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Starting Steps ppt

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  • Try to make these sentences more effective

    • She borrowed an egg that was rotten from a neighbour

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WRITING I 98/99   Starting Steps 1- Basic elements of the sentence : Subject , Objects , Complements e. g : He is reading a book . Maria is going to buy her son a new watch . The test was so difficult . 2- Phrases and Clauses : Phrases : groups of words containing non-finite verbs ( -ING / -ED forms of verbs , To-infinitive ) e .g : Looking at the board , she knew that she was on the wrong way . This is a long novel written by a very famous writer . Old Dinger’s ghost was said to live in the surrounding hills . Clauses : groups of words containing finite verbs e .g : The cat jumped onto my father’s lap while he was reading his letters . Looking at the board , she knew that she was on the wrong way . Practice : Identify phrases and clauses in the following sentences : 1-The woman driving the car indicated that she was going left and then turned right . 2- I shan’t go unless he asks me . 3- When it rains , I usually go to the office by bus . 4- Henry did the work as it ought to be done . 5-Mary has gone to get some fruit . 6-I received my wages yesterday , so that I can now pay what I owe you . 7-Walking through the park , we saw a lovely show of daffodils . 8-The concert given by the Philharmonic Orchestra was a great success . 3-Subordinate clauses : Functions : Nouns , Adjectives , Adverbs . e .g : What he likes is what I hate . Can you tell me what the time is ? The place where Macbeth met the witches was a desolate heath . As my secretary is away at present , I have a great many extra letters to answer. When we came in , they were having dinner . I know that he is the leader . The news that he heard from his friend was a great shock to him . The news that his father got terribly ill was a great shock to him . Practice :Identify the subordinating clauses and its functions in the following sentences : 1-The book which you lent me was interesting . 2-How the prisoners escaped is a complete mystery . 3-George said that he was pleased to welcome our Italian friends . 4-I shall do the exercises as I have been taught . 5-The news that we are having a holiday tomorrow is not true . 6-He asked me why I had come there . 7-As the car was so small he sold it . 8-He kept on with his work until he had finished it . 9-Stay where you are ! 10-The idea that you can do this work without thinking is quite wrong . 4-Complex , Compound , Compound-Complex : main clause + subordinate clause (s ) -> complex main clause + main clause -> compound main clause + main clause + subordinate clause -> compound-complex e .g : I am teaching you English and you are listening to me . The man said that he was tired . Do you understand that or is the point still not clear ? The boy who was attacked by the thieves closed the door and then he walked away . The thief ran away when he saw the policeman . They could not decide what to do so they asked for my advice . 3 WRITING I   Starting points I Identify phrases , clauses in the following sentences : 1-Suddenly the tornado hit the town , ripping roots away from houses , wrenching trees from the ground . 2-Anyone who likes rock music wants to hear it all day long . 3-Eventhough I enjoy pastoral beauty , bugs scare me and flowers make me sneeze . 4-We tried out our new speed boat when the see was calm . 5-An educated person is one who knows not only the extent of his knowledge but also its limits . 6-It is difficult to estimate the impact of televised violence upon young children . 7-Many parents are under the impression that education is to be got only in school . 8-Before election , it is every politician’s opinion that taxes must be cut. 9-The police were annoyed by the jeers of the crowd . 10-She became interested in social work through her summer job in a camp for underprivileged children . II Underline the subordinating clause and denote its function : 1 -While I did well in class , I was a poor performer at games 2- A great storm had brought the sea right into the house , so that they had been forced to make their escape by a window at the back . 3- Where the pink cliffs rose out of the ground there were often narrow tracks winding upwards . 4- George said he was pleased to welcome our Italian friends . 5- You can have this for what I paid for it . 6-The news that we are having a holiday tomorrow is not true . 7-The news that he told me was terrible . 8- That it was done deliberately is quite clear. 9-I know the reason why he was so angry . 10-He is the kindest man I know . III Identify compound , complex , compound-complex sentences : 1-Teachers frown on the idea of cramming the night before an exam , but it’s better than flunking . 2-One of the major objections to capital punishment is not that it is ineffective as a deterrent to crime but that it is so inconsistently administered . 3-The argument for the legalisation of marijuana rests on the contention that the drug is not addictive . 4-The teacher told the class he was retiring that year , and there was a burst of applause . 5- Although Elvis Presley’s heyday seemed to be over , his popularity underwent a revival . 6-This summer I took a temporary job as a shop assistant in the dress department of a large store , and it was an experience I shall never forget . 7-The first customers of the morning were the ladies who had come up to town in order to spend the whole day at the shops . 4 WRITING I 97/99   Basic Sentence Faults Sentence Fragment ( FRAG ) Examples : a Soul music was gaining popularity . But many people still didn’t know what it was .  