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Curtis''''s Botanical Magazine 01

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: : CURTIS' S Botanical Magazine; O R, Flower-Garden Difplayed IN WHICH The moft Ornamental Foreign Plants, Open Ground, the Green -Houfe, and cultivated in the the Stove, arc accurately reprefented in their natural Colours TO WHICH ARE ADDED, Their Names, Clafs, Order, Generic and Specific Characters, according Linn.eus their Places of Growth, and Times of Flowering to the celebrated ; TOGETHER WITH THE MOST APPROVED METHODS OF CULTURE WORK A Intended for the Ufe of fuch Ladies, Gentlemen, and Gardeners, as wi(h to become.fcientifically acquainted with the Plants they cultivate CONTINUED BY JOHN Fellow of SIMS, M D the Linnean Society VOL XXXIV The Flowers, which A grace their native beds, while put forth their blufhing heads, But, e'er the clofe of parting day, They wither, ihrink, and die away But these, which mimic fkill hath made, Nor fcorchcd by funs, nor killed by Uiade, Shall blufh with fcfs inconftant hue, Which Art at pleafure Liovd can renew LONDON: Printed by Publifhed by And Stephen Couchman, Sherwood, Neelv, & Throgmorton-Street Jones, 20, Paternofter-Row, Sold by the principal Bookfellers in Great-Britain and Ireland # M DCCC XI i urih 7th JulyL ; *374 C ] Red-Flowered Neottia Speciosa Neottia Order C/iz/i rt?/^ Gynandria Diandria* Generic Charatler Cor 5-petala ringens, petalis latcralibus antice exterioribus Anthera circa bafin labelli ventricofam connexis ftylo acumi- nata parallela, poftice inferta and Synonyms* Specific Charatler NEOTTIA fpeciofa; labello lanceolato indivifo, fcapo braebracleis flore longioribus, foliis oblongis teato, margine apicem verfus undulatis JVilid Sp PL Perfoon Syn p 510 fpathis fupericrenato-undulatis, foliis fpeciofa ; Colleft 600 / ic rar 3 rubris Jacq oribus pi 72 NEOTTIA p 174 NEOTTIA fpeciofa Tracls on SERAPIAS fpeciofa HELLEBORINE Bot BoU Repof p Gmel foliis Plum Cat p 53 Syfl liliaceis, Jr Swarlz Orchid t 4-/« Nat 270 pentaphyllum Aublet Guian p p 127 DRACONTIUM / 837 a 26 Our drawing was made at the colleaion of Mr Verb, of This gentleman's intelligent gardener in- Kenfington-Gore forms us that it came from the Ifland of Trinidad It appears to be the fame as Aub let's Dracontium pentaphyllum, who ftates that it is a native of the woods of Cayenne, where it climbs up the trunks of old trees, throwing out roots at each knot, which infinuate themfelves in the crevices of the bark obferve a fpecimen of the fame in the Bankfian Herbarium' from the Ifland of St Lucia Requires to be kept in the bark ftove with other tropical : We vegetables j\r/37f J."SdtrmrJxJ)rl JM&ySi£»rA, ,/,rfl JC C 1376 ] Tiny Mesembryanthemum minutum Fig-Marigold ' ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftjfr ft ft ft ft ft CA2/} tf»i Order ICOSANDRIA PENTAGYNIA Generic Character* numerofa, linearia, Cap/, turbinata, carnofa, infera, polyfperma Cal 5-fidus /Vta/a Specific CharacJer MESEMBRYANTHEMUM cohaerentia bafi and Synonyms minutum; acaule, fubglobofum, apice concavo floriferum, corolla infundibuliformi MESEMBRYANTHEMUM obconicum, laeve glaucum minutum; (acaule, floribus feffilibus) immaculatum, petalislaete rubi- cundis 126 Haworth Mefemb Mifc Nat p p at cohere (lightly part the moft The petals in thi^s genus for fpecies this but in tube fhort ; the bafe in fome ihey form a they unite into a tube above a quarter of an inch in length, -, the fomewhat corolla the give narrowing downwards fo flelhy of congeries of a confifts form of a funnel The plant of centre the From knobs, roundifh, hollowed at the apex as to Haworth confiders leaves, Willdenow, in a produced the flower is thefe button-like fubflances as the this depreflion # ' nearly-related fpecies (minimum) as the ftems The former of as acaule or ftemlefs, the courfe charaaerizes it call it aphyllum or leaflefs What renders this elegant that little vegetable the flowers from latter more would acceptable the middle of Novem- produces its lively ber to near Chriftmas Haworth, Mr by communicated Our Specimen was kindly from his very extenfive collection at Little Chelfea This adds to the value of our figure, from the certainty of its reprefenting the plant intended by the intelligent author of the monograph on this genus Requires to be deNative of the Cape of Good Hope fended from froft, and, after it has done flowering, to be kept without water during the reft of the winter is, it N rtur Wa V J3J'] [ *377 Rosa bracteata ] Macartny's Rose Oafs and Order ICOSANDRIA PoLYGYNIA Generic Charabler Cal urceolatus 5-fidus, carnofus, collo coarclatus PctaJa Semina plurima hifpida calycis interiori Specific Cbarafter ROSA brableata fiipulis ; floribus pe&inatis, and Synonyms folitariis caule lateri affixa fubfeffilibus foliifque brafteatis, aculeatis: foliolis ovatis crenatis glabris ROSA bracleata ,• germinibus pyriformibus fericeis bra&eatis, caule aculeato, foliis pinnatis aculeatis : foliolis ovatis crenatis glabris fubaculeatis, floribus folitariis Obf 50 Hort Herrcnhauf Vent, Celf t 28 n t, 23 IVilld IVendL p 1080 China, whence it was introduced by Lord Macartny, on his return from his embaffy to that country It bears the cold of our climate very well, and is eafily propagated by layers or cuttings At Mr Malcolm's Nurfery at Kenfington, where our drawing was taken, there is a very fine fpecimen, planted againfi a wall, fome of the branches of which did fpread five or fix feet ; but it is now much reduced by the pruning knife The leaves are evergreen, and the flowers fragrant: circum- Native of ftances that add to its value /'> \;4ftf HH C Gentiana macrophylla leaved Gentian Clafs Long- and Order Pentandria Dicynia Generic CharaHer* Cor l-petala Cap/ 2-valvis, i — 6-Iocularis Receptactilis s, iongitudinalibus Specific Characler GENTIANA macrophylla fidis) ; and Synonyms, corollis feffilibus quinquefidis verticillatis, foliis (f quadri- radicalibus caulem inferne fubnudum aequantibus Pallas mild, Sp PL Fl Rofs p 108 / 96 Frcelich Gent p 1335 Kew GENTIANA p 31 n Hort, edit II v p 110 floribus confertis quadrifidis et terminatricibus, quinquefidis, foliis lanceolatis, caule procumbente media parte nudo Sib, p 104 / corollis Gmel 52 rounded, moftly naked in the middle part, but often having a pair of fmall imperfeft leaves near the bottom, and another pair, fomewhat larger, towards the upper part Radical leaves lanceolate, five-nerved, pale underneath, quite entire, fome of them equalling the ftalk in length Flowers verticillate, crowded together at the fummit of the ftalk, feflile Floral leaves feveral, four long growing Desc Stalk aflurgent, crofswife, others fmaller intermingled with the flowers ; one or two flowers fometimes grow in the axils of the upper pair of cauline leaves Calyx truncate, fplitting on one fide Corolla fomewhat inflated upwards : limb divided into four or five The corolla fegments, foon becoming ere& and more acute is but changes green, and perfifts in this ftate till Stamens four or five, fhorter than Germen, the feeds are ripe Stigmas flat, at firft applied clofe which is fpindle-fhaped is blue at firft, The tafte of this plant together, afterwards revolute bitter, but dwells long on the tongue is {lightly Native of Siberia, according to Pallas, where, efpecially in the e^ltem parts, it is very common, in the paftures, in In all this tra£l of country woods, and in the mountains Gentian a cruciata does not occur Communicated by MefTrs Loddiges and Sons Flowers in June Is a perfectly hardy perennial Propagated by feeds %Sfif*f; 'tn/hn >/ ; 1415 C Saw-leaved Aloe Aloe serrulata Clafs ] and Order Hexandria Monogynia, Generic Charafter — Specific Characler ALOE ferrulata Fid No 1352 and Synonyms (caudex brevior foliatus g nutantes, recli g) foliis ; flores e majoribus, raultifariam ambientibus, im* bricato-divergentibus, numerofis, lanceolato-acuminatis, albo-maculofis, margine cartilagineis ferrulato-denticuiatis, racemo apice carinato-triquetris ; caule fubramofo multifloro remotiufculo ; corolla fubclavato- patula, regulari brevi ore compreffiufcula cylindracea laciniis pro tribus panibus concretis inde conniventitrigono, rotundate columellari, germine obtufulis bus, ; quam ftylus fubtriplo breviori ; ftylo filamentis graci- G punflo ftigmatofo obfolete pubefcente Kew Hort Linn 18 Haworth T'ranf ferrulata liore, ALOE ed 2 ALOE 295 perforata, a ferrulata Hort Kew 467 Mart Mill Diet Very clofely allied to variegate (fupfa together a much not trifarioufly No 513 t) but is al- leaves ambient multifarious with plant larger a alfo of are which that, in as decuflated as variegated undulately not much duller greyifh green, blotches white ; oblong diltina there, but marked with largiOl not and corolla, the length of the pedicles are about half the three or four times fhortcr than that, as in variegata in his Dictionary, after defcribing variegata, fays, taifed a v riety of this Cape of Good Hope, Miller, u have ihe from received I which feeds from which leaves, flatter and with broader I fprcad fpread more than thofe of the former, and are not fo beautifully fpotted ; but as thefe plants have not flowered yet, fo I not know if it will prove a diftinft fpecies." This may very probably be our prefent fpecies Native of the Cape of Good Hope; introduced before 1789 Our drawing was taken from a plant that flowered this fummer Mr Haworth's in collection G ERRATA No 870, No 894, cake ; dele ft precedente." 