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Tài liệu tham khảo: Từ điển Anh - Việt bỏ túi đảm bảo chất lượng chương trình đào tạo

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ÔNG VĂN NĂM (Chủ biên)



MÃ SỐ: ………



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TS ÔNG VĂN NĂM (Chủ biên)



(Tài liệu tham khảo)

Thành viên biên soạn:




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Trong những năm vừa qua hoạt động Đảm bảo chất lượng tại trường Đại học Ngân hàng TP HCM (HUB) ngày càng được đầu tư và đạt được những thành tựu đáng tự hào Công tác đảm bảo chất lượng bên trong được duy trì và cải tiến liên tục; công tác đảm bảo chất lượng bên ngoài (kiểm định) cũng đáp ứng được yêu cầu của các bên liên quan; chất lượng chương trình đào tạo, cơ sở đào tạo, hệ thống quản lý chất lượng theo tiêu chuẩn ISO 9001:2015 được các tổ chức kiểm định trong nước và quốc tế đánh giá và cấp giấy chứng những đạt chuẩn chất lượng Tuy nhiên trong quá trình viết báo cáo tự đánh giá và đánh giá ngoài (phỏng vấn) theo các bộ tiêu chuẩn quốc tế, chúng tôi nhận thấy còn có những khó khăn nhất định về cách hiểu các thuật ngữ chuyên môn trong quá trình dịch thuật, ảnh hưởng không ít tới chất lượng của báo cáo Chính vì vậy, trên cơ sở của những trải nghiệm trong công tác đảm bảo chất lượng, chúng tôi mạnh dạn soạn thảo cuốn từ điển bỏ túi này nhằm nâng cao chất lượng công tác biên, phiên dịch đồng thời từng bước góp phần xây dựng văn hóa chất lượng trường Đại học Ngân hàng TP.HCM

Với mục đích tổng hợp, hệ thống hóa các từ vựng có liên quan trực tiếp đến công tác đảm bảo chất lượng phục vụ cho các hoạt động tự đánh giá và đánh giá ngoài theo AUN-QA ở HUB, cụ thể là trong công tác đảm bảo chất lượng chương trình đào tạo, cơ sở đào tạo, hệ thống quản lý nên cuốn từ điển bỏ túi này mới chỉ là tổng hợp những hiểu biết ban đầu chứ chưa phải như một cuốn từ điển mang tính hàn lâm, học thuật nghiên cứu sâu và đầy đủ về một lĩnh vực còn nhiều vấn đề cần khám phá này

Mặc dù đã có sự cố gắng trong quá trình biên soạn, nhưng với lượng kiến thức ít ỏi không thể tránh khỏi những thiếu sót Chúng tôi rất mong nhận được các ý kiến góp ý để tài liệu ngày càng hoàn thiện hơn Mọi góp ý xin gửi về email:

namov@buh.edu.vn Trân trọng cảm ơn!

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A Academic advice (n) hoạt động cố vấn học tập

➢ Ex: What roles do academic staff members play in providing academic

advice and support to students?

Academic freedom (n) tự do học thuật

➢ Ex: Recruitment and selection criteria including ethics and academic

freedom for appointment, deployment and promotion are determined and


Academic performance: kết quả học tập

➢ Ex: There is an adequate monitoring system for student progress,

academic performance, and workload

Academic resources (n) tài nguyên học tập

Ex: Academic resources of a university include library resources, teaching

aids, online databases.

Academic staff (n) đội ngũ giảng viên

➢ Ex: Competences of academic staff are identified and evaluated though the regulations on evaluating the level of task completion of staff and surveys

Acceptance (n) sự chấp nhận

➢ Ex: HUB had an acceptance from the AUN-QA as the Associate Member

Acceptance criteria (n) chuẩn mực chấp nhận (đối với sản phẩm, dịch vụ)

➢ Ex: Well-written acceptance criteria help avoid unexpected results and ensure that all stakeholders and users are satisfied with what they get

Access (n) khả năng tiếp cận

➢ Ex: Students need to access the school's academic resources easily

Accountability (n) trách nhiệm giải trình

➢ Ex: The company’s directors must have accountability to the shareholders

Accredit (v) công nhận

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Achievable (adj) có thể đạt được

➢ Ex: A university's achievable assessment results are good if its internal quality assurance activities are well implemented

Active learning (n) học tập chủ động

➢ Ex: Active learning is an approach to instruction in which all students are asked to engage in the learning process

Address (v) giải quyết

➢ Ex: The counseling room in the university is a place to address students'

Admission criteria (n) tiêu chí tuyển sinh

➢ Ex: The admission criteria to the programme are clearly defined, communicated, published

Admission test (n) bài kiểm tra đầu vào

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➢ Ex: Students have a admission test before they are admitted to the university

Adopt (v) thông qua

➢ Ex: In fostering constructive alignment, a variety of assessment methods

should be adopted and be congruent with the expected learning outcomes

Advancement (n) sự tiến bộ

➢ Ex: Research provides the foundation for the advancement of knowledge as well as the discovery of new knowledge

