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Comparative casestudy of biogas utilization from livestock manure in Vietnam (focussing on CO2 balance)

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  • Contents





  • 1.1. Greenhouse effects and climate change

  • 1.2. Greenhouse gas emission situation in Vietnam

  • 1.3. Livestock growing situation in Vietnam


  • 2.1. Scientific theory of anaerobic digestion (biogas formation)

  • 2.2. Composition of biogas

  • 2.3. Substrates for anaerobic digestion


  • 3.1. Project overview

  • 3.2. Technology of anaerobic digester used in the project

  • 3.3. Utilization of outputs from biogas plants


  • 4.1. Project scenario

  • 4.2. Methodology

  • 4.3. Calculation and results

  • 4.4. Outlook



Nội dung

TRƯƠNG THỊ KIM DUNG COMPARATIVE CASE STUDY OF BIOGAS UTILIZATION FROM LIVESTOCK MANURE IN VIETNAM (FOCUSSING ON CO2 BALANCE) Field: waste management and contaminated site treatment MASTER THESIS Supervisor: Dr.-Ing Christoph Wünsch Dresden, September, 2011 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Firstly I would like to thank to the Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam National University and Techniche Universtät Dresden, Institute of Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment, whose have established a good study program for us to learn a good new field of environment I would like to thanks to Prof Bernd Bilitewski, Prof Nguyen Thi Diem Trang and Dr Hoang Van Ha, whose always keep an eye on our study and help us so much My sincerely thanks to my supervisor Dr Christoph Wünsch, Dipl Veit Grundmann , who guide and help me hold-heartedly during the time I did the thesis And I also want to thanks to Dr Catalin Stephan and Dipl.Hoang Mai I still remember our discussion, small parties as well as your encouragements It helps me more selfconfident in my ability Finally I want to thanks so much to my family You are my motivation to overcome difficulties in my life ABSTRACT From 2003 Livestock Production Department under Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - MARD cooperates with Netherlands Development Organization – SNV to deploy of domestic biogas program for livestock production in rural area The program not only solve environment problems in terms of pollution and improve rural life quality, it also contributes to greenhouse gas reduction considerably At household scale, biogas is utilized mostly for cooking and such tons of greenhouse gas can be reduced from one household per year, mostly from correct livestock manure management and fossil fuel substitution At farm scale, biogas can be utilized for electricity generation, thousands KWh of electricity can be produced and such thousand tons of greenhouse gas can be reduced per farm per year It should be encouraged to apply this treatment method for all kinds of livestock of the country The greenhouse gas emission reduction will be much more significantly, contribute to meet the aim of the Kyoto Protocol “to achieve stabilization of atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system” that Vietnam signed in Contents INTRODUCTION I BACKGROUND 1.1 Greenhouse effects and climate change 1.1.1 Greenhouse effects 1.1.2 Climate change 1.2 Greenhouse gas emission situation in Vietnam 1.3 Livestock growing situation in Vietnam 12 II OVERVIEW ON BIOGAS 16 2.1 Scientific theory of anaerobic digestion (biogas formation) 16 2.2 Composition of biogas 19 2.3 Substrates for anaerobic digestion 22 III BIOGAS PROJECT IN VIETNAM 22 3.1 Project overview 22 3.2 Technology of anaerobic digester used in the project 23 3.2.1 Structure of the anaerobic digester 23 3.2.2 Operation of the biogas plant 25 3.2.3 Treatment efficiency of biogas plants 26 3.3 Utilization of outputs from biogas plants 27 3.3.1 Utilization of biogas 27 3.3.2 Utilization of bio-slurry 31 IV CASE STUDY 35 4.1 Project scenario 35 4.2 Methodology 36 4.2.1 GHG reduction from manure management 36 3.2.2 GHG reduction from the fossil fuel substitution in thermal application or electricity generation 42 3.2.3 GHG reduction from chemical fertilizer substitution by bio-slurry 46 4.3 Calculation and results 48 4.3.1 GHG reduction at household scale 48 4.3.2 GHG reduction at farm scale 64 4.4 Outlook 67 IV CONCLUSION 71 ABBREVIATION bn Billion e equivalent DM Dry matter (% Ho,n Calorific value (kWh/Nm3) Hu,n Calorific value (kWh/Nm3) IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change GHG Greenhouse gas LFG Landfill gas MARD Ministry of agriculture and rural development MNVOC Non-methane volatile organic compounds SNV The Netherlands development organization VS Volatile solid UNFCCC United Nations framework Convention on Climate Change or g/l) LIST OF TABLES Table 1: National greenhouse gas emission inventory by sector of Vietnam in 2000 Table 2: greenhouse gas emission from agriculture sector Table 3: total primary energy consumption by type of energy Table 4: GHG emission from fuel combustion by type of fuel in 2000 10 Table 5: GHG emission from fuel combustion by sub-sector 10 Table 6: GHG emission from fuel combustion by type of gas 11 Table 7: Livestock population growth (thousands) 13 Table 8: livestock and milk production, million metric tons 14 Table 9: total livestock waste (solid) generation in 2006 16 Table 10: Environmental requirements 19 Table 11: Biogas composition 19 Table 12: Biogas composition compared with natural gas 20 Table 13: General energy characteristics of biogas 21 Table 14: Treatment efficiency of biogas plants 26 Table 15: Limited parameters for surface water quality according to the National technical regulation 2008 27 Table 16: comparative values of biogas and other fuels 28 Table 17: consumption of biogas and kerosene fuel in lighting according to the experience of the Institute of Energy 30 Table 18: Nutrient concentrations in the bio-slurry 32 Table 19: concentration of some heavy metals in bio-slurry 33 Table 20: nutrient contents in compost fertilizer made from bio-slurry and agricultural waste 34 Table 21: benefits from application of bio-slurry in agriculture in some provinces 35 Table 22: input parameters for methane emission calculation from the baseline scenario (unrecoverable anaerobic lagoon) 49 Table 23 input parameters for indirect nitrogen oxide emission calculation from the baseline scenario (unrecoverable anaerobic lagoon) and project scenario (biogas plant) 51 Table 24: result of GHG emission reduction from manure management 52 Table 25: combustion efficiencies of combustion equipments with different fuels 53 Table 26: GHG emission factor of coal 54 Table 27: input parameters for GHG emission reduction calculation from fuel substitution in thermal application for at household scale 54 Table 28: GHG reduction results for a household growing pigs 56 Table 29: Emission factors for stationary combustion in the residential and agricultural/forestry/fishing/farms 58 Table 30: Results of GHG reduction in case different fossil fuel used in absence of the project 59 Table 31: GHG emission reduction according to population of livestock (pig) 61 Table 32: the utilized biogas yield according to population of livestock (pig) 63 Table 33: GHG reduction for a farm growing 100 pigs with utilization of biogas for electricity generation 66 Table 34: input parameters for GHG emission reduction calculation from biogas destruction in the outlook 67 Table 35: The result of GHG emission reduction from biogas destruction in the outlook 68 Table 36: input parameters for GHG emission reduction calculation from nitrogen oxide emission reduction in the outlook 68 Table 37: The result of GHG emission reduction from nitrogen emission reduction in the outlook 69 Table 38: The result of GHG emission reduction from manure management in the outlook 69 Table 39: input parameters for GHG emission reduction calculation fuel substitution in thermal application in the outlook 70 Table 40: GHG emission reduction calculation fuel substitution in thermal application in the outlook 70 Table 41: Total GHG emission reduction in the outlook 71 LIST OF CHARTS Chart 1: GHG reduction for a household growing pigs with utilization of biogas for cooking purpose 57 Chart 2: GHG reduction in case different fossil fuel used in the absence of the project 60 Chart 3: GHG emission reduction according to number of livestock 62 Chart 4: GHG reduction for a farm growing 100 pigs with utilization of biogas for electricity generation 66 the utilized biogas unit per pig is 285.80/6 = 47.63 m3 biogas/ head/year From the utilized biogas unit per pig, the utilized biogas yield is directly proportional to population and is calculated as the following table: Table 32: the utilized biogas yield according to population of livestock (pig) Number of livestock Utilized biogas yield (head) (m3/year) 47.63 95.27 142.90 190.53 238.16 