The main purpose ofthis research is to investigate how US society is impacted by the diverse religions through theprevious paper through the type of religion, the impact it has, and the
Trang 1How the impact of diverse religions on American society
American Culture and Society
2024, group 3Trần Trọng Nghĩa - 2172202010271Nguyễn Thị Tuyết Nhi - 2172202010176Lê Thị Hồng Loan - 2172202010709Hoàng Bích Hiền - 2172202010352
Trang 2Evaluation Form for Group Work
Write introduction, Chapter 1: 1.1, 1.2
Write Chapter 2: 2.3, conclusion
Hoàng Bích Hiền2172202010352
Write Chapter 3, acknowledge
Trang 3My deepest gratitude goes out to instructor Vuong Tuyet Kha first of all The instructor providedme with a great deal of attention, support, and enthusiastic direction while I studied and learnedabout American culture and society My essay, "How the Impact of Diversity Religion onAmerican Society," was made possible by your assistance in helping me learn more about thisissue
Of course, it's hard to avoid making mistakes when taking the test Consequently, to makemy essay even better, I humbly wish to hear from you
Chapter 1: Type of Religion In the US 6
1.1Religion followed by many people in the US 6
1.2Religions are less followed in the US 6
1.3Non-religious people in the US 7
Chapter 2: The impact of diversity religions on US society 8
2.1Impact on the Economy 8
2.2Impact on Belief 8
2.3Impact on Politic 8
Trang 5This paper attempts to show the impact of diverse religions in US society The main purpose ofthis research is to investigate how US society is impacted by the diverse religions through theprevious paper through the type of religion, the impact it has, and the comparison betweenreligion and spirituality in the US
Religious diversity plays a crucial role in the preservation of US society Recently,researchers have shown a growing interest in religious diversity Daniel (2020) claimed that Thereligious identification of Americans is changing due to a significant demographic shift occurringin the US Also, Daniel (2020) stated that American culture and religious life are beingprofoundly impacted by the nation's increasing religious diversity America has been known forits religious diversity Numerous other faiths were practiced in America before the Revolution Asignificant portion of the population belonged to more than a dozen "dissenting" religions, eventhough nine of the thirteen British provinces that made up the original core of the United Stateshad founded churches at the time of the revolution (Barkey, K., & Goudiss, G, 2018:46).Moreover, the diversity in religion has expanded following the Revolution, state churches weredisestablished, which increased religious variety by facilitating the conversion of non-essentialpeople to various religions (Barkey, K., & Goudiss, G, 2018:46) According to Deckman, thiscould be the result of preexisting sorting: People gravitate to religious groups that share theirpolitical views, partly to escape social confrontations in the larger society (DeRose, 2023)
The overall structure of the study takes the form of three chapters, including thisintroduction chapter Chapter Two begins by laying out the theoretical dimensions of theresearch, looks at how the impact of diverse religions on US society, and compares religion withspirituality in the US The last chapter is based on the entire thesis, tying up the varioustheoretical strands to give a conclusion
Trang 6II.LITERATURE REVIEWChapter 1: Type of Religion In the US
1.1 Religion followed by many people in the US
The main religions in the US are Protestant Christian and Catholic Pew Research Center (2008)found that Approximately half of adult Americans identify as Protestant, while nearly two out ofevery three Christians are Protestant On the other hand, Pew Research Center (2008) stated thatin contrast to Protestants, the GSS data indicate that the percentage of adults who identify asCatholic has remained relatively stable, hovering around 25%, during the past few decades.Korhonen (2022) noted that In the past, Protestantism has been the most common type ofChristianity, although it has been progressively declining in recent years compared with 1948when almost 70% of Americans identified as Protestant Pew Forum (2020) claims thatthroughout the last 30 years, a decreasing percentage of young adults who were reared asChristians have continued to identify as Christians as adults On the other hand, Yang (2021)noted that Catholics slightly decreased between 2007 and 2014, the Catholic percentage of thepopulation has mostly stabilized in recent years The study indicates that 21% of Americanpeople identify as Catholic as of 2021, which is the same as the percentage of Catholics in thepopulation in 2014 Therefore, Protestant Christians and Catholics have declined throughout thedecade by US citizens
1.2 Religions are less followed in the US
