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Giáo Án Global Success Lớp 5 Cả Năm Bản Chuẩn

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Tiêu đề Global Success
Chuyên ngành English
Thể loại Lesson Plan
Năm xuất bản 2024
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- Pupils point at Picturea, listen to the recording and repeat the word.Pupils follow the teacher’sinstructions with the other threepictures.. Point at Pictureaand have pupils listen and

ADJUSTMENTS(ifnecessary)Knowledgeandskills - listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which pupils ask andCompetences - Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete theRESOURCESANDMATERIALS

- Pupil’sbook:Page11-Audiotracks7,8-Teacher’sguide:Pages21,22,23- Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit1)-Computer,projector,…


- Pupils can listen to and understand

Listen to the teacher - Pupils continue playing the game.

- Pupils work in pairs and practise asking and answering the questions and say it with the right pronunciation and intonation Go around to observe and provide help.

-Invite some pairs of pupils to practise asking and answering questions in front of the class Praise them if they perform well.

- Repeat the game several times.

T asks ss to answer the following questions:

+ What have you learnt from the lesson today?

Learn by heart the lesson - Prepare the new lesson: twocommunicativec o n t e x t s i n w h i c h p u p i l s a s k and

- Pupils look at the pictures Pupils listen to the recording of the first exchange Pupils listen to the recordingagaintodothetask.Pupils answerquestionsaboutpersonalinformationandtick the correct pictures.

To engage students, present pictures and elicit character details (name, grade, residence) Introduce the concept of "grade." Play the initial dialogue recording for comprehension Repeat the recording for task completion Finally, play the recording once more for answer verification.

-Get pupils to swap books with their partner, then check answers as a class Write the correct answers on the board.

-Play the recording again for pupils to double-check their answers.

- Pupils can complete four gapped exchanges witht h e h e l p o f p i c t u r e c u e s

-Have pupils look at the pictures Get them toi d e n t i f y p e r s o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n o f t h e c h a r a c t e r i n e a c h picture.

-Askpupilstolookatthefourincompleteexchanges Draw their attention to the missing words in thesentences.

-Model Exchange 1 Have pupils look at the exchange Ask them what is missing in the answer (a place of living) Then have them look at the picture and identify the needed information (countryside).

Ask them to complete the gap (I live in thecountryside.) Follow the same procedure with

-Have pupils complete the exchanges individually

To facilitate independent practice, have students exchange books with partners and check their answers before verifying them as a group Encourage critical thinking by asking questions that prompt pupils to justify their answer choices For instance, regarding Exchange 1, inquire, "Why did you select 'village'?" Their reasoning could be, "I noticed elements of a village in the image, such as a modest dwelling with an expansive yard and a field located behind it."


- Pupils can sing the songAll about me!with the correct pronunciation, rhythm and melody.

-Draw pupils’ attention to the title and lyrics of the song Encourage them to point at the pictures to reinforce their understanding. listen to the recording a third time to check their answers.

- Pupils swap books with their partner, then check answers as aclass.

- Pupils listen to the recording again to double-check their answers.

- Pupilslookatthepicture,recallthe information about Peter and Wendy and say some sentences about them.

- Pupils look at the pictures and identify personal information of the character in each picture.

- Pupils look at the four incompleteexchanges.

- Pupils follow the teacher demonstratingtheExchange1.

- Pupils complete the exchanges individually.Pupilsswapbookswith a partner and check their answers before checking as a class.

- Pupilslistentotherecordingallthe way through and sing along.

-Play the recording all the way through Encourage pupils to listen carefully to the pronunciation and themelody.

To enhance student engagement and pronunciation, play the song recording line by line, encouraging them to listen and repeat after it Address any mispronunciations and introduce corresponding actions for them to perform while singing along with the recording.

-Play the recording all the way through for pupils to sing along.

-Putpupilsintogroupstomakeuptheirownactions forthesong.Invitegroupstothefrontoftheclassto perform, while the rest of the class sings and / or claps along Encourage the class to praise or cheer the performers.

- Pupils work in groups to make up theirownactionsforthesong.Pupils come to the front of the class to perform, while the rest of the class sings and / or claps along.

Playingroups - The pupils giving the correctanswerwillcontinuerollingthedi ce.

- understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing on asking and answering questions about someone’s favourite things.

- correctlys a y t h e w o r d s a n d u s eW h a t ’ s y o u r f a v o u r i t e ?- I t ’ s toa sk a n d a n sw e r q u e st i o n s a b o u t so m e o n e ’ s fa v o u r i t e t h i n g s.


- Criticalthinkingandcreativity:learnhowtoaskandanswerquestionsaboutsomeone’s favourite things correctly and fluently.

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learningtasks.

- Pupil’sbook:Page12-Audiotracks9,10-Teacher’sguide:Pages23,24,25,26 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit1)-Computer,projector,…

Activity1.Look,listenandrepeat.(Track9) - Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing on asking and answering questions about someone’s favourite things.

-Have pupils look at Picturesaandband identify the characters in the pictures (see Input).

-Ask pupils to look at Picturea Play the recording forthemtolisten.Playtherecordingagain,sentence by sentence, for pupils to listen and repeat.

-Repeat the same procedure with Pictureb Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

-Invite a few pairs to the front of the classroom tol i s t e n t o a n d r e p e a t t h e s e n t e n c e s i n t h e r e c o r d i n g

-Draw their attention to the questionWhat’s yourfavouritesport?andtheanswerIt’sbasketball.Tell pupils that they are used to asking and answering questions about someone’s favourite sport.

- Pupils can correctly say the words and useWhat’syour favourite? -

I t ’ s to ask and answer questions about someone’s favourite things.

-Have pupils look at the pictures and elicit then a m e s o f t h e t h i n g s i n t h e p i c t u r e s

-Have pupils point at Picturea, listen to the recording, and repeat the words (sport - tabletennis).

Repeat the same procedure with the other three pictures Have pupils repeat the words a few times.

-Point at the bubbles and have pupils listen and repeat after the recording (What’s your favouritesport? - It’s table tennis.) Draw pupils’ attention to the ping pong table and racquets Point at Pictureaand have pupils listen and repeat the sentences until they feel confident Follow the same procedure with Picturesb,candd.

- Pupils look at Pictureaand listen to the recording Pupils listen to the recording again, sentence by sentence, and repeat.

- Pupils follow the teacher’sinstructions.

- Pairs of pupils come to the front of the classroom to listen to and repeat the sentences in the recording.

- Pupilspayattentiontothequestion and the answer Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation.

Pupils look at the pictures and elicitt h e n a m e s o f t h e t h i n g s i n t h e p i c t u r e s P u p i l s r e p e a t t h e w o r d s a f e w t i m e s

-Have pupils work in pairs and practise asking and answeringthequestionWhat’syourfavourite? - It’s using speech bubbles and Pictures a, b, c and d.

-Inviteafewpairstopointatthepicturesandsay the questions & answers in front of the class.

- Pupils can useC a n y o u t e l l m e a b o u t y o u r s e l f ? - I’m in I live in andWhat’s your favourite

-Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures Have them say the actions of the characters in the pictures Ask questions to help pupils identify favourite things of the characters (see Input).

-Elicit the missing words in thes p e e c h b u b b l e s a n d w r i t e t h e m o n t h e b o a r d G e t p u p i l s t o s a y t h e c o m p l e t e d s e n t e n c e s

-Have pupils look at the bubbles to understand how thesentencepatternisused.Havepupilsrole-playto practise asking and answering questions about favourite things in pairs, using picture cues Make sure pupils understand the structures and say them with the right pronunciation and intonation Go around to observe and provide help.

Invitesomepupilstopractiseaskingandans wering questions in front of the class.

Praise them if they perform well.

- Pupils point at Picturea, listen to the recording and repeat the word Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with the other three pictures Pupils repeat the words a few times.

- Pupils listen and repeat after the recording.

Pupils listen to and repeat the sentences until they feel confident Pupilsfollowtheteacher’sinstructions with Picturesb,candd.

- Pupils work in pairs and practise asking and answering the question, usingspeechbubblesandPicturesa,b, c and d.

-Pairsofpupilspointatthepictures andsaytheQuestions&Answersin front of the class.

- Pupils work in pairs and practise asking and answering the question, usingspeechbubblesandPicturesa,b, c and d.

- Pairsofpupilspointatthepictures andsaytheQuestions&Answersin front of the cla

Date of planning: …/ /2024 Date of teaching:


2 Competences - Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learningtasks.

- Self-control&independentlearning:performlistening,readingandwritingtasks.

- Pupil’sbook:Page13- Audiotrack11-Teacher’sguide:Pages26,27,28 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit1)-Computer,projector,…

Warmup:(5minutes)Singasong 2.Presentation

Activity4.Listenandmatch.(Track11)(5minutes) a Objectives

- To listen to and understand three communicative contexts in which speakers ask and answer questions about favourite things and match the characters with the right pictures. b Content

- Pupils can listen to and understand three communicative contexts in which pupils ask and answer questions about someone’s favourite things and match the characters with the right pictures.

-Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures of the three characters and the favourite things (colour / animal / sport) Identify them as a class.

-Play the recording for Exchange 1 Ask pupils to listen and identify the correct picture (a, b or c) and drawalinetomatchthecharacter(Bill)tothecorrect favourite thing (Picture b) Play the recording again for pupils to do the task Play the recording a third time to give pupils another listening opportunity ifneeded.

-RepeatStep2forExchanges2and3.Goaroundthe classroom to offer support where necessary.

-Get pupils to swap books with a partner, then check answersasaclass.Writethecorrectanswersonthe

- Listen to the teacher’s explanation A pair of pupils from each group chooses a window, looks at the picture, then asks and answers questions about someone’s favourite things.

- Pupils look at the pictures of the three characters and the favouritethings. board.

-Play the recording for pupils to check their answersagain.

- To complete two target gapped exchanges with the help ofp i c t u r e c u e s b Content

- Pupils can complete two gapped exchanges with help of picture cues.

-Have pupils look at the pictures Ask them to identify the characters and their favourite things (animal / food) in the pictures.

-Model Exchange 1 Have pupils look at the exchange Ask them what is missing in the first gap (favourite animal) Then have them look at thea n i m a l i n t h e p i c t u r e a n d i d e n t i f y i t A s k t h e m t o c o m p l e t e t h e g a p ( I t ’ s a d o l p h i n ) R e p e a t t h e s a m e p r o c e d u r e w i t h t h e o t h e r g a p i n t h e e x c h a n g e

-Give pupils a time limit to complete gapped

Exchange 2 independently Go around the classroom and help where necessary.

-Get pupils to swap books with a partner and check their answers before checking as a class Ask questionstohave pupils explain whytheychosetheir answers For example, for the first gap in Exchange1, askWhy did you choose “a dolphin”? - I see adolphin in the picture.

- Pupils can revise the target vocabulary items and structures through the gameFind someone who…

-Tell pupils that they are going to playFind someonewho …using the language learnt in Lesson 2.

-Divide the class into four teams Give each team a task: e.g.Find someone who likes dolphins / tabletennis / pink / sandwiches.The members of eacht e a m s h o u l d w a l k a r o u n d t h e c l a s s r o o m , a s k t h e i r c l a s s m a t e s q u e s t i o n s e g What’s your favouriteanimal / colour / sport / food?to get information about their favourite things When they finds o m e o n e , t h e y w r i t e t h e n a m e i n t h e b l a n k p r o v i d e d

- Pupils listen to the recording and identify the correct picture and draw a line to match the character to the correct favourite thing.P u p i l s l i s t e n t o t h e r e c o r d i n g a g a i n t o d o t h e t a s k P u p i l s l i s t e n t o t h e r e c o r d i n g a t h i r d t i m e i f n e e d e d

- Pupils swap books with a partner, then check answers as a class.

- Pupils listen to the recording, sentencebysentence,andrepeat individually and in chorus.

- Pupils look at the pictures Pupils identify the characters and their favourite things in the pictures.

- Pupils follow the teacher demonstratingtheExchange1.

- Pupilsswapbookswithapartner and check their answers before checkingasaclass.Pupilsexplain why they chose their answers.

- Pupils listen to the teacher’s instructions.

- Pupils work in four teams Pupils find someone, and write the name in the blank provided.

- correctly pronounce the two-syllable words with the stress on the first syllable as

‘dolphinand ‘tennisin isolation and as in the sentencesI like ‘dolphins.andHe plays ‘tennison

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learningtasks.


- Pupil’sbook:Page14-Audiotracks12,13,14 - Teacher’sguide:Pages29,30.Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit1) - Computer,projector,…

- P u p i l s p o i n t t o t h e w o r d and sentence while listening.Pupilslistentothe

- Pupils can correctly pronounce the two-syllable words with the stress on the first syllable as‘ d o l p h i n and‘tennisin isolation, and in thes e n t e n c e sI like ‘dolphins.andHe plays ‘tennis onSundays.

-Draw pupils’ attention to the word‘dolphinand the sentenceI like dolphins.Play the recording and encourage them to point to the word and sentence while listening Explain to pupils what word stress is, in Vietnamese if necessary (word stress is the emphasis that you put on a syllable by saying itm o r e l o u d l y ) T e l l t h e m t h a t w e u s e t h e s t r e s s m a r k ( ‘ ) t o i n d i c a t e w o r d s t r e s s

-Play the recording again and encourage pupils to listen and repeat Do this a few times until pupils feel confident Correct their pronunciation where necessary and praise them when their pronunciation is good.

-Let pupilsworkinpairs orgroupstosay the words

Foster language skills in students by introducing new vocabulary For example, facilitate the learning of "dolphin" and "tennis" by having students listen to recordings and repeat the words Encourage their efforts by offering praise for accurate pronunciation.

- Pupils can circle the words with the stress on thef i r s t s y l l a b l e

-Draw pupils’ attention to the three sets or two- syllable words Explain what pupils have to do.

-Tell pupils to look at three words in the first line, read them aloud and circle the word that has the stress on the first syllable Then play the recording for pupils to listen and check their answer.

-Tell pupils to swap books with a partner, thenc h e c k t h e a n s w e r s a s a c l a s s W r i t e t h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r s o n t h e b o a r d P l a y t h e r e c o r d i n g a g a i n f o r p u p i l s t o l i s t e n a n d c h e c k t h e i r a n s w e r s a g a i n

Extension:Invite one or two pupils to stand up, listentoandrepeatthewords.Foramoreableclass, have pupils find out two-syllable words with the stressonthefirstsyllable. teacher’sexplanation.

- Pupils listen to therecording again and repeat.

- Pupils work in pairs or groupstosaythewordsand read the sentences Pupils listen to the recording and say the language in front of the class.

- Pupils pay attention to the three sets or two-syllable words Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation.

- Pupils look at three words in the first line, read them aloud and circle the word that has the stress on thef i r s t s y l l a b l e T h e n p u p i l s l i s t e n t o t h e r e c o r d i n g a n d c h e c k t h e i r a n s w e r

- Pupils follow the teacher’sinstructions.

- Pupils swap books with a partner, then check the answers as a class Pupils listen to the recording again and check their answersagain.

- Pupils stand up, listen to andrepeatthewords.Pupils find out two-syllable words with the stress on the first

Activity3.Let’schant.(Track14)(8minutes) - Pupils can say the chant with the correct pronunciation, word stress and rhythm.

-Draw pupils’ attention to the lyrics of the chant.

-Play the recording all the way through Encourage pupils to listen carefully to the rhythm and pronunciation Draw pupils’ attention to two- syllable words with the stress on the first syllable in the chant, e.g.pandas,dolphins,tennisandfootball, and the sentences containing those words.

-Play the recording, line by line, for pupils to listen and repeat.Correcttheirpronunciation,ifnecessary.

-Play the recording all the way through for pupils to chant along.Encourage themtoclapwhilechanting.3.Consolidationa n d h o m e w o r k - Taskssstoanswerthefollowingquestions:

- Pupils pay attention to the lyrics of the chant.

- Pupils listen all the way through carefully to the rhythm and pronunciation.

Date of planning: …/ /2024 Date of teaching:

Lesson3-Period10 I OBJECTIVES Bytheendofthelesson,pupilswillbeableto:

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learningt a s k s - S e l f - c o n t r o l & i n d e p e n d e n t l e a r n i n g : p e r f o r m r e a d i n g a n d w r i t i n g t a s k s

- Pupil’sbook:Page15-AudioTrack14-Teacher’sguide:Pages 31,32 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit1)-Computer,projector,…

- Pupils can read the paragraphs and circle the correct answers

-Draw pupils’ attention to the two paragraphs and read them as a class Check comprehension.

-Draw pupils’ attention to the incomplete sentences and answer options Explain what pupils have to do.

Have them pay attention to the sentences about personal information of Tom and Lan Have pupils read the text again and circle the correct answers.

-Tell pupils to swap books with a partner, thenc h e c k a n s w e r s a s a c l a s s W r i t e t h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r s o n t h e b o a r d

-Get pupils to look at the board and check their answersagain.Iftimeallows,askthemtoreadthe paragraph aloud in front of the class.

-Tell pupils the goal of this activity: they are going to look at the gapped paragraph and complete it using their own information Check comprehension.

