Both personality and character play a large role in social interactions as well as how interesting other people find us.. IL.5 THE SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF PERSONALITY Huynh Thi Lé Quyén
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II.1.4 Perniciousness /pa:ni[asnis/ : tính cách độc hại hoặc gây hại cho người khác 7
IIL1.5 Whimsicality (n) : tính cách kỳ quặc, khó đoán và thay đổi thường xuyên 7
TH, TỐ 2200201120110 111011011 11111 1111111111111 11111111 11x x15 111111 H111 11111 11111 111110111110 111 t2 7
IIL1.8 Alexithymia /a,'0a1.mi.s/: mắt khả năng diễn đạt cảm xúc - 2 s22: 7 IIL.1.9 Peripheral traits /pa'riffa)ral treT/ (n) : những đặc điểm ngoại vi s- s25: 7 IIL1.10 Anxiety đisorder /œn'za1.a.{i d1,s2:r.d2/:rối loạn lo âu 2-52 22c 212222226 7
1L2.1 Honesty 1s the best poliey ( English proverb) c1 HH 1H 21111112112 Heu 7 1L2.2 Have a heart of gold ( Vietnamese proverb) ‹ c1 1111111112111011 H11 H1 ge, 7 IL2.3 A leopard cannot change !ts spots (English proverb) ¿c2 1 2 121192, 8 IL.2.4 Beauty is only skin deep: (US proverb) ccc eee eetectecteteetseteneeteeteeeneneenenes 8 IL2.5 Being different is a revolving door in your life where secure people enter and insecure 40 4194134011080x9)⁄240) NHhHHdaaaddaiiẳaiáiiảảả., 8 IL.2.7 “Handsome is as handsome does” ( Vietnamese prover) - c eteteenenes 8 IL.2.8 “Good wine needs no bush”: (English proverb) cc cccceeeeeteeetenteeeteeteneees 8 112.9 Down to Earth ( Vietnamese pfOVerb) ác ch nn nh HH H101 HH HH1 ch 8
Trang 3IL.3 IDIOMS 8 IL3.1 Cool as a cucumber ( English 1điom) c1 22112112121 1111112111111111 1011011111 xe, 8
IL3.3 Tough cookle ( Vietnamese 1dIo1) - - 1n 1 1 12111111111111111 11110110011 HH tre, 8
IL3.4 Build castles in the air (French 1diomm) c2: 2111121111111 1511111112111 1011011101 111k, 8
IS ;00)151)(01:114i10)(8(-i13)01)00:1000ï)ŸNVHaaddiiaiiiÝÃÝ 9
IL3.7 To be a big fish in a small pond (English 1diom) c2 112111 1113111112112151 E2 x2 9
IL3.8 A pamm m the neck: (English 1diom) - - c1 12111111121 111111111 1111101111 11 111 Hệ, 9 1L3.9 Down to carth: (English 1dioim) ác c1 112121111111 10111111 1111110101 11 H1 H1 t1 HH kg 9
IL4.1 Introduction to personality and cÏliaraC€r c1 1S H111 1101101101111 1111 eg 10
1I.4.1.1 Delmtion of PersonalIty 2 c1 2112112111211 11211181111 111111111 11110111111 8x xe 10
II P0080 ố 1 IIL4 1.4 Example of Character tra1(§ - c1 12111112111 111111 0111110101 11 111111 11 1111 cH ch 11
IL4.2 The difference between personality and charact€ : c1 2.12 112 1211181 rờ 12
Trang 41L4.3.2.2 Personality Development Across CuÌfUr€ ‹- cv vn HH HH 16
I5 THE SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OE PERSONALIT Y cscseSSSssesees 17 IL5.1 Understanding soeial construetton 0Ÿ persortaÏ1fy ác HS 28112 17 1L5.2 Constructing personality from the tĨhree pefsp€CfIV€S - (nhe 17 IL5.4 Impaet of some factors on DersonnaÌTfY - c cc ncnnn 11H 111111111111111211 1H tk 18
1I5.4.4 Effeets of social construction Of persO1iaÏ1fW ác tt 2H12 01121211 reu 21
IiIEhliu0ne i09 8n A 22
IL5.6 Comparing Vietnam, Japan and Á1n€TICa - c1 116112121 11111110111 11 11111 1H cá 23 1L5.7 The social representation of persortaÌIV - ‹‹- c1 1111111111111 01111001 H1 He 23
IL.5.7.1 Understanding the mmearng c2 221111111111 111111111 111111 11111 1111111111 re, 23
IL.5.7.2 Cultural differences in social representation of personality ccc cccccccccse2 23 II.5.7.3 The ứimpact of social representation on personality development 24
1L6.1 Behaviour IdentIffcatIoH - L0 11 110111111 1111111111121111 11 1111k HH HH HH 25 Iinn?9 ion 25 Benefit of behavior 1derrtIficatIoH - - c1 1n 119101 11111111111101 11H He, 25 Factors influencing beliavIor ¿- ¿c1 St 111111 11111111111111101 1110111111 1101111 vu 26
Trang 51L. Biological factors ccc cccceceteeeteeeeenensetecteeeeteetestecteestecteetententeeens 26 1I. Physical ÍactOrs L1 0 201121121 12111211011101 1110111110111 011 111g ng 1xx Hở 27
1L6.1.3.3 Environmental Ía€tOFS c2 1111911 1111111111110 1111110111111 H1 HH g 27 1L6.1.3.4 Situational ÍaCfOFS cá c nnn S11 1211110111111 11H H11 H111 1111111 tru 27
1L. Nonverbal behavior na 28 1L6.1.4.4 Antisoetal behavIOr ác n1 1112111111111 11110101 1111101 11111111111 1H ch 29
1I.6.2.3 Iypes of Act Cat€eØOT1ZAtIOH ác LH HH0 011111111111 111111101 1 tráu 30
1L6.3 Personality AttrTbutIon 2:1 2112112111211 1121112111 112111111 1151011110 H11 Hà hay 32
IS VAN Du-o P00 32 1L. co 0000 5 32 1L6.3.2.3 Stable AttrIbutio1 ác 1111112111111 11110110101 11111 1111 11H11 H1 11111 1u 32 1L6.3.2.4 Unstable Attribution - c1 121221111111 11111111011 HH HH HH 33
Trang 61I.6.3.4 Blas and errors 1n Personality AttrTbution - ¿22c 2:1 2111222112111 121 125122 34
1L6.3.4.1 Fundamental attrIbutIon €TTOT c1 c1 1111111111 111111111111 0111 111811 34 Internal vs ao na Ở4đg7:ẰăẦBĂBĂBĂHĂẨ)} 37 Stable vs unstable ố.ố ẽ 38
IL7.1.1.3 Global vs Specific ccc cccccceceteteentettenctecteeeiectcieneeneeneetsesteetiesteeneneen 39
IL7.1.1.4 Controllable vs Uncontrollable c1 c1 111111111111 111111 11 112g HH Hy 40 IL.7.1.2 Other aspects of trait attrIDUf1OH ác 1211211111111 1011111010111 11111 11 11H 1 HH Hà 41 Intentional vs unintentional Ố A 41 TL7.1.2.2 0c co ad”) 41
IV I2 ii on no Ộ5c 43 W0 (0y cggaaadđddaadaỎ ốÝ.Ả 44 1I.7.2.3 Personal biases and exp€cfatIOfIS Là LH HT H10 01111101 111111111111 He, 44
Trang 71L7.3 Differences of trait attribution 11 some COUIItFI€S c2 1111211 11 1111011811181 45 IL7.4 Applications of trait attribution( Huyền Trang) 5s 2222211212122 re 47
IL7.4 Implications of trait attrIDUftIOH - L 11 111101 11111111111 111111111111 1111 11H kg 48
Trang 8Learning cross-cultural communication is that it enables effective interaction, understanding, and
collaboration among people from diverse cultural backgrounds In our increasingly globalized world, where individuals from different cultures interact regularly in various settings such as
business, education, and social environments, cross-cultural communication skills have become essential
=> Overall, understanding and practicing cross-cultural communication is essential in today's interconnected world to build meaningful relationships, increase cultural awareness, and promote effective communication across diverse cultures
IL1 Definitions IL1.1 Stereotype /'ster.1.a.taTp/ (n) :lặp lại như đúc, rập khuôn; công thức hóa IL1.2 Social butterly /'seØ.ƒal 'bAt.a.fla1/ (n): người thích giao lưu, hoạt bát IL.1.3 Resourceful /rT'sD:1.sfal/ (adj): dam dang, thao vat
II.1.4 Perniciousness /pa:'niJasnis/ : tính cách độc hại hoặc gây hại cho người khác
IL.1.5 Whimsicality (n) : tính cách kỳ quặc, khó đoán và thay đối thường xuyên
II.1.7 Personality đisorder(n): rối loạn nhân cách II.1.8 Alexifiymia /a,'0a1.mi.a/: mất kha nang diễn đạt cảm xúc II.1.9 Peripheral traits /pa rif{a)ral treTt/ (n) : những đặc điểm ngoại vi
IL.1.10 Anxiety disorder /aen'zal.o.ti đ1,s2:r.đ2⁄:rôi loạn lo âu II.2 Proverbs
II.2.1 Honesty is the best policy ( English proverb)
IL.2.4 Beauty is only skin deep: (US proverb)
Tam dịch : Nhan sắc chỉ là vé bề ngoai
IL2.5 Being different is a revolving door in your life where secure people enter and insecure exit (English proverb):
Tam dịch : Trở nên khác biệt là cách để thoát khỏi vỏ bọc an toàn
1L2.6 One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself (English proverb):
Trang 9Tam dịch : Điều hối tiếc nhất trong cuộc sống là trở thành phiên bản người khác mong
muốn, thay vì là chính minh
1L2.7 “Handsome is as handsome does” ( Vietnamese proverb) Tạm dịch : Tốt gỗ hơn tốt nước sơn
IL2.8 “Good wine needs no bush”: (English proverb) Tam dịch : Hữu xạ tự nhiên hương H2.9 Down to Earth ( Vietnamese proverb)
Tạm dịch : Người rất có ý thức và rất khiêm tốn
II.3 Idioms 11.3.1 Cool as a cucumber ( English idiom)
11.3.2 Eager beaver ( American idiom) Tạm dịch : Người rất chăm chỉ và nhiệt huyết 11.3.3 Tough cookie (Vietnamese idiom)
Tam dịch : Người có ý chí kiên định, kiên cường JI.3.4 Build castles in the air (French idiom)
Tạm dịch : Làm hoặc mơ ước những điều viễn vông, không thực tế 11.3.5 Break the mold: (british idiom)
Tạm dịch : Mới mẻ và khác biệt, phá vỡ khuôn mẫu 1I.3.6 Rough diamond (english idiom)
Tạm dịch : Người thô kệch nhưng trung thực và tốt bụng
1I.3.7 To be a big fish ín a small pond (English 1diom)
Tạm dịch : Người có kiến thức, có hiểu biết sâu rộng
1.3.7 A pain in the neck: (English idiom)
Tam dich : Đô phiên phức
11.3.8 Down to earth: (English idiom)
11.3.9 Dead loss: (English idiom) Tạm dịch : Kẻ vô tích sự, vô dụng, làm những điều vô ích 1I.3.10 A mover and shaker: (English 1diom)