Adverse effect (n) ảnh hưởng xấu

➢ Ex: The organization shall control planned changes and review the

consequences of unintended changes, taking action to mitigate any adverse effects

Age distribution (n) phân bố về độ tuồi

➢ Ex: Age distributions differ among countries mainly because of differences in the levels and trends of fertility

Aid (v) hỗ trợ

➢ Ex: Ex: Academic resources of a university include library resources,

teaching aids, online databases

Align (v) tương thích

➢ Ex: The expected learning outcomes have been clearly formulated and

aligned with the vision and mission of the university

Allocate (v): chỉ định, giao (nhiệm vụ)

➢ Ex: Duties allocated to academic staff are appropriate to qualifications, experience, and aptitude

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➢ Ex: The opposition parties have so far failed to set out an alternative strategy

Alumni (n): cựu sinh viên

➢ Ex: The curriculum is developed with inputs and feedback from academic

staff, students, alumni and stakeholders from industry, government and professional

Amend (v) hiệu chỉnh, sửa đổi

➢ Ex: The organization shall ensure that relevant documented information is

Annual plan or workplan of QA unit: Kế hoạch thường niên hay kế hoạch hoạt

động của các đơn vị đảm bảo chất lượng

Annual plans (n) kế hoạch hàng năm

➢ Ex: The annual plan includes the financial plan of an organization for a year

Appeal procedure (n) thủ tục khiếu nại

➢ Ex: Students have ready access to reasonable appeal procedures

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➢ Ex: There is a clear need for standardisation of data such as student

numbers, appointment of teaching staff, staff-to-student ratio, pass rates

Appointment letters (n) quyết định bổ nhiệm

➢ Ex: Please return a signed copy of your appointment letter to the Human Resources department

Appointment letters of internal assessors (n) quyết định thành lập đoàn đánh giá

➢ Ex: CEA VNU-HCM is appointed of external quality assurance for HUB

Appraisal (n) sự đánh giá, định giá, thẩm định

➢ Ex: The report has been subject to appraisal

Approach (n) phương thức

Ex: The teaching and learning approach is often dictated by the educational

philosophy of the university.

Approval (n) sự phê duyệt

➢ Ex: Senior management have given their formal approval to the plans

Articulate (v) phổ biến Aspect (n) khía cạnh

➢ Ex: Programme specification should identify those aspects of the programme that are designed to meet the requirements of the relevant bodies

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➢ Ex: Qualified support staff with relevant competencies is assigned to deliver the desired level of service quality

Assigned area (n) khu vực được chỉ định, phân công

➢ Ex: Criteria to appoint internal assessors and assigned areas for assessment

should be established to ensure that assessment is objective, evidence-based and independent

Assignment (n) bài tập

➢ Ex: I have a lot of reading assignments to complete before the end of course

Association (n) hiệp hội

➢ Ex: Do you belong to any professional or trade associations?

Attitude (n) thái độ

➢ Ex: Expected learning outcomes of the programme include the acquisition of

knowledge, skills and attitudes

Audit criteria (n) chuẩn mực đánh giá

➢ Ex: Audit criteria should be included in the audit programme

Audit finding (n) phát hiện trong đánh giá

➢ Ex: Audit findings can show that audit criteria are being met (conformity) or that they are not being met (non-conformity)

Audit follow-up report (n) báo cáo về các hành động sau đánh giá

➢ Ex: The audit follow-up report is Released after the audit to monitor the implementation of preventive actions

Audit method (n) phương pháp đánh giá

➢ Ex: The audit methods chosen for an audit depend on the defined audit objectives, scope and criteria, as well as duration and location

Audit principle (n) nguyên tắc đánh giá

➢ Ex: Coordination is a key auditing principle as it reduces duplication of efforts

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Audit priority (n) Ưu tiên đánh giá

➢ Ex: Learn about the internal audit priorities your organization should be including in audit planning and risk management

Audit program (n) chương trình đánh giá

➢ Ex: An audit program is a set of directions that the auditor and its team members need to follow for the proper execution of the audit

Audit programme record (n) hồ sơ chương trình đánh giá

➢ Ex: The individual managing the audit programme should ensure that

appropriate documented information is prepared and maintained, including audit programme records

Audit team member: thành viên đoàn đánh giá

➢ Ex: Audit team members must be selected according to specified standards

Audit type (n) loại hình đánh giá

➢ Ex: There are many different audit types include 1st party audit (internal audit), 2nd party audit (external provider audit, other external interested party audit), 3rd party audit (certification and/or accreditation audit)

Auditee (n) bên được đánh giá

➢ Ex: Significant obstacles encountered during the audit and unresolved

diverging opinions between the audit team and the auditee should be reported

Average time to graduate: thời gian tốt nghiệp trung bình

➢ Ex: What measures have been taken to promote graduation and to shorten

the average time to graduate?