-Write the sentence with the first gap on the board:Myn a m e i s R e a dt h e s e n t e n c e a s a c l a s s W h e n y o u r e a c h t h e g a p , a s k p u p i l s t o i d e n t i f y t h e i n f o r m a t i o n n e e d e d t o c o m p l e t e t h e g a p ( t h e i r n a m e s ) a n d e n c o u r a g e p u p i l s t o s a y t h e w h o l e s e n t e n c e ( e g My name is Nam.) Give pupils timet o c o m p l e t e t h e s e n t e n c e R e a d t h e s e n t e n c e a s a class.

-If time allows, invite a few pupils to read the sentencestheyhavecompletedinfrontoftheclass Have the class observe and praise their work.

- Pupils can revise the target language by making posters about favourite things and presenting themt o

- Take turns listening to and repeating the chant, while the rest of the class claps or do the actions.

- Pupils pay attention to the two paragraphs and read them as a class.

- Pupils look at the incomplete sentences and answer options Pupils read the text again and circle the correct answers.

- Pupils swap books with a partner, then check answers as a class.

- Pupilslookattheboard and check their answersagain.

- Pupils listen to theteacher’s explanation.

- A few pupils read the sentences they have completedinfrontofthecla ss.

Tellp u p i l s t h e g o a l o f t h i s a c t i v i t y E x p l a i n that they are going to show posters that they have made at home and tell the class about their favouritethings.

-Have pupils work in groups of five Each pupil shows his / her poster that he / she has made ath o m e a n d t e l l s t h e g r o u p a b o u t t h e i r f a v o u r i t e t h i n g s , e.g.Myfavouritesportischess.M yfavouritefoodischicken.Goaroundtheclassandofferhel pif necessary (e.g when pupils need some more vocabulary to talk about favourite things).

-Invite some pupils to show their work and talk about their favourite things in front of the class

- Pupils work in groups of five Pupils show his / her posterthathe/shehasmade at home and tells the group about their favourite things.

- Pupils show their work and talk about their favouritethingsinfrontof theclass.Pupilssticktheir posters on the wall (or board) as a display.


- usethewordsbuilding,flat,house,towerandthenumbers23,38,93,and116in relation to the topic “Our homes”;

- correctlysaythewordsanduseDoyouliveinthis/that?–Yes,Ido./No,Idon’t.toask and answer questions about someone’s home;

- useDo you live in ? – Yes, / No, inafreercontext.

- Criticalthinkingandcreativity:learnhowtoaskandanswerquestionsaboutpersonal information correctly and fluently.

- Pupil’sbook:Page16 - Audiotracks15,16 - Teacher’sguide:Pages33,34,35 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit2) - Computer,projector,…

- Pupils can correctly say and spell somewords they have previously learned

- - Greet the class Ask pupils to look at thep i c t u r e s a n d g u e s s t h e w o r d s (street, road, village,city).

If students can correctly say and spell the word,t h e y g e t a l e t t e r A f t e r g u e s s i n g a l l o f t h e w o r d s , t h e y l o o k a t t h e l e t t e r s , u n s c r a m b l e t o f i n d o u t t h e k e y w o r d o f t h e l e s s o n

- Get pupils to open their books at page 16 and look atUnit 2, Lesson 1, Activity 1 Write the titleOurhomesontheboardandreaditfortheclasstorepeat a few times Tell pupils what they will learn in thislesson.

Activity1.Look,listenandrepeat.(Track15) (5 minutes) a.Objectives

-Tounderstandandcorrectlyrepeatthesentencesin two communicative contexts focusing on greetings, and asking and answering questions about someone’s home. b.Content

- Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentencesintwocommunicativecontextsfocusing

- Pupilslookatthepictures to find the word When pupilssayandandspellthe word correctly, they get a letter After guessing all of the words, they look at the letters, unscramble to find out the key word.

- PupilslookatPicturesaan dband identify the charactersinthepictures.

- Pupils look at Pictureaand identify what the charactersaretalkingabout.

- Pupilslistentothere cording. ongreetings,andaskingandansweringquestions about someone’s home.

-Ask pupils to look at Picturesaandb, identify the charactersandsaywhattheycanseeinthepictures.

-Have pupils look at Pictureaand say what the characters are talking about Pupils can use Vietnamesewherenecessary,thenrepeatinEnglish after the teacher.

-Playtherecordingandencouragepupilstopointat the characters while listening.

-Play the recording again, sentence by sentence, for pupils to listen and repeat individually and inc h o r u s Correcttheirpronunciationwherenecessary

Repeat the same procedure with Pictureb.

-Draw their attention to the questionDo you live inthis building?and the answersYes, I do I live inthatflat.Tellpupilsthatthequestionandanswer are used to ask and answer about someone’s home.

Extension:Invite a few pairs of pupils to stand up attheirplaces,listentoandrepeattheExchangesaandb.

Activity2.Listen,pointandsay.(Track6) (10 minutes) a Objectives

TocorrectlysaythewordsanduseDoyouliveinthis / that ? – Yes, I do / No, I don’t. toaskandanswerquestionsaboutsomeone’shome. b Content

- Pupils can correctly say the words and useDo youliveinthis/that? –Yes,Ido./No,Idon’t.toask and answer questions about someone’s home.

-HavepupilslookatPicturesa,b,candd,saywhat they can see in the pictures Point at each picture / word for pupils to look at and say the word and its meaning

Explain thattoweris another word referring to a tall building in this context.

-Play the first part of the recording for pupils to listen to and repeat the words under the pictures in chorus and individually until they feel confident

-Drawpupils’attentiontothespeechbubblesand elicitthemissingwordsintheanswerbypointingat Picturea Play the second part of the recording for

-Pupils listen to the recordingagain,sentenceby sentence, and repeat individually and in chorus

Pupils do the same with pictureb.

-Pupilspayattentiontothe question and the answer.

-Pairsofpupilsstandupor come to the front of the classroom to listen to and repeat the sentences in therecording.

-Pupilslookatthepictures and elicit the personal information of eachcharacter.

-Pupils point at Picturea, listen to the recording and repeat the word Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with the other threepictures.Pupilsrepeat the words a few times.

-Pupils listen and repeat after the recording Pupils look at Pictureaand listen and repeat after the recording.Pupilsfollowthe teacher’s instructions with the other three pictures. pupilstolistentoandrepeatthesentencesinboth bubbles a few times Repeat the same procedure with Picturesb,c, andd.

-Inviteafewpairstostandupandpointateach picture in their books to ask and answer thequestions.

- To useDo you live in this / that ?–

Yes,Ido./No, I don’t.in a freer context. b.Content

PupilscanuseDoyouliveinthis/that? – Yes,Ido / No, I don’t.in a freer context.

-Drawpupils’ attentionto thepicture Ask questions to revise the relevant words (see Input).

-Elicit pupils’ answers to the questions and write them on the board Get pupils to say the completedsentences.

-Put pupils into pairs to ask and answer questions about each home type in the illustration Go around the classroom to offer support where necessary.

-Invite a few pairs to the front of the classroom They can use the pictures in relation to this section to ask and answer questions about their homes.

- Pupilsworkinpairsto practise asking and answering the question, using speech bubbles

- Pupils look at the picture and identify the character’s information in the picture.

- Pupils look at the bubbles to understand how the sentence pattern is used.

- Pupilsrole-playtopractise asking the questions and giving their answers in pairs, using the picture cue.

- Pairsofpupilspractise asking and answering questions in front of theclass.

- listentoandunderstandfourcommunicativecontextsinwhichspeakersaskandanswer questions about their homes and number the pictures;

- Pupil’sbook:Page17-Audiotrack17-Teacher’sguide:Pages36,37 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit2)-Computer,projector,…

1.Warm up:(5 minutes) Sing a song2.Presentation- Pupils can correctly say the sentence structuresDo you live in this / that ? –

Yes,Ido./No,Idon’t.toaskandanswerquestions about someone’s homes.

Activity4.Listenandnumber.(Track17) (5 minutes) - Pupils can listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which speakers ask and answerquestionsabouttheirhomesandnumberthepictures.

-Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures and ask questions to elicit the home in the pictures, for example,Whatcanyouseeinthispicture?Isitahouse? Is it a tower?

-Playtherecordingallthewaythrough.Thenplayit again for pupils to listen and number the pictures.

-Get pupils to swap books with a partner and check theiranswersbeforecheckingasaclass.Correctthe answers where necessary.

- Pupils listen to the recordinganddothetask.

- Pupilsswapbookswith their partner, then check answers as a class.

Extension:If time allows, play the recording, sentencebysentence,forpupilstolistenandrepeat individually and in chorus Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

-Pupilscancompletefourgappedexchangeswith the help of picture cues.

-ModelExchange1asanexample.Havepupilsread the question and answer, and guess the missingw o r d i n t h e q u e s t i o n D r a w t h e i r a t t e n t i o n t o t h e p i c t u r e , a n d e x p l a i n t h a t p u p i l s s h o u l d p a y a t t e n t i o n t o t h e h a n d p o i n t i n g a t t h e h o u s e t o d e c i d e t h e m i s s i n g w o r d t o f i l l i n t h e g a p (this)

ForExchanges3and4, point at each picture in focus to elicit the wordsflatandbuilding.

-Give pupils time to do the task independently Go aroundtheclassroomtoofferhelpwherenecessary.

-Getpupilstoswapbookswithapartnertocheck their answers before checking as a class Invite apup

Activity6.Let’splay.(8minutes) -Draw pupils’ attention to the game input on the board Introduce and explain how to play the game:

The class is divided into groups A and B Each member in Group A and B writes a question to guess thehome type thathis/ her counterpart in the other group lives in Their work should be written on paper slips and handed to the teacher when the time limit isover.After that, theteacherinvites two groupsatrandomtointeractusingthequestionsandanswer s.

-Givepupilsatimelimitfortheclasstopreparefor the game and go around the class to offer help where necessary.

-When the time is over, nominate a pair from different groups to check their interaction Have the counterpart group stand up at their places, make the guesses,andencouragetherestofpupilstocheerup whenever the guess is correct.

- Learnbyheartthelesson-Preparethenewlesson: recording, sentence by sentence, and repeat individuallyandinchorus.

- Pupils follow the teacher demonstratingtheExchange1.

- Pupils swap books with a partner and check their answersbeforecheckingas a class.

- Pairs of pupils read the completedexchangesaloud.

- Pupilspayattentiontothe game input on the board.

- Pupilscheerupwhenever the guess is correct.

Lesson2-Period13 I OBJECTIVES Bytheendofthelesson,pupilswillbeableto:

- understandandcorrectlyrepeatthesentencesintwocommunicativecontextsfocusingon asking and answering questions about someone’s home and address;

- correctly say the words and useWhat’s your address?–It’s toaskandanswer questions about someone’s address;

- use What’s your address? – It’s t o askandanswerquestionsabout someone’s address;

- useDo you live in ? Yes, / No, andWhat’s your address? – It’s inafreercontext.

- Criticalthinkingandcreativity:learnhowtoaskandanswerquestionsaboutsomeone’s favourite things correctly and fluently.

- Pupil’sbook:Page18-Audiotracks18,19-Teacher’sguide:Pages38,39,40 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit2)-Computer,projector,…

Activity1.Look,listenandrepeat.(Track18) (5 minutes) - Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentencesintwocommunicativecontexts(pictures) focusing on asking and answering questions about someone’s home and address

-AskpupilstolookatPicturesaandbandidentify the characters and say what they are talking about.

-Askpupils to look at Picturea Play the recording forthemtolistenandfollowthelanguage.Playthe

- PupilslookatPicturesaan dband identify the characters in the pictures and what they are talkingabout.

- Pupils look at Pictureaa n d l i s t e n t o t h e r e c o r d i n g P u p i l slistentotherecording again, sentence by sentence, and repeat. recording again, sentence by sentence, for pupils to listenandrepeatindividuallyandinchorus.Correct their pronunciation where necessary Repeat the same procedure with Pictureb.

Extension:Draw pupils’ attention to the questionWhat’s your address?and the answerIt’s 45

BaTrieu Street.Explain how to use capital letters in addressesinEnglish,andhowtoreadthenumbers in addresses (45 → forty-five).

Activity2.Listen,pointandsay.(Track19) (10 minutes) - Pupils can say the words and useWhat’s youraddress? – It’s toaskandanswerquestions about someone’s address.

-AskpupilstolookatPicturesa,b,canddandsay what they can see in each picture.

-Playtherecordingforpupilstolistentoandrepeat thewordsin chorus andindividuallyuntilthey feel confident.Usetheflashcardstopractisesayingthe numbers 116 (one sixteen), 38 (thirty-eight), 93 (ninety-three), 23 (twenty-three) and the streetnames.

-Pupils canuseDo youlive in ? –Yes,/No,

-Ask pupils to look at the pictures and elicit the addresses.Askquestionstohelpthemidentifythe context (see Input).

-Point at the first building and elicit the question in the first speech bubbleDo you live in ?and the answer in the second speech bubbleYes, / No,

as an example Iftheanswer isNo, thenpoint atthe questionWhat’s your address?Write the sentences on the board Get pupils to say the completed sentences.

Repeat the same procedure with otherpictures.

-Give pupils time to work in pairs and take turns pointingateachpicturetoaskandanswerusingDoyou live in ? – Yes,/No, andWhat’syouraddress?–

- Pairsofpupilscometothe front of the classroom to listen to and repeat the sentences in the recording.

- Pupilspayattentiontothe question and the answer.

- Pupils look at the pictures and elicit the number andt h e namesofthestreetinthe pictures.

- Pupilslistentoandrepeat the words a few times.

- Pupils point at Picturea, listen to the recording and repeatthesentencesinboth bubbles until they feel confident.Pupilsfollowthe teacher’s instructions with Picturesb,candd.

- Pupilsworkinpairsand practise asking and answering the question, usingspeechbubblesand Pictures a, b, c and d.

- Pupils look at the pictures andidentifythenumberand the name of the street.

-Inviteafewpairstocometothefrontofthe -Pupilsrole-playtopractise classroomandactouttheexchanges askingandanswering

Consolidationa n d homewo rk Game: Bad Luck Billy (ppt)

- Inrows,askonepupiltoreadthequestion,the pupil beside answer that question.

- IfBillyisstruckbylightningwhenapupil’s reading/ answering, that pupil is out

- Thelastpupilstandingisthewinner. questionsaboutaddress, using picture cues.

- Pupils practise asking and answeringquestionsinfront of the class.

UNIT2:OURHOMES Lesson2-Period14 I OBJECTIVESB ytheendofthelesson,pupilswillbeableto:

-listentoandunderstand twocommunicativecontextsinwhichspeakersaskandanswer questions about their addresses and circle the correct pictures;

- Self-control&independentlearning:performlistening,readingandwritingtasks.

- Pupil’sbook:Page19-Audiotracks20,21-Teacher’sguide:Page40,41,42 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit2)-Computer,projector,…

2.Presentation -Pupilslookatthepictures and say the numbers of the

Activity4.Listenandcircle.(Track20) (5 minutes) - Pupils can listen to and understand two communicativecontextsinwhichspeakersask andanswerquestionsaboutsomeone’saddressand circle the correct pictures.

-Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures and ask questions to elicit the addresses Remind them to payattentiontothenumbersoftheaddresses.Have pupils predict whichpictureisreferredtoinConversation1 (Picture b).

-Playtherecordingallthewaythroughforpupilsto check their prediction Then play the recording again for pupils to listen and circle the correctpicture.

-Get pupils to swap books with a partner and check theiranswersbeforecheckingasaclass.Correctthe answers where necessary.

Extension:Iftimeallows,playtherecording, sentence by sentence, for pupils to listenandrepeatindividuallyandinchorus.Correct their pronunciation where necessary

- Pupilscancompletetwogappeddialogueswiththe help of picture cues.

-Do the first gapped dialogue with the class as example Have pupils read the dialogue Draw pupils’ attention to the address and the distancef r o m t h e a d d r e s s t o t h e p l a c e w h e r e t h e y a r e b e f o r e g u e s s i n g t h e m i s s i n g w o r d s R e m i n d p u p i l s o f t h e c o l l o c a t i o nfar from.

-Read the second dialogue Point at the building and draw pupils’ attention to the boy’s hand toward the building on the left-hand side Elicit the missing word (that) For other missing words, tell pupils to rely on the context of the questions and answers.

-Give pupils a time limit to read the gapped dialogues, look at the pictures and fill in the gaps independently Go around the classroom and offer support where necessary.

-Get pupils to swap books with a partner and check theiranswersbeforecheckingasaclass.Inviteone addresses.

- Pupils listen to the recording and circle the correctpicture.Pupilslisten to the recording again to do the task.

- Pupilsswapbookswitha partner,andcheckanswers before checking as a class.

- Pupils listen to the recording, sentence by sentence, and repeat individuallyandinchorus.

- Pupils follow the teacher demonstratingtheDialogue

1.Pupilslookatthepicture and the address in thebubble.

- Pupils read the second dialogue.Pupilsfollowthe teacher’s instruction.

- Pupils complete gapped Exchange2independently.