285.80 333.43 381.06 428.69 10 476.33 11 523.96 12 571.59 63 From the energy demand for a family and from the utilized biogas yield according to population of livestock, the optimal population of livestock for a family including people should be 10 heads With this optimal population of livestock, the GHG reduction from that family is 18,803.00 (kg CO2 / year) 4.3.2 GHG reduction at farm scale It is assumed that a farm growing 100 pigs and because of high biogas yield so biogas is utilized for electricity generation Because the GHG reduction from fertilizer substitution is little when comparing with from manure management and fuel substitution, so the author ignores this part of GHG emission reduction calculation for the farm GHG emission reduction will be from manure management and from electricity generation GHG reduction from manure management GHG emission from manure management in the farm is calculated by the same way of calculation for the above household scale So GHG emission reduction unit from pig is used to calculate for 100 pigs According to the result in the table 31, GHG reduction unit from pig is 1,880.00 (CO2/year) So GHG reduction from 100 pig is 188,031.20 (CO2/100 head/year) GHG reduction from utilization biogas for electricity generation - GHG emission from the baseline scenario is calculated depending on how much output is produced from the renewable energy technology in the project scenario (EGi,y) According to the table 32 about the utilized biogas yield, the utilized biogas yield unit from pig is 47.63.00 (m3/year) So the utilized biogas yield from 100 pigs for electricity generation is 4,763.00 (m3/100 head/ year) 64 The net calorific value of biogas is 0.215 GJ/m3 biogas [UNFCCC, AMS – I.I version 02, 2011 So the calorific value of the utilized biogas from 100 pig is: = 0.215 GJ/m3 * 4,763.00 (m3/100 head/ year) = 1,024.10 (GJ/100 head/year) = 1,024.10* 106 (KJ/100 head/year) Assume the diesel internal combustion engine is used to generate electricity And this engine require 13,650.00 KJ to generate KWh of electricity with the utilization efficiency is 80% [Nguyen Bich Thuy, 2007] The output (EGi,y) of electricity from the internal engine is: = 80% * 1,024.10* 106 (KJ/100 head/year)/ 13,650.00 (KJ/KWh) = 60,020.44 (KWh/100 head/year) With the inputs of EGi,y = 60,020.44 (KWh/100 head/year), the technical distribution loss l =0 (because energy is used directly by the farm) and the default value CO2 emission factor 0.8 kg CO2 eq/kWh [UNFCCC AMS – I.A May, 2010] for the formula (VII) and formula (VIII), the GHG emission from the baseline scenario is 48,016.35 kg CO2/100 head/year - Emission from the project scenario: because of renewable energy, so GHG emission from the baseline scenario is zero (PEy = 0) [UNFCCC AMS – I.A May, 2010] - Emission from leakage is also zero because the electricity generating equipment uses directly biogas.[UNFCCC AMS – I.A May, 2010] So the GHG emission from the baseline scenario is also the GHG emission reduction from the electricity generation activity by biogas that is 48,016.35 kg CO2/100 head/year So, the final result of GHG emission reduction from the farm growing 100 pigs with biogas utilization for electricity generation is mentioned in the table 33 65 Table 33: GHG reduction for a farm growing 100 pigs with utilization of biogas for electricity generation Total GHG reduction From manure management From electricity generation kg CO2/100 head/year kg CO2/100 head/year kg CO2/100 head/year 236,047.55 188,031.20 48,016.35 Chart 4: GHG reduction for a farm growing 100 pigs with utilization of biogas for electricity generation In this case of utilizing of biogas for electricity generation, GHG reduction from electricity generation is less than from manure management that is stable, different 66 from the case of utilizing biogas for thermal application So although biogas is utilized for electricity generatio, it would reduce energy consumption from the national grid electricity system and bring financial benefits, but the GHG reduction effect is less than the case of thermal application (cooking) 4.4 Outlook From the above results, GHG emission is reduced significantly by the biogas treatment method It is assumed that manure from all pig, cattle, buffalo of the country is treated by this method, the GHG reduction will be reduced much more significantly according to the following calculation: GHG reduction from manure