SỞ Y TẾ TỈNH HÀ TĨNH 1852.signed tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh...
Part A: Introduction I. Rationale The economic open- door policy pursued by the government of Vietnam has increased a demand for studying English. Many people are expected to be competent to communicate verbally with the outside world and to access technology. In correspondence to this trend, in almost all of schools, colleges, universities, English is a compulsory subject. HGMSS, where I have been working for 7 years, is not an exception. Besides the aim of passing their exams and getting some further studies for their future life, all students have a desire to be integrated into the culture, the civilization, and the people of English speaking countries. They expect to have a good knowledge of English to read books and magazines, to see films or to sing English songs, etc. As a result, learning English now is not only an interest but also a practical need for many people. Together with the growing demand for learning English, there has been an innovation in English teaching and learning methods everywhere in Vietnam. For a long time, language teaching in Vietnam was strongly influenced by the structuralist tradition. Emphasis was placed on mastery of language structures. Students have been taught how to form correct utterances and to understand the structures of the language without any consideration of language use. Students have been asked to learn every single word by heart, and translate or analyze grammatically every sentence in the text. The teacher has often taken up almost all the time in class explaining the form of language to students who were passive recipients. As a result, this kind teaching and learning, of course, has been the “production” of students who were structurally competent but communicatively incompetent. However, as the result of psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic research, language teaching has moved from the traditional to a more communicative approach. In this current approach, language is considered as a form of social behavior. The objective of language teaching is teaching learners to communicate fluently, appropriately and spontaneously in the cultural context of the target language. Communicative competence, according to Canale and Swain (1980), is made up of grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence. 1 With 7 years of experience in teaching English at HGMSS, I find that students have to learn English in two semesters in the curriculum and English is often taught in the first school - year. At the end of each semester, the students have to take a written test, not an oral one. Therefore, most of the time is spent on grammar points because many of the students have never learnt English before and the teachers have to try to keep to the syllabus, that is, to finish the course- book entitled “Headway Elementary”. In addition, many students are too shy to speak in class whereas most of the grammar lessons are carried out in traditional methods. That is, the teacher presents new grammar verbally, and then students do, turn by turn, exercises in workbooks. As a consequence, the students find it hard to speak out as well as to communicate in the real life naturally. The question of how to equip students with grammatical competence so that they can use the language to communicate in any situation has become a matter of teachers of English in general and teachers of English at HGMSS in particular. For the above reasons, in this minor thesis, the author intend to figure out what difficulties are experienced by teachers in teaching grammar communicatively and then to give some suggestions to reduce the difficulties. II. Scope, objectives, significance, method and design of the study. II.1. The scope of the study The study is concerned with finding the teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar communicatively for ethnic minority students at HGMSS. The study of others would be beyond the UBND TiNH BAc UBND TiNH HA TINH Seic Y TE LONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIVI' NAM DO 14p - Tkr - 1-1#nh phtic S6:1 ()./SYT-NVY V/v tang cuerng cong tac phong, ch6ng Bich Nub sau bao so 10 Ha Tinh, ngay/11 thang nam 2017 Người ký: Sở Y tế Email: soyte@hatinh.g ov.vn Cơ quan: Tỉnh Hà Tĩnh Thời gian ký: 19.09.2017 16:39:01 +07:00 d6 Kinh giri: Trung tam YTDP tinh, huyen, phO, thi xa Bao so 10 da dO bO va anh,huemg den cac tinh khu vgc mien Trung, co tinh Ha ,Tinh \fad sdc gio rat mnh, kern theo mua lan teen dien rOng, gay thiet hal lan ye nha o, tai san cua nhan dan tai cac dia phircmg cho nen c6 nguy coo nhiJm moi trueyng va bung phat dich benh Thgc hien Cong dien so 1009/CD-BYT 16/9/2017 cila BO Y to ye viec trien khai cong tac y to khac phuc hju qua can bao so 10; Cong van so 1123/DP-DT 15/9/2017 dm Cvc Y to dg phong ye viec tang cuemg cong tac phong chong dich berth sau bao so 10; Cong van so 5834/UBND-NC ngdy 17/9/2017 dm UBND tinh ye viec khac dOng, kip thoi khac phvc hlau qua dm bao so phvc Nu qua can bao so 10,,de 10 va tang cuemg phong, chong dich benh sau bao, lit tren dia ban tinh, Y to yeu cau cac truang cac dan vi thgc hien tot nhang not dung sau: cong tac phong , Chit dOng trien khai cac phuang an trng ph6 yes y chong dich benh, cung cap ntrov sach, ve sinh moi truemg sau bao, TO chirc tuyen truyen, hueing an ngueri dan yi -1g ng4p lvt trien khai cac bien phap dam bao ve sinh ca nhan, ve sinh moi true:mg, an toan thkrc pham, xir 1)'T xac sirc vat chet va cac bien phap ve sinh khac theo khuyen cao ye cac bien phap phong chong dich benh sau bao lvt cua Cvc Y to dg phong Trien khai cac hoat &Ong ve sinh moi truemg sau lu va ng'Op lit, to chirc thu gom va sir dung voi bOt hoac cac h6a chat de xir ly chon xac dOng vat tranh phat sinh cac dich benh, benh truyen nhiJm Phun hoa chat diet trUng truyen benh tai cac viing c6 nguy co TO chirc giam sat, kip thoi phat hien va xir ly