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(Luận văn thạc sĩ) so sánh nghi lễ lên đồng của người việt nam và gut của người hàn quốc (trường hợp ở hà nội và seoul) luận văn ths khu vực học 60 31 60

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  • 1.1. Foundation of individual Gut in Korea and Holy Mother in VietNam

  • 1.1.1. Shamanism of Korea

  • 1.1.2. The Mother Goddess religion (Dao Mau) in Vietnam

  • 1.2. The classification of Len dong and Gut

  • 1.2.1. Classification of Len dong

  • 1.2.2. Gut classification of Korea


  • 2.1. The way and purposes of the "ra Dong”, “moi Dong”, “di Gut” and “moi Gut”

  • 2.1.1. The way and purposes of the "ra Dong" and "di Gut"

  • 2.1.2. The purpose of the "moi Dong" and "Moi Gut"

  • 2.2. Worship objects, the “gia” for incarnating and the basic functions of incarnation ritual

  • 2.2.1. Objects of worship

  • 2.2.2. The incarnations and the basic functions of incarnation ritual

  • 2.3. The role of the Mediums, Mutang, Can dong, and Liturgical Singers (Ban Cung van)

  • 2.3.1. The role of the Mediums and Mutang

  • 2.3.2. The role of Can dong

  • 2.3.3. The role of the liturgical singers (Ban cung van)

  • 2.4. Method conducted the rituals of Gut and len dong

  • 2.4.1. The basic elements of the ritual

  • 2.4.2. Time and space of ritual

  • 2.4.3. The process of the len dong ritual and Gut ritual


  • 3.1. Len Dong and Gut – way to releasing for "tie" of modern society.

  • 3.2. The market trend in the ritual of len dong and Gut

  • 3.3. Gender equality and women's rights issues is reflected in the phenomenon of len Dong