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Award (n) giải thưởng

➢ Ex: He was nominated for the best actor award

Awarding body/institution (n) cơ quan/ tổ chức cấp bằng

➢ Ex: HUB is a awarding institution for my bachelor's degree in Finance

Awareness (n) sự nhận thức

➢ Ex: There seems to be a general awareness that this is not the solution

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B Backup (n) hệ thống sao lưu dữ liệu

➢ Ex: The department's backup disks are all stored in a different building

Balance (n) sự cân đối

➢ Ex: The programme has been a proper balance between specific and general courses

Balance sheet (n) bảng cân đối kế toán

➢ Ex: He points out that the company has the strongest balance sheet among all the farm-machinery giants

Bandwidth (n) băng thông

➢ Ex: The system will handle signals that need high bandwidth, for instance those that encode TV pictures

Barrier (n) rào cản

➢ Ex: What are the barriers that prevent these desired teaching and learning methods from being used

Basic course (n) môn học căn bản (đại cương)

➢ Ex: The programme should ensure a balance between Basic courses, intermediate courses and specialised courses in the compulsory section and the optional section logical

Benchmark (v) đối sánh

➢ Ex: The types and quantity of research activities by academic staff are

established, monitored and benchmarked for improvement

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➢ Ex: What enhancements have been made to improve the benchmarking


Bottleneck (n) nút cổ chai (sự trở ngại)

➢ Ex: The bottlenecks delayed the project’s start

Boundary (n) ranh giới

➢ Ex: The boundary of the car park is delineated by a low brick wall

Breakthrough change (n) thay đổi mang tính đột phá

➢ Ex: To achieve this objective, the organization might adopt various forms of improvement in addition to correction and continual improvement, such as

breakthrough change, innovation and re-organization

Budgets of organisational unit: Ngân sách của đơn vị tổ chức

➢ Ex: The size of the contest depends on the budget of organisational unit

Buildings and associated utilities: nhà xưởng và các tiện ích liên quan

➢ Ex: Infrastructure can include buildings and associated utilities

Burnout prevention (n) phòng ngừa kiệt sức

➢ Ex: This course mainly focuses on main aspects of Burnout Prevention in a School System

Business (n) doanh nghiệp

➢ Ex: She runs her own printing business

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C Calibrate (v) hiệu chuẩn

➢ Ex: The length of each worm was measured using a segmented line drawn

on screen and calibrated for the magnification used

Calibration status (n) tình trạng hiệu chuẩn

➢ Ex: Instrument Calibration status label shows that the selected instrument has been calibrated

Calm (adj) bình tĩnh

➢ Ex: He has a very calm manner

Campus (n) khuôn viên

➢ Ex: There's accommodation for about five hundred students on campus

➢ Ex: The device is designed for the capture of visual images.

Capturing and sharing undocumented knowledge and experience: nắm bắt và

chia sẻ kinh nghiệm và kiến thức không được lập văn bản

➢ Ex: Organizational knowledge can be based on Capturing and sharing

undocumented knowledge and experience

Career prospect: Cơ hội, triển vọng nghề nghiệp

➢ Ex: What are the career prospects of graduates over the last few years?

Cascade (v) quán triệt

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Demonstrate (v) giải thích rõ ràng

➢ Ex: The vision, mission and culture are articulated, cascaded and

demonstrated for implementation

Catalogue (n) tài liệu chào hàng

➢ Ex: If you order goods from the catalogue, they usually arrive within the week

Catalyst (n) chất xúc tác, nhân tố kích thích

➢ Ex: The Government will act as a catalyst to promote creative collaboration between businesses

Categorize (v) phân loại

➢ Ex: The research results should be categorised by faculty, research centre, academic staff and students

Cause-and-effect analysis (n) phân tích nguyên nhân, kết quả

➢ Ex: Data analytics may include but not limited to trend analysis, projections,

comparisons, cause-and-effect analysis, and correlation and variance analysis

Change control (n) kiểm soát thay đổi

➢ Ex: The organization shall review and control changes for production or service provision, to the extent necessary to ensure continuing conformity with requirements

Change of option (n) sự thay đổi lựa chọn

Ex: How are students advised on problems concerning course options,

change of options, interruption or termination of studies?

Character development (n) sự phát triển đặc điểm bản thân

➢ Ex: Community engagement and service expose students to a holistic

experience in learning and character development

Check point (n) điểm kiểm soát

➢ Ex: The monitoring and measuring check points, which are necessary for control, are specific to each process and will vary depending on the related risks

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Circumstance (n) trường hợp

➢ Ex: Obviously we can't deal with the problem until we know all the


Citation (n) trích dẫn (nghiên cứu)

➢ Ex: The type and volume of research publications including citations are established, monitored and benchmarked for improvement

Clinic (n) phòng khám, phòng y tế

➢ Ex: Clinics provide care for pregnant women

Co-curricular activity (n) hoạt động ngoại khóa Counselling (n) tư vấn

➢ Ex: Student services and support include co-curricular activities,


Grievance (n) khiếu nại

➢ Ex: The aim of a grievance procedure is to encourage fairness in the handling of workplace problems

Co-curricular activity: Hoạt động ngoại khóa

➢ Ex: Academic advice, co-curricular activities, student competition, and other student support services are available to improve learning and employability

Code of ethic (n) quy tắc đạo đức

➢ Ex: What are the institution’s policies, guidelines and code of ethics for research?