Tạm dịch : Những người có quyền uy, có sức ánh hưởng
II.4 Personality versus character ( Mai Thi Sa )
The distinction between personality versus character is subtle but nevertheless entails important psychological considerations and functions Personality is a static set of scaleable traits that
determine how an individual interacts with the world, whereas character traits relate to how an
individual behaves during those interactions based on their own moral compass and ethical code Personality is a static label that exists on a sliding scale, and movement along this scale manifests through changing character traits It is thus possible to roughly predict character traits from an individual’s measured personality traits That said, it is important to remember that personality and character share a correlative, rather than causal relationship To wit, the dominance of one character trait over another relies on more than a simple personality typing Character traits are learned through socio-environmental experiences that accumulate over time
Trang 10Both personality and character play a large role in social interactions as well as how interesting other people find us Of course, there are no traits for either personality or character that are
strictly required or beneficial for a healthy social life Nevertheless,different traits have different
strengths depending on the circumstances and conditions at the time The depth of interrelations between personality and character makes understanding each even more important from a psychological aspect Below, we compare and contrast the elements of personality versus character, discussing their impacts on social interaction, growth, and development
IL4.1 Introduction to personality and character IL4.1.1 Definition of Personality
The definition of personality is a grouping of traits that an individual consistently demonstrates in response to various external stimuli Defining instances include recognizable patterns based on emotional and behavioral responses, along with internal dialogue known only to the individual Two core elements impact personality Firstly, genetics play a pivotal role in personality formation and development Genetic factors include brain structure, neurotransmitter functionality, and hormone sensitivity levels, all impacting personality and how it develops Secondly, epigenetic factorsinfluence personality growth and development Crucial environmental impacts such as cultural influences, parenting styles and techniques, societal factors, and even birth order within your family have a determining impact on personality development
Personality is a foundational construct of psychology and, as such, is a central focus point in psychological study Understanding an individual’s personality provides insight into how they
interact with the world and how they are likely to react to various stress factors Studying the
different personalities and understanding the nuances between them allows psychologists to predict how people will respond to future events, therefore offering a myriad of insights into a person’s rationale
IL4 1.2 Example of personality traits The Five-Factor model of personality (also known as the Big Five) identifies five distinct aspects of personality Each aspect is represented as an independent scale upon which positive and negative development occurs The scale of personality development on the Five-Factor model is known as OCEAN Below are the five aspects of personality development
* Openness: The openness aspect of personality development is a measured scale of receptiveness Individuals with a high degree of openness are considered more open-
minded and liberal, while those on the lower end of the spectrum are more traditional
® Conscientiousness: The conscientiousness aspect of personality development measures discipline and dependability High conscientiousness personalities are reliable and can be
trusted to do what they have promised, while a low level of conscientiousness sees an
increase in spontaneity and a decreased attention span ® Extraversion: The extraversion aspect of personality development is a measurement of
social energy People with high levels of extroversion are energized by social interaction, while those with lower extroversion — introversion — are more withdrawn during social interactions and find themselves energized by spending time alone
® Agreeableness: The agreeableness aspect of personality development is a scalable measure of compassion High agreeableness personalities are highly empathetic and
Trang 11malleable to the need for group harmony Individuals with low levels of agreeableness are more inwardly focused on personal gains with less regard for group success
® Neuroticism: The neuroticism aspect of personality development is a measure of emotional stability High neuroticism personalities are more susceptible to emotional fatigue and social anxieties While those with low neuroticism are emotionally resilient Each of the measurable aspects of personality development is a spectrum, and an individual’s position on each of them varies based on a number of internal and external factors Successful personality development is not about increasing all aspects to a high level but rather finding a healthy balance between the positive and negative aspects of each
I1.4.1.3 Definition of Character The definition of character is the manner in which a person consistently reacts mentally and
morally to the world around them Character is a measure of consistency and integrity that allows one’s peers to expect certain reactions and decisions from them Moreover, character is the collection of different ethical and moral virtues predominantly determined from interactions with external sources
Three key elements aid in character formation and development Firstly, family life is a driving influencer of character How an individual is raised sets a firm framework around which their virtues are built Secondly, spiritual beliefs teach us a range of beliefs that impact character formation The presence or lack of religion and spiritual belief shapes an individual’s virtue system by providing a morality ruleset by which people are expected to live their lives Finally, cultural diversity breeds character depth By engaging with and learning about different cultures, individuals are able to gain fresh perspectives on life and the various stressors that it brings
Character introduces the concept of morality into psychology, providing a subtly different set of
variables that work besides personality in order to create a well-rounded and clearly defined
picture of an individual IL4 1.4 Example of Character Traits
® Persistence: A characteristic of a successful person is persistence “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all.” Persistence is the choice to continue doing something, despite obstacles and challenges
¢ Courage: The brave character trait allows one to have or show mental or moral strength or perseverance when facing danger, fear, difficulty or discomfort One may also refer to the display of this character trait as having or showing courage
¢ Honesty is a positive social character trait where you tell the truth and show integrity ¢ Authenticity: Authenticity 1s a character trait that makes a person more interesting
because authentic people do not feel the need to change themselves for anybody ® Creativity: Creativity is an interesting character trait as creative people bring a fresh take
to any situation, leading to interesting discussions and outcomes ¢ Passion: Passion is a character trait that makes people more interesting because of the
level of excitement and dedication that an individual brings to the table Passion is particularly interesting when it relates to a new or unusual subject
Trang 12¢ Integrity: Integrity is a character trait that many find interesting because integrity means
standing up for what you believe in, which often leads to interesting discussions, debates,
and scenarios
conversations on subjects that take unexpected turns There is no one single character trait that makes a person interesting Everybody’s personality comprises a combination of personality and character-driven traits What makes a person interesting is how their combined traits converge to impact how they think and react to the world at large
IL4.2 The difference between personality and character
The difference between personality and character is a matter of behavior Personality and