triet de cac dich benh truyen nhiJm xay sau bao va ng4p1vt nhu: tieu chay, dau mat do, viem &rang ho hap, nam ke chan, cum, sot xuat huyet, dac biet can de phong cac benh truyen nhiJm qua duemg tieu hoa nhu fiat, chay, ta„ ly, thuang han Duy,tri thueyng trgc cac dOi ca clOng chong dich de san sang h8 try tuyen duoi To chirc cac sinh moi twang, ye sinh an toan doan di,kiem tra, htrong clan ngueri dan ve thgc pham can thiet Chi' dOng cap hoa chAt, huemg 'Jan ngued dan trien khai thau rira va khir trimg nuac gieng, nu& sinh hoat bang Chloramin B, Aquatabs hoac nhang h6a chat khir khuan khac tai cac \Jung ng4p lit Tang ctreyng giam sat, chat lung uong, sinh hoat tai cac nha may nuac, tram cap nu& Op nu& dimg trung, dam bao n6ng dO Clo du luon dat 0,3 -0,5 mg/lit tai voi sir dung, dam bao ngu6i dan c6 ntrorc sach an toan de sir dung 136 tri day du nhan luc, thu6c, hoa chit, trang thiet bi va ca se( vat chit phijc vu cho cong tac phong chong dich benh truyen nhiem cho cac dia phuang vimg anh hiremg cua bao va ngap Giao Trung tam Y to du ph6ng tinh lam dau m6i, ph6i hop vai So Tai nguyen va Noi trung xir lY nguon ntrac sinh hoat cho nhan dan Nhan duorc van ban de nghi Thu trtfang cac dan vi nghiem tuc trien khai thgc hien, bao cao tinh hinh dich benh theo quy dinh tai Thong to so 54/2015/TT-BYT 28/12/2015 dm Bo Y te./.41)2_ Noi nht)n: - Nhtr tren; - UBND tinh; - Giam d6c Si; I (de B/C); - Phong Y t" huy0, ph& thi xa; - Website cua nganh; - Diu: VT, NVY Gni van ban di0 tit tUove- GIAM DOC HO4 M DOC Part A: Introduction I. Rationale The economic open- door policy pursued by the government of Vietnam has increased a demand for studying English. Many people are expected to be competent to communicate verbally with the outside world and to access technology. In correspondence to this trend, in almost all of schools, colleges, universities, English is a compulsory subject. HGMSS, where I have been working for 7 years, is not an exception. Besides the aim of passing their exams and getting some further studies for their future life, all students have a desire to be integrated into the culture, the civilization, and the people of English speaking countries. They expect to have a good knowledge of English to read books and magazines, to see films or to sing English songs, etc. As a result, learning English now is not only an interest but also a practical need for many people. Together with the growing demand for learning English, there has been an innovation in English teaching and learning methods everywhere in Vietnam. For a long time, language teaching in Vietnam was strongly influenced by the structuralist tradition. Emphasis was placed on mastery of language structures. Students have been taught how to form correct utterances and to understand the structures of the language without any consideration of language use. Students have been asked to learn every single word by heart, and translate or analyze grammatically every sentence in the text. The teacher has often taken up almost all the time in class explaining the form of language to students who were passive recipients. As a result, this kind teaching and learning, of course, has been the “production” of students who were structurally competent but communicatively incompetent. However, as the result of psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic research, language teaching has moved from the traditional to a more communicative approach. In this current approach, language is considered as a form of social behavior. The objective of language teaching is teaching learners to communicate fluently, appropriately and spontaneously in the cultural context of the target language. Communicative competence, according to Canale and Swain (1980), is made up of grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence. 1 With 7 years of experience in teaching English at HGMSS, I find that students have to learn English in two semesters in the curriculum and English is often taught in the first school - year. At the end of each semester, the students have to take a written test, not an oral one. Therefore, most of the time is spent on grammar points because many of the students have never learnt English before and the teachers have to try to keep to the syllabus, that is, to finish the course- book entitled “Headway Elementary”. In addition, many students are too shy to speak in class whereas most of the grammar lessons are carried out in traditional methods. That is, the teacher presents new grammar verbally, and then students do, turn by turn, exercises in workbooks. As a consequence, the students find it hard to speak out as well as to communicate in the real life naturally. The question of how to equip students with grammatical competence so that they can use the language to communicate in any situation has become a matter of teachers of English in general and teachers of English at HGMSS in particular. For the above reasons, in this minor thesis, the author intend to figure out what difficulties are experienced by teachers in teaching grammar communicatively and then to give some suggestions to reduce the difficulties. II. Scope, objectives, significance, method and design of the study. II.1. The scope of the study The study is concerned with finding the teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar communicatively for ethnic minority students at HGMSS. The study of others would be beyond the UBND TiNH BAc Part A: Introduction I. Rationale The economic open- door policy pursued by the government of Vietnam has increased a demand for studying English. Many people are expected to be competent to communicate verbally with the outside world and to access technology. In correspondence to this trend, in almost all of schools, colleges, universities, English is a compulsory subject. HGMSS, where I have been working for 7 years, is not an exception. Besides the aim of passing their exams and getting some further