Part A: Introduction
I. Rationale
The economic open- door policy pursued by the government of Vietnam has
increased a demand for studying English. Many people are expected to be competent to
communicate verbally with the outside world and to access technology. In correspondence
to this trend, in almost all of schools, colleges, universities, English is a compulsory
subject. HGMSS, where I have been working for 7 years, is not an exception.
Besides the aim of passing their exams and getting some further studies for their
future life, all students have a desire to be integrated into the culture, the civilization, and
the people of English speaking countries. They expect to have a good knowledge of
English to read books and magazines, to see films or to sing English songs, etc. As a result,
learning English now is not only an interest but also a practical need for many people.
Together with the growing demand for learning English, there has been an
innovation in English teaching and learning methods everywhere in Vietnam. For a long
time, language teaching in Vietnam was strongly influenced by the structuralist tradition.
Emphasis was placed on mastery of language structures. Students have been taught how to
form correct utterances and to understand the structures of the language without any
consideration of language use. Students have been asked to learn every single word by
heart, and translate or analyze grammatically every sentence in the text. The teacher has
often taken up almost all the time in class explaining the form of language to students who
were passive recipients. As a result, this kind teaching and learning, of course, has been the
“production” of students who were structurally competent but communicatively
However, as the result of psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic research, language
teaching has moved from the traditional to a more communicative approach. In this current
approach, language is considered as a form of social behavior. The objective of language
teaching is teaching learners to communicate fluently, appropriately and spontaneously in
the cultural context of the target language. Communicative competence, according to
Canale and Swain (1980), is made up of grammatical competence, sociolinguistic
competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence.
With 7 years of experience in teaching English at HGMSS, I find that students have
to learn English in two semesters in the curriculum and English is often taught in the first
school - year. At the end of each semester, the students have to take a written test, not an
oral one. Therefore, most of the time is spent on grammar points because many of the
students have never learnt English before and the teachers have to try to keep to the
syllabus, that is, to finish the course- book entitled “Headway Elementary”. In addition,
many students are too shy to speak in class whereas most of the grammar lessons are
carried out in traditional methods. That is, the teacher presents new grammar verbally, and
then students do, turn by turn, exercises in workbooks. As a consequence, the students find
it hard to speak out as well as to communicate in the real life naturally.
The question of how to equip students with grammatical competence so that they
can use the language to communicate in any situation has become a matter of teachers of
English in general and teachers of English at HGMSS in particular.
For the above reasons, in this minor thesis, the author intend to figure out what
difficulties are experienced by teachers in teaching grammar communicatively and then
to give some suggestions to reduce the difficulties.
II. Scope, objectives, significance, method and design of the study.
II.1. The scope of the study
The study is concerned with finding the teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar
communicatively for ethnic minority students at HGMSS. The study of others would be
beyond the UBND UBND TINHHATINHSO V TE Người ký: SởY so: 7-4 /SYT-NVD tế V/v cung cap thong tin lien quan den tinh Email: soyte@hatinh.go an toan,cila thuoc giam dau nh6m opioid; thuoc dieu tri DTD tujp chira metformin; Cơ quan: Tỉnh thu6c chira saxagliptin, alogliptin; thuoc HàTĩnh khang sinh nhom fluoroquinolone va,thuoc Thời gian ký: chira ketoconazol vien nen dung uong 11.01.2017 16:40:23 +07:00 LONG 110A XA 1101 CIlfJ NG111A VIET NAM Disc Ifjp — Ty — Flynt) pink 1-16 Tinh, ngay14 thong 01 nom 2017 Kinh giri: - Cac dan vi kham chira benh; pilot-1g cac huyen, thi xa, phei ; - Trung tarn,Y t6 xa, pho; - Phong Y to cac huyen, - Cac Cong ty duce tinh Can cu Cong van so 24812/QLD7TT 21 thong 12 narn 2016 dm Cvc Quan 1)", dugc - Bo