character are interlinked but non-dependant on one another Personality is a concept based upon a collection of specific traits that set a framework within which growth can occur However, personality development and growth happen within the boundaries of a specific personality type Character is the display of values and morals learned over time based on exposure to different life stresses
The table below creates a comparison of the difference between personality and character
Personality is represented differently | Character is represented in the morals and based on the typology model.An virtues an individual uses to respond to individual’s personality is represented life trauma An individual’s character is a Representation in how they interact with the world term used to assign an expected range of
moral beliefs and associated responses Personality traits are a grouping of Character traits are an ethical code that Trai raits scaled measures that describe an oes ; indicates the underlying motivations for see >
individual’s thought and behavior an individual’s choices and responses patterns
Personality is a collection of related © Character is the term for an individual’s What is it? traits that form the framework for how expected moral response to life events
: individuals respond to the world The nature of personality is a scaled set The nature of character is a set of learned of qualities an individual is born with morals that evolve and change due to life that develop over time due to life experiences
Trang 13Personality Character Expression Individuals express their personalities Individuals express their character
by approaching different situations through their decisions in different based on their natural proclivities situations
Personality is a foundational part of an Character changes based on exposure to individual’s identity Personalities do the larger world Character is a study of Change p not change but allow for growth within morality and, as such, changes in xã ;
its type definition response to new experiences
The validation of personality in society A person’s character is validated in
Validation of is seen through the social acceptance of society by demonstrating a consistent society someone based on their natural moral base, allowing for an anticipated
The significance of personality isin The significance of character is how it - how it provides a framework for sets an ethical benchmark for reactions to
likely to approach situations personal moral system
11.4.3 Exploring the differences IL4.3.1 Personality and character Development and its Importance
- What is personality development? Personality development is a familiar term to everyone Every person has something special in them, they are good at special skills Personality development means grooming one’s personality It is not about changing personality, it is about polishing and refining an individual’s personality Personality development is the enhancement of some definite life skills that are essential for the success of one’s life We all possess certain traits that set us apart from other people That is, we are all unique and have some brilliance in us We need to develop those uniqueness and good traits That is simply what personality development is So personality development is the process of developing a set of individual traits within a person that contribute to the overall personality of a person
By personality development one identifies themselves They are aware of their strengths and weaknesses Personality development methods help a person to utilize their strength wisely and correctly and overcome or decrease their weaknesses Personality development is a process that
Trang 14adopts different ways to improve one’s personality It is a time taking process that helps persons identify themselves and improve certain characteristics
Personality development is the process of making one life better by igniting the skills within them That is doing things in the right way We all do things every day, but doing things correctly and in the right way is important It may be the case of breathing, talking, walking, dressing, hairstyle, body language, responding to situations, being happy, being satisfied, etc
Personality development is done by different methods, one of such is increasing the confidence level This can also be done by developing certain skills like communication, public speaking and presentation skills, etc Improving and widening the knowledge base of a person improves his / her personality
- Personality Development and its Importance A great overall personality is very important in the life of an individual Everyone is influenced by an attractive personality Whether it is an interview for a job or having a conversation within
your friend circle, there are certain traits and characteristics that you must possess to make your
mark and have an impressive conversation Without influencing others you can’t get success in today’s competitive world It is difficult to achieve a job without influencing the interviewers with your personal as well as professional skills, also if you are business you need to influence your clients and make them believe in you Therefore the importance of personality development has risen very much These days every good public school is careful about the personality development of its students
A few years ago the concept of personality development was not very common and parents rarely gave any importance to the personality development of their children In fact, personality was just confined to having a good look and wearing good clothes Emphasis was given only on physical appearance and expertise in work-related skills Earlier no one paid much attention to develop interpersonal skills The interview also at those time were concentrated much towards the work efficiency of the person and not much importance was given to the personality But now the time has changed It is an age of competition and economic revolution Although opportunities for progress are everywhere yet a student has to work very hard to climb the stairs of a brilliant career The person having a good personality can move through the difficulties with more confidence However, the importance of personality development includes:
¢ Gives Confidence: A great personality tends to give a boost to your confidence When you know you are appropriately attired and groomed, this makes you less anxious when meeting a person Knowing the right things to say and how to conduct yourself will increase your
confidence If you are in full confidence and well in command of the situation then it becomes really easy for you to give out your best performance Confidence out of your personality gives you a boost that leads to a situation of easiness for you and you are able to control all your anxiety and fears and perform fearlessly Also, your confidence enables you
to have a hassle free conversation or if you are going to give a speech it is very important for you to be confident to engage your listeners
¢ Improves Communication Skills: A lot of emphases is given to improving communication skills during personality development Possessing good communication skills is very important both for personal and professional life People are more receptive to what you say
if they are impressed with your personality Verbal communication skills are also part of
personality development; improving your speech will strengthen the impact of your message
Trang 15Also along with your speaking and language skills, a lot of emphases is laid on improving
pronunciation and vocabulary At the same time, effective communication also includes being
a good listener Helps to develop Positive Attitude: Positive attitude is really important for one to progress in life A person with a positive attitude always looks at the brighter side and is always on a developmental path An individual with a negative attitude finds a problem in every situation Rather than cribbing and criticizing people around, analyze the whole situation and try to find an appropriate solution for the same Remember, if there is a problem, there has to be a solution as well Never lose your cool It would make the situation worse Developing a positive attitude even in a hopeless situation is the part of personality developmental program