Code of ethic (n) quy tắc đạo đức

➢ Ex: Code of ethics states the principles and expectations governing the behaviours of individuals and organisation in the conduct of their work or business

Codes of practice (n) những quy tắc thực hành

➢ Ex: The organization shall consider standards or codes of practice that the organization has committed to implement

Coherence (n) sự gắn kết

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Combined audit (n) đánh giá kết hợp

➢ Ex: Audits of multiple disciplines done simultaneously can be done as a

combined audit or as an audit of an integrated management system that covers

multiple disciplines

Commercialisation (n) sự thương mại hóa

➢ Ex: The commercialization of faculty research could help the school make money.

Community engagement (n) hoạt động kết nối cộng đồng

➢ Ex: The provision of community service and community engagement is improved to meet stakeholders’ needs and to their satisfaction

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Community feedback (n) phản hồi của cộng đồng

➢ Ex: The University implements Community Feedback Survey annual

Community involvement (n) hoạt động phục vụ cộng đồng

➢ Ex: Students are encouraged to participate in community involvements

Community of practice (n) thực tập cộng đồng

➢ Ex: Community of practice help members to learn from each other, and have an opportunity to develop personally and professionally

Community service (n) hỗ trợ cộng đồng

Ex: The provision of community service and community engagement is

improved to meet stakeholders’ needs and to their satisfaction.

Comparison (n) so sánh

➢ Ex: They made a comparison of different countries' eating habits.

Compatibility (n) khả năng tương thích

➢ Ex: The secret to success in a mentoring relationship is compatibility

Competence (n) năng lực

➢ Ex: Students can prove their competence by performing well in the exam

Competence (n): năng lực

➢ Ex: Competences of support staff are identified and evaluated to ensure that

their competencies remain relevant and the services provided by them satisfy the

stakeholders’ needs

Competitive analysis (n) phân tích cạnh tranh

➢ Ex: Product specifications should be drawn up after a thorough competitive


Competitive ranking (n) xếp hạng cạnh tranh

➢ Ex: Market performance and indicators may include but not limited to

national and international competitive rankings, market size or share, awards, and

stakeholders’ satisfaction.

Complexity of processes : mức độ phức tạp của các quá trình

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➢ Ex: The extent of documented information for a quality management system

can differ from one organization to another due to the complexity of processes and

➢ Ex: There are a lot of complexities surrounding this issue

Compliance audit (n) kiểm toán sự tuân thủ

➢ Ex: A compliance audit reviews whether an entity complying with internal rules, regulations, policies, decisions, and procedures

Comply with (v) tuân thủ

➢ Ex: They refused to comply with the UN resolution

Component (n) thành phần

➢ Ex: The factory supplies electrical components for cars

Comprehensive (adj) bao quát, đầy đủ

➢ Ex: We offer our customers a comprehensive range of financial products

Concept (n) khái niệm, quan niệm

➢ Ex: He has plans to promote his concept across all major metros of the country

Concession (n) sự nhận nhượng

➢ Ex: The organization shall deal with nonconforming outputs in obtaining

authorization for acceptance under concession

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➢ Ex: The accident was caused by people driving too fast in bad conditions

Conducive environment: môi trường thuận lợi

➢ Ex: The selected teaching and learning methods should create a conducive

environment for learning

Conference (n) hội nghị

➢ Ex: Should I book the conference room for the meeting?

Confidentiality (adj) bảo mật

➢ Ex: All replies will be treated with complete confidentiality

Conflict of interest (n) xung đột về lợi ích

➢ Ex: Council members should avoid any potential conflict of interest

Conform (to some thing) (v) tuân thủ, theo

➢ Ex: There is considerable pressure on teenages to conform

Conformity (n) sự phù hợp

➢ Ex: The organization shall use suitable means to identify outputs when it is

necessary to ensure the conformity of products and services

Consequence (n) hệ quả, kết quả

➢ Ex: Student assessment is expected to take account of all the possible

consequences of examination regulations

Consideration (n) sự xem xét

➢ Ex: The quality management principles are described in detail in ISO 9000

and have been taken into consideration during the development of this International


Consistently (adv) một cách nhất quán

➢ Ex: The president has consistently denied the rumours

Consistently meeting requirement: đáp ứng các yêu cầu một cách ổn định

➢ Ex: Consistently meeting requirements and addressing future needs and expectations poses a challenge for organizations in an increasingly dynamic and complex environment

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Constitute (v) cấu tạo

➢ Ex: The long-term unemployed now constitute a sort of underclass

Constructive (adj) mang tính xây dựng

➢ Ex: Teaching and learning activities are constructively aligned to the achievement of the expected learning outcomes

Constructive Alignment (n) sự tương thích có định hướng

➢ Ex: In fostering constructive alignment, a variety of assessment methods should be adopted and be congruent with the expected learning outcomes

Consulting service (n) dịch vụ tư vấn

➢ Ex: Our management consulting services focus on our clients' most critical issues and opportunities: strategy, marketing, organization, operations, technology,

