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Review 3 (tiết 76-77)

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Tiếng anh thí điểm lớp 8

Trường THCS Mai Thị Hồng Hạnh Week: 27 Period: 76 Tiếng Anh thí điểm Date of preparation: 03/03/16 Date of teaching: 08/03/16 REVIEW Language I OBJECTIVES: Formation of behavior: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review and exercises about the pronunciation, the vocabulary and the grammar notes they have learnt from unit to unit Knowledge: a Vocabulary: Lexical items students have learnt from unit to unit b Grammar: Conditional sentences types and 2; Present simple for future; Passive voice Skill: Reading, writing and speaking II PREPARATION: Teacher: - Materials: Ss’ books, text books - Method: group work, individual work Ss: vocabulary III TIME: 45’ IV PROCEDURES: Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date Checking up: Practice activities and in Looking Back New lesson Teacher's activities Ss'activities Content - What have you learnt so far - Ss’ answers Chatting in terms of language and Ex: stress in words -ic, -at, -ee, -ese, -logy, skills? ending in -ic, -at, -graphy - Summarise their answers in -ee, -ese, -logy, - noun / verb / adjective notes and -graphy - conditionals, passive voice a Presentation: - Review the rules of stress in - Listen and Pronunciation words ending in -ic, -at, -ee, remember Mark the stress…… -ese, -logy, and -graphy with Nepa'lese ath'letic Ss as a class eco'nomic ge'ography - Have Ss mark the stress - Individuals 'musical tech'nology - Play the recording - Listen and check bi'ology 'physical - Ask Ss to listen again and - In chorus and pho'tography refe'ree repeat individually Japa'nese exami'nee b Practice: Vocabulary - Ask Ss to read the sentences - Do this activity Complete each …… and decide what kind of word individually first predict Iconic is needed for each sentence and then share the natural culture (noun/verb/adjective? ) answers in pairs flooded polluted Elicit their answers - Check and write the answers - Correct their on the board answers - Ask Ss to this exercise - Individuals Match the definitions with their individually work - Check Ss' answers - Correct 1c 2a 3f GV: Hồ Tấn Dũng – Năm học: 2014-2015 43 Trường THCS Mai Thị Hồng Hạnh This exercise revises the use of present tenses, conditionals, and passive voice - Have a brief revision Then have Ss it individually - Ask Ss to exchange their answers - Check and explain each answer - Have Ss read and decide which type of conditional is used in each sentence Elicit their answers - Confirm the correct answers - Do this activity individually first and then share the answers in pairs - Ask Ss to look at the subjects and the verbs to decide if an active or a passive is needed - Check and give the correct answers - Pair work Have Ss this exercise in pairs Correct their answers and ask some pairs to act out - Individuals then compare in pairs Tiếng Anh thí điểm 4b 5d 6e Grammar: Choose the correct answer 1A 2B 3C 4A 5C 6B - check and correct - Pair work - Correct - Listen and check Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs get; will grow was / were; would not have to work could choose; would go don't act; will lose was/were; would be used; would be Choose the correct voice have been sent organized is made up is caused was chosen have replaced c Production: Everyday English Match the sentences with replies 1e 2a 3g 4b 5d 6f Homework - Review all related vocabulary & grammar - Prepare: Review (Skills) Experience ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… GV: Hồ Tấn Dũng – Năm học: 2014-2015 44 Trường THCS Mai Thị Hồng Hạnh Tiếng Anh thí điểm Week: 27 Period: 77 Date of preparation: 03/03/16 Date of teaching: 08/03/16 REVIEW Skills I OBJECTIVES: Formation of behavior: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review and exercises about the vocabulary and the grammar notes they have learnt from unit to unit 9, practice the four skills Knowledge: a Vocabulary: Lexical items students have learnt from unit to unit b Grammar: Conditional sentences types and 2; Present simple for future; Passive voice Skill: Reading, writing, listening and speaking II PREPARATION: Teacher: - Materials: Ss’ books, text books - Method: group work, individual work Ss: vocabulary III TIME: 45’ IV PROCEDURES: Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date Checking up: Practice activities 2, and in Review Language New lesson Teacher's activities Ss'activities Content a Presentation: Reading - Have Ss read the text and - Ss’ answers Choose the correct answer answer the questions 1B 2D 3A 4B 5C independently Ss compare their answers with a partner before giving them to T - Have Ss explain where they got the answers from in the text - The focus of this speaking - Listen then b Practice: Speaking exercise is on fluency practise in pairs Choose one topic and make a short - Let Ss work in pairs to conversation choose their topic and think about their questions and answers - Remind them of using expressions in GETTING STARTED to respond in a natural way to what they hear - Ask some pairs to act out Listening - Ask Ss to read the - Individuals Listen and choose True or False statements carefully first 1T 2T 3F - Play the recording and have - Listen and decide 4F 5F 6T Ss listen and decide if the statements are true or false - Write Ss' answers on the GV: Hồ Tấn Dũng – Năm học: 2014-2015 45 Trường THCS Mai Thị Hồng Hạnh board - Have Ss listen again and check - Correct their answers Tiếng Anh thí điểm - Listen again c Production: Writing Write to your friend to introduce what activities you both would like to participate in the Fight Pollution Day For example: The event takes place on Saturday, April The event starts at 8.30 and finishes at 12.00 We pick up trash and sort it for recycling - Have Ss read to understand - Do this activity the schedule of the Fight individually first Pollution Day then choose the and then share the activity they would like their answers in pairs