Makes you Credible: It is very important to have a proper dressing sense and picking up right dress for you Despite the saying that you don’t judge a book by its cover, people do tend to judge people by their clothing and how it is worn Also, your dress plays a great deal of role in your overall looks and your confidence as well This does not mean buying expensive clothes will do the whole job You need to be very careful while picking up clothes for yourself We all know people who look shabby in expensive clothes There are also people
who look great even if their attire is inexpensive Because of this, you must know what to
wear and you must be aware of other aspects of enhancing your physical features Improving Personality: Competition is increasing day by day and there is no less of talented individuals possessing high academic results and willing to work hard to achieve their goals
You cannot win by talent and hard work alone these days apart from these two there is a
strong need of good personality too Personality development is a crucial ingredient for
success that you must obtain to be successful in your life Most of the people you see as
models of great personality have taken a lot of effort in developing their natural features Personality development helps you develop an impressive personality and makes you stand apart from the rest As discussed earlier personality development also plays an essential role in improving one’s communication skills and focus to be a good listener as well Individuals ought to master the art of expressing their thoughts and feelings in the most desired way through personality development Personality development makes you a confident individual who is appreciated and respected wherever he goes However few tips to improve personality include:
Gain Knowledge: As the saying goes, knowledge is power It is very true that knowledge is power, and is very important in today’s competitive world Nobody is impressed with a person who doesn't have the knowledge about his work as well as surroundings and doesn’t even know what is happening around the world These days if you are not informed, then you are considered to be a fool whom no wise man or woman would like to
befriend or follow Therefore, it becomes necessary for an individual to enrich their general
knowledge, and to master the field in which they are working It is very important to keep
yourself updated with the knowledge of events around the world, you can enhance your
knowledge by reading a newspaper, watch informative programmes on television, news- channels, reading books and magazines and being part of active conversations within your friend circles
A Healthy Body: An important part of personality is your appearance and your physical health It is very important to maintain a good physical health for a good personality as well
as for a healthy life A body burdened with a disease may get pity for others but it is very
Trang 16difficult for that person to maintain an attractive personality It is very important to work out regularly and maintain a healthy physique A healthy and smart look is absolutely essential to create an impact And if you work on it you can easily attain it Take exercise regularly, play games or go for a morning walk whatever suits your body and psychology Eat a balanced diet with fresh fruits and vegetables
¢ Dress Smartly: As told earlier, physical appearance plays an important role in your personality A smartly dressed person is admired everywhere It is not always that only expensive clothes are the best You should pay a great deal of attention while choosing the right clothing for you ones that suits your physique and you are comfortable in wearing also By observing successful people in any field, you will come to the conclusion that most of the successful people in almost every field have a keen taste for good dresses At the same time it
is also important that you should not try to copy someone else, instead, make a style statement of your own and choose the clothing that you feel comfortable with Good dresses also prove a stimulus for the wearer, the person feels more confident and relaxed
¢ Speaking Style: To have an engaging conversation, it is very important that you maintain a good speaking style and expressions as well Most of the successful persons maintain a unique style of speaking They speak clearly and forcefully Be careful that you have a good command of the language you speak Don't make grammatical mistakes else you may become a laughing stock If necessary take training from a good teacher Give extra care to your pronunciation Speaking power is an essential trait of any good person Give others also a chance to speak
- Importance of Character Development Developing your unique character will bulwark your heart and originality As a result, character development will help you to be true yourself all the time, make you comfortable with your own
skin, and give you confidence in who you truly are, and shape your own thinking and
conscience That is why character development is highly important in a person
Cultivate Your Own Uniqueness Is the Key to build a good character That’s why you need to
develop your original character and cultivate your own uniqueness to bulwark your dream, confidence, determination, and courage Developing your original character and cultivating your
own uniqueness are a daily job Therefore, you must improve yourself every single day to
sharpen your own thinking and moral conscience And most importantly, you ought to rely on
your conscience entirely Conscience is your compass, and though the needle sometimes
deviates, though you often perceive irregularities when directing your course by it, you must still
try to follow its direction
Having a little faith in yourself is vital to have success in this life Without having faith in your own capabilities, you will be doomed eventually Without having faith in your own capabilities and character, you will forever see the life through other people’s eyes, instead of seeing it through your eyes Without having faith in your own character, you will never embark on the journey of making your dream come true Without having faith in your character and abilities, you can be easily manipulated by other people Without having faith in your capabilities, you cannot fight for your beliefs and opinions Without having faith in your capabilities, you cannot defend and protect your character and originality from outside influences, and so on and so forth Hence, having faith in your own capabilities is crucial to developing your original character
Trang 17To effectively serve your community, you must first be committed to serve your family, your
fellow officers, and your agency Character provides a basis for this Investing time and energy into the development of positive character qualities will enable you and your fellow officers to correctly respond to life situations and establish successful relationships in both your professional and personal lives Achievement in life is always birthed from effort and discipline The same is true of character Basing your focus on character and developing character in the life of your organization will require diligence, vision, commitment and creativity on your part But the reward of seeing lives change, families draw closer together, and success replace failure more
than compensates for any amount of effort If you care about your agency, fellow officers, community, and family, you can do no less
¢ Improves the Workplace Most workplace problems stem from a violation of one or more characterbased principles Generally, they can be traced to a lack of specific character qualities such as alertness,
attentiveness, self-control, kindness, forgiveness, and truthfulness Yet most job-related training
programs are competency-based, not character-based So, many agency leaders are looking for a new, but proven, approach to improving the character of their organizations Applying character- based principles in a strategic fashion allows you as a leader to address the daily challenges that are character related Organizations and government agencies currently implementing character initiatives are experiencing up to a 90% decrease in employee turnover, absenteeism, workers’ compensation costs and work-related injuries Citizens are reporting improved satisfaction, excellence of service and a renewed confidence Officers and employees are demonstrating increased loyalty, enthusiasm, creativity, productivity, personal responsibility, and willingness to serve And, when you think about it, it makes sense By focusing on qualities such as