Containment (n) lưu giữ

➢ Ex: The organization shall deal with nonconforming outputs in segregation,

containment, return or suspension of provision of products and services

Contamination control (n) kiểm soát truyền nhiễm

➢ Ex: Preservation can include identification, handling, contamination control, packaging, storage, transmission or transportation, and protection

Context (n) bối cảnh

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➢ Ex: Top management shall establish, implement and maintain a quality

policy that is appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization and supports

its strategic direction

Continual improvement (n) sự cải tiến liên tục

➢ Ex: The organization shall determine and provide the resources needed for

the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the

quality management system

Continually (adv) một cách liên tục

➢ Ex: The process for selection and use of comparative and benchmarking

information is improved to continually seek best practices in education, research

and service

Continuing suitablity (n) tính phù hợp liên tục

➢ Ex: To ensure the continuing suitability of the QMS refers to the review whether characteristics of the QMS are appropriate for their objectives

Continuous assessment during the course of study: Kiểm tra, đánh giá liên tục

trong suốt khóa học

Contractual obligation (n) nghĩa vụ hợp đồng

➢ Ex: Post-delivery activities can include actions underwarranty provisions,

contractual obligations such as maintenance services, and supplementary services

such as recycling or final disposal

Cooperation (n) sự hợp tác

➢ Ex: We would like to see closer cooperation between parents and schools

Coordination (n) sự phối hợp

➢ Ex: Gymnastics is a sport that requires a lot of coordination

Copyright (n) quyền tác giả

➢ Ex: Copyright expires seventy years after the death of the author

Correction (n) sự điều chỉnh, khắc phục

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➢ Ex: I must make one important correction to what you said in your introduction

Correlation analysis (n) phân tích tương quan

➢ Ex: Correlation Analysis is statistical method that is used to discover if there is a relationship between two variables

Correlation and variance analysis (n) phân tích tương quan và khác biệt

➢ Ex: Data analytics may include but not limited to trend analysis, projections,

comparisons, cause-and-effect analysis, and correlation and variance analysis

Counsel (v) khuyến cáo

➢ Ex: He counselled them to give up the plan

Course (n) môn học

➢ Ex: The expected learning outcomes were fully and accurately allocated to

the program’s courses

Course feedback (n) phản hồi môn học

➢ Ex: Course feedback is gathered just before the course is over

Course requirement (n) yêu cầu của môn học Course specification (n) bản mô tả môn học

➢ Ex: The course requirements are the part of the course specification

Course title (n) tên môn học

➢ Ex: The course title are the part of the course specification

Coverage (n) độ phủ sóng

➢ Ex: The wifi coverage meet the demands of students and staff

Creative work (n) công việc sáng tạo

➢ Ex: Creative work is an artistic expression of one's imagination and heart's emotions guided by life's logos, pathos and ethos

Credential (n) chứng chỉ

➢ Ex: He has all the credentials for the job

Credit points system (Credit system): Hệ thống tín chỉ

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➢ Ex: Does the university have a credit points system?

Credit transfer (n) chuyển đổi tín chỉ

➢ Ex: Institutions need to develop processes for facilitating credit transfer for academically qualified students

Criminal act (n) hành động phạm tội

➢ Ex: Criminal acts or environmental incidents is one of factors impacting the extent of an audit programme

Cross-border education (n) giáo dục xuyên biên giới

➢ Ex: The programme promote diversity, student mobility and/or cross-border


Cross-border education (noun phrase) giáo dục xuyên biên giới

➢ Ex: Cross-border education can be part of development cooperation projects, academic exchange programmes and commercial initiatives

Cultural audit (n) kiểm toán văn hóa1

➢ Ex: The review may include but not limited to management review meeting,

strategic planning, cultural audit, organisational performance, internal and external

assessment or audit

Currency (n) sự truyền tải

➢ Ex: The curriculum review phase include evaluating the relevancy and

currency of the programme and courses and their contents

Curricula (n) chương trình học

➢ Ex: Teachers should provide curricula that are flexible for learners

Curriculum approval process (n) quy trình phê duyệt CTĐT

➢ Ex: The curriculum approval process is agreed and communicated to all departments

Curriculum committee: Hội đồng xây dựng chương trình đào tạo

1 kiểm toán văn hóa là một nghiên cứu về các phương pháp và hành vi của một tổ chức để tìm hiểu xem họ có được chấp nhận với nhân viên, khách hàng và những người khác không

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➢ Ex: During the interview with the curriculum committee, the question of how the curriculum is kept up to date will be discussed

Curriculum evaluation report (n) báo cáo đánh giá về CTĐT

➢ Ex: The curriculum evaluation report is an important evidence in the external evaluation