studies for their future life, all students have a desire to be integrated into the culture, the civilization, and the people of English speaking countries. They expect to have a good knowledge of English to read books and magazines, to see films or to sing English songs, etc. As a result, learning English now is not only an interest but also a practical need for many people. Together with the growing demand for learning English, there has been an innovation in English teaching and learning methods everywhere in Vietnam. For a long time, language teaching in Vietnam was strongly influenced by the structuralist tradition. Emphasis was placed on mastery of language structures. Students have been taught how to form correct utterances and to understand the structures of the language without any consideration of language use. Students have been asked to learn every single word by heart, and translate or analyze grammatically every sentence in the text. The teacher has often taken up almost all the time in class explaining the form of language to students who were passive recipients. As a result, this kind teaching and learning, of course, has been the “production” of students who were structurally competent but communicatively incompetent. However, as the result of psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic research, language teaching has moved from the traditional to a more communicative approach. In this current approach, language is considered as a form of social behavior. The objective of language teaching is teaching learners to communicate fluently, appropriately and spontaneously in the cultural context of the target language. Communicative competence, according to Canale and Swain (1980), is made up of grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence. 1 With 7 years of experience in teaching English at HGMSS, I find that students have to learn English in two semesters in the curriculum and English is often taught in the first school - year. At the end of each semester, the students have to take a written test, not an oral one. Therefore, most of the time is spent on grammar points because many of the students have never learnt English before and the teachers have to try to keep to the syllabus, that is, to finish the course- book entitled “Headway Elementary”. In addition, many students are too shy to speak in class whereas most of the grammar lessons are carried out in traditional methods. That is, the teacher presents new grammar verbally, and then students do, turn by turn, exercises in workbooks. As a consequence, the students find it hard to speak out as well as to communicate in the real life naturally. The question of how to equip students with grammatical competence so that they can use the language to communicate in any situation has become a matter of teachers of English in general and teachers of English at HGMSS in particular. For the above reasons, in this minor thesis, the author intend to figure out what difficulties are experienced by teachers in teaching grammar communicatively and then to give some suggestions to reduce the difficulties. II. Scope, objectives, significance, method and design of the study. II.1. The scope of the study The study is concerned with finding the teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar communicatively for ethnic minority students at HGMSS. The study of others would be beyond the UBND TiNH BAc Part A: Introduction I. Rationale The economic open- door policy pursued by the government of Vietnam has increased a demand for studying English. Many people are expected to be competent to communicate verbally with the outside world and to access technology. In correspondence to this trend, in almost all of schools, colleges, universities, English is a compulsory subject. HGMSS, where I have been working for 7 years, is not an exception. Besides the aim of passing their exams and getting some further studies for their future life, all students have a desire to be integrated into the culture, the civilization, and the people of English speaking countries. They expect to have a good knowledge of English to read books and magazines, to see films or to sing English songs, etc. As a result, learning English now is not only an interest but also a practical need for many people. Together with the growing demand for learning English, there has been an innovation in English teaching and learning methods everywhere in Vietnam. For a long time, language teaching in Vietnam was strongly influenced by the structuralist tradition. Emphasis was placed on mastery of language structures. Students have been taught how to form correct utterances and to understand the structures of the language without any consideration of language use. Students have been asked to learn every single word by heart, and translate or analyze grammatically every sentence in the text. The teacher has often taken up almost all the time in class explaining the form of language to students who were passive recipients. As a result, this kind teaching and learning, of course, has been the “production” of students who were structurally competent but communicatively incompetent. However, as the result of psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic research, language teaching has moved from the traditional to a more communicative approach. In this current approach, language is considered as a form of social behavior. The objective of language teaching is teaching learners to communicate fluently, appropriately and spontaneously in the cultural context of the target language. Communicative competence, according to Canale and Swain (1980), is made up of grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence. 1 With 7 years of experience in teaching English at HGMSS, I find that students have to learn English in two semesters in the curriculum and English is often taught in the first school - year. At the end