attentiveness, alertness, obedience, responsibility, and respect, the incidence of work-related
injuries, theft, false reports, and sexual harassment should go down And they do! ¢ Building Character
Building character is not like building a machine or a product It is not a task you complete in a day, a week, or a year Building character takes a lifetime Changing one's character requires little more than hard work and commitment Just as a mountain is constantly being reshaped by weather patterns, your character is reshaped by the choices you make and the principles by which you choose to live New characteristics are developed by deliberately changing your old patterns of thought and behavior By casting a new vision for your organization that clearly defines the performance of duties, establish guidelines for the exercise of discretion and furnish a blueprint for the future
Character determines performance When you demonstrate the character qualities essential for
success, you will be successful period It’s called cause and effect Improved efficiency,
enhanced effectiveness, higher morale and greater accomplishments will flow from internalized standards of attitude and behavior
¢ Builds Relationships Positive character qualities enhance teamwork on the job, strengthen harmony in the family and build trust into relationships These trust-based relationships are cornerstones for your success in
Trang 18fighting crime and restoring peace in your neighborhoods Negative attitudes, on the other hand,
break down relationships resulting in tensions from anger, disrespect, disloyalty, dishonesty and
lack of initiative These adverse dispositions have a direct impact on your effectiveness, your professionalism, your reputation and your ability to accomplish the police mission
IL4.3.2 Different nationalities have different personalities “Each country may have its own unique traits, behaviours, and attitudes — but they rarely match the national stereotypes When psychologists have given the same personality test to hundreds or thousands of people from different nations, they have indeed found that the average scores tend
to come out differently across cultures In other words, the average personality in one country
often really is different from the average personality in another.” IL4.3.2.1 Impact of culture on personality
Both genetic and environmental factors can have an impact on an individual's personality Cultural factors are among the most significant environmental factors Norms and behavioral expectations are found in all cultures, and these cultural standards might guide determining which aspects of a person's personality are deemed relevant The scholar Gordon Allport believed that culture was a significant factor in determining personality traits He classified common qualities as those that are acknowledged within a community Different societies place
different importance on different things, and their ideas, values, and needs can all differ What is considered a favorable attribute in one culture may be considered a bad one in another, which
results in diverse manifestations of personality across cultures Cultural expectations can decide positive and negative qualities
Most influential culture-and-personality theorists held that socialization practices directly
influenced the patterns of people's personalities If the socialization process is successful, it will
shape a person's feelings, ideas, actions, and cultural values and conventions This will enable the
individual to integrate into the surrounding human community and to perform useful roles within
that society In studying culture and personality, researchers looked at how various socialization
modes led to distinct personality types IL4.3.2.2 Personality Development Across Culture There is a plethora of evidence to suggest that the degree of personality traits differs among cultures Two significant factors contributed to the complexity of culture's function in forming our personalities First is the extent to which a person is integrated into their culture and the degree to which their culture is integrated into them It is unusual for someone to be completely integrated or completely disintegrated from their culture Culture offers a framework for individual variance, yet there is always a constant base for understanding a person in their culture
A second factor that should not be overlooked is that cultural phenomena do not occur in
isolation Gender, ethnicity, religion, etc., are just a few cultural factors that influence one's
development Therefore, an individual's personality development varies extremely, given the multiple factors and their levels of integration
The impact of culture on personality can be vividly seen if we contrast individualist cultures with collectivist civilizations People who live in communities that promote individualism are more prone to believe that independence, competition, and personal achievement are crucial On the other hand, people who live in collectivist cultures tend to prioritize social peace, respect for
Trang 19others, and the community's needs more than the needs of the individual These values have a
diverse but significant impact on personality For instance, researchers discovered that people who grew up in individualist cultures exhibited more personally-oriented personality traits, whereas people who grew up in collectivist cultures exhibited more socially-oriented personality traits
The concept of the social construction of personality suggests that personality traits and characteristics are not inherent or fixed, but rather they are shaped and influenced by social and cultural factors This perspective argues that individuals develop their personalities through interactions with others and the social environment in which they live
I.5.1 Understanding social construction of personality
Helping us to understand why personalities that are considered typical and valued in one culture might not be valued in another culture By recognizing the ways in which social construction shapes our understanding of personality, we can begin to challenge these perceptions and explore alternative ways of thinking about personality
Social constructionism is a theoretical framework that emphasizes the role of social interactions, language, and cultural norms in shaping our understanding of reality It suggests that our knowledge and perceptions of the world are not objective or universal, but rather they are socially constructed through shared meanings and interpretations
The social constructivist approach is principally concerned with explicating the processes by which people come to describe, explain, or otherwise account for the world This approach has been influential in sociology for some time, and is now having an impact on social psychology By emphasizing that personality is the product of a person’s behavior and the manner in which
that behavior is construed by others and by the self, this book may be said to be adopting a social
constructivist approach to personality II.5.2 Constructing personality from the three perspectives The constructivist view of the personality involves the combination of all three perspectives presented in this book From the constructivist view, personality is seen as the combination of three equally important components: the actor, the observer, and the self-observer These three components map onto the three perspectives (personality theorist, lay, and self, respectively)
+ The actor component refers to the characteristics the person brings to the social situation in which personality is constructed These include all the genetic factors that may influence the kinds of behaviors of which the person is capable or predisposed to perform, as well as the past history and present goals The personality theorist’s perspective is primarily concerned with the
study of the actor
Trang 20However, the personality theorist’s perspective has neglected the contributions of the observer and self-observer By adopting the same approach to personality traits as psychologists have used for studying other psychological properties (such as intelligence), personality theorists have failed to take account of the essentially social nature of personality It is misguided to assume that an associally constructed form of personality description, such as a trait, can be fully understood by examining the actor alone
