you apply these activities Frequently Occasionally Rarely Never A Ask students to written grammar exercises in the textbook B Ask students to written grammar exercises that you designed or adapted from the textbook C Ask students to translation exercises from English into Vietnamese or vice versa D Ask students to participate in games or puzzles E Ask students to engage in communicative activities F Other ways: …………… 11 Below are some techniques to deal with the students’ grammar errors? Please tick in the appropriate boxes to indicate how often you use these techniques III Frequently Occasionally Rarely Never A Correct errors by yourselves B Elicit students to find out and correct their own errors C Ask students to peercorrecting D Don‘t correct any errors E Other ways: ………… 12 Below are factors that may affect the ways you teach grammar Please tick in the appropriate boxes to indicate how important these factors are to you The most The least Not important important important at all A The interests of my students B The level of my students C Time allowance D Your personal beliefs E Availability of materials F Nature of grammar structures G Innovation goals and requirements H The ways the colleagues teach 13 What difficulties you face with in teaching grammar in Language Focus lessons? A Lack of time B Large class C Too many grammar structures to be taught in one lesson IV D Students‘ low proficiency of English E Student‘s lack of interest in learning grammar F Lack of conductive facilities (reference books, projectors…) G Other ways: ………………………………………………… Thank you for your cooperation! V Appendix PHIẾU DÀNH CHO HỌC SINH Bảng câu hỏi nhằm phục vụ đề tài ―Nghiên cứu việc dạy ngữ pháp tiếng Anh cho học sinh lớp trường THCS Ngô Quyền‖ Các câu trả lời em quan trọng nghiên cứu Các liệu điều tra phục vụ cho việc nghiên cứu, khơng mục đích khác Xin chân thành cảm ơn hợp tác em! Xin em vui lịng cho biết: Giới tính: Nam Nữ Em học lớp nào: ……………………… Em học tiếng Anh rồi: ……………………… Theo em học ngữ pháp quan trọng học tiếng Anh? a Rất quan trọng b Quan trọng c Bình thường d khơng quan trọng Em thấy ngữ pháp tiếng Anh nào? a Rất khó c Bình thường b Khó d Dễ e Rất dễ Em có học ngữ pháp sau học lớp không? a Luôn b Thường xuyên d Ít e Không c Thỉnh thoảng Thời gian em dành cho tiếng Anh so với môn học khác nào? a Nhiều b Ít c Như Em có hiểu cấu trúc ngữ pháp sau học ngữ pháp lớp khơng? a Có, hiểu b Có khơng hiểu d Khơng hiểu Em có nhận xét học ngữ pháp lớp? a Hoàn toàn đồng ý b Đồng ý d Hoàn tồn khơng đồng ý e Khơng rõ VI c Khơng đồng ý A Sôi nổi, hứng thú B Thoải mái, làm tập SGK, có hoạt động khác như: chơi trị chơi, học hát, đố vui C Bình thường, khơng có mẻ D Buồn tẻ, nhàm chán, E Căng thẳng( khó, thời gian có hạn) Em thường học ngữ pháp nào? ( Em đánh dấu vào nhiều ơ) A Học thuộc lòng cấu trúc cách trao đổi với bạn B Nghe cô giảng lớp, dùng bút đánh dấu, ghi nhớ cấu trúc C Học thuộc qui tắc cách chép lại nhiều lần D Dựa vào ví dụ giáo đưa, tự lấy ví dụ E Xem ví dụ giáo đưa, tự rút qui tắc, tự đặt câu F Tự đọc sách ngữ pháp, rút qui tắc G Làm lại lớp H Làm tập giáo I Tự tìm tập để làm ( sách tham khảo, internet) K Cách khác (hãy nêu rõ ) ………………………………… Em thấy tập ngữ pháp sách giáo khoa nào? a Rất khó b Khó c Bình thường d Dễ e Rất dễ Dưới số khó khăn em thường gặp trình học ngữ pháp tiếng Anh Hãy cho biết khó khăn mà em gặp phải theo mức độ: Rất khó (1) Khó (2) Bình thường(3) Dễ(4) Rất dễ (5) A Phân biệt loại danh từ, tính từ, động từ B Hiểu biết cách sử dụng cấu trúc cú pháp C Hiểu biết cách sử dụng dạng động từ, động từ VII D Hiểu biết cách sử dụng giới từ, cụm giới từ E Hiểu biết cách sử dụng dạng so sánh tính từ F Xác định thành phần câu 10 Em cho biết nguyên nhân gây khó khăn việc học ngữ pháp ( Em đánh dấu vào nhiều ơ) A Cấu trúc ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh tiếng Việt không tương đồng B Em không đủ tự tin động học tập C Em khơng có thêm tài liệu để tự luyện tập nhà D Thời gian luyện tập lớp E Phương pháp giáo viên không phù hợp F Giáo viên nghiêm khắc đòi hỏi cao chúng