In 2017, Vietjet debuted on theHo Chi Minh City Stock Exchangewith a market capitalisation of$1.4 billion.. Besides, net profit aftertax dropped sharply from VND3.8 thousand billion to V
Trang 1F I N A N C I A L
Phạm Kim Anh K204041261 Trần Thị Thanh Vân K204041256 Bùi Tuyết Anh K204041225 Trương Tùng Lâm K204041231 Ngô Gia Thiện K204041248
Lecturer: Hồ Thị Hồng Minh
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Obtained an Air OperatorCertificate No
01/0103018458 andVietjetAir is the firstVietnamese private carrierlicensed to fly domesticand international routes.Launched the first
commercial flight from
Ho Chi Minh City to Ha
international route from
Ho Chi Minh City toBangkok (Thailand) on 10February
Stock Exchange (HOSE)Signed an agreement
to open a non-stop
route between
Vietnam and Sydney,
100 million domestic andinternational passengersVietjet has been
recognised as the <Best
low-cost carrier of the
year= and the <Best belly
carrier of the year= for
its outstanding cargo
transport in 2020 by
Payload Asia
2007 2011
2013 2014
2019 2020
Madam Nguyễn Thị Phương Thảo is the
founder from 2002 She was appointed
Vice-Chairwoman of the Board of
Directors in 2007 She is also the
Company’s Chief Executive Officer
Madam Nguyễn Thanh Hà is One of the
founder and was appointed
Chairwoman of the Company’s Board
in 2007, She has extensive experience
in the aviation industry in Vietnam
Dr Nguyễn Thanh Hùng has been
appointed Vice Chairman of the Board
of Directors since July 2007
Mr Đinh Việt Phương has been the
Permanent Vice President, Managing
Mr Lưu Đức Khánh was appointedmember of the Board of Directors fromApril 2011 Mr Khánh is an expert in thefinancial sector with more than 20years of experience in seniormanagement roles
Mr Chu Việt Cường has been a director
of the Board since 2011 He is also theChairman of the Insurance Committee
of the Company Mr Cường is the ChiefOperation Officer of Sovico Holdingand a director of the Board of HD Bank
Mr Donal Boylan - founding Partner ofBCAP He returned to HNA Group inearly 2017, as Vice Chairman of publiclylisted Bohai Capital Holdings, China’slargest independent equipment lessorand CEO of its Hong Kong subsidiary
Trang 6To become a global airline
group with an extensive
regional and worldwide flight
network, providing not only
airline services but also
consumer services across
e-commerce platforms; a
trusted and highly prestigious
brand in the eyes of travelers
all over the world
To continuously expand our flight network nationally, regionally and globally
To bring innovation to airline services
To make air travel the most popular form of transportation for Vietnamese and all people around the world
To bring happiness and satisfaction to our customers by offering outstanding services, always with a friendly smile.
For techicians Others
DIRECT SUPPORTING SERVICES/OTHERGround operation services Technical support andmaintenance services
Fuel provision Spare parts supply services
BUSINESSCatering services Machine/aircraft Ticket agency AdvertisingRetail Restaurants
Road transport/other Freight transport
CONSTRUCTIONReal estates Operation Leasing
Trang 8In 2017, Vietjet debuted on the
Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange
with a market capitalisation of
$1.4 billion The next year,
Vietjet transported 23 million
passengers, accounting for 46
percent of Vietnam’s passenger
market While that’s about half
of the 44 million passengers that
AirAsia, Asia’s leading budget
carrier, carried last year, Vietjet
has been growing faster than the
Malaysian budget carrier
Vietjet’s revenue climbed 27
percent to 54 trillion dong ($2.3
billion) in 2018, while AirAsia’s
revenue rose 9 percent to 10.6
billion ringgit ($2.5 billion) This
year, Vietjet expects to grow
even faster, projecting it will
carry 30 million passengers, up
30 percent from last year <We
positioned Vietjet as a regional
and international carrier from
the very beginning,= says Thao,
49 The two airlines have an
That figure makes AirAsia’s3.1 cents per ASK look flabby.Vietjet aims to squeeze evenmore people into its new,narrow-body Airbus A321neoairplanes When the firstA321neo arrives in November,
it will have 240 seats Mostairlines outfit the A321neowith no more than 180
Trang 9Vietnam has emerged as one of the world’s fastest growingmarkets
VietJet has quickly captured significant market share
Low unit costs
Ancillary revenues, which are a key component for mostsuccessful LCCs, have also helped VietJet achieve profitability at
an early stage
Ancillaries now account for over 23% of VietJet’s revenues Asmall number of LCCs rely on ancillaries for more than 30% oftotal revenues, but 23% is a very respectable showing for arelatively new airline, particularly in Asia, where ancillaries aretypically lower
From an early stage Vietjet discussed with potential JVpartners the establishment of LCCs in other Asian
markets However, several potential JVs failed to
materialise, and the only JV it has so far forged (in
Thailand) has encountered multiple setbacks ProductInsurance Costs are Raising
Low fares and poor yield management
Weak brand and distribution outside Vietnam
Trang 10Vietnam's geographical location is very convenient for
transporting passengers from Southeast Asia to NortheastAsia
Vietnam is a developing country, so low-cost airlines arechosen by many people and are more willing to pay
Currently, the airline has regular flights to Korea, Taiwan,Malaysia, Thailand and Cambodia,.China is the largest
source of tourists and the fastest growing
The competitive environment in the aviation industry isincreasingly fierce
Many low-cost airlines also see the potential of our
country's market and are eager to jump in
Airport overload makes it difficult to open more flight
routes as well as flight frequency
VietJet could struggle to place the nearly 200 aircraft it has
on order, given the infrastructure constraints
Trang 11Viet jet has j ust a nnou nced its b usin ess r esul ts fo r th e
four th q uarte r of 2021 For the whol e yea r, t his c ompa ny ha s
accu mula ted r evenu e of near ly 1 3,000 bill ion VND, prof it
afte r ta x rea ched 100 billi on V ND, u p 46% com pared to 2020.
