MU8 coMP zool: BULLETINS ""'^"^ APR OF 1977 HARVAHO 'UNIVERSITY AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY (Founded 1895) Vol 71 No 295 A Lewis G Weeks Publication STRATIGRAPHY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE EWEKORO FORMATION (PALEOCENE) OF SOUTHWESTERN NIGERIA By Oluwafeyisola S Adegoke 1977 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York 14850, U.S.A PALEONTOLOGIGAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1976-1979 President Harold Vice-President Duane Philip C Secretary E Yokes O LeRoy Wakeley Ernestine Q Wright Treasurer Katherine Director V W Palmer Assistant Secretary, Assistant Treasurer Rebecca Counsel Armand - Representative AAAS S Harris L Adams Richard G Osgood, Council Jr Trustees Katherine V W Palmer (Life) John Pojeta, Jr (1975-1978) Ruth G Browne (1976-1979) Kenneth E Caster (1975-1978) John Margaret Duane K Cisne (1976-1977) S Harris (Life) L Rebecca O Norman Sachs, Jr (1974-1977) Daniel B Sass (1974-1977) Harold E Yokes (1975-1978) Heroy (1975-1978) LeRoy (1974-1977) B Philip C YV^akeley (1976-1979) Ernestine Q YYright (1976-1979) YVilliam a Oliver, Jr (1976-1979) Axel A Olsson (Life) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA Katherine V YY Palmer, Editor Doris C Brann, Assistant Advisory Board Kenneth A Hans Kugler E Caster Jay Glenn Marks Myra Keen Axel A Olsson Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application For reprint, Yols 1-23, Bulletins of Kraus Reprint For Corp., 16 East 46th reprint, vol I, St., American Paleontology see Nev? York, N.Y 10017 U.S.A Palaeontographica Americana see Johnson Reprint CorNew York, N.Y 10003 U.S.A poration, 111 Fifth Ave., Subscription may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average Bulletins Numbers of Palaeontographica Americana invoiced per issue Purchases in U.S.A for professional purposes are deductible from income tax price of $20.00 per volume for For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 1259 Truraansburg Road New York 14850 Ithaca, U.S.A BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY (Founded 1895) Vol 71 No 295 A Lewis G Weeks Publication STRATIGRAPHY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE EWEKORO FORMATION (PALEOCENE) OF SOUTHWESTERN NIGERIA By Oluwafeyisola March 29, S Adegoke 1977 PaleoDtological Research Institution Ithaca, New York 14850, U.S.A Library of Congress Card Number: 77-74608 To Kunbi, Femi, Kunke, and Dayo for their love Printed in the United States of America Arnold Printing Corporation Ithaca, N.Y CONTENTS Page Abstract _ Introduction Acknowledgments - _ History of previous geological work in the region ^ Geography 13 Regional geology and paleogeography 14 „ Stratigraphy 24 „ Ewekoro Formation Akinbo Formation 29 Oshosun Formation 29 24 Structure 29 Petrography and microfacies I II 30 Sandy biomicrosparite 30 Shelly 31 biomicrite III Algal biosparite IV Red Phosphatic 32 biomicrite 33 Fauna Provenance and preservation Composition of Ewekoro fauna (a) Macrof auna 3i _ 34 35 Microfossils (b) New „ 36 supraspecific taxa proposed Ewekoro fauna Tethyan elements in the Ewekoro fauna Comparison with Eocene faunas and status of 38 Affinities of the „ „ _ 39 _ 44 the Paleocene 44 46 Paleoecology General statements Gastropod predation Age of 46 48 Ewekoro Formation Systematic 50 „ paleontology 52 Taxonomic procedure 52 Nomenclatural signs and symbols Echinodermata 54 Arthropoda Mollusca Scaphopoda Gastropoda 62 55 62 62 64 Bivalvia 218 Cephalopoda-Nautilida Chordata 292 298 „ Pisces Literature cited 298 ; _ 299 Plates 317 Index 368 TEXT-FIGURES Page Map Generalized Maximum Break-up trans-saharan Paleocene early Eocene 21 Outcrop Paleocene of southern Nigeria 22 Columnar Graph showing location of Evvekoro, Nigeria map Albian-Turonian transgression 15 extent Campano-Maestrichtian transgression section Ewekoro quarry shell height to maximum 16 25 thickness Evvekoro nautiloids 