Soul music was gaining popularity , but many people still didn’t know what it was . b The President’s budget was the largest in history . Though he had promised to cut it  The President’s budget was the largest in history , though he had promised to cut it c The children were found in the street . The children were homeless .  The children who were found in the street were homeless . d I stayed at home . I was very tired .  I stayed at home because I was very tired ( Because I was tired , I stayed at home ) Defragment the following sentences : 1.The Soviet delegate walked out of the meeting .Which was his way of avoiding the issue . 2.Look in the closet .Or look under the bed . 3.We left the party early .We were tired . 4.A man should never wear his best suit . When he goes out to fight for freedom and truth . 5.The bread was old and stale . Martha ate it anyway . 6.Violence is becoming a tool of political dissent . Chiefly because non-violence can so easily be ignored by the country as a whole . 7.Many doctors refuse to prescribe birth control pills . Some women have had serious side effects after using the pills . 8. The Beatles decided to stop giving concerts . Just as they were at the peak of their fame . 9.I couldn’t repair my bicycle . I didn’t have the right tools . 10.Paul brings the money for our lunch . We will go right down to the cafeteria . 11.Some English words have the same pronunciation . They are spelt differently , for example , deer and dear . 12.The two candidates have identical platforms . The only difference is their party . 13.The cortege at President Kennedy’s funeral was a long one .Rich and poor , young and old , all marching side by side . 14.Many young people are considering social work as a career . Not for the money , but for the sense of satisfaction it provides . 15. He asked a lot of questions and generally managed to annoy everybody . His questions were none of his business . 5 16. The millionaire made a public appeal . The millionaire’s son ran away from home a week a go . 17.He leaped through the window with a crash . Because there was no other way of escaping the fire . 18.The two candidates have identical platforms . The only difference is their party . 19.Her father died . She was very young . 20.England had a hot climate , The attitude would be different . 21.I didn’t know that she had been married . She seldom talked about herself . 22.I used to love listening to her . I could only understand about half of what she said . 23. The car was quite old . It was in excellent condition . 24.I shall do the exercises . I have been taught . 25.The class ended . The teacher heaved a deep sigh of relief . 6 WRITING I 97/99   Basic Sentence Faults Comma Splice , Run together and Faulty agreement Examples : 1.Revise comma splices and run-together sentences ( by using a co-ordinating conjunction , using semicolon , separating into two sentences , changing one of the main clauses into subordinating ) Comma Splice :She disliked school , she studied everyday . She disliked school but she studied everyday . She disliked school ; however , she studied everyday . She disliked school . She studied everyday . Although she disliked school , she studied everyday . Run-together : I did well in class I was a poor performer at games . I did well in class but I was a poor performer at games . Although I did well in class , I was a poor performer at games . I did well in class ; however , I was a poor performer at games He wanted a job in fact he needed a job very badly . He wanted a job ; in fact , he needed a job very badly . Practice : Revise the following sentences ( indicate the mistake before you revise ) 1. The boy closed the door he walked away . 2. It was foggy , we decided to stay at home . 3. Some students question whether literature is relevant to them , they should really be asking whether they are relevant to literature . 4. The children had finished their lessons , they went home . 5. The students were trapped in a cave one of them has already been brought out . 6. It is impossible to experiment with psychedelic drugs cautiously , true caution would preclude their use entirely . 7. The pollution of air and water goes on many alarmed scientists warn that it threatens the survival of people . 8. Any of these problems can be solved by ordinary intelligence and hard work , none of them are too difficult for that . 9. Most of Hemingway’s novels have similar subjects , love and war are two of the most frequent . 10. An addict needs more and more heroin he needs it all time . 11. The U.K . and Red China were technically allies however they have been quite a few problems lately. 12. The captain allowed the crew of the captured ship to return home he kept the ship . 13. Old Thrussel died , his widow came to me and said that he wished to be burred in the churchyard . 14. I didn’t know she had been married , she seldom talked about herself . 15. A great storm had brought the sea right into the house they had been forced to make their escape by a window at the back . 16. I used to read a lot I don’t get much time for books now . 17. To every child adult approval means love , disapproval means hate . 18. The test was difficult , he couldn’t pass it . 19. They had a flat tire on the way to the airport they arrived on time . 7 20. The spider is an insect , it spins a web . 2. Faulty Agreement : Examples : Subject – Verb agreement : The first two chapters of the book were exciting . with , as well as , accompanied by , together with Peter , as well as his classmates , never thinks about that . none , neither , any , nor , or None but a fool squanders his time . None but fools squander his time . Either you or she has to come . and ( Sheila is my friend and she is also my teacher and she is always happy ) My friend and teacher is always happy . There are only a chair and a table left to auction . relative He is the only one of the councilmen who is opposed to the plan . He is one of the best players that have come from Texas . Pronoun : anyone , everyone , each ,etc . -> his or her , he or she Every student should finish his or her own assignment . In the following sentences , correct every error of agreement in accordance with formal style, some of them are correct : 1. The horse thief , with his two accompanies , have been arrested . 