In t he f ield of ai r tr anspo rtat ion, in th e pa st ye ar, the
airl ine has t ransf erre d mor e th an 5 4 mil lion cust omer s In
part icul ar, f reigh t tr anspo rtat ion i ncrea sed by mo re t han
200% , re achin g the rev enue thre shold of n earl y 3,0 00 b illio n
In D ecemb er 2 021, Viet jet r ecei ved t he fi rst wide A330
airc raft , mar king the airli ne's prep arati on t o ent er t he
comp etit ion o f lon g-di stanc e in terna tiona l ba ys, s uch as
conn ecti ng Vi etnam wit h Aus tral ia an d Eur ope.
In 2 022, alon g wit h th e com plet e ope ning of i ntern atio nal
rout es, espec ially the deve lopm ent o f tou rist reso rts and
reso rts acros s the cou ntry, Vie tnam' s avi atio n ind ustr y is
expe cted to r ecove r so on.
Trang 12Previously, after many years of strong development and continuous growth, in the early part of 2020, the company reported a loss due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic.
However, in the last quarters of
2020, Vietjet's financial statements showed significant improvement and
by the end of the year the airline was profitable Vietjet's profitable
business numbers continue to be maintained into 2021.
Meanwhile, so far, other airlines have not announced their business
situation in 2021, but many forecasts are made with negative results, because last year domestic routes were still affected by the COVID-19 epidemic much heavier than before Therefore, if airlines do not have financial activities and assets, it will
be difficult to make a profit, because basic air transport activities have plummeted
Trang 13Balance Sheet
In regard to assets, the figure foraccounts receivable short-term was thehighest during the 3-year period It can
be seen that it decreased from 45,03% to34,29% between 2019-2021 Moreovers,accounts receivable - long term decreasedslightly from 30,64% to 28,7% in 2020 and rose
to 32,7% in 2021 The item that dropped themost was Other Current Assets with 446 billionVND (0.91%) in 2019 and just over 66 billionVND (0.13%) in 2 years after
Trang 14According to the pie chart, long-term debt and retained income both account for a high proportion in resources Long-term debt accounts for the highest proportion over the years The second highest
weighting item in the resources segment is retained profits with a year ratio from 17% to 22% The item that dropped the most was
3-other long-term payables with 70 billion dong (2.8%) in 2019 and just over 50 billion dong (2%) in the following 2 years.
Trang 15Additionally, the figure ofaccounting profit before taxalso declined from VND 4.5thousand billion to VND 180billion over the period of 3years Besides, net profit aftertax dropped sharply from VND3.8 thousand billion to VND 68billion between 2019-2020 androse marginally by VND 11billion in the final year.
The bar chart illustrates different 4
significant data of income statement
from year 2019 to 2021 It is divided
into 4 groups, namely: net revenue, net
operating profit, accounting profit
before tax, net profit after tax It is
clear that the biggest number is net
revenue Net revenue in 2019 was VND
50,6 thousand billion and it was known
as the largest figure of the chart
However, that figure
decreased dramatically to
VND 18.2 thousand billion in
2020 and reached at VND 12,8
thousand billion in 2021 It
can be seen from the chart,
net operating profit went
down from VND 3,8 thousand
Ther e wa s a f luctu atio n in
cash flo ws in 3 ye ars In 2 019.
net cash flow s fro m in vesti ng
and fina ncing acti viti es
reco rded a lo ss of VND thre e
thou sand one hundr ed b illio n
and VND 4 tho usand bil lion
whil e op erati ng ac tivi ties had
a lo ss o f VND 2 th ousa nd
bill ion Duri ng th e ne xt ye ar.