em G Giáo viên khơng hướng dẫn chúng em cách học có hiệu H Nguyên nhân khác(hãy nêu rõ)……………………………………… 11 Trong tiết Language Focus lớp, em thích giáo dạy ngữ pháp theo cách nào? a Cô giáo giảng quy tắc ngữ pháp cho học sinh luyên tập theo mẫu làm tập thực hành (Phương pháp diễn dịch) b Cô giáo cho học sinh ví dụ cấu trúc ngữ pháp hướng dẫn học sinh phân tích ví dụ rút quy tắc ngữ pháp cách sử dụng, sau cho học sinh làm tập thực hành (Phương pháp quy nạp) c Giáo viên cho học sinh ví dụ cấu trúc ngữ pháp yêu cầu em phân tích rút quy tắc ngữ pháp cách sử dụng, sau giáo viên tổng kết lại cấu trúc cho học sinh làm tập thực hành (Kết hợp quy nạp diễn dịch) d Cách khác: ………………………………………………………………… 12 Em thích thực hành cấu trúc ngữ pháp theo phương thức nào? Rất thích(1) Thích(2) Bình thường(3) VIII Khơng thích(4) A Làm tập sách giáo khoa B Làm tập sách tập C Làm tập giáo thiết kế D Chơi trị chơi câu đố liên quan đến cấu trúc ngữ pháp E Tham gia vào hoạt động giao tiếp F Cách khác (hãy nêu rõ)…………………………………………………… 13 Theo em nên có thay đổi để học sinh học ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh tốt hơn, hiệu thích học ngữ pháp hơn? Em đánh dấu vào ô thích hợp bảng sau đây: Trang Trang bị đầy đủ thiết bị dạy học thiết Sử dụng tài liệu chuẩn bổ trợ để học sinh có hội thực hành bị cấu trúc ngữ pháp tốt Giảm tải nội dung số Sách Tăng số học ngữ pháp để có thêm thời gian thực hành giáo Bài tập cần đa dạng để tránh nhàm chán, nên thiết kế nhiều khoa tập trắc nghiệm Đưa thêm tranh ảnh để gây hứng thú học tập cho học sinh Sử dụng phương pháp phù hợp, cung cấp thêm tập bổ trợ phù hợp Giáo với trình độ học sinh viên Hướng dẫn học sinh cách học làm để em nắm nhớ cấu trúc ngữ pháp tốt Tạo động lực gây hứng thú môn học để em có động học tập Tự học tìm thêm tập làm nhà Học Trao đổi với giáo phần chưa nắm rõ sinh Trao đổi với bạn bè phần chưa nắm rõ Chăm nghe giảng hoạt động tích cực lớp Thank you for your cooperation! IX Appendix CLASSROOM OBSERVATION CHECKLIST Date: 15/4/2011 Class: 6D1 School: Ngo Quyen Secondary School Title of the lesson: Unit 15: Countries Section B: Cities, buildings and people Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Not observerd Aspects of observation Lesson organization Make clear statement of the purpose of the lesson Present overview of the lesson Define relationship of this lesson to previous lessons Summarize the main points at the end of the lesson Language use Use English in the classroom appropriately and effectively Use of English was appropriate to students‘ needs during the lesson Lesson presentation Use inductive approach Use deductive approach The lesson was presented clearly and effectively The activities and exrcises chosen to achieve the objectives were effective The time for activities was appropriate The amount of teacher talk and students talk was effective The teacher‘s feedback was appropriate Maintain eye contact with students X The humor was use to strengthen retention and interest Classroom management The use of pair/ group work in each activity was appropriate The use of tech materials was effective The teacher divided her attention among students appropriately The teacher guided students to the homework Classroom atmosphere Student participation was active and lively The class atmosphere was warm and open Class facilities The light was adequate The building was in good quality The desks suited to students The classroom was well equipped The classroom was clean and warm XI Appendix 2: SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE FOR THE TEACHERS Age ………………… Sex: Male Female Years of teaching: ……………… This survey is intended for our study ―A study on the difficulties in teaching English Grammar to 6th grade students at Ngo Quyen Secondary School” Your assistance in completing this questionnaire is highly appreciated All the information you give will be used for the research purpose only For each question, from to 5, please tick one option that you think is the most appropriate or give your own opinion How important you think grammar is to the language teaching and learning? A Very important B Important C Not important - Please explain why you think so : ………………………………………………………………………….