+ The observer component refers to the way the actor is perceived by other people The actor’s behavior is used by observers to construct an impression of the actor’s personality This is done by adding social significance and meaning to the raw behavior As a result of a shared language of personality description, we possess categories for behavior and for people (e.g ‘friendly’, ‘a jerk’) When used, these categories do more than tell us about directly observable information: they also add inferred meaning
+ The self-observer component is the direct consequence of the human capacity for self- awareness We can observe ourselves in the same way that we can observe other people, and we can see ourselves as we think other people see us Consequently, we can infer the social significance of our actions and appreciate the personality impression we are making upon others We build theories about ourselves in the same way that we build theories about other people
II.5.3 Personality as a social construction
According to the social constructionist perspective, personality is not something that exists independently within individuals, but rather it emerges through social interactions and is influenced by cultural and societal norms Our understanding of personality traits and characteristics is shaped by the meanings and interpretations assigned to them by society
For example, certain traits may be valued or desirable in one culture but not in another The social construction of personality suggests that these cultural values and norms shape our understanding of what constitutes a "good" or "bad" personality
Personality is a complex and multifaceted concept that has been studied by many disciplines, including psychology, sociology, and philosophy According to social constructionism, personality is not an inherent trait of an individual but rather a socially constructed concept that emerges from the interactions between people Social constructionism is a theory of knowledge that examines how individuals develop their understanding of the world through social interactions It suggests that our perceptions of personality are not just figments of our collective
imagination but are shaped by social norms, cultural values, and historical contexts
In other words, personality is not something that we are born with but rather something that we acquire through our interactions with others Our personalities are shaped by the social roles we play, the expectations that others have of us, and the cultural norms that we internalize Therefore, personality is not a fixed or immutable trait but rather a dynamic and ever-changing
construct that is influenced by various social factors
Trang 21I1.5.4 Impact of some factors on personality
I1.5.4.1 Individual or personal factors
The individual factors are those factors inherent in a person Some of them are not changeable or cannot develop The individual factors include:
a) Heredity Heredity is something that passes from generation to generation You may possess some skills your father or your mother have It is transferred to you as an inborn character from your parents Traits, skills that is passed to you from your parents in the form of genetic transfer can determine
your personality
b) Physique
You may be a short person, you may be a tall person, like that each people have different
physical appearances Physique of a person affects his personality That is biological makeup or body type of a person is a factor that determine personality of that person
c) Biological Factors Difference in biological factors like gender, hormone level, functioning of endocrine glands like thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary gland, adrenal gland, gonads etc will affect personality of a person, This determines how an individual behaves in certain situations These biological factors enable a person to mold the social environment according to his requirements
d) Nervous System Central nervous system which includes brain and the spinal cord has a fundamental and important role in determining behavior of a person The brain and the spinal cord play an important role in a person’s reaction and adjustments to a situation Thus, growth and functioning of nervous system affects personality of a person
e) Intelligence Persons with different intelligence behaves or adjust differently in social environments surrounding them They are different in dealing with society, have different habits, etc Thus, it is considered as a factor that determine personality of a person
IL5.4.2 Environmental or Social Factors
Trang 22Environment has its own impact on the development of an individual’s personality Social factors or environmental factors are those factors which surrounds a person Some social factors affect the personality of a person are as follows:
a) Family First and the foremost important factor that influence personality development of a person is family A child spends more time with his family so, home atmosphere influences personality development of a child Parent’s behavior and attitude, their expectations from the child, their education and attention to the child, all make an influence in child’s personality development The type of experiences received from family in early childhood will play an important role in the development of personality Economic and social conditions of the family will also influence child’s personality development
b) School Next social factor that affect child’s personal development is school School atmosphere and discipline affects personality development of a child Teacher’s personality and character, peer
students’ attitude and character, all influences child’s personality development
c) Maturation Maturation is the process of learning to cope and react in an emotionally appropriate way Social surroundings around them helps to understand how to react to various situation It is part of growth, but not always happen with aging or physical growth Maturation improves the coordination of numerous relationships and thus in personality development of a person
d) Early Experience Development of brain and personality has a clear influence with the early experience of a person Good experience and interaction from surrounding can help child to develop positive attitude, while bitter experience can affect negatively So, creating positive experience at the early stage is important for personality development
e) Success and Failures Success and failures are part of life and it is only how we perceive it That is, it depends on where we fix our frame of reference in life When it comes to personality development, it can consider as a factor as it has the power to motivate and demotivate a person
f) Cultural
Cultural traditions, environment and values in a society can influence personality of a person This can contribute greatly to the development of believes, and moral values in a person Along with that culture can also influence the way people behave and develop social interaction
Trang 23g) Geography Many studies show that geography plays an important role in personality development of a
person Place of birth and living influences people’s lifestyle and the way they live Thus,
determines their behavior and reactions to various situations
IL5.4.3 Cultural factors
There are several cultural factors that can affect personality, including religion, race, gender, and
age Religion, for instance, can influence an individual’s basic traits and social movements Race
and gender can also shape personality by influencing the way people are represented psychologically Age is another factor that can affect personality development
a) Religion: is one of the most significant cultural factors that can influence personality
development It can shape an individual’s values, beliefs, and behaviors
b) Race and ethnicity are also important cultural factors that can impact personality development For example, people from different racial and ethnic backgrounds may have different values and beliefs that shape their personalities
c) Gender is another cultural factor that can influence personality development Men and women may have different social roles and expectations that shape their personalities differently d) Age is another cultural factor that can impact personality development People from different age groups may have different experiences and expectations that shape their personalities Cultural factors can significantly impact the social construction of personality Understanding these factors is essential for understanding how personality develops in different cultures