Nội dung

VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI INSTITUTE OF VIETNAMESE STUDIES AND DEVELOPMENT SCIENCES - BUI LE KHANH CHI COMPARING LEN DONG RITUAL OF VIETNAMESE AND GUT OF KOREAN (THE CASE STUDY IN HANOI AND SEOUL) MASTER’S THESIS Major: Vietnamese Studies Hanoi-2013 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI INSTITUTE OF VIETNAMESE STUDIES AND DEVELOPMENT SCIENCES - BUI LE KHANH CHI COMPARING LEN DONG RITUAL OF VIETNAM AND GUT OF KOREA (THE CASE STUDY IN HANOI AND SEOUL) MASTER’S THESIS Major: Vietnamese Studies Code: 60 31 60 Supervisor: Prof Dr Ngo Duc Thinh Hanoi - 2013 A INTRODUCTION The rationale, significances of the study Literature review Study subjects, scopes and goals 3.1 Study subjects 3.2 Study scopes 3.3 Study goals Study methods Thesis structure B CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: INDIVIDUAL GUT OF KOREA FOUNDATION, THE HOLY MOTHER IN VIETNAM AND THE CLASSIFICATION OF GUT AND LEN DONG 1.1 Foundation of individual Gut in Korea and Holy Mother in VietNam 1.1.1 Shamanism of Korea Worship the gods in the house 10 Ancestors worship 12 Worship of the village 14 1.1.2 The Mother Goddess religion (Dao Mau) in Vietnam 15 Goddess worship 16 The cult of Mother Goddess Custom 18 The Pantheon of the Mother Goddess Religion 19 1.2.1 Classification of Len dong 20 Thanh Dong 21 Dong Co 23 1.2.2 Gut classification of Korea 25 National Gut 27 Village Gut 28 Individuals Gut and SenamGut 31 CHAPTER 2: THE DIFFERENT AND SIMILAR BETWEEEN THE RITUAL OF LEN DONG AND GUT (THE CASE IN SEOUL AND HANOI) 34 2.1 The way and purposes of the "ra Dong”, “moi Dong”, “di Gut” and “moi Gut” 34 2.1.1 The way and purposes of the "ra Dong" and "di Gut" 34 In Vietnam 34 In Korea 35 2.1.2 The purpose of the "moi Dong" and "Moi Gut" 38 2.2 Worship objects, the “gia” for incarnating and the basic functions of incarnation ritual 39 2.2.1 Objects of worship 39 2.2.2 The incarnations and the basic functions of incarnation ritual 42 The incarnations 42 The basic functions of incarnation ritual 44 2.3 The role of the Mediums, Mutang, Can dong, and Liturgical Singers (Ban Cung van) 46 2.3.1 The role of the Mediums and Mutang 46 2.3.2 The role of Can dong 48 2.3.3 The role of the liturgical singers (Ban cung van) 49 2.4.1 The basic elements of the ritual 51 Clothes and tools 51 Dance and music 53 Offerings and how to display offerings 55 2.4.2 Time and space of ritual 62 Time of ritual 62 Space 63 2.4.3 The process of the len dong ritual and Gut ritual 65 CHAPTER 3: SOME ISSUES EMERGED AND FURTHER RESEARCH 76 3.1 Len Dong and Gut – way to releasing for "tie" of modern society 76 3.2 The market trend in the ritual of len dong and Gut 81 3.3 Gender equality and women's rights issues is reflected in the phenomenon of len Dong 88 LIST OF REFERENCES 100 WORKS LIST OF AUTHOR 104 A INTRODUCTION The rationale, significances of the study Religious beliefs is a very important field in every culture, in relation to the spiritual elements, reflecting the values inherited from one generation to another generation, represents a part of the human worldview In the morphological expression of religious beliefs, Shamanism is a special form of religious, its formation associated with the tribal mode "Religion Shaman is polytheism in nature It is believed that all things in nature have a soul that our mental lives are presented in natural phenomena and in all events, whether of men or of something else, are provided that the action of the souls "[4, pg.68] In religious encyclopedias also the definition of "Shaman is the original religion of polytheism opinion or polytheism with strong roots in the cult of nature with generally recognized heaven who is Supreme Being" Natural devotion and admit things have souls, or between the world of the living and the dead are the contact The living, the dead can communicate with each other through those who are able Special features although each country has its own nuances, but the common denominator is that Shamanism The researchers came up with a number of typical cases in Siberia, China called Yu (Northern China) or Nan (Southern China), Korea Gut, Vietnam with Len dong, which is the Shamanism's form These forms are common characteristics of shamanism That is the Shamanic practitioners to get yourself in that ecstatic state for the release of his soul or the incarnation of divinity with belief that is possible contact with god Father, receive the power from the supernatural world for health, exorcism, the pursuit of fortune Len dong is the most characteristic practice of the Holy Mother and Gut is Korean Shaman's ritual In both countries, we see many similarities in the two rites, it creates unique features in common denominator Shamanism Len dong and Gut are taken particularly interest by many researchers In Vietnam, there are many works of researchers such as Ngo Duc Thinh, Le Thi Hao, Mai Ngoc Truc There are also many works of foreign researchers to len dong ritual of Vietnam and comparison with the Shaman rituals with other countries The research that has outlined a comprehensive picture of a religion is considered to be the native religion of Vietnam – the Holy Mother In Korea, the extremely popular and ceremonial activities of Gut was publicly acknowledged early, it became a profession were licensed by the