8, pro " Germen inferum," lege " Gtrmtn fuperum.*' No iii2, 14, prae verbo " mucronulo" infere " antheris." No 1346, a paginae a paging pede ; poft " minor," infere " mild Sp PI 186." No l39 i, * L 10, « Mafc." poft " Nux" , pro lege « Masc dele periodurn pro » F*m." Fjem." '^EJvrardfDel 'vlverth 0c ' i4i6 [ ] pltcairnia bracteata sulphurea (/3.) Yellow-flowered Pitcairnia C/^/j tf«i Order, Hexandria Monogynia Generic Character feorfim brafteata Cat femifuperus, trifidus, tubulofoCor longior triconnivens fegmentis acuminatis, perfiftens Inflor fegmentorum petaloideo-partita, calycinornm ore atque unilabiato-inflexa, decidua, tubulofo-convoluta, regularis baft brevi patula modo impofita, irregularifve arcuato-emarcefcens, laciniis ligulato-ellipticis ifometris fsepius baft intus membrana fubfquamiformi concava a dorfo partim adnata appendiculatis St ant tota libera ex eodem ac corolla pun£to Fit comprefibStylus Anth fagittato-lineares, ereckj-continwas fililormia fubulatim elongatus, trifulco-trigonus, femiimmerfi germinis Stig 3, canaliculato-linearia, in Cap/, ball adnato calyce cinfta inde apicem continuans, deciduus unum fpiraliter contorta velata, ovato-pyramidata, tricocca, trigona, coccis futura media introrfum dehilcentibus Sem numerola liueari-oblongata, alata membranaceo-caudata, gemino ordine introflexae Hepetis Schwartz Schrcber G futurae margini annexa vel utrinque folia a rh'izoma fibrofumjioloniferum ; radix Obs imbricatodeorjum e plurima, caulina, radicalia vel infcrne piano obverfa, pellicula convolute-concava lorato-lanceolata, ereflo-divergentia, ambientibus aculeaio-dentata ; margine fapius albefcentia, facilifubtus deter ju lanuginoja a racemus vel ramofus jlipatus, ftmpUx ; io\\o\\s caulis centralis radicalism Herbze perenne s ; fpicato conferto ad diffufum atque pauciflorum Specific Character PITCAIRNIA calyx rata herbaceus ; migeri ;) foliis and Synonyms lorato-attentiatis Lgeribus re- margine fubedentulis, lanuginofis G (fores unilabiato-irregulares, {qua brail eat a flexis, ; ; a» prono albo- caule fimpliciflimo' valido tereti, gofiypino-lanato, foliolis fquamato ; racemo numerofo fpicato imbricatim congefto, floribus braBeis ciliatis pubefcentipediceilis exaetfuanttbus calyccra exius calyce brevioribus aiiquoties bus flore corolla breviore; duplo corolla tomentofo, afcendenter divergeatibus ; ; ; laciniis cochleari-Jigulatis, e deorfum convoluto-anguftads in laminam ovatam concaviufculam explicantibus, totis furfum fibi mutuo incumbentibus, duobus tertiam fummara i/erfus obliquatim inflexis; fquama denticulate G PITCAIRNIA bracleata Hort Kew ed 2 202 G («.) calyce colorato ; floribus rubris P latijolia Lil a Redoute, tab 73 (minus 74 nee aliorum refie fupra in No 856, ad ipfam latifoliam laciniis ,• excitata.) (j3.) calyce berbacea P fiilphurea ; corolla fulphureo-lutefcente Bot Repofit pag alt tab 249 G LiL a Redout e, fol 73 abfque hone This is the moil robufl as well as clofeft flowered fpecies of any of the genus yet known to us have not met with the red-flowered plant in any of our collections ; but Monf Rf.doute, who has publifhed it in his " Liliacees" under the name of latifolia, fays, that he received it from Mr Woodford's colle&ion in this country, by the name of Pitcairnia raccmofa, and that it came originally from the Weft- Indies We The yellow flowered plant now given, is a native of the Ifland of St Vincent, whence it was introduced by Mr Evans about 1799 agree with the editor of the fecond edition We Hortus Kewenfis in the belief that the two plants are mere varieties of each other The ftem of our fpecimen was about two feet high, and towards the bafe about the thicknefs of a man's finger Requires to be kept in the bark bed of a ftove, where it blooms early in the fummer Flowers about an inch and a half long fcemlefs three or four expanding at a time, and decaying in the fpace of a few hours Propagated by fuckers G of the ; ; NOTE No 856, 12, dele " LU a Redouti, tab 74.' AFf ' fr

Ngày đăng: 07/11/2018, 22:38


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