- Pupilsswapbookswitha pupil to write the answers on the board.Extension:Invitetwopairsofpupilstoactoutthe completed dialogues Check pronunciation wherenecessary.

Activity6.Listen,completeandsing.(Track21) (8 minutes) - Pupils can complete the songHomesand sing it withthecorrectpronunciation,rhythmandmelody.

-Have pupils read the song lyrics and guess the missing words with the help of the picture Give Number1asanexample(building).Fillinthegap.

Then play the recording again for themtochecktheanswers.

-Playtherecordingagainforpupilstolistenand singalongbeforetheypractisesingingthesong.3.Con solidationa n d h o m e w o r k Game:Luckynumber(ppt)

- Pupilsgetthepoint(s)iftheyanswerthequestioncorrec tly.- Theteamwithmorepointsisthewinner. partner and check their answersbeforecheckingas a class.

- Pairs of pupils read the completeddialoguesaloud.

- Pupilsreadthesongand guess the missing words.

- Pupils listen to the recordingtochecktheir answers again.

UNIT2:OURHOMES Lesson3-Period15 I OBJECTIVES Bytheendofthelesson,pupilswillbeableto:

- correctly pronounce the two-syllable words with the stress on the second syllable as infif’teenandsix’teeninisolationandasin thesentencesIliveatfifteenBaDinhStreet;Shelives at sixteen London Street;

- identifythestressonsometwo-syllablewordsandcirclethewordwithadifferent stress pattern from the other two words;

- Pupil’sbook:Page20-Audiotracks22,23,24-Teacher’sguide:Pages42,43,44 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit2)-Computer,projector,…

WARM-UP (5minutes) Song:BigNumbers

- Greettheclass,thenhavetheclasslistenand sing the songBig Numbers.

Explain how to play the game: Pupils take turns to open two cards, trying to find the pairs of numbers (as numbers and words) If the cards don’t match, teacherclickstoturnthemback.Ifthecardsmatch, praise students and give them points for their team.Activity

Listen and repeat.(Track 22)

-Pupils can correctly pronounce two-syllable words with the stress on the second syllable as infif’teenandsix’teenin isolation and asi n t h e s e n t e n c e sIliveatfif'teenBaDinhStreet.andSheliv es at six'teen London Street.

-Have pupils point at the wordfif'teenand the sentenceIlive at fif'teen BaDinh Street.Play the recording for them to listen and repeat in chorus andindividuallyuntiltheyfeelconfident.Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

-Invite afew pupils to listen to and repeattheword andthesentence.Praisethemwhentheyhavegoodpronun ciation.

-RepeatSteps1and2forthewordsix'teenandthe sentenceShe lives at six'teen London Street.Go around the classroom and correct pupils’ pronunciation where necessary.

- Pupils point to the word andsentenceinthefirstline while listening.

- Pupils listen to the recordingagainandrepeat.

- Pupilsfollowtheteacher’s instructions for the secondline.

-Letpupilsworkinpairsorgroups,sayingthe words and reading the sentences.

Activity2.Circle,listenandcheck.(Track23) (10 minutes) - Pupils can identify the stress on some two-syllable words and circle the word with a different stress patternf r o m t h e o t h e r t w o words.

-Tell pupils that this is an odd-one-out exercise.

Pupils circle the word having a different stress from each line Then listen to the recording to check theiranswers.

-Play the recording, once or twice, for pupils to listen and check their answers Get pupils to swap books with a partner and check their answers before checking as a class Play the recording again for pupils to double-check their answers.


- Pupilscansaythechantwiththecorrect pronunciation, word stress and rhythm.

-Get pupils to read the first verse of the chant and drawtheirattentiontothenumbers15(fif'teen)and 16

-Play the recording of the first verse Play the recording again, line by line, for pupils to listen and repeat Draw their attention to the rhythm, wordstressandpronunciation.Encouragethemto clap and do actions while chanting.

-RepeatSteps2and3forthesecondverseofthe chant but draw their attention to the numbers 18(eigh'teen)and 19(nine'teen).

-Playtherecordingallthewaythroughforpupilsto chant and clap their hands.

- Pupils work in pairs or groups to say the words and readt h e sentences.

- Pupils listen to the recording and say the language in front of theclass.

Pupils pay attention to the three sets of two-syllable words Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation.

- Pupils look at three words in each line, readthema l o u d a n d c i r c l e t h e w o r d t h a t i s d i f f e r e n t f r o m t h e o t h e r two.Thenpupilslisten to the recording to check their answers.

- Pupils swap books with a partner, then check the answers as a class Pupils listen to the recording again and check their answersagain.

- Pupils stand up, listen to and repeat the words.

- Pupils do the same procedurewiththesecond verse of the chant

UNIT2:OURHOMES Lesson3-Period16 I OBJECTIVESBytheendofthelesson,pupilswillbeableto:


- Pupil’sbook:Page21-Teacher’sguide:Pages44,45 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit2)-Computer,projector,…

(5minutes) -Pupilscanreadaletterandshowunderstandingby deciding if the sentences are true or false.

- Pupils listen to the teacher’sinstruction.

-Tell pupils the goal of the activity and explain that theyshouldreadtheletterandtickTrueorFalsefor thesentencesprovided.Checkcomprehension.

- Pupils do sentence Number1asaclass.

To illustrate, students read sentence 1 and quickly scan the fact above to identify the corresponding information They compare this fact (Sydney) with the sentence (London) and tick "False" as the answer.

-Set a time limit for pupils to do the task independently Go around the classroom and offer help where necessary.

-Get pupils to swap books with a partner and check theiranswersbeforecheckingasaclass.Correctthe answers where necessary.

- Pupilscanwritetheanswerstoguidingquestions based on their personal information.

-Tell the class the goal of the activity and explain that they should read the questions and write the answers based on their personal information.

Question1and write the answer on the board and read it aloud Correct the spelling and pronunciation where necessary.

-Give pupils time to do the writing task independently Go around the classroom and offer help where necessary.

-Getpupilstoswapbookswithapartner andcheck their answers before checking as a class If time allows, invite one or two pupils to stand up and read aloud their answers.

- Pupilscanpresenttheresultsofasurveyofpupils’ homes to the class.

-Invite a pupil to report his / her survey with yourhelp.

-Have pupils work in groups to practise reporting their own surveys.Go around the classroom and offer help where necessary.

-Inviteafewpupilstoreporttheirsurveysinfront oftheclass.Praisethemwhentheydoagoodjob.3.Cons olidationa n d h o m e w o r k Game:MysteryBox(ppt)

- Pupils swap books with a partner, and check answers before checking as a class.

- Oneortwopupilsstandup and read aloud the letter.

- Pupils listen to the teacher’sexplanation.

- Pupils swap books with a partner and check their answers before checking as a class.

-Playingroups and answer the questions If they have the correct answers,theycangivethemysteryboxorkeepitto the other teams The group with more points wins thegame.

- Criticalth in ki ng an dcr ea ti vi ty :l ea rn ho wt oa sk an da nswe r questionsusin gp ic tu r e cu es c orr ec tl y an d flu en tl y.

- Teacher’sguide:Pages251,252 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Review3) - Computer,projector,…

WARM-UP(5minutes) Game:Colourfulbutterflies a.Objectives

- To revise the sentence structures from Unit 11 toU n i t 1 5

- Listen to the teacher’sexplanation. b.Content

- Pupils can correctly say the sentence structures from unit 11 to unit 15.

- Tellthe classtheyare going tolook at the pictures, then ask and answer the questions suitable with thepicture.

- Show six colourful butterflies on the board Each butterfly contains a picture and different points.

- Have two pupils from each group play the game inturns.

- Have each pair choose a butterfly, then ask and answer the question.

- If they ask and answer correctly, they will get points If they choosea lucky butterfly, they will get points and continue the next turn.

- Look at six colourfulbutterflies on the board.

- Pupils pay attention to the first set of suggested answers Pupils listen to the teacher’s instruction.

Activity1.Listenandcirclea,borc.(Track51) (10 minutes) a.Objectives

- Pupils can understand five questions and circle the correct answers a, b or c.

-Draw pupils’ attention to the first set of answers.

Explain that these are answers to questions - they will hear a question in the recording and they havet o c h o o s e t h e a n s w e r t h a t m a t c h e s t h e q u e s t i o n

-Have them read the answer options1a, 1band1c.

-Play the recording for Question1twice for pupilst o d o t h e t a s k P l a y t h e r e c o r d i n g a t h i r d t i m e f o r p u p i l s t o c h e c k t h e i r a n s w e r s

-Getpupilstoswapbookswithapartner,thencheck answers as a class Play the recording for pupils to

- Pupils listen to the recording for Question1.

Pupilslistentotherecording againanddothetask.Pupils listen to the recording at h i r d t i m e t o c h e c k t h e i r answers.

- Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with the rest of the questions.

- Pupils swap books with a partner,thencheckanswers as a class.

Pupils look at the first picture Pupils look at the bubblet o i d e n t i f y t double-check their answers.

Activity2.Askandanswer.(18minutes) he a.Objectives

- Pupils can ask and answer questions using picturecues.

Picture1.Getthemtolookatthe thought bubble and identify the activities (singing and dancing)

-Draw pupils’ attention to the question that accompanies Picture 1 –What will we do onChildren's Day?and have them read it Have pupils use the activities in Linh’s thought bubble to answer the question.

-Have pupils work in pairs to role-play the four exchanges Go around the classroom to monitor theactivity.

Extension:Invite pairs of pupils to stand up and role-play one of the target exchanges, using their owninformation.Askpupilstoaddorchangesome details in the questions if needed.

WRAP-UP(7minutes) Game:Passtheball

- Give two different coloured balls to two pupils, a blue ball (ask the question) and a white ball (answerthe question).

- Stop music suddenly Have the pupil with a blue ball make a question Have the pupil with a white ball answer the question.

-Repeatthegameseveraltimes. activity of the children shown in it.

Pupils look at the bubble over Linh’s head to answer the question.

- Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with the rest of the questions.

- Pupils work in pairs to role-play thefourexchanges.

- Pairs of pupils stand up andtakeitinturnstorole- play the target exchanges

- write a short paragraph of 40 words about the last Mid-Autumn Festival using questions and a word cue.

- Pupil’sbook:Page37 - Teacher’sguide:Pages253,254 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Review3) - Computer,projector,…

WARM-UP(5minutes) Let’schant.(Track50) a.Objectives

- To motivate the class by saying the chant of Unit1 5 , p a g e 3 4 b.Content

- Pupilscansaythechantwiththecorrect pronunciation, word stress and rhythm - Spenda f e w m i n u t e s r e v i s i n g U n i t 1 5 b y h a v i n g p u p i l s s a y t h e c h a n t o n p a g e 3 4 - Playt h e c h a n t f o r p u p i l s t o l i s t e n a n d c h a n t i n chorus.

- Play the chant again for pupils to chant in chorus and clap hands to reinforce the activity.

- Inviteonepupilorateamtoperformthechantin front of the class.

- Listen to the teacher’sinstructions.

- Chant in chorus and clap hands to reinforce theactivity.

Pupils look at the sentences.

Pupils listen to the teacher’sinstructions. b.Content

- Pupils can read and match pairs of target sentencepatterns.

To foster pupils' engagement, draw their attention to specific sentences and guide them through an activity Point to Sentence 1, elicit the answer, and provide feedback Connect Sentence 1 to the corresponding letter by drawing a line to match them.

-Give pupils time to do the task Go around the classroom to offer support.

-Getpupilstoswapbookswithapartner,thencheck answers together as a class Write the correct answers on the board.

(10minutes) a Objectives- To read a paragraph and decide whether the sentences are true or false. b Content

- Pupils can read the paragraph and decide whether the sentences are true or false.

-Tell pupils that they are going to read a paragraph.

-Have pupils read the paragraph.

-Have pupils read Sentences1 – 5 Tellthem to read

Sentence1again and pay attention to the keywordsChildren’s Day partyandin the playground, then scan the paragraph for the information If it is the same, they should put a tick in the True box If the informationisnotthesame,theyshouldputatickin the False box.

-Repeat Step 3 for Sentences2, 3, 4and5 Set at i m e l i m i t f o r p u p i l s t o d o t h e a c t i v i t y i n d e p e n d e n t l y G o a r o u n d t h e c l a s s r o o m a n d o f f e r h e l p w h e r e n e c e s s a r y

-Get pupils to swap books with their partners and checktheiranswersbeforecheckingasaclass.Have pupils read aloud the words / sentences in the readingt e x t t h a t h e l p t h e m f i n d t h e i nformation

- Pupils swap books with a partner,thencheckanswers together as a class Pupils look at the correct answers on the board.

- Pupils listen to theteacher’s instruction.

- Pupils read the paragraph while thinking of thequestions.

- Pupils read all the sentences under the paragraph Pupils read Sentence1andpayattention to the keywordsChildren’sDay partyandin theplayground,then scan the paragraph for theinformation.

- Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with

- Pupils swap books with their partners and check their answers before checking as a class. neededt o t i c k T r u e o r F a l s e F o r e x a m p l e , for

Sentence1the required information isWe will havea party in the playground., so pupils should tick the

Activity5.Let’swrite.(8minutes) a.Objectives

- To write a short paragraph of 40 words about the last Mid-Autumn Festival using questions and a word cue. b.Content

- Pupils can write a short paragraph of 40 words about the last Mid-Autumn Festival using questions and a word cue.

-Tell the class the goal of this activity: to read the questions and the word cue, and write about the last Mid-Autumn Festival Tell pupils that they should write about 40 words Check comprehension.

-Read the first question as a class (When was thefestival?) Tell pupils that they should answer this question to get information to complete the first sentence of the paragraph Write the incomplete sentence on the board (The last Mid-

AutumnF e s t i v a l w a s ) and elicit what information is needed to finish the sentence (infollowed by the month of the last Mid-Autumn Festival).

-Ask pupils to read the other questions carefully and write their own answers to complete the passage.

-Iftimeallows,inviteafewpupilstoreadtheir paragraphs to the class Give feedback wherenecessary

WRAP-UP(7minutes) Game:Throwthedice

-Stickapictureontheboard,e.g.doyoga - Have two pupilso f e a c h g r o u p t a k e t u r n s a s k i n g a n d a n s w e r i n g a b o u t t h e p i c t u r e

- If they ask and answer correctly, they will throwt h e d i c e t o g e t p o i n t s

- Pupils follow the teacher’sexplanation.

- Pupils look at the first sentencewith the gapon the board Pupils read the sentence as a class Pupils follow the teacher’sinstructions.

- Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with the other questions.P u p i l s r e a d t h e q u e s t i o n s c a r e f u l l y a n d w r i t e t h e a n s w e r s t o c o m p l e t e t h e l i n e s i n t h e passage.

- A few pupils read the sentences they have completed/written aloud in frontoftheclass.Theclass observes and praises theirwork.

- Self-control&independentlearning:performspeaking,readingandwritingtasks.

- Pupil’sbook:Page38,39 - Teacher’sguide:Pages254,255,256 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Review3) - Computer,projector,…

WARM-UP(5minutes) Let’ssing.(Track44) a.Objectives

- Pupils can sing the song with the correctpronunciation and melody.

- Playthesongagainforpupilstosinginchorusand clap hands to reinforce the activity.

Listen to the teacher’sinstructions.

- Listen and sing the song in chorus.

- Sing the song in chorus and clap hands to reinforce the activity.

-Inviteonepupilorateamtoperformthesongin front of the class.

Activity1.Look,readandcolour.(5minutes) a.Objectives

- To show understanding of food types by colouring in a picture. b.Content

- Pupils can show understanding of food types by colouring in a picture.

-Tell the class the goal of this activity: They need to identify the food types by colouring in the picture, according to the key above Check comprehension.

-Write the four food types given in the activity on the board Have pupils say them aloud and elicit some examples of each food type Draw pupils’ attention to the key and have them identify the colours Ask questions to check comprehension, such asWhat colour is protein?

/ drink and have pupils say its name Correct pronunciation where necessary.

-Makesurethat pupils each have access to blue, red, yellow and green crayons Put pupils into pairs and have them decide which colour each food / drink item should be Remind them that they need to colour the food and drink with corresponding colours that match their types Set a time for pupils to complete the activity independently.

-Check answers as a class by pointing to the food / drink items and having pupils call out the food, the correct food type and the colour (e.g.fish, protein,red).

-Inviteafewpupilstothefrontoftheclassandhave them present their work to the class Model what they need to say, e.g.Fish is protein Rice is grains.Activity 2

Look and write (10 minutes) a.Objectives

Pupils listen to the teacher’sexplanation.

- Pupils look at the four food types given in the activity on the board Pupils answer the questions.

- Pupils follow the teacher’sinstructions.

Pupils call out the food, the correct food type and thecolour.

- Afewpupilscometothe front of the class and present their work to theclass.

- Pupils listen to theteacher’s explanation.

-Tell the class the goal of this activity: They need to categorise the foods by writing the names of the food and drink items in the correct columns of the table.

-Writethetableontheboardandhavepupilssaythe four headings aloud Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures and have them say the names of the food / drinkitemsaloud.Correcttheirpronunciationwhere necessary Ask questions to check comprehension, such asWhat’s this?andIs this protein or grains?

