sgk "cuốn ở HD vu walt you @ Read ang Correct.. Phần này được thiết kế để tích áp dụng các quy tắc ngữ pháp vào trong ngữ cảnh và củng cổ kiến thức đã học.. Phần này cũng: giúp việc h
Trang 1
Trang 3
Imperatives / Lefs {Câu mệnh |
Can / May / Shou
There ls / There Isn't / Is There .?
What .! How Gp 6) eee
Trang 4She has five
ˆ bQias [Says
Ps boys
| Scarves / searis 4
Trang 5
sgk "cuốn ở HD vu walt you
@ Read ang Correct
1 We-have two Puppy
2 We like Peachs,
3 We like to jump on leafes,
4 We don't like Spideries,
Unit 01 Regutar Plural Noung Ñ
Phan On tap được tìm thấy
Ở cuối mỗi chương Phần
này được thiết kế để tích
áp dụng các quy tắc ngữ pháp vào trong ngữ cảnh và củng
cổ kiến thức đã học Phần này cũng: giúp việc học Ngữ pháp trở nên thú vị hơn
Xổ: Read and w rite,
Trang 9
3 We like to jump on leafes -
They are scary
Unit 01 Regular Plural Nouns
Trang 11(woman /q@omed) (child / children)
Trang 23
Trang 25
shoes are red
Unit 05 Possessive Adj
noses are long
8 mouth is big
Trang 31eae
No, it’s not
= No, it’s not
Trang 35
eter Pan meets Wendy |
Đa TH eaten ee yy _ ˆ — Cai wt >
er Pan likes Wendy
ndy likes Peter Pan, too
Unit 07 Object Pronouns (Singular
Trang 39y
wear Dad, Mo
Trang 41Read and write
Tom helps she
Trang 47
Unit 10 Present Simple (Negatives)
Trang 49
This is my baby sister
She She
Trang 51
_ you do your homework?
No, we don't Yes, we do
Trang 53
om like his new school?
om’s teacher like him?
Trang 55You ride Irides | a bike
What does he do?
Trang 57A TV reporter is interviewing Lynn Carey, a pop idol
Hello Thank you very much for speaking with us,
do in the morning?
books all night
comics They are so much fun!
books all night
Unit 12 Simple Present (What Questions)
Trang 59
tụ `
She studies English
——_ *Whatdoes she do?
«What do they do? ,
Trang 61
(am / are)
Trang 65
playing the cello ¬ `
They are walking
Unit 14 Present Continuous (Negatives)
Trang 69
_ | s | Wes, he is?/ No,heisn’t)
Is she riding abike? _
(Yes, she is / No, she isn’t.) _
—— (es, they are ƒ No, they aren't)
_ Are you watching TV?
| - a (No, we aren’t / Yes, we are.)
(No, it isn’t / Yes, it is.)
1 (Yes, they are | No, they aren't.) ˆ
Unit 15 Present Continuous (Yes / No Questions)
Trang 79
| Read and write `
Trang 82
Taree ETE Tere,
Trang 83
Trang 91May | open the window?
Trang 95ty cớ
ioe (i6
này My sản
ete ape tae fo
raat aes
sr ngeerrcom tester tte Pe
“= mare rape neon nrumrerari an rave rpc aca iat ears ae
oe Hiên +
Trang 97
_ The chairs are the table
| (on / behind / under)
(in / under / next to)
(in front of / behind / in)
(in front of / in / under)
Trang 99The kittens are
the seesaw wre as
The chicks are
“Hey, babies Time to go home," th
“Okay, Mom!" They go home
Read and write
Unit 21 Prepositions of Place
Trang 100
ds 18/1
Trang 101
the evening |
(at / on / in) January 1
Unit 22 Prepositions of Time Ý
Trang 103ltis _ August 10 Itis
The party begins — _ 2 oclock
See you then
- Your friend, Andy
Dear Andy, Thanks for inviting me to your birthday party
‘Sorry, but [have an appointment August10
! m1 „#£ When is Andys birthday party?
Trang 105
Readandcircle ~~
tek at ny we Fs sat for ,
Unit 23 There ls /There lsnt / Is There ?
Trang 107
Those mice have my cookies and bread!”
Jake cried out
4 There are some bread
¿ Unit 23 There ls /There lsrt / ls There .?
Trang 109What a nice hat!
What tall boys!
Trang 113Look and write
Trang 115large larger, nice nicer, cute cuter
pretty prettier, happy happier, easy easier
_double consonant + -er big bigger, hot hotter, fat fatter
difficult more difficult
Grammar Summary (115)