295 TABLE Paleocene species common to West African Paleogene basins 4-1 STRATIGRAPHY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE EWEKORO FORMATION (PALEOCENE) OF SOUTHWESTERN NIGERIA Oluwafeyisola S Adegoke^ ABSTRACT composed of about 12.5 m grading into the underlying Abeokuta Formation and is overlain unconformably by phosphatic and glauconitic gray shales (Akinbo Formation) and a red sandy mudstone (the basal Oshosun Formation) It is well exposed in the Ewekoro Quarry about 55 km The Ewekoro Formation of coquinoidal limestone It at the type locality is sandy is at the base, NW of Lagos, Nigeria limestone is divisble into four microfacies units, a basal sandy biomicrosparite, overlain in turn by the shelly biomicrite, the algal biosparite and the red phosphatic biomicrite The Ewekoro macrofauna contains 221 species and subspecies, 175 of which are described as new Three new families, nine new genera and thirteen new subgenera are also proposed This diverse fauna is dominated by raollusks, among which nautiloids are common The fauna shows a marginal Tethyan affinity confirmed by the presence of Nummulites eivekoroensis Sachs and Adegoke, Campanile nigeriense Adegoke and Dessauvagie, and species of V elates, Gisortia, ?Terebcllum, Carolia, Crom- The mium, Lithophaga, and Fimbria The Ewekoro fauna lived under warm (subtropical) conditions at littoral to shallow sublittoral depths The abundant ocurrence of unworn nautiloid shells, sparse planktonic Foraminifera, and shark and ray teeth indicate direct connection with the open sea The absence of a true reef development indicates that a cold current comparable to the modern Benguela Current probably swept the West African coastline during the Paleocene The Ewekoro assemblage is dominated by microscopic forms less than 10 high The unworn nature of the specimens and the absence of evidences of preferential sorting indicate that these are normal paedomorphic adults which had undergone selection for early maturity probably accompanied by high fecundity under a high-stress ecological condition Predation by naticids and muricids is common in the Ewekoro assemblage No selectivity for valve, boring site or prey size was noticed In contrast with extant forms, the Ewekoro naticids fed more frequently on gastropods mm The Ewekoro fauna is of Paleocene (Montian-Thanetian) age This is confirmed by the associated ostracodes and planktonic Foraminifera Paleocene index macrofossiis such as Togocyamus scefriedi Oppenheim, Clinuropsis diderrichi Vincent and Tornatellaea (Ra'vniella) africana Furon occur abundantly The fauna shares several species and identical or near-identical taxa with Paleocene horizons the world over These include dated horizons in Senegal, Togo, Ghana and Congo, the Mokattam beds of Egypt, the upper Ranikot beds of India, the Midway Stage of the Gulf Coastal United States, the Soldado Rock in Trinidad and the Maria Farinha Beds of Pernambuco, Brazil Radiometric (K-Ar) dating of glauconites from two horizons which unconformably overlie the Ewekoro limestone yielded an age of 54.45 2.7 m y., a date closely corresponding with the Paleocene-Eocene boundary This confirms an age not younger than Paleocene for the underlying Ewekoro ± Formation INTRODUCTION Marine macrofossil-bearing strata of Paleocene age show a patchy distribution throughout the world Some of the best known Denmark (Ravn, sections are the Danian beds 'Oluwafeyisola Adegoke, Department of Geology, University of Nigeria S at Faxe, 1933; RosenIfe, Ile-Ife, Bulletin 295 krantz, 1960), and at Copenhagen (Ravn, 1939; von Koenen, 1885); the Montian beds in Belgium (Brlart and Cornet, 1871; Cossmann, 1908, 1913b, 1924; Vincent, 1930b); the Thanetian beds of the Paris Basin (Farchad, 1936) and England (Prestwich, 1852; Morris, 1852; Edwards and Wood, 1848-1877); the upper Ranikot beds of India (Cossmann and Pissarro, 1909, 1927; Douville, 1928, 1929; Cox, 1930; Vredenburg, 