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CONVERGENCE AND PERIODICITY OF SOLUTIONS FOR A CLASS OF DIFFERENCE SYSTEMS HONGHUA BIN, LIHONG HUANG, AND GUANG ZHANG Received 16 January 2006; Revised 27 July 2006; Accepted 28 July 2006 Aclassofdifference systems of artificial neural network with two neurons is considered. Using iterative technique, the sufficient conditions for convergence and periodicity of solutions are obtained in several cases. Copyright © 2006 Honghua Bin et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1. Introduction Consider the following difference system of the form: x n+1 = λx n + f  y n  , y n+1 = λy n + f  x n  , n = 0,1,2, , (1.1) where λ ∈ (0,1) is a constant, for any a,b ∈ R, f : R → R is given by f (u) = ⎧ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎩ 1, u ∈ [a,b], 0, u/ ∈ [a, b]. (1.2) The system (1.1) can be viewed as the discrete version of the fol lowing two-neuron net- work model: dx dt =−αx + βf  y  [t]  , dy dt =−αy+ βf  x  [t]  , (1.3) where [ ·] denotes the greatest integer function, α>0 represents the internal decay rate, Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Difference Equations Volume 2006, Article ID 70461, Pages 1–10 DOI 10.1155/ADE/2006/70461 2 Convergence and periodicity β>0 measures the synaptic strength, x(t)andy(t) denote the activations of the corre- sponding neurons, respectively, and f is the activation function defined by (1.2). In recent years, many research efforts have been made in neural modelling and anal- ysis since one of the neural networks models with electronic circuit implementation was proposed by Hopfield in [6]. System (1.3) describes the evolution of a network of two identical neurons with excitatory interactions, which has found interesting applications in image processing of moving objects and has been investigated in [7]. In fact, we can rewrite system (1.3) as the following form: d dt  x(t)e αt  = βe αt f  y  [t]  , d dt  y(t)e αt  = βe αt f  x  [t]  . (1.4) Let n be a positive integer. We integrate (1.4)fromn to t ∈ [n, n + 1) and obtain x(t)e αt − x(n)e αn = β α  e αt − e αn  f  y(n)  , y(t)e αt − y(n)e αn = β α  e αt − e αn  f  x(n)  . (1.5) For any nonnegative integer k, we denote x(k)andy(k)byx k and y k , respectively. Let t → n +1in(1.5), then it follows that x n+1 = 1 e α x n + β α  1 − 1 e α  f  y n  , y n+1 = 1 e α y n + β α  1 − 1 e α  f  x n  , n = 0, 1, 2, (1.6) In view of system (1.6), we consider the following variables: f ∗ (u) = f  β  e α − 1  αe α u  , a ∗ = αe α β  e α − 1  a, b ∗ = αe α β  e α − 1  b, x ∗ n = αe α β  e α − 1  x n , y ∗ n = αe α β  e α − 1  y n , n = 0,1, 2, , (1.7) and then drop the ∗ to get x n+1 = 1 e α x n + f  y n  , y n+1 = 1 e α y n + f  x n  , n = 0, 1, 2, (1.8) Obviously, system (1.8)isaspecialformofsystem(1.1)withλ = 1/e α .Thus,wemaysay that (1.1) includes the discrete version of an art ificial neural network of two neurons with piecewise constant argument. Honghua Bin et al. 3 On the other hand, the dynamics of the systems (1.1)and(1.3)havebeenextensively studied in the literature. However, most of the existing results are concentrated on the case where the function f is piecewise linear or a smooth sigmoid, see [2–5] and references therein. Huang and Wu [7] and Meng et al. [9]studiedthedynamicsofsystem(1.3). Yuan et al. [10] considered system (1.1), where the signal function f is of the following piecewise constant McCulloch-Pitts nonlinearit y: f (u) = 1ifu ≤ σ, f (u) =−1ifu>σ, for some constant σ ∈ R. The aim of this paper is to investigate the convergence and periodicity of solutions for system (1.1)as f is of the digital nature (1.2), which describes the input-output relation of a neuron. For simplicity, let N denote the set of all nonnegative integers, and define N(m) = { m,m +1,m +2, }, N(m,n) ={m,m +1, ,n} for any m,n ∈ N and m ≤ n.Moreover, we introduce the following notations: I 11 =  (x, y); x<a, y<a  , I 12 =  (x, y); x<a, y ∈ [a,b]  , I 13 =  (x, y); x<a, y>b  , I 21 =  (x, y); x ∈ [a,b], y<a  , I 22 =  (x, y); x ∈ [a,b], y ∈ [a, b]  , I 23 =  (x, y); x ∈ [a,b], y>b  , I 31 =  (x, y); x>b, y<a  , I 32 =  (x, y); x>b, y ∈ [a,b]  , I 33 =  (x, y); x>b, y>b  , γ k = b λ k (b>0, k ∈ N), Θ =  k∈N  γ k ,γ k+1  ×  γ k ,γ k+1  , Λ =  k∈N  γ k+1 ,+∞  ×  γ k ,γ k+1  , Ω =  k∈N  γ k ,γ k+1  ×  γ k+1 ,+∞  . (1.9) Obviously, 3  i, j=1 I ij = R 2 ,lim k→+∞ γ k = +∞, Θ ∪ Λ ∪ Ω = I 33 . (1.10) By a solution of the system (1.1), we mean a sequence {(x n , y n )} of points in R 2 that is defined for all n ∈ N(1) and satisfies (1.1)forn ∈ N(1). Clearly, for any (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ R 2 , system (1.1) has a unique solution {(x n , y n )} satisfying the initial condition (x n , y n )| n=0 = (x 0 , y 0 ). For the general background of difference equations, one can refer to [1, 8]. This paper is divided into three parts. The main results and their proofs will b e given in Sections 2 and 3, respectively. 2. Main results Throughout this paper, {(x n , y n )} denotes the unique solution of the system (1.1)with initial value (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ R 2 . 4 Convergence and periodicity Proposition 2.1. If either b<0 or a>1/(1 − λ), then (x n , y n ) → (0,0) as n →∞. Remark 2.2. When 0 ≤ a<b<1/(1 − λ), solutions of system (1.1)areconvergentand periodic. Moreover, if we restrict a ≤ λb, then the convergence and periodicity are similar to the case as a<0 <b<1/(1 − λ). Therefore, applying Proposition 2.1, we only consider the case a<0 <b<1/(1 − λ) in this paper. Proposition 2.3. If a<0 <b<1/(1 − λ), then (1) (x n , y n ) → (0,1/(1 − λ)) as n →∞if (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ I 23 ∪ Ω; (2) (x n , y n ) → (1/(1 − λ), 0) as n →∞if (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ I 32 ∪ Λ. Remark 2.4. By a simple analysis, if a<0 <b<1/(1 − λ), we can find that the solution {(x n , y n )} of system (1.1) with the initial value (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ R 2 will be in the region I 23 ∪ I 32 ∪ I 33 eventually. Note that Θ ∪ Λ ∪ Ω = I 33 ,byProposition 2.3, it remains to consider the initial value (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ Θ. Theorem 2.5. For m ∈ N(1),define δ m = 1 1 − λ − λ m−1 1 − λ m+1 ,  m = 1 1 − λ − λ m 1 − λ m+1 . (2.1) If a<0 <λ/(1 − λ 2 ) ≤ b<1/(1 − λ) and b ∈ [δ m , m ), then the solution {(x n , y n )} of sys- tem (1.1) with the initial value (  m , m ) is periodic with minimal period m +1.Moreover, for any solution {(x n , y n )} of (1.1) w ith the initial value (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (b,λb +1]× (b,λb +1], lim n→∞ (x n − x n ) = lim n→∞ (y n − y n ) = 0. Theorem 2.6. For m ∈ N(2),define ζ m = λ m 1 − λ m+1 , η m = λ m−1 1 − λ m+1 . (2.2) If a<0 <b<λ/(1 − λ 2 ) and b ∈ [ζ m ,η m ),thenthesolution{(x n , y n )} of the system (1.1) with the initial value (η m ,η m ) is periodic with minimal period m +1.Moreover,for any solution {(x n , y n )} of system (1.1) with the initial value (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (b,b/λ] × (b,b/λ], lim n→∞ (x n − x n ) = lim n→∞ (y n − y n ) = 0. Remark 2.7. By the formulations in Theorems 2.5-2.6,itiseasytoseethatlim m→∞  m = 1/(1 − λ)andlim m→∞ η m = 0. Moreover, we have λ 1 − λ 2 = δ 1 <  1 <δ 2 <  2 <δ 3 < ··· <δ m <  m < ··· , m ∈ N(1), λ 1 − λ 2 = ζ 1 >η 2 >ζ 2 > ··· >η m−1 >ζ m−1 >η m > ··· , m ∈ N(2). (2.3) Corresponding to Theorems 2.5-2.6, we have the following two results. Honghua Bin et al. 5 Theorem 2.8. Let x ∗ = [b − (1 − λ m )/(1 − λ)]/λ m ,anda<0 <λ/(1 − λ 2 ) ≤ b<1/(1 − λ). For m ∈ N(1) and l ∈ N,define θ m,l = λ (m+2)(l+2)−2 (1 − λ)+  1 − λ m  1+λ (m+2)(l+1)−1  (1 − λ)  1 − λ (m+2)(l+2)−1  + λ m+1  1 − λ m+1  1 − λ (m+2)l  1 − λ m+2  (1 − λ)  1 − λ (m+2)(l+2)−1  , μ m,l = 1 − λ m + λ m+1  1 − λ m+1  1 − λ (m+2)(l+1)  1 − λ m+2  (1 − λ)  1 − λ (m+2)(l+2)−1  , ξ m,l =  1 − λ m  1+λ m+1 − λ (m+2)(l+2)−1  + λ 2m+2  1 − λ m+1  1 − λ (m+2)(l+1)  1 − λ m+2   1 − λ (m+2)(l+2)−1  (1 − λ) . (2.4) (1) If b ∈ [θ m,l ,μ m,l ), then there exists a (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ ( x ∗ ,λb +1]× (x ∗ ,λb +1]such that the solution {(x n , y n )} of system (1.1) with the initial value (x 0 , y 0 ) is periodic with minimal pe riod (m +2)(l +2) − 1. Moreover, for any solution {(x n , y n )} of system (1.1) with the initial value (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (x ∗ ,λb +1]× (x ∗ ,λb +1], lim n→∞ (x n − x n ) = lim n→∞ (y n − y n ) = 0. (2) If b ∈ [ξ m,l ,μ m,l ), then there exists a (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (b,x ∗ ] × (b,x ∗ ] such that the solution {(x n , y n )} of system (1.1) with the initial value (x 0 , y 0 ) is periodic with minimal period (m +2)(l +2) − 1. Moreover, for any solution {(x n , y n )} of system (1.1)with the initial value (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (b, x ∗ ] × (b,x ∗ ], lim n→∞ (x n − x n ) = lim n→∞ (y n − y n ) = 0. Theorem 2.9. Let x ∗ = (b − λ m )/λ m+2 ,andleta<0 <b<λ/(1 − λ 2 ).Form ∈ N(2), l ∈ N(1),define ρ m,l = λ m  1+λ (m+1)(l+1)+1 + λ m+1  1 − λ (m+1)l  1 − λ m+1  1 − λ (m+1)(l+2)+1 , τ m,l = λ m  1+λ m+1  1 − λ (m+1)(l+1)  1 − λ m+1  1 − λ (m+1)(l+2)+1 , ω m,l = λ m + λ 2m+2  1+λ m+1  1 − λ (m+1)(l+1)  1 − λ m+1  1 − λ (m+1)(l+2)+1 . (2.5) (1) If b ∈ [ρ m,l ,τ m,l ), then there exists a (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (x ∗ ,b/λ] × (x ∗ ,b/λ] such that the solution {(x n , y n )} of system (1.1) with the init ial value (x 0 , y 0 ) is periodic with minimal period (m +1)(l +2)+1. Moreover, for any solution {(x n , y n )} of system (1.1) with the initial value (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (x ∗ ,b/λ] × (x ∗ ,b/λ], lim n→∞ (x n − x n ) = lim n→∞ (y n − y n ) = 0. (2) If b ∈ [ω m,l ,τ m,l ), then there exists a (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (b,x ∗ ] × (b,x ∗ ] such that the solution {(x n , y n )} of system ( 1.1) with the initial value (x 0 , y 0 ) is periodic with minimal 6 Convergence and periodicity period (m +1)(l +2)+1. Moreover, for any solution {(x n , y n )} of system (1.1)with the initial value (x 0 , y 0 )∈(b,x ∗ ]×(b,x ∗ ], lim n→∞ (x n − x n ) = lim n→∞ (y n − y n ) = 0. Remark 2.10. Obviously, [θ m,l ,μ m,l ) ⊆ ( m ,δ m+1 ), [ξ m,l ,μ m,l ) ⊆ ( m ,δ m+1 ), [ρ m,l ,τ m,l ) ⊆ (η m+1 ,ζ m ), [ω m,l ,τ m,l ) ⊆ (η m+1 ,ζ m ). Moreover,  m <θ m,0 <μ m,0 <θ m,1 < ··· <μ m,l <θ m,l+1 <μ m,l+1 < ··· <δ m+1 ,  m <ξ m,0 <μ m,0 <ξ m,1 < ··· <ξ m,l <μ m,l < ··· <δ m+1 , η m+1 <ρ m,0 <τ m,0 <ρ m,1 <τ m,1 < ··· <ρ m,l <τ m,l < ··· <ζ m , η m+1 <ω m,0 <τ m,0 <ω m,1 < ··· <ω m,l <τ m,l < ··· <ζ m . (2.6) It is easy to see that lim l→∞ μ m,l = δ m+1 ,andlim l→∞ τ m,l = ζ m . Furthermore, we have the following results. Proposition 2.11. Let a<λ/(1 − λ 2 ) ≤ b<1/(1 − λ),andletb ∈ ( m ,δ m+1 ) for m ∈ N(1), then (1) (x n , y n ) → (1/(1 − λ),0) as n →∞if (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (x ∗ ,λb +1]× (b, x ∗ ]; (2) (x n , y n ) → (0,1/(1 − λ)) as n →∞if (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (b,x ∗ ] × (x ∗ ,λb +1], where  m and δ m+1 are given in Theorem 2.5,andx ∗ is given in Theorem 2.8. Proposition 2.12. Let a<0 <b<λ/(1 − λ 2 ) and let b ∈ (η m+1 ,ζ m ) for m ∈ N(1), then (1) (x n , y n ) → (1/(1 − λ),0) as n →∞if (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (x ∗ ,b/λ] × (b,x ∗ ]; (2) (x n , y n ) → (0,1/(1 − λ)) as n →∞if (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (b,x ∗ ] × (x ∗ ,b/λ]. Here η m+1 and ζ m are given in Theorem 2.6,andx ∗ is given in Theorem 2.9. Remark 2.13. It is easy to see that Theorems 2.5–2.9 and Propositions 2.3–2.12 are valid as a =−∞. 