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;: : ^ f *u-< * U R TIS' S C Botanical Magazine: O R, Flower-Garden Difplayed IN WHICH The raoft Ornamental Foreign Plants, Open Ground, the Green -Houfe, and cultivated in the the Stove, are accurately reprefented in their natural Colours TO WHICH ARE ADDED, Their Names, Oafs, Order, Generic and Specific Characters, according to the celebrated Linn.eus ; their Places of Growth, and Times of Flowering TOGETHER WITH THE MOST APPROVED METHODS OF CULTURE WORK A Intended for the Ufe of fuch Ladies, Gentlemen, and Gardeners, as wifh to become fcientifically acquainted with the Plants they cultivate CONTINUED BY JOHN Fellow of SIMS, the Linnean VOL " Although labour XXI be clearly the lot of man " of his moft aftive exertions, he cannot but ' " M D liberal amusement, which may Society O in this world, yet in the midft feel the fubftantial benefit lull his paflions to reft, of every and afford him a of repofe, without the pain of total inaftion, and the real ufefuhefs of " every purfuit, which may enlarge and diverfify his ideas, without interfering » with the principal objecls of his civil nation or economical duties." fort Sir Wm, Jones LONDON: Printed by Publifhed And at No Stephen Couch man, Throgmorton- Street 3, St George's-Crescent, Black- Friars-Road Sold by the principal JBookfellers in Great-Britain and Ireland MDCCCV 787 t Iris ] Squalens Brown-Flowered Iris Oafs and Order Triandria Monogynia* Generic Characlcr Ttrflorefcentia fafciculata peramplus6 perraro Cor inferius varie tubulofa partitas, laciniis in&qualibus, alternis cunc\is peialoidea, Stigm 3, fuppariter expanfis involutim complicata, ; limbtis magis erectis, amplitudine praediipariliter bilabiata Sem numerofa, majufcula, tereti-3-6-gona Cap/, bMpnga ficco-rarius carnofo baccata in univerfum complanata varieque G preffa, vix unquam abfolute globofa ; Obs gravatum, forte etlam nimtis Radix nunc tunicato bnlbofa ; nunc ex rbizomatibus ttfque nhnis anomalh perennantibus aggejio-coagmentatis frues crafj'a, Jo/ido-carnofa, prorepenter ft quaquaverjum product a ; perraro femel tuberofa Foliatio bifaria, turn Genus pro or dine fpeciebus mtutime piano en/iformis, turn canaliculata y raro quadrangula CauVis de Jubnulh per fpecies tripedalem acquirens altitudinem Stamina libera, trifariam fpectantia, tuba impojita Capfula conacea atque firme cartilagineo-rigejcens Semina bifenalia, fapius lavia, raro tuberculata In perfica fiorefcentia fubuniflora et partim fubterranea, pene Croci injiar Specific Character IRIS fqualens Willd Sp Jacquini Hori PL Kew et alata in- G and Synonyms, t Exclufo fynonymo Exclufo fynonymo Jac- 228 69 quini Although in our account of Iris confidered this as of No 685, we have a mere variety of I r s fambucina, No 187 pullida, work, excluding Ikis fqualens altogether ; neverihelefs, that we may fatisfy fuch of our readers as may not entirely coincide with us in opinion, we have thought it right to give a figure of it, under the name by which it has been ufually known indeed it was only in compliance with the general, though erroneous, appellation of the later Botanifts, that we did not reftore Linn^us/s name of fambucina to our pallida and apply this of fqualens to our fambucina and its varieties Ourdrawing was taken at Meffrs Grimwood and Wykes's Nurfery in May 1803 It is perfedly hardy and eafily propagated by parting its roots this ; T.Curtu, A't&et 788 C ] Thick-Leavei> Asclepias Carnosa asclepias #*-$** * ** Chifs ** #*** * * * and Order, Pentandria Digynia Generic Cbaracler Contorta corniculum exfe- Neftaria 5/ ovata, concava, rentia Charabler and Synonyms Specific ASCLEPIAS caule fruticofo quadrangulari volubili, umbellis fimplicibus nutantibus, foliis oppofttis carnofa ovatis ASCLEPIAS ; margine revolutis carnofis g!abris carmfa Limn Suppl 170 IVilld Sp PL 1264 For a fpecimen of very rare plant, a native of China, we are indebted to the honourable Mrs Barrington, in whole collection at Mongewell, in Berkfhire, it flowered in, LiNN^ushad feen only a Imall dried fpecimen, July laft which had been fraudulently given by the Chinefe as the plant, producing the Gamboge Had he examined it in a living Hate it is probable he would not have referred it to the genus Afclepias, as it wants the hollow horned neclaries, and is very different in habit from the other fpecies Perhaps it may form a new genus including Stapelia chinenfis and cochinchinenfis of Loureiro;* but as we did not receive the plant from our this draughtfmaii in a fufficiently perfefct ftate to determine with certainty to what genus it