management - GHG reduction from biogas (methane) destruction The GHG reduction from biogas (methane) destruction is calculated by using the formula (I), (II) and (III) with the inputs that refer from the statistic data and the guideline of IPCC in the table 34 (the other input parameters are the same with the calculation for the household scale) Table 34: input parameters for GHG emission reduction calculation from biogas destruction in the outlook Pig 27,313,000 Cattle 5,916,000 Buffalo 2,913,000 VS(T) (Kg/head/day) 0.3 2.8 3.9 Bo(T) (m3 CH4 /kg of VS) 0.29 0.13 0.1 N (T) (Head) 67 Reference [General Statistic Office of Vietnam, 2010] [IPCC Volume 2006] [IPCC Volume 2006] guideline – chapter 10, guideline – chapter 10, Table 35: The result of GHG emission reduction from biogas destruction in the outlook Methane emission reduction (ton Pig Cattle Buffalo 400,964.00 363,368.00 191,700.00 methane/year) - GHG reduction from N2O emission reduction GHG reduction from N2O emission reduction is calculated by using the formula (IV) and (V) with the following inputs that refer from the statistic data and the guideline of IPCC in the table 36 (the other input parameters are the same with the calculation for the household scale) Table 36: input parameters for GHG emission reduction calculation from nitrogen oxide emission reduction in the outlook N (T) Pig Cattle Buffalo 27,313,000 5,916,000 2,913,000 [General Statistic Office of Vietnam, 2010] (Head) Nex(T) Reference 7.665 60.043 44.384 Estimated from [IPCC guideline - Volume – (Kg chapter 10, 2006] N/head/year) 68 Table 37: The result of GHG emission reduction from nitrogen emission reduction in the outlook Nitrogen emission reduction (ton Pig Cattle Buffalo 493.48 493.48 493.48 N2O/year) So the GHG emission reduction from manure management is mentioned in the table 38 Table 38: The result of GHG emission reduction from manure management in the outlook GHG emission reduction Pig Cattle Buffalo 400,964.00 363,368.00 191,700.00 493.48 493.48 493.48 8,573.22 7,783.70 4,178.68 Methane emission reduction (ton methane/year) Nitrogen emission reduction (ton N2O/year) Carbon dioxide emission reduction equivalent (thousand ton CO2e/year) 69 GHG reduction from fuel substitution in thermal application Assume biogas is utilized for thermal application (cooking) GHG reduction from fuel substitution in thermal application is calculated by using the formula (VI) with the following inputs of the utilized biogas yields from different livestock (the other input parameters are the same with the calculation for the household scale) Table 39: input parameters for GHG emission reduction calculation fuel substitution in thermal application in the outlook Pig N (T) (Head) Cattle Buffalo Reference [General Statistic Office 27,313,000 5,916,000 2,913,000 Calculated by the same BSk,y (million m3 of Vietnam, 2010] 1,301.00 1,179.00 622.00 biogas/year) way biogas of the utilized yield at household scale The result of GHG emission reduction calculation fuel substitution in thermal application in the outlook is mentioned in the following table: Table 40: GHG emission reduction calculation fuel substitution in thermal application in the outlook GHG emission reduction (thousand ton CO2e/year) Pig Cattle Buffalo 42,529.52 38,541.75 20,333.26 70 So GHG emission reduction if all manure from pig, cattle and buffalo of the country is treated by biogas plants is many millions ton of carbon dioxide equivalent per year as the following table 41: Table 41: Total GHG emission reduction in the outlook Pig Cattle Buffalo 8,573.22 7,783.70 4,178.68 42,529.52 38,541.75 20,333.26 51.10 46.33 24.51 GHG emission reduction from manure management (thousand ton CO2e/year) GHG emission reduction from fuel substitution (thousand ton CO2e/year) Total GHG emission reduction (million ton CO2e/year) IV CONCLUSION The biogas development program not only solves environmental problems in term of pollution, provides clean fuel for domestic purposes, clean fertilizers for crop production, and improves livelihood and quality of life of farmers It also contributes to 71 reduce quiet much GHG emission from livestock production growth, towards to the objective of GHG reduction of the country as well as the Kyoto Protocol It will be so much better if all of manure from all kinds of livestock is treated properly by 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Ngày đăng: 15/09/2020, 14:57