Net cash flow s fro m op erati ng
acti viti es re duced pro fit b y
VND 3,2 thous and billi on A t
the same time , inv esti ng
acti viti es we re be tter with
VND 1.1 thous and billi on pr ofit
In 202 1, ne t cas h fl ows f rom
oper atin g and fina ncin g
cont inue to r ecord neg ative
grow th (V ND 6 55 t hous and
bill ion and V ND 6 4 th ousan d
bill ion) Ov eral l, th e net cas h
flow of Vietj et de clin ed
Trang 19The table and bar chart shows that the inventory turnover ratio
in 2021 was at 15.87x, a decrease of 9.42x compared to 2020 and 51.79 compared to 2019, it means that Vietjet provided fewer services and possibly excess inventory, which shows that the firm was selling slower than before It was noticeable that the figure for days sales outstanding in 2021 outnumbered that of days sales outstanding in 2020 (1138,25 days and 678,42 days, respectively).
In other words, customers paid the bills more and more slowly since 2019 Regarding total asset turnover, it reduces from 1,4x in
2019 to 0,25x in 2021 Because this rate dropped down to 0,25x, the company needed to enhance its solution to make the
operation more efficient
Asset management ratios
Trang 20P A G E 2 0
The tabl e and the bar chart ill ustra te Th e ta ble a nd t he ba r char t il lustr ate t he t rend of t otal debt to t otal capi tal i n a peri od o f 3 y ears 2019 -2021 St artin g at 60,6 3%, t he r atio
incr ease d and Hit t he h ighes t po int 6 1,21% in 2021 In this year, the comp any f aced the riski est year with the highe st d ebt-t o- capi tal ratio Thi s is beca use a hig her r atio , the mor e the
comp any is fu nded by d ebt t han equit y, wh ich means a h igher liab ilit y to repay the debt and a gr eater ris k of forf eitur e on the loan if the d ebt c anno t be paid time ly
Trang 21In 2019, Vietjet Air had a high times interest earned (TIE) ratio at 14,0x But it decreased dramatically in the two following years, to 1,54 and bottomed at 0,78x in 2021 The formula for a company's TIE number is earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) divided by the total interest payable on bonds and other debt Therefore, this low ratio indicated that the company is less dependent on debt with a low liability to repay the debt and a lower risk of forfeiture
on the loan This ratio illustrates that the company had the ability
to repay the loan timely in spite of the effect of the Covid19 pandemic.
Trang 22The profitablity ratios tend to decrease in the period from 2019 to
2020 and have an slightly upward trend in 2021 The operation margin has a dramatic loss it means that a serious drop in corporate profits Regarding return on total assets (ROA), it decreased gradually from 7,79% in 2019 to 0,15% in 2020 and stay unchanged in 2021 Return on common equity has a downward trend in 3 years, in 2020 this ratio peaked at the lowest point of 0,46%
The P/E and P/B of Vietjet Air are considered to stay at a high level throughout the period Starting at 20,57x in 2019, the P/E ratio rose significantly to 920,86x in 2021 The highest P/E ratio was in 2020, which is at 954,20x In terms of the P/B ratio, it also meets a high point at 5,26x in 2019 In the following years, the ratio Dramatically decrease at 4,37 in 2020 and 4,36 in 2021 Vietjet has a high P/B and P/E ratio in general This shows that the market anticipates very great future business opportunities As a result, investors are willing to pay more for Vietjet shares.
Profitability ratios and
Maket value ratios
Trang 23In general, during 3 years the profit margin of Vietjet had a
significant decline from 7,52 % to 0.62% because of the profitability rate of low net sales The Return on Equity (ROE) plummeted from 25,55% to 0.47 % in only 3 years Moreover, there was also a
dramatically decrease in total asset turnover in 2019 and 2020 and slightly fallen in 2021, at 0,25x, which indicated that Vietjet was
facing interest expense difficulties On the other hand, the index that increases the ROE was that the equity multiplier raised 3,02x in
2020 to 3,06 in 2021.
A significant drop in earnings has had a negative impact on corporate performance measures As a result, the company should focus on increasing net profit by cutting costs, enhancing business activities to increase revenue, and charging fees for services like refunds,
cancellations, change of flight date and time, connection, and change of flight ticket information in order to increase profitability and efficiency
in the use of equity Vietjet also needs to boost total asset turnover by growing net sales and effectively completing revenue activities.
The beta is a measure of the systemic risk of a
stock or an entire portfolio, and beta is a
measurement of its volatility of returns relative
to the entire market A company with a higher
beta has greater risk and also greater expected
returns Vietjet Air has a Beta of 0.26 which
means the company is less volatile to the
market A lot of the data shows that the stocks
of VJC moved up or down with the market.
Stock of VJC, which has =0.26, is exactly as β
volatile as the market.
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