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Đề cương ôn thi học kỳ II Gv: Lê Tấn Phong Unit Purpose phrase: in order to, so as to, to To express the purpose, we use the following phrases: In order to (để) So as to (để) + Bare infinitive To (để) For example. • He came here in order to study English. • He came here so as to study English. • He came here to study English. • He came here so that he studied English. • He came here for English. For + a noun So that + clause Incorrect: He came here for studying English. Incorrect: He came here for to study English. Incorrect: He came here for study English. Future simple o We use the future simple to predict events in the future. For example. Nottingham will win on Saturday. It will rain tomorrow. Will house prices rise again next year ? I don’t know if I shall see you next week. o We use the future simple to promise. I shall buy you a bike for your birthday. Trường THCS Long Điền o We use the future simple to suggest. Shall we go swimming tomorrow ? ( S + WILL/SHALL + BARE INFINITIVE ) o Some future adverbs in this tense. - Next (kế tiếp) + N (time) Next month Next year, she will go to the China. - In (trong) + ( a period of time) In 20 minutes (trong 20 phút nữa) I shall sleep in 20 minutes. In 10 days (trong 10 ngày nữa) - Tomorrow (ngày mai) Tomorrow morning Tomorrow afternoon. We shall go for a picnic tomorrow afternoon. Unit 10 Passive form (dạng bị động). oWe use the passive voice to emphasize the agent causing actions. Active: S + V + O Passive: S + BE + V3 / ed + by O o Active: Mary helped the boy Passive: The boy was helped by Mary. The passive form in the tenses. Năm học 2010-2011 -1 Đề cương ôn thi học kỳ II Gv: Lê Tấn Phong Active Passive Simple present: Mary helps John John is helped by Mary. Present progressive: Mary is helping John John is being helped by Mary. Present perfect: Mary has helped John John has been helped by Mary. Simple past: Mary helped John John was helped by Mary. Past progressive: Mary was helping John John was being helped by Mary. Past perfect: Mary had helped John John had been helped by Mary. Simple future: Mary will help John John will be helped by Mary. Future perfect: Mary will have helped John John will have been helped by Mary Active: People grow rice in India Passive: Rice is grown in India. Active: some one broke my bike. Passive: My bike was broken. Note: - if speaker knows who causes the action, “by” phrase is used. Active: People built my house in 1987. (Unclear subject) Passive: My house was built in 1978. - If speaker doesn’t know exactly who causes the action. “by” phrase is not used. Active: My aunt made this rug. (Concrete subject) Trường THCS Long Điền Passive: This rug was made by my aunt. o Verbs have two objects: Indirect object (I.O) and Direct object (D.O) Active: Someone gives Lee a gift. Passive: Lee is given a gift. (Way 1) A gift is given to Lee. (Way 2) Active: My mom bought me a new toy car. Passive: I was bought a new toy car by my mom. (w1) A new toy car was bought for me by my mom.(w2)  Read something to someone. (đọc cho ai)  Sell something to someone. ( bán cho gì)  Lend something to someone. ( cho mượn )  Tell something to someone. ( kể cho ai)  Offer something to someone. (tặng cho ai)  Show something to someone. (chỉ cho gì)  Send something to someone. (gửi cho ai)  Write something to someone. (viết cho ai)  Make something to/for someone. (làm cài cho ai)  Buy something for someone. (mua cho ai)  Leave something for someone.(để lại cho gì)  Play something for someone. ( chơi cho ai)  Do something for someone. (Làm cho ai)  Bring something for someone. (mang cho ai)  Call something for someone. (gọi cho ai) Adjective. o Followed by a full infinitive It + be + Adj + to-infinitive For example. Năm học 2010-2011 -2 Đề cương ôn thi học kỳ II Gv: Lê Tấn Phong It is difficult to understand what you say. It is easy to learn English. It is so nice to sit here with you. It is interesting to see this film. It + be + Adj + for + O + to-infinitive. For example. It is impossible for me to this job. It is hard for you to pass the exam. S + be + Adj + to-infinitive. For example. I’m sure to know him. She is very happy to help everyone. o Followed by a noun clause Adj + that clause For example. It’s strange (that) he should