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HOMEWORK FOR UNIT 33 Put the verbs in brackets in correct tense and form. 1. It was urgent that she (leave)…………… at once. 2. If my candidate had won the election, I (be) …………… happy now. 3. The highway patrol advises (take) …………… the old route through the city because the interstate highway is under major repairs. 4. John would rather (not go) …………… to class yesterday. 5. He (die) …………… of cancer last year. He must (smoke) …………… a lot. 6. I can’t help (feel) …………… sorry for the hungry children. if only there (be) …………… peace in the world! 7. Some paintings (belong) …………… to the Queen were stolen from the palace. 8. She’s busy (write) …………… letters. 9. I really dislike (ask) …………… to answer questions in class where I haven’t prepared my lesson. 10. Sometimes very young children have trouble (separate) …………… fact from fiction and may believe that dragons actually exist. 11. It is essential that every child (have) …………… the same education opportunities. 12. Were I to become president, my first act (be) …………… to help the poor. 13. I feel as if my head (be) …………… on fire now, doctor. 14. She really appreciates (have) …………… time to relax. 15. Are you sure you told me? I didn’t recall (tell) …………… about it. 16. If he (listen) …………… to her advice, he would still be working here. 17. It’s time we (begin) …………… training for our next match. 18. He pretended (not see) …………… me 19. It was vital that she (warn) …………… before it is too late. 20. We watched them (play) …………… football. Give the correct form of the word in brackets. 1. The government wants to (military) …………… this training centre. 2. We must make (provide) …………… for our old age by saving money 3. She was so surprised that she was unable to speak. She was (speech) …………… with surprise. 4. The headmistress of our school went to Hanoi last week. Mr. Long is now the (act) …………… headmaster. 5. (Certain) …………… about the company’s future meant that few people wanted to invest money in it. 6. I was late because I (estimate) …………… how much time I’ll need. 7. There was ice on the pavement which made it very difficult to walk as it was so (slip) …………… 8. Despite the star-studded cast, the film was only (part) …………… successful. 9. How can you (just) …………… the fact that some people live in mansions while others live in slums. 10. My brother lives in an attractive (reside) …………… part of Paris. 11. The car in front was going very slowly, so John (take)…………… it. 12. I think it is very (reason) …………… of him to expect us to work overtime every night this week. 13. She’s got a job as the (manage) …………… of a dress shop. 14. I’m afraid I was very (satisfy) …………… with the travel arrangements. 15. I (expect) …………… met an old friend last week. Mark the letter A, B, c, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions Question 1. A. disappear B. engineer C. education D. attachment Question 2. A. characteristic B. environmental C. documentation D. sophisticated Question 3. A. reduction B. popular C. financial D. romantic Question 4. A. consider B. adventure C. patient D. eventual Question 5. A. definition B. humidity C. necessity D. incredible Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the one given. Prepared by Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – Pham Cong Binh High School – nttcold@gmail.com - 1 - 1. No one has lived in that house for years. That …………………………………………………………………………………… 2. In spite of all our warnings, he left camp without talking his rifle. Although …………………………………………………………………………………… 3. It’s a pity that you wrote that letter. I’d …………………………………………………………………………………… 4. We must continue our efforts, whether there are problems or not. Regardless …………………………………………………………………………………… 5. The reason I came here was solely to try and improve conditions. My sole purpose…………………………………………………………………………………… 6. “Less noise” the teacher told the boys. The teacher shouted. …………………………………………………………………………………… 7. In the event of nuclear weapons being used, we are all doomed. If it should …………………………………………………………………………………… 8. You should take two tablets every four hours. Two tablets should…………………………………………………………………………………… 9. It’s extremely difficult for us to make ends meet these days We find…………………………………………………………………………………… 10. They’ve been living here for six years now. They moved…………………………………………………………………………………… 11. Her handbag was stolen, but she didn’t see it happen. She didn’t…………………………………………………………………………………… 12. He declared his disapproval of the behaviour of some of his supporters. He let it be…………………………………………………………………………………… 13. Tony’s very charming, but I wouldn’t trust him. Charming…………………………………………………………………………………… 14. What has this experience taught you? What conclusions…………………………………………………………………………………… 15. It wasn’t clear to us at the time how serious the problem was. Little…………………………………………………………………………………… Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions: Biological diversity has become widely recognized as a critical conservation issue only in the past two decades. The rapid destruction of the tropical rain forests, which are the ecosystems with the highest known species diversity on Earth, has awakened people to the importance of biological diversity. The high rate of species extinctions in these environments is jolting, but it is important to recognize the significance of biological diversity in all ecosystems. As the human population continues to expand, it will negatively affect one after another of Earth's ecosystems. In