e) Cultural environment influences- our personality because every culture has a set of ethical and
moral values, beliefs, and norms that considerably shape our behavior and thought Cross- cultural studies have pointed out the importance of the cultural environment in shaping our personality Individuals of certain cultures are more generous, open-hearted, and warm whereas
individuals of some other cultures are suspicious, introverted, and self-centered
An average American is more achievement-oriented as compared to an average Indian Similarly, it has also been found that certain cultural communities are more prone to the development of certain abnormal behaviors as compared to others, probably due to the influence of geographical, dietary, hormonal, or genetic influences within that community
IL5.4.4 Effects of social construction of personality
a) Influence on social policies:
The theory contends that social constructions influence the policy agenda and the selection of policy tools, as well as the rationales that legitimate policy choices Constructions become
Trang 24embedded in policy as messages that are absorbed by citizens and affect their orientations and participation The theory is important because it helps explain why some groups are advantaged more than others independently of traditional notions of political power and how policy designs reinforce or alter such advantages
In politics, the social construction of target populations is an important, albeit overlooked, political phenomenon that should take its place in the study of public policy by political scientists An understanding of the social constructions of target populations augments conventional hypotheses about the dynamics of policy change, the determination of beneficiaries and losers, the reasons for differing levels and types of participation among target groups, and
the role of policy in democracy b) Influence on self-concept:
Selfconcept is the image we have of ourselves It is influenced by many forces, including our interaction with important people in our lives It is how we perceive our behaviors, abilities, and unique characteristics The social construction of personality is one of the factors that influence self-concept Personality is a social construct that is shaped by cultural and social factors The
way we perceive ourselves is influenced by the way others perceive us, and this perception is shaped by cultural and social factors For example, in some cultures, being assertive and independent is considered a desirable trait, while in others, it may be seen as aggressive or
selfish Therefore, the way we perceive ourselves is influenced by the cultural and social norms
of the society we live in
The concept of self is a complex and multifaceted one, and it is shaped by various factors, including social construction Social constructionism is a theory that posits that the self is not an innate or fixed entity but rather a product of social interactions and cultural norms According to this theory, the self is constructed through language, symbols, and shared meanings that are
created and reinforced by society
The influence of social construction on self-concept can be seen in various ways For example, social norms and expectations can shape how individuals view themselves and their place in
society Socialization agents such as family, peers, media, and institutions can also play a role in
shaping selfconcept Moreover, social comparison theory suggests that individuals evaluate themselves based on how they compare to others in their social group This comparison can lead to either positive or negative self-evaluations depending on the outcome of the comparison
In conclusion, social construction plays a significant role in shaping self-concept It highlights the importance of understanding the social context in which individuals develop their sense of self By recognizing the influence of construction on self-concept, we can gain a better understanding of how individuals perceive themselves and others
c) Formation of stereotypes:
Trang 25Social categorization is the process of grouping individuals into social categories based on their shared characteristics Stereotyping is a cognitive process that involves generalizing attributes to a group of people based on their membership in a social category The social construction of personality can influence stereotypes in several ways For example, people may stereotype
individuals based on their personality traits, such as introversion or extroversion, and assume that
these traits are characteristic of the entire group to which the individual belongs Additionally, people may use personality traits to justify their stereotypes of certain groups For instance, if someone believes that a particular group is lazy, they may use the personality trait of laziness to justify their stereotype
Research has shown that stereotypes can be altered by changing the social context in which they are formed For example, when people are exposed to counter-stereotypical information about a group, they are more likely to revise their stereotypes Furthermore, when people are encouraged to think about individuals as unique individuals rather than as members of a group, they are less likely to rely on stereotypes
However, stereotypes can be altered by changing the social context and by encouraging people to think about individuals as unique individuals rather than as members of a group
IL5.5 Implications and Criticisms The social constructionist perspective on personality has important implications for how we understand and study personality It suggests that personality is not fixed or predetermined, but rather it is malleable and subject to change based on social and cultural influences
Critics of the social constructionist perspective argue that it overlooks the role of individual differences and biological factors in shaping personality They argue that while social and cultural factors may influence personality, there are also inherent and stable aspects of
personality that are not solely socially constructed
IL5.6 Comparing Vietnam, Japan and America + Vietnam: The social construction of personality is shaped by cultural and historical factors
such as Confucianism, Buddhism and colonialism
+ Japan: The social construction of personality places a strong emphasis on group harmony, respect for authority, and social hierarchy
+ America: The social construction of personality is often characterized by individualism, innovation, and self-expression
IL.5.7 The social representation of personality
Trang 26Playing a significant role in shaping individual's perceptions, judgements, and behaviors They act as lenses through with individual view and interpret others, influencing their expectations,
acttitudes, and reactions towards different personality traits IL5.7.1 Understanding the meaning
Social representation theory is a social psychological approach that was developed by Serge Moscovici in 1961 It articulates individual thinking and feeling with collective interaction and communication Social representations are symbolic forms that come about through interpersonal
and media communication They are the ways individuals think, interact with others, and shape
social objects in their interaction with the local world Social cognitive theory of personality, on the other hand, posits that a person’s behavior and past traits are the greatest predictors of their future behavior or traits in similar situations
IL5.7.2 Cultural differences in social representation of personality Cultural differences can have a significant impact on social representations of personality Since culture pervades every aspect of our lives, the number of cultural factors that we might examine in the study of personality is quite large
For instance, religion, race, gender, and age are some of the major cultural factors that have been
the subject of significant research in the field of psychology Religion, for example, exerts a decisive influence upon all groups and systems of culture, from science and the fine arts to politics and economics
Moreover, different cultures may have different beliefs about what constitutes desirable
personality traits For example, some cultures may value collectivism and interdependence over individualism and independence This can lead to differences in how people perceive themselves and others