have said that. It’s possible (that) he didn’t get message. It’s important (that) you must study very hard. I am afraid that I can’t go to the movies with you. She is sorry that she broke my book. It’s sure/certain that you will like it. Trường THCS Long Điền She is happy that you helped her. Unit 11 Past participle and present participle The form of a verb used in compound tenses and as an adjective. English uses the present participle, which ends in ‘ing’, and the past participle, which usually ends in ‘-ed’. o We use the present participle to modify and clear meaning of nouns in front of it. Subject can cause the action of verb. For example. The boy reading a book is Ba. The man going upstairs is Mr. Tan. The woman talking to Nam is Miss Lien. We use the past participle to modify and clear meaning of nouns in front of it. Subject cannot cause the action of verb. For example. The old lamp made in China is five dollars. The toys kept in the box are 10 dollars. The lorry recycled from 7-up cans is dollars. Requests: o Would / Do you mind if …? Would you mind if + S + past simple. Would you mind if I smoked ? Would you mind if I sat here ? Do you mind if + S + present simple. Do you mind if I smoke ? Do you mind if I sit here ? o Would / Do you mind + V-ing ? Would you mind stopping the car ? Năm học 2010-2011 -3 Đề cương ôn thi học kỳ II Gv: Lê Tấn Phong Do you mind stopping the car ? Unit 12 Past progressive o We use the past progressive to express actions, events which were happening at a period of time in the past. S + were / was + V-ing + (O) + (A) For example. At o’clock last night, I was studying. Last year at this time, I was attending school. Past progressive with “When & While” o Express an action happening, another came in the past. When it began to rain, I was walking down the street. While I was walking down the street, it began to rain o Express two actions in progress at the same time. While I was studying in one room of our apartment, my roommate was having a party in the other room. Unit 13 Compound words We combine a noun with a gerund to make a compound adjective. N + V-ing => Adjective For example. To make a fire fire-making To arrange flowers flower-arranging Trường THCS Long Điền To wash clothes clothes-washing To make cars car-making To export rice rice-exporting Reported speech: Statements o In indirect speech, we repeat the content of speech, but it is not necessary to use phrases exactly. Direct: she said, “My brother is a student.” “ My brother is a student,” she said. Indirect: she said that her brother was a student. How to change a direct sentence into an indirect one. 1) Bỏ dấu phẩy “,” dấu ngoặc kép. 2) Thêm “ that ” vào sau động từ tường thuật “ said ”. 3) Đổi tính từ sở hữu cho phù hợp với chủ ngữ động từ tường thuật. 4) Nếu động từ tường thuật q khứ lùi động từ câu dấu ngoặc kép q khứ. 5) Đổi trạng từ câu trực tiếp. How to change the tense. DIRECT SPEECH Present simple (hiện đơn) Present progressive ( tiếp diễn) Present perfect ( hồn thành) Present perfect progressive Past simple ( q khứ đơn) Future simple (tương lai đơn) This These Now Today Tomorrow Năm học 2010-2011 INDIRECT SPEECH Past simple ( q khứ đơn) Past progressive (q khứ tiếp diễn) Past perfect ( q khứ hồn thành ) Past perfect progressive Past perfect Conditional (điều kiện) That Those Then That day The following day -4 Đề cương ôn thi học kỳ II The day after tomorrow (ngày mốt) Next week Yesterday In two days’ time The following week The day before / The previous day Last year The year before Gv: Lê Tấn Phong The day before yesterday ( hơm kia) Two days before A year ago A year before / the previous year Unit 14 Reported speech : “ If or Whether ” o To change a direct yes/no question into indirect one, we use “ If or whether”. For example. Direct: he said, “Do you like football?” Indirect: he asked if I liked football. Direct: he said to her, “Do you like football?” Indirect: he asked her if she liked football. Direct: he said to Nam, “Do you like football?” Indirect: he asked Nam if he liked football. If / whether ………… (or not) (Có ………………hay khơng) Question words before to-infinitive o We can use question words before to-infinitive. For example. He discovered how to open the safe. I find out where to buy fruit cheaply. I don’t know when