-Set a time limit for pupils to complete the activity.

Have them complete the table independently, then check answers in pairs.

-Checkanswersasaclassbypointingtothepictures and having pupils call out the correct food type As they do so, complete the table on the board.

-Inviteafewpupilstothefrontoftheclassandhave them present their work to the class Ask questions about the table, e.g.What is cheese? (Cheese isdairy.) What are noodles? (Noodles are grains.).

- To create a healthy breakfast and present it to theclass. b.Content

- Pupils can create a healthy breakfast and present it to the class.

Students will embark on a culinary challenge by devising a nutritious breakfast menu consisting of four tantalizing items Each team will brainstorm ideas for wholesome and delectable food and beverage pairings that will kickstart their day on a bright note Their culinary creations will be presented to the class, fostering a convivial atmosphere of sharing and inspiration.

-Draw pupils’ attention to the picture and have them identify the bowl and the blank spaces Tell them they will need to write the food and drink items in the spaces Have a pupil identify Ben and read his speech bubble aloud.

-Ask pupils what they usually eat for breakfast.

Makealistoftheiranswersontheboard.AskIsthisfood/dri nk healthy?And allow pupils to respond If they identify an unhealthy item, ask them for a healthy replacement.

- Pupils look at the table on the board and say the four headings aloud.P u p i l s a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s

- Pupils complete the table independently, then check answers in pairs.

- Pupils check answers as a class Pupils call out the correct food type.

- A few pupils come to the front of the class andp r e s e n t t h e i r w o r k t o t h e class.

- Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation.

- Pupils look at the picture, identify the bowl and the blank spaces Pupils answer the questions.

- Pupils listen and answer the questions. writing down the food and drink items If time allows, encourage pupils to draw their breakfasts.

-Have pupils check their answers in pairs.

Goa r o u n d t h e c l a s s r o o m t o c h e c k t h a t t h e f o o d s / d r i n k s u s e d a r e h e a l t h y a n d t h a t t h e w o r d s a r e s p e l t c o r r e c t l y I n v i t e a f e w p u p i l s t o s h a r e t h e i r h e a l t h y b r e a k f a s t s w i t h t h e c l a s s M o d e l y o u r o w n h e a l t h y b r e a k f a s t i f n e c e s s a r y , e g This is my healthybreakfast I’d like to have bread, an egg and an apple.Put pupils into groups of four and have them present their healthy breakfasts to each other Monitor and provide support if necessary.

WRAP-UP(7minutes) Game:Kim’sgame(ppt)

- Divide the class into two teams Say “You are going to play a memory game.”

- Display many words and phrases on the board.

Give pupils two minutes to memorise these words and phrases.

E.g.butter, bread, apple, chicken, grapes, egg,noodles, yogurt, green beans, cheese, carrot, milk, water, apple juice, corn, rice, fish, meat, orange juice, etc.

- Turn the word cards face down on the board In theirteams,thepupilstrytowritedownanddrawas many words and pictures as they can remember.

- Count the points for each team and announce the winner The team with the most points wins The winning team must then correctly pronounce all the words and phrases.

- Pupils work in pairs A few pupils come to the front oftheclassandpresenttheir work to the class.

OBJECTIVESAsk and answer.(10 minutes) a.Objectives

Identify the following five communicative contexts from the dialogue: 1) discussing familiar topics (e.g., seasons, weather); 2) narrating stories for children; 3) describing means of transportation; 4) describing places of interest; 5) planning summer holidays Mark the corresponding images for each context.

Pupils can listen to and understand five communicative contexts and tick the correctpictures.

-Draw pupils’ attention to Pictures 1a, 1b and 1c.

Elicit the icons for weather Then play the recording for Question 1 Play the recording again for pupilst o d o t h e t a s k P l a y t h e r e c o r d i n g a t h i r d t i m e f o r p u p i l s t o c h e c k t h e i r a n s w e r s R e p e a t t h e s a m e p r o c e d u r e w i t h t h e r e s t o f t h e q u e s t i o n s ( Q u e s t i o n s2, 3, 4, 5)

-Getpupilstoswapbookswithapartner,thencheck answers as a class Write the correct answers on theboard.

-Play the recording again for pupils to double-check their answers.

Extension (For advanced level):Read conversation1aloudbutchangespecific information

Have pupils stand up when the information is different.InviteapupiltocorrecttheinformationActivity

2 Ask and answer.(10 minutes) a.Objectives

Toa s k a n d a n sw e r q u e s t i o n su si n g p i c t u r e c u e so r p e r s o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n

- Pupils look at Pictures 1a, 1b and 1c and identify theweather.

- Pupils look at Pictures 1a, 1b and 1c and listen to the recording and tick the correct picture Pupils listen to the recording again, sentence by sentence, and repeat individually and inchorus.

- Swap book with a partner and check answers.

- Pupils listen to the recording again and repeat individually and/ or in chorus sentence bysentence.

-Pairsofpupilscometothe front of the classroom to read the conversation but changer specificinformation.

- Repeatthesameprocedure with the rest of the questions.

Pupilscanaskandanswerquestionsusingpicture cues or personal information

-Drawpupils’attentiontoQuestion1.Gettheclass toreaditinchorus.Elicittheanswer(e.g.Iwanttovisit Ha

Long Bay.) and give feedback Then get pupils to role-play the exchange Repeat the same procedurewiththerestofthequestions.(Questions2, 3, 4)

-Givepupilstimetotakeitinturnstorole-playthe four exchanges Go around the classroom to offer support where necessary.

- Invite a few pairs of pupils to stand up and take it in turns to role-play the target exchanges.

WRAP-UP(7minutes) Game: “Throwthedice”

- If their answers are correct, they throw the dice to get points for their team.

- Take turns to role-play the four exchanges.

- Pairs of pupils stand up andtakeitinturnstorole- play the target exchanges.

• How’s theweather in HaNoiin ? – It’s

• What doyouusually wear in ? – I wear

• Who arethemain characters in thestory? –They’re

• How did he / she ? – He / She /

• How can I go to ? – You can get there

• What do you think of ?– Ithinkit’s / they’re

• How far is it from to ? – It's about kilometres.

• Whereareyougoing to visit this summer?–I’mgoingtovisit tasks.

• What areyou going todothis summer? –I’mgoing to 2 Competences:

- Pupil’sbook:Page71 - Teacher’sguide:Pages300,301,302 - Computer,projector,…

WARM-UP(5minutes) Racinggame. a.Objectives

- To revise the previous lessons by playing“Racinggame”. b.Content

- Pupils can correctly ask and answer questions they leant in previous lessons.

- Divideclassinto2teams(BoysandGirls) - Ask pupils to take turns to choose a number anda n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n

- If the answer is correct, their team will move somesteps.

– Get pupils to open their books at page 71 and look at Review 4, Activity 3.

- Listen to the teacher’s instructions, work in 2teams.

- Pupils open the books at page 71

Pupils pay attention to the question and the answer.

- To read and match five pairs of target sentencepatterns. b.Content

-Pupils can read and match five pairs of target sentence patterns.

-Draw pupils’ attention to the questions and answers Tell them about this activity Point at Question1(What do you usually wear in autumn?)and elicit the answer (I wear jeans and a T-shirt.) Have pupils read the answer, give feedback Draw aline to matchQuestion1with Sentenced.

-Tell pupils the goal of the activity Explain thatt h e y h a v e t o r e a d t h e t e x t a n d a n s w e r f i v e q u e s t i o n s b y c i r c l i n g t h e c o r r e c t o p t i o n s D r a w p u p i l s ’ a t t e n t i o n t o t h e t h r e e o p t i o n s ( a , b , c ) G e t t h e m t o r e a d a n d f i n d o u t i n f o r m a t i o n f r o m t h e t e x t f o r t h e c o r r e c t answers,e.g.ElicittheanswertoQuestion1(c. about 390 km).

-Have pupils read the text to find the specific information and circle the correct answer for eachquestion. explanation.

- Pupils read the answer, draw a line tomatch Question with the correctsentence.

- Pupils swap the books with a partner, check answers together as a class.

- Some pairs stand up and readthematchedexchangesalo ud.

Pupils follow teacher’s instruction,readthetextand answer five questions by circling the correct options.

- Pupils read three options (a, b, c) and find out information from the textf o r t h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r s

- Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with the other three pictures.

- Pupils compare their answers with a partner, check answers together as aclass.

-Seta t i m e l i m i t f o r p u p i l s t o d o t h e task individually Go around the classroom and offerh e l p i f n e c e s s a r y

-Getpupilstocomparetheiranswerswithapartner, then check answers together as a class

Activity5.Let’swrite.(10minutes) -Ask pupils to read the guiding questions.

-Have pupils do the first question together as an example Ask them to read the question and elicit where they are going to visit Then have them writethe first sentence,e.g.ThissummerIamgoingtovisitBaNaHills.

-Give pupils time to complete the paragraph independently.Goaroundtheclassroomandoffer help if necessary.

-Getpupilstoswaptheirwritingswithapartner, then invite a few pupils to read their writings in front of the class.

WRAP-UP(5minutes) Game: “Passtheteddybears”

- Give two different colored teddy bears to two pupils, a black teddy bear (ask the question) and a white teddy bear (answer the question).

- Ask pupils to listen to music and pass the teddybears.

- Stop music suddenly Have the pupil with a black teddy bear make a question Have the pupil with a white teddy bear answer the question. e.g.PupilA:Whatdoyouusuallywearinsummer?

PupilB:Iwear aT-shirtand askirt.

- Pupils do the first question together as an example andfollow teacher’s explanation.

- Pairs of pupils swap theirwriting.

- Some pairs read their writingsinfrontoftheclass.

- Critical thinking and creativity: learn how to ask and answer questions about previoustopics

- Categorization:Recognizingpatternsandsimilarities,allowingthemtosortstoriesinto genres(adventure,mystery,etc.)

- Justification: Explaining their reasoning for liking a specific genre This requires them to articulate their thoughts and use evidence from the stories.

- Pupil’sbook:Page72,73 - Teacher’sguide:Pages332,333,334 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit16,17,18,19,20) - Computer,projector,…

- Divideclassinto2teams - Call2pupilsfromeachteamtoask andanswerthe questions about the main characters in stories.

- Iftheiranswersarecorrect,pupilscanthrowadice to get points for their teams.

Listen to the teacher’sinstructions.

- Pairs of pupils look at the pictures and ask and answer the questions

Look at the picture, read thewords c.Expectedoutcomes

Pupils can revise the target vocabulary by doing the quizWhat type of story is it?

-Look at the pictures and learn some words about types of story Teacher check pupil’s pronunciation and may explain the words by giving someexamples.

-Tellpupilsthegoalofthe quiz Explain that they have to read the title andl o o k a t t h e c o v e r o f e a c h s t o r y a n d g u e s s w h a t t y p e o f s t o r y i t i s

-Draw pupils’ attention to the two answer options (a and b) Get them to look at the characters, read the titles of the stories and choose the correct answers.

For example, the first story is about the adventures of a cricket, so the answer is b.

-Set a time limit for pupils to do the task independently Go around the classroom and offer help if necessary.

-Get pupils to compare their answers with a partner, then check answers together as a class.

Step6:Getpupilsworkinpairsaskandanswer using the sentence pattern and picture hintsActivity 2

Read and complete.(10 minutes) a Objectives

To revise the target vocabulary about types of story by completing sentences using words from a box. b Content

Pupils can review target vocabulary about types of books by completing sentences using words from abox.

-Tell pupils the goal of the activity: They need to completethespeechbubblesusingthewordsinthe word box Write the words in the word box on the board (see Input) Have pupils say the words aloud and correct their pronunciation ifnecessary Check theircomprehensionofthewordsbyelicitingsome examples of stories that fit each story type.

-Draw pupils’ attention to Picture 1 Ask questions to elicit the character’s name and the title of the book.Havethemdescribethepictureonthebook’s cover by asking What can you see here? Have a pupil read the words in the speech bubble aloud.

- Pupils read the title and look at the cover of each storyandguesswhattypeof story it is.

- Look at the two options, thecharacters,readthetitles of the stories and choose the correct answers.

- Look at picture 1, read the words in the speech bubblealoud

-Have pupils do the task independently, then check their answers as a class.

To complete a short paragraph about storypreferences and favourite stories. b Content

-Tellpupilsthegoalofthe activity Explain that they have to complete a short paragraphaboutstorieswiththeirowninformation.

-Havepupilsreadthefirstsentencealoud,i.e.Ilike stories because they are Point at each gap and ask What is missing?(a type of story; why I like it).

Review the types of story they have learnt:adventure,history,mysteryandspooky.Havepupils complete the gaps independently, then check their answers as a class.

- RepeatStep 2with the second sentence Have a few pupils read their completed paragraphs to theclass.

WRAP-UP(5minutes) Game: “Throwthedice”

- If their answers are correct, they throw the dice to get points for their team.

- Groups of pupils sayw h i c h typeofstorytheylik e and why

- Read the first sentence aloud, guess, guess what type of information they need to complete Continue with the second sentence.

- Read their completedparagraphs to the class

- Presenttheirfavourite books to the class

- correctly pronounce the stress on the first syllable of two-syllable nouns, such as words teacher and dentist, and in sentences like My mother’s a teacher and My father’s a dentist.;

- use the words firefighter, reporter, gardener and write and the sentence patterns What would you like to be in the future? and I’d like to be a to ask andanswerquestions about someone’s future job;

- Criticalthinkingandcreativity:learnhowtoaskandanswerquestionsaboutsomeone’s future jobs correctly and fluently.

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learningtasks.

- Pupil’sbook:Page34 - Audiotracks45,46 - Teacher’sguide:Pages71,72,73

- Websitehoclieu.vn - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit5) - Computer,projector,…

- Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by having pupils sing the song on page 7.

- Playthesongagainforpupilstosinginchorusand clap hands to reinforce the activity.

- Inviteonepupiloragrouptoperformthesongin front of the class.

Activity1.Look,listenandrepeat.(Track5) (5 minutes) a.Objectives

-Tounderstandandcorrectlyrepeatthesentencesin two communicative contexts focused on asking and answering questions about someone’s future job. b.Content

- Listen to the teacher’s instructions.

- Listen and sing the song in chorus.

- Sing the song in chorus and clap hands to reinforce the activity.

Picturesaandband identify the characters in the pictures. c.Expectedoutcomes

- Pupils can understand and accurately repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusedo n a s k i n g a n d a n s w e r i n g q u e s t i o n s a b o u t s o m e o n e ’ s f u t u r e j o b

-AskpupilstolookatPicturesaandb,andidentify the characters and other details Draw pupils’ attention to the thought bubble and let them guess the job that Linh is thinking about.

-AskpupilstofocusonPicturea.Playthe recording for them to listen to the entire conversation several times.

-Play the recording again,sentence by sentence,for pupils to listen and repeat individually and in chorus.

Correct their pronunciation where necessary Repeat the same procedure with Pictureb.

-Inviteafewpairstothestandup,listenandrepeat the sentences in the recording Check their pronunciation, provide corrections and offer feedback where necessary.

-Drawpupils’attentiontothequestionWhatwouldyou like tobe in thefuture?and the answerI’d liketobeadoctor.Explainthatthisisaboutsomeone’s future job.

Activity2.Listen,pointandsay.(Track6) (10 minutes) a.Objectives

- To correctly use the wordsfirefighter, reporter,gardenerandwriterand the sentence patternsWhatwouldyouliketobeinthefuture?–

I’dliketobea to ask and answer questions about someone’s future job. b.Content

- Pupils can correctly use the given words and sentence patternsWhat would you like to be in thefuture?andI’d like to be a to ask and answer questions about someone’s future job.

-Have pupils point at Picturea, listen to the recordinga n d r e p e a t t h e w o r df i r e f i g h t e r.R epeat

- Pupils look at Pictureaand listen to the recording.

Pupilslistentotherecording again, sentence by sentence, and repeat individually and in chorus.

- Pupils listen to the recording again and repeat individually and/ or in chorus sentence bysentence.

- Pairs of pupils come to the front of the classroom to listen to and repeat the sentences in the recording.

- Pupilspayattentiontothe question and the answer.

Pupils look at the pictures and elicit the personal information of eachcharacter.

- Pupils point at Picturea, listen to the recording and repeat the word Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with the other three pictures Pupils repeat the words a few times.

- Pupils listen and repeat after the recording Pupils looka t P i c t u r ea a n dlisten andr e p e a t a f t e r the the same procedure with Picturesb,candd Have the class repeat the words a few times.

To elicit pupil responses, present the question pattern "What would you like to be in the future?" Encourage pupils to repeat it Subsequently, introduce the answer pattern "I’d like to be a." Have pupils practice the response pattern with various occupations.

-Point at Pictureaand have pupils listen and repeat after the recordingWhat would you like to be in thefuture? – I’d like to be a firefighter Repeat the same procedure with Picturesb,candd.

-Divide the class into two groups to take turns repeating the question and the answer in Pictureauntil they feel confident Repeat the same procedure with Picturesb,candd.

-Put pupils in pairs and have pairs practise asking andansweringquestionsusingthepictures.Invitea few pairs to point at the pictures and say the questions and answers in front of the class Give corrections and feedback where necessary.

