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Đề học sinh giỏi Tiếng Anh 10 - đề số 2 (đề tiếp theo trong chuỗi những đề học sinh giỏi tiếng Anh 10 có đáp án)

Trang 1


* Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

2 A apartheid B ethnic C cathedral D thorough 3 A architecture B immature C manufacture D superstructure

5 A exhausted B cheetah C rhinoceros D alcoholic

Choose the word which is stress differently from the other three.

9 A environment B disappearance C population D information


* Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete each blank.

1 We took of the fine weather and spent the day on the beach.

A chance B advantage C occasion D effect2 The school was closed for a month because of a serious _ of fever A outcome B outburst C outset D outbreak

3 He is a little bit _ in his left ear, but if you speak clearly he will hear what you say.

4 Many crafts such as weaving are now being revived.

A customary B habitual C traditional D ordinary5 Assembly lines are useful for producing a large _ of identical products.

A quality B quantity C quandary D qualification

6 True learning does not in gathering facts from the teachers; it requires active

assimilation of knowledge.

7 can be shocking and upsetting, but many governments think it is acceptable.

A The environmental impact of tourism B The impact of tourism environmentC Tourism impact the environment D The environmental tourism impact

8 The Women’s World Cup is _ in popularity.

A competing B establishing C advancing D growing

9 Scientists warn that many of the world’s greatest cities are _ flooding.

10: The footballers often sing the national _at the beginning of the match.

11 They said that my illness was Don’t they realize I’m in a lot of pain?

A imaginary B imagination C imagine D imaginative

12 Environmental groups try to stop farmers from using on their crops.

A methods B chemicals C investments D machines13 John looked upset Something bad to him.

A should have happened B needn’t have happened C can’t have happened D may have happened14 Despite their efforts, _.

A they could not score another goal B another goal could not be scoredC yet they could not score another goal D and they could not score another goal

Trang 2

15 There has been a recommendation that Peter _ the president of the country.A will be elected B be elected C is elected D was elected16 Only after you finish your homework _.

A I will take you out for a walk B will be you taken out for a walkC you will be taken out for a walk D will I take you out for a walk 17 at his lesson, still he couldn’t catch up with his classmates.

A Hardly as he worked B Hard as he worked C Hard as he does D Hard as he was18 He runs a business, he proves to have managerial skills.

19 John is going to get Lisa.

20 She about the time, her friend was also late.

A needn’t worry B didn’t need to worry C needn’t have worried D needn’t worrying

21 We’re rather short of people to organise the trip, so do you think you could ?

22 They looked worried and when the boss passed by.

A broke down B broke up C broke out D broke off

23 Many elderly people have to live on the money they when they were working A laid up B put back C set up D put aside

24 I can’t possibly lend you any money; it is quite out of the

25 The first person _at the meeting was the secretary.

A to arrive B who arrives C arrived D arrives26 Career preparation involves a variety of skills.

A to learn B learning C what to learn D that learning27 the whale species.

A The hunting of whales are in danger B Whale hunting is in dangerC The hunting of whale endanger D Whale hunting endangers28 _ was flat was believed by most people in the 19th century.

A The earth B That the earth C Whether the earth D As the earth29 Put all the toys away someone slips and falls on them.

A provided that B unless C in case D as long as30 They must do as they are told, ?

A needn’t they B mustn’t they C don’t they D aren’t they


31 He had changed so much that he was _even without his bread (RECOGNITION) =>unrecognizable

32 She has great power of _ (PERSUADE) => persuation

33 My cousin is a _person He is aware of all the latest fashions and wanting tofollow them (FASHION) => fashionable

34 The burglar gained entry to the building after _the alarm (ABILITY) => disabled 35 Whatever happens, don't let this failure _ you (HEART) => dishearten

Trang 3

36 Eating fish and lots of vegetables greatly increases your life (EXPECT) =>expectancy

37 A certain degree of stress seems to be _ in modern life (AVOID) => unavoidable38 The painting is not just extremely valuable, it is (PRICE) => priceless39 I didn’t believe him His story was very (CONVINCE) => unconvincing 40 This statue the soldiers who died in the war (MEMORY) =>commermorate


* There are ten errors in the text below Find and correct them.Example: 0 that which

Robots can work in places to that humans can’t easily get.These including deep oceans, on distant planets or on sites withbad pollution Robots are also used in factories although theycan work much quickly and accurately than a human, andwithout needing to rest.