Korean Culture and Information Ministry In the process of learning about the religion of the two countries in general and the Holy Mother of Vietnam, Korean Shamanism in particular, we find that there are many similarities and differences of these two types of religion Currently in Vietnam through surveys we found very little documents with which research comparing to len dong ritual of Vietnam and Gut Korea In general there are only three works by three researchers Laurel Kendall, Bui Thi Thoa and Lee Geon However, these studies only offer general comparative Furthermore, conservation issues and promoting positive values in len dong rituals of a religion in Holy Mother among the social status in the current is a difficult issue Meanwhile, the Korean government has been trying to preserve, promote and exploit effectively the traditional cultural values of Gut on tourism development In this context, I chose the topic “Comparing Len Dong Ritual of Vietnam and Gut of Korea (the case study in Hanoi and Seoul)" to study this issue in completing and detailing the comparison between the level of this important religious ritual This study hopes to contribute to provide clearer information about the len dong of Vietnamese and Gut of Korea This will be a useful resource for managing the work of preparing and conducting performances of cultural exchange between the two countries Vietnam and Korea in a more efficient manner Besides, this research also opens new research directions in Shaman rituals of other countries in the compared with len dong of Vietnam Literature review There have been many studies on the Vietnamese Holy Mother and Korean Shamanism In Vietnam, the study of Vietnamese Holy Mother may include two collective works "Dao Mau Vietnam" by Ngo Duc Thinh In this work he presents a fairly complete picture of the details of Holy Mother, and the chau van lyric, to help the reader imagine a comprehensive and direct view of Holy Mother in Vietnam Besides, "Len dong Journeys of spirits, and destinies", this work is replayed one hau dong mixed reviews of the author, and new issues are mentioned There are also researchers such as Nguyen Kim Hien, Nguyen Thi Hien, Le Hong Ly with the works was is posted on website http://www.daomauvietnam.com.vn about Vietnamese Holy Mother Regarding Korean documents, notably the works of Hong Tae Han with titled "Our World Mutang Gut" published by the Institute of Anthropology in 2009 The book mentioned aspects and the meaning is expressed in stage performances Gut, and Gut in some localities represented A book called "Korean Shamanism" presents an overview of the history and development process of a shamanism in Korea Especially interesting is "Individuals Gut - SenamGut" presented of Gut in Seoul own, with the presentation quite meticulous about personal Gut rituals Comparing issue len dong of Vietnam and Gut of Korea in particular was mentioned in the following three researches: Firstly, works "Khi Gut giống lên đồng vài điểm tương đồng Hàn Quốc Việt Nam" by Laurel Kendall In this work the author mainly compares the differences and similarities in terms of the basic elements of len dong ritual and the Gut Secondly is the work of Bui Thi Hoa, "Những tương đồng khác biệt “Lên đồng” người Việt “Gut” người Hàn " in Journal of Northeast Asian Studies, No (112), 2010 The paper compares a general way about the two rituals Thirdly is minor thesis of Lee Yeon with the subject “len dong of Vietnam and a few comparing with Korea's Gut" The author focuses research on len dong of Vietnam, which has made some comparisons in the basic elements of ritual Issue comparison between len dong and Gut has not been studied in a complete, affordable stop at three aforementioned works, in which the authors only give a general match between the len dong and Gut Moreover, due to the Gut is divided into several categories depending on the division based on any basis, so the above limitations are not yet a comparison between len dong of Viet Nam case study particular study in Gut of Korea That will cause mistaken that Gut of Korean only one type Hopefully, additional research will contribute somewhat above shortcomings and create momentum to continue for new research directions len dong and Gut in common denominator Shamanism Study subjects, scopes and goals 3.1 Study subjects - Len dong ritual and Gut; - Practitioners of Holy Mother in Vietnam (mediums and their disciples) 3.2 Study scopes - Len dong ritual in Hanoi (Vietnam): Focus research resources have been published, especially the work of Prof Ngo Duc Thinh In addition, the survey mainly Len dong based in Hanoi and some its adjacent provinces; - SenamGut ritual of Seoul (Korea): Due to funding limitations, the survey is based on a Korean documents is mainly 3.3 Study goals Learn about Korean Gut platform, Holy Mother in Vietnam and the classification of Gut and len dong The study focused on comparing the similarities and differences in classification, the basic element in ceremonies and events, how the len dong and Gut Through this results proposed a number of issues that need further research Study methods  Retrospective method and document analysis and synthesis: - Collect, synthesize, evaluate, document analysis, survey research results have been published at home and abroad; - Collecting and translation