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English f or Negotiating Charles Lafond Sheila Vine, BirgftWelch OXFORD IJNIVERSITY PRESS OX.FORD UNIVERSITY ACKN OWLEDGE M E NTS PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford oxz 6DP Ot'ord University Pressis a department ofthe Univenityof Oford It furthen the University's objective ofexcellence in research,scholarship, and education by publishingworldwide in Oxford NewYork Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With ofEcesin Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore SouthKorea Switzerland Thailand T\ukey lJkraine Vietnam oxrono and oxroRD BNGLISHare registered trade marks of Oxford University Pressin the LJKand in certain other countries O Oxford University Presszoro Adapted from lflglish for Negonofingby Charles Iafond, Sheila Vine, and Birgitwelch @CornelsenVerlag GmbH & Co OHG,Berlin zoog The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press(maker) First published zoro 2074 2013 2Oa2 2oal 2OrO 7098 7 photocopylng No unauthorized All rights resen ed No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press,or as expresslypermitted by law or under terms agteed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scopeofthe above should be sent to the ELT Rights Department, Oxford University Press,at the addressabove You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Anywebsites refened to in this publication are in the public domain and their addressesare provided by Oxford University Pressfor information only Oxford University Pressdisclaims any responsibility for the content rsBN:978o 194S79S1 Printed in China This book is printed on paper from ceftified and well-managed sources ,{.$**r di is accompanied byr l&ffiOtl Engtl$ fotrilqffing whlchhaso numberof features lfflf|ctlw Grcillrri to pmcti$eu6sfulphfssss,sabulary, andcommunlcation throughyourcomputGr, Preparedfor OW by StarflshDesignE&torial ond Prqed MoBgefist Ltd Thepublisherwould likt to lhank theJonwing for tlwir lcitrdpem.Lsnotto reproducephotograpfu:Alamy Ltd pp.12 (Executive discussion/@Richard PhotoAlto), 30 (Corporate party/@PhotoAlto), Vdovjak), 27 (Inductio4o 59 (Cinema/o Aardvark) OLIPpp.5 (Executives/Sigrid OlssonPhotoAlto), 10 (Thoughful executive/Photodisc),13 (Shaking hands/Photodisc),14 (Female executive/Aluma Images/Radius images), 18 (Canary Wharf, p.22 (BusinessIntroduction/ LondoniCorel),p.20 (Secretary/Stockbyte), Steve Befts), p.32 (Female executive/?hotodisc), 39 (Tenseexecutive/ Stockbyte), 40 (A negotiation/Digital Vision), 42a (female executive/3ill Cannon/Digital Vision), 42b (male exective/George Doyle/Stockbyte), 42c (female executive/@ Sigrid olssonPhotoAlto), 49 (A negotiation/ PhotoAlto), 50 (Pollution/?hotodisc), 52 (A meetingphotodisc), 57 (Frcnch Mayorphotodisc), 58 (Female executive/Westend6l), 58 (male executive/ stockbyte), 60 (A meeting/sigrid olssonphotoAlto), 51 (A meeting/ Sigrid OlssonphotoAlto), 54 (ContractPhotodisc), 6s (A negotiation/ Stockbyte) Cwcr photoscourury of Getty Images (handsfhe Image Bank/Biggie Productions), (girl at table/Digital VisionfJIlIRA.F); OUP(meeting/Photo Alto/Sigrid OIsson) IIhtsVotlms by: Stephen May Gontents t4 I Preparatlon Settlngobjectives TheHITtable Thesuccessfu [ negotiator Askingfor information Planning a meeting Providing explanations Setting obiectlvec Priorltlzlngobjectlves Drawlngup the agenda Geftlngto knowthe otherslde Arranging a meeting Statingandaskingaboutinterests Agreeing agendapoints The meetlngl Invltatlonto a meetlng last-mlnutechangesto the agenda Themeetlng'sgoals Thebestapproach Sending a coverletter/email Amending andconfirming the agenda Statinggoalsat a meeting Meeting andgreeting Proporals Maklngaproposal Responding to a proposal Offerlnga counterproposal proposals Presenting and counterproposals Ctari[ting information possibilities Expressing and impossibilities Linkingoffersto conditions A new offer Typesof negotiatlon Cladfylngposltions Introduclng newideas Resolvlngdlfferences Enquiring aboutoffers Expressing opinions Suggesting a solution Deallnt wlth deadlock Handllngconfllct Deatlngwlth dlfferences Settllngmatterc Expressing agreement and disagreement Askingpertinentquestions Making andobtaining concessions Encouraging agreement Ag!eement Finallzlng the atreement Settingup an actlonplan Closing Describing current andfuture situations