Curriculum map (n) sơ đồ tiến trình của CTĐT

➢ Ex: The curriculum map shows students’ the progress learning

Customer feedback (n) phản hồi của khách hàng

➢ Ex: Monitoring customer perceptions can include customer surveys,

customer feedback on delivered products and services

Customer focus (n) hướng vào khách hàng

➢ Ex: Top management shall assign the responsibility and authority for

ensuring the promotion of customer focus throughout the organization

Customer requirement (n) yêu cầu của khách hàng

➢ Ex: In determining the extent of post-delivery activities that are required, the

organization shall consider customer requirements

Cut-off point (n) chỉ tiêu

➢ Ex: I'm sorry to say that we've reached our cut-off point for accepting applications this year

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D Data structure (n) cấu trúc dữ liệu

➢ Ex: Each template can be used to express one or more parts of the system's

input data structure

Data warehouse (n) kho dữ liệu

➢ Ex: The supermarket chain has a large data warehouse of information on its customers

➢ Ex: Roles of support staff are well defined and duties are allocated based on

merits, qualifications and experiences

Delivery plan (n) kế hoạch giảng dạy

Ex: Syllabi and delivery plans of the programme and its courses are

documented, communicated and delivered based on the expected learning outcomes.

Demonstrate (v) chứng minh

➢ Ex: Learning outcomes should be written in a way where learning is

translated into observable and measurable results which can be demonstrated and


Demonstrate (v) chứng tỏ, chứng minh

➢ Ex: These problems demonstrate the importance of strategic planning.

Deployment (n) sự triển khai

➢ Ex: Air bags only deployed when the car is struck from the front

Design (n) sự thiết kế

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➢ Ex: He has created some new and original designs.

Design and development input (n) đầu vào của thiết kế và phát triển

➢ Ex: The organization shall retain documented information on design and

development inputs

Desirable behaviours: hành vi mong muốn

➢ Ex: The culture and values promote desirable behaviours of leaders and employees to achieve the strategic goals of the institution

Desirable effect (n) tác động mong muốn

➢ Ex: Risks identified show enhancement of desirable effects, and no opportunities were addressed

Deterioration (n) sự xuống cấp, hư hỏng

➢ Ex: We cannot allow continued deterioration of our production standards

Determining stakeholders’ need (n) việc xác định nhu cầu của các bên liên quan

➢ Ex: The curriculum design phase include determining stakeholders’ needs

Diagnostic (n) đánh giá đầu vào/thi xếp lớp

➢ Ex: Students must take a diagnostic exam for English ability

Dialogue (n) đối thoại

➢ Ex: The play contained some very snappy dialogue

Digital library (noun phrase) thư viện điện tử

➢ Ex: A digital library is set up in keeping with progress in information and communication technology

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➢ Ex: Research provides the foundation for the advancement of knowledge

as well as the discovery of new knowledge

Disposition (n) sự sắp xếp

➢ Ex: The plan need not be accurate so long as it shows the disposition of the rooms

Disseminate (v) phổ biến, truyền bá

➢ Ex: The purpose of a university press is to disseminate knowledge by publishing books and journals

Dissertation (n) luận án

➢ Ex: It may be that you have to write a dissertation of around 10,000 to 15,000 words for your degree

Distribute(v) phân phối

➢ Ex: The books will be distributed free to local schools.

Distribution (n) sự phân phối

➢ Ex: We handle the distribution of the product in the US and Mexico

Diversity (n) đa dạng

Ex: How diversity of learning environment is promoted including

exchange programme, internship and community service?

Diversity (n) sự đa dạng

➢ Ex: The programme promote diversity, student mobility and/or cross-border education

Documentation (n) tài liệu

➢ Ex: Auditors raised questions about the documentation of costs

Documented information (n) thông tin dạng văn bản

➢ Ex: The organization shall maintain documented information to support the operation of its processes

Drill (v) diễn tập

➢ Ex: We watched the soldiers drilling on the parade ground

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Dropout rates (n) tỷ lệ bỏ học

➢ Ex: The pass rates and dropout rates are established, monitored and benchmarked for improvement

Duration (n) thời hạn, thời gian

➢ Ex: Duration of Banking Programme is 4 years

Duty (n) Nhiệm vụ

➢ Ex: Everyone is welcome to come by and have a free blood pressure check

with the duty nurse

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E Eagerness to know more: Tính hiếu học

➢ Ex: Quality learners are the student who show eagerness to know more

Economic investment (n) sự đầu tư về kinh tế

➢ Ex: Intellectual property is a broad term for the various rights which the law

provides to protect creative work, and especially to protect economic investment in

creative effort

Editorial services (n) dịch vụ biên tập

➢ Ex: In order to take advantage of our editorial services, you must have access to Microsoft Word

Educational philosophy (n) triết lý giáo dục

➢ Ex: The educational philosophy and teaching and learning activities are improved to achieve the expected learning outcomes, quality of teaching and learning and life-long learning

Educational philosophy: triết lý giáo dục

➢ Ex: The educational philosophy is well articulated and communicated to all stakeholders

Educational policy (n) chính sách giáo dục

➢ Ex: The educational policies are aligned to the vision and mission of the institution

Educational taxonomy (n) hệ thống phân loại giáo dục (thang đo giáo dục)

➢ Ex: Expected learning outcomes should be formulated systematically based

on an established educational taxonomy

Effective action (n) hành động có hiệu lực

➢ Ex: Audit programme objectives can include evaluate the capability of the

auditee to determine risks and opportunities and to identify and implement effective actions to address them