of documents from the original Korean This is the most important work of Gut research  Methods of observation, survey fact: - Join experienced, witnessed and observed the len dong in Hanoi and some adjacent provinces; - Conduct interviews with some of mediums, can dong and the the disciples; - To discuss a number of issues related to the role and power of the spread of Gut in modern Korean society with some Korean friends  Method comparison - Carry out a comparative analysis in order to point out the similarities of the origin and nature as well as other differences Thesis structure A Introduction B Contents Chapter 1: Individual Gut of Korea Foundation and the Holy Mother in Vietnam and the classification of Gut and len dong Chapter 2: The different and similar between the ritual of len dong and Gut (The case in Seoul and Hanoi) Chapter 3: Some issues emerged and further research C Conclusions their body gender transformation depends on each incarnations and place in a very short period of time Religious freedom is a human right, put their faith journey of each person is different Looking objectively, most of us realize that becoming a medium of women still face more obstacles than men By men inherently have the right to decide on more than women Explores some of the "ra dong" of dong, about 90% of the opposition from the family, and the rest, they live alone and receive consent from the family So why the woman is so objectionable? Can explain this as follows: Firstly is still considered on len dong prejudices as superstitious activities; Secondly is becoming mediums or the the followers, they have to spend some money not small; Thirdly is the preparation and implementation of rituals take quite some time If the enumeration from the reform period in 1986 to show the "rejuvenation" in len dong ritual before this period the woman is limited a lot in performing rituals A seances in which the much more simple than today From mediums dress close to offering to the Gods also be minimized to the maximum Was first seen as superstition should len dong prohibited The objective difficulties have caused obstacles to the "journey" to find the way out for themselves and their legitimate aspirations The women come to the Holy Mother and especially they become the mediumsas the cumulative number of factors In which the two elements is the urgent need for the treatment of heart disease and desire a life of luck and resolve risks Images of women are portrayed through many historical periods and problem free their fate has been mentioned a lot in the field of literature and art In which religious beliefs also contributed in no small voice, especially the Holy Mother People still see the Holy Mother as one of the safest cure for women, by there the gods are female Step into the world of the Holy Mother is a woman, recognized her role, and above all they were honored in the supreme position The Holy Mother is the way out for the repressed, endured so long the woman where they can switch their fate Not consider the “ra dong” as a revolution for liberation status woman is slightly exaggerating the language or not? But from the fact witness "journey" of a 90 person, it is both short and long journey Short because the status changes in a few hours and in a state of "illusion", but also the status change in the reality of daily life It was a long struggle with himself, struggling with the prejudices of society, with the object of ones Prof.Ngo Duc Thinh in his study mentions "Illusion is no need for humans?", The author has put forward the view that "the illusion for a moment that is necessary for some people, in mostly women " From the biological point of view of the state of women weaker than men, so they are easy to put into a state of sublimation, easy to fall into a state of autism suggestion of the existence of the gods , "the unconscious human potential to be awakened, liberated for the represses giving back more balance to overcome the standard deviation in the behavior" [27, pg.192] But in reality we have seen many cases of mediums said her role in the family and they even replaced the role of the man Many mediums bring more benifits to the family economy Look back we can see that the result of the struggle with themself and struggling with the objective barriers exist It is easy to see the conversion status took place in the two states First, the import process than many of the gods from the Four Places on mediums body as the fate of the transition from the role of the Saint Mother, to the Great Mandarin Second, the transition state is body parts sometimes not only the condition of the Hoang her God, but also of the human condition in relation to specific family or community Gender equality in rights on len dong does not stop men and women, but in this day and age of the third world, also known as gay people involved in the len dong on a rise Homosexuality or referred to as "gay" to refer to people who love people of the same gender Homosexuals and homosexuality are a sensitive issue in Vietnamese society Although this is not a new topic, but the attitude of the gay community and what is relevant to them much still strange and discrimination, that gay people face multiple disadvantages in life There are many reasons to explain this situation, but perhaps the most