Activity3.Let’stalk.(8minutes) a.Objectives

- To correctly use the words for jobs in Act 2 and sentence patternsWhat would you like to be in thefuture?andI’d like to be a to ask and answer questions about someone’s future job in a freercontext. b.Content

- Pupils can correctly use the words for jobs and sentence patternsWhat would you like to be in thefuture?a n d I ’ d l i k e t o b e a t oa s k a n d a n s w e r q u e s t i o n s a b o u t s o m e o n e ’ s f u t u r e j o b i n a f r e e r c o n t e x t

-Direct pupils’ attention to the phraseJob fairint h e p i c t u r e H a v e t h e m g u e s s t h e m e a n i n g o f t h e p h r a s e A s k t h e m w h a t j o b s t h e y c a n f i n d i n t h e picture.

-Read the question in the speech bubble aloud and askp u p i l s t o r e p e a t i t A s k p u p i l s t o l o o k a t the secondb u b b l e a n d g u e s s w h a t t h e a n s w e r shoul recording Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with the other three pictures.

- Pupils work in pairs to practise asking and answering the question, using speech bubbles and Picturesa,b,candd.

- Pairs of pupils point at the pictures and say the questions&answersinfront of the class.

- Pupils look at the pictures and identify the character’s information in each picture.

- Pupils look at the bubbles to understand how the sentencep a t t e r n i s used.

- Pupils role-play topractise asking the questions and giving their answers inp a i r s , u s i n g t h e p i c t u r e c u e

- Pairsofpupilspractise d be.G i v e a n e x a m p l e a n s w e r , e g I ’ d l i k e t o b e a doctor.G e t pupilst o repeatt h e questionan d answerseveraltimes. asking and answering questionsinfrontoftheclass.

Haves o m e p a i r s p r a c t i s e a s k i n g a n d answ ering questionsaboutthejobsinthepicture.Goaround theclassroomtoobserveandprovidehelp.

Invites o m e p a i r s t o p r a c t i s e a s k i n g t h e questio n andg i v i n g t h e a n s w e r i n f r o n t o f t h e c l a s s Gi ve corrections and feedback where necessary.

WRAP-UP(7minutes) Game:Passtheball

- Givetwodifferentcoloredballstotwopupils,one ball (ask the question) and another one(answer thequestion).

- Stopmusicsuddenly.Haveonepupil ask,theother answers the question.

- listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which pupils ask and answer questions about the topic of jobs and tick the correct pictures.

- use the words firefighter, reporter, gardener and write and the sentence patterns What would youliketobe inthefuture?andI’dlike to bea t o askandanswerquestions about someone’s future job;

- sing the songW h a t w o u l d y o u l i k e t o d o i n t h e f u t u r e ?with the correct pronunciation, rhythm and melody.

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learningtasks.

- Pupil’sbook:Page35 - Audiotracks47,48 - Teacher’sguide:Pages72-73-74 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit5) - Computer,projector,…

To say correctly the sentence structures: I’d like to be a to talk about my future job. b Content

- Pupilscancorrectlysaythesentencestructures:I’dlike to be a to talk about my future job.

- Ask pupils to look at the picture, read the quiz and write the answer on the paper in 20 seconds.

-After answering all the quizzes, the teacher asks pupils to exchange the paper with their friends and check the answer

Activity4.Listenandtick.(Track47)(5minutes) a Objectives

To listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which characters ask and answer questions about someone’s future jobs, and number the picture in the order. b Content

- Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusedo n a s k i n g a n d a n s w e r i n g q u e s t i o n s a b o u t w h y s o m e o n e w o u l d l i k e t o b e a c e r t a i n j o b i n t h e f u t u r e

-Have pupils look at Activity 4 Ask them How many pictures are there? and What job can you see in each picture? Explain that they will writen u m b e r s 1 – 4 i n t h e b o x o f t h e p i c t u r e i n t h e o r d e r t h e y h e a r

-Play the recording of the first dialogue Ask pupils

- Read and write the correct answer in order.

- Pupils look at the pictures.

Pupilslistentotherecording of the first exchange Pupils listen to the recording again to do the task Pupils listen to the recording a third time to check their answers.

- Pupils follow the teacher’sinstructions.

- Pupils swap books with their partner, then check answers as a class. tofindthecorrectpictureandwritenumber1inthe box.Checktheiranswersandgivefeedback.

-Play the other recordings Ask pupils to work individually, then work in pairs for their peer- checks Go around the class and give support ifnecessary.

-Check the answers as a class Correct the answers, if necessary.

- To complete the target sentence patterns about future jobs with the help of picture cues b.Content

-Ask pupils to look at the pictures and identify the jobs that the characters are doing or thinking about.

-Have pupils read the sentence in Question 1 Ask them what is missing in the 75 sentence Ask themt o c o m p l e t e t h e g a p b y f i n d i n g t h e i n f o r m a t i o n f r o m t h e p i c t u r e a b o v e t h e s e n t e n c e G i v e t h e c o r r e c t answer.

-Ask pupils to do the other questions in the same way individually, then in pairs for their peer-checks.

Go around and give support if necessary.

-Ask two pupils and two pairs to read the sentences aloud Give feedback and corrections if necessary.

Activity6.Let’ssing.(Track48)(8minutes) a Objectives

-To listen to and complete the songWhat would youlike to be in the future?and sing with correct pronunciation, rhythm and melody. b Content

- Pupils can complete the lyrics and sing the song What would you like to be in the future? withc o r r e c t p r o n u n c i a t i o n , r h y t h m a n d m e l o d y

-Tell pupils that they will listen to the song and fill in the gaps in the lyrics and sing the song with

- Pupils listen to the recording again to double- check their answers.

- Pupils listen to the recording, sentence by sentence, and repeat individuallyandinchorus.

- Pupils look at the pictures and identify personal information of characters in each picture.

- Pupils look at the four incomplete exchanges.

- Pupils follow the teacher demonstratingtheExchange1.

- Pupils complete the exchanges individually.

Pupils swap books with a partner and check their answers before checking as a class.

- Pupils pay attention to the title and lyrics of the song.

Pupils point at the picturesto reinforce theirunderstanding.

- Pupils listen to the recording all the way through carefully to the pronunciation and themelody.

- Pupils listen to the recording,l i n e b y l i n e , and correct pronunciation, rhythm and melody.

-Have pupils read the lyrics and guess the words to fill in the gaps with the help of the picture -Have them listen to the song and fill in the gaps Play the recording of the gapped sentences twice for pupilst o f i l l i n i f n e c e s s a r y

-Play the recording and let them listen to and practise singing the song, lineby line, until they feel confident Then have pupils listen to and sing the whole song while clapping their hands.

-Invite a few groups to the front of the class to sing the song The class may sing along and clap to reinforce the activity.

WRAP-UP(7minutes) Game:Spinthewheel

- If pupils give the correct answer, they can spin the wheel and get the points.

- Theteamwithmorepointsisthewinner. repeat Pupils do actions while they sing along with the recording.

- Pupils listen to the recording all the way through and sing along.

- Pupils work in groups to make up their own actions forthesong.Pupils cometo the front of the class to perform, while the rest of theclasssingsand/orclapsalon g.


- understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing on asking and answering questions about someone’s future jobs.

To effectively engage children in conversations about future career aspirations, it's essential to employ the correct phrase structure and sentence patterns Use "Why would you like to be a ?" to initiate inquiries Encourage children to respond with "Because I'd like to ," seamlessly connecting their motivations to their desired profession This technique fosters their understanding of causal relationships and enhances their ability to express their aspirations in coherent sentences.

- Criticalthinkingandcreativity:learnhowtoaskandanswerquestionsaboutsomeone’s future jobs correctly and fluently.

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learningtasks.

- Pupil’sbook:Page36 - Audiotracks49,50 - Teacher’sguide:Pages75,76,77 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit5) - Computer,projector,…

- Pupils can remember and say the words about jobscorrectly.

- Explaintherulesofthegame:Pupilslookatthe clue and guess

2 nd c l u e : get2points 3 rd clue: 1 point

Activity1.Look,listenandrepeat.(Track49) (5 minutes) a.Objectives

-Tounderstandandcorrectlyrepeatthesentences intwocommunicativecontextsfocusedonasking and answering questions about why someone would like to be a certain job in the future. b.Content

Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focused on asking and answering questions about why someonewouldliketobeacertainjobinthefuture.

- Pupils look at the screen andguesswhatthewordis.

Picturesaandband identify the characters in the pictures.

- Pupils look at Pictureaand listen to the recording.

Pupilslistentotherecording again, sentence by sentence,and repeat. thecharactersinthepictures.

Have them say what they can see in the thoughtbubbles.

-AskpupilstolookatPicturea.Playtherecording of two exchanges for them to listen to.

-Play the recording again,sentence by sentence,for pupils to listen and repeat individually and in chorus.

Correct their pronunciation where necessary Repeat the same procedure with Pictureb.

-Inviteafewpairstothefrontoftheclasstolisten and repeat the sentences in the recording Give corrections and feedback where necessary.

-Draw pupils’ attention to the questionWhy wouldyouliketobeadoctor? andtheanswerBecauseI’dlike to help people.Explainthatthey are a question andanansweraboutwhysomeonewouldliketobe a certain job in the future.

Activity2.Listen,pointandsay.(Track50) (10 minutes) a.Objectives

- To correctly use the given words, phrases and sentence patternsWhy would you like to be a ? – Because I’d like to to ask and answer questionsaboutthereasonsforsomeonetochoosea certain job in the future. b.Content

- Pupils can correctly use the given words, the phrases and the sentence patternWhy would youlike to be a ?andBecause I’d like to

toaskandanswerquestionsaboutth ereasonswhy someone would like to do a certain job in thefuture.

-Have pupils point at Picturea, listen to the recording and repeat the wordteacherand the phraseteach childrenseveral times Repeat the same procedure with Picturesb,candd Have the class repeat the words and the phrases.

- Pupils follow the teacher’sinstructions.

- Pairs of pupils come to the front of the classroom to listen to and repeat the sentences in the recording.

- Pupilspayattentiontothe question and the answer.

- Pupils look at the pictures and elicit the names of the things in the pictures.Pupils repeat the words a fewtimes.

- Pupils point at Picturea, listen to the recording and repeat the word Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with the other three pictures Pupils repeat the words a few times.

- Pupils listen and repeat after the recording Pupils listen and repeat the sentences until they feel confident.Pupilsfollowthe teacher’s instructions with Picturesb,candd.

- Pupilsworkinpairsand practise asking and answeringthequestion,

-PointatthequestionW h y would youliketobea ?Read it aloud and havepupils repeat it.

Follow the same procedure with the answerBecause

-Point at Pictureaand have pupils listen and repeat after the recordingWhy would you like to be ateacher? – Because I’d like to teach children.

Repeat the same procedure with Picturesb,candd.

-Divide the class into two groups to take turns repeating the questions and the answers for Picturesa- d u n t i lt h e y f e e l confident.

To foster language proficiency, instruct students to practice asking and answering questions using provided pictures Invite selected pairs to present questions and answers aloud Evaluate their pronunciation, offer corrections, and provide constructive feedback as needed.

Activity3.Let’stalk.(8minutes) a Objectives

- To correctly use the sentence patternsWhywould you like to be a ?andBecause

I’dlike a toaskandanswerquestionsaboutthe reasons why someone would like to do a certain job in a freer context. b Content

Why would you like to be a ?and Because I’d like to to ask and answer questionsaboutthereasonswhysomeonewould like to do a certain job in a freer context.

Listen and repeat.(Track 52)Listen, point and say.(Track 57)

–It’sonthe ”toaskandanswerquestions aboutthelocationofaroominaschool. b.Content

“Where’sthe It’sonthe ”to askand answerquestionsaboutthelocationofaroominaschool.

-Havepupilslookatthepicturesandelicitthe location of the rooms. listen to and repeat thesentences in the recording.

- Pupilspayattentiontothe question and the answer.

- Pupils look at the pictures and elicit the location and school rooms Pupils repeat the words a few times.

- Pupilspoint at apicture, listentotherecordingand repeat the word Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions.Pupilsrepeat the words a few times.

-Have pupils point at the art room on the ground floor,listentotherecordingandrepeatthephrases (art room – ground floor) Repeat the same procedurewiththeotherthreerooms.H a v e pupils repeat thep h r a s e s a f e w t i m e s C h e c k comprehension.

- Pupils listen and repeat aftertherecording.Pupils listen and repeat the sentences until they feelconfident.

-Point at the first bubble and have pupils listena n d r e p e a t a f t e r t h e r e c o r d i n g (Where’s the artroom?) Point at the art room on the ground floor andh a v e p u p i l s l i s t e n a n d r e p e a t a f t e r the

-Pupilsworkinpairsand practise asking and recording (It’s on the ground floor.) Repeat the same procedure with the other three rooms.

-Have pupils work in pairs to practise asking and answering the question“Where’s the – It’s onthe

”using the speech bubbles and rooms in the pictures.

-Inviteafewpairstopointatthepictureandsaythe questions and answers in front of the class.

Activity3.Let’stalk.(8minutes) a.Objectives

- To enhance the correct use of“Where’s the –It’s on the ”to ask and answer questions about the location of a room in the school in a freecontext. b.Content

– It’s on the ”to ask and answer questions about the location of a room in the school in a freecontext.

Drawp u p i l s ’ a t t e n t i o n t o t h e p i c t u r e H a v e t h e m l o o k a t t h e p i c t u r e s a n d i d e n t i f y t h e location of each room

To enhance comprehension, have pupils observe sentence patterns by studying the provided bubbles Engage them in role-play exercises where they ask and answer questions in pairs, referencing the visual cue to ensure accurate structure and pronunciation Monitor their progress, providing guidance as needed, to reinforce the target language skills.

-Invitesomepairsofpupilstopractiseaskingand answering questions in front of the class Praise them if they perform well.

WRAP-UP(7minutes) Game:Spinthewheel

- Int e a m s , t h e y t a k e t u r n s t o s p i n t h e w h e e l a n d a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s R e a d t h e q u e s t i o n a l o u d a n d answeringthequestion, using speech bubbles.

- Pairsofpupilspointatthe pictures and say the Questions & Answers in front of the class.

- Pupils look at the pictures.

Pupils say the actions of the characters in the pictures.

- Pupils look at the second speech bubble on the board and say the completedsentences.

- Pupilslookatthebubbles to understand how the sentence pattern is used.

Pupilsrole-playtopractise asking and answeringquestions.

- Pupils practise asking and answeringquestions in front of the class.

- To listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which the characters aska n d a n s w e r q u e s t i o n s a b o u t t h e l o c a t i o n o f a r o o m i n a s c h o o l a n d p u t a t i c k o r a c r o s s

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learningtasks.

- Pupil’sbook:Page45 - Audiotracks58,59 - Teacher’sguide:Pages90,91,92 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit6) - Computer,projector,…

WARM-UP(5minutes) a.Objectives - Look at parts of the

- Pupils can correctly say the names of the school rooms: computer room, music room, art room,library.

- Ask pupils to look at the board while showing some parts of the pictures.

- Ask pupils at “Stop” when they think they can guess the name of the place.

Activity4.Listenandtickorcross.(Track58) (5 minutes) a.Objectives

- To listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which the characters ask and answer questions about the location of a room in a school and put atickor acrossinthe boxunder the picture. b.Content

Pupils can listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which the characters ask andanswerquestionsaboutthelocationofaroomin a school and put a tick or a cross in the box undert h e p i c t u r e

-Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures Elicit the location of the room in each picture Play the recording of the first exchange for pupils to listen.

Play the recording again for pupils to do the task.

Play the recording a third time for pupils to check their answers.

-Get pupils to swap books with their partner, then check answers as a class Write the correct answers on the board.

-Play the recording again forp u p i l s t o d o u b l e - c h e c k t h e i r a n s w e r s

- Say “STOP” and say the name of the room

- Pupils look at the pictures.

Pupilslistentotherecording of the first exchange Pupils listen to the recording again to do the task Pupils listen to the recording a third time to check their answers.

- Pupils follow the teacher’sinstructions.

- Pupils swap books with their partner, then check answers as a class.

- Pupils listen to the recording again to double- check their answers.

- Pupils listen to the recording, sentence by sentence, and repeat individuallyandinchorus.

Pupils look at the pictures and identify the location of the room in each picture.

- Pupils can complete four gapped exchanges with the help of picture cues.

-Have pupils look at the pictures Get them to identify the location of the room in each picture.

-Ask pupils to look at the four incomplete exchanges Draw their attention to the missingw o r d s i n t h e s e n t e n c e s

-Model Exchange1 Have pupils look at the exchange Ask them what is missing in the answer (the floor) Then have them look at the picture and identify the needed information (the first floor) Ask them to complete the gap (It’s on thefirstfloor.).

Follow the same procedure with Exchanges2,3and4.

-Havepupilscompletetheexchangesindividually Get pupilstoswapbooks with apartnerand check their answers

Activity6.Let’ssing.(Track8)(8minutes) a Objectives

To sing the song Where are the rooms in ours c h o o l ? w i t h t h e c o r r e c t p r o n u n c i a t i o n , r h y t h m a n d melody. b Content

Pupils cansingthesongWherearetheroomsin ourschool?with the correct pronunciation, rhythm andmelody.