Improvements in technology over the past fifty years hasmeant that scientists are now able to create very clever robots.The most complicate of these can make decisions forthemselves, learn new things, and deal for problems However,while robots that look as people are very common in sciencefiction films, they are very rarely in real life Making a machinethat can balance and move on two legs is a real challenge and isunnecessary for most of the jobs we need robots to make for us.However, a Japanese robot called as Asimo does walk on twolegs and can even climb up and down stairs

0 that → which

41 _ including include

42. although because _43 _ much more _



Paul Watson is an environmental activist He is a man who believes that he must do something, notjust talk about doing something Paul believes in protecting endangered animals, and he protects themin controversial ways Some people think that Watson is a hero and admire him very much Otherpeople think that he is a criminal On July 16, 1979, Watson and his crew were on his ship, the SeaShepherd.

Watson and the people who worked on the Sea Shepherd were hunting on the Atlantic Ocean nearPortugal However, they had a strange prey, instead of hunting for animals, their prey was a ship, theSierra The Sea Shepherd found the Sierra, ran into it and sank it As a result, the Sierra never returnedto the sea The Sea Shepherd, on the other hand, returned to its home in Canada Watson and hisworkers thought that they had been successful The Sierra had been a whaling ship which had operatedillegally The captain and crew of the Sierra did not obey any of the international laws that restrictwhaling Instead, they killed as many whales as they could, quickly cut off the meat, and froze it Laterthey sold the whale meat in countries where it is eaten Watson tried to persuade the internationalwhaling commission to stop the Sierra However, the commission did very little, and Paul becameimpatient He decided to stop the Sierra and other whaling ships in any way that he could He offered to

Trang 4

pay $ 25,000 to anyone who sank any illegal ship, and he sank the Sierra He acted because he believesthat whales must be protected Still, he acted without the approval of his government; therefore, hisactions were controversial

Paul Watson is not the only environmental activist Other men and women are also fighting toprotect the Earth Like Watson, they do not always have the approval of their governments, and likeWatson, they become impatient Yet, because of their concern for environment, they will act to protectit.

51 An environmental activist is someone who _

A does something to protect the earth B runs into whaling ships C talks about protecting endangered species D is hero, like Watson52 When something is controversial, _

A everyone disagrees with it B everyone agrees with it C people have different ideas about it D people protect it53 The members of a ship’s crew are the people _

A who work on the ship B who work on airplanes C on a ship, including the passengers D who own the ship54 The main idea of the first paragraph is _

A Watson is a hero to some people B Paul Watson is a controversial activist C activists are people who do something D Watson does not believe in talking55 The Sea Shepherd was hunting _

56 The Sierra did not return to the sea because _

A the whales ate it B it was sold in Portugal C The Sea Shepherd sank it D None is correct57 The author implies that Watson lives in _

58 The Sierra were acting illegally because they were _ A not obeying international laws B whaling C whaling and selling whales D All are correct59 The main idea of paragraph three is

A the Sierra sold whale meat in some countries

B the people on the Sierra did not obey international laws C the people on the Sierra killed as many whales as they could D whaling is illegal according to international laws

60 Watson ran into the Sierra because he _ A wanted to stop the ship’s crew from whaling

B was impatient with the government’s actions C wanted to protect the whales from the whalers D All of the above are correct

* Read the passage and choose the best answer.