important reason is the cultural and moral foundation of the East is not open to receiving things contrary to popular belief In his research, Prof Ngo Duc Thinh (2010) has pointed out that: Obviously, the mediums and homosexual (gay) is 91 different, however, also have a group of people just mediums, just as gay, they called dong co As such, dong co has two meanings, connotations are those of the mediums, they worship saint mtother, another with Duc Thanh Tran of the Holy But in a narrow sense, dong co is the androgynous [28, pg.181] Gay people in the mediums world exists, and there are clearly more detail homosexuals is not of this world Society often believe that gay people many of them in the world of art and the mediums However, in my personal opinion, though not thoroughly research this issue, towards a theory that this is not necessarily true May be due to environment specific professional activities of persons of both sexes are promoted and encouraged to express themselves in a maximum So in their sexual orientation is expressed clearly and openly than usual Ignore all the other social problems, only at particular issues of human rights as stated above: len ong - the way to get rid of thebtie of modern society, or in the words of Prof Ngo Duc Thinh: len dong - journey of spirits and destinies, homosexuality in the psychics can see the way they look at yourself and staying true to myself Although modern society was more open than before, but still there are barriers that they had not received the sympathy of the people General sentiment of the people, on the one hand the desire to be true to their gender, on the other hand, wary and afraid of public opinion So in the depths of the soul, they still wished her "normal" like everyone else, even tried to resist the desire deep inside But apparently, that's the way they have to step forward and be selected for the next step So, the "free journey" is still more or less in calves As we know the scientists admit the formation of sexual orientation is a complex process, the interaction between biological factors and social environment This interaction takes place in the course of development of the individual, especially not one choose or decide your sexual orientation Since 2009, the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from the list diseases Was not incurable disease, and not cure Therefore, the prejudice against homosexuals in general and homosexuals in the psychic world in particular should receive the sharing and understanding of the social community In Vietnam, a most remarkable activities in support of homosexuals 92 not to mention the Sexual Rights Alliance has conducted more extensive social activities in the overall theme of this year's World (2012) is anti- stigma, discrimination, gay, bisexual and transgendered community in the educational institutions on World combat stigma and discrimination against gay, bisexual, transgender and 17/5 Therefore, we also need a more comprehensive perspective and social issues are considered sensitive and special "hot" in recent times In the study of "the Holy Mother with given issues of power and how to use the power of the Vietnamese woman" of Dr Vu Thi Tu Anh made a concept called "soft power", the phrase refers to the role of women has changed, women are directly expressed his strength "The Holy Mother has given power and how to express the new power of the role of Vietnamese women in the process of developing robust national culture, and human progress" Soft power of women offered in the Holy Mother of the system is shown in black, covered shrine Many studies have shown that almost any temple, family, spiritual shrines in the country no matter who the god It's open access, open environment for Vietnamese women to express power in society Observed rituals of len dong - a special rite of the Holy Mother can see the power of the women expressed a clear way First, the practice of ritual mostly women, in other words, when comparing medium numbers, women has a bigger number than men Meanwhile most of the followers were men Secondly, the woman showed his power by linking all physical strength and mental strength to form a new resource through spiritual action as sacred dance, song written, said communication Thirdly, powerful woman capable, dominant impact the minds of people around Can not deny that most people who engage in len dong ceremony are more or less dominated by the traditional spoken and the words given by the Holy Spirit They capture and storage in the hope, false hope will be unfortunate what and refund the fortune, health and good luck The Mother Goddess religion has helped women express their power, the power that exists mostly in the form of "virtual power" or "spiritual power" In addition there is also the existence of real power - the power of the family From step into virtual reality, it is a process of self-struggle of the first woman to win yourself and then the 93 society to express his desire for a better life, discharge the feeling, the pent in mind The women were actively deployed their power in the family and social life in a limit to ensure compliance with equal rights "The Mother Goddess Religion gave human form to rule counterbalance Yin - Yang is the difference in the society in order to create a balance." 