ZODIAC MARITIME AGENCIES LTD GAS OPERATIONS MANUAL 12 CARGODOCUMENTATION 12.1 General Form Issue Date Approved : : : : GOM 002 05-05-02 M.J.R All documentation is to be completed in the English language and in ink If any errors are made in documents which require correction then a line is to be drawn through the error and the correction added The content of the original error must not be erased or made illegible The person making the correction should place his initials beside the correction Where on forms, such as the ship shore agreement forms, notice of readiness etc., the signature of the Master is required, the Chief Officer or another officer may sign by proxy (per pro), but only when this action is also approved by the Master Only the Master may sign Bills of Lading and Letters (Notes) of Protest relating to cargo quantity or quality All documentation related to the carriage of cargoes must be retained on board for a period of at least five years It is recommended that all loose forms, separate log sheets, certificates etc., are retained together and filed by voyage number/date The documentation to be retained includes the following, as applicable: 7) 1) Voyage instructions 2) Combined voyage abstract 3) Master's report 4) Engine Room Log Book abstract 5) Deck Log Book abstract 6) Port log Cargo operation plans 8) Cargo operation records including pumping logs 9) Notice of Readiness 10) Copies of all ship shore check lists and agreement forms 11) Copies of all notes of protest issued and received /storage1/vhost/convert.123doc.vn/data_temp/document/tdt1554800576-1959494-15548005768696/tdt1554800576.doc Page of ZODIAC MARITIME AGENCIES LTD GAS OPERATIONS MANUAL Form Issue Date Approved : : : : GOM 002 05-05-02 M.J.R 12) Copies of any certificates issued by a Terminal or Cargo Surveying Company 13) Copies of any certificates issued by a Terminal or Cargo Company relating to the quantity I quality Surveying of liquid or vapours remaining from a previous cargo or the quality of inert gas present in a tank 14) Copy of Bills of Lading 15) Copy of information given to Agent on the Statement of Facts 16) Agent's Time Sheet 17) Certificate of Inhibitor Addition 18) Certificates of Origin 19) Any other documents relating to the cargo from the terminal, shipper, agent or cargo surveyor Cargodocumentation represents one of the most important aspects of the ship's commercial activities as it is through the documentation generated, that compliance with the Charter Party is assessed It is often only through these documents that claims against the owners can be refuted for short delivery of cargo or cargo contamination 12.2 Cargo Plant Record Book The Cargo Plant Record Book, shall be used to record temperature and pressure details of the cargo plant and tanks during all cargo operations Times and details of cargo operations other than loading or discharging should be recorded Examples of these operations are: 1) Cargo tank inerting, purging, cooldown, gas freeing, etc 2) Cargo conditioning at sea During periods at sea when the reliquefaction plant is operating details of tank temperatures, pressures compressors etc., should be recorded at least every 12 hours or at the time of any change in the operation On ships fitted with cargo monitoring equipment which produces a full printed copy of temperatures and pressures etc., then the Cargo Plant Record Book need not be completed for these items A data printout should be obtained at least every four hours and retained with the other cargodocumentation 12.3 Cargo Operations Log Book /storage1/vhost/convert.123doc.vn/data_temp/document/tdt1554800576-1959494-15548005768696/tdt1554800576.doc Page of ZODIAC MARITIME AGENCIES LTD GAS OPERATIONS MANUAL Form Issue Date Approved : : : : GOM 002 05-05-02 M.J.R The Cargo Operation Log Book, shall be used for all loading and discharging operations The purpose of the book is to provide details of the cargo planning, operational orders, and operational records within the same document The cargo planning and operational order section of the log book should normally be completed by the Chief Officer When any section is clearly not applicable it need not be completed and a line drawn through it 12.3.1 Check Lists The Officer completing the check lists should initial the relevant box 12.3.2 Hourly Details of Cargo At hourly intervals during loading or discharging the following items shall be recorded: 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 1) Liquid levels in cargo tanks 2) Loading rates 3) Tank pressure 4) Tank temperatures, top, bottom and centre 5) Loading temperature measured at manifold 6) Ship's trim All re1~vant times that will be required for compiling Owners or Charterers abstracts All requests from ship to shore to vary loading rates, with reasons for such requests Opening and closing