Y to ye viec cung cap thong tin lien quan den tinh an toan cua thuoc giam dau nhom opioid; thuOc dieu tri DTD t4p chira metformin; thuoc chira saxagliptin, alogliptin; thuoc khang sinh nhom fluoroquinolone NIA thuoc chira ketoconazol vien nen clang uong; thuo'c giam dau Thong tin cap nhat chi tiet ve tinh an toan, hieu qua deii nhom opioid; thuoc dieu tri DTD tuj,p chira metformin; thuoc chira saxagliptin, alogliptin; thuoc khang sinh nhOm fluoroquinolone \fa thuoc chira ketoconazol vien nen clang uong,dugc ghi Phu lvc "Cap nhat thong tin lien quan den tinh an toan thuoc", &rig theri duvc clang tai tren cung thong tin dien tir cua Cyc Quan ly Duvc theo dia chi http: // inkic "Thong tin thuoc" de cac can bo y to có the tra ciru, cap nhat thong tin De dam boo sir dung thu6c an toan, hgp ly, Sir Y t6 girl Phu lyc "Cap nhat thong tin lien quan den tinh an toan cua thuoc" va yeu cau: - Cac dun vi kham chira benh thong boo remg rai cho can bO vien chide cac khoa phong, bo phan biet thong tin lien quan den tinh an toan cua cac thuoc neu tren; - Trung tam Y to dkr ,phOng cac huyen, thi xa, ph6 thong boo cho cac tram y to xa, phtremg, thi tran tren dia ban biet thong tin lien quan den tinh an toan cua cac thuoc neu tren; - Phong Y to cac huyen, thi xa, phe) thong boo cho cac nha thu6c to nhan vA cac ca sey hanh nghe y nhan tren dia ban biet thong tin lien quan den tinh an toan cua cac thuOc neu tren; - Cac Cong ty dupe thong bao cho cac chi nhanh, quAy thu6c, d4i ly he thong phan phoi ciaa minh blot thong tin lien quan den tinh an toan caa cac thuoc neu tren; - Cac dun vi kinh doanh, sir dyng thuoc tang ctrong thirc hien yiec theo dai hanh; Giri tac dyng khong mong muon ctaa thuoc qua trinh sir dyng va bao cao ADR (neu co) dm thuOc ve:.Trung tam quoc gia ye Thong tin thuOc, va Theo deii cac phan tang có hqi cCia thuoc (13-15 Le Thanh Tong, Qu4n Hoan Kiem, Ha N'Oi) va Phong Nghiep vu &rye - SoY Nal shun: - Nlitr tree; - Website Y ce; - Ltru: VT,P.NVD Girl van ban giay va din ten ekk IAM DOC M DOC 'hai San PHU LUC C4.p nh4t thong tin lien quan d6n tinh an toan cua thu6c (Dinh kern theo Cling van s6;2442 new „2.4 thong nam 2016) 1.Thu6c giam dau nhOm * Ngay 22/3/2016, Ca quan Quan ly Dube va Thtre phtm Hoa KY (US FDA) citra earth bao ve mOt s6 van a an town lien quan den nhOm thu6c giam dau opioid Nhitng nguy ca an town bao g6m: nguy ca twang lac co hai vai nhieu loaf thu6c khac, cac van a voi tuy6n thuvng then va giam Wing dO hormon sinh dyc US FDA cling yeu cau thay dbi nhan cita tat ca ca.c thu6c giam dau nhOm opioid de canh bao ve nhimg nguy ca nay, cu the: - Cac opioid co the arcing tac vii cac thu6c ch6ng tram dun va thu6c diet' tn dau nira dau va gay mOt phan ring nghiem cita than kinh trung yang dtrqc goi iii hOi chung serotonin, dtrqc dee trung b&i nong d6 cao cita chat Ma hoc serotonin tich to nao va gay dQc [firth - Khi u6ng cac opioid co the an den mOt tmnh aan.g hiem gap nhang nghiem tuyen thuqng then khOng san xuat dU lucmg honnon Cortisol (Cortisol la.mOt hormon gall) ca the phan ting lai vai cac stress) - Sir dung lau dai cac opioid cO the lien quan tcY.i viec giam n6ng dc) hormbn sinh chic \IA cac trieu chang nhu giam ham mu6n tinh dyc, het dung hoae vO sigh • * DCing th&i, 22/3/2016, US FDA cling thong bao: 'Iron& mOt ltre.lien tuc de canh bao ngutii Ice dan va benh nhan ve nhfing riti ro Bern an lien quan,den viec sir dung cac thu6c giam dau nhOm opioid, US FDA cid yeu cau thay dei thong ' tin ve an town thu6c tren nhan cho cac thu6c giam dau nhOm opioid clang giai phOng tcrc th ri Trong s6 nhang thay d6i, US FDA yeu du co mOt hOp canh bao (a boxed warning) tren nhan thu6c ve nguy ca nghiem trong: lam dyng thu6c, gay nghi.en, qua lieu va tit vong Thu6c dieu tri dal thao throng tuyp chilli metformin: * Ngay 08/4/2016, US FDA cid thong bao yeu cau thay dbi nhan thu6c dieu tri dai thao du'an.g co chira Metformin lien quan den cac khuyen cao de m& Ong sir dung M.etformin cho mOt s6 benh nhan suy giam chtic nang then Yeu cau duqc dua tren ca s& xem xet cac drr lieu nghien ctiu lien quan tinh an town cua viec sit dung Metformin & benh nhan suy giam chirc nang then tit mdc clO 'the den via (Nhan thuCic hien thbi khuyen cao manh me khOng sir dung Metformin cac benh nhan co ...Part A: Introduction
I. Rationale
The economic open- door policy pursued by the government of Vietnam has
increased a demand for studying English. Many people are expected to be competent to
communicate verbally with the outside world and to access technology. In correspondence
to this trend, in almost all of schools, colleges, universities, English is a compulsory
subject. HGMSS, where I have been working for 7 years, is not an exception.