94 C CONCLUSION Two religions exist in two different countries, The Mother Goddess religion with len dong ritual and Shamanism of Korean with Gut ceremony but carry a common denominator as Shaman religion The comparison between these two ceremonies will be for the national identity of each country and folklore are kept to this day is still a matter of research interest Shamanism is polytheistic religions were born in the period of tribal prosperity and disintegrate, so it is not the form of the oldest religious beliefs Shaman also developments downs like some other religions Shaman religious decline in the feudal period, the ruling class has all chains and suppress the Shamanic practitioner In some countries, the mediums banned completely, by the notion that religion demons, deception In the Soviet period, mediums banned, where the operation of the mediums the secret, which is by faith and healing needs of the people Even for Vietnam, before the renovation period, the mediums may not operate openly, the most held quietly in a group The government and the majority of people looked up to as a form of superstition, the mediums who is crazy and who almost blind people However, the step to an industrialized society, modernization, with the open market economy, the Shamanism in general has been rising In Korea, the government has recognized and licensed Shamanic practitioners called Mutang Recognition and facilitate development Shamanism helped to preserve this type of indigenous religions, and see this as a performing arts sector to attract foreign and domestic tourists outside Can see the Korean market early nation's indigenous religion With len dong, the public activity generated intense sprung out, the rise of powerful but it's always been subjected to coercion, prohibition and the look unfavorably society Nowadays, the study of len dong of most people realize that this ritual is being developed very strong, the number of mediums, the followers rapidly growing disciples This must be new to this point it's so powerful explosion or not, or pre-reform era that has simmered carries the flame just waiting to be burned Maybe compared to the Gut of Korea, len dong has developed much more powerful Social environment, the people of Vietnam before the country 95 was unified under many layers of oppression, the introduction of a new religion, the people are not free to follow their beliefs Late 19th century early 20th century, in the context of the French invasion of Vietnam, Buddhism was in decline, Confucianism dismissed, Christianity is spreading, in the context of that the Mother Goddess religion also suffer the same fate but on the contrary, the peasants returned to the Mother Goddess religion - a religion of thousands of lives Belief in religion is always burning in the minds of many people, and just waiting for the opportunity to break out only The Mother Goddess religion of Vietnam and Shaman religion of Korea is two indigenous religions were formed a long time ago The appearance of the two religions, along with the integration of mixed religious beliefs are not the same, although the ritual of len dong and Gut are confirmed kind of Shamanism Shamanism introduced into Korea from the exodus of Tungus, when to the Korean peninsula it is associated with worship village gods, worshiping ancestors and the Shaman religion Korea bearing its own characteristics Therefore it is split Gut ritual into three categories based on administrative decentralization from national (national Gut), region (village Gut) to family (individuals Gut) In Gut ritual, we find mixed combination of these beliefs are expressed in the object of worship Object of worship is very rich, from the back of the court, to the village deity (god of the mountains, rivers, fire, etc.), mental illness, natural disasters to ancestors or who has just died In Vietnam, The Mother Goddess religion was launched on the basis of the worship of the Goddess, Mau Than, Tam Phu, Tu Phu and The Mother Goddess religion longer receive the influence of Taoism and Buddhism in many ways along with the popular beliefs other That is the nature witch spells to exorcise from Taoism, the worship of Quan Yin Buddhist in temple Unlike Korean Shamanism, the object of worship in village does not include gods of villages or ancestors Perhaps because of this should make a very clear distinction between the two religions of the two countries are: The Vietnamese Mother Goddess religion interested in two current and future world and also Shamanism Korea is toward the world of past and present 96 Mediums and Mutang together a role that links existing between man and god through his special abilities To connect people with their spirit to make your body into a state of ecstasy, free spirit Now they are just divine determination to enter This is a process of continuous and more enter, in a ceremony that they are doing a lot of gods Their special ability is considered as factors that attract people, but it seems that this creates a higher effect for Mutang of Korea, because it relates to the competition in their profession Mutang The special abilities of mediums and Mutang be mentioned, the first is the ability and divination to predict the future In his former Vietnam has many mediums inability divination but today the number of them by day more and more