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Effectiveness (n) tính hiệu lực

➢ Ex: The organization shall evaluate the performance and the effectiveness of the quality management system

Effectiveness (n): Hiệu quả

➢ Ex: They don't have information yet to evaluate the effectiveness of those programmes

Efficiency (n): Hiệu suất

➢ Ex: Assessment also provides valuable information for institutions about

the efficiency of teaching and learner support

Element (n) yếu tố

➢ Ex: Student assessment is one of the most important elements of higher education

Eliminate (v) loại bỏ

➢ Ex: We eliminated the possibility that it could have been an accident

Embrace (v) bao gồm, bao quát

➢ Ex: Linguistics embraces a diverse range of subjects such as phonetics and stylistics

Emotionally protective (n) bảo vệ cảm xúc

➢ Ex: The new ISO 9001:2015 standard will require companies to maintain a

"calm" and "emotionally protective" work environment

Emphasis (n) sự nhấn mạnh

➢ Ex: Increased emphasis is now being placed on corporate image

Employability (n) khả năng có việc làm

➢ Ex: Employability of graduates is established, monitored and benchmarked for improvement

Employer (n) nhà tuyển dụng

➢ Ex: Interviews with employers provide a good indication of the quality of graduates and curriculum

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Employment statistic: thống kê việc tuyển dụng

➢ Ex: EU employment statistics present indicators on employment rate, along different dimensions - sex, age, educational level

Employment survey (n) khảo sát nhà tuyển dụng

➢ Ex: Employment survey provide universities with information about how students respond to jobs

Engagement of people (n) sự cam kết của mọi người

➢ Ex: The quality management principles are customer focus, leadership,

engagement of people, process approach, improvement, evidence-based decision

making and relationship management

Enhancement (n): sự cải tiến

➢ Ex: Enhancements are made to improve its efficiency and effectiveness

Enrolment figure (n) số liệu ghi danh

➢ Ex: Enrolment figures will continue to be calculated every two years

Entrepreneurial (adj) kinh doanh

➢ Ex: The objective of this programme is to direct people to life-long learning,

independence and entrepreneurial spirit

Entry assessment (n) sự đánh giá năng lực đầu vào

➢ Ex: How entry assessment is carried out on new students?

Environment (n) môi trường

➢ Ex: We're not doing enough to protect the environment from pollution

Equipment (n) trang thiết bị

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➢ Ex: The physical resources to deliver the curriculum, including equipment, materials and information technology are sufficient

Establish (v) thiết lập

➢ Ex: The types and quantity of research activities by academic staff are

established, monitored and benchmarked for improvement

Establishment of start-up: việc thành lập các đơn vị khởi nghiệp Evaluate (v) đánh giá

Ex: Teaching and learning activities are monitored and evaluated for quality

and improvement.

Evaluating auditor (n) sự đánh giá các đánh giá viên

➢ Ex: The individual managing the audit programme should establish all

relevant processes including processes for evaluating auditors

Evidence-based decision making (n) đưa ra quyết định dựa trên bằng chứng

➢ Ex: Evidence-based decision making is one of principles of the quality management

Examination board (n) hội đồng thi

➢ Ex: Examination board run all activities related to the entrance exam

Examination committee: Hội đồng khảo thí

Ex: The interview with the examination committee must clearly show how

the quality of the examinations and degree is assured.

Examination regulation (n) nội quy thi

➢ Ex: Students must follow the examination regulation to ensure fairness

Exchange programme (n) chương trình trao đổi

➢ Ex: Exchange program makes students become more active and confident

Exchange programme (n) chương trình trao đổi (người học)

➢ Ex: Cross-border education can be part of development cooperation

projects, academic exchange programmes and commercial initiatives

Exit assessment (n) sự đánh giá năng lực đầu ra

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➢ Ex: How exit assessment is carried out on departing (graduating) students?

Experience (n) kinh nghiệm

➢ Ex: The best way to learn is by experience

Expert (n) chuyên gia

➢ Ex: We need to bring in an expert to deal with this problem.

Expert review panels (n) bảng rà soát của chuyên gia

➢ Ex: Monitoring and evaluation instruments may include but not limited to student evaluation or course feedback, peer evaluation or observation, curriculum

evaluation, expert review panels and internal and external QA assessment

Expertise (n) chuyên môn

➢ Ex: The competencies and expertise of the staff match their roles

Expertise (n) chuyên môn

➢ Ex: System to engage, assign and approve academic staff deployment based

on merit, qualification, expertise and experience is implemented

Explicit (adj) rõ ràng

➢ Ex: The vision and mission are explicit and known to staff and students

Extent of audit programme (n) mức độ của chương trình đánh giá

➢ Ex: The individual(s) managing the audit programme should determine the

extent of the audit programme

External assessment (n) đánh giá ngoài

➢ Ex: Internal and external assessment is necessary to ensure that policies, systems, processes and procedures remain relevant and effective in meeting the strategic goals of the institution

External auditor: kiểm toán viên bên ngoài

➢ Ex: Who appoints internal and external auditors to carry out financial audits?

