Shortcut Keys Action F1 Display the Assistant Balloon or Turns on Assistant CTRL+P or CTRL+SHIFT+F12 Print ALT+F then press V Print Preview SHIFT+F11 or ALT+SHIFT+F1 Move to the next Sheet CTRL+PAGE UP Move to the previous sheet Arrow Keys Move one cell in that direction CTRL+arrow keys Move to the edge of the data region HOME Move to the beginning of the row CTRL+HOME Move to the beginning of the worksheet CTRL+END Move to the last cell on the worksheet (inside data region) PAGE DOWN Move down one screen PAGE UP Move up one screen ALT+PAGE DOWN Move one screen to the right ALT+PAGE UP Move one screen to the left. F5 Display the GO TO box. CTRL F or SHIFT+F5 Display the FIND box. SHIFT+F4 Repeat the last FIND action End+arrow key Move by one block of data within a row or column END+HOME Move to the last cell in the worksheet (inside data region) END+ENTER Move to the rightmost nonblank cells in the current row. CTRL+SPACEBAR Select the entire column SHIRT+SPACEBAR Select the entire row CTRL+A Select Entire Worksheet CTRL+SHIFT+* Select the entire PivotTable Report CTRL+SHIRT+O Select all cells that contain comments CTRL+[ Select all cells directly references by formulas in the selection CTRL+] Select cells that contain formulas that directly reference the active cell F8 Turn the Extend Mode on/off SHIFT+arrow key Extend the selection by one cell CTRL+SHIRT+arrow key Extend the selection to the last nonblank cell in the same column or row. SHIFT+HOME Extend the selection to the beginning of the row CTRL+SHIFT+HOME Extend the selection to the beginning of the worksheet CTRL+SHIFT+END Extend the selection to the last used cell on the worksheet ENTER Complete a cell entry and select the cell below. ALT+ENTER Start a new line in the same cell TAB Complete a cell entry and select the next cell to the right. SHIFT+TAB Complete a cell entry and select the previous cell to the left. ESC Cancel a cell entry Arrow Key (within cell entry) Move one character up, down, left, right CTRL+D Fill Down CTRL+R Fill Right CTRL+K Insert a Hyperlink CTRL+; Enter the Date CTRL+SHIFT+: Enter the time CTRL+Z Undo your last action = Start a formula CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER Enter a formula as an array formula SHIFT+F3 In a formula, display the Insert Function ALT+= Insert an autosum formula CTRL+’ Alternate between displaying cell values and displaying formulas F9 Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks SHIFT+F9 Calculate the active worksheet F7 Spellcheck SHIFT+F2 Edit a cell comment CTRL+C Copy the selected cells CTRL+X Cut the Selected Cells CTRL+V Paste Copied Cells DELETE Clear the contents of the selected cells CTRL+1 Display the Format Cells dialog box CTRL+SHIFT+~ Apply the General Number format CTRL+SHIFT+$ Apply the Currency format with 2 decimal places CTRL+SHIFT+% Apply the Percentage format CTRL+SHIFT+^ Apply the Exponential number format CTRL+SHIFT+# Apply the Date format CTRL+SHIFT+@ Apply the time format CTRL+SHIFT+! Apply the Number format with 2 decimal places CTRL+B Apply Bold formatting CTRL+I Apply Italic formatting CTRL+U Apply Underline formatting CTRL+5 Apply strikethrough formatting CTRL+9 Hide selected rows CTRL+SHIFT+( Unhide any hidden rows with selection CTRL+9 Hide selected columns CTRL+SHIFT+( Unhide any hidden columns with selection ALT+down arrow Displays the auto-filter list in the current column . Shortcut Keys Action F1 Display the Assistant Balloon or Turns on Assistant CTRL+P or CTRL+SHIFT+F12. ALT+SHIFT+F1 Move to the next Sheet CTRL+PAGE UP Move to the previous sheet Arrow Keys Move one cell in that direction CTRL+arrow keys Move to the edge of the data region HOME Move to the beginning of the