Over the last century the world has become increasingly smaller Not geographically, ofcourse, but in the sense that media, technology and the opening of borders has enabled theworld’s citizens to view, share and gain access to a much wider range of cultures, societies and

world views In this melting pot that the world has become, today’s child is privy to facets of the

human experience that his immediate predecessors had no inkling even existed It stands toreason that in order to absorb, configure and finally form opinions about this information-laden

Trang 5

planet, children must be supplied with certain tools Included in this list of “tools” are: education,social skills, cultural awareness and the acquisition of languages, the most important of thesebeing the latter Until recently, a child who had the ability to speak more than one languagewould have been considered a very rare entity This one-language phenomenon could be

attributed to a combination of factors Firstly, the monolingual environment in which a child

was raised played a strong role, as did the limited, biased education of the past With regard toimmigrants, the sad fact was that non-native parents tended to withhold the teaching of themother tongue so that the child would acquire the “more prestigious” language of the adoptedcountry.

Nowadays, the situation has undergone an almost complete reversal In the majority ofNorth American and European countries, most children are given the opportunity to learn asecond or even a third language Children acquire these foreign languages through various anddiverse means In many countries, learning a foreign language is a compulsory subject in thestate school curriculum Other children rely on language schools or private tuition to achievetheir goal In other instances, children are born to bilingual parents, who, if they so desire, mayteach the children two languages

Bringing up one’s child bilingually is not a decision to be taken lightly Both parentsmust consider long and hard the implications involved in raising a child in a two-language home.This decision is one of those all-important choices which will affect not only the parents’ livesbut also the life of the child Raising a child bilingually has a two-fold effect Firstly, of course,the child learns the two languages of the parents Secondly, the parents’ decision will influencefactors which will have a far-reaching effect on the child’s life Some of these factors include:style and place of education; diameter of social circle; employment potential and preference; and,most importantly, the way in which the child views himself and his global environment.

One of the more advantageous by-products of being a member of a bilingual family is

the inherent awareness of two different cultures This bicultural child inherits a wealth ofknowledge brought about by an exposure to: historical backgrounds; traditional songs andfolklore; rituals of marriage; models of social interaction; and therefore, two varyinginterpretations of the world The monolingual child seems to be at a disadvantage in comparisonto the bilingual child, who has a set of languages and an accompanying set of abstract culturalideas Practically speaking, when a child comes from a two-language family, he must be taughtboth languages in order to communicate with the extended family members When, for example,the grandparents speak a language which differs from that of the child’s locale, a monolingualchild would be deprived of the interaction which occurs between grandparents andgrandchildren On the other hand, a bilingual child will not only be able to speak to grandparents,but will also comprehend where these people have ‘come from’ There will be a shared culturalempathy within the family Because all family members can communicate, on both a verbal andcultural level, no one will feel excluded and the child will develop a sense of rootedness

On a more abstract level, it has been said that a bilingual child thinks differently from amonolingual child Current research in linguistics indicates that there may be a strong correlationbetween bilingualism and cognitive skills This new research concerns itself with the fact that abilingual child has two lexical structures for any given physical or abstract entity This leadslogically to the assumption that the child also has two associations for many words, as a wordcan mean different things in different languages For example, the word ‘fire’ in many western

hemisphere languages connotes warmth and relaxation In the Inuit language however, where

fire is a necessity of life, it may connote heat and survival For the bilingual child, then,vocabulary items and the abstract idea behind them are both dual in nature and more elastic.Researchers maintain that this elasticity of ideas may allow the child to think more flexibly and,therefore, more creatively.

Trang 6

61 In the author’s view, the world is becoming a _.A more culturally diverse place

B place where only privileged children will prosperC less complex place to live in

D much more integrated place

62 According to the first paragraph, which of the following was true of immigrants?A Children were reluctant to use their mother tongue.

B The mother tongue was considered less important.C Parents encouraged children to use their mother tongue.

D Most parents made it a priority for children to grow up bilingual.