2. Neither the farmer nor the chickens was aware of the swooping hawk . 3. As a result , there is confusion , trouble , and uncertainty . 4. The committee are unable to agree on a plan of action . 5. The farmer , and not the city dweller , feel downhearted when agriculture prices fall . 6. Thirty dollars is more than a poor family can afford for a pair of shoes . 7. The crux of the urban problem are overcrowding and unemployment . 8. The administrator told the milling , showing crowd he would not put up with these sort of tactics. 9. The Democratic Party lost several of their congressional seats in the last election . 10. After thirty , one loses both the rebelliousness and the inventiveness of their early years . 11. None of the students in the biology class could read their own slides . 12. If world peace is to be assured , either the Eastern bloc or the Western bloc must alter their position . 13. Neither the instructor nor the students has finished his work . 14. No teen-ager appreciates their parents’ sacrifices for them until later in life . 15. The citizens’ group submitted their report to the mayor . 16. The President with his cabinet members are touring South America . 17. Ignorance is one of the major problems that afflict the society . 18. The DACT is the only one of the groups that are trying to better conditions for experienced workers. 19. I always give each of my students the attention they need . 20. Many people enjoy reading about the Netherlands and their people . 8 WRITING I 97/99   Basic Sentence Faults Faulty Reference of Pronouns 1.Two possible antecedents for a pronoun : Jack told Carl that he was ungrateful Jack said to Car: “ You are ungrateful” When or president met with their premier , he felt a new chapter in history had begun . Our president felt a new chapter in history had begun when he met with their premier . 2. Antecedent is remote from the pronoun : The school belongs to the community .Students and parents should work closely with faculty and administrators in developing programs of instruction and recreation . It could be the meeting place for community activities . The school … . The school could be the meeting place for community activities . 3.Indefinite use of THEY , YOU , IT . In less industrialised areas , they do not understand the problems of the city . In less industrialised areas , the problems of the city are not understood . 4.Vague use of THIS , THAT , WHICH The field-and-track events were poorly supported , which frustrated many students . That the field-and-track events were poorly supported frustrated many students . Many students were frustrated by the fact that the field-and-track events were poorly supported . 5.Implied noun : Because we put the wire fence around the chicken yard , they cannot escape . Because we put the wire fence around the chicken yard , the chickens cannot escape . 1. After Mrs. Henry scolded little Sylvia , she regretted her rudeness . 2. Joan told her friend that she should take speech lessons . 3. He dropped the record on the phonograph arm and broke it . 4. Sidney gave his brother a copy of Catcher in the Rye , which was one of his favourite books . 5. When Kathy visited her mother she was very angry . 6. The birds sang in the forest where undergrowth was thick , and a brook wound slowly in the valley . They were of many colours . 7. She argued that yoga exercises is a mean of achieving relaxation , and that artists , writers , and even office workers find it necessary . 8. He and his opponent made promises to the people of the nation to argument and revitalise the various poverty programs . But they were soon forgotten after the election . 9. People should always vote on election day . This is an indication of their desire to have good government . 10. The profit from the investment would be large , which I realised almost immediately . 11. The government pays farmers not to grow crops . This is not helping to solve the problem of hunger among poor people . 12. There is a part on the far side of the museum , which is open to the public . 13. She was self-conscious about her money .But this didn’t bother her real friends . 14. Tom brother’s an engineer , and this is the profession Tom wants to study . 15. There is a police station near the church , and we called them when we saw broken windows in the basement . 16. We plucked off the feathers before we roasted them. 9 17. Because Lucy had never worked with a potter’s wheel , she supposed it was easy . 18. Whenever Shirley meets Rose , she seems annoyed . For Quick Revision and Further Practice : Try to make these sentences more effective 1. In every generation , you find a generation gap . 2. She is a meticulous housekeeper because she learned it when she was a child . 3. The delegates arrived in twos and threes for the emergency session at the UN . Interested spectators were also streaming in . They stopped only to pose for the press photographers at the entrance . 4. Marilyn told Susan that she should have never married Jim . 5. The American people have elected a number of inadequate presidents , but Congress as kept them from running the country . 6. Nations which share a water source are always on the blink of war . This adds much to international tension . 7. Take the baby out of the bath water and throw it away . 