-Draw pupils’ attention to the title and lyrics of the song Encourage them to point at the pictures to reinforce their understanding.

-Play the recording all the way through Encourage pupils to listen carefully to the pronunciation andt h e m e l o d y

-Play the recording, line by line, for pupils to listen and repeat Correct their pronunciation where necessary Introduce actions for pupils to do while they sing along with the recording.

-Play the recording all the way through for pupils to sing along.

-Putpupilsintogroupstomakeuptheirownactions forthesong.Invitegroupstothefrontoftheclassto perform, while the rest of the class sings and / or

- Pupils follow the teacher demonstratingtheExchange1.

- Pupils complete the exchanges individually.

Pupils swap books with a partner and check their answers before checking as a class.

- Pupils pay attention to the title and lyrics of the song.

Pupils point at the picturesto reinforce theirunderstanding.

- Pupils listen to the recording all the way through carefully to the pronunciation and themelody.

- Pupils listen to the recording, line by line, and repeat Pupils do actions while they sing along with the recording.

- Pupils listen to the recording all the way through and sing along.

- Pupils work in groups to make up their own actions forthesong.Pupilscometo clapsalong.Encouragetheclasstopraiseorcheer the performers

WRAP-UP(7minutes) Game:Rollthedice

- Aska p u p i l f r o m e a c h g r o u p t o r o l l t h e d i c e t o c h o o s e a p u p i l a s k i n g t h e q u e s t i o n - Ask that pupil to ask the question and invite another pupil of the group to answer the question about the location of some school rooms in theirschool. e.g.PupilA:Whereisthelibrary

- The pupil who answers the correct answers will continue rolling the dice. the front of the class to perform, while the rest of theclasssingsand/orclapsalon g.

- usethewordsfirstfloor,groundfloor,second floor,third floor,goalong,godownstairs,gopast, go upstairsi n r e l a t i o n t o t h e t o p i c “Our school rooms”;

- use“Where’s the ? – It’s on the toaskandanswerquestionsaboutthe location of a room in a school.

- useCould you tell me the way to the computer room, please? - toaskforand give directions at school;

- listentoanddemonstrateunderstandingof simpleexchangesinrelationtothetopic “Our school rooms”.

- Critical thinking and creativity: learn how to ask and answer questions about personal information correctly and fluently.

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learningtasks.

- Pupil’sbook:Page46 - Audiotrack60,61 - Teacher’sguide:Pages92,93,94 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit6) - Computer,projector,…

- To revise the previous lesson by playingLuckycandy house. b.Content

- Pupils can correctly use the structures they have previously learned.

- Ask pupils to playLucky candy gameto review questions and answers about the location of a room in a school.

- Ask pupils to open their books atpage 46 and look at Unit 6, Lesson 2, Activity 1.

- Explainthatinthislessontheywill learn to ask for and give directions at school.

Activity1.Look,listenandrepeat.(Track60) (5 minutes) a.Objectives -To understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing on asking for and giving directions at school. b.Content

- Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing on asking for and giving directions at school.

-Have pupils look at Picturesaandband identify the characters in the pictures (see

-Ask pupils to look at Picturea Play the recording for them to listen Play the recording again, sentence by sentence, for pupils to listen andrepeat.

- Listen to the teacher’s instructions and play thegame.

Picturesaandband identify the characters in the pictures.

- Pupils look at Pictureaand listen to the recording.

Pupilslistentotherecording again, sentence by sentence, and repeat individually and in chorus.

- Pupils listen to the recording again and repeat individually and/ or in chorus sentence bysentence.

- Pairs of pupils come to the front of the classroom to listen to and repeat the sentences in the recording.

- Pupilspayattentiontothe question and the answer.

-Repeat the same procedure with Pictureb Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

-Invite a few pairs to the front of the classroom to listen to and repeat the sentences in the recording.

-DrawtheirattentiontothequestionCouldyoutellme the way to the computer room, please? and the answerGo upstairs It’s on the third floor.Tell pupils that they are used to asking for and giving directions at school.

Activity2.Listen,pointandsay.(Track61) (10 minutes) a.Objectives -

toaskforandgivedirectionsatschool Activity 2 Listen, point and say. c.Expectedoutcomes

- Pupils can correctly say the phrases and useCouldyoutellmethewaytothecomputerroom,plea se?- toaskforandgivedirectionsatschool.

-Have pupils look at the pictures and elicit the directionstotheroomsinthepictures.Havethe class repeat the phrases a few times

-Have pupils point at Picturea, listen to the recording and repeat the phrase (go upstairs)

-Point at the bubbles and have pupils listen and repeataftertherecording(Couldyoutellme thewayto the computer room, please?–Go upstairs.).D r a w p u p i l s ’ a t t e n t i o n t o t h e a r r o w s h o w i n g t h e d i r e c t i o n o f g o i n g u p s t a i r s P o i n t a t P i c t u r eaand have pupils listen and repeat the sentencesuntil they feel confident Follow the same procedure with Picturesb, candd.

-Have pupils work in pairs and practise asking and answering the questionCould you show me the waytot h e c o m p u t e r r o o m , p l e a s e ? - u s i n g s p e e c h b u b b l e s a n d P i c t u r e s a, b, candd.

-Inviteafewpairstopointatthepicturesandsay the questions and answers in front of the class.

Pupils look at the pictures and elicit the personal information of eachcharacter.

- Pupils point at Picturea, listen to the recording and repeat the word Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with the other three pictures Pupils repeat the words a few times.

- Pupils listen and repeat after the recording Pupils look at Pictureaand listen and repeat after the recording Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with the other three pictures.

- Pupils work in pairs to practise asking and answering the question, using speech bubbles and Picturesa,b,candd.

- Pairsofpupilspointatthe pictures and say the Questions & Answers in front of the class. a.Objectives

- To enhance the correct use ofCould you show methewayto, p l e a s e ? – to ask for and give directions at school. b.Content

PupilscanenhancethecorrectuseofCouldyoutellme the waytothecomputerroom, please? - to ask for and give directions at school.

-Draw pupils’ attention to the picture Have them look at the rooms in the picture.

Ask questions to help pupils identify the directions to go to the rooms (seeInput).

-Elicit the missing words in the second speech bubble and write them on the board Get pupils to say the completed sentences.

-Have pupilslook at the bubblesto understandhow the sentence pattern is used Have pupils role-play to practise asking for and giving directions to go to the rooms in the picture, using picture cues Make sure pupils understand the structure and say it with the right pronunciation and intonation Go around to observe and provide help.

-Invite some pupils to practise asking and answering questions in front of the class Praise them if they perform well.

Extension:Havepupilsaskforandgivedirectionto go to their school rooms, using the structure and vocabulary learnt.

WRAP-UP(7minutes) Game:Passtheteddybears

- Give two different colored balls to two pupils, a red ball (ask the question) and a yellow ball (answerthe question).

- Stop music suddenly Have the pupil with a red ball make a question Have the pupil with a yellow ball answer the question. e.g PupilA: Could you tell me the way to thecomputer room, please?

- Pupils look at the pictures and identify the character’s information in each picture.

- Pupils look at the bubbles to understand how the sentence pattern is used.

- Pupils role-play topractise asking the questions and giving their answers inp a i r s , u s i n g t h e p i c t u r e c u e

- Pupils practise asking and answeringquestionsinfront of the class.

- use Could you tell me the way to the computer room, please? – toaskforand give directions at school;

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learningtasks.

- Self-control&independentlearning:performlistening,readingandwritingtasks.

- Teacher’sguide:Page88,89,90 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit6) - Computer,projector,…

- Ask pupils to stand up and read the words on thescreen.

- If the lightning struck while a student is reading,t h a t s t u d e n t h a s t o s i t d o w n - Attheend ofthegame, thestudent(s)still standing is the winner(s).

Activity4.Listenandcircle.(Track20) (5 minutes) a Objectives

To listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which people ask for and give directions at school and tick the right pictures. b Content

- Pupils can listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which pupils ask for and give directions at school and tick the right pictures

-Drawpupils’attentiontothepicturesofthethree arrows showing the directions to the art room.

-Play the recording of the first exchange for pupils to listen Play the recording again for pupils to do thetask.Playtherecordingathirdtimeforpupilsto check their answers.

- Pupils listen to the recording and circle the correct picture Pupils listen to the recording again to do the task Pupils listen to the recording a third time ifneeded.

- Pupils follow the teacher’sinstructions.

-Get pupils to swap books with their partner, then checkanswersasaclass.Writethecorrectanswers on the board.

Extension:If time allows, play the recording, sentencebysentence,fortheclasstolistenand repeatindividuallyandinchorus.Correcttheir pronunciation where necessary

- To complete two target gapped exchanges with the help of the picture cues b.Content

-Pupilscancompletetwogappedexchangeswith the help of picture cues.

- Pupils swap books with a partner, then check answers as a class.

- Pupils listen to the recording to check their answers again.

- Pupils listen to the recording, sentence by sentence, and repeat individuallyandinchorus.

- Pupils look at the pictures and the address in thepictures.

-Get pupils to look at the two incomplete exchanges.

Draw their attention to the missing words in the sentences.

-Model Exchange1 Have pupils look at the exchange Ask them what is missing in the first gap.

Then have them look at the whole sentence and complete the gap (Could you tellme thewaytothe library, please?) Repeat the same procedure with the other gap in the exchange.

-Have pupils complete the exchanges individually.

Get pupils to swap books with a partner and check their answers before checking as a class.

Extension: Ask a few pairs of pupils to read the exchangesaloud.Correcttheirpronunciationwhere necessary, praise the readers, and get the class to clap or cheer if their pronunciation is good.

- To revise the target vocabulary items andstructures through the game. b.Content

-Tell pupils that they are going to playMemorygameusingthelanguagelearntinLessons 1and2.

-Draw a map with school rooms on the board.

Divide the class into two teams Have pupils look at the school rooms in the map for 20 seconds, then cover the rooms with cards Tell the teams to listen to the teacher’s question (e.g.Could you tellme the way to the library, please?), then ask one pupil in a team to give the direction (e.g to the library), the other pupil in the same team - follow the direction and open the right card to find theroom.

-Sett i m e f o r p u p i l s t o p l a y t h e g a m e I f a pupil givesa r i g h t d ir e c t i o n o r o p e n s a r i g h t c a r d , his/

- Pupils follow the teacher demonstratingtheExchange1

- Pupils complete gapped exchange 2 independently

- Pupils swap books with a partner and check their answers before checking as a class.

-The team that gets more points at the end of the game wins.

- Teacher lets pupils play the above games ingroups.

- They decide together and draw a school map and cover the rooms with cards.

- One pupil is the group leader Tell the pupils to listentotheleader’squestion(e.g.Couldyoutellmethe way to the library, please?), then ask one pupil to give the direction (e.g to the library), the other pupil follow the direction and open the right card to find the room.

- correctly pronounce two syllable words with the stress on the second syllable in thewords upstairsanddownstairsinisolationandinthesentencesHe’sgoingupstairs.andShe’s running downstairs.;

- listentoanddemonstrate understandingofsimpleexchangesinrelationtothetopic “Our school rooms”.

- Critical thinking and creativity: learn how to ask and answer questions about personal information correctly and fluently.

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learningtasks.

- Audiotracks63,64,65 - Teacher’sguide:Pages97,98,99 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit6) - Computer,projector,…

-Torevisethepreviouslessonbyhavingpupilssing the song“Back to school”. b.Content

- Have pupils look at the words and phrases on the screen and say.

- Show some words on the screen and ask pupils to decide whether they are two or three syllable words.

Activity1.Listenandrepeat.(Track63) (5 minutes) a.Objectives

- To correctly repeat the two-syllable words with the stress on the second syllable, as in the wordsup’stairsanddown’stairsin isolation, and in the sentencesH e ’ s g o i n g u p s t a i r s a n d She’s running downstairs. b.Content

- Pupils can correctly repeat the two-syllable words with the stress on the second syllable, as in the wordsup’stairsanddown’stairsin isolation, and in thes e n t e n c e s H e ’ s g o i n g u p s t a i r s andShe’s running downstairs.

-Drawpupils’attentiontothewordup’stairsandthe sentence I want to go upstairs Play the recording and encourage them to point to the word and sentencewhilelistening.

- Pupilsl o o k a t t h e words up’stairsanddown’stairs.

- Pupils look at the words and listen to the recording.

Pupils listen and repeat individually and in chorus.

Explaintopupilswhatwordstressis,inVietnamese if necessary (word stress is the emphasis thatyouputonasyllablebysayingitmoreloudly).

Tellthemthatweusethestressmark (‘) to indicate word stress.

-Playtherecordingagainandencouragepupilsto listen and repeat Do this a few timesuntilpupilsfeelconfident.Correcttheir pronunciation where necessary and praise them when their pronunciation is good.

-Letpupilsworkinpairsorgroupstosaythewords upstairs and downstairs, and readthesentencesHe’sgoingupstairs.andShe’s running downstairs Invite a few pupils to listentotherecordingandsaythelanguageinfront of the class If they perform well, praise them.

Activity2.Circle,listenandcheck.(Track64) (10 minutes) a.Objectives

- To identify the two-syllable words with the stress on the second syllable. b.Content

Toidentifythetwo-syllablewordswiththestresson the second syllable. b.Content

-Pupilscancirclethewordswiththestressonthe second syllable. thethreesetsortwo-syllablewords.Explainwhatpupils havetodoit.Checkcomprehension.

-Tellpupilstolookatthreewordsinthefirstline, read them aloud and circle the wordthathasthestressonthesecondsyllable.Then play the recording for pupils to listen andchecktheiranswers.

- Pupils look at the sets of two syllable words Listent o t h e t e a c h e r ' s i n s t r u c t i o n s

- Pupils read the wordsaloud and circle.

- Swap books with a partner and check.

- Pupils pay attention to the lyrics of the chant.

- Pupils listen all the way through carefully to the rhythm and pronunciation.

-Tellpupilstoswapbookswithapartner,then check the answers as a class Write thecorrectanswersontheboard.Playtherecording again for pupils to listen and check their answersagain.

Activity3.Let’schant.(Track65)(8minutes) a Objectives

WRAP-UP(7minutes) Preparation for the project: Tell pupils about theproject at page 49 Ask them to prepare for it at home by making posters about their favorite school.

Remind them to bring the posters to class to present them at Project time.

- Each team has a representative to play “rock, paper, scissors”.

- The winning team answers the question first.

Pupils get the points if their team answers thequestion.

- Pupils listen to the recording, line by line, andrepeat.

- Pupils listen to the recording all the way through and chant along.

- Pupils work in two or more groups to take turns listening to and repeatingt h e c h a n t , w h i l e t h e r e s t o f t h e c l a s s c l a p s a l o n g

- read a short passage and tickTrueorFalsethe sentences related to the information int h e p a s s a g e ;

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learningtasks.

- Pupil’sbook:Page49 - Teacher’sguide:Pages99,100 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit6) - Computer,projector,…

- To read a text about rooms in a school and decide whether statements are true or false. b.Content

- Pupils listen to the teacher’sexplanation.

- In teams, pupils take turns to choose the letters and answerthequestions.Ifthey have the correct answers, they can give the mystery box or keep it to the otherteams.

- Pupils pay attention to the paragraphsand readthemas a class.

- Pupils read the text and tickthesentencesprovidedTru eorFalse.

-Draw pupils’ attention to the text and read it together as a class Check comprehension.

-Draw pupils’ attention to the four statements below the text and four boxes to tick True or False Have pupils pay attention to the sentences about the rooms in the school (theirlocations,the directions to the rooms) Give pupils time to tick the correct boxes.

-Tell pupils to swap books with a partner, then check answers together as a class.Write the correct answers on the board.

-Ask pupils to look at the board and check their answersagain.Iftimeallows,askthemtoreadthe text aloud in front of the class.

Activity5.Let’swrite.(10minutes) a.Objectives

- To read the table and complete the boxes about the rooms in the school b.Content

-Tell the class the goal of this activity: pupils are going to read the table and complete the gapped boxes in it Check comprehension.

-Read the words / phrases in each column as a class

(School rooms / Where? / How to go therefrom your classroom?) Point to the example in each columnandencouragepupilstocompletethe rest of gapped boxes.

-If time allows, invite a few pupils to read the words

/ phrases they have written in the table in front of the class.

- To revise the target language by drawing a picture of a favourite school and presenting it to the class b.Content

-Activity6.Project. partner, then check answers as a class.

- Pupils look at the board and check their answersagain.

- Pupils listen to theteacher’s explanation.

- Pupils follow the teacher’sinstructions.

- Pupils complete the table based on their personal information from the guiding questions.

- Pupils listen to the teacher’sexplanation.

-Tellpupilsthegoalofthisactivity.Explainthat they are going to show pictures that they have drawn at home and tell the class about their favourite schools.