of shore vapour return line Notice given to shore prior to completing loading Operation of reliquefaction plant Control and emergency shut down pneumatic or hydraulic pressures 12.3.3 Time Sheet This should be used to record all cargo related facts from the time the ship is all fast until the ship is ready to leave the berth following the cargo operation The recording should be in sufficient detail that the complete cargo operation and associated activities can be accurately established at a latter date The items to be recorded include, as appropriate: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Time of Notice of Readiness Time all fast Draft readings Times of cargo tank inspections / sampling Details of person Times of inerting / purging / cooldown /storage1/vhost/convert.123doc.vn/data_temp/document/tdt1554800576-1959494-15548005768696/tdt1554800576.doc Page of ZODIAC MARITIME AGENCIES LTD GAS OPERATIONS MANUAL 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) Form Issue Date Approved : : : : GOM 002 05-05-02 M.J.R 20) 21) Times of connection and disconnection of cargo arms including any vapour return Details of any function tests carried out at the request of the terminal Times of commencing to load / discharge Times of commencing to load discharge individual tanks Times of starting I stopping cargo pumps Times of starting / stopping booster pumps, compressors, heaters etc Details of any stops in loading / discharging and reason for the stop Details of any requests to increase / reduce loading / discharging rate Details of ballast / deballast operations with times of starting and stopping individual tanks Times of completing load / discharge of individual tanks Time of completing load / discharge Times of cargo measurement Times of any delays due to shore for cargo analysis, cargo papers etc Details of any other activities related to cargo operations, operation of the ship or the safety of personnel Time cargo papers on board Time ship given clearance by the terminal to depart 12.4 Cargo Quantity - Measurements and Calculations 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) Cargo quantity calculations shall be carried out prior to and after every loading and discharge operation Before the ship leaves the load port the Master must ensure that the Bill of Lading quantities accurately represent the cargo loaded and should equally be sure that the record of calculations made at the load / discharge port are clear as to how the calculations for quantity have been made It is usual that the liquid density provided by the loading terminal is used in the calculations at the discharge port and it is fundamental that precise terms of this density (applicable temperature, "true density or so-called density in air) are understood and indicated in the calculation records When for any reason the discharging terminal uses a different method for calculating the cargo quantity than used at the load terminal, possibly through the use of different density, reduction factor tables etc., then two calculations must be made One using the load port method and the other using the discharge port method and an explanation attached to the reports 12.5 Loading/Discharging Reports The Loading and Discharging Report shall be completed prior to and after each cargo transfer operation When more than one transfer operation takes place at different berths within a port, the reports should be completed for each berth The information and figures to be inserted on the forms is clearly stated together with the workings required /storage1/vhost/convert.123doc.vn/data_temp/document/tdt1554800576-1959494-15548005768696/tdt1554800576.doc Page of ZODIAC MARITIME AGENCIES LTD GAS OPERATIONS MANUAL 12.6 Form Issue Date Approved : : : : GOM 002 05-05-02 M.J.R Letters of Protest To protect the interests of THE SHIP MANAGERS and the Charterer it is most important that Letters of Protest are lodged with the cargo suppliers / receivers during loading / discharging, whenever the Master considers this necessary To ascertain when it is necessary to lodge protest the Master must exercise an active interest in all cargo operations Letters of Protest shall however be lodged under the following conditions: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Cargo quantity as advised by suppliers is less than that requested by ship Cargo loading temperature is significantly higher than that detailed in the loading orders or higher than may be expected If during loading, tank pressures are unusually high, indicating that the cargo may contain incondensible gases If a loading I discharge rate restriction imposed by shore i.e less than the nominal ship pumping rate Cargo suppliers / receivers restrict the number of grades that can be handled concurrently Ship's calculated cargo loaded figure is less than the B/L