Conveying commitment Statingprogress made Setting deadlines Summarizing I 4t I f' I 68 7o 72 74 8o 8t loot yourrlf! Pailner fller Partner A Partnerfiler Partner B Anrwol koy lramcrlptr Ur€tu| plraner 4l About the book at work.This Englishfor Negotiatingis aimedat peoplewho regularlyneedto negotiatein Engtish on encountered the wayto neededto handlethe typicalscenarios bookprovidesall the language negotiations successful Every consistsof sevenunits,coveringall the typicalstagesof a negotiation Englishfor Negotiating prepare thoroughly aspect.At the outset,it is importantto on onefundamental unitconcentrates (Unitz), the firstroundof negotiations canbe(Unitr) Afterthe initialgoalshavebeendetermined (Unit presented (Unit (Unit are offersarediscussed organized S) +) andcounter-offers :) Detaited conclusion canbe reached(UnitZ).The Differences areresolved(Unit6), andfinallya successful in a logicalstructure,but canbe workedthroughin anyorder unitsarepresented is a core of the unit.Listening the themesandvocabulary Everyunit beginswith a Starter,introducing termsin context of everyunit,as arereadingtexts,whichpresenttypicalnegotiating component put whathasbeen to practice bothspokenandwritten,offerthe opportunity exercises, Numerous usedidioms.Everyunitalsocontains learnedto use.TheUsefulphrasesboxesadviseon common]y TheIntercultural strategies andtechniques effeqtive skiltsboxwithtips on employing a Negotiating andclosingthe deal, avoidingproblems, skills boxesgiveadviceon creatinga goodim'pression, At the endof everyunitthereis an Outputtext,an authentictext whenworkingwith foreignpartners reflection anddiscussion whichencourages on themessuchas bestpractice, on pages68-6g.In the appendixthe At the endof the book,thereis a Testyourself!crossword of the study,alongwiththe Partnerfiles,the Transcripts Answerkey is providedfor independent Listeningextracts,and severalUsefulphrasesboxes TheMuttiROMcontainsallthe Listeningextractsfromthe book.Thesecanbe playedthroughthe ontoan MP3 or througha conventional CDplayer,or canbe downloaded audioplayeron a computer, playerfor extralisteningpractice.TheInteractiveexercisesprovideUsefutphrases,Vocabulary,and practice, study.Thereis alsoan valuablefor independent andareparticularly Communication Thisincludesa column A-Z Wordlistwith atlthe keywordsthat appearin Englishfor Negotiating your own language of the wordsin anda spacefor youto writethe translations of phonetics l5 Preparation Readthe followlng quotcs In business, you don't get whatyou deserve, you get whatyou negotiate (ChesterL Karass) Thefellowwho says he'llmeetyouhalfwayusuallythinks he'sstandingon the dividingline (OrlandoA Battista) you Tobe successful, haveto retateto people (George Ross) Failingto plan is planning to fail (Anonymous) ' Letus never negotiateout of fear But let us neverfearto negotiate 0.F.Kennedy) "."' -.-*'"*'",- .,F *d,,,d$ ru -.*^-.-***'f"' ,,\ a a a Doyouagreewiththesequotes? Explain why.Giveexamples fromyourownexperience Whichof thequotesbestfitsthe unittitle?Why? Whydo we negotiate? Canyouthinkof threereasons? | UNIT1 Preparation t Readthe Internalemallbelow Subjectl Brainstormingbefore meetingwith Jackson's Dearall As you are all aware,we have schedulea meeting Jackson'sin orderto negotiatea masteragreement To makesure we are preparedproperly,we shouldhavea brainstormingsessionto discuss the details,set up an agenda,and find a datefor the actualnegotiations I proposewe meeton 24 June,at 10.30a.m.Pleaselet me know if the dateand time areOK to enableus to set the pricerangewithin Karin:Couldyou pleasedo somecalculations which we can negotiate?Additionally,we haveto talk about acceptabledeliveryand paymentterms.The quotationwas OK, but the terms needto be discussed Frank:I requireall the detailsof the qualityreportbecausewe haveto specifya standard levelof qualityin one of the contractclauses.The proposalfrom Jackson'sshowsa productiontime of ten workingdays plus transportationtime Pleaselet me know the minimumdeliverytimesto ensurecontinuousfiFoduction Mirja:You researchedJackson's.Wouldyou pleasejoin us and give us some more detailed informationon the company? I will chairthe meeting,but I needsomeoneto takethe minutes.Canyou checkyour availabilityand let me know when we meet on the 24h? lf you haveany questions,pleasecontact me Regards, Tasha llow answerthe followlnt questlons r f