Besides the aim of passing their exams and getting some further studies for their
future life, all students have a desire to be integrated into the culture, the civilization, and
the people of English speaking countries. They expect to have a good knowledge of
English to read books and magazines, to see films or to sing English songs, etc. As a result,
learning English now is not only an interest but also a practical need for many people.
Together with the growing demand for learning English, there has been an
innovation in English teaching and learning methods everywhere in Vietnam. For a long
time, language teaching in Vietnam was strongly influenced by the structuralist tradition.
Emphasis was placed on mastery of language structures. Students have been taught how to
form correct utterances and to understand the structures of the language without any
consideration of language use. Students have been asked to learn every single word by
heart, and translate or analyze grammatically every sentence in the text. The teacher has
often taken up almost all the time in class explaining the form of language to students who
were passive recipients. As a result, this kind teaching and learning, of course, has been the
“production” of students who were structurally competent but communicatively
However, as the result of psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic research, language
teaching has moved from the traditional to a more communicative approach. In this current
approach, language is considered as a form of social behavior. The objective of language
teaching is teaching learners to communicate fluently, appropriately and spontaneously in
the cultural context of the target language. Communicative competence, according to
Canale and Swain (1980), is made up of grammatical competence, sociolinguistic
competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence.
With 7 years of experience in teaching English at HGMSS, I find that students have
to learn English in two semesters in the curriculum and English is often taught in the first
school - year. At the end of each semester, the students have to take a written test, not an
oral one. Therefore, most of the time is spent on grammar points because many of the
students have never learnt English before and the teachers have to try to keep to the
syllabus, that is, to finish the course- book entitled “Headway Elementary”. In addition,
many students are too shy to speak in class whereas most of the grammar lessons are
carried out in traditional methods. That is, the teacher presents new grammar verbally, and
then students do, turn by turn, exercises in workbooks. As a consequence, the students find
it hard to speak out as well as to communicate in the real life naturally.
The question of how to equip students with grammatical competence so that they
can use the language to communicate in any situation has become a matter of teachers of
English in general and teachers of English at HGMSS in particular.
For the above reasons, in this minor thesis, the author intend to figure out what
difficulties are experienced by teachers in teaching grammar communicatively and then
to give some suggestions to reduce the difficulties.
II. Scope, objectives, significance, method and design of the study.
II.1. The scope of the study
The study is concerned with finding the teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar
communicatively for ethnic minority students at HGMSS. The study of others would be
beyond the UBND Part A: Introduction
I. Rationale
The economic open- door policy pursued by the government of Vietnam has
increased a demand for studying English. Many people are expected to be competent to
communicate verbally with the outside world and to access technology. In correspondence
to this trend, in almost all of schools, colleges, universities, English is a compulsory
subject. HGMSS, where I have been working for 7 years, is not an exception.
Besides the aim of passing their exams and getting some further studies for their
future life, all students have a desire to be integrated into the culture, the civilization, and
the people of English speaking countries. They expect to have a good knowledge of
English to read books and magazines, to see films or to sing English songs, etc. As a result,
learning English now is not only an interest but also a practical need for many people.
