Tiêu chuẩn côn cút ren kép ren phục vụ chế tạo và lắp đặt các thiết bị ren ngành cơ khí. Tài liệu có 108 trang đầy đủ cho tất cả các loại Elbow ren trong, ren ngoài, Tee ren, Socket... Có thể nói đây là tài liệu không thể thiếu của dân cơ khí.
Technical Catalogue 2013 Malleable cast iron fittings Quality malleable cast iron pipe fittings from Georg Fischer Georg Fischer supplies both a comprehesive range of malleable cast iron fittings and technical advice The PLUS of a great brand ¼ unique product range for building technology, public utilities, industrial systems and automation ¼ integrated overall and individual solutions ¼ perfected components made from metal and plastic ¼ development and manufacture in the same place ¼ international marketing, service and after-sales service ¼ environmental competence, as a result of economical and ecological compatible production processes The PLUS in quality ¼ 140 years‘ experience in technology and service ¼ customer proximity/customer orientated ¼ process focused quality management ¼ certified according to EN ISO 9001:2000 ¼ extensively automated hightech facilities ¼ committed and motivated qualified employees The PLUS in profitability ¼ cost effective installations as a result of high product quality ¼ efficient, accurate pipework installation with the Georg Fischer z dimension method ¼ on the spot care and advice; practical training and comprehensive documentation ¼ Support for modern planning tools and logistic systems Table of Contents General information Product range Product assortment Technical product notes 68 Application notes 77 z dimension method 82 General Terms and Conditions 107 The technical data given in this publication are for general information purposes only They imply no warranty of whatever kind Please consult our General Terms and Conditions of Supply General information Product Standards Designation at Georg Fischer 7KH LQWHUQDWLRQDO PDOOHDEOH FDVW LURQ SLSH ¿WWLQJV standard ISO 49 and the European malleable cast LURQ SLSH ¿WWLQJV VWDQGDUG (1 DSSO\ %RWK VWDQGDUGV DUH VLPLODU WR HDFK RWKHU 7KH (XURSHDQ ¿WWLQJV VWDQGDUG (1 KDV EHHQ DGRSWHG E\ most European countries as a national version ',1 (1 g1250 (1 61 (1 %6 (1 HWF WKH IRUPHU QDWLRQDO VWDQGDUGV KDYH EHHQ ZLWKGUDZQ HJ ',1 «Design Symbols» FRUUHVSRQGLQJ WR WKH PDWHULDOV and thread combination are to be noticed as new HOHPHQWV RI WKH ¿WWLQJV GHVLJQDWLRQ LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK ERWK ,62 DQG DOVR (1 )RU H[DPSOH WKH IROORZLQJ GHWDLOV RI FRPELQDWLRQ DUH DEEUHYLDWHG ZLWK WKH GHVLJQ V\PERO «A»: Elements of the designation Design Symbol A Type of thread Taper external thread R Type of material Parallel internal thread Rp EN-GJMW-400-5 ,Q DGGLWLRQ IRU WKH ¿UVW WLPH (1 UHTXLUHV D GRFXPHQWHG DQG FHUWL¿HG TXDOLW\ PDQDJHPHQW V\VWHP LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK (1 ,62 RU (1 ,62 Georg Fischer meets these prerequisites and RSHUDWHV D FHUWL¿HG 40 V\VWHP LQ DFFRUGDQFH with EN ISO 9001 *HRUJ )LVFKHU PDOOHDEOH FDVW LURQ ¿WWLQJV DUH manufactured from decarbonized annealed malleable cast iron type EN-GJMW-400-5 and in accordance with the current ISO 49 and EN 10242 FRPSO\ ZLWK WKH ¿WWLQJV GHVLJQDWHG ZLWK WKH design symbol «A» ,W QR ORQJHU VXI¿FHV PHUHO\ WR UHIHU WR WKH QHZ VXSSO\ VWDQGDUG IRU PDOOHDEOH FDVW LURQ ¿WWLQJV VHH 3URGXFW 6WDQGDUGV 7KH JUHDWO\ YDU\LQJ PDOOHDEOH FDVW LURQ TXDOLWLHV DQG WKH GLIIHUHQW WKUHDG FRPELQDWLRQV DUH VSHFL¿HG XVLQJ WKH QHZO\ LQWURGXFHG 'HVLJQ 6\PEROV DV DQ HOHPHQW RI WKH RUGHU GHWDLOV IRU PDOOHDEOH FDVW LURQ ¿WWLQJV *HRUJ )LVFKHU PDOOHDEOH FDVW LURQ ¿WWLQJV (Design Symbol A) are ordered with the following details: 6KDSH FDWDORJXH QXPEHU 6L]H RI FRQQHFWLRQ 6XUIDFH EODFN ©%ª RU JDOYDQLVHG ©*ª 4XDQWLW\ 7R DYRLG FRQIXVLRQ ZLWK VLPLODU ¿WWLQJV RI RWKHU PDWHULDOV RU RWKHU WKUHDG FRPELQDWLRQV ZH UHFRPPHQG XVLQJ WKH GLJLW *HRUJ )LVFKHU FRGH 6KDSH VXUIDFH DQG FRQQHFWLRQ VL]H DUH GH¿QHG ZLWK WKLV FRGH QXPEHU VHH H[DPSOH GHVLJQDWLRQ ! 5 #""7'* ! ( (, , )# )# )* )* ), )# )# -)# -)# ), ), ++/, ++/ ++/, ++/ ++/, ++/+ ++/,+ ++/* ++/,* ++/ ), ), ++/,# ++/ ++/, ++// ++/,/ )# )# ), ), ++/, ++/,, ++/++/,++/# )# )# ), ), ), )# )# )* )* )# )# $ %& -+#" ' / : 30 &/ 5!!'%%8 !00%"#''"0'+' "0" " ! ( )# )# ), ), ), )# )# )# )# -)# -)# ), ), ), ), )# )# ), ), )* )* )# )# )# )# )* )* ), "&&&1 ' $ %&2 + : !:7, /!00%"#- ! "'% **'," 1) %!#" ""'% , ...Quality malleable cast iron pipe fittings from Georg Fischer Georg Fischer supplies both a comprehesive range of malleable cast iron fittings and technical advice The... FDVW LURQ ¿WWLQJV DUH manufactured from decarbonized annealed malleable cast iron type EN-GJMW-400-5 and in accordance with the current ISO 49 and EN 10242 FRPSO ZLWK WKH ¿WWLQJV GHVLJQDWHG ZLWK... Fischer 7KH LQWHUQDWLRQDO PDOOHDEOH FDVW LURQ SLSH ¿WWLQJV standard ISO 49 and the European malleable cast LURQ SLSH ¿WWLQJV VWDQGDUG (1 DSSO %RWK VWDQGDUGV DUH VLPLODU WR HDFK RWKHU 7KH