to turn the washing machine off. She couldn’t think what to say. She learned how to make a cake. Verbs + to-infinitive Reference list of verbs followed by to-infinitives. Trường THCS Long Điền oAfford I cannot afford to buy it. oAgree they agreed to help us. oAppear she appear to be tired. oArrange I’ll arranged to meet you at the airport. oAsk he asked to come with us. oBeg he begged to come with us. oCare I don’t care to see that show. oClaim she claims to know a famous movie star. oConsent she finally consented to marry him. oDecide I have decided to leave on Monday. oDemand I demand to know who is responsible. oExpect I expect to enter graduate school in the fall. oFail she failed to return the book to the library on time. oForget I forgot to mail the letter. oHope Jack hopes to arrive next week. oLearn he learned to play the piano. oOffer they offered to help us. oPromise I promise not to be late. oVolunteer he volunteered to help us. oWant I want to tell you something. oWish she wishes to come with us. Unit15 Present perfect: “Yet & Already” o We use “yet” in negative and interrogative. It is put at the end of the sentence. For example. Have you had lunch yet ?( Bạn ăn trưa chưa ? ) No. I haven’t had lunch yet.(Chưa. Mình chưa ăn trưa. ) Năm học 2010-2011 -5 Đề cương ôn thi học kỳ II o We use “already” in affirmative. It can stand after subject and before main verb or at the end of the sentence. For example. Have you taken the semester exam yet? Yes. I have already taken the semester exam. (I have taken the semester exam already.) Comparison of present perfect and past simple o We use the present perfect to express actions with unidentified time and the past simple with identified time. For example. She has seen this film before. (Present perfect) She saw this film 10 years ago.( past simple ) o We use the present perfect to express actions which happened in the past and continued in present and future, but we use the past simple to express actions which happened and finished in the past. For example. She has learnt English for years. She learned English two years ago. EXERCICES 1. The weather nice yesterday. A. is B. was C. will be D. has been 2. It's difficult your direction. A. to follow B. following C. to following D. followed 3. Would you mind in the front of the Taxi, Mark? A. sit B. to sit C. sitting D. siting 4. The boy . over there is my brother. Trường THCS Long Điền Gv: Lê Tấn Phong A. stand B. stood C. standing D. being stood 5. I was cooking for dinner A. Then the phone rang B. then the phone was ringing C. When the phone rang D. when the phone was ringing. 6. The leader said that . to award the prize to you . A. He is pleasing B. he was pleasing C. he is pleased D. he was pleased 7. On Christmas Eve, people often a tree A. are decorated B. were decorated C. decorating D. decorate 8. He asked me A. Where I like coffee or not B. Whether I liked coffee C. What I liked coffee D. Which I liked coffee 9. What's was wrong with your printer? A. It didn't work B. It's doesn't C. It hasn't work D. It won't work. 10. The Statue of Liberty was . to the USA by the French. A. constructed B. designed C. completed D. presented 11.Cool the burns immediately so as to tissue damage A. ease B. relieve C. minimize D. maximize 12.Milk bottles can be after being cleaned A. reused B. recycle C. thrown away D. broken 13.The old lamp . in china is five dollars A. mke B. makes C. to make D. made 14.Millions of christmas eards .every year A. were sent B. are sent C. send D. is sending 15.He had his father . his watch A. fixed B. fixing C. to fix D. fix 16.He asked me . a driving licence A. if I have B. whether I have C. if I had D. whether I have had 17. The World Cup 2012……………in Brazil. A. will hold B. will held C. would be held 18. She asked me if I………………. pop music Năm học 2010-2011 D. is held -6 Đề cương ôn thi học kỳ II A. like B. to like C. will like D. liked C. was seeing D. am seeing. 19. I…………… it years ago A. have seen B. saw 20. It's very kind ……………………you to help me. A. for B. at C. off D. of 21. Would you mind …………… I smoked here. A. When B. that C. if D. for 22. The old lamp ………………….in China is dollars A to be making B. making C. mode D make 23. Millions of Christmas card……………… every year. A. were sent B. are sent C. send D. is sending. C. player D. can I play 24. I don't know how…………….the game A. playing B. to play 25.’’