………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… What you think about the grammar exercises in the textbook English 6? A Interesting B Normal C Monotonous and boring D Other opinion: …………………………………………………………… Such grammar exercises to your students are B Difficult C Normal D Easy XII A Very difficult E Very easy How you teach English grammar in your class? a You teach grammar integratedly with other parts of the unit b You teach grammar separately, usually after teaching the whole unit c Other :……………………………………………………………… In what way you usually present grammar rules in the Language Focus lessons? A Explain grammar rules first and then let students practice the rules through exercises in the textbook (deductive approach) F Provide students with examples containing grammar rules and elicit students to work out the rules, then ask them to apply the rules to exercises in the textbook (inductive approach) G Give examples containing grammar rules, elicit those rules from students, next confirm the rules, then ask students to apply those rules to exercises in the textbook (combine deductive and inductive approaches) H Communicative approach I Other ways: ……………………………………………………………… How you explain grammar structures to your students? A Explain grammar structures in English B Explain grammar structures in Vietnamese C Sometimes explain in English and sometimes in Vietnamese D Explain grammar structures in English and then translate into Vietnamese XIII E Explain grammar structures in Vietnamese and then translate into English F Other ways: ………………………………………………………………… Below are some ways to help the students to practice grammar structures Please tick in the appropriate boxes to indicate how often you these activities Frequentl Occasional Rarely Neve y A Ask students to written grammar exercises in the textbook B Ask students to written grammar exercises that you designed or adapted from the textbook C Ask students to translation exercises from English into Vietnamese or vice versa D Ask students to participate in games or puzzles E Ask students to engage in communicative activities F Other ways: ………………………… XIV ly r Below are some techniques to deal with the students’ grammar errors? Please tick in the appropriate boxes to indicate how often you use these techniques Frequently Occasionally Rarely A Correct errors Never by yourselves B Elicit students to find out and correct their own errors C Ask students to peercorrecting D Don‘t correct any errors E Other ways: ……………… Below are factors may affect the ways you teach grammar Please tick in the appropriate boxes to indicate how important these factors are to you The most The least Not important important A The interests of my students XV important at all B The level of my students C Time allowance D My personal beliefs E Availability of materials F Nature of grammar structures G Innovation goals and requirements H The ways my colleagues teach 10 What difficulties you face with in teaching grammar in Language Focus lessons? A Lack of time B Large class C Too many grammar structures to be taught in one lesson D Students‘ low proficiency of English E Lack of students‘ interest in learning grammar F Lack of conducive facilities (reference books, projectors…) G Other ways: ………………………………………………………………… Thank you for your cooperation! XVI ...VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES MAI ANH A STUDY ON TEACHING ENGLISH GRAMMAR TO SIXTH GRADE STUDENTS AT NGO QUYEN. .. learning English Table 2: Students? ?? evaluation on difficulties in learning the 6th grade English grammar Table 3: the students? ?? evaluation of the grammar lessons at school Table 4: Ways of learning... Language Focus, among which the Language Focus sections are to consolidate students? ?? pronunciation and grammar Since their nation-wide implementation in the school year 2006-2007, a great deal

Ngày đăng: 05/12/2020, 07:52