8. Nuclear weapons are employed in a world war , the world will be destroyed . 9. There is a good many reasons for the tensions between Arabs and Israelis. 10. If a physician or a lawyer came to this town , they would make a good living . 11. One can find a great deal of information on world religions if they go to the library . 12. Greenland is a large island few people live there . 10 WRITING ONE   Basic Sentence Faults Faulty Reference of Pronouns , Shift and Misplaced Parts A Faulty Reference Of Pronouns : 1. There are two antecedents ( nouns ) for only one pronoun. 2. The antecedent is too far from the pronoun . 3. The antecedent is implied 4. Unclear use of THIS , THAT , WHICH 5. Unclear use of THEY , YOU , IT B Shift : 1. Shift of the subject or the voice ( different subjects ) e. g :After we heard the lecture , questions were asked . -> After we heard the lecture , we asked questions . 2. Shift of person or number e .g : When one is feeling tired , a candy bar will give you some quick energy -> : When one ( you are ) is feeling tired , a candy bar will give him or her ( you) … 3. Shift of tense or mood . e .g : You should learn about the issues , and then vote …-> You should learn about the issues , and then you should vote …. C Misplaced Parts 1.Misposition of an adverb : He almost seemed amused > He seemed almost amused 2.Misposition of a phrase : She met with a hat a woman -> She met a woman with a hat 3.Misposition of a clause : She borrowed an egg from a neighbour that was rotten -> She borrowed an egg that was rotten from a neighbour Identify the faults and revise them : 1. Jack said to Carl that he was ungrateful . 2. He dropped the tape on the video recorder and broke it . 3. Clair told Susan that when she got home she would phone to thank her mother . 4. The professor have carefully explained the work to Richard and his friend , but he still doesn’t understand it . 5. Has Peter talked with Jim about what he owes him .had been at his birthday party last Saturday night . 6. She argued that yoga exercise is a mean of achieving relaxation , and that artists , writers , and even office workers find it necessary . 7. Henry would have seen John if he had been at his birthday party last Saturday night . 8. The delegates arrived in twos and threes for the emergency session at the UN .Interested spectators were also streaming in . They stopped only to pose for the press photographers at the entrance . 9. The government pays farmers not to grow crops .This is not helping to solve the problem of hunger among poor people . 10.The meeting was to elect a new chairman , which members had been informed . 11 11.When a teenager begins to lecture to parents , it always makes them feel uncomfortable 12.Some of the roads were flooded , which made our journey more difficult . 13.She was much kinder to her young children than she was to other children , which made them jealous . 14.He took the shutters of the window frames and painted them . 15.After learning the lecture on underwater sound experiment , Mr. Brown had a great admiration for them . 16.In the peace agreement , it said that all American prisoners would be released. 17.It says almost nothing in the textbook about our real treatment of Chicanos and their minorities . 18.In some states you are not permitted to drive faster than fifty miles an hour . 19.First the surface should be carefully cleaned ; then put the glue on . 20.Mr. Jones put putty around all the window panes , and then the broken window sashes were repainted . 21.You should install a safety belt in your car because they help to save life . 22.I tried cigarette smoking but they made my throat sore . 23.When we smoked cigarettes , they don’t do me any good . 24.I almost read half the book . 25.The earthquake victims needed nurses to bandage their wounds badly . 26.Who is the woman who gave you the candy in the pink dress. 27.He tried to get to know girls with a new approach . 28.The instructor told his students when the class was over they could ask their questions . 29.The major nations of the world regularly decide to one day in the near future reduce their armaments . 30.You should , if you ever see a drunken driver , immediately contact the police . 31.The Soviets tried , although they did not succeed , to establish a missile base in Cuba . 32.At the convention I saw Mr. Ward , whom I had many years ago met in Chicago . WRITING I 97/99   Basic Sentence Faults 12 [...]... robber 11-She once heard a record of his , but she never sees him in person 12-When we reached the station , it is well after midnight 13-A crate of apples and oranges have been delivered to our doorsteps 14-The man and his assistant is pleased with the new office 15-A number of students fails every test 16-A parent should never allow themselves to neglect their children 17-If anyone has a question... hoard them 11 Having been pickled in formaldehyde for a week , the lab instructor distributed the frogs for dissection 24 12 At the age of ten , my grandfather died 13 Selecting Hype Park Corner as a starting place , our route goes along Knightsbridge 14 Learning English , the pronunciation always caused me most trouble 15 My bicycle tyre went flat while hurrying to the dentist 16 The prisoner only . WRITING I 98/99   Starting Steps 1- Basic elements of the sentence : Subject , Objects , Complements e. g : He is reading. the policeman . They could not decide what to do so they asked for my advice . 3 WRITING I   Starting points I Identify phrases , clauses in the following sentences : 1-Suddenly the tornado. station , it is well after midnight . 13-A crate of apples and oranges have been delivered to our doorsteps . 14-The man and his assistant is pleased with the new office . 15-A number of students fails

Ngày đăng: 08/08/2014, 06:21

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