Besides Protestant Christians and Catholics, numerous Religions are less followed in America.PRRI provides data on many other Christian categories, each of which makes up 2% or less ofthe overall population (Wingfield, 2021) In Addition, Gallup (2024) claims that in AmericaSeven percent identify as non-Christian, comprising, among others, 2% Jews, 1% Muslims, and1% Buddhists Less than 1% of Americans identify as Hindu, and they are mostly clustered in bigcities (Wingfield, 2021) Religions were carried by immigrants to America, where they shapedsocial and political interactions as well as ties with indigenous peoples (Barkey, K., & Goudiss,G, 2018:18) Although Islam came to America as early as the 16th century, it was extremelysmall during most of the twentieth century until immigration reform made room for an increase inMuslim immigration Muslims still only make up about 3–4% of the US population, yet theyhave a significant influence on American politics (Barkey, K., & Goudiss, G, 2018:40) Of theestimated one million to five million American Buddhists, the majority still have Asian ancestry
Trang 7Asian immigrants brought Buddhism to the United States first Immigration from Asia increasedin 1965 as a result of changes to immigration regulations Their ancestor worship includedBuddhist rites from Chinese, Japanese, and later Vietnamese traditions, which they carried withthem (Feuerherd, 2018) Pew Research Center (2021) Jewish Americans are not a very religiousgroup by standard definitions of religious observance In brief, other religions in the US comefrom immigrants and it just accounts for a small amount of religion people follow in the US.
1.3 Non-religious people in the US
The number of non-religious people in the US has been increasing And gradually becamepopular GregoryA.Smith, (2024) claim that people who respond "nothing in particular,""atheist," or "agnostic" to inquiries about their religion in public opinion surveys are grouped intoa category known as "religiously unaffiliated," or what is now commonly referred to as the"nones." C.Mandler (2024) noted that most "nones" responded that they still believed in a higherpower or God (albeit not necessarily in God "as described in the Bible") Approximately 50% of"nones" indicated that they thought of themselves as "spiritual." Ten percent of "nones" claimedto regularly attend religious services, and just 29% categorically rejected the idea that there is"any higher power or spiritual force in the universe."DeRose.J (2024) stated that atheists,agnostics, and people who say their religion is "nothing in particular" make up the religiouslyunaffiliated, who now make up the largest demographic in the United States, according to arecent Pew Research report Compared to Catholics (23%) and evangelical Protestants (24%),they're more prevalent among adults in the USA new analysis by a political scientist indicatesthat "No Religion" has topped a survey of Americans' religious identity for the first time Thelong-running General Social Survey showed that the non-religious outnumbered Catholics andevangelicals ( Monahan, N., Ahmed, S., CNN (2019))
Trang 8Chapter 2: The impact of diversity religions on US society II.1 Impact on the Economy
Economy and religion seem to have nothing to do with each other, but in fact, they are veryclosely linked, so religious diversity also has a great impact on the economy Grim (2021) statedthat the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation's 2016 Faith Counts study estimates thatreligion brings over $1.2 trillion in social value to the American economy each year That putsthe country's economy ahead of nearly 180 other nations and territories, making it the fifteenthlargest in the world Additionally, exceeds the combined yearly global revenues of the top tentechnological corporations in the world, which include Google, Apple, and Amazon.Additionally, it exceeds by more than 50% the six biggest oil and gas firms in America's globalyearly incomes (Grim, 2021) Kelsey (2016) reported that the $302 billion organizations groupincludes the yearly earnings of charitable organizations, schools, and based on faith healthcaregroups These organizations enhance the economic worth of communities by providingemployment opportunities and aiding the underprivileged
II.2 Impact on Belief
Religious diversity in American society has led to impacts on many aspects of society One ofthem is the impact on trust According to Genna.D, lots of people in the community, many ofwhom she know-have strong religious convictions and prioritize religion over all other aspects oftheir life Accordingly, religion helps people have comprehensive and empathetic insight intohuman orientation in the world and has become an essential element in human culture (Agoratos,A, Demiralay, C & Huber, G., 2014 ) Specifically, Pew Research Center (2015) stated that morethan ninety percent of people living in America have faith in God and some invisible cosmicforce and more than fifty percent of adults believe that belief is true Among the most reliableindicators of religious identity, conduct, or belief among US citizens has been believing in God.(Cox, A.D, 2020) Cox also pointed out that eight in ten white evangelical Protestants (87percent) and eighty-three percent of all black Protestants (83 percent) affirm their total certaintyabout God's existence The majority of Catholics (59%) say they have no doubts about theirconfidence in God Of white prevalent Protestants, hardly half (50%) say they are positive thatGod exists
