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TRACKING CONTROL OF A MOBILE ROBOT USING NEURAL DYNAMICS BASED APPROACHES A Thesis Presented ta The Faculty of Graduate Studies of The Cnivrrsity of Guelph In partial fulfilrnent of requirements For the degree of Master of Science Apnl 2001 @ Guangfeng Yuan 100 National Library of Canada Bibliothèque nationale du Canada Acquisitions and Bibliographie Services Acquisitions et services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street Ottawa ON K I A ON4 395 rue Wellington Ottawa ON K I A O N Canada Canada Your hie Vorre rekrence Our iiie Notre reterence The author has granted a nonexclusive licence allowing the National Library of Canada to reproduce, loan, distribute or sel1 copies of this tliesis in microforml paper or electronic formats L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive permettant la Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou vendre des copies de cette thèse sous la forme de microfiche/film, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique The author retains ownership of the copyright in ths thesis Neither the thesis nor substantial extracts fkom it may be printed or otherwise reproduced without the author's permission L'auteur conserve la propriété du droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés ou autrement reproduits sans son autorisation ABSTRACT TRACKING CONTROL OF A MOBILE ROBOT USING NEURAL DYNAMICS BASED APPROACHES Giionpkng YUAN University of Guelph 7001 Advisors: Dr Simon X YANG Dr Gauri S MI'ITAL Due to disturbances and noise mobile robots are unavoidabl y away from a desired path Thus how to control a mobile robot to track the path is a fundarnentally important issue in rohoiics In rhis thesis a novel tracking control approach is developed for a car-likỗ robot n,hich i s hased on the biickstepping techniques and a neural dynamics model Thc proposcd control aleonthm can generate smooth and reasonable velocity commünds It rcsol\.c.s thc problem of the speed thnist jump caused by most previous tracking conirollcrs irfhich is not truc in the real world In addition unlike some existing path irackcrs the proposed tracking controller c m deal with arbitrai1y large tracking m o n A novcl iracking control algorithm for a discrete trajectory is proposed as well The stability of thc control systems are analysed and proved using a Lyapunov stability theory Simulation results dernonstrate the efficiency of the proposed tracking control algonthrns Somc ccrnpririsons are conducted to illustrate that the proposed controi aiporithms excel ihc prewous bac kstepping-based approaches A path information based path-traclins model for point robots is also proposed The integrated system of the path planner and the pcith tracker is also simulated in this thesis Acknowledgements am indebted to my advisor Dr Yang for his suidance and advice during the course of this resea-ch The valuable suggestions and opinions of my CO-advisorDr Yittal for my thesis arc also very much appreciated would also like to thank my classrnates for their hclp and suppon Final1y would like to xknowledgernrnt the patience loving ỗare and effective support provided to me by my wife Ellia Miüo Zhang my fither-in-law Jixian Zhang and my motht'r-in-law Xia Mi My thanks also go to my parents for their love and suppon Contents introduction 1.1 Models of Wheeled LMobiIe Robots Robot Control System -3 Problem Identification Contributions of this Thesis 1.5 Ovcrview of this Thesis Background of Path Tracking 2.1 Relationship of a 'Mobile Robot Model and Other Models 2.7 Kinematical Constraint and Dynamics of Mobile Robots 2.3 Pỵth Tracking Problem 2.4 Nonholonomic S ystrm Conclusions Literature Review for Path Tracking 3.1 Sliding Mode based Approaches to Path Trackine 3.2 Linearizlition based Approaches 3.3 Fuzzy blised Approaches Scural Network based Approaches ' - Bỵck-stepping based Approaches 3.4 3.6 Paih Tracking with Dynamics 3.7 Conclusions The Proposed Mode1 and Results 4.1 The Tracking Controller and the Systern Architecture 4.1.1 The Modrl for Piith-tracking Control 4.2 4.12 ReferenceVelocity 4.1.3 System Architecture Simulation Results 4.2.1 TrackingaStraightLine 4.2.2 Tracking ri Circular Path 4.2.3 Trackins ri U-shaped Path Cornparisons Discussion 4.1.1 Parameter Sensitivity - Rrindorn Errors 1.4.3 Charrictenstics of Shunting Model Conclusions Error Dynarnics and Stability Analyses 3.1 Error Dynarnics 7.2 Stability and Convergence Analysis 5.3 Rémarks Integrated System of Path Planner and Tracking Controller Introduction Thc Modél Discrete Path 6.2.1 Definition of 6.2.: Tracking Control Algonthms for a Discrere Pÿth 6.2.3 The S ystem Architecture ri 6.3.4 Definition of Reference Velocities A niil ysis of Stability and Convergence Simulation Results 6.4.1 Tracking a Discrets Path Tracking Control in a House-like Environment 6.1.3 Tracking Control for a Moving Target Compati sons 6.5.1 Comprinson of tnr tracking mode1 and the irnproved mode1 - Cornparison of the typiclil mode1 and ihe improved mode1 Conclusions Conclusions and Future Work 7.1 Conclusions 120 120 7.2 Future Work 122 7.3 lmplementittion of Control System for a Real Robot 123 References 126 List of Figures Fisure 1.1: Scheme of mobile platform Figurc 1.7: Sỗheme of a rem-steering mobile robot Figure 1.3: Sỗheme of a front-steering mobile robot Fisure 2.1: Schemeofarnobilerobotmodel 12 Figure 2.2: Scheme of the posture error for a wheeled mobile robot 15 Figurc 3.1: Angular velocity (radls) versus time (s) (from Rois C r al 1996) 23 Figure 3.7: Fonvard and angular velocities versus time while tracking a straight line i l l and i r are the fonvard speed and angular speed respectivel y 24 Figurc 3.3: Scheme of f u u y rulcs based modrl