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UNIT SIX AN EXCURSION Period: 31 LANGUAGE FOCUS Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to pronounce the words correctly and apply some more grammar notes: the present continuous tense and structure " Be going to …" The present continuous tense and structure " Be going to …" Handouts, textbook, flipcharts Grammar points: Teaching aids: : PROCEDURE I/ WARM-UP: (5’ ) I. Pictures of a famous person and a bird. Who is this? -This is My Tam. What does she do? - She is a singer.-->/si What is it?- It’s a bird.-->/b ;d/ (1) / Are the vowel sounds the same or different? -They are different- (1) is short sound and (2) is long sound To know how to pronounce / / and / :/, we study Language Focus. II/ PRONUNCIATION: ( 10’) * Task 1 Today Introduce the phonetics (Ask pupils to read and then transcribe two words below. ) [tə'dei] Refer [ri'fə:] * Task 2 1. Are they vowel sounds or consonant sounds? (Vowel sounds) 2. Which is a long sound [ ə: ] or [ə] ? ([ə:]) * Task 3 Listen and repeat after the teacher the words that have sounds [ ə: ] or [ə] and then the sentences in which contain those sounds. But pay attention to the sentence stress and intonation in a sentence. * Task 3 Pupils pick up the words from these sentences that have the same sounds [ ə: ] or [ə] . III/ GRAMMAR : ( 23’) A: Presentation: (10’) Task 1: Choose the best option: Tom: I hear Mary is in hospital now. Jim: - Really? I'm going to see her tomorrow. - Really? I will see her tomorrow. - Really? I'm seeing her tomorrow. Jack: - Sorry, I'm going to help my sister with her homework. - Sorry, I will help my sister with her homework - Sorry, I'm helping my sister with her homework. John: - It's going to rain hard. - It will rain hard. - It's raining hard. Mary: Let's go to the cinema tonight. Daisy: Look! It's windy and cloudy. Run and look for a shelter. *Task 2: Write down their forms and explain the usage. Future tense S Present continuous S + Structure BE GOING TO S + Future tense Present continuous Structure BE GOING TO + WILL TO BE + V(bare-infinitive) + V-ING BE GOING TO + + + ...... ...... V(bare-infinitive) + ........ Express an intention or decision made at the moment of speaking Express a future arrangement. Express an intention or decision thought about before the moment of speaking. B: Practice : (13’) Task 1: Choose the correct option in brackets. (See the exercise 1 in the textbook- page70 -71) Feedback 1. are you doing 3. Are you going 5. is going to 2. is getting married 4. are you going to be Task 2:Put the verbs in brackets in the present progressive or " be going to ..". (See the exercise 2 in the textbook- page-71) Feedback 1. are going 3. is going to catch 5. is not going to give IV/ FURTHER PRACTICE : ( 5’ ) 2. are having 4. are you putting * Task 1 Complete the exchange, using the present progressive or " Be going to ...". 1 There is a football match on TV this afternoon. Are you going to see it? No, I'm busy. I'm doing my homework. 2 Can you come next week? Sorry, we'd love to, but we are visiting our grandparents. 3 I hear Tim has won a lot of money. What's he going to do with it? He says he's going to buy a new motorbike. 4 Should I leave the umbrella at home? It's cloudy and windy. It's going to rain soon. Take it along. 5 Do you think the window s dirty? Oh, yes. I'm going to clean them later. V/ HOMEWORK: ( 2’ ) 1. Activity 1 : Do exercises in workbook. 2. Activity 2 : Prepare “Speaking”

Ngày đăng: 04/10/2015, 20:08

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