WhendoesTasha wantto meetherteam? Whoshouldbeat thebrainstorming meeting? Whyaretheymeeting withJackson!? WhatshouldFrank bringto themeeting? Howlongdoesit taketo maketheproduct? UNIT1 Preparation | ? Undorllnethqcxpndonr urcd In the qnell to o* fw lnfomotbr Put e clrclo rround thc ones u*dto plon o ncctlng Oneof rach har boendoncfor you Whenaskinghr inbrmation orhelp,youcanc,OnrsyurrrcquestIneltheranInformal ora ' forboth formal way,Herearcsomeexamples librmd I need Howabout ? Whercls/are ? Doyouknow ? Howis going? Haveyougota moment? Fonnt I wouldtike Please let meknow Doyouhaveanydetallson ? Whatls/arethe altemattueb)here? Whols responsible for/lnchargeof ? CanI askyoua favour? Canyouhelpmewlth-., please? Crrtrln wordt hrw vcrb rnd nounformr Cornpletethe tablc urlng wordr fron the emall Conprn your rrrultr wlth r prrtncr Tradlng throughnegotlatlon ls the baslsof humanclvilizatlon Negotiation takesplace whentwoor morepeoplehavedifferentviewsandwantdifferentthings.Theycome Thenegotiator togethertotryandreachagreement says,in effect: 'lf youglvemesomeof whatI want,thenI willgiveyou someof whatyou wont.' forthingseachday.Wearrangeanappointment, lUeall negotlate askfor betterservice,' askbr a hlghersalaryor solveanargument witha co-worker or familymember 8lUN lTl Prep ara tion Youareworkingon a proiectwith somecolleagues Onecolteague needsthe followlng lnformationandsomehelpwith tasks.Aska partnerfor assistance Usethe informationbelow Exomple:Couldyoupleasesendme Westworld'saddrese? A.sksom*odYfo' addrets We,rtworld's Ask soynebady thc yurne of a persow -[o, frarn thz prodou{wnobpartmet Ask nmrhody if thzy are bwy fo' AsksomehodY a of addrus the ddiverYcotw?qvtl kk sovn&ody for avt uplavuiwwfor the word'hagjllvg' to ftni.sh orcalculahow Ask.lomehody AsksoYnrhodY for hdP owa ProPosal to 1et sornz Ark sovnehodY tvdtrwvtwwaut'Pwz: for Yot Asksom*odyfa, thz yeilow folde* wvh the sotmpler abouttlrw som*ody fo, morc tnforrvtahow Ausk fufut) vnatcrwl rqnLred (i'e' 'ri'zz'colonr' IIIFORMATIO]I GETTIilG partnersis alwaysimportant frombusiness Thiscansometimes Gettinginformation be more people with fromothercultures.Forthis reason,it is necessary difficuttwhennegotiating to try in mind andkeepculturaldifferences Doyou knowthesegroups? meetings, and Groupr: Thosewhodo onethingat a time.Theyptaneachstepof theirnegotiations, discussions, and areexcellent at organizing theirthoughts Groupz: Thosewhodo manythingsat the sametime.Theyareveryflexibleandpreferto adaptto the situation Schedules andagendas meanlittleto them Group3: Thosewho listenquietlyandcalmlybecause respectis key.Theseculturesreactcarefully to other'sproposals Theylistenfirst,establish theirown the other'sposition,andthenformulate Your However, don'tmakequickgeneralizations aboutothercultures, andavoidculturalstereotypes! partners business will appreciate it What experience have you had negotiating with people from other cultures? Do you recognize any of the groups above? UNIT1 Preparation| AUDrO C TashahagaskedKarlnto cometo herofffce.Sheneedgsone Informatlonbeforethe meetlng Hstento the dlalogue,thensaywhetherthesestatementcaretrue (rz) or false(l) r Theinternalmeetingdateis on Junezznd z TashaasksFrankto takethe minutesof the meeting hasproposed Tashais not happywith the priceJackson's andpayment termsareverygood Thedelivery Karinhaslostthe quotation is to agreea targetprice Tasha's objective wantspayment termswhicharesimilar to thoseoffered byotherfirms Tasha llow tlstenagelnandcheckyour an3wers.Thencorrectthe falcercntence3 HIT refers, in negotiation terms,to H - toft To HAVE, | - tt'fiil,t0,T-tnRoRgu A HAVE isanessential TOHAVE aspeitor outcome foroneof thepartiesin thenegotiation Generally, thereareonlyoneor twoin eachnegotiation However, theyarea must!Youmustachieve theseitemsin orderforyournegotiation to besuccessful refersto something INTEI{D thatis lessessential, butstil]important in thenegotiation Youmightbe prepared to beflexible withrespect to theseitems.Youonlyhavea fewof them,i.e.perhaps twoto five youputin yourproposalwhich youbelieve yourpartner itemis something ATRADABTE wouldliketo have.Youareprepared to exchange thisitemforsomething whichyouwouldliketo obtain youbeginthenegotiations Before withyourpartner, it isveryimportant to determine theseissues anddecidewhichcategory theybelong to fromyourpointof view.Theseissues shouldbeclearto all