3. Proofs of main results By (1.1)and(1.2), it is easy to see that system (1.1) has an obvious connection with the following linear difference systems: x n+1 = λx n +1, y n+1 = λy n +1, x n+1 = λx n +1, y n+1 = λy n , x n+1 = λx n , y n+1 = λy n +1, x n+1 = λx n , y n+1 = λy n . (3.1) Therefore, we first consider the following relating equations: u n+1 = λu n + 1, (3.2) u n+1 = λu n . (3.3) By induction, it is easy to check that, for n ∈ N(n 0 ), the solution of (3.2) with the initial value u n 0 = c is given by u n = λ n−n 0 c + 1 − λ n−n 0 1 − λ , n ∈ N  n 0 +1  , (3.4) Honghua Bin et al. 7 and the solution of (3.3) with the initial value u n 0 = c is given by u n = λ n−n 0 c, n ∈ N  n 0 +1  . (3.5) Note that λ ∈ (0, 1), by formulations (3.4)and(3.5), it follows that lim n→∞ u n = 1/(1 − λ), and lim n→∞ u n = 0, respectively. By a direct iterative method, we can prove Propositions 2.1–2.12 and the following lemma. Lemma 3.1. Let a<0 <b<1/(1 − λ).Then,foreverysolution{(x n , y n )} of system (1.1) with the initial value (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ R 2 , there exists a k ∈ N such that one of the following results holds: (1) (x k , y k ) ∈ I 23 ; (2) (x k , y k ) ∈ I 32 ; (3) (x k , y k ) ∈ (b,λb +1]× (b,λb +1]∩ (b,b/λ] × (b,b/λ] ⊆ I 33 . Now we give the proofs of our main results. Proof of Theorem 2.5. By λ/(1 − λ 2 ) ≤ b<1/(1 − λ), it follows that λb<b<λb+1≤ b/λ. If (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (b,λb +1]× (b,λb +1]⊆ I 33 ,then x 1 = λx 0 <b, y 1 = λy 0 <b,  x 1 , y 1  ∈ (λb,b] × (λb,b] ⊆ I 22 . (3.6) In view of Lemma 3.1, there exists n 1 ∈ N such that  x n , y n  ∈ I 22 for n ∈ N  1,n 1  ,  x n 1 +1 , y n 1 +1  /∈ I 22 , (3.7) where x n 1 = λ n 1 x 0 + 1 − λ n 1 −1 1 − λ ≤ b, y n 1 = λ n 1 y 0 + 1 − λ n 1 −1 1 − λ ≤ b. (3.8) Since b ∈ [δ m , m ), we have  x m , y m  ∈ I 22 ,  x m+1 , y m+1  ∈ (b,λb +1]× (b,λb +1]⊆ I 33 , (3.9) then n 1 = m.Forl ∈ N and k ∈ N(1, m), repeating the above proceeding, we have  x (m+1)l , y (m+1)l  ∈ (b,λb +1]× (b,λb +1],  x (m+1)l+k , y (m+1)l+k  ∈ I 22 . (3.10) In terms of (3.2)and(3.3), we define f 1 (x) = λx +1, f 2 (x) = λx, (3.11) and for (x, y) ∈ (b,λb +1]× (b,λb +1],wedefine P m+1 (x) =  f (m) 1 ◦ f 2  (x), R m+1 (x, y) =  P m+1 (x), P m+1 (y)  , R (n+1) m+1 =R m+1 ◦ R (n) m+1 . (3.12) 8 Convergence and periodicity It follows that R m+1 (x, y) =  λ m+1 x + 1 − λ m 1 − λ ,λ m+1 y + 1 − λ m 1 − λ  , R (n) m+1 (x, y) =  λ n(m+1) x + 1 − λ m 1 − λ · 1 − λ n(m+1) 1 − λ m+1 , λ n(m+1) y + 1 − λ m 1 − λ · 1 − λ n(m+1) 1 − λ m+1  , (3.13) and lim n→∞ R (n) m+1 (x, y) = ( m , m ). In fact, (  m , m ) is the unique fixed point of R m+1 (x, y), and the solution {(x n , y n )} of system (1.1) with the initial v alue ( m , m ) is periodic with minimal period m +1.By (3.13), it follows that  x (m+1)l , y (m+1)l  = R (l) m+1  x 0 , y 0  for  x 0 , y 0  ∈ (b,λb +1]× (b,λb +1]. (3.14) Therefore for any solution {(x n , y n )} of system (1.1) w ith the initial value (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (b,λb +1]× (b, λb +1], we can get lim n→∞ (x n − x n ) = lim n→∞ (y n − y n ) = 0. The proof is complete.  Proof of Theorem 2.6. By 0 <b<λ/(1 − λ 2 ), we have (b − 1)/λ<λb<b<b/λ<λb+1. If (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (b, b/λ] × (b,b/λ] ⊆ I 33 ,thenx 1 = λx 0 , y 1 = λy 0 , x 2 = λ 2 x 0 +1, y 2 = λ 2 y 0 +1, where (x 1 , y 1 ) ∈ I 22 ,(x 2 , y 2 ) ∈ (b,λb +1]× (b,λb +1]⊆ I 33 ,and x n = λ n−2 x 2 = λ n x 0 + λ n−2 , y n = λ n−2 y 2 = λ n y 0 + λ n−2 , n ∈ N(2). (3.15) Since b ∈ [ζ m ,η m ), we have  x n , y n  ∈  b λ ,λb +1  ×  b λ ,λb +1  , n ∈ N(2,m),  x m+1 , y m+1  ∈  b, b λ  ×  b, b λ  ,  x m+2 , y m+2  ∈ I 22 , m ∈ N(2). (3.16) For l ∈ N, repeating the above proceeding, it follows that  x (m+1)l+k , y (m+1)l+k  ∈  b λ ,λb +1  ×  b λ ,λb +1  , k ∈ N(2,m),  x (m+1)l+1 , y (m+1)l+1  ∈ I 22 ,  x (m+1)l , y (m+1)l  ∈  b, b λ  ×  b, b λ  . (3.17) In view of (3.11), for (x, y) ∈ (b,b/λ] × (b,b/λ], we define G p+1 (x, y) =  f (p−1) 2 ◦ f 1 ◦ f 2 (x), f (p−1) 2 ◦ f 1 ◦ f 2 (y)  , (3.18) Honghua Bin et al. 9 and set G (n+1) p+1 = G p+1 ◦ G (n) p+1 . Thus, we have G p+1 (x, y) =  λ p+1 x + λ p−1 ,λ p+1 y + λ p−1  , G (n) p+1 (x, y) =  λ n(p+1) x + λ p−1  1 − λ n(p+1)  1 − λ p+1 ,λ n(p+1) y + λ p−1  1 − λ n(p+1)  1 − λ p+1  , (3.19) and lim n→∞ G (n) m+1 (x, y) = (η m ,η m ). In view of (3.19), for (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (b,b/λ] × (b,b/λ], we have (x (m+1)l , y (m+1)l ) = G (l) m+1 (x 0 , y 0 ). Obviously, (η m ,η m ) is the unique fixed point of G m+1 and the solution {(x n , y n )} of system (1.1) with the initial value (η m ,η m ) is periodic with minimal period m +1.More- over, for any solution {(x n , y n )} of system (1.1) with the initial value (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (b,b/λ] × (b,b/λ], we have lim n→∞ (x n − x n ) = lim n→∞ (y n − y n ) = 0. The proof is complete.  