1929); the lower Mokattam beds of Egypt (Oppenheim, 1903, 1906); the Midway Stage of the American Gulf Coastal Plain and Texas (Harris, 1896; Gardner, 1933); the Kangilia and Agatdal formations of West Greenland (Rosenkrantz, 1970) and Rock of Trinidad (Putsch, 1943) West Africa, marine macro-invertebrate bearing Paleocene strata have been reported from a number of scattered localities (Furon, 1949; Chavan, 1949) The best known are the Landana beds of Congo (Vincent, 1913; Miller, 1935, 1951); various localities in the Soldado In Senegal (Tessier, 1949, 1952; Chabaglian, 1959), in Morocco (Salvan, 1954) and in Soudan-Niger region (Furon, 1935, 1949; Douville, 1920), the Adabion and Togblekove beds in 1915; Furon 1948) and the Togo (Oppenheim, Apatuema Limestone in Ghana (Cox, 1952) Larger invertebrates are yet to be described from the Paleo- cene cliffs at Fresco, Ivory Coast (Lys, 1961) In Nigeria, marine macrofossil-bearing strata of Paleocene age are known the in Kalambaina Formation of the Sokoto area (Parker, 1964) and in the Ewekoro Formation in the west (Jones and Hockey, 1964; Reyment, 1965a, Adegoke and others, Colloquium 1971, Proc Colloquium 1970) This latter formation, which is well exposed in the quarry of the West African Portland Cement Com- pany Limited at Ewekoro (Text-fig 1) is the object of this study Detailed study of the Ewekoro quarry section was by the writer in commenced 1967 with the primary aim of establishing the stratigraphy, describing the fauna, and elucidating the affinities of the latter Fossils were collected from different parts of the quarry between 1967 and 1970 This fauna, containing about 220 species was identified and analysed in 1970 and 1971 at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., using the facilities of the National Museum of Natural History The material was carefully compared Paleocene Nigeria: Adegoke Map showing the location of Ewekoro, Nigeria Bulletin 295 with the faunas of classical European, Middle East, and American Paleocene localities The study is significant in that greatly it the increases knowledge of the marine Paleocene fauna of West Africa The fauna! similarities between now-distant areas confirm the importance of the role played by the trans-saharan epeiric sea and the Tethys zoogeographic distribution of marine faunas during the Paleo- in the gene The bearing of these on the problem of Continental Drift under Regional Geology and Paleogeography briefly discussed The study further shows that the Paleocene faunas of is West Africa are evolutionarily distinct from the Eocene faunas of the same area, thereby strengthening the case for the distinctness of the Paleocene Epoch This study has one major limitation It was not possible to collect stratigraphically controlled samples This is a factor imposed by the highly indurated matrix (see Petrography and Microfacies) As a result, the precise stratigraphic ranges of the described fossils known are not No attempt is, therefore, made at a refined bio- stratigraphic zonation or correlation in this study ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The for its writer award is of indebted to the Smithsonian Research Foundation a Postdoctoral Visiting Research Associateship which enabled him to work at the Smithsonian Institution during the academic year 1970-71 when most of this work was completed Several colleagues and friends at the Smithsonian Institution and the U.S Geological Survey, Washington, D.C., facilitated my stay In particular, I gratefully acknowledge the help of Porter M Kier with the echinoids and J P E Morrison with the vermetids W P Woodring, N F Sohl, T R Waller, Erie G Kauffman, and Druid Wilson gave much of their time in the identification of the mollusks They also read much of the manuscript Dr T R Waller in addition gave the writer free access to his photographic facilities Fred Collier, Don Dean, Jessie Merida, Tom Phelan, and