Trang 9II.3 Impact on Politic
Diversity in religion has a wide range of complex effects on American culture, particularly in thepolitical sphere The first is that a wide range of religions, including Christianity, Buddhism,Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism, are represented in America's religious diversity Due to thisdiversity, the political sphere now needs to accommodate many religious viewpoints and providepolitical representation Just one in five Americans feel that religious groups cause more harmthan good in American culture, compared to the majority of people who think that churches andother religious institutions benefit society more than they do Pew Research Center (2019).Second, religious beliefs and political affiliations typically play a significant role in shaping anindividual's political identity and network Based on similar ideals or views, some religiousgroups, for instance, maybe more strongly associated with specific political parties or ideologies.Election results and voting behavior may be impacted by this relationship Family members(10%) and one's religious convictions (18%) are the most highly regarded sources of influence.The remaining eight sources that were looked at are in the five to eighth percentile (Barna, 2016).Third, conversations on moral standards and regulations Religious beliefs frequently have animpact on people's moral values and attitudes on social and political issues The main points ofcontention are hidden, according to NeJaime D (2012), by the emphasis placed on religiousliberty, especially when it comes to same-sex marriage Discussions about contentious issues likeabortion, same-sex marriage, and religious liberty frequently touch on religious convictions,resulting in a range of viewpoints and legislative conclusions Cultural Dynamics and Shifts inPopulation With an increasing number of immigrants and followers of non-Christian religions,America is becoming a more varied country, and this is reflected in the way its political landscapeis changing For politicians and policymakers to properly represent the interests of all voters, theymust traverse these demographic trends and cultural dynamics
Furthermore, religious organizations and interest groups actively influence political
Trang 10decision-In the United States, there are differences between the seemingly related ideas of spirituality andreligion Every concept has distinct qualities and interpretations A systematized set of ideas,customs, ceremonies, and devotion to a deity or higher power is sometimes referred to asreligion Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and so forth are some examples.According to Richa Tiwari, spirituality is the experience of living with reverence, findingmeaning and purpose in life, and feeling linked to something bigger than oneself It is an inwardvoyage that centers on the knowledge of your soul and your relationship to the current instant, toyourself, to other people, to the natural world, or the divine Many people in the United States areprogressively incorporating religious and spiritual aspects into their lives Some people practicespiritual practices like mindfulness or meditation in addition to being members of formalreligious institutions The distinction is between organizational and individual beliefs Accordingto Steve Scott, While religion involves a community of people together by a shared faith or beliefin the divine, spirituality is an individual's encounter with the divine Religion seeks to develop aperson's character By assessing adherence to regulations, it molds an individual's views,dispositions, and behaviors Due to their shared outlook on life and comparable personalityfeatures, people who practice the same religion are united by this Conversely, spirituality is moreconcerned with the individual's soul There are many religions in our world and most have onething in common: they preach good news and stories However, people who believe in spiritualitycan choose what they believe from any religion and combine these truths to create their ownbeliefs While a religious person looks outward for guidance, a spiritual person looks within tomake the right decisions Spiritual people can adapt to changing circumstances and new insightsas they go through life Their beliefs are not fixed, but religious people's beliefs are usually onlyone Belief and existence are the main differences between religion and spirituality Religionemphasizes the ideas and sayings in religious books and how those ideas manifest through theirdaily activities In contrast, spirituality is the practice of developing inner awareness
In summary, religion and spirituality offer distinct paths to truth, with religion being morestructured and faith-based, while spirituality is individual, flexible, and focused on innerdevelopment Both can guide you on your awakening journey, and the choice is a subjectiveexpression of your path