Proof of Theorem 2.8. We only prove the first claim, the other is similar. For x ∈ (b,λb + 1], we set P m+1 (x) = ( f (m) 1 ◦ f 2 )(x), where f 1 and f 2 have been given in (3.11), and we have P m+1 (x) = λ m+1 x + 1 − λ m 1 − λ , m ∈ N(1). (3.20) Note b ∈ ( m ,δ m+1 ), we have 0 <x<1/(1 − λ), P m (x) <P m+1 (x), and P m+1 (x ∗ ) = b, P m+2 (x ∗ ) = λb +1. Moreover P m+1 (x) ∈ (b,λb +1] for x ∈ (x ∗ ,λb +1], and P m+2 (x) ∈ (b,λb +1]forx ∈ (b,x ∗ ]. Since b ≥ θ m,0 ,wehave P m+1 (λb +1)≤ x ∗ , P m+1  x ∗ ,λb +1  ⊆  b,x ∗  . (3.21) Furthermore, by b ∈  θ m,l ,μ m,l  , it follows that P (l) m+2 ◦ P m+1 (λb +1)≤ x ∗ , P (l+1) m+2 ◦ P m+1  x ∗  >x ∗ . (3.22) If the initial value (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (x ∗ ,λb +1]× (x ∗ ,λb +1], then,for b ∈ [θ m,l ,μ m,l )andn ∈ N(1), we have  x m+1+(m+2)n , y m+1+(m+2)n  =  P (n) m+2 ◦ P m+1  x 0  ,P (n) m+2 ◦ P m+1  y 0   ,  x m+1+(m+2)k , y m+1+(m+2)k  ∈  b,x ∗  ×  b,x ∗  for k ∈ N(0,l), (3.23) and (x m+1+(m+2)(l+1) , y m+1+(m+2)(l+1) ) ∈ (x ∗ ,λb +1]× (x ∗ ,λb +1]. In view of (3.22), for (x, y) ∈ (x ∗ ,λb +1]× (x ∗ ,λb + 1], we denote H(x, y) =  P (l+1) m+2 ◦ P m+1 (x), P (l+1) m+2 ◦ P m+1 (y)  , (3.24) and it follows that (x (m+2)(l+2)−1 , y (m+2)(l+2)−1 ) = H(x 0 , y 0 ). Obviously, there exists a ( x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (x ∗ ,λb +1]× (x ∗ ,λb +1]suchthat lim n→∞ H (n) (x, y) =  x 0 , y 0  for (x, y) ∈  x ∗ ,λb +1  ×  x ∗ ,λb +1  , (3.25) 10 Convergence and periodicity where ( x 0 , y 0 ) is the unique fixed point of H. Therefore, the solution {(x n , y n )} of system (1.1) with the initial value ( x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (x ∗ ,λb +1]× (x ∗ ,λb + 1] is periodic with minimal period (m +2)(l +2) − 1. Moreover, for any solution {(x n , y n )} of system (1.1) with the initial value (x 0 , y 0 ) ∈ (x ∗ ,λb +1]× (x ∗ ,λb + 1], we have lim n→∞ (x n − x n ) = lim n→∞ (y n − y n ) = 0. The proof is complete.  Proof of Theorem 2.9 is similar to that of Theorem 2.8 and is omitted. Acknowledgment This project is supported by Yuyan Foundation of Jimei University. 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Honghua Bin: School of Sciences, Jimei University, Xiamen, Fujian 361021, China E-mail address: binhonghua@163.com Lihong Huang: College of Mathematics and Econometrics, Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan 410082, China E-mail address: lhhuang@hnu.net.cn Guang Zhang: Department of Mathematics, Qingdao Institute of Architecture and Engineering, Qingdao, Shandong 266033, China E-mail address: dtgzhang@yahoo.com.cn . CONVERGENCE AND PERIODICITY OF SOLUTIONS FOR A CLASS OF DIFFERENCE SYSTEMS HONGHUA BIN, LIHONG HUANG, AND GUANG ZHANG Received 16 January 2006; Revised 27 July 2006; Accepted 28 July 2006 Aclassofdifference. Kelley and A. C. Peterson, Difference Equations: An Introduction with Applications,Aca- demic Press, Massachusetts, 1991. [9] Y.M.Meng,L.Huang,andK.Y.Liu,Asymptotic behavior of solutions for a class. University. References [1] R. P. Agarwal, Difference Equations and Inequalities. 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Ngày đăng: 22/06/2014, 22:20