figure by more than 0.2% In accordance with Charterer's instructions Certain ports may not permit the Master to lodge protest and if the Master insists may prevent the ship from sailing Should this occur, the Master shall advise the Charterer and Ship Manager immediately Any Letters of Protest issued by the ship may only be signed by the Master Any Letters of Protest issued by the shipper, receiver or terminal should never be signed accepting liability If required by the presenter, a Letter of Protest may be signed "FOR RECEIPT ONLY" 12.7 Notice of Readiness The Notice of Readiness, must be presented in accordance with the terms of the charter party on which the ship is employed The Charterer or Owner will inform the ship if there are any special requirements for issuing the Notice of Readiness 12.8 Bill of Lading By this, possibly the most important of all cargo documents, the Master acknowledges receipt of the cargo on board The Bill of Lading must be signed by the Master on behalf of the Owner and / or Time Charterer and it will state the quantity of cargo shipped, that it was received on board in apparent good order and condition and will indicate the terms and conditions under /storage1/vhost/convert.123doc.vn/data_temp/document/tdt1554800576-1959494-15548005768696/tdt1554800576.doc Page of ZODIAC MARITIME AGENCIES LTD GAS OPERATIONS MANUAL Form Issue Date Approved : : : : GOM 002 05-05-02 M.J.R which the ship will carry the cargo to its destination The "Original" Bill of Lading is a document of legal title and is as a result, a negotiable document and of considerable value The Bill of Lading, by its declaration of cargo quantity actually loaded, establishes what the buyer may expect to receive and pay for and on what quantity the carrier may be expected to be paid in respect of freight The Master shall ensure that the Bill of Lading is accurately completed, describing when necessary the quantity, quality and specific gravity of the cargo As a document establishing that the cargo has been loaded, the Bill of each to be separately signed by the Master The signature of the- Master must be written The use of signature stamps is not permitted Blank Bills of Lading must never be signed by the Master without the express knowledge and permission of the Owner The Master may authorise his agent at the loadport to sign Bills of Lading on his behalf on his written confirmation to the agent of the figures to be inserted on the Bill(s) of Lading If the Master is in any doubt as to the application of an Early Departure Procedure (EDP) for a particular port, Owner and or Time Charterer shall be consulted The three Original Bills of Lading will normally be dispatched by the agent to the shipper, THE SHIP MANAGERS or time charterer, and receiver of the cargo A copy of the Bill of Lading should be retained on board On occasions, and with the agreement of Owner and or the Time Charterer and the receiver, the receiver's Original Bill of Lading may be carried on board for the duration of the voyage If the Bill of Lading is carried on board the ship it must be kept secure The Master should in strict legal terms only discharge the cargo to a receiver who is in possession of the Receiver's Original Bill of Lading When for any reason the Master is in doubt as to the true ownership of the cargo, discharging must not commence and Owner and the Charterer must be advised immediately Cargo may be discharged without presentation of an original Bill of Lading on the basis of a letter of Indemnity however Masters may only commence discharge on confirmation of receipt and validity of such letter from Charterers with instruction to proceed with discharge given by them directly Final discharging instructions will be given by the Owner or directly by the Time Charterer The discharge of the cargo shall not commence until the Master has received the discharge instructions in writing 12.9 Certificate of Quantity This may be issued by the loading terminal as, or on behalf of, the shipper and the cargo quantities declared as loaded may be verified / certified by an determining the quantities to be inserted in the Bill of Lading Bill of Lading figures take precedence over Certificate of Quantity figures A copy of any Certificate of Quantity must be retained on board together with the other cargodocumentation /storage1/vhost/convert.123doc.vn/data_temp/document/tdt1554800576-1959494-15548005768696/tdt1554800576.doc Page of ZODIAC MARITIME AGENCIES LTD GAS OPERATIONS MANUAL Form Issue Date Approved : : : : GOM 002 05-05-02 M.J.R I Q3 12.10 Certificate of Quality This certificate provides the product specification and quality in terms of physical characteristics (vapour pressure, density, etc.) and component constituents It is issued by the loading terminal as, or on behalf of, the shipper or may be issued by an