Robert Matthews gave much technical help R Cifelli, R K S Evernden, M Buzas, R Boardman, J Pojeta, M E Taylor, and S O Schweitzer helped in many ways Several colleagues in Nigeria helped in field collecting I am INDEX Note: Light face type refers to page numbers Bold face type refers to plate figures A Abeokuta Pseudomalaxis 17 Fm Sassia 37 Tornatellaea Transennella Tritonidea 243,248 abrardi, Acesta 236 236 49,221,222 218 229 Acirsa 101 Darteplicatula abrardi, Plicatula Acar, 33 Area 16 103 acirsoides, Mesalia acuta, Globorotalia acuticosta, Lagena acuticostata, Veenia 101, 103 Ewekoria 50 37 207,208 296 Afrocornulina 174, 175 Afrollonia Afrovolutilithes 49,68 200 192,193 28 11,46 45 Akinbo Fm Akinbo Shale (Fm.) 281 281 Meretrix Torquesia 15 Turritella 281 91 91,92 adangmarum, 43 Diplodonta Vermetus 258,259 105 akinkugbei, Mesalia Sinus 20, 24, 29 17 110 14 89 135 21 akinolae, Mesalia Akinsinde 14 12 49,71 adekunbiana, Rimella 20 131 adekunbilii, Cerithiopsis 17 49, 108 alazanensis, aldrichiana, Astarte alleni, Cibicides alloiteaui, Togocyamus Ameki 25 162, 165 12 73 57 23,48 Fm amekiensis, Admetula Admetula Aeora aequale, Dentalium Entaliopsis aestuarina, Siphonalia 206,207 288 64 64 Bonellitia Crepispisula Ostrea Spisula americanus, Cancris ampla, Pleurotoma 48 27 154 17 254 288 41, 175 276 41, 175 43 42 223,224 257 253 .50 27 Cocullaria 37 268 19 37 Algeria Pseudoliva adeyemoi, Mirachelus 89 10,24,28,50 177 akoi, Pugilina Bulimina Solariella Miltha Cerithiopsis 283,284 Macrocallista Fimbria 31 akinjidei, Cytherea Cornulina 205 200 136 67 Agaronia Ajido 38 40 Costacallista Arctica 30 118 113 118 215,216 211 215,216 287 49, 151 Afrocimomia Africostoma adabionensis, Afikpo Afranodontia africana, Aeora? Afrocornulina 31 africanum, Sinum africanus, Tectus 12 Adabion Adabion beds 32 32 32 46 24 Vanpalmeria Voluta acirsoides, adansonii, adedayoi, .18 Ravniella 27,46 abeokutaensis, Ostrea accra 18 18 Nigerialaxis Planaxis Abakaliki anticlinorium Amplogladius Ampullina ?Ampullina AmpuUospira Anadara Ancillaria Andicula 207 207 273 249 273 37 184 132 138 138 137 47 193 184 angusticosta, 368 Cardita Venericardia 264 262 INDEX angustilobata, Ostrea angustiumbilicata, Afrollonia Angustostrea Anodontia Anomalina Anomia Antalis 239 Bellatara bendeica, Paziella Benin Flank beninensis, Buntonia Benue Valley beyrichi, Cytherella "biafrensis, apatayeriyerii, Buntonia Apatuema Ls aperta, Calyptraea Architectonica sp A., Architectonica araomiensis, Cytherella 38 19,40 127, 128 121 Area ?Arca Archimediella ?Arcopagia, Arcopagia 50 Arctica armigera, Cornulina Arufu Ls 38 218 218 84 275 275 276 41, 175 15 267 Astarte asseezi, Archi- 19 tectonica 39,40,41 Ostrea Asu River Group atlantica, 120,123 246,247 48 Athleta 49,290,291 194 attitogoensis, ? Buntonia 38 202 37 Aulicina auriculus, Cancris 16 Mehesella" 38 38 Heligmotoma bifurcata, Dentalina Mesalia Bima Fte birmanica, Cryptospira Olivancillaria bisulcatum, Solarium Bittium (?) bivarica, Tibia 19 Bonellitia bopaensis, Leguminocythereis breviculus, Planaxis brevis, Gisortia briarti, Tellina bryani, Siphonalia 24 Buccinorbis 15 Corbula 215 215 20 38 bicarinata, bilirata, 123 44,76 Hexaplex 12,68,70 238 254,255 37 47,49,234 64 Bulimina Buntonia Bursa Burtinella Bythocypris 170 37 88 17 194 193 123 49,80 133 206,207 38 113 140 274 154, 156 161, 162, 166, 168 37 38 209 106 38 aurilitoralis, Macrocallista 283,286 cf aurilitoralis, Norrisella cf 12 72 12 72 152 aurilitoralis, Norrisia Awgu Group axesta, 17 Tritonidea 38 50 49,266 Bambam 17, 18 Barbatia 47,219,221 Eocypraea Bayania 142, 143 74 indet ? Bayania Cancris Cardiocardita Cardita Cardita beaumonti beds Carditella Cardium bartlettiana, sp enclave Callianassa Calyptraea Calyptraphorus Cameroons Cameroun Campanile B Bairdia baloguni, Carditella Cabinda 31 75 Caricella Carolia Cerithiella Cerithiopsis 369 47 36 62 47, 127 129 17 14 12,44,75 37 259 259,260 92 49,266,267 268 202 44,235 107 49 INDEX 76 