crowded, making everyone more information on the recognition of the person who brought the saint's current and past as well as their future star Second, mediums and Mutang was able to talk to spirits Third, they are people with little talent for dance music This ability is natural, but most are going through the process of learning or experience gained from implementing the ritual several times About the characteristics mediums is not as good as Mutang, by Mutang is done singing, dancing and playing musical instruments and mediums have liturgical singers play very professional, they are made sacred dances on the chieu dong Fourth, mediums and Mutang who satisfy the needs of the religious nature of the community In Korea, Mutang like consultants, solve difficult problems are problems for everyone Looking to Mutang in addition to super-high for the dead, we also consult Mutang on issues related to family, work or exams When not find his own way out or an answer or advice from someone people rely on Mutang like a wise decision for all issues With a kind of shamanism, so in two rites of the two countries who have caught the similarities relatively large First of all, look at the cultural level and look on the map you will see Vietnam and Korea are two countries located in Eastern Asia, near China, Japan, India - these countries are considered to be of great civilizations Since ancient history, Vietnam and Korea to receive the Chinese culture in the form of the colonial countries but both countries have not assimilated the culture of his first great strength It's just the process of refinement suitable interference with indigenous 97 cultures Vietnam and Korea are two of the four contries known as the co-writer: China - Japan - Vietnam - Korea The same language are the countries with similar cultures Three countries of Japan, Korea, Vietnam mainly influenced by Chinese culture We map that Shaman Koreanism also less subject to the influence of Chinese Taoism as Vietnam About the beginning of the economy, both Viet Nam and Korea are an agricultural country, heavily dependent on natural life The four of Saint Mother represent the four areas of the universe, or more specifically to the gods in the Gut of Korea is the god of fire, river, mountain god The map worship or costumes of mediums and Mutang also associated with nature Man can not live away from nature, the current human world and the world of the gods is never separated from each other, thus people always know how to please the gods in nature and homage ritual items, or costumes, music However, but the difference in the new ritual to create unique features of each ethnic group Koreans gaze in all three of the world's past and present and future, and the Vietnamese is not facing the world in the past but in the present With the notion that the souls of the dead should be super high and new step in the journey to heaven of the Korean people, that's why in Gut of individuals, this ceremony is considered to be the main purpose Through Mutang to their children and families who speak, to know the mind, what not to say when the survivors of the deceased, so that they will meet or share those aspirations Only in Gut of individual ceremony that one can achieve the deficit for the deceased From this purpose that we see the difference in the meaning of each offerings or decoration, dance and perform the ritual movements of Mutang is completely different from the len dong of Vietnam Today both countries practice this ritual has become especially popular in Korea is recognized by the state and public activity as a profession Thus Mutang themselves also have to figure out a way to attract customers like best They use all kinds of media especially the establishment of ad sites, advertising or directly to customers and make them believe in their abilities, thus creating a place of trust to customers frequenting and introduced to the other guests It looks like the Vietnamese mediums is still "pure" than Mutang a lot 98 The Vietnamese Mother Goddess religion and Korean Shamanism is the native religious beliefs of the people of the two countries Undeniably traditional historical values, moral values and rich cultural values, deeply that the two religions gives residents of Vietnam, Korea A treasure to legend, the god of the myths about the gods told in the lyrics of the available documents, songs or direct narrative Mutang It was the form of oratorio music, dance, decorative forms To preserve, conserve and develop the kind of oratorio is considered the spiritual stage, both countries are working launched the program of, different strategies that are consistent with the spiritual life of each country 99 LIST OF REFERENCES Vietnamese Toan Ánh (1992), Tín ngưỡng Việt Nam, Q thượng, Nxb Tp Hồ Chí Minh, Hồ Chí Minh Ban Biên soạn Giáo trình Hàn Quốc học (2005), Lịch sử Hàn Quốc, Nxb Đại học Quốc gia Seoul, Hàn Quốc Barley Norton (2011), Lễ nhạc lẫn trò “Đồng cốt”: để cứu lấy âm nhạc, 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?? người Việt ? ?Gut? ?? người Hàn " in Journal of Northeast Asian Studies,... develop mutually so it is very difficult to distinguish between Seoul Gut and Kyongki Gut Seoul Gut also called SenamGut - this is a type of Chonto Gut Even in Seoul, also different names In Kyong

Ngày đăng: 04/12/2020, 19:41