……………………this week ‘’ ‘’No, she’s on holiday. ‘’ A. Is Susan working B. Does Susan work C. Does work Susan D. Has Susan worked 26. Tom……………… his hand when he was cooking the dinner A. burn B. was burning C. has burnt D. burnt 27………………………Robert lately ? A. Did you see B. Do you see C. Have you seen D. Are you seeing 28. Nylon ……………………in the 1930’s A. invented B. was invented C. is invented D. has been invented 28 Where …………………………………? ‘’in London’’ A. were you born B. are you born C. have you been born D. did you born Trường THCS Long Điền Gv: Lê Tấn Phong 29. The librarian asked us ………………so much noise A. don’t make B. not make C. not making D. not to make 30. My brother speaks………………………… A. English perfect B. perfect English C. English perfectly D. perfectly English 31. The …………… children started to get A. Boring B. Bored C. Bore D. Born 32.She fell off a bike and her head on the road. A. hited B. hit C. hitted D. hitting 33…………….you like a cup of coffee? Yes, please. A. could B. C. would D. Must 34.It is difficult all the in structures at the same time A. to remember B. remember C. remembering D. remembered 35.Would you mind for a few minutes ? A. to wait B. wait C. waiting D. be waiting 36.Do you mind if I here ? A. to sitting B. to sit C. sit D. sitting 37.Let’s . the festival together A .going B. to go C. go D. went 38.Angkor Wat should really……………… as wonder because it is the largest temple in the world A. know B. known C. knew D. be known 39.He told me to in that situation A. how B. where C. when D. what 40.I will try to the printer for you A.correct B. C. fix D. correcting 41.Would you mind if I a photo ? A. take B. took C. taking D. to take 42.How long . a teacher ? For three years now A. are you B. have you been C. were you D. did you be 43.The weather was fine so we decided to go foot Năm học 2010-2011 -7 Đề cương ôn thi học kỳ II A. on B. by C. with D. in 44. We Tom and Mary since last TET holiday . A. don’t see B. didn’t see C. hasn’t D. haven’t seen 45. We ……………dinner when he arrived yesterday evening. A. were having B. is having C. are having D. knew 46. Mai asked her friend……………shopping A. goes B. to go C. go D. went 47. I have known her……………… two years. A. with B. for C. since D. in 48. would you mind…… the window A. open B. opening C. opened D. to open 49. ……………… is often called “ THE WINDY CITY” A. San Francisco B. Chicago C. Hawaii D. New York 50 The table…………….of wood is more expensive than plastics A. makes B. made C. make D. making 51 The old car tires are ………to make pipes and floor coverings A. reused B. reduced C. recycled D. recycling 53. I can see a boy……….a water buffalo. A. ride B. riding C. to ride D. rode 54. Would you mind……….the windows A. to close B. close C. closing D. closed 54. I . in Bac Lieu several years . A. lives B. lived C have lived D. has lived 55. ……………you mind if I smoke ? A. could B. don’t C. D. would 56. How about………….to Thai Binh Market ? A. going B. to go C. went D. gone 57. I was reading …………my sisters were playing with their dolls. A. When B. While C. at which D. at time 58. Millions of Christmas card…………… every year. A. were sent B.send C. is sending D. are send Trường THCS Long Điền Gv: Lê Tấn Phong 59. The pyramid of cheops is one of the seven…………of the world. A Pyramids B. Temples C. Landmarks D. wonders 60. They had the porter ……………their luggage A carry B.carrying C. to carry D. carried 61. I take part……… most youth activities of my school. A.of B.on C. in D. to 62. It’s dangerous ……… in this river. A to swim B swim C swimming D swam 63. The radio was ……… by Tim yesterday. A- repaired B- repairing C- repair D- repairs 65.I put my hat on …………… protect my face from the sunlight. A.for B. in order C.in order to D. to 66.Don’t give the victim any food or drink if he or she gets………… A. fainting b.shock C.burn D. cold 67.The boy ……………next to Hoa is a new comer. A.sits b. to sit C. sitting D. sit 68. We …………… in Le Nin park when it rained. A.walked B.were walking C.have walkedd. are walking 69.would you mind if I………………on the television? A.will turn b.was turning c.turned d. turn 70. Color television …………… by John Logie Baird in 1928. A. invented B. was invented C. has invented D. is invented 