really belongs, beft to continue the appellation given to and retained in Willdenow's it we have thought in the it fupplementum, edition of the Species Plan- tarum It has been hitherto treated as a ftove plant, * Vvhilft this account was in the Prefs, we have feen Looretro's fpeclmerf of Stapelia cochhichinenfis, together with a drawing of the flower by our fnend, Mr Charles Konig, which confirms our fufpicion of the very near affinity of thefe plants The habit, the leaves, and the form of the ne'ftaria, _ are exactly fimilar Pub hf TCw&t, r S l-f,' fr,i,< n I [ 7*9 Amethystina var Maculata Ixia Amethystine Ixia #»»»»» Oafs and Order Triandria Monogynia Generic Charafter Spatha bivalvis Cor tubus gracilis, pedunculoideus, ere&us, limbus ferme ad tubum ufque partitus, fuperius vix dilatatus laciniae planiores, raro deorlura regularis, fubaequalis, patens in faucem conniventes aut breviter turbinato-confervcmes ; : limbo multo breviora, aut patentia, aut confleclentia, aut fafciculata, vel etiam cuniculato-concreta Cap/, membranacea, G orbiculato-ovata, torulofa Sem plurima, globofa Til Obs interdum plano-convexum atque^ umbilicato-deprcj/um, /emel/ucculeniius et JubdeJ'orme, qhando tunica pertenm laxa et pramolli indutum ; in crifpa hocce angujiius pyramidal um, et Bulho-tuber deprej/o-rotundum, t Caulis teres gradlejcens, Jape nutnero ratntt* Jus Corolla limbus Jere rotatus y perraro ima parte campunulato-vel turb ni~toartlata, Jemel faciem prabens tantijpcr irregularem Spatha jar -M membranacea, tuboque multo brevior, bis terve majujcula pretenuis atqut Jlupaceo-textilibus involutum Jcarioja G Specific Charatler IXIA maculata; tubo capillari, limbo ex campanulato patentiflimo baG maculato, laciniis oblongiufculis, ttigmatibus ufque tubum divifis infra antheras recurvatis G amethyjVina For and Synonyms Scapo breviore, laciniis latioribus concavis a full account of the fynonyms of this very variable fpecies confult No fynopa of this is work, there where 549 tical view of the genus Ixia, fome of the feBions of which have fince been feparated into diftincl genera ; fee Annals of Botany, vol p 219 Our drawing was Old-Erompton treatment as taken at Meffrs Whitley and Brame's, flowers in June, and requires the green variety the fai» c N"J8g % _ F,J,r.l.:: Tub.h TClirtUf S*& X804-, F.SaJi/fn, s.-ulp : 79^ C Caricina var Radiata, y Hesperantha Carex-Leaved Hesperantha # iMM »*»*»» Oafs and Order Triandria Monocynia Generic Character, Spatha 2-valvis, herbacea, majufcula, Cor tubus furfum viculari convoluta ovali-lanceolata, na- paulatim ampliatus eflonga Stig sequalis ferrae regularis, partitus, 3, limbus trigona, obtufe oblonga, Cap/, ufque diftincla tubum ad fufa, Sem numerofa, fere fubbaccata, rutorulofa, membranacea gofa atque e rotundis angulata Obs Bulbo-fuber campanlformt G indufiis am: Hum putam'tne'is mah modo ligneo-duris, quandoque ojjeis atque jugis ve?t:calibus angulatim percurjis Flora vefperi explicare, mane iterum je claudere ceperunt, inverjo coordinatorum more, quas quoque perfequuntur vices infpattum plurimarum dierum Stigmata longiora, graclllima y lineana t coriaceo-kntis, canaliculata, laxa atque effufe projecla Antbera grandiores, leviter Semina e minoribus interdum tremuh-incumbentes et verjatiies Folia baud raro plano-fijluhjay inde Jpeciem exbibentia crajfam, vera videntur teretia G appicltz, Specific Characler HESPERANTHA nunquam and Synonyms radiata; foliis fiftulofis, deorfum vagtnanter teretibus, exinde compreflb planis linearibus, fpathis adpreflis, corollis cer- nuis IX I A radiata Bot : limbo retroflexo Mag 573, ubi fynonyma petenda y caricina foliis anguftiflimis, fcapo capillari In No 549 of G G work, we divided the genus Ixia into different feHions, from the 7th of which we have fince conftrufted this genus Vide Annals of Botany, v p 220 and 224 this Fffi Pui h GatC F76 19' *&*£*"* M fubbvTr t n /bent \r, r i L ?/ Fs^ t our gardens, which both the others freely Blooms in ]une By the above fynonyms feems to have been imported from the neighbourhood of Conftantinople Is perfectly hardy and grows any where, except in the (hade ; but does not proin pagate fo rapidly as the other two G EMEND A NDUM No 86, GLADIOLUS communis ; for the fpecific given, fubflitute the following GLADIOLUS * Both chara&er there : communis fpica remotiufcula, valde flexuofa ; fpathis proclinatis, exadte fecundis \ corollis uno ordine nutanter porre£lis ; lacinia fuprema lateralibus conclufa ; lateralibus inferioribus duplo minoribus ; filamentis antheris longioribus G thefe have alate feeds, which Gi.a~dioi.xjs fegetum has not