of each semester, the students have to take a written test, not an oral one. Therefore, most of the time is spent on grammar points because many of the students have never learnt English before and the teachers have to try to keep to the syllabus, that is, to finish the course- book entitled “Headway Elementary”. In addition, many students are too shy to speak in class whereas most of the grammar lessons are carried out in traditional methods. That is, the teacher presents new grammar verbally, and then students do, turn by turn, exercises in workbooks. As a consequence, the students find it hard to speak out as well as to communicate in the real life naturally. The question of how to equip students with grammatical competence so that they can use the language to communicate in any situation has become a matter of teachers of English in general and teachers of English at HGMSS in particular. For the above reasons, in this minor thesis, the author intend to figure out what difficulties are experienced by teachers in teaching grammar communicatively and then to give some suggestions to reduce the difficulties. II. Scope, objectives, significance, method and design of the study. II.1. The scope of the study The study is concerned with finding the teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar communicatively for ethnic minority students at HGMSS. The study of others would be beyond the UBND TiNH BAc Part A: Introduction I. Rationale The economic open- door policy pursued by the government of Vietnam has increased a demand for studying English. Many people are expected to be competent to communicate verbally with the outside world and to access technology. In correspondence to this trend, in almost all of schools, colleges, universities, English is a compulsory subject. HGMSS, where I have been working for 7 years, is not an exception. Besides the aim of passing their exams and getting some further studies for their future life, all students have a desire to be integrated into the culture, the civilization, and the people of English speaking countries. They expect to have a good knowledge of English to read books and magazines, to see films or to sing English songs, etc. As a result, learning English now is not only an interest but also a practical need for many people. Together with the growing demand for learning English, there has been an innovation in English teaching and learning methods everywhere in Vietnam. For a long time, language teaching in Vietnam was strongly influenced by the structuralist tradition. Emphasis was placed on mastery of language structures. Students have been taught how to form correct utterances and to understand the structures of the language without any consideration of language use. Students have been asked to learn every single word by heart, and translate or analyze grammatically every sentence in the text. The teacher has often taken up almost all the time in class explaining the form of language to students who were passive recipients. As a result, this kind teaching and learning, of course, has been the “production” of students who were structurally competent but communicatively incompetent. However, as the result of psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic research, language teaching has moved from the traditional to a more communicative approach. In this current approach, language is considered as a form of social behavior. The objective of language teaching is teaching learners to communicate fluently, appropriately and spontaneously in the cultural context of the target language. Communicative competence, according to Canale and Swain (1980), is made up of grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence. 1 With 7 years of experience in teaching English at HGMSS, I find that students have to learn English in two semesters in the curriculum and English is often taught in the first school - year. At the end of each semester, the students have to take a written test, not an oral one. Therefore, most of the time is spent on grammar points because many of the students have never learnt English before and the teachers have to try to keep to the syllabus, that is, to finish the course- book entitled “Headway Elementary”. In addition, many students are too shy to speak in class whereas most of the grammar lessons are carried out in traditional methods. That is, the teacher presents new grammar verbally, and then students do, turn by turn, exercises in workbooks. As a consequence, the students find it hard to speak out as well as to communicate in the real life naturally. The question of how to equip students with grammatical competence so that they can use the language to communicate in any situation has become a matter of teachers of English in general and teachers of English at HGMSS in particular. For the above reasons, in this minor thesis, the author intend to figure out what difficulties are experienced by teachers in teaching grammar communicatively and then to give some suggestions to reduce the difficulties. II. Scope, objectives, significance, method and design of the study. II.1. The scope of the study The study is concerned with finding the teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar communicatively for ethnic minority students at HGMSS. The study of others would be beyond the UBND TiNH BAc ... so 54/2015/TT-BYT 28/12/2015 dm Bo Y te./.41)2_ Noi nht)n: - Nhtr tren; - UBND tinh; - Giam d6c Si; I (de B/C); - Phong Y t" huy0, ph& thi xa; - Website cua nganh; - Diu: VT, NVY Gni van ban di0... Tai nguyen va Noi trung xir lY nguon ntrac sinh hoat cho nhan dan Nhan duorc van ban de nghi Thu trtfang cac dan vi nghiem tuc trien khai thgc hien, bao cao tinh hinh dich benh theo quy dinh... day du nhan luc, thu6c, hoa chit, trang thiet bi va ca se( vat chit phijc vu cho cong tac phong chong dich benh truyen nhiem cho cac dia phuang vimg anh hiremg cua bao va ngap Giao Trung tam Y