Cerithium Buccinorbis Oniscidia 42 Parvilucina Phacoides Pseudoliva chavani (aff.), 31 ?Oniscidia Cassidulus cayorensis, Ostrea cheneyi, Bayania 31 chilensis, Corbicula Cyanocyclas chira, Bursa choffati, Ostrea aff 168 209 251,253 252 168 Bendeglans Cardita Cyclocardia Glans Plicatula costaenodulosis, 208 58 240 74 279 279 210 236 297 37,50 Cimomia 292, 294, 296, ?Nautilus Amekiglans clathratum costagranosa, Venericardia Crommium 136 Heligmotoma Oryptospira Cubitostrea Cucullaea Cucullaria Cyclocardia 173 44, 177, 178 76 184,185 Clavilithes ? Clavocerithium Clinura Clinuropsis Pyrazus Collonia congica, Cucullaria Congo 12 167 Conocyathus Conomitra 36 202 44, 136, 137 193, 194 238 223 222 259 129 216,217 238,240,242 142 143 38 Cylichna Cymbulostrea Cypraea Cypraedia 279 112 68 224 coniformis, Pseudoliva 28 Cyclomolops 44, 184, 185, 186, 187 cocaenica, Isocardia 262, 264 Crassostrea ?Crassostrea crenularis, Tectus clavaeforme, colei, 49 33 222 237,238,248 238 38 68 68 Trochus 272 Crepispisula 289 cretacea, Aeora 96 crocodili, Turritella coxi, Cucullaria (aff.), Sinum 260 260 260 260 233 260 260 260 260 Cossmannella Glans 297 197 140 citrusensis, Lyria clarki, Gisortia 35 Cardita Chudeaui, Cibicides 193 281 Olivancillaria Costacallista costaeirregularis, chavani, Cythereis Cytherella Cytherelloidea Cy therocar dia 38 38 277, 278 38 Cytheropteron conradina, Transennella contortus, Eomiltha cooperi, Anomia 35 coorayi, Cerithium Nigeritium coorayi Corbula dactylus, Corbula dalei, 13 44 Parvilucina 17, 19 Levifusus dalliana, Marginella 78 38 279, 280 49,290 Damergou DangeFm corneti, Phacoides Cornulina Cosmolithes Cossmannella cossmanni, Agaronia 291 Dahomey 78 Cophina Corbicula 288 252 49,234 252 252 174 179,180 259 Darteplicatula davidsoni Fimbria deltaensis, Cytherella Deltoidonautilus cf Deluchi, Nautilus demissus, Hipponix 19 Dentalina 193 Dentalium 370 181 194 16 21 232 257 38 297 297 126 37 62 INDEX dessauvagiei, ewekoroensis, Cimomia Afrocimomia 43,293,295, 296 Astarte Barbatia diderrichi, 29 Clinuropsis Diplodonta discifera, Cylichna Discorbis disparata, Murex Poirieria Dosiniopsis Douvilletoma Druidwilsonia dubia, Pseudoliva Dukul durotoyei, Ostrea 37 dusenberryi, Sinum 20 Cucullaea 33 Cypraea 22 Dosiniopsis 46 Ewekorolaxis 18,19 258 217 37 215 215 287 Ewekoromeris 34 Gisortia 79 163 17 242 136 Glycymeris Hexaplex 34 32 Janiopsis Latirus? Macrocallista 24 28 45 Mesalia 13 32 50 Nigerapana Notospisula E eamesi, Pseudomazzalina Sycostoma Eamesidura Nummulites 22 22 Ebenebe Ss elegantissima, Parvilucina 42,50 Elenchus elevatus, Eponides 145, 146 145, 146 54, 158, 159 Pitar 44 Polygona 28 Pseudomalaxis Pseudomazzalina Pycnodonte 40,41 32 Rapana Rimella 20 255 20 55 144 Sinum 252,253 98 37 Torquesia Entaliopsis eocenica, Kitsonia Eocypraea Eocytheropteron Eopsephaea Eoscutum Eovasum Eponides eschi, Pseudoliva Eulima Euspira Euspirocrommium Ewekoralaxis Ewekoro Ewekoro Fm 92 274 143 64 277 141, 143 38 194 55 44 37 167 101 48, 134 137 119 10 10, 20, 24, 26, 29, 46, 50, 52 ewekoroense, Antalis Dentalium 6 64 64 43 50 22 Sootryenella Spisula Sycostoma elicitatoides, Elliptotellina elongata, Eocypraea 32 Paziella Eamesiella Ekihinocyamus elegans, Cypraedia 267 220 106 128 296,297 223 142 287 119 228 140 228 48,49,214, 215 152 182, 183 284,285 83,86 48,213 273 12,50 48,49,214, 215 280 182,183 119 145, 146 249,250 48,213 129, 130, 132 48 231 273 Cimomia 187 219 53, 170, 171 Fm 296, 297 43 33 "Burtinella" CaljTJtraea 12,40,43, 184, 187, 188 ?Clinuropsis diourbelensis Area 119 Tetrastomella? 26 Tivelina 50 Turricula 30 49 Venericardia Ewekoroia Ewekoromeris excelsa, Turricula 145, 146 168 289 189,190 262,263 100 227 185 141 186 112 17 expansa, Bernayia Vincenturris expansus, Pyrazus Eze-Aku Group F fagadei, Cerithiopsis fallockensis, Mesalia Mesalia Falsifusus fasciata, Mesalia 17 49.109 13 83,84,86 86 182 falloti, 86,87 fayosei, 371 Nigerialaxis 18 114, 115 INDEX Pseudomalaxis faxense, Sassia faxensis, Isocardia feddeni, Cypraedia 18 Cypraeoglobina Fissurella Felaniella femii, Macrocallista Ostrea 114, 115 211 279 144 144 65 258 grande, Dentalium Entaliopsis grandis, ? Collonia gruneri, Afro- Athleta 286 144 Macrocallista Meretrix ?Meretrix fenyiensis, Venericardia Fibularia Fimbria Fissurella Flemingostrea fluminalis, Corbicula Forreria freneixi, Carolia? 