63 The phrase “privy to” in paragraph 1 mostly means _.

A acquainted with B advised of C apprised of D in the know about

64 The phrase “attributed to” mostly means _.

A ascribed to B associated with C connected with D held responsible for65 According to the writer, second or foreign language learning is something _.A people are still apathetic towards

B mainly associated with private sector educationC that few people take seriously

D about which general attitudes have evolved considerably

66 According to the article, the decision to raise bilingual children is difficult because .A it may limit the child’s choice of friends

B though simple for parents, it can impact negatively on childrenC it may cause children to lose their sense of identity

D it needs to be considered from many different angles

67 With regard to the ‘extended family’ in immigrant situations, the writer feels it is important

that _.

A adults try to understand the child’s difficult cultural situationB children are not pressured to speak their parents’ native languageC adults recognise the child’s need to identify more with local cultureD children can relate to all aspects of their parents’ native culture

68 The word “by-products” in paragraph 4 mostly means _.

A entailments B knock-on effects C side effects D spin-offs

69 The word “connotes” in paragraph 5 mostly means _.

70 According to current research, the benefit of learning two languages is that _.A different types of knowledge can be accessed in different languages

B bilinguals become more aware the origin of words in languagesC it helps to develop different capabilities of the mind

D bilinguals develop a greater sense of the value of culture


Nobody knows for certain what the origin of music was Music is certainly older than poetry andpainting but as early man had no way of (71) _ it, we can only guess what it sounded like.Watching a child (72) _ on a drum with his hands on a piece of wood, it is easy to see thatthis is the simplest of instruments It does not (73) _ much effort to produce a rhythm on it Wall paintings show what some of the first instrument looked like Early civilizations had alreadydiscovered the three basic (74) _ , of producing music: blowing into a tube, striking an object,and scraping a string We know that Western music comes from the (75) _ Greeks Themusical scales we use now are (76) _ on certain sequences of notes, which the Greeks used tocreate a particular (77) _ Until the sixteenth century, most players of instruments were

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single performers, but as music became more (78) _ , orchestras sand musical groups began to(79) _ This (80) _ about the writing of music to be played by several musicians atone time This can certainly be called the birth of modern music.

71 A recording B playing C producing D performing 72 A hitting B knocking C crashing D banging

74 A forms B manners C systerms D ways

76 A raised B based C established D supported

78 A widespread B enlarged C expanded D extended 79 A turn B appear C spring D be 80.A produced B affected C caused D Brought

VII SENTENCE TRANFORMATION (10pts): Rewrite the following sentences using thewords given.

81 Since they can’t find enough money for their project, they decide to delay it. Were _ 82 It is likely that they forgot about the extra class.

 They

83 You should not lock this door for any reason when the building is open to the public. Under no _.84 People say that Hawaii has the most beautiful beaches in the world.

 No beaches _.85 Follow this advice and you will find yourself in trouble (WATER)

 Follow _ 86 I enjoy being the boss of a small company (FISH)

87 Follow this advice and you will find yourself in trouble (WATER)

→ _

88 Although he had his legs cut off after a serious accident, he competed in the Olympic Games andwon a medal (PREVENT)

→ His legs being 89 I daren’t turn on the television because the baby might wake up (FEAR)

90 The best solution was thought of by Sally (CAME)→ Sally


Trang 8

81 Were they to find enough money for their project, they would not decide to delay it.

82 They probably forgot about the extra class.

83 Under no circumstance should you open this door when the building is open to thepublic.

84 No beaches in the world are said to be more beautiful than those in Hawaii.

85.Follow this advice and you will find yourself in hot water.

86 I enjoy being a big fish in a small pond.

87 Follow this advice and you will find yourself in hot water.

88 His legs being cut off did not / could not prevent him from competing in the Olympic Games and

winning a medal.

89 I daren’t turn on the television for fear of waking the baby up.90 Sally came up with the best solution.

Ngày đăng: 09/07/2024, 13:40