independent inspection service The Master must ensure that the Certificate of Quality is correctly completed and clearly identifies the cargo loaded This information assists the Master when signing the Bill of Lading 'in which he attests to the "apparent good order and condition" of the cargo loaded 12.11 Certificate of Origin This document may be issued by the manufacturer or shipper, countersigned by the local Customs Authorities and attests to the country in which the cargo was produced It may be required by the authorities in the importing / receiving country so that they may assess any import tax or grants due The Certificate of Origin is a valuable document and if carried on board the ship for the voyage must be kept secure 12.12 Statement of Facts The Statement of Facts provides a time sheet and details of the ship's activities when in port All information or times given on the time sheet must correspond to the information or times in the Deck Log Book or the Cargo Operations Log Book The statement of facts will normally be forwarded by the Agent The Master should inform the Agent of the final figures to be inserted by telex or fax, following commencement of the sea passage The time sheet should be checked and countersigned by the Master and the Terminal representative Its purpose is to provide an agreed Statement of 12.13 Cargo Manifest This document is usually prepared by the ship's agent at the loading port and lists all the cargo(es) according to the Bill of Lading and the disposition of the cargo(es) within the ship Its purpose is to provide readily available data for customs authorities and ship's agents at the discharging port(s) When the ship carries a cargo manifest, it must be kept secure 12.14 Certificate of Tank Fitness This certificate is usually issued by the terminal, specialist chemist or cargo surveying company It attests to the fitness of the tanks to load a specified cargo in respect of any /storage1/vhost/convert.123doc.vn/data_temp/document/tdt1554800576-1959494-15548005768696/tdt1554800576.doc Page of ZODIAC MARITIME AGENCIES LTD GAS OPERATIONS MANUAL Form Issue Date Approved : : : : GOM 002 05-05-02 M.J.R remaining previous cargo liquid or vapour or the quality of inert gas in the tanks or lines This document is very important to Owners and Charterers in defending any claims for cargo contamination and must be retained on board in a secure place 12.15 Certificate of Inhibitor Addition This certificate is issued by the loading terminal or by the manufacturer of the inhibited chemical liquefied gas When any gas to be loaded is required by the IMO Gas Code to be inhibited to prevent possible polymerisation, then a Certificate of Inhibitor Addition must be sighted either by the Master or Chief Officer prior to the commencement of loading The expected duration of the inhibitor must exceed the expected duration of the voyage plus a margin of safety for delays or deviations When a certificate is not available, loading must not take place and the Ship Managers and Charterers must be informed immediately The certificate must be complete and state: 1) Name and amount of inhibitor added 2) Date inhibitor was added and the normally expected duration of its effectiveness 3) Any temperature limitations affecting the inhibitor The action to be taken should the length of the voyage exceed the effective lifetime of the inhibitor 12.16 Requests For Previous Cargo Information If a Charterer requests from the Master cargo documents relating to previous voyages, the information concerned should be forwarded in the first instance to the Owners together with a copy of the request The Owners will then be responsible for forwarding the documentation to the Charterer 12.17 Shore Instructions All shore instructions regarding the loading or discharging of cargo, that is for example limiting back pressures or varying loading / discharging rates, shall only be acceptable if received in writing The Master is to abide by the terms of the Charter Party if such instructions are not received in writing Such written documents shall be retained and form part of the cargo documents /storage1/vhost/convert.123doc.vn/data_temp/document/tdt1554800576-1959494-15548005768696/tdt1554800576.doc Page of ... of cargo or cargo contamination 12.2 Cargo Plant Record Book The Cargo Plant Record Book, shall be used to record temperature and pressure details of the cargo plant and tanks during all cargo. .. to the cargo from the terminal, shipper, agent or cargo surveyor Cargo documentation represents one of the most important aspects of the ship's commercial activities as it is through the documentation. .. completing load / discharge Times of cargo measurement Times of any delays due to shore for cargo analysis, cargo papers etc Details of any other activities related to cargo operations, operation of