36 Fresco, Ivory Coast frescoensis, Discorbis Ostrea 262 55 255 47,65 238 279 213 235 19, 28 37 241 Tympanotomus Volutilithes Volutocorbis Gryphaea gueoulensis, Thylechinus Cardium Dentalium 13 46,47 5 Laevidentalium Ill 15 142 256,257 94 229 142 30 49, 199 42 255 181,184 Buccinorbis 25 Conomitra 31 21 Globularia 25 49, 162, 163, 164, 209 Cypraea Fimbria cf 61 guineense, Bittium 49,80 269,271 62 62 168 202 137 226 149, 151 164-166,168 41, 166, Glycymeris 34 Parkeristoma Pseudoiiva 25,26 Siphonalia 24 153, 155, 156, furoni, Haustator Modiolus Umbilia Volutocorbis guineensis, funatus, Pseudoiiva 233 232,234 64 64 68,69 30 197,198,199 197 45 283 285 284 30 197,198,199 197 242 volutilithes 46 fenestralis, Cypraedia friryi, 35 Plicatula 157 guinezonensis, Rotalia 37 37 Gyroidina furoni, ?Fimbria Fusus H halaense, Cardium harrisi, Gisortia Ghana 12,14,26,40 12,44,140 259 50 Gisortia Glans Globigerina globoleve, Cerithium Wendella 41 Globorotalia globosa, Lagena Globularia Globulina globus, Bernayia Glossus Glycymeris Glyptostyla gorodiskii, Darteplicatula 35 76 77 37,50 37 137 37 141 277,278 224,226,227 157 232,234 Haustator Haustator ?, n Heligmotenia 269 140 82 sp .16 94, 98 169, 170, 172 Heligmotoma Heligmotoma? 53, 169-173 173 296 244 Hercoglossa hessi, Ostrea hexacostata, Dentalina 37 Hexaplex 48,214,215 hingeriensis, Haustator Hipponix 16 hofana, Mesalia Hollandei, Turritella huppertzi, Pleurofusia? Turricula 372 95 47, 126 96 92 190 190 INDEX Ibeshe 28 28 37 20 28 23 38 31 206 Ibonwon icenii, Vaginulina Igbabu Ss Ijebu-Ode Fm Ilaro llaroensis, Bairdia Glans Mesalia Sigmesalia Venericardia 262 83,185 85 48 260, 262, 264 kogbei, Ampullina 21 Surculites kouriatchyi, Tellina 51 indica, Strepsidura inepta, Dentalina Laevidentalium infraeocaenica, Solarium Phacoides irrasus, Levifusus isiakae, Syrnola islandica, Arctica 19 Isocardia Itori lullemmedan Basin Ivory Coast 45 137 274 L 157, 159 37 ingens, Clinuropsis invisus, Parvilucina 274 Euspirocrommium 11 20,26,29 India 45 137 Elliptotellin Imo Fm Imo Shale 40, 138 190, 191 Ampullospira imevborei, Bonellitia 30 122 184 252, 254 252 182 125 276 278 24 36,62 lagaghiroboensis, Quadracy there Lagena lamellosa Fimbria Landana 38 37 257 12 landanensis, Cimomia Cypraea Vermetus Lapparia 10 40,292 40 143 105 202 latejugata, 16 Nodosaria 44 37 lateroconcava, Bulimina J 140 152 jacqueti, Gisortia Janiopsis Jessu Fm jonesi, juneri, 17 Sycostoma 23 146, 147 48 49,262,263 Venericardia K Kalambaina Fm kauffmani, Ostrea 19,21 37 240, 241, 242, 248 kaufmanensis, Cucullaea 224 kayodei, Pseudomalaxis Keilostoma Kerri-Kerri 37 285 Latirus 182,183 lato, Ostrea 238 Leguminocythereis 38 Lenticulina 50 leutweini, Pseudoliva 167 Levifusus 180,181,184 "Libyan Stage", Egypt 12 libycum, Heligmotoma 171, 173 limopsis, Volutocorbis 200 latesulcata, Cytherea .18 115, 116 208 Fm 19 lineolata, Amauropsella Lithophaga Lokoja ss 44,47,229 19 longiforma, Vaginulina 37 247 ludensis, Ostrea lunulata, kerstingi, Strepsidura 24 157, 159, 161 Cassidulus 36, 58 kitsoni, Buccinorbis 161 Kitsonia 277 137 137 Crommium 45 Macrocallista 285 M kieri, klinghardti, Streptosiphon 177 kocrti Cardita 260,262 286 Macrocallista makanjuolae, Cylichna makanjuolai, Cylichna 373 32 216 218 INDEX mamillatum, Cardium INDEX Siphonalia Spisula 24 50 Stilus 17 Sycostoma 30 Turricula Velates Venericardia 11 Vermetus 17 WendeUa 12,13 Nigerithium Nigeroloxoconcha 156 272 107 145 189,190 32,66 41 38, 105 41,77 77 38 niloticum, Heligmotoma nincki, Transovula Nodosaria Norrisella Norrisia Notodonax Notospisula nuda, Fissurella Nummulites Nupe 