terrestrial ecosystems and in fringe marine ecosystems (such as wetlands), the most common problem is habitat destruction. In most situations, the result is irreversible. Now humans are beginning to destroy marine ecosystems through other types of activities, such as disposal and runoff of poisonous waste; in less than two centuries, by significantly reducing the variety of species on Earth, they have unraveled cons of evolution and irrevocably redirected its course. Certainly, there have been periods in Earth's history when mass extinctions have occurred. The extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by some physical event, either climatic or cosmic. There have also been less dramatic extinctions, as when natural competition between species reached an extreme conclusion. Only 0.01 percent of the species that have lived on Earth have survived to the present, and it was largely chance that determined which species survived and which died out. However, nothing has ever equaled the magnitude and speed with which the human species is altering the physical and chemical world and demolishing the environment. In fact, there is wide agreement that it is the rate of change humans are inflicting that will lead to biological devastation. Life on Earth has continually been in flux as slow physical and chemical changes have occurred on Earth, but life needs time Câu 46: What does the passage mainly discuss? Prepared by Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – Pham Cong Binh High School – nttcold@gmail.com - 2 - A.The cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs B.The variety of species found in tropical rain forests C.The impact of human activities on Earth's ecosystems D.The time required for species to adapt to new environments Câu 47: The word "critical" in line 1 is closest in meaning to A. negative B.essential C.interesting D.complicated Câu 48: The word "jolting" in line 5 is closest in meaning to A. predicted B.shocking C.unknown D.illuminating Câu 49: The word "mass" in line 13 is closet in meaning to A.small B.perfect C.large in number D.important Câu 50: The author mentions the reduction of the variety of species on Earth in lines 11-12 to suggest that A. new habitats can be created for species B.humans are often made ill by polluted water C.some species have been made extinct by human activity D.an understanding of evolution can prevent certain species from disappearing Câu 51 The author mentions all of the following as examples of the effect of humans on the world's ecosystems EXCEPT A.destruction of the tropical rain forests B.habitat destruction in wetlands C.damage to marine ecosystems D.the introduction of new varieties of plant species Câu 52: The author mentions the extinction of the dinosaurs in the second paragraph to emphasize that A. the cause of the dinosaurs' extinction is unknown B.Earth's climate has changed significantly since the dinosaurs' extinction C.not all mass extinctions have been caused by human activity D.actions by humans could not stop the irreversible process of a species' extinction Câu 53: The word "magnitude" in line 19 is closest in meaning to A.concern B.determination C.carelessness D.extent Câu 54 According to the passage, natural evolutionary change is different from changes caused by humans in that A.changes caused by humans are occurring at a much faster rate B. changes caused by humans are less devastating to most species C. changes caused by humans affect fewer ecosystems D. changes caused by humans are reversible Câu 55: With which of the following statements would the author be most likely to agree? A.Human influence on ecosystems should not be a factor in determining public policy. B.The extinction of a few species is an acceptable consequence of human progress. C.Technology will provide solutions to problems caused by the destruction of ecosystems. D.Humans should be more conscious of the influence they have on ecosystems Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions: "Charles Ives" Charles Ives, who is nowadays acclaimed as the first great American composer of the twentieth century, had to wait many years for the public recognition he deserved. Born to music as the son of a bandmaster, Ives played drums in his father's community band, and organ at the local church. He entered Yale University at twenty to study musical composition with Horatio Parker, but after graduation, he chose not to pursue a career in music. He suspected correctly that the public would not accept the music he wrote, for Ives did not follow the musical fashion of his times. While his contemporaries wrote lyrical songs, Ives transfigured music and musical form. He quoted, combined, insinuated, and distorted familiar hymns, marches, and battle songs, while experimenting with the effects of polytonality, or the simultaneous use of two or more keys, and dissonance, or the clash of keys with conflicting rhythms and time. Even when he could convince some musicians to show some interest in his compositions, after assessing them, conductors and performers said that they were essentially unplayable. (A) Prepared by Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – Pham Cong Binh High School – nttcold@gmail.com - 3 - Instead, he became a successful insurance executive, building his company into the largest agency in the country in only two decades. (B) Although he occasionally hired musicians to play one of his works privately for him, he usually heard his music only in his