OIIjp i H Hill Mntxri] Nnrtb (EaroUna ^tatp (TnUpgp SF525 C97 149018 This book ONLY, and CENTS may is be kept out subject MR A 5UM 71964 B a a day thereafter It day indicated below: MAY to I96(i —May-5-i — Form TWO WEEKS fine is of FIVE due on the BEE-KEEPING BY THE TIMES" BEE-MASTER Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2009 witii NCSU funding from Libraries littp:// BEE-KEEPING BV THE TIMES" BEE-MASTER C /1 77/ /LL USR TA TIOXS LONDON : SAMPSON LOW SON, & MARSTON 14 LUDGATE HILL 1864 \Tltc ri;^'il of tranflafiou is icscn\d.\ LONDON I K I N 'I L U li \' KAVlliT col K i: L> 1, : Mf N lI.EliT L) LVAN STKEfl " PREFACE Y apology follows : — for writing a I Bee-Book is as sent TJie Times an account of a very successful the end of July, containing honey harvest about some observations on the treatment of bees, and the profits that might accrue to the cottager were he to take the right and humane way of taking honey from his hives This communication appears to have interested many, for in consequence of it, persons desirous of information wrote to the Editor of The Times, requesting in confidence the name of the Bee- master, in order that they might correspond with 148048 PREFACE vi The Editor dccHncd him my consent, which But to in I satisfy those the subject, felt it to give it up without expedient to withhold who took so warm an interest addressed a scries of letters to I The Times, explanatory of some of the simplest These excited so great elements of apiculture interest, that dressed I received multitudes of letters ad- to " TJic Times Bee-master," which was it But most of physically impossible to ansAver my correspondents complained of the obscurity and complexity of bee-books begged me to prepare a in general, work they could under- stand and translate into practice to strengthening so, and earnestly I my own have attempted observations valuable extracts from the works of others not, however, and research, carefully " My insensible to the great value, real usefulness of the and long as well as I read The first works and most I by am wide have useful, most beautiful modern work on bees, Bee-Book," b}- the is Rev William Charles Cot- ton, M.A., student of Christ Church, Oxon It is — " List of Publications TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE WALK Burritt, - feS^jJa A from London to the Land's End Author of " A Walk fi-om London to John ^»^th Illustratious '-^^-^«& the first edition of " Large post 8vo John O'Groats." >\u!k from London to John 0"Groats Way By Elihu Burritt Secoud and cheaper phic Portrait of the Author Small post Sro By Elihu O'trroats :" Uniform with 12s "With Xotes bv the With Photogra- edition 6s wiih some account of their religions, : fovernmental, ednc-ational and Business customs and opinions By the lev Justus Doolittle With over 100 Illustrations, in two aoIs Demy Social Life of the Chinese 8to cloth 2-ts Travelling in Spain in the Present Day By Henry Blackburn With numerous illustrations Square post Svo cloth extra, Irtx Thousand Miles in the Rob Roy Canoe, or Rivers and Lakes of Europe By John Macgrepor, M.A Secoud edition With a map, and numerous lUostrations Post Svo cloth, bs Captain Hall's Life with the Esquimaux New and cheaper Edition, with Coloured Engravings and upwards of 100 Woodcuts With a Map Price 7? 6d cloth extra Forming the cheapest and most popular Edition of a work on Arctic Life and Exploration ever published " This is a very remarkable book, and unkss ue very much misuiulerstand both him and his book, the author is one of those men of ichom great A — natiotis well to be proud." Spectator " Jf Oipt Hall should survive the perils of the journey on tchich he is junc engaged, we are convinced he will bring home some news, be it good or bad, about the franklin expedition Ue can hardly be expected back before the autuinti of\666 Bid if he has gone he has left us his vastly entertaining volumes, which contain much valuable infomuition as we have said, co)icerning the Esquimaux tribes These volumes are the best that we have ever met wiih, concerning the people and things to be fouiul among • the Standard thick ribb'd ice.' 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