Social representations can also vary across cultures Reseach found that people from individualistic cultures tend to focus more on the individual person, whereas people from
collectivistic cultures tend to focus more on the situation
Cultural differences can play a significant role in shaping social representations of personality
They can influence our attitudes, beliefs, values, perception of reality, and social norms IL.5.7.3 The impact of social representation on personality development a) Influence on our behavior:
Social representations can affect our behavior in many ways For instance, they can influence our attitudes, beliefs, and values, which in turn can shape our behavior Social representations can
also influence our perception of reality and how we interpret events
Trang 27In addition, social representations can affect our behavior by influencing our social norms Social norms are unwritten rules that govern behavior in a particular society or group Social representations can shape these norms by influencing what is considered acceptable or unacceptable behavior
For example, a study conducted by Harvard Kennedy School found that media information
about new norms may persuade individuals to accept them In the social effect, the information creates common knowledge of a norm and enhances social coordination as individuals more readily accept the information if they believe others have also accepted it
Social representations can have a profound impact on our behavior and perception of reality Positive representation can help increase self-esteem and reduce stereotypes, while negative representation can lead to negative self-esteem and reinforce stereotypes Cultural differences also play a significant role in shaping social representations of personality
b) Shaping self-concept Social representation refers to the shared beliefs, values, and practices that exist within a
particular social group or society Self-concept, on the other hand, is the image we have of ourselves and our behaviors The self-concept is influenced by many forces, including our interaction with important people in our lives, our personality traits, physical characteristics,
abilities, values, goals, and roles Research has shown that social representations can have a
significant impact on the development of self-concept For example, people who belong to stigmatized groups may internalize negative stereotypes about their group and develop a negative self-concept as a result On the other hand, people who belong to groups that are highly valued by society may develop a positive self-concept as a result of their membership in that group Social representations can have a powerful influence on the development of self-concept It is important to be aware of these influences and to work towards developing a positive self-concept
that is not overly influenced by negative social representations
c) Effecting social interaction:
Social representation theory is a body of theory within social psychology and sociological social
psychology that explains how people develop shared meanings and practices Social interactions, on the other hand, are essential aspects of social relationships2 The Six Components of Social
Interactions are Actor, Partner, Relation, Activities, Context, and Evaluation These components
provide information about the central topics and foci of people’s social lives While there is no direct relationship between social representation and social interaction, it is possible that social representations can influence social interactions For instance, media information about new norms may persuade individuals to accept them, creating common knowledge of a norm and enhancing social coordination as individuals more readily accept the information if they believe others have also accepted it
d)Influecning social expectations
Trang 28Social expectations are the unwritten rules that govern behavior in a given social context Social representations can influence social expectations by shaping how people understand and interpret social norms and values For example, if a particular group is represented in the media as being violent or dangerous, this may lead to negative social expectations of that group
Research has shown that social expectations can have a powerful influence on behavior For instance, when people are exposed to positive stereotypes about their abilities, they tend to perform better on tasks related to those abilities Similarly, when people are exposed to negative stereotypes about their abilities, they tend to perform worse on those tasks
Social representations can shape social expectations by influencing how people understand and interpret social norms and values Social expectations can then have a powerful influence on behavior by shaping how people perceive themselves and others in different social contexts
The social psychology of personality is a field of study that explores the relationship between social factors and individual differences in personality The goal of social psychology of personality is to understand how social and individual factors interact to shape human behavior and experience
I1.6.1 Behaviour Identification
In social psychology, several factors are considered important, including: Behavior
identification, Act categorization, Personality attribution IL.6.1.1 Definition
Behavior identification is the process of recognizing and understanding the actions and reactions of individuals in different situations In social psychology, behavior identification is important because it helps us understand how people act in different situations and how their behavior may
be influenced by various factors IL.6.1.2 Benefit of behavior identification I1. Understanding human behavior
By identifying different types of behavior, we can gain a better understanding of human behavior in general This can help us to develop theories and models that explain why
people behave the way they do This can be useful in a variety of contexts, such as in
psychology, where understanding behavior is essential for developing effective treatments for mental health conditions
Trang 291I. Predicting behavior
Since we have identified particular types of behavior, we can use this information to predict how people are likely to behave in the future When you have observed behavior patterns, you can begin to identify triggers that may cause some behaviors For example, if someone becomes defensive when their work criticized, you can anticipate that they may become defensive in similar situations happen in the future It can be helpful in many contexts, such as healthcare, where predicting patient behavior can help doctors to provide more effective treatment
IL. Improving communication
Identifying different types of behavior involves understanding how different types of behaviors can impact communication and adjusting your communication style accordingly For example, if we realize someone is exhibiting aggressive behavior, we can modify our communication style to avoid escalating the situation You might try to remain calm If someone is being defensive, you might try to approach the conversation in a more empathetic and understanding way
IL6.1.2.4 Identifying potential risks and threats
By identifying certain behaviors that are associated with potential risks and threats, you can recognize early warning signs that something could be wrong You can take action to prevent them from getting worse For example, if someone is exhibiting aggressive or violent behavior, it may be an early warning sign that they could be a threat to others You can develop response plans that are suited to specific situations It can help to ensure that you are prepared to respond quickly and effectively if a potential threat arises
IL.6.1.3 Factors influencing behavior I1. Biological factors
¢ Genetics Our genes can influence our behavior by determining physical and mental characteristics For example, some people may have a genetic predisposition to certain mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety
¢ Brain Structure The prefrontal cortex: This part of the brain is responsible for decision-making, impulse control, and social behavior Damage to this area can lead to impulsive behavior, poor decision-making, and difficulty regulating emotions
The amygdala: This part of the brain is responsible for handling emotions, particularly fear and aggression Anxiety and mood disorders has been related to overactivity in the amygdala