19 Ss nuttalli, 169,170,171 143 37 72 72 275 273,274 65 12,44,50 Torquesia 92 Heligmotoma 27 INDEX Placuna placunoides, Carolia Planaxis 249 236 113 ransoni, Ostrea rugifera, Ewekoroia Venericardia Rapana 261 133 120 194 183, 184 240 planulata, Tibia Platylaxis Plejona Pleurotoma Ostrea Plicatula plummerae, Eponides Poirieria Polygona Potamides priscum, Sycostoma Ravniella Ravnostomia resupinata, Ostrea reticulatum, Bittium Reymentella 232,233,238 37 214,215 182,183 Cimomia 6,7,8 40,292,293, 295 296 14 Mesalia 49,88,89 Parkeristoma 23 150 112 147 Syrnola 126 Protodonax 275 Rhinoclavis Rhopalithes rigaulti, Barbatia Rimella Rissoina proxima, robusta, Sycostoma 23 147 rogersi, Heligmotoma 37,50 44 50 Pseudocrommium Pseudohastigerina pseudohumilis, Tetrastomella? Pseudoliva Mesalia Pseudoliva 173 85,89 25 166 19 19 125 125 152 129 37 rosenkrantzi, Pseudomalaxis sp A., Pseudomalaxis 18 pseudomarginidentata, Ostrea Pseudomazzalina pupaefonne, Odostomia 169 49,53,161163, 175, 209 53, 114 Odostomia Ravnostomia Tritonidea Rostellaria Rotalia 119 245,247 144, 145 Acar Barbatia aff 76 177,179 220 53,129,133 74 37 Robulus 255,256 255,256 201, 202 Callista Meretrix Pseudaulicina pseudobulloides, Globorotalia 101,104 211 48,212 215 124 241 81 49,79,98 reymenti, propeacicula, putealis, 17 rutoti, Sassia planicosta, plicata, 236 putealis, Acar saltoensis, 124 222 222 49 aff putealis, Barbatia pulvinata, Buntonia Pycnodonte Pyrazus pyrus, Sycostoma 49 38 238,249 Ill 147 sanurensis, Voluta Sassia saundersi, Bursa 31 Scaphander Schizosmilia schmideliana, Velates schmideli, Velates schweinfurthi, Pseudoliva Callianassa 38 37 Quinqueloculina salvani, Messalia 14 scobia, Strepsidura seefriedi, Q Quadracy there Bernayia Cypraea 167 159 62 55 55 216 Ravniella Togocyamus radix, Voluta 201 Ranikot Ranikot beds 12 51 40,49,86 201 210,211 209 217 36 66 66 Echinocyamus Eoscutum R 142 142 10, 12, 36, 51, 55 selandica, 376 Odostomia 124 INDEX Ravnostomia 124 216 Tornatellaea semispinosa, 11, 37 17,40 sengenalensis, Torquesia 92 58 senni, Cassidulus Heligmotoma 170 238 177 Ostrea Pugilina septemzonatum, Keilostoma 31 44 servorum, Natica Shagamu 208 280,281 135 28 sharkriverensis, Pseudohastigerina 50 sigaretina, Calyptraea Sigmesalia simplex, Lapparia Pseudaulicina Sinum Siphonalia Libya Ostrea Sirte Basin, sohli, 128 85 201 201 31 48, 135 153 19 36 234,239,240, 247 Sokoto Embayment Soldado Rock, Trinidad Solariella Solarium spirata, Strepsidura Spisula soluta, Dentalina sornayi, Thylechinus Soudan stephensoni, ?Latirus Polygona Stilus Strepsidura Strepsiduropsis Cymbulostrea 12,51 49,71 120 157 272 37 61 12 183 183 107 Cypraea Stylina 43 Cryptospira Gibberula subpatulum, Solarium subpirus, Sycostoma subrotunda, Vaginulina subspadicea, 154 154 Siphonalia subtogoensis, Glycymeris Pectunculus 34 225,226,227 225 sudanensis, Cimomia 293 Sphaerocypraea 141 Surcula 184,190 Surculites 184,185,190 sylvesterbradleyi, Cytherella Syrnola 38 125 Sycostoma 53, 144-146, 148, 149 T tabligboensis, Cardita Venericardia Tectus Terebellum ?Terebellum 260,262 262 250 40, 138 67 Tellina 50 274,275 44,134,193 28 134 101 sp indet tessieri, Cimomia Thylechinus Tethyan Tethyan affinities Tetrastomella texana, Corbicula Thalotia 293 60 44 11 168 279 79,98 thiepensis, Cytherocardia Glossus subhoudasi, 259 129, 130, 132 48 tabulata, Pyenodonte tapina, Ampullina 160 157 256 256,257 194 194 122 147 37 Kelletia Terebra 36 subdavidsoni, Corbis Diplodonta subhumerosa, Cyclomolops 143 240 suboliva, 53, 157, 158, 240 240 Ostrea Fimbria 129 242 Subitostrea sublandanensis, 16, 19 strictiplicata, ? subhumerosus, Calyptraphorus submissa, Ostrea stricto, serrodentata, "Corbicula" 20 129, 131, 132, 133 129,130,132 Rostellaria Nodosaria Senegal ? sensu Rimella (?) Isocardia thompsoni, Clinuropsis 377 279 279 278 184 INDEX Thylechinus Tiarasmilia Tibia Tivelina Togo Togblekove beds Togocyamus togoense, Solarium 60 36 132 289 12,17,19,40 40 55 122 