External relation (noun phrase) mối quan hệ đối ngoại

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➢ Ex: External relations, networks and partnerships are improved to achieve the vision, mission and strategic goals of the institution

Extensive knowledge (n) kiến thức mở rộng

Ex: The assessment should take into account the extensive knowledge that

exists on testing and examination processes.

External provider: nhà cung cấp bên ngoài

➢ Ex: The organization shall ensure the adequacy of requirements prior to

their communication to the external provider

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F Facilitate (v) tạo điều kiện

➢ Ex: To facilitate learning, each class is no larger than 30 students

Facilities (n) cơ sở vật chất

➢ Ex: How the facilities (such as lecture-halls, seminar rooms, laboratories, reading rooms, and computer rooms) meet the needs of students and staff?

Faculty handbook (n) sổ tay giảng viên

➢ Ex: Check your faculty handbook for details of annual leave allowances

Fairness (n) sự công bằng

➢ Ex: The student assessment methods and the results of the assessment are

reviewed to ensure validity, reliability and fairness and the achievement of the

expected learning outcomes

Final award (n) văn bằng

Ex: Name of the final award is the inportant information to be included in

the programme specification

Final disposal (n) loại bỏ cuối cùng

➢ Ex: A life cycle of a product beginning from the raw material stage and

ending with its final disposal

Final/exit test before graduation: Bài thi cuối khóa/tốt nghiệp Financial indicator (n) chỉ số tài chính

Financial performance (n) kết quả tài chính

Ex: Financial performance and indicators for education, research and

service are established, monitored and benchmarked for improvement.

Financial audit: kiểm toán tài chính

➢ Ex: Financial audits provide independent reviews of the government's financial statements.

Financial report (n) hồ sơ tài chính

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➢ Ex: An advisory group has been formed to study how to change the way

companies file financial reports

Financial resource (n) nguồn lực tài chính

➢ Ex: System to plan, implement, audit and improve the financial resources of the institution to support its vision, mission and strategic goals in education, research and service is established and implemented

Financial statements (n) báo cáo tài chính

➢ Ex: Financial statements and reports should be accurate and up-to-date

Flexible (adj) linh hoạt, linh động

Focus group discussions (n) thảo luận nhóm tập trung

➢ Ex: Stakeholders’ needs and satisfaction may be gathered from surveys,

dialogues, focus group discussions, statutory and regulatory requirements

Follow-up audit (n) cuộc đánh giá tiếp theo

➢ Ex: The follow up audit is the evaluation of the adequacy, effectiveness, and timeliness of actions taken by management or responsible organisation on reported observations and recommendations, including those made by auditors

Formal (adj) chính thức

➢ Ex: My client accepts the formal apology without prejudice to any further legal action she may decide to take

Formative (n) đánh giá quá trình

➢ Ex: Continual formative assessment of student understanding through observation, student questioning, and written assignments helps teachers decide how well students are doing

Formulating (n) việc phát biểu, xây dựng

➢ Ex: Lawyers have advised him not to comment because the firm is

formulating a response

Formulation (n) sự xây dựng

Trang 39

➢ Ex: He laid the foundation of Japan's modern economy

Framework (n) khung, khuôn khổ

➢ Ex: Top management shall establish, implement and maintain a quality

policy that provides a framework for setting quality objectives

Fulfill (v) đáp ứng, làm đúng theo

Ex: Human resource planning is carried out to fulfill the needs for education,

research and service.

Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)2: tương đương toàn thời gian

➢ Ex: The FTEs of academic staff are checked and monitored to ensure that they all together will meet the Faculty's plans for human resource development

Functionality (n) chức năng

➢ Ex: When evaluating speech recognition components, we first need to

consider whether we have access to the internal functionality of the recognizer

Furnish (v) cấp cho

➢ Ex: She furnishd him with the facts surrounding the case

2được sử dụng để xác định quy mô đội ngũ GV.

Trang 40



Gathering knowledge from customers or external providers: việc thu thập kiến

thức từ khách hàng hoặc nhà cung cấp bên ngoài

➢ Ex: Organizational knowledge can be based on gathering knowledge from

customers or external providers

GPA (Grade Point Average): điểm trung bình tích lũy

➢ Ex: GPA (Grade Point Average) is an important criterion for finding scholarships from universities around the world

Grading (n) điểm đánh giá

➢ Ex: The primary school received a “good” grading

Graduate (n) người tốt nghiệp

➢ Ex: The programme shows the expected learning outcomes of the graduate

Graphic (n) đồ họa, hình ảnh

➢ Ex: Let’s take a look at the graphic of that quote

Guidance document (n) tài liệu hướng dẫn

➢ Ex: Guidance documents have been prepared to assist in the interpretation of policies and governing statutes and regulations

Guideline (n) bộ nguyên tắc hoạt động

➢ Ex: The EU has issued guidelines on appropriate levels of pay for part-time manual workers

Ngày đăng: 06/05/2024, 16:04