-Have pupils work in groups of five Each pupil shows his / her pictures that they have drawn at home and tells the group about the schools, e.g.This is my favourite school There’s an art room inthe school It’s big It’s on the third floor You should go upstairs to get to the art room I often draw pictures there.Go around the class and offer helpifnecessary(e.g.whenpupilsneedsomemore vocabulary to talk about favourite rooms).

-Invite some pupils to show their work and talk abouttheirfavouriteschoolsinfrontoftheclass Have pupils stick their pictures on the wall (or board) as a display.

- Pupils show their pictures to their classmates, and present the school to the class at the Project time.

- Pupils work in groups of five Pupils show his / her pictures that they have drawnathomeandtellthe group about the schools.

- Pupils show their work andtalkabouttheirschool

Pupils stick their work on the wall (or board) as adisplay.

-use the verbsdo projects, play games, read books, solve maths problems,in relation to the topic“Our favourite school activities”;

- useWhat school activity does he / she like? – He / She likes to ask and answer questions about someone’s favourite school activity;

-listento and demonstrateunderstanding ofsimplecommunicativecontexts in relation tothe topic “Our favourite school activities”.

- Critical thinking and creativity: learn how to ask and answer questions about personal information correctly and fluently.

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learningtasks.

- Pupil’sbook:Page50 - Audiotracks66,67 - Teacher’sguide:Pages101,102,103 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit7) - Computer,projector,…

- To revise the previous lesson by playingCollectthe letters. b.Content

- Pupils can correctly spell some words they have previously learned.

- Greettheclass.Askpupilsto playCollect the lettersto review the wordsplayfootball,sing,dance,playthe violin,playtheguitar,paint.

- Ask pupils to unscramble the letters to guess the hidden word“SCHOOL”.

- Get pupils to open their books at page 50 and look at Unit 7, Lesson 1, Activity 1 Write the titleOurfavourite school activitieson the board and read it for the class to repeat a few times Tell pupils what they will learn in this lesson.

- Inviteonepupiloragrouptoperformthesongin front of the class.

Activity1.Look,listenandrepeat.(Track66) (5 minutes) a.Objectives

- To understand and correctly repeat the

- Listen to the teacher’s instructions and play thegame.

Picturesaandband identify the characters in the pictures. sentences in two communicative contexts (pictures) on the phone, focusing on greetings, asking and answering questions about someone’s favourite school activitiy. b.Content

- Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentencesintwocommunicativecontexts(pictures) focusing on asking and answering questions about someone’s favourite school activity.

-Ask pupils to look at Picturesaandband identify the characters and say what they can see in thepictures.

-Have pupils look at Pictureaand say what the characters are talking about Pupils can use Vietnamese, then repeat their responses in English.

-Play the recording and encourage pupils to point at the characters while listening.

-Play the recording again, sentence by sentence, for pupils to listen and repeat individually and inc h o r u s C o r r e c t t h e i r p r o n u n c i a t i o n w h e r e n e c e s s a r y R e p e a t t h e s a m e p r o c e d u r e w i t h P i c t u r eb.

To inquire about a student's favorite school activity, use the question "What school activity does he like?" The response, "He likes reading books," provides the specific activity enjoyed by the student This question-and-answer format is essential for eliciting information about an individual's preferences and interests within a school setting.

Extension:Inviteafewpairsofpupilstolistenand repeat the exchangesaandb.

Activity2.Listen,pointandsay.(Track67) (10 minutes) a.Objectives

- To correctly say the words and useWhat schoolactivity does he / she like? – He / She likes .to ask and answerquestions about someone’s favourite school activity. b.Content

- Pupils listen to the recordingagain,sentenceby sentence, and repeat individually and in chorus.

- Pairs of pupils come to the front of the classroom to listen to and repeat the sentences in the recording.

-Pupilspayattentiontothe question and the answer.

- Pupils look at the pictures and elicit the personal information of eachcharacter.

- Pupils point at Picturea, listen to the recording and repeat the word Pupils follow the teacher’s instructionsw i t h t h e o ther three pictures Pupils repeat the words a few times.

-P u p i l s c a n c o r r e c t l y s a y t h e w o r d s a n d u s eW h a t school activity does he / she like? – He / She likes to ask and answer questions about someone’sfavourite school activity.

Let’s write.(10m i n u t e s ) a.Objectives

- To read a paragraph and circle the correct options to complete four sentences provided b.Content

- Pupils can read a paragraph and show understanding by circling the correct options to complete the sentences provided.

-Tell pupils the goal of the activity and explain thattheyshouldreadtheparagraphandcirclethe correct options to complete the sentences provided Check comprehension.

-Give an example with Number1 Have pupils read the sentence Number 1; then scan the paragraph above quickly to find the correct fact (Linh).Then tell them to compare with the option giveninthesentenceprovidedandcircletheletter c

-Set a time limit for pupils to do the task independently Go around the classroom and offer help where necessary.

-Get pupils to swap books with a partner and check their answers before checking as a class Correct the answers where necessary.

Extension:Invite one or two pupils to ask and answer whyLinh, Minh, LucyandBilllike these school activities, for example,Why does Linh likesinging?

−Because she wants to be a singer in thefuture.Correcttheirpronunciationwherenecessary.Acti vity 5 Let’s write.(10m i n u t e s ) a.Objectives

- To write a short paragraph about favourite school activities and why their sister or brother likes them with the help of guiding questions and a writingframe

- Pupils pay attention to the paragraph and read them as a class.

- Pupils look at the incomplete sentences and answer options Pupils read the text again and circle the correct answers.

- Pupils swap books with a partner, then check answers as a class.

- Pupilslookattheboard and check their answersagain.

- Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation. b.Content

- Pupils can use the words / phrases to write abouts o m e o n e ’ s f a v o u r i t e s c h o o l a c t i v i t y

- Pupils read the first sentences in the frame and complete the sentences.

-Tell the class the goal of the activity and explain that they should read the questions and complete the writing frame with their personal facts Tell pupilst h a t t h e y s h o u l d w r i t e a b o u t 3 0 words.

-Give an example with Sentence1 Have pupils read the first sentences in the frame Remind them of the question words in the first question before completing the sentence Tell them to do the same with the rest of the questions.

-Give pupils time to do the writing task independently Go around the classroom and offer help where necessary.

-Get pupils to swap books with a partner and check their answers before checking as a class.

Extension:Invite one or two pupils to stand up and read aloud their sentences.

Pupils can write a short paragraph about their favouriteschoolactivitiesandwhytheylikeit/them with the help of guiding questions and a writingframe.

- Pupils can do their surveys of their favourite schoolactivitieswiththeirclassmates,andreport their survey to the class at the Project time.

Use the suggested checklist for assessment on page5

- Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation.

- Pupils read the first sentences in the frame and complete the sentences.

- Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation.

- Pupils work in groups of five, report their survey to their friends in groups.

-Pupils report their surveyi n f r o n t o f t h e c l a s s surveys.Go around the classroom and offer help where necessary.

-Inviteafewgroupstoreporttheirsurveyresultsin frontof the class.Praisethem when they do agoodjob.

WRAP-UP(7minutes) Game:Luckynumber

- understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts in which characters ask and answer questions about the locations of school things.

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learningtasks.

- Show their pride in school things they have and great respect for other people’s school things by using appropriate gestures and intonation when asking and answering about schoolthings.

- Pupil’sbook:Page56 - AudioTracks76,77 - Teacher’sguide:Pages115,116,117 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit8) - Computer,projector,…

- To revise the vocabulary about school things and things around them. b.Content

- Pupils can correctlysay thenamesofschoolthings and things around them.

- Tellpupilstheyaregoingtorememberthepictures and write the pictures’ names.

- Fly the flashcards on the board Ask pupils to look at and remember the flashcards carefully.

- Ask each member of the group to take turns running to the board and write only the name of onepicture.

- Thegroupwithmorecorrectanswerswillbethe winner Praise the winner.

Activity1.Look,listenandrepeat.(5minutes) a.Objectives

-Tounderstandandcorrectlyrepeatthesentencesin twocommunicativecontextsinwhichcharactersask and answer questions about the locations of schoolthings. b.Content

- Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing on asking and answering questions about the locationso f s c h o o l t h i n g s , u s i n gW h e r e a r e the

-Have pupils look at Picturesaandb, identify the characters and their activities.

- Listen to the teacher’s explanation.

- Follow the teacher demonstrating the game.

- Look at and remember the flashcards carefully.

- Each member of the group takes turns running to the board and writes only the name of one picture.

Picturesaandband identify the characters andtheiractivities.

- Pupils look at the pictures.

Pupils listen to the recording Pupils listen to the recording again,s e n t e n c e b y s e n t e n c e , a n d repeat.

- Pupils listen to the recording again and repeat in chorus, sentence bysentence.

Incorporate visual aids and audio recordings into the lesson Allow students to observe pictures and listen to sentences before repeating them This guided repetition, with correction, enhances their pronunciation skills.

-Play the recording again for pupils to listen and repeat in chorus, sentence by sentence.

-Invite a few pairs to the front of the classroom to listen and repeat the sentences in the recording.

-Draw their attention to the questionWhere are themaps?and the answerThey’re beside the board.T e l l p u p i l s t h a t t h e y a r e t h e q u e s t i o n a n d t h e a n s w e r a b o u t l o c a t i o n s o f t h i n g s

Activity2.Listen,pointandsay.(10minutes) a.Objectives

-TocorrectlyuseWherearethe ?-They’re t oa s k a n d a n s w e r q u e s t i o n s a b o u t t h e l o c a t i o n s o f s c h o o l t h i n g s b.Content

- Pupils can correctly say the words and useWhereare the? -

T h e y ’ r e t o ask and answer questions about the locations of school things.

-Have pupils look at the Picturesa,b,canddand identify the locations of school things.

-Have pupils point at Picturea, listen to the recording and repeat the words (pencils / beside/book) Point at the words and Picture a and have pupils listen and repeat after the recording (Whereare the pencils? - They’re beside the book.).

-Follow the same procedure with the other three pictures Have the class repeat the questions and answers a few times.

-Have pairs practise asking and answering the questionWhere are the? - T h e y ’ r e

-Inviteafewpairstopointatthepicturesandsay the questions and answers in front of the class.

Activity3.Let’stalk.(8minutes) a.Objectives

- To correctly useWhere are the?

- to ask and answer questions about the locations of school things.

- Pairs of pupils come to the front of the classroom to listen and repeat the sentences in the recording - Pupils pay attention to the question and the answer.

Pupils listen to the teacher’sexplanation.

- Pairs of pupils act out the conversationsinfrontofthecla ss.

- Pupils look at the Picturesa,b,canddand identifyt h e l o c a t i o n s o f s c h o o l things.

- Pupils point at Picturea, listen to the recording and repeat the words Pupils listen and repeat after therecording.

- Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with the other three pictures Pupils repeat the questions and answers a few times.

- Pairs of pupils practise asking and answering thequestion.

- Pairsofpupilspointatthe pictures and say the questions and answers in front of the class.

-Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures Ask questions to help them identify the context (seeInput).

-Put pupils into pairs and practise asking and answering questions about the locations of school things Go around the classroom to offer support where necessary.

-Inviteafewpairs tothefront oftheclass to ask and answer questions about locations of school things, using the picture cues Praise pupils if they performwell.

Extension(Foradvancedlevel):Invitesomepairs of pupilstoask and answerquestions about the real schoolthingsintheclassroom.Forexample,Whereare the fans? - They’re above the windows(on the ceiling);Where’stheprojector?-It’sinfrontofthescreen etc,

WRAP-UP(7minutes) Game:Musicalcards

- Stick the cards on the board Ask pupils to say the words related to the cards.

- Hand out the cards to different pupils around theclass.

- Play the song“What school activity does shelike?”(Unit 7) Ask pupils to pass the cards to the pupils next to them while the music is playing.

- Stop the music suddenly Invite a pupil to ask the question“Where are the pens?” Ask pupil who is holding the card to answer the question, e.g.It’s infront of the clock.

* Preparation for the Project: Tell pupilsabout the project on page 61, Lesson 3, Activity 6 Ask them to draw their study corners with the locations of school things, and present their group’s pictures of study corners in front of the class at project time. andidentifythecontext.

- Pupils work in pairs and practise asking and answering questions about the locations of schoolthings.

- Pairs of pupils come to the front of the class to ask and answer questions about locations of school things, using the picture cues.

- Pairs of pupils ask and answerquestionsaboutthe real school things in theclassroom.

- listentoand understand four communicativecontexts in which the characterstalkabout the location of school things.

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learningtasks.

- Show their pride in school things they have and great respect for other people’s school things by using appropriate gestures and intonation when asking and answering about schoolthings.

- Pupil’sbook:Page57 - Audiotracks78,79 - Teacher’sguide:Pages118,119 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit8) - Computer,projector,…

- Pupils can correctly remember and say thesentence structures Where are the ? - It’s to ask and answer questions about the locations of school things.

Listen to the teacher’s explanation.

- Play the game in twogroups.

- If he/ she gives a correct answer, he/ she will geto n e p o i n t a n d h e l p t h e s e e d l i n g g r o w a n d b l o o m

- To listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which the characters talk about the location of school things. b.Content

- Pupils can listen to and understand four communicative contexts in whichthe characters talk about the locations of school things.

-Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures and elicit the names of the school things and their locations.

-Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen Play the recording again for them to do the taskbytickingorcrossingthe correctpictures.Then play it a third time for pupils to check and complete the activity.

-Get pupils to swap books with a partner to check theiranswersbeforecheckingasaclass.Correctthe answers if necessary.

- To complete seven gapped sentences with the help of the picture cues. b.Content

- Pupils can complete seven gapped sentences with the help of the picture cues.

- Pupils look at the pictures and say the names of the school things and theirlocations.

- Pupils listen to the recording all theway through Then pupils listen to the recording again to do the task by ticking or crossingthecorrectpictures.

Pupils listen to a third time to check and complete theactivity.

- Pupils swap books with a partner to check their answersbeforecheckingas a class.

Pupils look at the pictures.

Pupils identify the locations of school things.

- Pupils look at the gapped sentences Pay their attention to the missing words in the sentences.

- Pupils follow the teacher demonstrating Exchange1.

Pupils look at the sentence.

Pupils answer what word is missing Then pupils complete the sentence.

- Pupils follow the teacher’sinstructions.

- Pupils complete the gapped sentences individuallyandaskpupils

Havep u p i l s l o o k a t t h e g a p p e d s e n t e n c e s D r a w t h e i r a t t e n t i o n t o t h e missing words in thesentences.

-Model with Exchange1 Have pupils look at the sentence Ask them what word is missing (beside).

Then have pupils complete the sentence (They’rebeside the notebooks).

-Have pupils complete the gapped sentences individuallyandaskpupilstoreadthemaloud.Activity 6

- To sing the songWhere are they?with the correct pronunciation, rhythm and melody. b.Content

-Draw pupils’ attention to the title and lyrics of the song Encourage them to point at the location of school things to reinforce their understanding.

-Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen to the whole song Encourage them to listen carefully to the pronunciation, rhythm and melody.

-Play the recording line by line for pupils to listen and repeat Correct their pronunciation wherenecessary.

-Play the recording all the way through for pupils to sing along.

-Play the recording again for pupils to sing and clap along with the recording.

WRAP-UP(7minutes) Game:Angrybirds

- Havepupilstaketurnsto choosethenumbers, then look at the picture and answer the questions. e.g Picture of two books on the desk Teacher asks“Whereare thebooks?Pupils answer“They’reon the desk.”

- Havethemlookatthepicturesandanswerthe questions If they have the correct answers, they get the points for their groups If the answer is not correct, toreadthemaloud.

- Pupils pay attention to the title and lyrics of the song.

Pupils point at the location of school things to reinforce their understanding.

- Pupils listen to the whole song Pupils listen carefully tothepronunciation,rhythm and melody.

- Pupils listen to the recording line by line andrepeat.

- Pupils listen to the recording all the way through and sing along.

- Pupils listen to the recording again to sing and clap along with therecording.

- Some groups come to the frontoftheclasstoperform while the rest of the class sings and / or claps along.

Listentotheteacher the other group answers and gets points.

- understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts in which characters ask and answer questions about possession.

- correctlyu s eW h o s e ist h i s ? - I t ’ s t oa s k a n d a n s w e r q u e s t i o n s a b o u t possession.

- enhance the correct use ofW h o s e ist h i s ? - to askandanswer questions about possession in freer contexts.

- useth ew or dsan dp hr asesw h o s e , gluesti ck,crayon,set s q u a r e , pencil sh arpe n er i n r e l a t i o n t o t h e t o p i c “ I n o u r c l a s s r o o m ”

- Criticalthinkingandcreativity:learnhowtoaskandanswerquestionsaboutpossession correctly and fluently.

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learningtasks.

- Show their pride in school things they have and great respect for other people’s school things by using appropriate gestures and intonation when asking and answering about schoolthings.

- Pupil’sbook:Page58 - Audiotracks80,81 - Teacher’sguide:Pages120,121 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit8) - Computer,projector,…

- To revise the structuresWhere are the ?-

- Listen to the teacher’s explanation.

- Pupils can make and say the structures about the structuresWhere are the ? - They’re to ask and answer questions about the locations of school things correctly.