friend to participate in and write to him/ her to introduce it - Remind Ss that they can use the present simple to talk about practical aspects of an event in the future - Call on a student to write - Other Ss his/her letter on the board comment on it Homework - Review all related vocabulary & grammar - Prepare: Test 45 minutes Experience ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Week: 27 Period: 78 Date of preparation: 04/03/16 Date of teaching: 11/03/16 THE THIRD ENGLISH TEST (45 MINUTES) GV: Hồ Tấn Dũng – Năm học: 2014-2015 46 Trường THCS Mai Thị Hồng Hạnh Week: preparation: / / Period: Tiếng Anh thí điểm Date of Date of teaching: / / UNIT 10: COMMUNICATION GETTING STARTED I OBJECTIVES: Formation of behavior: By the end of the lesson, Ss can: - practice listening and speaking with the lexical items related to the topic - listen and read for specific information about communication Knowledge: a Vocabulary: words are used to describe communication b Grammar: review Skills: listening, reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: - Materials: Ss’ books, text books - Method: group work, pair work, individual work Ss: vocabulary III PROCEDURES: Class order: Greetings, checking attendance, asking the date Checking up: Check some Ss’ notebooks (3ms) New lesson: Tim Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content e 5ms - Change these sentences into one - volunteers’ Chatting sentence, using past perfect answers I was annoyed, as I had missed I missed the school bus I was the school bus /I had missed the annoyed school bus so I was annoyed - Show a mobile phone Then - discuss mobile’s discuss with Ss which functions functions Getting Started are helpful for communicating, Listen and read and which functions are not Ask Ss to explain their choice a Find the meaning of the 34ms Getting Started words or phrases in the conversation - Show the pictures and introduce: - listen and guess Key: Phuc and Nick; Phuc, Mai, and wait for ages Nick show up - What you think Phuc and get through Nick are talking about on the ‘My battery was flat.’ phone? ‘Are you kidding?’ - Where are Mai and Phuc in the ‘We can try again.’ first picture? What are they doing b True or False? there? Key: - Where is Nick in the second T T F (Nick was picture? What is he doing there? waiting outside the wrong - What is it in the third picture? cinema.) What does it mean? T T T - What is a possible connection c Answer the questions between pictures 1, and 3? - listen and read Key: - Play the recording Elicit the then confirm the They couldn't see the film connection between the pictures answers above together because Nick went to GV: Hồ Tấn Dũng – Năm học: 2014-2015 47 Trường THCS Mai Thị Hồng Hạnh Were their earlier guesses correct? a Tell Ss they can uncover the text Play the recording again Have Ss work individually then in pairs to find the words/ phrases b Have Ss work individually then in pairs to compare answers with each other Correct the task as a class and encourage Ss to explain for both T and F options Ss work in pairs to complete this task After they have finished, go through each item as a whole class Ask Ss to further explain the meaning of the words/ phrases in the box, and/or how they work Allow Ss to use Vietnamese if necessary - Play the recording then confirm the correct answers Draw Ss' attention to the words/ phrases from the word box in again Tell them to this task by first underlining the cues in each item Also remind Ss to consider the part of speech of the missing words (where applicable) Explain the Look out! box - Ask some Ss to read the meaningful sentences aloud - Correct the mistakes if yes Divide the class into groups - Ask Ss to write down as many different ways they have communicated so far today as they can within one minute - Ask some group leaders to write down on the board The person with the most ideas is the winner Alternatively, this can be a competition between groups where they collect information from each member and collate it to find the winning group with the most communication ways Tiếng Anh thí điểm the wrong cinema They didn't communicate clearly the name and address of the cinema - work individually beforehand Then they were not able to contact each other then in pairs because the battery of Nick's mobile phone was flat Match the words/phrases with the photos - pair work Key: - some Ss tell the having a video conference meanings of the emailing photos and the video chatting others give meeting face-to-face (F2F) comments using social media using telepathy sending letters (snail mail) - listen and check Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words or phrases in - underline the cues Key: Using social media in each item then consider the part of meet face-to-face emailing; sending letters/ speech of the snail mail missing words Using telepathy video chatting - the others listen to their friends and have a video conference Game give comments Ex: - group work - writing letters - emailing - chatting - telephoning - look at the board - video calling and give comments - sending postcards - messaging - blogging - work individually then in pairs Homework: (3ms) - Learn the new words or phrases by heart - Prepare: A closer look Self-evaluation: GV: Hồ Tấn Dũng – Năm học: 2014-2015 48 Trường THCS Mai Thị Hồng Hạnh Tiếng Anh thí điểm GV: Hồ Tấn Dũng – Năm học: 2014-2015 49 ... Period: 77 Date of preparation: 03/ 03/ 16 Date of teaching: 08/ 03/ 16 REVIEW Skills I OBJECTIVES: Formation of behavior: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review and exercises about the... Production: Everyday English Match the sentences with replies 1e 2a 3g 4b 5d 6f Homework - Review all related vocabulary & grammar - Prepare: Review (Skills) Experience ………………………………………………………………………………………………... in Review Language New lesson Teacher's activities Ss'activities Content a Presentation: Reading - Have Ss read the text and - Ss’ answers Choose the correct answer answer the questions 1B 2D 3A

Ngày đăng: 12/12/2016, 22:40

