Foundations of Engineering II- PVUHow to solve a big problem?3The Top-down design approach is based on dividingthe main probleminto smaller tasks which may be dividedinto simpler tasks,
Trang 1TALENTS FOR DEVELOPMENT - Petrovietnam University
Chapter 7: Functions
Lecturer: Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc.
Email: Mobile: 0901 25 2468
Contents Functions
Advantages of functions Declaration and Defining a Function Function calling
Function Program Example
Trang 2TALENTS FOR DEVELOPMENT - Petrovietnam University
Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
How to solve a big problem?
The Top-down design approach is based on dividing
the main problem into smaller tasks which may be
divided into simpler tasks , then implementing each
simple task by a subprogram or a function
This technique is called divide and conquer
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Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
7.1 Functions
Function: A function is a group of statement that
together perform a specific task.
Why use function: Function are used for divide a
large code into module due to this we can easily
debug an maintain the code.
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Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
7.2 Advantages of Functions
Functions separate the concept (what is done) from the implementation (how it is done).
Function make program easier to understand
Function can be called several times in the same program, allowing the code to be reused.
Avoid repeating of code
7.2 Advantages of Functions
Divide a complex problem into many simpler problems
Reduce chances of error
Makes modifying a program becomes easier
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Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
Types of Functions
Library Function of predefined Function
User defined Function
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Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
Types of Functions
Library functions: are those which are predefined.
Limitation of Library function:
Contained limited task only
Programmer do not have any controls on predefined
User Defined function: are created by programmer
according to their requirements.
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Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
Components of Function
Function prototype
Function definition Function call
7.3 Declaration and Defining a Function
1 Declaration and Defining:
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Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
7.3 Declaration and Defining a Function
Return data type: A function may return a value
The return-data-type is the data type of the
values the function returns
Function name: is the name of function.
Parameters: This is a value which is pass in
function at the time of calling of function It is
Function body: is the collection of statements.
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Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
Structure of a Function - Example
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Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
7.4 Function Calling
In Calling program write the name of the function and provide
its arguments without data types.
In calling a function, return value type and data types of the
arguments are not written.
7.4 Function Calling
The function can be called using either of the following methods
Call by
Call by Reference
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Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
7.4 Function Calling - Call by Value
In call by value mechanism, the called function
creates a new set of variables in stack and copies the
values of the arguments into them.
In call by value method, the called function creates its
own copies of original values sent to it Any changes,
that are made, occur on the function’s copy of values
and are not reflected back to the calling function
Arguments must be immutable objects
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Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
7.4 Function Calling - Call by Reference
In call by reference mechanism, instead of passing
values to the function being called,
reference/pointers to the original variables are
In call by reference method, the called function
access and works with the original values using their
references Any changes , that occur, take place on the
original values are reflected back to the calling code.
Argument must be mutable object such as List, Tuple,
Set, Dictionary
7.4 Function Calling - Call by Reference
We also can pass the value by reference
In this case we pass the address of the value rather
than value
We use & operator for this purpose
To call by reference we can’t pass value , we have pass
memory address of variable
Note: C++ passes arrays to functions by reference.
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Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
7.4 Function Calling
Call by Reference Example
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Pass by Value Vs Pass by Reference
Pass by Reference Pass by Value
Passes address of actual parameter
Makes copy of actual
Accesses original variable’s content
Passes copy of contents
Original variable’s content
During program execution,
value parameter manipulates
data stored in own memory
Signature may be vary on the basis of number of argument or data type of argument or order of argument.
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Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
Function Overloading
Syntax of Function Overloading:
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Function Overloading
Example: Overloading function by changing data type.
Default Arguments
The default value for a parameter while declaring the
function is calling default argument.
If we make a call to the function without passing any
value for that parameter, the function will take the
default value specified
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Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
Default Arguments
Rules for using default arguments:
Only the last argument must be given default value
If we default an argument, then you will have to default all
the subsequent arguments after that
We can give any value a default value to argument
compatible with its datatype.
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Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
Nested Member Function of a Class
Nested member function
A member function can be called inside another member function of the same class is known as nesting
of member function.
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Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
7.5 Function Program Example
Problems Problem 1
• Write a program using function which accept two integers as an argument and return its sum.
Problem 2
• Write a function which calculates the raise to power of an input base number up to given power number.
Problem 3
• Write a program to show Prime numbers between two intervals by making used-defined Function.
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Problem 1:
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Problem 3:
Your Task
Write a program that lets the user perform arithmetic operations on two
number Your program must be menu driven, allowing the user to select the
operation (+,-,*, or /) and input the numbers Furthermore, your program
must consist of following functions:
• Function showChoice:
• Function add
• Function subtract
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Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
7.6 Variable Scope
Variable Scope is a region of the program, where
variables can be declared:
Inside a function: Local variables
In the definition of function parameters: Formal
Outside of functions: Global variables
Local variables
Formal parameters
Global variables
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7.6 Variable Scope
Example of Global Variables
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Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
Python Standard Library
Python Math
Python has a set of built-in math functions,
including an extensive math module, that allows
you to perform mathematical tasks on numbers.
Python Math
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Python Math
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Python Math
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Python Math
Python Standard Library
Python Dates
A date in Python is not a data type of its own, but
we can import a module named datetime to work
with dates as date objects.
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Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
Python Datetime
To create a date.
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Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
Python Datetime
The datetime object has a method for formatting
date objects into readable strings.
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Python Datetime
Python Datetime
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Python Datetime
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Trần Ngọc Hiệp, MSc Foundations of Engineering II- PVU
1 • Function
2 • How to declared and defined a function
3 • Calling function by value
4 • Calling function by reference
5 • Variable scope
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