- Nominate one pupil in each group as a leader The leader says a sentence and the other group members have to stand in a line, holding the word cards to make a sentence For example:Where are thepictures?

- Invite two groups to the front of the class to play the game.

- Two groups come to the front of the class to play thegame.

The group that makes the most correct sentences will win.

Activity1.Look,listenandrepeat.(5minutes) a.Objectives

-Tounderstandandcorrectlyrepeatthesentencesin twocommunicativecontextsinwhichcharactersask and answer questions about possession. b.Content

- Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing on asking and answering questions aboutpossession.

-Have pupils look at Picturesaandband identify the characters and the location of school things.

-Ask pupils to look at Picture a Play the recording for them to listen to Play the recording again, sentence by sentence, for pupils to listen and repeat.

Follow the same procedure with Pictureb Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

-Play the recording again for pupils to listen and repeat in chorus sentence by sentence.

-Invite a few pairs to the front of the classroom to listen and repeat the sentences in the recording.

Picturesaandband identify the characters and the location of school things.

Pupils listen to the recording Pupils listen to the recording again, sentence by sentence, and repeat Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with Pictureb.

- Pupils listen to the recording again and repeati n c h o r u s s e n t e n c e b y sentence.

- Pairs of pupils come to the front of the classroom to listen and repeat the sentences in the recording.

- Pupils pay attention to the question and answer Pupils listent o t h e teacher’ s

-Draw their attention to the questionWhose crayonis this?and the answerIt’s Linh’s.Tell pupils that they are questions and answers about possession.

Extension (For consolidation):Invite a few pairs ofpupilstoactouttheconversationsinfrontoftheclass.

Activity2.Listen,pointandsay.(10minutes) a.Objectives

- To correctly useWhose is this? - It’s toask and answer questions about possession. b.Content

-Have pupils look at Picturesa,b,canddand elicit the characters and their school things.

-Have pupils point at Picturea, listen to the recording and repeatthewords (glue stick/ Mary’s).

Point at the bubbles and Pictureaagain and have pupils listen and repeat after the recording (Whoseglue stick is this? - It’s Mary’s.)

-Follow the same procedure with the other three pictures Have the class repeat the questions and answers a few times.

-Have pairs practise asking and answering the questionWhoseis this? - It’s using the picture cues.

-Inviteafewpairstopointatthepicturesandsay the questions and answers in front of the class.

Activity3.Let’stalk.(8minutes) a.Objectives

- to ask and answer questions aboutpossession in freer contexts. b.Content

- Pupils can ask and answer questions about possession, usingWhosei s t h i s ? -

-Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures Ask questions to help them identify the context (seeInput). explanation.

- Pairs of pupils act out the conversationsinfrontofthecla ss.

Picturesa,b,canddand say the characters and their schoolthings.

- Pupils point at Picturea, listen to the recording and repeat the words Pupils listen and repeat after therecording.

- Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with the other three pictures Pupils repeat the questions and answers a few times.

- Pairs of pupils practise asking and answering the question, using the picturecues.

- Pairsofpupilspointatthe pictures and say the questions and answers in front of the class.

- Pupils look at the pictures.

Pupils answer the questions to identify the context.

- Pupils work in pairs and askandanswerquestions aboutpossession.

-Put pupils into pairsand encourage them to ask and answer questions about possession Go around the classroom to offer support where necessary.

-Invite a few pairs to practise asking and answering questions about possession, using the picture cues.

Praise pupils if they perform well.

WRAP-UP(7minutes) Game:Flashcardwalk

, s e t square, pencil sharpener) on the classroom floor.

- Play some music and have the pupils walk around the flashcards.

- Have the pupils pick up the correct flashcard and make a question for another pupil to answer. e.g.PupilA:Whosecrayonisit?

Pupil A invites another pupil of his/ her groupt o a n s w e r t h a t q u e s t i o n P u p i l B : I t ’ s M a i ’ s

- Give the first group to make a correct sentence at one point.

- Pairs of pupils practise asking and answering questions about possession, using the picture cues.

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learningtasks.

- Self-control&independentlearning:performlistening,readingandwritingtasks.

- Show their pride in school things they have and great respect for other people’s school things by using appropriate gestures and intonation when asking and answering about schoolthings.

- Teacher’sguide:Pages122,123,124 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit8) - Computer,projector,…

- To revise the sentence structuresWhoseisthis? -

It’s to ask and answer questions aboutpossession. b.Content

- Pupils can correctly say the sentence structuresWhoseis this? - It’s to ask and answer questions about possession.

- Tell pupils that they are going to pick up the flowers, then look at the things and ask and answer questions about possession.

- Divide the class into two groups Two pupils from each group will play the game in turns.

- If pupils ask and answer the questions correctly, they will get points for their group.

- If they choose a lucky star, they get one point and continue the next turn.

- To listen to and understand two communicative contextsa b o u t t h e l o c a t i o n s o f s c h o o l t h i n g s and

- Listen to the teacher’s explanation.

- Work in two groups Two pupils from each group will play the game in turns.

- Pupils look at the Pictures1a,1band1c.

- Pupils listen to the recording to do Question1by ticking the right picture.

Pictures2a,2band2c.Pupilsa nswerthe questions to identify whose set square it is Pupils listen to the recording to do Question2by ticking the right picture.

- Pupils swap books with a partner,t he nc h e c k answers asa c l a s s P u p i l s l i s t e n to possession. b.Content

- Pupils can listen and understand two communicative contexts about the locations of school things and possession.

-Draw pupils’ attention to Pictures1a,1band1c Ask questions to help them identify the locations of 3 crayons.

-Play the recording for pupils to do Question1by ticking the right picture.

-Draw pupils’ attention to Pictures2a,2band2c Ask questions to help them identify whose sets q u a r e i t i s P l a y t h e r e c o r d i n g f o r p u p i l s t o d o Q u e s t i o n2by ticking the right picture.

-Tell pupils to swap books with a partner, thenc h e c k a n s w e r s a s a c l a s s W r i t e t h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r s o n t h e b o a r d P l a y t h e r e c o r d i n g a g a i n f o r p u p i l s t o d o u b l e - c h e c k t h e i r a n s w e r s

- To complete two gapped exchanges with the help of picture cues. b.Content

- Pupils can complete two gapped exchanges with the help of picture cues.

-Have pupils look at the pictures Get them to identify the locations of school things and possession in the pictures.

-Have pupils look at the two gapped exchanges.

Draw their attention to the missing words.

Students examine the first gap in the sentence and identify the missing word "It's" to form "It's PhuongNga's." They then attempt to guess the missing word in subsequent sentences, such as "under." This interactive exercise engages pupils in active participation and enhances their sentence completion skills.

-Getpupilstoswapbookswithapartnerandcheck theiranswersbeforecheckingasaclass.Askafew pairs to read the completed exchanges aloud.

(8minutes) the recording again todouble-check their answers.

- Pupilsstandupwhenthe informationisdifferent.A pupil corrects theinformation.

- Pupils look at the pictures.

Pupils identify the locations of school things and possession in the pictures.

- Pupils look at the two gapped exchanges Pupils pay attention to the missingwords.

- Pupils follow the teacher demonstrating Exchange1.

Pupils look at the first gap.

Pupils answer what word is missing Then pupils complete the sentence.

Pupils guess the missing word in the followingsentence.

-Torevisetargetwordsaboutfree-timeactivitiesby playingWhose pen is this? b.Content

- Pupils can revise target words about free-time activities by playingWhose pen is this?

-Tell pupils that they are going to play Whosepen is this?ingroups.Eachgroupisdividedintotwopairs, Pair A as Group A and Pair B as Group B Group A holdsoneoftheschoolthingsonthetableandasks, e.g Whose pen is this? Group B answers, e.g.

-Two groups take turns to ask and answer about possession The members of each group have to remember whose school things they are to answer the questions.

-The group that gives a correct answer will get one point The winner is the group that has the most correct answers, that is, they get the most points.

-Havepupilsworkingroupsoftwopairs.Invitea group to the front of the class to play the game.

- Give two different colored balls to two pupils, a red ball (ask the question) and a yellow ball (answer the question).

- Have the pupil with a red ball make a question.

Have the pupil with a yellow ball answer thequestion. e.g.PupilA:Whosepenisthis?

- Pupils swap books with a partner and check their answersbeforecheckingas aclass.Pairsofpupilsread the completed exchangesaloud.

- Pupils listen to theteacher’s explanation.

- Pupils work in two groups to take turns to ask and answer about possession.

The members of each group have to remember whose school things they are to answer the questions.

- The group that gives a correct answer will get one point Pupils praise thewinner.

- Pupils work in groups of two pairs A group came to thefrontoftheclasstoplay the game.

Accurately pronounce two-syllable words with the stress on the second syllable, such as "above" and "beside." In the sentences "The picture is above the window" and "The map is beside the board," emphasize the second syllable in "above" and "beside," respectively, to ensure clear and correct pronunciation.

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learningtasks.

- Show their pride in school things they have and great respect for other people’s school things by using appropriate gestures and intonation when asking and answering about schoolthings.

- Pupil’sbook:Page60 - Audiotracks83,84,85 - Teacher’sguide:Pages124,125 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit8) - Computer,projector,…

- To revise the previous lesson by asking and answering questions about the locations of school things and possessions. b.Content

-Game:Ringthebells c.Expectedoutcomes - Pupils can correctly ask and answer questions aboutthelocationsofschoolthingsandpossessions.Gam e: Ring the bells - Tellpupilstheyaregoingtolookatthepictureand choose the correct answer a, b or c.

- Have one pupil from each group play rock, paper, scissorstofindthegroupwhichplaysthegamefirst.

- Have two pupils from two groups look at the pictureandchoosethecorrectanswera,borctofill

- Listen to the teacher’s explanation.

- Play rock, paper, scissors to find the group which plays the game first.

- Look at the picture and choose the correct answer a, b or c to fill in the blank.

- Pupils pay attention to theword above and the in the blank If he/ she has the answer, he/ she will bring the bell to give the answer.

- If he/ she chooses the correct answer, he/ she gets points for his/ her group The group with more points is the winner.

- To correctly repeat two-syllable words, with the stressonthesecondsyllable,inthewordsaboveandbeside, and in the sentencesThe picture is above thewindow.andThe map is beside the board.with correct pronunciation and intonation. b.Content

- Pupils can correctly repeat two-syllable words, with the stress on the second syllable, in the wordsaboveandbeside, and in the sentencesThe picturei s a b o v e t h e w i n d o w andThe map is beside theboard.with correct pronunciation and intonation.

-Draw pupils’ attention to the word above and the sentenceThe picture is above the window.Play the recording and encourage pupils to point at the word and the sentence while listening.

-Play the recording again and encourage pupils to listen and repeat the word and the sentence Do this several times until pupils feel confident Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

-RepeatSteps 1and2for the wordbesideand the sentenceThe map is beside the board.

-Let pupils work in pairs or groups, saying the wordsandreadingthesentencesuntiltheyfeelconfid ent.

Activity2.Circle,listenandcheck.(10minutes) a.Objectives

- To identify the word that has stress different from the other words. b.Content

- P u p i l s c a n i d e n t i f y t h e w o r d t h a t h a s s t r e s s d i f f e r e n t f r o m t h e o t h e r w o r d s sentence Pupils listen tothe recording and point at the wordandthesentencewhilelist ening.

- Pupils listen to the recording again and repeat the word and the sentence.

- Pupils follow the teacher’sinstructions.

- Pupils work in pairs or groups, saying the words andreadingthesentences until they feel confident.

- Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation.

- Pupils listen to the recording and check Pupils listen to the recording again and check if they circle the correct options.

- Pupils swap books with a partner, then check the answers as a class.

-Play the recording for pupils to listen and check.

Playtherecordingagainforthemtolistenandcheck if they circle the correct options.

-Tell pupils to swap books with a partner, thenc h e c k t h e a n s w e r s a s a c l a s s W r i t e t h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r s o n t h e b o a r d

-Play the recording again for pupils to double-check their answers.

Extension(Forconsolidation):Inviteoneortwo pupils to stand up and repeat the correct options (odd words).

Activity3.Let’schant.(8minutes) a.Objectives

- To say the chant with correct rhythm andpronunciation. b.Content

- Pupils can say the chant with correct rhythm andpronunciation.

-Draw pupils’ attention to the lyrics of the chant.

-Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen to the whole chant Encourage them to listen carefully to the rhythm and pronunciation Draw pupils’ attention to the wordsaboveandbeside.

-Play the recording line by line while pupils listen and repeat Correct their pronunciation if necessary.

-Play the recording all the way through for pupils to chant to Encourage them to clap along whilechanting.

Extension:Divide the class into two groups to take turnslisteningandrepeatingthechant,whiletherest of the class claps along.

WRAP-UP(7minutes) Game:Pictionary

- Prepare pictures about the locations of school things and a real bag Put the pictures in the bag.

- Ask one pupil from each group to choose a picture from the bag, e.g.a picture of a crayon beside thepencil case.

- Tell him / her to draw a picture (a picture of acrayonb e s i d e t h e p e n c i l c a s e ) o n t h e b o a r d and recordinga g a i n t o d o u b l e - c h e c k t h e i r a n s w e r s - Oneortwopupilsstandup and repeat the correctoptions.

- Pupils pay attention to the lyrics of the chant.

- Pupils listen to the whole chant.Pupilslisten carefully to the rhythm and pronunciation Pupils pay attention to thewordsaboveandbeside.

- Pupils listen to the recording line by line andrepeat.

- Pupils listen to the recording all the way through and chant Pupils clap along while chanting.

- Pupilsworkintwogroups to take turns listening and repeating the chant, while the rest of the class clapsalong.

Listentotheteacher encouraget h e i r g r o u p t o g u e s s i t a n d s a y t h e s e n t e n c e , e g The crayon is beside the pencil case.

- complete four sentences about someone’s school things by writing the target words in the gaps with the help of picture cues.

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learningtasks.

- Show their pride in school things they have and great respect for other people’s school things by using appropriate gestures and intonation when asking and answering about schoolthings.

- Pupil’sbook:Page61 - Teacher’sguide:Pages125,126,127 - Flashcards/picturesandposters(Unit8) - Computer,projector,…

- Listen to the chant again and chant along Clap their hands while chanting.

- Pupils can say the chant with the correct pronunciation, word stress and rhythm.

- Play the chant again for pupils to listen and chant along Encourage them to clap their hands whilechanting.

- Call two or more groups to take turns listening to and repeating the chant, while the rest of the class claps their hands.

- To read and show understanding of the text by answering four questions about three friends’schoolthings. b.Content

- Pupils can read a text and answer four questions about four friends’ school things.

-Have pupils read the questions carefully Tell them to read Question1and pay attention to key words suchasWhosesetsquare.Thentheyshouldscanthe text for relevant information.

-RepeatStep 1for Questions2,3and4 Set a time limit for pupils to do the task independently Go around the classroom and offer help wherenecessary.

-Get pupils to swap books with their partners and check the answers before checking as a class.

- Take turns listening to and repeating the chant, while the rest of the class claps their hands.

- Pupils read the questions carefully Pupils read Question1andpayattention to key words such asWhosesetsquare.Then pupils scan the text for relevantinformation.

- Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions.P u p i l s d o t h e t a s k i n d e p e n d e n t l y

- Pupils swap books with their partners and check the answers before checking as a class.

- Pairs of pupils swap their books with a partner and check their answers before checking as a class.

-Invite some pairs to take turns asking andanswering the questions.

Extension (For advanced level):Ask pupils some more questions For example,Whose pencils are infront of his pencil sharpener? Whose school bag is underherdesk?WhereisHung’sstorybook?Have them answer these questions.

- To complete four sentences about someone’s school things bywriting thetarget wordsin thegaps

- Pupils readfouri n c o m p l e t e s e n t e n c e s a n d f i l l inthegapswithspec ific information about withthehelpofpicturecues. b.Content

- Pupils can complete four sentences about someone’s school things by writing the target words in the gaps with the help of picture cues.

-Ask pupils to read four incomplete sentences and fill in the gaps with specific information about someone’s school things and their locations. someone’s school thingsa n d t h e i r l o c a t i o n s

- Pupils do the first gapped sentence together as an example Pupils read the sentence and elicit the school things Then pupils write answers.

- Pupils complete the sentences independently.

-Have pupils do the first gapped sentence togethera s a n e x a m p l e A s k t h e m t o r e a d t h e s e n t e n c e a n d e l i c i t t h e s c h o o l t h i n g s T h e n h a v e t h e m w r i t e a n s w e r s , e g c r a y o n s i nt h e g a p (I have some new crayons.)

-Give pupils time to complete the sentences independently Go around the classroom and offer help if necessary.

-Get pupils to swap their books with a partner andc h e c k t h e i r s p e l l i n g

Extension:Inviteafewpupilstoreadtheir completed texts in front of the class.

- To use the target language by drawing their study corners with the locations of school things, and present their group’s pictures of study corners to theclass. b.Content

- Pupils canusethetargetlanguageby drawing their study corners with the locations of school things, andpresenttheirgroup’spicturesofstudycornersto theclass.Usethesuggested checklistfor assessment on page 5.

Ngày đăng: 20/09/2024, 21:36