imagination. (C) After he recovered from a serious heart attack, he became reconciled to the fact that his ideas, especially the use of dissonance and special effects, were just too different for the musical mainstream to accept. (D) Determined to share his music with the few people who might appreciate it, he published his work privately and distributed it for free. In 1939, when Ives was sixty-five, American pianist John Kirkpatrick played Concord Sonata in Town Hall. The reviews were laudatory. One reviewer Câu 56: Which of the following is the main topic of the passage? A.Modern musical composition B.Charles Ives' life C.The Pulitzer Prize D.Career choices Câu 57: Why didn't the public appreciate Ives' music? A.It was not performed for a long time B.It was very different from the music of the time C. The performers did not play it well D. He did not write it down Câu 58 Look at the word "dissonance" in paragraph 1. What other word or phrase in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to "dissonance"? A. polytonality B.rhythms C.clash D.simultaneous Câu 59: The word "they" in paragraph 1 refers to: A.conductors B.performers C.interest D.compositions Câu 60 How did Ives make a living for most of his life? A. He conducted a band B.He taught musical composition C.He owned an insurance company D.He published music Câu 61 The phrase "became reconciled to" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to: A. accepted B. repeated C. disputed D. neglected Câu 62 According to the passage, Ives shared his music: A. by publishing free copies B.by playing it himself C.by hiring musicians to perform D.by teaching at Yale Câu 63: Which of the following characteristics is NOT true of the music of Charles Ives? A. It included pieces of familiar songs B.It was very experimental C.It was difficult to play D.It was never appreciated Câu 64 How was the performance of Concord Sonata received? A.There were no reviews B.The musicians felt it was unplayable C.The public would not accept it D.It established Ives as an important composer Câu 65 Look at the word "it" in paragraph 4. What word or phrase in paragraph 4 does "it" refer to? Write your answer in the space provided below. A. Concord Sonata B.Town Hall C.John Kirkpatrick D.Pulitzer Prize Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the following blanks. The British often _____(6)_____ people by their table manners and, at the table as in other _____(7)_____ of British life, politeness and distance are priced. While it is acceptable to ask an American host for a second _____(8)_____, in England you should absolutely wait _____(9)_____ you are being offered. It is considered impolite not to _____(10)_____ what is on your plate. Also watch what you say: the British are very distant with strangers and while they love _____(11)_____ the weather, even such Câu as their age or whether they have any children may be _____(12)_____ too personal. Beware _____(13)_____ calling Scottish or Irish people “English”. Absolute no-nos are politics and religion, as they are, incidentally, in the United States. On both sides of the Atlantic, it is never a good idea to engage in arguments about _____(14)_____ while sitting at the table. You should also eat at roughly the same speed as the others at the table and never start your food before your _____(15)_____ does. Question 6: A. comment B. value C. estimate D. judge Prepared by Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – Pham Cong Binh High School – nttcold@gmail.com - 4 - Question 7: A. walks B. ways C. parts D. corners Question 8: A. dish B. amount C. help D. serving Question 9: A. before B. after C. to D. until Question 10: A. end B. finish C. eat D. use up Question 11: A. telling B. talking C. discussing D. arguing Question 12: A. believed B. thought C. considered D. regarding Question 13: A. to B. at C. for D. of Question 14: A. neither B. either C. each D. both Question 15: A. host B. landlord C. guest D. house owner Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Question 51: The letter _________ me of the theft hadn’t been signed. A. to accuse B. accused C. accusing D. that accuse Question 52: Over the last few months, garages _________ the price of petrol three times. A. have risen B. have put up C. raised D. have gone up Question 53: __________ migrate long distances is well documented. A. That it is birds B. That birds C. Birds that D. It is that birds Question 54: I am not able to go anywhere this weekend because I am up to my __________ in work. A. neck B. nose C. head D. eyes Question 55: Doctors have accepted that acupuncture can work for pain ___________. A. release B. liberation C. killing D. relief Question 56: She hates those who are not ___________ for appointment. She doesn’t want to wait. A. punctually B. punctual C. punctuality D. punctuate Question 57: Many lists of “Wonders of the World” ___________ during the Middle Ages. A. said to be existed B. are said to exist C. said to exist D. are said to have existed Question 58: A: Could I speak to Susan please? B: _____________ . A. Talking B. Speaking C. Calling D. Answering Question 59: Liz: Thanks a lot for assisting me in the presentation. Jennifer: ______________ . A. It was really hard work B. It’s pleasing C. I was glad D. It was the least I could do Question 60: It is difficult to ___________ identical twins ___________. A. tell/ on B. speak/ out C. tell/ apart D. speak/ over Question 61: Ivan: I have stacks of homework to do. Kyle: _________________ ! A. Congratulations B. Cheers C. You poor thing D. Oh bother Question 62: _____________ Christina is late, let’s begin without her. A. Since B. Nevertheless C. However D. Consequently Question 63: Nothing can ____________ the loss of the child. A. make up with B. make up for C. do with D. come up with Question 64: One of the __________ of this work is that you can __________ experience. A. advantages/ have B. opportunities/ learn C. profits/ become D. benefits/ gain Question 65: When I called them, they didn’t answer. They pretended __________ already. A. to sleep B. sleeping C. having slept D. to have been sleeping Question 66: Laser disc provide images of ___________ either television signals or video tapes. A. better than B. better quality than C. better quality than those of D. better quality than of Question 67: I haven’t got a passport, ____________ means I can’t leave my country. Prepared by Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – Pham Cong Binh High School – nttcold@gmail.com - 5 - A. which B. that C. this D. it Question 68: Having opened the bottle, _____________ for everyone. A. The drink was poured B. Mike poured the drink C. Mike pouring the drink D. The drink was being poured Question 69: No one knows precisely how much he earns a month, but $2,500 can’t be ____________ of the mark. A. wide B. far C. broad D. distant Question 70: You may borrow my bike __________ you are careful with it. A. even if B. as long as C. as much as D. expecting Question 71: Barry: Were you involved in the accident? Daniel: Yes, but I wasn’t to ___________ for it. A. charge B. accuse C. blame D. apologize Question 72: Assistant: May I help you? Customer: ____________. A. You may go B. I don’t need help C. No problem D. I’m just looking Question 73: “Excuse me, is anybody sitting here?” _ “ _____________.” A. No, thanks B. Yes, I am so glad C. Sorry, the seat is taken D. Yes, yes. You can sit here Question 74: She is ____________ polite a person to refuse. A. very B. such C. this D. much Question 75: _____________ the lesson well, Adrian couldn’t answer the teacher’s questions. A. Didn’t prepare B. Having prepared C. Preparing not D. Not preparing Question 76: ____________ no proof, the judge refused to sentence him to death. A. It having B. There being C. Being D. There having Question 77: I __________ this letter while I was tidying up. A. came by B. brought in C. brought back D. came across Question 78: If you hadn’t watched that late movie last night, you ________ sleepy now. A. wouldn’t have been B. might not have been C. wouldn’t be D. wouldn’t have been being Question 79: My old friend and colleague, John, __________ married. A. have just got B. has just got C. just have got D. just has got Question 80: I suggest that the doctor _________ up his mind without delay. A. makes B. make C. made D. is to make Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction Question 71. Having worked hard during the summer, his result was very successful in the entrance examination A B C D Question 72. The surface conditions on the planet Mars are the more like the Earth's than those of any other planet in the solar system A B C D Question 73. Even though the extremely bad weather in the mountains, the climbers decided not to cancel their climb A B C D Question 74. George dislikes politics because he believes that they are corrupted A B C D Question 75. Lawrence Robert Klein received the 1980 Nobel Prize in economics for pioneering the useful of computers to forecast A B C economic activities. D Rewrite the following sentences using the given words. Do not alter these words. Prepared by Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – Pham Cong Binh High School – nttcold@gmail.com - 6 - 1. I had lost his phone number, so I could not contact him before. (TOUCH) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. I enjoy being the boss of a small company. (FISH) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. The success of our local theater has made our city famous. (MAP) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. She is not upset; she is only pretending. (ACT) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. The bank robbers escaped in a stolen car. (GETAWAY) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following qs Question 6. "I’ll certainly help you tomorrow," said Tom to Helen. A. Tom promised to help Helen the day after. B. Tom announced that he would help Helen the day after. C. Tom asked if Helen wanted him to help her the day after. D. Tom told Helen to help him the day after. Question 7. Although his legs were broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded. A. Despite his legs to be broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded. B. Despite his broken legs, he was able to get out of the car before exploding. C. Despite his legs were broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded. D. Despite his broken legs, he was able to get out of the car before it exploded. Question 8. I don’t have enough money with me now; otherwise I would buy that coat. A. If I didn’t have enough money with me now, I would buy that coat. B. If I had enough money with me now, I would buy that coat. C. If I had enough money with me now, I wouldn’t buy that coat. D. If I didn’t have enough money now, I wouldn’t buy Question 9. No sooner had we arrived than the performance began. A. The performance had started before we arrived. B. The performance started sooner than we arrived. C. Hardly