togoensis, AfroUonia Agaronia 11 30 Architectonica Bullinella Cardita Clinuropsis Deltoidonautilus Olivancillaria 10 31 33 30 Pectunculus Pleurotoma Polinices ?Polinices Potamides Venericardia Torquesia Tornatellaea 49 184, 186 291 217 10,295,297 48, 134, 135 224,227 113 134 192 224 186 134 134 113 260,266 82,91 215 toyei, Clavilithes Rhopalithes 28 28 Trachycardium transenna, Bittium Transennella 178 178 272 81 287 transversaria, Fimbria 257 trapaquara, Odostomia 124 triangulata, Buntonia 38 trigonalis, Gigantostrea Trigonostoma trigonula, Astari;e triloculinoides, Globigerina Trinidad 244 207 268 50 12 Potamides turriformis, "Buriinella" Turritella Glans Triton 17 Tympanotonus 112 140 157 184, 185, 189 106 47 Ill U Umuna Ss uncinata, Ostrea undiferum, Odostomia 20 244 124 uniplicata, Afrovolutilithes 30 Neoathleta? 30 Volutilithes 196 196 196 V Vaginulina vanbelleni, Eponides varianta, Globorotalia varianta Globorotalia Varicohilda vaughani, Cornulina 37 37 50 37 210 41 velascoensis, Globorotalia Velates Venericardia Venericor Vermetus Vermetus vetusta, Mesalia Pseudoliva 50 12,44,65 49,53,259, 260, 262 260 47 105 101 161, 168 vientoensis, Buccinorbis Pseudoliva Vincenturris Virgulina Voluta Volutilithes 168 168 185 37 194,200,201 44,49,53, 179, 194, 196, 37 Volutocorbis 260 260 260 260 210 vredenburgi tripariicostata, Cardiocardita Cardita Divergidens 14,18 Turricula trioculinoides, Globorotalia 151 tuberctdos, Gisortia turgida, Strepsidura 260,266 29 209 trituberculatus, 123 217 Corbula Cylichnina Euspira Glycymeris Mathilda Natica 68,69 192 ?Triton Tritonidea 378 Ancistrosyrinx Surcula Torquesia Turritella 200 49,194,199, 200 191 191 95 95 INDEX vulgaris, Lagena Y 37 Vulsella yochelsoni, Levifusus W Yolde wadai, Murex Phyllonotus walleri, Vulsella 34 waneri, Cerithiopsis warriensis, ?Veenia Wendella 177 tii 0Q1 900 109 38 76, 77 28 181 17 33 220 110 Fm yoloyei, Barbatia Cerithiopsida 17 17 Cerithiopsis 49, 110 z wilcoxensis, Dentalina Pseudohastigerina woodringi, 29 Vincenturris 37 50 185 Zambuk Ridge 17 Zebinella zechi, zechi, 379 Cardium ?Cardium 46 74 268, 271 268 BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY VoL I-XXIII See Kraus Reprint Corp., 16 East 4-6th St., New XXIV XXV XXVI XXVII XXVIII XXIX 306 pp., 30 pis (Nos 88-94B) Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Miocene (Nos 95-100) Florida Recent, 420 pp., Texas XXXI XXXII XXXIII XXXV XXXVI 12.00 fossils 14.00 South America Cretaceous, Cenozoic fossils (Nos 101-108) 376 pp., 36 pis Tertiary mollusks, Paleozoic Venezuela, Devonian 14.00 fish (Nos 109-114) 412 pp., 34 pis Paleozoic cephalopods, Cretaceous Eocene, forams 14.00 738 pp., 52 pis 18.00 (Nos 115-116) cephalopods (No 117) 563 pp., 65 pis Jackson Eocene Mollusks (Nos 118-128) 458 pp., 27 pis Mollusks, crinoids, corals, forams, Cuban 16.00 16.00 localities (Nos 129-133) 294 pp., 39 pis Silurian cephalopods, crinoids Tertiary forams, Mytilarca 16.00 - 16.00 (Nos 134-139) 448 pp., 51 Devonian annelids Tertiary graphy paleontology XXXIV 12.00 58 pis and Bowden forams and Ordovician XXX York, N Y 10017 U.S.A 334 pp., 27 pis (Nos 80-87) Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca pis mollusks, Ecuadoran strati- (Nos 140-145) 400 pp., 19 pis Forams, cephalopods, ostracods, conularid bibliography 16.00 (Nos 146-154) 386 pp., 31 pis Forams, cephalopods, mollusks, ostracods 16.00 (Nos 155-160) Forams, Eocene 412 pp., 53 fish, rudists 16.00 pis (Nos 161-164) 486 pp., 37 pis Cretaceous rudists, Foraminifera, Stromatoporoidea 16.00 (Nos 165-176) 447 pp., 53 pis Forams, ostracods, mollusks, Carriacou, fossil plants (Nos 177-183) 448 pp., 36 pis South American forams, Panama Caribbean mollusks 18.00 996 pp., pi (No 184) Type and Figured Specimens P.R.I 18-00 381 pp., 35 pis (Nos 185-192) Forams, mollusks, carpoids, Corry Sandstone 16.00 673 pp., 48 pis (No 193) Venezuelan Cenozoic gastropods .-; 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