71. The bike………………… in Japan is USD100. A.making B. made C.to make D. make 72. We have learned English…………… 2000. A.since B.for C.in D. from 73.Their parents are happy………………… good news from their teacher. A.hear B. to hear C.hearing D. heard 74. She is looking forward to…………… a good job A.get B.getting C.gets D. to get 75. She hasn't finished the letter Năm học 2010-2011 -8 Đề cương ôn thi học kỳ II A .already B.just C. yet D. never 76. Lan is studying hard .pass the final exam. A. for B. in order to C. so to D. as to 77. It's too cold outside. Would you mind .the window? A. to close B. close C. closed D. closing 78. The bike .in Japan is $ 100. A. making B. made C. is making D. to make 79.We . dinner when the phone rang. A.are having B. had C. have had D.were having 80. Color television . by John Logie Bard in 1982. A. invented B. was invent C. was invented D. has invented 81. ……… another cup of tea ,Janet? A. Will you like B. did you like C. would you like D. You would like 82. The woman ……… a new shirt is Mrs Lan A. made B. making C. to make D to mading 83. I finished housework while my mother ……… dinner. A. cook B. to cook C. was cooking D. is cooking 84. The first prize ………. To the Me Kong team just after the final match yesterday. A. award B. was awarded C. awarding D. is awarded 85. I was in such a hurry that I left one of my bags . A. out B. behind C. on D. in 86. I’d love to go to the theatre to night, …… I’m too busy . A. but B. and C. because D. if 87. I’m bored . A. Let’s play a game B. let’s to play a game C. let’s playing a game D. let play a game 88. I don’t know table-tennis. A. what to play B. how to play C. how play D. how to playing 89. He said that he .for a car company. A. worked B. works C. is working D. has worked Trường THCS Long Điền Gv: Lê Tấn Phong 90. Shoes and sandals are from recycled old car tires A. make B . made C. maked D. to make 91. It is fun . T.V. A. to watch B. watching C. watched D. watch 92. My school will be next year . A. building B. to build C. built D. builded 93. Would you mind . the windows ? A .open B. to open C. opening D. opened 94. He .a new computer on his birthday by his mother A. gave B. has given C. given D. was given 95. Glass should be collected and sent to factories for A. recycling B. reducing C. refilling D. reusing 96. We should reuse cloth bags of plastic bags . A. instead B. besides C. apart D. without 97. In the world , million of papers away every day . A. thrown B. is throwing C. are thrown D. threw 98. He . many old books for years. A. recycled B. is recycling C. has recycled D. will recycle 99. .means not buying products which are over packaged . A. Reduce B. Reuse C. Recycle D. Repeat 100. To prepare for the new year , I . my house again since last month A. paint B. painted C. have painted D. has painted 101. The used plastic bottles . with water several times yesterday. A. washed B. is washed C. are washed D. were washed 102 It is dangerous . quickly in the Tet holiday . A. driving B. drove C. to drive D. driven 103. I am looking forward to . you on next Sunday . A. meeting B. meet C. met D. will meet 104. The liquid . into new glassware . Năm học 2010-2011 -9 Đề cương ôn thi học kỳ II A. is blown B. blew C. is blowing D. are blown 105. The empty bottles . and . the factories for recycling A. collected – sent B. collected – are sent C. are collected – sent D. collect – send 106. We are ready . the environment . A. clean B. cleaned C. cleaning D. to clean 107. Shoes from old tires to safe money . A. is made B. are made C. is making D. will make 108. We should study English better so as a good job . A. get B. will get C. to get D. getting 109. Do you mind if Lan that book away ? A. take B. taked C. takes D. took 110. Would you mind . the door ? A. open B. opening C. opened D. opens Write the sentences, using the cue words 1. I / phone / you / Friday afternoon. ……………………………………………………… 2. Car tires / recycle / make / pipes / floor coverings. ……………………………………………………… 3. It / easy / / this exercise. ……………………………………………………… 4. I / run / school / when / I / stumble / rock ……………………………………………………… 5. He / watch TV / home / this time yesterday. ……………………………………………………… 6. He / ask / me / how / go / my house / to school . ……………………………………………………… Trường THCS Long Điền Gv: Lê Tấn Phong 7. Telephone / invent /Alexander Graham Bell/ 1876. ……………………………………………………… 8. I / not / know / how / connect / a printer ……………………………………………………… 9. I / already / / homework. ……………………………………………………… 10. Nam /be / good / English / he / can / / all the exercises / ten minutes ………………………………………………………………… 11. The Eiffel Tower / design / Alexandre Gustave Eiffel / 1889. ………………………………… ……………………………… 12. Nhi / ask / Nga / how / go / from My Son / Hoi An. ………………………………… ……………………………… 13. Ba’s mother / just / come / back / the market ………………………………… ……………………………… 14. Nhi / ask / Nga / where / buy / sovernirs ………………………………… ……………………………… 15. He / watch / TV / oclock / last night ………………………………… ……………………………… 16. While / We / study / English / they / play / soccer in the school yard. ………………………………… ……………………………… 17. When / I / go / Ho Chi Minh City / I / meet / my old teacher ………………………………… ……………………………… 18. My father / want / buy / a new bike / last week. ………………………………… ……………………………… 19. How / can / I / help / you / / that work ? ………………………………… ……………………………… Năm học 2010-2011 - 10 Đề cương ôn thi học kỳ II 20. The statue / Liberty / present / the United States / France / 1876 ………………………………… ……………………………… 13. I would like you help me this exercise Rewrite sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the 14. Is it all right if I take a photo ? same Would you mind……………………………………… 1. ” Do you want to visit Dien Bien Phu, Peter ?’’ Lan asked. Lan asked Peter…………………………………………………………… 2. People speak English all over the world. English ………………………………………………………… 3. “Is Mount Rushmore in USA ?” My father asked me My father asked ………………………………………………… 5. The teacher explained that lesson yesterday That lesson ……………………………………………………… 6. He has invited them to his birthday party. They…………………………………………………………… 7. He didn’t ask me to help him. I………………………………………………………………… 8. Someone has broken the glass window. The glass………………………………………………………… 9. “ I’m a student” Tom said Tom said………………………………………………………… 10. I must go home now “ Nam said to me Nam told me…………………………………………………… 15. Tom said to me “ You are my best friend “ 11. Clement Clarke Moore wrote the poem in 1832 The poem………………………………………………. 12. ” Do you want to visit my house ?’’ Lan asked. Lan asked me………………………………………… . Trường THCS Long Điền Gv: Lê Tấn Phong Would you mind……………………………………… Tom told……………………………………………… 16. She asked me ‘’ Where is my hose ?” She asked me…………………………………………… 17. Nhi asked Hoa “ Is it far your house to school ?” Nhi asked Hoa…………………………………………. 18.Teacher asked :”Do you get lucky money on Tet ? “ Teacher asked me………………………………………. 19. People use computers all over the world. Coputers……………………………………………… . 20. To study English is not difficult. It’s……………………………………………………… 11. It’s happy to see you again To………………………………………………………. 22. The boy is my student. He is standing over there The boy………………………………………………… 23. The old lamp is five dollars. It is made in China The old lamp…………………………………………… 24. Teacher said: “You have to wear uniform when you are at school “ Teacher asked us………………………………………… Năm học 2010-2011 - 11 Đề cương ôn thi học kỳ II 25. He said “ I can help you now “ Gv: Lê Tấn Phong He said ………………………………………………… Trường THCS Long Điền Năm học 2010-2011 - 12 [...].. .Đề cương ôn thi học kỳ II 20 The statue / Liberty / present / the United States / France / 1876 ………………………………… ……………………………… 13 I would like you help me do this exercise Rewrite sentences, beginning as shown,... old lamp is five dollars It is made in China The old lamp…………………………………………… 24 Teacher said: “You have to wear uniform when you are at school “ Teacher asked us………………………………………… Năm học 2010-2011 - 11 Đề cương ôn thi học kỳ II 25 He said “ I can help you now “ Gv: Lê Tấn Phong He said ………………………………………………… Trường THCS Long Điền Năm học 2010-2011 - 12 . Đề cương ôn thi học kỳ II Gv: Lê Tấn Phong Unit 9 Purpose phrase: in order to, so as to, to To express. was helped by Mary. The passive form in the tenses. Trường THCS Long Điền Năm học 2010-2011 - 1 Đề cương ôn thi học kỳ II Gv: Lê Tấn Phong Active Passive Simple present: Mary helps John John. infinitive It + be + Adj + to-infinitive For example. Trường THCS Long Điền Năm học 2010-2011 - 2 Đề cương ôn thi học kỳ II Gv: Lê Tấn Phong It is difficult to understand what you say. It is easy

Ngày đăng: 10/09/2015, 11:03