Together with the growing demand for learning English, there has been an
innovation in English teaching and learning methods everywhere in Vietnam. For a long
time, language teaching in Vietnam was strongly influenced by the structuralist tradition.
Emphasis was placed on mastery of language structures. Students have been taught how to
form correct utterances and to understand the structures of the language without any
consideration of language use. Students have been asked to learn every single word by
heart, and translate or analyze grammatically every sentence in the text. The teacher has
often taken up almost all the time in class explaining the form of language to students who
were passive recipients. As a result, this kind teaching and learning, of course, has been the
“production” of students who were structurally competent but communicatively
However, as the result of psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic research, language
teaching has moved from the traditional to a more communicative approach. In this current
approach, language is considered as a form of social behavior. The objective of language
teaching is teaching learners to communicate fluently, appropriately and spontaneously in
the cultural context of the target language. Communicative competence, according to
Canale and Swain (1980), is made up of grammatical competence, sociolinguistic
competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence.
With 7 years of experience in teaching English at HGMSS, I find that students have
to learn English in two semesters in the curriculum and English is often taught in the first
school - year. At the end of each semester, the students have to take a written test, not an
oral one. Therefore, most of the time is spent on grammar points because many of the
students have never learnt English before and the teachers have to try to keep to the
syllabus, that is, to finish the course- book entitled “Headway Elementary”. In addition,
many students are too shy to speak in class whereas most of the grammar lessons are
carried out in traditional methods. That is, the teacher presents new grammar verbally, and
then students do, turn by turn, exercises in workbooks. As a consequence, the students find
it hard to speak out as well as to communicate in the real life naturally.
The question of how to equip students with grammatical competence so that they
can use the language to communicate in any situation has become a matter of teachers of
English in general and teachers of English at HGMSS in particular.
For the above reasons, in this minor thesis, the author intend to figure out what
difficulties are experienced by teachers in teaching grammar communicatively and then
to give some suggestions to reduce the difficulties.
II. Scope, objectives, significance, method and design of the study.
II.1. The scope of the study
The study is concerned with finding the teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar
communicatively for ethnic minority students at HGMSS. The study of others would be
beyond the UBND Part A: Introduction
I. Rationale
The economic open- door policy pursued by the government of Vietnam has
increased a demand for studying English. Many people are expected to be competent to
communicate verbally with the outside world and to access technology. In correspondence
to this trend, in almost all of schools, colleges, universities, English is a compulsory
subject. HGMSS, where I have been working for 7 years, is not an exception.
Besides the aim of passing their exams and getting some further studies for their
future life, all students have a desire to be integrated into the culture, the civilization, and
the people of English speaking countries. They expect to have a good knowledge of
English to read books and magazines, to see films or to sing English songs, etc. As a result,
learning English now is not only an interest but also a practical need for many people.
Together with the growing demand for learning English, there has been an
innovation in English teaching and learning methods everywhere in Vietnam. For a long
time, language teaching in Vietnam was strongly influenced by the structuralist tradition.
Emphasis was placed on mastery of language structures. Students have been taught how to
form correct utterances and to understand the structures of the language without any
consideration of language use. Students have been asked to learn every single word by
heart, and translate or analyze grammatically every sentence in the text. The teacher has
often taken up almost all the time in class explaining the form of language to students who
were passive recipients. As a result, this kind teaching and learning, of course, has been the
“production” of students who were structurally competent but communicatively
However, as the result of psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic research, language
teaching has moved from the traditional to a more communicative approach. In this current
approach, language is considered as a form of social behavior. The objective of language
teaching is teaching learners to communicate fluently, appropriately and spontaneously in
the cultural context of the target language. Communicative competence, according to
Canale and Swain (1980), is made up of grammatical competence, sociolinguistic
competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence.
With 7 years of experience in teaching English at HGMSS, I find that students have
to learn English in two semesters in the curriculum and English is often taught in the first
school - year. At the end of each semester, the students have to take a written test, not an
oral one. Therefore, most of the time is spent on grammar points because many of the
students have never learnt English before and the teachers have to try to keep to the
syllabus, that is, to finish the course- book entitled “Headway Elementary”. In addition,
many students are too shy to speak in class whereas most of the grammar lessons are
carried out in traditional methods. That is, the teacher presents new grammar verbally, and
then students do, turn by turn, exercises in workbooks. As a consequence, the students find
it hard to speak out as well as to communicate in the real life naturally.