had we arrived when the performance began. D. When we arrived the performance had already started. Question 10. The house was too expensive for them to buy. A. So expensive was the house that they couldn’t buy it. B. The house was so expensive that they couldn’t buy it C. The house wasn’t cheap enough for them to buy. D. All are correct Question 11. If only I had taken his advice. A. I wish I followed his advice. B. I wish I have taken his advice. C. I regret not having taken his advice. D. I regret not to take his advice Question 12. "Don’t be so disappointed, Bill. You can take the driving test again," said Helen. A. Helen told Bill not to be disappointed and not to take the driving test again. B. Helen told Bill to be disappointed because of the driving test again. C. Helen said Bill not to be disappointed in order to take the driving test again. D. Helen encouraged Bill to take the driving test again. Question 13. "Who did you come to the party with?" said Tom to Lyn. A. Tom asked Lyn who did she come to the party with. B. Tom wanted to know with who Lyn had come to the party. C. Tom asked Lyn who she came to the party with. D. Tom asked Lyn who she had come to the party with Prepared by Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – Pham Cong Binh High School – nttcold@gmail.com - 7 - Question 14. The teacher made his students work hard for the exam. A. The students worked hard for the exam thanks to the teacher. B. The teacher as well as his students worked hard for the exam. C. The teacher examined his students before the exam. D. The students were made to work hard for the exam. Question 15. “I’m sorry I gave you the wrong number,” said Paul to Susan. A. Paul apologized Susan for giving her the wrong number. B. Paul apologized Susan for having given her the wrong number. C. Paul apologized to Susan to have given her the wrong number. D. Paul apologized to Susan for having given her the wrong number Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences Question 56. Having been served lunch, _____ A. the problem was discussed by the members of the club. B. it was discussed by the club members the problem C. the club members discussed the problem. D. a discussion of the problem was made by the members of the club. Question 57. After seeing the movie “ Pride and Prejudice”, A. many people wanted to read the book B. the reading of the book interested many people C. the book was read by many people D. the book made many people want to read it Question 58. , he would have learnt how to read A. If he has been able to go school as a child B. If he could go to school as a child C. Had he been able to go to school as a child D. Were he able to go to school as a child Question 59. I told you. A. Sam is the man about whom B. Sam is the man about who C. Sam who is the man about D. Sam is who the man about Question 60. But for his parents’ encouragement, ……………………………… A. He would have failed the final exam. B. He wouldn’t pass the final exam. C. He‘d have passed the final exam D. A and B are correct. 6 A 56 C 7 D 57 A 8 B 58 C 9 C 59 A 10 B 60 D 11 C 71 C 12 D 72 B 13 D 73 A 14 D 74 D 15 D 75 C 1. leave 2. would be 3. taking 4. not have gone 5. died, have smoked 6. feeling, were 7. belonging 8. writing 9. being asked 10. separating 11. have 12. would be 13. were 14. having 15. being told 16. had listened 17. began 18. not to see 19. be warned 20. playing 1. militarize 2.provision 3. speechless 4. acting 5. Uncertainty 6. underestimated 7. slippery 8.partially 9. justify 10. residential 11. overtook 12. unreasonable 13. manageress 14. dissatisfied 15. unexpectedly 4. Regardless of whatever problems, we must continue our efforts Prepared by Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – Pham Cong Binh High School – nttcold@gmail.com - 8 - 5. My sole purpose of coming here was to try and improve conditions 6. The teacher shouted to the boys to make less noise 7. If it should happen that nuclear weapons are used, we are all doomed. 9. We find it difficult to make ends meet these days. 11. she didn’t see her handbag stolen 12. He let it be known that he disapproved of the behaviour of some of his supporters 14. What conclusions have you drawn as a result of this experience? 15. Little did we realize at the time how serious the problem was. 46 : C 47 : B 48 : B 49 : C 50 : C 51 : D 52 : C 53 : D 54 : A 55 : D 56 : B 57 : B 58 : C 59 : D 60 : C 61 : A 62 : A 63 : D 64 : D 65 : A 1 → I could not keep/get in touch with him because I had lost his phone number. 2 →I enjoy being a big fish in a small pond. 3 →The success of our local theater has put our city on the map. 4→She is not upset; she is only putting on an act. 5→The bank robbers made a getaway in a stolen car. Prepared by Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – Pham Cong Binh High School – nttcold@gmail.com - 9 - . while others live in slums. 10. My brother lives in an attractive (reside) …………… part of Paris. 11. The car in front was going very slowly, so John (take)…………… it. 12. I think it is very (reason). Cheers C. You poor thing D. Oh bother Question 62: _____________ Christina is late, let’s begin without her. A. Since B. Nevertheless C. However D. Consequently Question 63: Nothing can ____________. I can’t leave my country. Prepared by Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – Pham Cong Binh High School – nttcold@gmail.com - 5 - A. which B. that C. this D. it Question 68: Having opened the bottle, _____________

Ngày đăng: 26/07/2015, 07:11