The question of how to equip students with grammatical competence so that they
can use the language to communicate in any situation has become a matter of teachers of
English in general and teachers of English at HGMSS in particular.
For the above reasons, in this minor thesis, the author intend to figure out what
difficulties are experienced by teachers in teaching grammar communicatively and then
to give some suggestions to reduce the difficulties.
II. Scope, objectives, significance, method and design of the study.
II.1. The scope of the study
The study is concerned with finding the teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar
communicatively for ethnic minority students at HGMSS. The study of others would be
beyond the UBND Part A: Introduction
I. Rationale
The economic open- door policy pursued by the government of Vietnam has
increased a demand for studying English. Many people are expected to be competent to
communicate verbally with the outside world and to access technology. In correspondence
to this trend, in almost all of schools, colleges, universities, English is a compulsory
subject. HGMSS, where I have been working for 7 years, is not an exception.
Besides the aim of passing their exams and getting some further studies for their
future life, all students have a desire to be integrated into the culture, the civilization, and
the people of English speaking countries. They expect to have a good knowledge of
English to read books and magazines, to see films or to sing English songs, etc. As a result,
learning English now is not only an interest but also a practical need for many people.
Together with the growing demand for learning English, there has been an
innovation in English teaching and learning methods everywhere in Vietnam. For a long
time, language teaching in Vietnam was strongly influenced by the structuralist tradition.
Emphasis was placed on mastery of language structures. Students have been taught how to
form correct utterances and to understand the structures of the language without any
consideration of language use. Students have been asked to learn every single word by
heart, and translate or analyze grammatically every sentence in the text. The teacher has
often taken up almost all the time in class explaining the form of language to students who
were passive recipients. As a result, this kind teaching and learning, of course, has been the
“production” of students who were structurally competent but communicatively
However, as the result of psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic research, language
teaching has moved from the traditional to a more communicative approach. In this current
approach, language is considered as a form of social behavior. The objective of language
teaching is teaching learners to communicate fluently, appropriately and spontaneously in
the cultural context of the target language. Communicative competence, according to
Canale and Swain (1980), is made up of grammatical competence, sociolinguistic
competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence.
With 7 years of experience in teaching English at HGMSS, I find that students have
to learn English in two semesters in the curriculum and English is often taught in the first
school - year. At the end of each semester, the students have to take a written test, not an
oral one. Therefore, most of the time is spent on grammar points because many of the
students have never learnt English before and the teachers have to try to keep to the
syllabus, that is, to finish the course- book entitled “Headway Elementary”. In addition,
many students are too shy to speak in class whereas most of the grammar lessons are
carried out in traditional methods. That is, the teacher presents new grammar verbally, and
then students do, turn by turn, exercises in workbooks. As a consequence, the students find
it hard to speak out as well as to communicate in the real life naturally.
The question of how to equip students with grammatical competence so that they
can use the language to communicate in any situation has become a matter of teachers of
English in general and teachers of English at HGMSS in particular.
For the above reasons, in this minor thesis, the author intend to figure out what
difficulties are experienced by teachers in teaching grammar communicatively and then
to give some suggestions to reduce the difficulties.
II. Scope, objectives, significance, method and design of the study.
II.1. The scope of the study
The study is concerned with finding the teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar
communicatively for ethnic minority students at HGMSS. The study of others would be
beyond the UBND ... thu6c ve nguy ca nghiem trong: lam dyng thu6c, gay nghi.en, qua lieu va tit vong Thu6c dieu tri dal thao throng tuyp chilli metformin: * Ngay 08/4/2016, US FDA cid thong bao yeu cau thay dbi nhan... cac van a voi tuy6n thuvng then va giam Wing dO hormon sinh dyc US FDA cling yeu cau thay dbi nhan cita tat ca ca.c thu6c giam dau nhOm opioid de canh bao ve nhimg nguy ca nay, cu the: - Cac... * Ngay 22/3/2016, Ca quan Quan ly Dube va Thtre phtm Hoa KY (US FDA) citra earth bao ve mOt s6 van a an town lien quan den nhOm thu6c giam dau opioid Nhitng nguy ca an town bao g6m: nguy ca twang